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cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs attributes.xml extension.xml index.xml list.xml menu.xml

mcconnell    2002/08/24 04:47:30

  Modified:    container build.xml
  Added:       container/src/xdocs attributes.xml extension.xml index.xml
                        list.xml menu.xml
  xdocs for container package
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +5 -47     jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- build.xml	20 Aug 2002 23:52:18 -0000	1.4
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  -            AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that
  -            velocity.jar is in your classpath. The easiest way to build
  -            the documentation is to checkout jakarta-site CVS and specify
  -            jakarta-site.dir property.
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  1.2       +2 -0      jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
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  ---	20 Aug 2002 15:57:55 -0000	1.1
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  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs/attributes.xml
  Index: attributes.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <person name="Stephen McConnell" email=""/>
      <s1 title="Overview">
        <p>Within Avalon there are a number of different containers with varying level of 
        consitency with respect to the naming of context keys and more recently the subject
        of meta-info attribute names and related semantics.  The purpose of this project
        is to establish a common reference point for Avalon-wide container norm. </p>
        <p>This information should be considered as a proposal only.</p>
      <s1 title="Context Keys">
        <p>The following context keys and associated values are considered to be 
           applicable to all containers.</p>
              <p>Declaration of a base working directory.  A container is responsible
              for ensuring that the file referenced by the value refers to an existing 
      <s1 title="Type Attributes">
        <p>The following attributes may be declared within the scope of the 
        component info block of the meta-info model.</p>
              <p>Declaration of the lifestyle handler to be applied by a container
              to a instance of the componet type.  The mechanisms used to construct and 
              and deploy and componet and the association of a lifestyle handler are 
              container dependent.  Containers providing support for the following four
              lifestyles include Fortress and Merlin.</p>
                     <td>A single instance of the componet type will be shared by all consumers.</td>
                     <td>A new instance of the componet will be created relative to each distinct thread.</td>
                     <td>A container shall maintain a pool of componets.</td>
                     <td>New instance of the component are created on a per request basis.</td>
        Copyright (c) @year@ The Jakarta Apache Project All rights reserved.
        $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/08/24 11:47:30 $
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs/extension.xml
  Index: extension.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <title>Lifecycle Extensions</title>
        <person name="Marcus Crafter" email=""/>
    <s1 title="What are lifecycle extensions ?">
      Lifecycle extensions are additional stages a component can traverse through during
      it's lifetime. Lifecycle extensions allow a container to provide extra functionality
      to components in addition to the standard stages defined by Avalon Framework.
      Avalon Framework defines a set of standard interfaces often termed as Lifecycle
      stages that can be used by a container to determine the components requirements 
      during deployment and subsequent decommissioning.
      These interfaces allows the developer to separate the various concerns involved when
      writing a component. Often termed SoC and IoC (Separation of Concerns and Inversion of
      Control), these concepts represent one of the primary advantages of using Avalon.
      Sometimes it's useful to extend this development paradigm from the framework level
      into the application domain, to create customized lifecycle extensions that are called
      upon in addition to the standard set defined by the Avalon Framework.
      Such custom lifecycle stages can further enable domain specific logic across many,
      perhaps even unrelated components, can reduce code duplication, and allows the developer
      to reuse the same development and thinking paradigm as the standard lifecycle stages.
      For example, you might want to pass a specialized SecurityManager to some of your
      components before they are initialized, or have their internal state persistently cached
      during system shutdown and restored at during startup. You might want to pass user
      dependent decryption keys to your component, or give components the opportunity to
      recycle themselves before being disposed or returned to a pooled component handler.
      The possibilities and number of extensions are only limited by the requirements of your
      particular application domain.
      This document describes how to add new lifecycle extensions using <strong>Fortress</strong>
      and <strong>Merlin</strong> containers.
      This document assumes a knowledge of what an Avalon lifecycle is, and a basic understanding
      of the standard lifecycle interfaces Avalon Framework defines. References in this document to
      Service and ServiceManager can also be freely interpreted as Component and ComponentManager
      by the reader.
      <note>As at the time of writing, Fortress and Merlin is the only Avalon container that
      supports lifecycle extensions, which means components that use this feature will not work
      with the other Avalon containers (ExcaliburComponentManager, Phoenix, Tweety, etc)</note>
      Support for lifecycle extensions in the other Avalon containers is technically possible but
      has not yet been discussed. Please check with the Avalon developer mailing list if you use
      one of these containers and would like to use lifecycle extensions.
    <s1 title="How do I extend a Component's lifecycle ?">
      Extending a Component's lifecycle is straightforward. An overview of the process
       <li>Define the new component interface</li>
        Create the new interface defining the operations that should be called upon components
        that implement this interface. Using the previously mentioned examples, this would be
        your <code>SecurityManageable</code>, <code>Cacheable</code>, <code>Decryptable</code>,
        <code>Recycleable</code> interfaces.
       <li>Define an extension object that calls upon the methods defined in the new interface,
       during one or more of the pre-defined phases of component's lifecycle</li>
        Create a class that implements the <code>Creator</code> and/or <code>Accessor</code>
        interfaces and implemets the interaction with target components supplied under the 
        create, destroy, access and relase operations.
       <li>Register your extension object - this depedends on the container you are using.  In
         Merlin you need to include the &lt;extensions&gt; tag in the component .xinfo file and 
         Merlin will automatically recognize it.  In Fortress you register the extension object 
         with a <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code></li>
       <li>Implement the new component interface on your component</li>
        Add the new <code>implements</code> clause to your Component, or Component implementation,
        and write any methods defined in the implemented interface.
        Proceed as normal. Checking for extensions is done implicitly within both Fortress and 
        Merlin. Once lifecycle extensions are registered they will be activated during the 4 
        phases defined later in this document.
    <s1 title="When can a Component's lifecycle be extended ?">
      The life of any component can be broken down to the following phases:
        When the component is instantiated.
        When the component is accessed via a ServiceManager/Selector
        When the component is released via a ServiceManager/Selector (<code>release()</code>).
        When the component is decommissioned, ready for garbage collection.
      <note>A component will go through it's Creation and Destruction phase only once. Since
      extension classes can implement different handling strategies (Poolable, ThreadSafe, 
      etc), the access and release phases of a component can be applied multiple times.</note>
      Lifecycle extensions can be added to any of the above defined phases. This allows
      you to control the interception point your particular extension will be applied under.
      For example, thread or user dependent extensions would be added at the access and release
      levels (ie. when the component is retrieved and returned to the ServiceManager) as they
      depend on runtime data not available until they are actually used.
      More static, or global extensions would be added at the creation or destruction level, since
      they do not depend on any external data that change during runtime, nor are they particular
      to any one context of use.
    <s1 title="Lifestyle Extension Interfaces">
        A container manages extensions using an extension handler.  Handlers may implement
        the <code>Creator</code> and/or <code>Accessor</code> interfaces.  A creator extension
        will be activated during the create and destroy stages of a component lifecycle.  A
        accessor extension will be activated during the access and release stages.
        <s2 title="The Creator Interface">
  <p>The <code>Creator</code> interface describes the create and destroy 
  stages that occur between a component and a container 
  during service management.  Lifecycle extensions supporting create
  and destroy stages must implement this interface.</p>
   package org.apache.excalibur.container.lifecycle;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
   public interface Creator
       * Create stage handler.
       * @param object the object that is being created
       * @param context the context instance required by the create handler
       *    implementation
       * @exception Exception if an error occurs
      void create( Object object, Context context )
          throws Exception;
       * Destroy stage handler.
       * @param object the object that is being destroyed
       * @param context the context instance required by the handler
       *    implementation
      void destroy( Object object, Context context );
        <s2 title="Accessor Interface">
  The <code>Accessor</code> interface describes the access and release 
  stages that occur between a service or component manager and a container 
  during service deployment.  Lifecycle extensions supporting access 
  and release stages must implement this interface.
   package org.apache.excalibur.container.lifecycle;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
   public interface Accessor
       * Access stage handler.
       * @param object the object that is being accessed
       * @param context the context instance required by the access handler
       *    implementation
       * @exception Exception if an error occurs
      void access( Object object, Context context )
          throws Exception;
       * Release stage handler.
       * @param object the object that is being released
       * @param context the context instance required by the release handler
       *    implementation
      void release( Object object, Context context );
    <s1 title="Fortress Example">
      Let's look at a simple example. The following is also available as a working sample
      in Fortress' examples directory.
      Our example implements a Lifecycle extension for passing a <code>SecurityManager</code> to
      Components. We'll call it the <code>SecurityManageable</code> interface.
    <s2 title="Define the component extension interface">
      First we define the new Component extension interface.
      * Simple custom lifecycle extension interface for supplying a component
      * with a security manager.
     public interface SecurityManageable
          * Pass a SecurityManager object to the component
          * @param manager a SecurityManager value
         void secure( SecurityManager manager )
             throws SecurityException;
    <s2 title="Create the lifecycle extensions class">
      Next we define the actual extension implementation which invokes the <code>secure()</code>
      method. We extend from <code>AbstractLifecycleExtension</code> since we only want
      <code>secure()</code> to be invoked upon each access (ie. lookup()) to the component, and
      don't need to implement the other 3 LifecycleExtension methods (create, release, and 
      * Some custom extensions for this container's components.
     public class Extensions
         extends AbstractLifecycleExtension
          * Access, called when the given component is being
          * accessed (ie. via lookup() or select()).
          * @param component a Component instance
          * @param context a Context instance
          * @exception Exception if an error occurs
         public void access( Object component, Context context )
             throws Exception
             if ( component instanceof SecurityManageable )
                 // pass in a simple security manager, a real system might want to pass
                 // in specialized/custom security managers
                 ( ( SecurityManageable ) component ).secure( new SecurityManager() );
      <note>An extension class may run components through any given number of
      extensions, and are not limited to just one.</note>
    <s2 title="Register the lifecycle extensions class">
      We then inform our container about the extension. This could be done in several different
      ways, for simplicity we'll extend <code>initialize()</code> and add it to the
      <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> there.
      (an alternative might be to initialize a LifecycleExtensionManager before creating the
      container and pass it in via the <code>ContextBuilder.setExtensionManager()</code> method,
      or to create a LifecycleExtensionManager subclass that includes the extension preset)
      * Simple container that includes custom lifecycle extensions.
     public final class ExtendedContainer
         extends AbstractContainer
         public void initialize()
             throws Exception
             m_extManager.addExtension( new Extensions() );
    <s2 title="Use the new component interface">
      To use the new SecurityManageable lifecycle extension, we simply implement
      SecurityManageable just as we do with any other Avalon lifecycle interfaces
      (assuming a predefined Component interface <code>ExtendedComponent</code>).
      * ExtendedComponentImpl, demonstrating the use of a custom
      * lifecycle stage SecurityManageable. This code does
      * a simple access check for several files on the file system and logs
      * the results accordingly.
     public class ExtendedComponentImpl
         extends AbstractLogEnabled
         implements ExtendedComponent, SecurityManageable
          * Pass a SecurityManager object to the component
          * @param manager a SecurityManager value
         public void secure( final SecurityManager manager )
             throws SecurityException
             getLogger().info( "Received SecurityManager instance: " + manager );
             final String[] files = { "/tmp", "/vmlinuz", "/usr/lib/libc.a" };
             for ( int i = 0; i &lt; files.length; ++i )
                     manager.checkRead( files[ i ] );
                     getLogger().info( "Thread can read " + files[ i ] );
                 catch ( SecurityException e )
                     getLogger().info( "Thread can not read " + files[ i ] );
    <s1 title="Merlin Example">
      <s2 title="Create your lifestyle stage interface">
  The following interface is your domain specific lifecycle stage interface.  It is the interface that an extension handler will use to interact with your component during deployment and decommissioning. 
   public interface Exploitable
       * Operation invoked by an exploitation manager.
       * @param message a message to be displayed
       void exploit( String message );
      <s2 title="Create the lifestyle extension handler">
  An extension handler is the implementation class that will be activated by the Merlin container to handle domain specific tasks during the deployment and decommissioning phases.  The extension can implement etier or both of the Creator and Accessor interfaces depeding on the particular extension requirements.  IN this example we are defining a simple creation stage handler that supplies a message to an instance of Exploitable.
   public class ExploitationManager implements Creator
       * Operation invoked by a container to request creation 
       * stage extension interception.
       * @param object a component to manager
       * @param context the context
       public void create( Object object, Context context )
           if( object instanceof Exploitable )
               ((Expoitable)object).exploit( "hello" );
       * Operation invoked by a container to request destroy 
       * stage extension interception.
       * @param object a component to manager
       * @param context the context
       public void destroy( Object object, Context context )
  To complete the defintion of you extension handler you need to prepare the meta-info that will be used by Merlin to identify the extension and the stage interface is supports.  The following &lt;type/&gt; declaration includes an &lt;extensions/&gt; tag that contains a &lt;reference/&gt; element that includes the reference to the Explitable lifecycle stage interface. This is the key that Merlin uses to associate a handler with a component.  If you extension class requires any specific context values, they should be declared in a context element within the extension element. 
        &lt;reference type="Exploitable" version="1.0"/>
      <s2 title="Create a component implementing the stage interface">
   public class MyComponent extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Exploitable
       * Operation invoked by an exploitation manager.
       * @param message a message to be displayed
       public void exploit( String message )
           getLogger().info( message );
  To complete the defintion of your component you need to prepare the meta-info that will be used by Merlin to identify the stage interface is requires a handler for.  The following &lt;type/&gt; declaration includes an &lt;stage/&gt; tag that contains a &lt;reference/&gt; element that includes the reference to the Exploitable lifecycle stage interface. This is the key that Merlin uses to associate the component with a handler capable of handling the Exploitable interface.
        &lt;reference type="Exploitable" version="1.0"/>
      <s2 title="Register you component and the extension">
  <p>To complete the process you need to declare your handler and component in a jar manifest file.  The following entries show the declaration of the component and the extension handler.</p>
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: Ant 1.5
    Name: MyComponent.class
    Avalon: Type
    Name: ExploitationManager.class
    Avalon: Type
      <s2 title="Execute the example">
  <p>To execute the example you simply need to include a reference to you component within a Merlin container declaration.  The following XML source declares a Merlin kernel, container, and component.  You don't need to include the handler because Merlin can sort that out itself based on the information supplied in the meta-info declarations.</p>
     &lt;container name="my-container&gt;
         &lt;fileset dir="lib"&gt;
           &lt;include name="my-domo.jar"/&gt;
       &lt;component name="demo" class="MyComponent" activation="startup"/&gt;
    <s1 title="Need more information ?"> 
      If you have any particular questions, comments, etc, please send an email to the Avalon
      developer mailing <link href="">list</link>.
        Copyright (c) @year@ The Jakarta Apache Project All rights reserved.
        $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/08/24 11:47:30 $
  1.4       +27 -16    jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs/index.xml
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs/list.xml
  Index: list.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <title>Mailing List</title>
        <person name="Stephen McConnell" email=""/>
      <s1 title="Mailing Lists">
  The Excalibur Container project is part of the Apache Avalon Project. The <a href="">Avalon User list</a> is available for general questions and queries relating to Avalon initiatives.
        Copyright (c) @year@ The Jakarta Apache Project All rights reserved.
        $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/08/24 11:47:30 $
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/container/src/xdocs/menu.xml
  Index: menu.xml
  <project name="Excalibur Container"
    <title>Excalibur Container</title>
      <menu name="Essentials">
        <item name="Overview" href="index.html"/>
          <menu name="Facilities">
            <item name="Extensions" href="extension.html"/>
            <item name="Attributes" href="attributes.html"/>
          <menu name="Links">
            <item name="Fortress" href=""/>
            <item name="Merlin" href=""/>
            <item name="Mailing List" href="list.html"/>
          <menu name="Reference">
            <item name="Container APIs" href="api/"/>

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