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Posted to by George Wilder <> on 2019/02/14 19:10:02 UTC

OpenJ9 support thoughts ?

Any thoughts on support for OpenJ9 (IBM JRE open sourced via eclipse as runtime in OpenJDK8) ?

The first issue that I’ve seen is a different naming scheme of GC pools in the MemoryPoolMXBean registration (tenured-SOA and tenured-LOA), names that are not currently checked by Geode for heap expiration.  A potential workaround is to use the -xx:+HeapManagementMXBeanCompatibility option which sets the name to “Java heap” which is checked by Geode.  However, more investigation of the breakdown of the GC pools is in order to make sure what Geode is checking is what is desired. Another alternative workaround is to set the gemfire.ResourceManager.HEAP_POOL directly with tenured-LOA, although neither workarounds are probably the best answer.
