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Posted to by mibo <> on 2017/07/08 17:44:55 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 2.0.9 has been released


Apache Olingo 2.0.9 has been released.

This is a patch release of Apache Olingo which includes Bugfixes and Improvements for client and server use cases.

This release is available for download:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to implement OData producers and OData consumers.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, is a Web protocol for querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and free it from silos that exist in applications today. OData does this by applying and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to information from a variety of applications, services, and stores.

Best Regards, Michael

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 2.0.9

[OLINGO-1021] - Unable to consume batch request with missing CRLF in request line
[OLINGO-1079] - edmx Reference tag Issue
[OLINGO-1088] - Improve V2 serialization error messages
[OLINGO-1090] - Incorrect batch error response when content type is json verbose
[OLINGO-1091] - Accept language having aplha numeric values throws invalid Accept-Language
[OLINGO-1092] - Remove addition of extra slash when the servlet path does not have preceeding segments
[OLINGO-1095] - JPAQueryBuilder.normalizeMembers encounters issue when EmbedId
[OLINGO-1097] - Failure while parsing HTTP header fields joined by multiple whitespaces
[OLINGO-1098] - Incorrect handling of SQL wildcards '_' and '%' on filtering

[OLINGO-1035] - Support creating entities with inline URIs to existing entities
[OLINGO-1139] - Merge of GitHub pull request (about typos)

New Features:
[OLINGO-1054] - Inline Consumer Callback Data handling