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Posted to by Stefan Moises <> on 2012/05/19 13:32:36 UTC

Open WiQuery modal dialog as message / feedback panel

Hi there,

I am trying to open a WiQuery dialog on certain events, e.g. after a row 
of an Inmethod datagrid is edited and saved...
the dialog opens fine when using a link on the page (adding a 
WiQueryEventBehavior to it, as explained in the WiQuery quickstart example).
But if I try to open it on saving an edited row, I get a Javascript error:

*ERROR:*Wicket.Ajax.Call.processEvaluation: Exception evaluating javascript: TypeError: Cannot call method 'dialog' of null

This is in my datagrid panel:
             SubmitCancelColumn submitCancelColumn = new SubmitCancelColumn(
                     "esd", new Model("Edit")) {
                 protected void onSubmitted(AjaxRequestTarget target,
                         IModel rowModel, WebMarkupContainer rowComponent) {
                     super.onSubmitted(target, rowModel, rowComponent);
                     try {
                         saveOrUpdateTgl(glid, rowModel.getObject());
                         // try to open dialog in parent page
Here is the code of the parent page:
in the Constructor:
         dialog = new Dialog("dialog");
         content = new Label("content", new 
AbstractReadOnlyModel<String>() {
             private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
             public String getObject() {
                 return contentString;

And a function where I want to open the dialog with the updated content:
     public void showInfoDialog(String msg, AjaxRequestTarget target) {
         contentString = msg;

If I print out the target in the function it contains this:
[AjaxRequestTarget@-830155084 markupIdToComponent [{id1e=[RowItem 
[Component id = 1]], feedback5=[FeedbackPanel [Component id = 
feedback]], content17=[Component id = content]}], prependJavaScript 
[[]], appendJavaScript [[new Effect.Highlight($('feedback5'), { 
startcolor: '#C9DBE7', duration: 4.0 });, new 
Effect.Fade($('feedback5'), { duration: 5.0 });, 

So to me it looks ok, it adds
to the target... I am not quite sure what the target really is in this 
case, though?

Does anybody know what the problem may be?
I've found this, 
but I'm not sure this is really related to my problem and if there is a 
real solution to this...

Thanks a lot in advance,