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[14/60] incubator-trafodion git commit: TRAFODION-1933 JDBC TYpe4 driver build scripts migrated to use maven instead of ant
diff --git a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/ b/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1877f..0000000
--- a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1420 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-package org.trafodion.jdbc.t4;
-import java.lang.ref.Reference;
-import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-import java.nio.CharBuffer;
-import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
-import java.nio.charset.Charset;
-import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
-import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
-import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
-import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.SQLWarning;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.logging.Handler;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-class InterfaceConnection {
-	static final int MODE_SQL = 0;
-	static final int MODE_WMS = 1;
-	static final int MODE_CMD = 2;
-	static final short SQL_COMMIT = 0;
-	static final short SQL_ROLLBACK = 1;
-	private int txnIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
-	private boolean autoCommit = true;
-	private boolean isReadOnly = false;
-	private boolean isClosed_;
-	private long txid;
-	private Locale locale;
-	private USER_DESC_def userDesc;
-	private CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def inContext;
-	private boolean useArrayBinding_;
-	private short transportBufferSize_;
-	Handler t4FileHandler;
-	private NCSAddress ncsAddr_;
-	private T4Connection t4connection_;
-	private String m_ncsSrvr_ref;
-	private int dialogueId_;
-	private String m_sessionName;
-	// character set information
-	private int isoMapping_ = 15;
-	private int termCharset_ = 15;
-	private boolean enforceISO = false;
-	private boolean byteSwap = false;
-	private String _serverDataSource;
-	private int _mode = MODE_SQL;
-	T4Properties t4props_;
-	SQLWarning sqlwarning_;
-	Hashtable encoders = new Hashtable(11);
-	Hashtable decoders = new Hashtable(11);
-	// static fields from odbc_common.h and sql.h
-	static final int SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 1;
-	static final int SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED = 2;
-	static final int SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ = 4;
-	static final int SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE = 8;
-	static final short SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOG = 109;
-	static final short SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE = 101;
-	static final short SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT = 102;
-	static final short SQL_TXN_ISOLATION = 108;
-	// spj proxy syntax support
-	static final short SPJ_ENABLE_PROXY = 1040;
-	static final int PASSWORD_SECURITY = 0x4000000; //(2^26)
-	static final int ROWWISE_ROWSET = 0x8000000; // (2^27);
-	static final int CHARSET = 0x10000000; // (2^28)
-	static final int STREAMING_DELAYEDERROR_MODE = 0x20000000; // 2^29
-	// Zbig added new attribute on 4/18/2005
-	static final short JDBC_ATTR_CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 3000;
-	static final short RESET_IDLE_TIMER = 1070;
-	// for handling WeakReferences
-	static ReferenceQueue refQ_ = new ReferenceQueue();
-	static Hashtable refTosrvrCtxHandle_ = new Hashtable();
-	//3196 - NDCS transaction for SPJ
-	static final short SQL_ATTR_JOIN_UDR_TRANSACTION = 1041;
-	static final short SQL_ATTR_SUSPEND_UDR_TRANSACTION = 1042;
-	long transId_ = 0;
-	boolean suspendRequest_ = false; 
-	private String _roleName = "";
-	private boolean _ignoreCancel;
-	private long _seqNum = 0;
-	private SecPwd _security;
-	long currentTime;
-	private TrafT4Connection _t4Conn;
-	private String _remoteProcess;
-	private String _connStringHost = "";
-	InterfaceConnection(TrafT4Connection conn, T4Properties t4props) throws SQLException {
-		_t4Conn = conn;
-		t4props_ = t4props;
-		_remoteProcess = "";
-		// close any weak connections that need to be closed.
-		gcConnections();
-		if (t4props.getSQLException() != null) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, t4props.getLocale(), "invalid_property", t4props
-					.getSQLException());
-		}
-		m_sessionName = t4props_.getSessionName();
-		if (m_sessionName != null && m_sessionName.length() > 0) {
-			if (m_sessionName.length() > 24)
-				m_sessionName = m_sessionName.substring(0, 24);
-			if (!m_sessionName.matches("\\w+"))
-				throw new SQLException("Invalid sessionName.  Session names can only contain alphnumeric characters.");
-		}
-		locale = t4props.getLocale();
-		txid = 0;
-		isClosed_ = false;
-		useArrayBinding_ = t4props.getUseArrayBinding();
-		// transportBufferSize_ = t4props.getTransportBufferSize();
-		transportBufferSize_ = 32000;
-		userDesc = getUserDescription(t4props.getUser());
-		// Connection context details
-		inContext = getInContext(t4props);
-		m_ncsSrvr_ref = t4props.getUrl();
-		_ignoreCancel = false;
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, t4props);
-			String temp = "url is = " + t4props.getUrl();
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "", temp, p);
-			p = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, t4props);
-			temp = "user is = " + userDesc.userName;
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "", temp, p);
-		}
-		sqlwarning_ = null;
-		connect();
-	}
-	public void setConnStrHost(String host) {
-		this._connStringHost = host;
-	}
-	public int getMode() {
-		return this._mode;
-	}
-	public void setMode(int mode) {
-		this._mode = mode;
-	}
-	public long getSequenceNumber() {
-		if(++_seqNum < 0) {
-			_seqNum = 1;
-		}
-		return _seqNum;
-	}
-	public String getRemoteProcess() throws SQLException {
-		return _remoteProcess;
-	}
-	public boolean isClosed() {
-		return this.isClosed_;
-	}
-	String getRoleName() {
-		return this._roleName;
-	}
-	CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def getInContext() {
-		return inContext;
-	}
-	private CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def getInContext(T4Properties t4props) {
-		inContext = new CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def();
-		inContext.catalog = t4props.getCatalog();
-		inContext.schema = t4props.getSchema();
-		inContext.datasource = t4props.getServerDataSource();
-		inContext.userRole = t4props.getRoleName();
-		inContext.cpuToUse = t4props.getCpuToUse();
-		inContext.cpuToUseEnd = -1; // for future use by DBTransporter
-		inContext.accessMode = (short) (isReadOnly ? 1 : 0);
-		inContext.autoCommit = (short) (autoCommit ? 1 : 0);
-		inContext.queryTimeoutSec = t4props.getQueryTimeout();
-		inContext.idleTimeoutSec = (short) t4props.getConnectionTimeout();
-		inContext.loginTimeoutSec = (short) t4props.getLoginTimeout();
-		inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED;
-		inContext.rowSetSize = t4props.getFetchBufferSize();
-		inContext.diagnosticFlag = 0;
-		inContext.processId = (int) System.currentTimeMillis() & 0xFFF;
-		try {
-			inContext.computerName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
-		} catch (UnknownHostException uex) {
-			inContext.computerName = "Unknown Client Host";
-		}
-		inContext.windowText = t4props.getApplicationName();
-		inContext.ctxDataLang = 15;
-		inContext.ctxErrorLang = 15;
-		inContext.ctxACP = 1252;
-		inContext.ctxCtrlInferNXHAR = -1;
-		inContext.clientVersionList.list = getVersion(inContext.processId);
-		return inContext;
-	}
-	private VERSION_def[] getVersion(int pid) {
-		short majorVersion = 3;
-		short minorVersion = 0;
-		int buildId = 0;
-		VERSION_def version[] = new VERSION_def[2];
-		// Entry [0] is the Driver Version information
-		version[0] = new VERSION_def();
-		version[0].componentId = 20;
-		version[0].majorVersion = majorVersion;
-		version[0].minorVersion = minorVersion;
-		version[0].buildId = buildId | ROWWISE_ROWSET | CHARSET | PASSWORD_SECURITY;
-		if (this.t4props_.getDelayedErrorMode())
-	    {
-	      version[0].buildId |= STREAMING_DELAYEDERROR_MODE;
-	    }
-		// Entry [1] is the Application Version information
-		version[1] = new VERSION_def();
-		version[1].componentId = 8;
-		version[1].majorVersion = 3;
-		version[1].minorVersion = 0;
-		version[1].buildId = 0;
-		return version;
-	}
-	USER_DESC_def getUserDescription() {
-		return userDesc;
-	}
-	private void setISOMapping(int isoMapping) {
-//		if (InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetName(isoMapping) == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSET_UNKNOWN)
-//			isoMapping = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("ISO8859_1");
-		isoMapping_ = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("UTF-8");;
-	}
-	String getServerDataSource() {
-		return this._serverDataSource;
-	}
-	boolean getEnforceISO() {
-		return enforceISO;
-	}
-	int getISOMapping() {
-		return isoMapping_;
-	}
-	public String getSessionName() {
-		return m_sessionName;
-	}
-	private void setTerminalCharset(int termCharset) {
-//		if (InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetName(termCharset) == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSET_UNKNOWN)
-//			termCharset = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("ISO8859_1");
-		termCharset_ = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("UTF-8");;
-	}
-	int getTerminalCharset() {
-		return termCharset_;
-	}
-	private USER_DESC_def getUserDescription(String user) throws SQLException {
-		userDesc = new USER_DESC_def();
-		userDesc.userDescType = (this.t4props_.getSessionToken()) ? TRANSPORT.PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED_USER_TYPE
-		userDesc.userName = (user.length() > 128) ? user.substring(0, 128) : user;
-		userDesc.domainName = "";
-		userDesc.userSid = null;
-		userDesc.password = null; //we no longer want to send the password to the MXOAS
-		return userDesc;
-	}
-	void writeToOutFile(byte[] input, String file)
-	   {
- os = null;
-		   try {
-		      os = new
-		      (new;
-	          os.write(input, 0, input.length);
-		   }catch ( io) {
-			   System.out.println("IO exception");
-		   }finally {
-			   if (os != null)
-				   try {
-				      os.close();
-				   }catch ( io) {
-					   System.out.println("IO exception");
-				   }
-		   }
-	   }
-	private void oldEncryptPassword() throws SQLException {
-		String pwd = this.t4props_.getPassword();
-		if (pwd.length() > 386)
-			pwd = pwd.substring(0, 386);
-		byte [] authentication;
-		try {
-			authentication = pwd.getBytes("US-ASCII");
-		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, uex.getMessage(), null);
-		}
-		if (authentication.length > 0) {
-			Utility.Encryption(authentication, authentication, authentication.length);
-		}
-		userDesc.password = authentication;
-	}
-	T4Connection getT4Connection() {
-		return t4connection_;
-	}
-	int getDialogueId() {
-		return dialogueId_;
-	}
-	int getQueryTimeout() {
-		return inContext.queryTimeoutSec;
-	}
-	int getLoginTimeout() {
-		return inContext.loginTimeoutSec;
-	}
-	int getConnectionTimeout() {
-		return inContext.idleTimeoutSec;
-	}
-	String getCatalog() {
-		if (outContext != null) {
-			return outContext.catalog;
-		} else {
-			return inContext.catalog;
-		}
-	}
-	boolean getDateConversion() {
-		return ((outContext.versionList.list[0].buildId & 512) > 0);
-	}
-	int getServerMajorVersion() {
-		return outContext.versionList.list[1].majorVersion;
-	}
-	int getServerMinorVersion() {
-		return outContext.versionList.list[1].minorVersion;
-	}
-	String getUid() {
-		return userDesc.userName;
-	}
-	String getSchema() {
-		if (outContext != null) {
-			return outContext.schema;
-		} else {
-			return inContext.schema;
-		}
-	}
-	void setLocale(Locale locale) {
-		this.locale = locale;
-	}
-	Locale getLocale() {
-		return locale;
-	}
-	boolean getByteSwap() {
-		return this.byteSwap;
-	}
-	NCSAddress getNCSAddress() {
-		return ncsAddr_;
-	}
-	void commit() throws SQLException {
-		endTransaction(SQL_COMMIT);
-	}
-	void rollback() throws SQLException {
-		endTransaction(SQL_ROLLBACK);
-	}
-	void cancel() throws SQLException {
-		if(!this._ignoreCancel) {
-			String srvrObjRef = "" + ncsAddr_.getPort();
-			// String srvrObjRef = t4props_.getServerID();
-			int srvrType = 2; // AS server
-			CancelReply cr_ = null;
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-				String temp = "cancel request received for " + srvrObjRef;
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, p);
-			}
-			//
-			// Send the cancel to the ODBC association server.
-			//
-			String errorText = null;
-			int tryNum = 0;
-			String errorMsg = null;
-			String errorMsg_detail = null;
-			long currentTime = (new java.util.Date()).getTime();
-			long endTime;
-			if (inContext.loginTimeoutSec > 0) {
-				endTime = currentTime + inContext.loginTimeoutSec * 1000;
-			} else {
-				// less than or equal to 0 implies infinit time out
-				endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
-				//
-				// Keep trying to contact the Association Server until we run out of
-				// time, or make a connection or we exceed the retry count.
-				//
-			}
-			cr_ = T4_Dcs_Cancel.cancel(t4props_, this, dialogueId_, srvrType, srvrObjRef, 0);
-			switch (cr_.m_p1_exception.exception_nr) {
-				if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-					String temp = "Cancel successful";
-					t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, p);
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				//
-				// Some unknown error
-				//
-				if (cr_.m_p1_exception.clientErrorText != null) {
-					errorText = "Client Error text = " + cr_.m_p1_exception.clientErrorText;
-				}
-				errorText = errorText + "  :Exception = " + cr_.m_p1_exception.exception_nr;
-				errorText = errorText + "  :" + "Exception detail = " + cr_.m_p1_exception.exception_detail;
-				errorText = errorText + "  :" + "Error code = " + cr_.m_p1_exception.errorCode;
-				if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-					String temp = errorText;
-					t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "cancel", temp, p);
-				}
-				throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "as_cancel_message_error", errorText);
-			} // end switch
-			currentTime = (new java.util.Date()).getTime();
-		}
-	}
-	private void initDiag(boolean setTimestamp, boolean downloadCert) throws SQLException {
-		short retryCount = 3;
-		InitializeDialogueReply idr = null;
-		long endTime = (inContext.loginTimeoutSec > 0) ? currentTime + inContext.loginTimeoutSec * 1000 : Long.MAX_VALUE;
-		int tryNum = 0;
-		boolean done = false;
-		boolean socketException = false;
-		SQLException seSave = null;
-		do {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-				String temp = "Attempting initDiag.  Try " + (tryNum + 1) + " of " + retryCount;
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-			}
-			socketException = false;
-			try {
-				t4connection_ = new T4Connection(this);
-				idr = t4connection_.InitializeDialogue(setTimestamp, downloadCert);
-			} catch (SQLException se) {
-				//
-				// We will retry socket exceptions, but will fail on all other
-				// exceptions.
-				//
-				int sc = se.getErrorCode();
-				int s1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "socket_open_error", null).getErrorCode();
-				int s2 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "socket_write_error", null).getErrorCode();
-				int s3 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "socket_read_error", null).getErrorCode();
-				if (sc == s1 || sc == s2 || sc == s3) {
-					if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-						String temp = "A socket exception occurred: " + se.getMessage();
-						t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-					}
-					socketException = true;
-					seSave = se;
-				} else {
-					if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-						String temp = "A non-socket fatal exception occurred: " + se.getMessage();
-						t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-					}
-					try {
-						t4connection_.getInputOutput().CloseIO(new LogicalByteArray(1, 0, false));
-					} catch (Exception e) {
-						// ignore error
-					}
-					throw se;
-				}
-			}
-			if (socketException == false) {
-				if (idr.exception_nr == TRANSPORT.CEE_SUCCESS) {
-					done = true;
-					if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-						String temp = "initDiag Successful.";
-						t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-					}
-				} else if (idr.exception_nr == odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_SQLError_exn_ || 
-						idr.exception_nr == odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_InvalidUser_exn_) {
-					if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-						String temp = "A SQL Warning or Error occurred during initDiag: " + idr.SQLError;
-						t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-					}
-					int ex_nr = idr.exception_nr;
-					int ex_nr_d = idr.exception_detail;
-					if (ex_nr_d == odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_exc_.SQL_PASSWORD_EXPIRING ||
-							ex_nr_d == odbc_SQLSvc_InitializeDialogue_exc_.SQL_PASSWORD_GRACEPERIOD) {
-						HPT4Messages.setSQLWarning(this.t4props_, this._t4Conn, idr.SQLError);
-						done = true;
-					} else {
-						HPT4Messages.throwSQLException(t4props_, idr.SQLError);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-			tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-		} while (done == false && endTime > currentTime && tryNum < retryCount);
-		if (done == false) {
-			SQLException se1;
-			SQLException se2;
-			if (socketException == true) {
-				throw seSave;
-			}
-			if (currentTime >= endTime) {
-				se1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "ids_s1_t00", null);
-			} else if (tryNum >= retryCount) {
-				se1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "as_connect_message_error",
-						"exceeded retry count");
-			} else {
-				se1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "as_connect_message_error", null);
-			}
-			throw se1;
-		}
-		//
-		// Set the outcontext value returned by the ODBC MX server in the
-		// serverContext
-		//
-		outContext = idr.outContext;
-		enforceISO = outContext._enforceISO;
-		this._roleName = outContext._roleName;
-		this._ignoreCancel = outContext._ignoreCancel;
-		t4props_.setDialogueID(Integer.toString(dialogueId_));
-		t4props_.setServerID(m_ncsSrvr_ref);
-		t4props_.setNcsMajorVersion(idr.outContext.versionList.list[0].majorVersion);
-		t4props_.setNcsMinorVersion(idr.outContext.versionList.list[0].minorVersion);
-		t4props_.setSqlmxMajorVersion(idr.outContext.versionList.list[1].majorVersion);
-		t4props_.setSqlmxMinorVersion(idr.outContext.versionList.list[1].minorVersion);
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-			String temp = "Connection process successful";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-		}
-	}
-	private void encryptPassword() throws SecurityException, SQLException {
-		byte [] pwBytes;
-		byte [] roleBytes;
-		String roleName = t4props_.getRoleName();
-		try {
-			pwBytes = t4props_.getPassword().getBytes("US-ASCII");
-			roleBytes = (roleName != null && roleName.length() > 0)?roleName.getBytes("US-ASCII"):null;
-		}
-		catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
-			throw new SQLException("failed to find encoding");
-		}
-		userDesc.password = new byte[_security.getPwdEBufferLen()];
-		_security.encryptPwd(pwBytes, roleBytes, userDesc.password);
-	}
-	private byte [] createProcInfo(int pid, int nid, byte [] timestamp) throws SQLException {
-		byte [] procInfo;
-		procInfo = new byte[16];
-		ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
-		bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-		bb.putInt(pid);
-		bb.putInt(nid);
-		bb.put(timestamp);
-		bb.rewind();
-		bb.get(procInfo, 0, 16);
-		return procInfo;
-	}
-	private void secureLogin(ConnectReply cr) throws SQLException {
-		try {
-			byte [] procInfo = createProcInfo(cr.processId, cr.serverNode, cr.timestamp);
-			boolean tokenAuth = this.t4props_.getSPJEnv() && this.t4props_.getTokenAuth();
-			_security = SecPwd.getInstance(
-					this._t4Conn,
-					this.t4props_.getCertificateDir(),
-					this.t4props_.getCertificateFile(),
-					cr.clusterName, 
-					tokenAuth,
-					procInfo
-					);
-		}
-		catch(SecurityException se) {
-			CleanupServer(); //MXOSRVR is expecting InitDiag, clean it up since we failed
-			throw se;
-		}
-		try {
-			_security.openCertificate();
-			this.encryptPassword();
-		}catch(SecurityException se) {	
-			if(se.getErrorCode() != 29713) {
-				throw se; //we have a fatal error
-			}
-			DownloadCertificate(); //otherwise, download and continue
-		}
-		try {
-			inContext.connectOptions = new String(_security.getCertExpDate());
-			initDiag(true,false);
-		}catch(SQLException e) {
-			if(outContext != null && outContext.certificate != null) { //we got a certificate back, switch to it, continue
-				_security.switchCertificate(outContext.certificate); 
-			}
-			else { 
-				throw e;
-			}
-			inContext.connectOptions = new String(_security.getCertExpDate());
-			this.encryptPassword();  //re-encrypt
-			this.initDiag(true,false); //re-initdiag
-		}
-	}
-	private void CleanupServer() throws SQLException {
-		this.userDesc.userName = null;
-		this.userDesc.password = null;
-		try {
-			initDiag(false,false); //send dummy init diag to clean up server
-		}catch(SQLException e) {
-		}
-	}
-	private void DownloadCertificate() throws SQLException {
-		//attempt download
-		this.userDesc.userName = null;
-		this.userDesc.password = null;
-		inContext.connectOptions = null;
-		try {
-			initDiag(true,true);
-		}catch(SQLException e) {
-			if(outContext == null || outContext.certificate == null) {
-				SQLException he = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, this.locale, "certificate_download_error", e.getMessage());
-				he.setNextException(e);
-				throw he;
-			}
-		}
-		this.userDesc.userName = this.t4props_.getUser();
-		try {
-			_security.switchCertificate(outContext.certificate);
-			this.encryptPassword();
-		}catch(SecurityException se1) {
-			throw se1;
-		}
-	}
-	private void connect() throws SQLException {
-		short retryCount = 3;
-		int srvrType = 2; // AS server
-		ConnectReply cr = null;
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-			String msg = "Association Server URL: " + m_ncsSrvr_ref;
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", msg, t4props_);
-		}
-		//
-		// Connect to the association server.
-		//
-		String errorText = null;
-		boolean done = false;
-		int tryNum = 0;
-		String errorMsg = null;
-		String errorMsg_detail = null;
-		currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-		long endTime = (inContext.loginTimeoutSec > 0) ? currentTime + inContext.loginTimeoutSec * 1000
-				: Long.MAX_VALUE;
-		do {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-				String temp = "Attempting getObjRef.  Try " + (tryNum + 1) + " of " + retryCount;
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", temp, t4props_);
-			}
-			cr = T4_Dcs_Connect.getConnection(t4props_, this, inContext, userDesc, srvrType,
-					retryCount);
-			switch (cr.m_p1_exception.exception_nr) {
-				done = true;
-				if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-					String msg = "getObjRef Successful.  Server URL: " + cr.m_p2_srvrObjRef;
-					t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", msg, t4props_);
-				}
-				if (!cr.m_p4_dataSource.equals(t4props_.getServerDataSource())) {
-					Object[] messageArguments = new Object[1];
-					messageArguments[0] = cr.m_p4_dataSource;
-					sqlwarning_ = HPT4Messages.createSQLWarning(t4props_, "connected_to_Default_DS", messageArguments);
-				}
-				break;
-			case odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_exc_.odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_ASTryAgain_exn_:
-				done = false;
-				tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-				errorMsg = "as_connect_message_error";
-				errorMsg_detail = "try again request";
-				if(tryNum < retryCount) {
-					try {
-						Thread.sleep(5000);
-					}catch(Exception e) {}
-				}
-				break;
-			case odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_exc_.odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_ASNotAvailable_exn_:
-				done = false;
-				tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-				errorMsg = "as_connect_message_error";
-				errorMsg_detail = "association server not available";
-				break;
-			case odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_exc_.odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_DSNotAvailable_exn_:
-				done = false;
-				tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-				errorMsg = "as_connect_message_error";
-				errorMsg_detail = "data source not available";
-				break;
-			case odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_exc_.odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_PortNotAvailable_exn_:
-				done = false;
-				tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-				errorMsg = "as_connect_message_error";
-				errorMsg_detail = "port not available";
-				break;
-			case odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_exc_.odbc_Dcs_GetObjRefHdl_ASNoSrvrHdl_exn_:
-				done = false;
-				tryNum = tryNum + 1;
-				errorMsg = "as_connect_message_error";
-				errorMsg_detail = "server handle not available";
-				break;
-			default:
-				//
-				// Some unknown error
-				//
-				if (cr.m_p1_exception.clientErrorText != null) {
-					errorText = "Client Error text = " + cr.m_p1_exception.clientErrorText;
-				}
-				errorText = errorText + "  :Exception = " + cr.m_p1_exception.exception_nr;
-				errorText = errorText + "  :" + "Exception detail = " + cr.m_p1_exception.exception_detail;
-				errorText = errorText + "  :" + "Error code = " + cr.m_p1_exception.errorCode;
-				if (cr.m_p1_exception.ErrorText != null) {
-					errorText = errorText + "  :" + "Error text = " + cr.m_p1_exception.ErrorText;
-				}
-				throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "as_connect_message_error", errorText);
-			}
-			if (done == false && t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
-				String msg = "getObjRef Failed. Message from Association Server: " + errorMsg_detail;
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.INFO, "InterfaceConnection", "connect", msg, t4props_);
-			}
-			currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-		} while (done == false && endTime > currentTime && tryNum < retryCount);
-		if (done == false) {
-			SQLException se1;
-			SQLException se2;
-			if (currentTime >= endTime) {
-				se1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "ids_s1_t00", null);
-				se2 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, errorMsg, errorMsg_detail);
-				se1.setNextException(se2);
-			} else {
-				se1 = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, errorMsg, errorMsg_detail);
-			}
-			throw se1;
-		}
-		dialogueId_ = cr.m_p3_dialogueId;
-		m_ncsSrvr_ref = cr.m_p2_srvrObjRef;
-		_remoteProcess = "\\" + cr.remoteHost + "." + cr.remoteProcess;
-		ncsAddr_ = cr.getNCSAddress();
-		this.byteSwap = cr.byteSwap;
-		this._serverDataSource = cr.m_p4_dataSource;
-		setISOMapping(cr.isoMapping);
-		if (cr.isoMapping == InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("ISO8859_1")) {
-			setTerminalCharset(InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("ISO8859_1"));
-			this.inContext.ctxDataLang = 0;
-			this.inContext.ctxErrorLang = 0;
-		} else {
-			setTerminalCharset(InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetValue("UTF-8"));
-		}
-		if(cr.securityEnabled) {
-			this.secureLogin(cr);
-		}
-		else {
-			this.oldEncryptPassword();
-			this.initDiag(false,false);
-		}
-	}
-	// @deprecated
-	void isConnectionClosed() throws SQLException {
-		if (isClosed_ == false) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "invalid_connection", null);
-		}
-	}
-	// @deprecated
-	void isConnectionOpen() throws SQLException {
-		if (isClosed_) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "invalid_connection", null);
-		}
-	}
-	// @deprecated
-	boolean getIsClosed() {
-		return isClosed_;
-	}
-	void setIsClosed(boolean isClosed) {
-		this.isClosed_ = isClosed;
-	}
-	String getUrl() {
-		return m_ncsSrvr_ref;
-	}
-	void setCatalog(TrafT4Connection conn, String catalog) throws SQLException {
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, catalog);
-			String temp = "Setting connection catalog = " + catalog;
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setCatalog", temp, p);
-		}
-		if (catalog != null && catalog.length() == 0) {
-			catalog = T4Properties.DEFAULT_CATALOG;
-		}
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOG, 0, catalog);
-		outContext.catalog = catalog;
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, catalog);
-			String temp = "Setting connection catalog = " + catalog + " is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setCatalog", temp, p);
-		}
-	};
-	// enforces the connection timeout set by the user
-	// to be called by the connection pooling mechanism whenever a connection is
-	// given to the user from the pool
-	void enforceT4ConnectionTimeout(TrafT4Connection conn) throws SQLException {
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, (short) t4props_.getConnectionTimeout());
-			String temp = "Enforcing connection timeout = " + (short) t4props_.getConnectionTimeout();
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "enforceT4ConnectionTimeout", temp, p);
-		}
-		inContext.idleTimeoutSec = (short) t4props_.getConnectionTimeout();
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, JDBC_ATTR_CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT, inContext.idleTimeoutSec, String
-				.valueOf(inContext.idleTimeoutSec));
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, (short) t4props_.getConnectionTimeout());
-			String temp = "Enforcing connection timeout = " + (short) t4props_.getConnectionTimeout() + " is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "enforceT4ConnectionTimeout", temp, p);
-		}
-	};
-	// disregards the T4's connectionTimeout value (set during initialize
-	// dialog) and
-	// enforces the connection timeout set by the NCS datasource settings
-	// to be called by the connection pooling mechanism whenever a connection is
-	// put into the pool (after a user has called connection.close())
-	void disregardT4ConnectionTimeout(TrafT4Connection conn) throws SQLException {
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, "-1");
-			String temp = "Setting connection timeout = -1";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "disregardT4ConnectionTimeout", temp, p);
-		}
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, JDBC_ATTR_CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT, -1, "-1");
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, "-1");
-			String temp = "Setting connection timeout = -1 is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "disregardT4ConnectionTimeout", temp, p);
-		}
-	};
-	void setConnectionAttr(TrafT4Connection conn, short attr, int valueNum, String valueString) throws SQLException {
-		SetConnectionOptionReply scr_;
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		try {
-			scr_ = t4connection_.SetConnectionOption(attr, valueNum, valueString);
-			//3196 - NDCS transaction for SPJ
-				transId_ = Long.valueOf(valueString);
-				suspendRequest_ = true;
-			}
-			else if (attr == SQL_ATTR_SUSPEND_UDR_TRANSACTION) {
-				transId_ = Long.valueOf(valueString);
-				suspendRequest_ = false;
-			}
-		} catch (SQLException tex) {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, attr, valueNum, valueString);
-				String temp = "NDCS or SQLException occurred.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setConnectionAttr", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw tex;
-		}
-		switch (scr_.m_p1.exception_nr) {
-			// do the warning processing
-			if (scr_.m_p2.length != 0) {
-				HPT4Messages.setSQLWarning(conn.props_, conn, scr_.m_p2);
-			}
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, attr, valueNum, valueString);
-				String temp = "Setting connection attribute is done.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setConnectionAttr", temp, p);
-			}
-			break;
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_SetConnectionOption_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_SetConnectionOption_SQLError_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, attr, valueNum, valueString);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_SetConnectionOption_SQLError_exn_ occurred.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setConnectionAttr", temp, p);
-			}
-			HPT4Messages.throwSQLException(t4props_, scr_.m_p1.errorList);
-		default:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, attr, valueNum, valueString);
-				String temp = "UnknownException occurred.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setConnectionAttr", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, locale, "ids_unknown_reply_error", null);
-		}
-	};
-	void setTransactionIsolation(TrafT4Connection conn, int level) throws SQLException {
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, level);
-			String temp = "Setting transaction isolation = " + level;
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setTransactionIsolation", temp, p);
-		}
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		if (level != Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE && level != Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
-				&& level != Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED && level != Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
-				&& level != Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, locale, "invalid_transaction_isolation", null);
-		}
-		txnIsolationLevel = level;
-		switch (txnIsolationLevel) {
-		case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE:
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED;
-			break;
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED;
-			break;
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
-			break;
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ;
-			break;
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE;
-			break;
-		default:
-			inContext.txnIsolationLevel = (short) SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED;
-			break;
-		}
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, SQL_TXN_ISOLATION, inContext.txnIsolationLevel, String
-				.valueOf(inContext.txnIsolationLevel));
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, level);
-			String temp = "Setting transaction isolation = " + level + " is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setTransactionIsolation", temp, p);
-		}
-	};
-	int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException {
-		return txnIsolationLevel;
-	}
-	long getTxid() {
-		return txid;
-	}
-	void setTxid(long txid) {
-		this.txid = txid;
-	}
-	boolean getAutoCommit() {
-		return autoCommit;
-	}
-	void setAutoCommit(TrafT4Connection conn, boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException {
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		boolean commit = this.autoCommit;
-		this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
-		if (autoCommit == false) {
-			inContext.autoCommit = 0;
-		} else {
-			inContext.autoCommit = 1;
-		}
-		try {
-			setConnectionAttr(conn, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, inContext.autoCommit, String.valueOf(inContext.autoCommit));
-		} catch (SQLException sqle) {
-			this.autoCommit = commit;
-			throw sqle;
-		}
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, autoCommit);
-			String temp = "Setting autoCommit = " + autoCommit + " is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "setAutoCommit", temp, p);
-		}
-	}
-	void enableNARSupport(TrafT4Connection conn, boolean NARSupport) throws SQLException {
-		int val = NARSupport ? 1 : 0;
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, TRANSPORT.SQL_ATTR_ROWSET_RECOVERY, val, String.valueOf(val));
-	}
-	void enableProxySyntax(TrafT4Connection conn) throws SQLException {
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, InterfaceConnection.SPJ_ENABLE_PROXY, 1, "1");
-	}
-	boolean isReadOnly() {
-		return isReadOnly;
-	}
-	void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLException {
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		this.isReadOnly = readOnly;
-	}
-	void setReadOnly(TrafT4Connection conn, boolean readOnly) throws SQLException {
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		this.isReadOnly = readOnly;
-		if (readOnly == false) {
-			inContext.accessMode = 0;
-		} else {
-			inContext.accessMode = 1;
-		}
-		setConnectionAttr(conn, SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE, inContext.accessMode, String.valueOf(inContext.accessMode));
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, readOnly);
-			String temp = "Setting readOnly = " + readOnly + " is done.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "readOnly", temp, p);
-		}
-	}
-	void close() throws SQLException {
-		TerminateDialogueReply tdr_ = null;
-		if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-			String temp = "Terminate Dialogue.";
-			t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "close", temp, p);
-		}
-		//3196 - NDCS transaction for SPJ
-		if (suspendRequest_) {
-			_t4Conn.suspendUDRTransaction();
-		}
-		SecPwd.removeInstance(this._t4Conn);
-		try {
-			tdr_ = t4connection_.TerminateDialogue();
-		} catch (SQLException tex) {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-				String temp = "SQLException during TerminateDialogue.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "close", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw tex;
-		}
-		switch (tdr_.m_p1.exception_nr) {
-			break;
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_TerminateDialogue_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_TerminateDialogue_SQLError_exn_:
-			//ignore errors
-		}
-		// needs work here. This should be proxy destroy. close the logfiles
-		try {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_);
-				String temp = "Terminate Dialogue successful.";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "close", temp, p);
-			}
-		} catch (java.lang.SecurityException sex) {
-		}
-	};
-	void endTransaction(short commitOption) throws SQLException {
-		EndTransactionReply etr_ = null;
-		if (autoCommit && !_t4Conn.isBeginTransaction()) {
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "invalid_commit_mode", null);
-		}
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		try {
-			etr_ = t4connection_.EndTransaction(commitOption);
-			_t4Conn.setBeginTransaction(false);
-		} catch (SQLException tex) {
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "SQLException during EndTransaction." + tex.toString();
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw tex;
-		}
-		switch (etr_.m_p1.exception_nr) {
-			break;
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_ParamError_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_ParamError_exn_ :";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(t4props_, locale, "ParamError:" + etr_.m_p1.ParamError, null);
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_InvalidConnection_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_InvalidConnection_exn_:";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw new SQLException("odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_InvalidConnection_exn", "HY100002", 10001);
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_SQLError_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_SQLError_exn_:" + etr_.m_p1.SQLError;
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			HPT4Messages.throwSQLException(t4props_, etr_.m_p1.SQLError);
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_SQLInvalidHandle_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_SQLInvalidHandle_exn_:";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw new SQLException("odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_SQLInvalidHandle_exn", "HY100004", 10001);
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_TransactionError_exn_:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_TransactionError_exn_:";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw new SQLException("odbc_SQLSvc_EndTransaction_TransactionError_exn", "HY100005", 10001);
-		default:
-			if (t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(t4props_, commitOption);
-				String temp = "UnknownError:";
-				t4props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceConnection", "endTransaction", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw new SQLException("Unknown Error during EndTransaction", "HY100001", 10001);
-		}
-	};
-	long beginTransaction() throws SQLException {
-		isConnectionOpen();
-		return txid;
-	};
-	void reuse() {
-		txnIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
-		autoCommit = true;
-		isReadOnly = false;
-		isClosed_ = false;
-		txid = 0;
-		t4connection_.reuse();
-	};
-	boolean useArrayBinding() {
-		return useArrayBinding_;
-	}
-	short getTransportBufferSize() {
-		return transportBufferSize_;
-	}
-	// methods for handling weak connections
-	void removeElement(TrafT4Connection conn) {
-		refTosrvrCtxHandle_.remove(conn.pRef_);
-		conn.pRef_.clear();
-	}
-	void gcConnections() {
-		Reference pRef;
-		InterfaceConnection ic;
-		while ((pRef = refQ_.poll()) != null) {
-			ic = (InterfaceConnection) refTosrvrCtxHandle_.get(pRef);
-			// All PreparedStatement objects are added to Hashtable
-			// Only Statement objects that produces ResultSet are added to
-			// Hashtable
-			// Hence stmtLabel could be null
-			if (ic != null) {
-				try {
-					ic.close();
-				} catch (SQLException e) {
-				} finally {
-					refTosrvrCtxHandle_.remove(pRef);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public byte[] encodeString(String str, int charset) throws CharacterCodingException, UnsupportedCharsetException {
-		Integer key = new Integer(charset);
-		CharsetEncoder ce;
-		byte[] ret = null;
-		if (str != null) {
-			if (this.isoMapping_ == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591 && !this.enforceISO) {
-				ret = str.getBytes(); //convert the old way
-			} else {
-				if ((ce = (CharsetEncoder) encoders.get(key)) == null) { //only create a new encoder if its the first time
-					String charsetName = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetName(charset);
-					//encoder needs to be based on our current swap flag for UTF-16 data
-					//this should be redesigned when we fixup character set issues for SQ
-					if(key == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_UNICODE && this.byteSwap == true) {
-						charsetName = "UTF-16LE";
-					}
-					Charset c = Charset.forName(charsetName);
-					ce = c.newEncoder();
-					ce.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
-					encoders.put(key, ce);
-				}
-				synchronized(ce) { //since one connection shares encoders
-					ce.reset();
-					ByteBuffer buf = ce.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(str));
-					ret = new byte[buf.remaining()];
-					buf.get(ret, 0, ret.length);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	}
-	public String decodeBytes(byte[] data, int charset) throws CharacterCodingException, UnsupportedCharsetException {
-		Integer key = new Integer(charset);
-		CharsetDecoder cd;
-		String str = null;
-		// we use this function for USC2 columns as well and we do NOT want to
-		// apply full pass-thru mode for them
-		if (this.isoMapping_ == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591 && !this.enforceISO
-				&& charset != InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_UNICODE) {
-			str = new String(data);
-		} else {
-			// the following is a fix for JDK 1.4.2 and MS932. For some reason
-			// it does not handle single byte entries properly
-			boolean fix = false;
-			if (charset == 10 && data.length == 1) {
-				data = new byte[] { 0, data[0] };
-				fix = true;
-			}
-			if ((cd = (CharsetDecoder) decoders.get(key)) == null) { //only create a decoder if its the first time
-				String charsetName = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetName(charset);
-				//encoder needs to be based on our current swap flag for UTF-16 data
-				//this should be redesigned when we fixup character set issues for SQ
-				if(key == InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_UNICODE && this.byteSwap == true) {
-					charsetName = "UTF-16LE";
-				}
-				Charset c = Charset.forName(charsetName);
-				cd = c.newDecoder();
-				cd.replaceWith(this.t4props_.getReplacementString());
-				cd.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
-				decoders.put(key, cd);
-			}
-			synchronized(cd) { //one decoder for the entire connection
-				cd.reset();
-				str = cd.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)).toString();
-			}
-			if (fix)
-				str = str.substring(1);
-		}
-		return str;
-	}
-	public String getApplicationName() {
-		return this.t4props_.getApplicationName();
-	}
diff --git a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/ b/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7c0b4..0000000
--- a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,927 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-package org.trafodion.jdbc.t4;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.sql.Date;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Time;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.text.FieldPosition;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-class InterfaceResultSet {
-	InterfaceConnection ic_;
-	String stmtLabel_;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_CHAR = 1;
-	/* NUMERIC */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_NUMERIC = 2;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED = -201;
-	/* DECIMAL */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_DECIMAL = 3;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_DECIMAL_UNSIGNED = -301;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_DECIMAL_LARGE = -302;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_INTEGER = 4;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_INTEGER_UNSIGNED = -401;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_LARGEINT = -402;
-	/* SMALLINT */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_SMALLINT = 5;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_SMALLINT_UNSIGNED = -502;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_BPINT_UNSIGNED = -503;
-	/*
-	 * DOUBLE depending on precision
-	 */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_FLOAT = 6;
-	/*
-	 */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_REAL = 7;
-	/*
-	 */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_DOUBLE = 8;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_DATETIME = 9;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_INTERVAL = 10;
-	/* no ANSI value 11 */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_VARCHAR = 12;
-	/* SQL/MP stype VARCHAR with length prefix:
-	 * */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_VARCHAR_WITH_LENGTH = -601;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_BLOB = -602;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_CLOB = -603;
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_VARCHAR_LONG = -1; /* ## NEGATIVE??? */
-	/* no ANSI value 13 */
-	/* BIT */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_BIT = 14; /* not supported */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_BITVAR = 15; /* not supported */
-	/* NCHAR -- CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET s -- where s uses two bytes per char */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_CHAR_DBLBYTE = 16;
-	/* NCHAR VARYING -- VARCHAR(n) CHARACTER SET s -- s uses 2 bytes per char */
-	static final int SQLTYPECODE_VARCHAR_DBLBYTE = 17;
-	/* Date/Time/TimeStamp related constants */
-	static final int SQLDTCODE_DATE = 1;
-	static final int SQLDTCODE_TIME = 2;
-	static final int SQLDTCODE_TIMESTAMP = 3;
-	static final int SQLDTCODE_MPDATETIME = 4;
-	static final int dateLength = 10;
-	static final int timeLength = 8;
-	static final int timestampLength = 26;
-	T4ResultSet t4resultSet_;
-	static Properties javaLangToJavaNio = null;
-	TrafT4ResultSet rs_;
-	InterfaceResultSet(TrafT4ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
-		this.ic_ = ((TrafT4Connection) rs.connection_).getServerHandle();
-		stmtLabel_ = rs.stmtLabel_;
-		t4resultSet_ = new T4ResultSet(this);
-		rs_ = rs;
-	};
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// from nskieee.cpp -- find the length for the data based on datatype
-	//
-	static int dataLengthFetchPerf(int SQLDataType, int SQLDateTimeCode, int SQLOctetLength, int maxRowLen,
-			int bufferLen, int ODBCDataType, int ODBCPrecision) {
-		int allocLength = 0;
-		switch (SQLDataType) {
-			allocLength = SQLOctetLength;
-			break;
-                case SQLTYPECODE_BLOB:
-                case SQLTYPECODE_CLOB:
-			allocLength = bufferLen + 2;
-			break;
-			// allocLength = SQLOctetLength - 1; // no null at the end
-			allocLength = SQLOctetLength;
-			if (maxRowLen > 0) {
-				allocLength = (allocLength > maxRowLen) ? (maxRowLen + 1) : (allocLength);
-			}
-			break;
-			allocLength = SQLOctetLength - 1; // no null at the end
-			if (maxRowLen > 0) {
-				allocLength = (allocLength > maxRowLen) ? (maxRowLen + 1) : (allocLength);
-			}
-			break;
-			switch (SQLDateTimeCode) {
-				allocLength = dateLength;
-				break;
-				if (ODBCDataType == java.sql.Types.OTHER) // For
-				{
-					allocLength = SQLOctetLength;
-				} else {
-					allocLength = timeLength;
-				}
-				break;
-				/*
-				 * allocLength = timestampLength; if (SQLOctetLength <
-				 * timestampLength) { allocLength = 19; // timestamp without
-				 * fraction }
-				 */
-				allocLength = ODBCPrecision;
-				break;
-			default:
-				allocLength = SQLOctetLength;
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			allocLength = SQLOctetLength; // exclude nullable
-			break;
-		}
-		return allocLength;
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// get the column value data in String format
-	Object getFetchString(TrafT4Connection conn, int scale, int SQLDataType, int SQLDatetimeCode, int FSDataType,
-			byte[] ibuffer, int byteIndex, int byteLen, int SQLcharset, int ODBCDataType) throws SQLException {
-		Object retObj;
-		String tmpStr;
-		byte[] tbuffer;
-		BigDecimal tmpbd;
-		switch (SQLDataType) {
-			tbuffer = new byte[byteLen];
-			System.arraycopy(ibuffer, byteIndex, tbuffer, 0, byteLen);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			tbuffer = new byte[byteLen];
-			System.arraycopy(ibuffer, byteIndex, tbuffer, 0, byteLen);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			tbuffer = new byte[byteLen];
-			System.arraycopy(ibuffer, byteIndex, tbuffer, 0, byteLen);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			tbuffer = new byte[byteLen - 2];
-			System.arraycopy(ibuffer, byteIndex + 2, tbuffer, 0, byteLen - 2);
-			// retObj = new String(tbuffer); Swastik for LOB Support 10/29/2004
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			tmpStr = new String(Bytes.read_chars(ibuffer, byteIndex, byteLen));
-			switch (SQLDatetimeCode) {
-				retObj = Date.valueOf(tmpStr);
-				break;
-				retObj = Timestamp.valueOf(tmpStr);
-				break;
-				// Need to add code here to check if it's
-				if (ODBCDataType != java.sql.Types.OTHER) {
-					retObj = Time.valueOf(tmpStr);
-					break;
-				} else {
-					// Do default processing as it is
-				}
-			default:
-				retObj = tmpStr;
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-			short sValue = Bytes.extractShort(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap());
-			retObj = new Short(sValue);
-			if (scale > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), scale);
-			}
-			break;
-			retObj = new Integer(Bytes.extractUShort(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-			if (scale > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), scale);
-			}
-			break;
-			retObj = new Integer(Bytes.extractInt(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-			if (scale > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), scale);
-			}
-			break;
-			retObj = new Long(Bytes.extractUInt(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-			if (scale > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), scale);
-			}
-			break;
-			tbuffer = new byte[byteLen];
-			System.arraycopy(ibuffer, byteIndex, tbuffer, 0, byteLen);
-			retObj = new BigInteger(tbuffer);
-			if (scale > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal((BigInteger) retObj, scale);
-			}
-			break;
-			switch (FSDataType) {
-			case 130:
-			case 131:
-				tmpStr = String.valueOf(Bytes.extractShort(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-				break;
-			case 132:
-			case 133:
-				tmpStr = String.valueOf(Bytes.extractInt(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-				break;
-			case 134:
-				tmpStr = String.valueOf(Bytes.extractLong(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap()));
-				break;
-			default:
-				throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, conn.getLocale(), "restricted_data_type", null);
-			}
-			retObj = new BigDecimal((new BigInteger(tmpStr)), scale);
-			break;
-			String retStr;
-			// check if the sign is minus (-80)
-			byte sign = (byte) (ibuffer[byteIndex] & (byte) (-80));
-			// first byte = inbyte - (-80)
-			if (sign == (byte) (-80)) {
-				byte firstByte = (byte) (ibuffer[byteIndex] - (byte) (-80));
-				retStr = "-" + firstByte + String.valueOf(Bytes.read_chars(ibuffer, byteIndex + 1, byteLen - 1));
-			} else {
-				retStr = String.valueOf(Bytes.read_chars(ibuffer, byteIndex, byteLen));
-			}
-			retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retStr), scale);
-			break;
-			retObj = new Float(Float.intBitsToFloat(Bytes.extractInt(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap())));
-			break;
-			retObj = new Double(Double.longBitsToDouble(Bytes.extractLong(ibuffer, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap())));
-			break;
-		default:
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, conn.getLocale(), "restricted_data_type", null);
-		}
-		return retObj;
-	} // end getFetchString
-	private static String padZero(long i, int len) {
-		String s = String.valueOf(i);
-		while (s.length() < len)
-			s = '0' + s;
-		return s;
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// get the column value data from Execute2 in String format
-	static Object getExecute2FetchString(TrafT4Connection conn, HPT4Desc desc, byte[] values, int noNullValue,
-			int ODBCDataType, boolean useOldDateFormat, boolean swap) throws SQLException {
-		Object retObj;
-		String tmpStr;
-		byte[] tbuffer;
-		BigDecimal tmpbd;
-		int length;
-		int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
-		long nanoSeconds;
-		switch (desc.sqlDataType_) {
-			length = desc.sqlOctetLength_;
-			tbuffer = new byte[length];
-			System.arraycopy(values, noNullValue, tbuffer, 0, length);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			boolean shortLength = desc.precision_ < Math.pow(2, 15);
-			int dataOffset = noNullValue + ((shortLength) ? 2 : 4);
-			length = (shortLength) ? Bytes.extractShort(values, noNullValue, swap) : Bytes.extractInt(values, noNullValue, swap);
-			tbuffer = new byte[length];
-			int len = values.length - (dataOffset);
-			System.arraycopy(values, (dataOffset), tbuffer, 0, (length > len) ? len : length);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			length = desc.sqlOctetLength_;
-			tbuffer = new byte[length];
-			System.arraycopy(values, noNullValue, tbuffer, 0, length);
-			retObj = tbuffer;
-			break;
-			switch (desc.sqlDatetimeCode_) {
-				if (!useOldDateFormat) // new date format, only for bulk move
-				{
-					// "yyyy-mm-dd"
-					year = Bytes.extractUShort(values, noNullValue, swap);
-					month = values[noNullValue + 2];
-					day = values[noNullValue + 3];
-					String t = padZero(year,4) + "-" + padZero(month,2) + "-" + padZero(day,2);
-					retObj = Date.valueOf(t);
-				} else {// do the old way
-					length = dateLength;
-					retObj = Date.valueOf(new String(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, length)));
-				}
-				break;
-				if (!useOldDateFormat) // new date format, if not SQLCatalogs
-				{
-					// yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fffffffff
-					year = Bytes.extractUShort(values, noNullValue, swap);
-					month = values[noNullValue + 2];
-					day = values[noNullValue + 3];
-					hour = values[noNullValue + 4];
-					minute = values[noNullValue + 5];
-					second = values[noNullValue + 6];
-					if (desc.sqlPrecision_ > 0) {
-						nanoSeconds = Bytes.extractUInt(values, noNullValue + 7, swap);
-						if (nanoSeconds > 999999) // returned in microseconds
-							nanoSeconds = 0;
-						// apply leading 0's for string conversion
-						tmpStr = "" + nanoSeconds;
-						length = tmpStr.length();
-						for (int i = 0; i < desc.sqlPrecision_ - length; i++) {
-							tmpStr = "0" + tmpStr;
-						}
-					} else {
-						tmpStr = "0";
-					}
-					retObj = Timestamp.valueOf(padZero((int) year, 4) + "-" + padZero(month, 2) + "-" + padZero(day, 2)
-							+ " " + padZero(hour, 2) + ":" + padZero(minute, 2) + ":" + padZero(second, 2) + "."
-							+ tmpStr);
-				} else { // do the old way
-					length = desc.precision_;
-					retObj = Timestamp.valueOf(new String(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, length)));
-				}
-				break;
-				if (ODBCDataType == java.sql.Types.OTHER) // For
-				{
-					length = desc.sqlOctetLength_;
-					retObj = new String(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, length));
-				} else {
-					length = timeLength;
-					if (!useOldDateFormat) // new date format, only for bulk
-					// move
-					{
-						// "hh:mm:ss"
-						hour = values[noNullValue];
-						minute = values[noNullValue + 1];
-						second = values[noNullValue + 2];
-						if (desc.sqlPrecision_ > 0) {
-							nanoSeconds = Bytes.extractUInt(values, noNullValue + 3, swap);
-							if (nanoSeconds > 999999) // returned in microseconds
-								nanoSeconds = 0;
-							String formatStr = "";
-							for(int i=0;i<desc.sqlPrecision_;i++)
-								formatStr += "0";
-							StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-							DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00");
-							format.format(hour, sb, new FieldPosition(0));
-							sb.append(':');
-							format.format(minute, sb, new FieldPosition(0));
-							sb.append(':');
-							format.format(second, sb, new FieldPosition(0));
-							sb.append('.');
-							format = new DecimalFormat(formatStr);
-							format.format(nanoSeconds, sb, new FieldPosition(0));
-							retObj = sb.toString();
-						} else {
-							retObj = Time.valueOf(String.valueOf(hour) + ":" + String.valueOf(minute) + ":"
-									+ String.valueOf(second));
-						}
-					} else
-						// do the old way
-						retObj = Time.valueOf(new String(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, length)));
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				length = desc.sqlOctetLength_;
-				retObj = new String(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, length));
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-			short sValue = Bytes.extractShort(values, noNullValue, swap);
-			retObj = new Short(sValue);
-			if (desc.scale_ > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), desc.scale_);
-			}
-			break;
-			int signedSValue = Bytes.extractUShort(values, noNullValue, swap);
-			if (desc.scale_ > 0) {
-				tmpbd = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(signedSValue)), (int) desc.scale_);
-			} else {
-				tmpbd = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(signedSValue));
-			}
-			retObj = tmpbd;
-			break;
-			retObj = new Integer(Bytes.extractInt(values, noNullValue,swap));
-			if (desc.scale_ > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), desc.scale_);
-			}
-			break;
-			retObj = new Long(Bytes.extractUInt(values, noNullValue, swap));
-			if (desc.scale_ > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), desc.scale_);
-			}
-			break;
-			retObj = new Long(Bytes.extractLong(values, noNullValue, swap));
-			if (desc.scale_ > 0) {
-				retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retObj.toString()), desc.scale_);
-			}
-			break;
-			tbuffer = new byte[desc.sqlOctetLength_];
-			System.arraycopy(values, noNullValue, tbuffer, 0, desc.sqlOctetLength_);
-			retObj = InterfaceUtilities.convertSQLBigNumToBigDecimal(tbuffer, desc.scale_, swap);
-			break;
-			String retStr;
-			// check if the sign is minus (-80)
-			byte sign = (byte) (values[noNullValue] & (byte) (-80));
-			// first byte = inbyte - (-80)
-			if (sign == (byte) (-80)) {
-				byte firstByte = (byte) (values[noNullValue] - (byte) (-80));
-				retStr = "-" + firstByte
-						+ String.valueOf(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue + 1, desc.sqlOctetLength_ - 1));
-			} else {
-				retStr = String.valueOf(Bytes.read_chars(values, noNullValue, desc.sqlOctetLength_));
-			}
-			retObj = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(retStr), desc.scale_);
-			break;
-			retObj = new Float(Float.intBitsToFloat(Bytes.extractInt(values, noNullValue, swap)));
-			break;
-			retObj = new Double(Double.longBitsToDouble(Bytes.extractLong(values, noNullValue, swap)));
-			break;
-		default:
-			throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, conn.getLocale(), "restricted_data_type", null);
-		}
-		return retObj;
-	} // end getExecute2FetchString
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void setFetchOutputs(TrafT4ResultSet rs, int rowsAffected, boolean endOfData, byte[] outputDataValue)
-			throws SQLException
-	{
-		Row[] rowArray;
-		Object[] objectArray;
-		Object columnValue;
-		int columnCount;
-		int rowIndex;
-		int columnIndex;
-		int byteIndex = 0;
-		short SQLDataInd = 0;
-		int byteLen = 0;
-		int maxRowLen = rs.connection_.ic_.getTransportBufferSize(); // maxRowLen
-		rowArray = new Row[rowsAffected];
-		// get the number of colums
-		columnCount = rs.getNoOfColumns();
-		for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsAffected; rowIndex++) {
-			if (rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, rs, outputDataValue, rowsAffected,
-						endOfData, 0);
-				String temp = "Reading row = " + rowIndex;
-				rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "setFetchOutputs", temp, p);
-			}
-			objectArray = new Object[columnCount];
-			for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
-				if (rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, rs, outputDataValue,
-							rowsAffected, endOfData, 0);
-					String temp = "Reading column = " + columnIndex;
-					rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_
-							.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "setFetchOutputs", temp, p);
-				}
-				SQLDataInd = new Byte(outputDataValue[byteIndex++]).shortValue();
-				if (rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, rs, outputDataValue,
-							rowsAffected, endOfData, 0);
-					String temp = "Row = " + rowIndex + "," + "Column = " + columnIndex + " SQLDataInd is = "
-							+ SQLDataInd;
-					rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_
-							.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "setFetchOutputs", temp, p);
-				}
-				if (SQLDataInd == 0) {
-					short varDataLen;
-					if (outputDataValue.length > (byteIndex + 2)) {
-						varDataLen = Bytes.extractShort(outputDataValue, byteIndex, this.ic_.getByteSwap());
-					} else {
-						varDataLen = 0;
-					}
-					byteLen = dataLengthFetchPerf(rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlDataType_,
-							rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlDatetimeCode_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlOctetLength_,
-							maxRowLen, // maxLength
-							varDataLen, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].dataType_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].precision_);
-					columnValue = getFetchString(rs.connection_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].scale_,
-							rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlDataType_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlDatetimeCode_,
-							rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].fsDataType_, outputDataValue, byteIndex, byteLen,
-							rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlCharset_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].dataType_);
-					byteIndex = byteIndex + byteLen;
-					switch (rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].sqlDataType_) {
-						byteIndex++;
-						break;
-					}
-					if (columnValue == null) {
-						throw HPT4Messages
-								.createSQLException(rs.connection_.props_, ic_.getLocale(), "null_data", null);
-					}
-				} else {
-					columnValue = null;
-				}
-				objectArray[columnIndex] = columnValue;
-			}
-			rowArray[rowIndex] = new Row(columnCount, objectArray);
-		}
-		rs.setFetchOutputs(rowArray, rowsAffected, endOfData);
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	void setExecute2FetchOutputs(TrafT4ResultSet rs, int rowsAffected, boolean endOfData, byte[] values)
-			throws SQLException {
-		if (rs.useOldDateFormat()) {
-			setFetchOutputs(rs, rowsAffected, endOfData, values);
-			return;
-		}
-		Object[] objectArray;
-		Object columnValue;
-		Row[] rowArray = new Row[rowsAffected];
-		int columnCount = rs.getNoOfColumns();
-		int rowIndex;
-		int columnIndex;
-		int byteIndex = 0;
-		int SQLDataInd = 0;
-		int byteLen = 0;
-		int maxRowLen = rs.connection_.ic_.getTransportBufferSize(); // maxRowLen
-		objectArray = new Object[columnCount];
-		int dataLength = 0;
-		if (rs.outputDesc_ != null && rs.outputDesc_.length > 0) {
-			dataLength = rs.outputDesc_[0].rowLength_;
-		}
-		int rowOffset = 0;
-		for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsAffected; rowIndex++) {
-			rowOffset = rowIndex * dataLength;
-			for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
-				int noNullValueOffset = rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].noNullValue_;
-				int nullValueOffset = rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].nullValue_;
-				if (nullValueOffset != -1)
-					nullValueOffset += rowOffset;
-				if (noNullValueOffset != -1)
-					noNullValueOffset += rowOffset;
-				if (rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, rs, endOfData, values);
-					String temp = "Processing column = " + columnIndex + ":   noNullValueOffset = " + noNullValueOffset
-							+ ":   nullValueOffset = " + nullValueOffset;
-					rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "setExecute2FetchOutputs",
-							temp, p);
-				}
-				if (nullValueOffset != -1 && Bytes.extractShort(values, nullValueOffset, this.ic_.getByteSwap()) == -1) {
-					columnValue = null;
-				} else {
-					columnValue = getExecute2FetchString(rs.connection_, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex], values,
-							noNullValueOffset, rs.outputDesc_[columnIndex].dataType_, rs.useOldDateFormat(), this.ic_.getByteSwap());
-					if (columnValue == null) {
-						throw HPT4Messages
-								.createSQLException(rs.connection_.props_, ic_.getLocale(), "null_data", null);
-					}
-				} // end if else
-				objectArray[columnIndex] = columnValue;
-			} // end for
-			rowArray[rowIndex] = new Row(columnCount, objectArray);
-		}
-		rs.setFetchOutputs(rowArray, rowsAffected, endOfData);
-	} // end setExectue2FetchOutputs
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Interface methods
-	boolean fetch(String stmtLabel, int maxRowCnt, int queryTimeout, int holdability, TrafT4ResultSet rs)
-			throws SQLException {
-		int sqlAsyncEnable = 0;
-		int stmtHandle = 0;
-		int stmtCharset = 1;
-		String cursorName = "";
-		int cursorCharset = 1;
-		String stmtOptions = "";
-		boolean endOfData = false;
-		boolean dataFound = false;
-		String sqlStmt = ""; // qs_interface
-		if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, stmtLabel, maxRowCnt, queryTimeout,
-					holdability);
-			String temp = "Entering Fetch";
-			rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "fetch", temp, p);
-		}
-		if (rs_.stmt_ != null && rs_.stmt_.sql_ != null) {
-			sqlStmt = rs_.stmt_.sql_.toUpperCase();
-		}
-		FetchReply fr;
-		try {
-			fr = t4resultSet_.Fetch(sqlAsyncEnable, queryTimeout, stmtHandle, stmtCharset, maxRowCnt, cursorName,
-					cursorCharset, stmtOptions);
-		} catch (SQLException tex) {
-			if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, stmtLabel, maxRowCnt, queryTimeout,
-						holdability);
-				String temp = "SQLException while fetching.";
-				rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "fetch", temp, p);
-			}
-			throw tex;
-		}
-		switch (fr.returnCode) {
-			// do warning processing
-			if (fr.errorList.length != 0) {
-				HPT4Messages.setSQLWarning(rs.connection_.props_, rs, fr.errorList);
-			}
-			//endOfData = (fr.rowsAffected < maxRowCnt) ? true : false;
-			if (fr.rowsAffected > 0) {
-				if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, stmtLabel, maxRowCnt,
-							queryTimeout, holdability);
-					String temp = "Data Found. Setting fetch outputs";
-					rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "fetch", temp, p);
-				}
-				if (rs.keepRawBuffer_ == true) {
-					rs.rawBuffer_ = fr.outValues;
-				}
-				setExecute2FetchOutputs(rs, fr.rowsAffected, endOfData, fr.outValues);
-				dataFound = true;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 100: // fix this
-		case odbc_SQLSvc_Fetch_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_Fetch_SQLNoDataFound_exn_:
-			dataFound = false;
-			endOfData = true;
-			break;
-		default:
-			HPT4Messages.throwSQLException(rs.connection_.props_, fr.errorList);
-		}
-		if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs.connection_.props_, stmtLabel, maxRowCnt, queryTimeout,
-					holdability);
-			String temp = "Exiting Fetch.";
-			rs.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "fetch", temp, p);
-		}
-		// see if the rows fetched is valid
-		return dataFound;
-	};
-	void close() throws SQLException {
-		ic_.isConnectionOpen();
-		if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs_.connection_.props_);
-			String temp = "Closing resultset.";
-			rs_.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "close", temp, p);
-		}
-		int rval = 0;
-		CloseReply cry_ = null;
-		//
-		// If the query is non-unique, then close the result set (cursor).
-		// If the query was a unique select, then the result set was implicitly
-		// closed by NCS.
-		//
-		if (rs_ != null && rs_.stmt_ != null && rs_.stmt_.ist_ != null
-				&& rs_.stmt_.ist_.sqlQueryType_ != TRANSPORT.SQL_SELECT_UNIQUE) {
-			cry_ = t4resultSet_.Close();
-			switch (cry_.m_p1.exception_nr) {
-				// ignore the SQLWarning for the static close
-				break;
-			case odbc_SQLSvc_Close_exc_.odbc_SQLSvc_Close_SQLError_exn_:
-				if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs_.connection_.props_);
-					String temp = "odbc_SQLSvc_Close_SQLError_exn_";
-					rs_.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "close", temp, p);
-				}
-				HPT4Messages.throwSQLException(rs_.connection_.props_, cry_.m_p1.SQLError);
-			default:
-				if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-					Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs_.connection_.props_);
-					String temp = "UnknownException occurred during close.";
-					rs_.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "close", temp, p);
-				}
-				throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(rs_.connection_.props_, ic_.getLocale(),
-						"ids_unknown_reply_error", null);
-			} // end switch
-		} // end if
-		if (ic_.t4props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-			Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(rs_.connection_.props_);
-			String temp = "Closed resultset.";
-			rs_.connection_.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "close", temp, p);
-		}
-	};
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	static Object[] getExecute2Outputs(TrafT4Connection conn, HPT4Desc[] desc, byte[] values, boolean swap) throws SQLException
-	{
-		Object[] objectArray;
-		Object columnValue;
-		int columnIndex;
-		int columnCount = (desc == null) ? 0 : desc.length;
-		objectArray = new Object[columnCount];
-		for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
-			int noNullValueOffset = desc[columnIndex].noNullValue_;
-			int nullValueOffset = desc[columnIndex].nullValue_;
-			if (conn.props_.t4Logger_.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) == true) {
-				Object p[] = T4LoggingUtilities.makeParams(conn.props_, conn, desc, values);
-				String temp = "Processing column = " + columnIndex + ":   noNullValueOffset = " + noNullValueOffset
-						+ ":   nullValueOffset = " + nullValueOffset;
-				conn.props_.t4Logger_.logp(Level.FINEST, "InterfaceResultSet", "getExecute2Outputs", temp, p);
-			}
-			if ((nullValueOffset != -1 && Bytes.extractShort(values, nullValueOffset, swap) == -1)
-					|| (desc[columnIndex].paramMode_ == HPT4ParameterMetaData.parameterModeIn)) {
-				columnValue = null;
-			} else {
-				columnValue = getExecute2FetchString(conn, desc[columnIndex], values, noNullValueOffset,
-						desc[columnIndex].dataType_, false, swap);
-				if (columnValue == null) {
-					throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(conn.props_, conn.getLocale(), "null_data", null);
-				}
-			} // end if else
-			objectArray[columnIndex] = columnValue;
-		} // end for
-		return objectArray;
-	} // end getExectue2Outputs