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Posted to by Konstantin Knauf <> on 2019/10/20 17:27:39 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2019/42

Dear community,

happy to share this week's community update with the release of Flink
1.9.1, a couple of threads about our development process, the sql ecosystem
and more.

Flink Development

* [releases] *Apache Flink 1.9.1* was released. [1,2]

* [statefun] Stephan has started a separate discussion on whether to
maintain *Stateful Functions* in a separate repository or the Flink main
repository after its contribution to Apache Flink. The majority seems to
prefer a separate repository e.g. to enable quicker iterations on the new
code base and not to overwhelm new contributors to Stateful Functions. [3]

* [development process] The *NOTICE* file and the directory for licenses of
bundled dependencies for binary releases is now auto-generated during the
release process. [4]

* [development process] According to our *FLIP process* the introduction of
a new config option requires a FLIP (and vote). Aljoscha has started a
discussion to clarify this point, as this is currently not always the case.
Looks like the majority leans towards a vote for every configuration
change, but possibly making it more lightweight than a proper FLIP. [5]

* [development process] Xiyuan gave an update on *Flink's ARM support.*
Travis ARM Support is in alpha now (alternative to previously proposed
OpenLab), and regardless of the CI system
Xiyuan points the community to a list of PRs/Jiras, which need to be
solved/reviewed. [6]

* [configuration] The discussion on FLIP-59 to make the execution
configuration (ExecutionConfig et al.) configurable via the Flink
Configuration has been revived a bit and focuses on alignment with FLIP-73
and naming of the different configurations now. [7]

* [sql] Based on feedback from the user community, Timo proposes to rename
the "ANY" datatype "OPAQUE" highlighting that a field of type "ANY" does
not hold any type, but a data type that is unknown to Flink. [8]

* [sql] Jark has started a discussion on FLIP-80 [9] about how to
de/serialize expressions in catalogs. [10]


Notable Bugs

* [FLINK-14429] [1.9.1] [1.8.2] When you run a batch job on YARN in
non-detached mode, it will be reported as SUCCEEDED if when it actually
FAILED. [11]


Events, Blog Posts, Misc

* This discussion on the dev@ mailing list might be interesting to follow
for people using the StreamingFileSink or BucketingSink with S3.  [12]

* There will be full-day meetup with six talks in the Bangalore Kafka Group
on the 2nd of November including at least three Flink talks by *Timo Walter*
(Ververica), *Shashank Agarwal* (Razorpay) and *Rasyid Hakim* (GoJek).  [13]



Konstantin (@snntrable)


Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect

+49 160 91394525

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