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Posted to by simon <> on 2008/07/20 22:43:58 UTC

Re: [Orchestra] javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException after session timeout

On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 11:06 +0200, Mario Ivankovits wrote:
> Hi!
> > I am using MyFaces+RichFaces+Orchestra
> >
> > When I update from Orchestra 1.0 to 1.1, I am getting 
> >
> > javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: /pages/dms/dms_overview.jsfThe
> > expected view was not returned for the view identifier:
> > /pages/dms/dms_overview.jsf
> >   
> I guess you are using MyFaces 1.2.x or JSF 1.2.x.
> This is the "normal" problem you'll experience when the session times 
> out. I don't see how Orchestra 1.0 did help to solve that problem. 

One other cause of this "ViewExpiredException" message is when there is
a failure to serialize the view tree on the previous request. In this
case, an error message gets written to the logs but the page gets
rendered correctly (because serialization of the view occurs *after*
rendering is complete).

Then when a postback occurs, the view tree cannot be restored because it
was never saved in the first place. And whever there is no view tree to
be restored, it always reports "View Expired".

So please check your logs carefully for a message like "Exception while
serializing view state...." or something similar. It may be that the
newer version of orchestra causes slightly different view serialization
behaviour to occur.

If you can't find anything then please enable debug-level logging and
then attach them to an email.

Regards, Simon