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[GitHub] GJL closed pull request #7166: [FLINK-10985][tests] Enable submission of multiple jobs.

GJL closed pull request #7166: [FLINK-10985][tests] Enable submission of multiple jobs.

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/flink-jepsen/ b/flink-jepsen/
index a3e2668c26b..d2678f89302 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/
+++ b/flink-jepsen/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ semantics.
 ## Usage
 See the [Jepsen documentation](
-for how to set up the environment to run tests. The script under `scripts/` documents how to invoke
+for how to set up the environment to run tests. The script under `docker/` documents how to invoke
 tests. The Flink job used for testing is located under
 `flink-end-to-end-tests/flink-datastream-allround-test`. You have to build the job first and copy
 the resulting jar (`DataStreamAllroundTestProgram.jar`) to the `./bin` directory of this project's
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/docker/data-stream-test-program-parallelism-1.edn b/flink-jepsen/docker/data-stream-test-program-parallelism-1.edn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a20903e8897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flink-jepsen/docker/data-stream-test-program-parallelism-1.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+;; distributed with this work for additional information
+;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+;; limitations under the License.
+{:jobs [{:job-jar  "/jepsen/bin/DataStreamAllroundTestProgram.jar"
+         :job-args "--environment.parallelism 1 --state_backend.checkpoint_directory hdfs:///checkpoints --state_backend rocks true"}]}
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/docker/ b/flink-jepsen/docker/
index 8b2b1e6d18f..a81b873d692 100755
--- a/flink-jepsen/docker/
+++ b/flink-jepsen/docker/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 # limitations under the License.
+set -euo pipefail
 dockerdir=$(dirname $0)
 dockerdir=$(cd ${dockerdir}; pwd)
@@ -26,6 +28,27 @@ n2
-common_jepsen_args+=(--nodes-file ${dockerdir}/nodes)
+common_jepsen_args+=(--ha-storage-dir hdfs:///flink
+--test-spec "${dockerdir}/data-stream-test-program-parallelism-1.edn"
+--tarball ${2}
+--ssh-private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+--nodes-file ${dockerdir}/nodes)
+for i in $(seq 1 ${1})
+  echo "Executing run #${i} of ${1}"
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode yarn-session
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode yarn-session
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen fail-name-node-during-recovery --deployment-mode yarn-session
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode yarn-job
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode yarn-job
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen fail-name-node-during-recovery --deployment-mode yarn-job
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode mesos-session
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode mesos-session
-. ${dockerdir}/../scripts/ ${1} ${2} 1
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode standalone-session
+  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --client-gen cancel-jobs --deployment-mode standalone-session
+  echo
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/scripts/ b/flink-jepsen/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index a2b256b6f6a..00000000000
--- a/flink-jepsen/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -euo pipefail
-scripts=$(dirname $0)
-scripts=$(cd ${scripts}; pwd)
-common_jepsen_args+=(--ha-storage-dir hdfs:///flink
---job-jar ${scripts}/../bin/DataStreamAllroundTestProgram.jar
---tarball ${2}
---job-args "--environment.parallelism ${parallelism} --state_backend.checkpoint_directory hdfs:///checkpoints --state_backend rocks true"
---ssh-private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
-for i in $(seq 1 ${1})
-  echo "Executing run #${i} of ${1}"
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode yarn-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode yarn-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen fail-name-node-during-recovery --deployment-mode yarn-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode yarn-job
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode yarn-job
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen fail-name-node-during-recovery --deployment-mode yarn-job
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-task-managers --deployment-mode mesos-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode mesos-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --deployment-mode standalone-session
-  lein run test "${common_jepsen_args[@]}" --nemesis-gen kill-job-managers --client-gen cancel-job --deployment-mode standalone-session
-  echo
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/checker.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/checker.clj
index 7e437e9d628..b036b0a27d6 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/checker.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/checker.clj
@@ -155,34 +155,80 @@
   ([job-running-healthy-threshold job-recovery-grace-period]
    (job-running-within-grace-period job-running-healthy-threshold job-recovery-grace-period 10)))
-(defn get-job-running-history
+(defn- history->jobs-running?-value
-    (remove #(= (:process %) :nemesis))
+    (filter #(= (:f %) :jobs-running?))
     (remove #(= (:type %) :invoke))
-    (map :value)
-    (map boolean)
-    (remove nil?)))
+    (map :value)))
+(defn- history->job-ids
+  "Extracts all job ids from a history."
+  [history]
+  (set (->> history
+            (history->jobs-running?-value)
+            (map keys)
+            (flatten)
+            (remove nil?))))
+(defn all-jobs-running?-history
+  [history]
+  (->>
+    history
+    (history->jobs-running?-value)
+    (map vals)
+    (map #(and
+            (not (empty? %))
+            (every? true? %)))))
 (defn- healthy?
-  (>= (:healthy-count model) (:healthy-threshold model)))
+  (or (>= (:healthy-count model) (:healthy-threshold model))
+      (:job-canceled? model)))
+(defn- jobs-running?->job-running?
+  "Rewrites history entries of the form {:f :jobs-running? :value {...}}
+  Example: {:type ok :f :jobs-running? :value {job-id-1 true}} -> {:type ok :f :job-running? :value true}"
+  [history-entry job-id]
+  (let [job-running?-entry (assoc history-entry :f :job-running?)
+        job-running?-entry-ok (update job-running?-entry :value #(get % job-id))]
+    (if (= (:type history-entry) :ok)
+      job-running?-entry-ok
+      job-running?-entry)))
+(defn- history->single-job-history
+  "Rewrites a history to one that appears to run a single Flink job."
+  [history job-id]
+  (let [transform-history-entry (fn [history-entry]
+                                  (case (:f history-entry)
+                                    :jobs-running? (jobs-running?->job-running? history-entry job-id)
+                                    :cancel-jobs (assoc history-entry :f :cancel-job)
+                                    history-entry))]
+    (map transform-history-entry history)))
+(defn- compute-final-model
+  [model history]
+  (let [start-time (-> history first :time)]
+    (reduce model/step
+            (assoc model :last-failure start-time)
+            history)))
 (defn job-running-checker
     (check [_ test model history _]
-      (let [final (reduce model/step (assoc model :last-failure (:time (first history))) history)
-            result-map (conj {}
-                             (find test :nemesis-gen)
-                             (find test :deployment-mode))]
-        (if (or (model/inconsistent? final)
-                (and
-                  (not (healthy? final))
-                  (not (:job-canceled? final))))
-          (into result-map {:valid?      false
-                            :final-model final})
-          (into result-map {:valid?      true
-                            :final-model final}))))))
+      (let [job-ids (history->job-ids history)
+            individual-job-histories (map (partial history->single-job-history history) job-ids)
+            final-models (map (partial compute-final-model model) individual-job-histories)
+            inconsistent-or-unhealthy (or (empty? job-ids)
+                                          (some model/inconsistent? final-models)
+                                          (some (complement healthy?) final-models))
+            result-map (select-keys test [:nemesis-gen :deployment-mode])]
+        (if inconsistent-or-unhealthy
+          (into result-map {:valid?       false
+                            :final-models final-models})
+          (into result-map {:valid?       true
+                            :final-models final-models}))))))
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/client.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/client.clj
index 1ab987bd704..afbfe56e59b 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/client.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/client.clj
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@
                 (map :status)
                 (every? #(= "RUNNING" %)))))))
+(defn jobs-running?
+  "Checks if multiple jobs are running. Returns a map where the keys are job ids and the values are
+  booleans indicating whether the job is running or not."
+  [base-url job-ids]
+  (let [job-running-on-current-master? (partial job-running? base-url)
+        make-job-id-running?-pair (juxt identity job-running-on-current-master?)]
+    (into {} (map make-job-id-running?-pair job-ids))))
 (defn- cancel-job!
   "Cancels the specified job. Returns true if the job could be canceled.
   Returns false if the job does not exist. Throws an exception if the HTTP status
@@ -131,6 +139,10 @@
       (not (http/success? response)) (throw (ex-info "Job cancellation unsuccessful" {:job-id job-id :error error}))
       :else true)))
+(defn- cancel-jobs!
+  [base-url job-ids]
+  (doseq [job-id job-ids] (cancel-job! base-url job-id)))
 (defmacro dispatch-operation
   [op & body]
@@ -148,24 +160,24 @@
                                                                     (System/exit 1)))))
 (defn- dispatch-rest-operation!
-  [rest-url job-id op]
-  (assert job-id)
+  [rest-url job-ids op]
+  (assert job-ids)
   (if-not rest-url
     (assoc op :type :fail :error "Have not determined REST URL yet.")
     (case (:f op)
-      :job-running? (dispatch-operation op (fu/retry
-                                             (partial job-running? rest-url job-id)
-                                             :retries 3
-                                             :fallback #(throw %)))
-      :cancel-job (dispatch-operation-or-fatal op (cancel-job! rest-url job-id)))))
+      :jobs-running? (dispatch-operation op (fu/retry
+                                              (partial jobs-running? rest-url job-ids)
+                                              :retries 3
+                                              :fallback #(throw %)))
+      :cancel-jobs (dispatch-operation-or-fatal op (cancel-jobs! rest-url job-ids)))))
 (defrecord Client
-  [deploy-cluster!                                          ; function that starts a non-standalone cluster and submits the job
+  [deploy-cluster!                                          ; function that starts a non-standalone cluster and submits the jobs
    closer                                                   ; function that closes the ZK client
    rest-url                                                 ; atom storing the current rest-url
    init-future                                              ; future that completes if rest-url is set to an initial value
-   job-id                                                   ; atom storing the job-id
-   job-submitted?]                                          ; Has the job already been submitted? Used to avoid re-submission if the client is re-opened.
+   job-ids                                                  ; atom storing the job-ids
+   job-submitted?]                                          ; Have the jobs already been submitted? Used to avoid re-submission if the client is re-opened.
   (open! [this test _]
     (info "Open client.")
@@ -183,14 +195,13 @@
                            :fallback (fn [e]
                                        (fatal e "Could not get running jobs.")
                                        (System/exit 1)))
-            num-jobs (count jobs)
-            job (first jobs)]
-        (assert (= 1 num-jobs) (str "Expected 1 job, was " num-jobs))
-        (info "Submitted job" job)
-        (reset! job-id job))))
+            num-jobs (count jobs)]
+        (assert (pos? num-jobs) (str "Expected at least 1 job, was " num-jobs))
+        (info "Submitted jobs" jobs)
+        (reset! job-ids jobs))))
   (invoke! [_ _ op]
-    (dispatch-rest-operation! @rest-url @job-id op))
+    (dispatch-rest-operation! @rest-url @job-ids op))
   (teardown! [_ _])
   (close! [_ _]
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/db.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/db.clj
index 971c69e5000..30467767481 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/db.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/db.clj
@@ -69,6 +69,20 @@
     ;; TODO: write properly
     (c/exec (c/lit (str "sed -i'.bak' -e '/log4j.rootLogger=/ s/=.*/=DEBUG, file/' " install-dir "/conf/")))))
+(defn- file-name
+  [path]
+  (.getName ( path)))
+(defn upload-job-jar!
+  [job-jar]
+  (c/upload job-jar upload-dir)
+  (c/exec :mv (str upload-dir "/" (file-name job-jar)) install-dir))
+(defn upload-job-jars!
+  [job-jars]
+  (doseq [job-jar job-jars]
+    (upload-job-jar! job-jar)))
 (defn install-flink!
   [test node]
   (let [url (:tarball test)]
@@ -76,8 +90,7 @@
     (cu/install-archive! url install-dir)
     (info "Enable S3 FS")
     (c/exec (c/lit (str "ls " install-dir "/opt/flink-s3-fs-hadoop* | xargs -I {} mv {} " install-dir "/lib")))
-    (c/upload (:job-jar test) upload-dir)
-    (c/exec :mv (str upload-dir "/" (.getName ( (:job-jar test)))) install-dir)
+    (upload-job-jars! (->> test :test-spec :jobs (map :job-jar)))
     (write-configuration! test node)))
 (defn teardown-flink!
@@ -145,7 +158,7 @@
     (map #(str (name (first %)) "=" (second %)) m)
-    (clojure.string/join " ")
+    (apply fu/join-space)
     (#(str % " "))))
 (defn- hadoop-env-vars
@@ -158,26 +171,25 @@
     (c/exec (c/lit (str
-                     install-dir "/bin/flink " cmd " " args)))))
+                     install-dir "/bin/flink " cmd " " (apply fu/join-space args))))))
 (defn flink-run-cli-args
   "Returns the CLI args that should be passed to 'flink run'"
-  [test]
+  [job-spec]
-    (if (:main-class test)
-      [(str "-c " (:main-class test))]
+    (if (:main-class job-spec)
+      [(str "-c " (:main-class job-spec))]
 (defn submit-job!
   ([test] (submit-job! test []))
   ([test cli-args]
-   (exec-flink! "run" (clojure.string/join
-                        " "
-                        (concat cli-args
-                                (flink-run-cli-args test)
-                                [(str install-dir "/" (last (str/split (:job-jar test) #"/")))
-                                 (:job-args test)])))))
+   (doseq [{:keys [job-jar job-args] :as job-spec} (-> test :test-spec :jobs)]
+     (exec-flink! "run" (concat cli-args
+                                (flink-run-cli-args job-spec)
+                                [(str install-dir "/" (file-name job-jar))
+                                 job-args])))))
 ;;; Standalone
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/flink.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/flink.clj
index c5d0d225932..b2b7644cd02 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/flink.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/flink.clj
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
    :standalone-session {:db                  (fdb/flink-standalone-db)
                         :deployment-strategy fdb/submit-job-from-first-node!}})
-(def poll-job-running {:type :invoke, :f :job-running?, :value nil})
-(def cancel-job {:type :invoke, :f :cancel-job, :value nil})
-(def poll-job-running-loop (gen/seq (cycle [poll-job-running (gen/sleep 5)])))
+(def poll-jobs-running {:type :invoke, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil})
+(def cancel-jobs {:type :invoke, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil})
+(def poll-jobs-running-loop (gen/seq (cycle [poll-jobs-running (gen/sleep 5)])))
 (defn default-client-gen
   "Client generator that polls for the job running status."
-    poll-job-running-loop
+    poll-jobs-running-loop
 (defn cancelling-client-gen
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
     (gen/concat (gen/time-limit 15 (default-client-gen))
-                (gen/once cancel-job)
+                (gen/once cancel-jobs)
 (def client-gens
   {:poll-job-running default-client-gen
-   :cancel-job       cancelling-client-gen})
+   :cancel-jobs      cancelling-client-gen})
 (defn flink-test
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
        (clojure.string/join ", ")
        (str "Must be one of: ")))
+(defn read-test-spec
+  [path]
+  (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp path)))
 (defn -main
   [& args]
@@ -101,10 +105,8 @@
         {:test-fn  flink-test
          :tarball  fdb/default-flink-dist-url
-         :opt-spec [[nil "--ha-storage-dir DIR" "high-availability.storageDir"]
-                    [nil "--job-jar JAR" "Path to the job jar"]
-                    [nil "--job-args ARGS" "CLI arguments for the flink job"]
-                    [nil "--main-class CLASS" "Job main class"]
+         :opt-spec [[nil "--test-spec FILE" "" :parse-fn read-test-spec]
+                    [nil "--ha-storage-dir DIR" "high-availability.storageDir"]
                     [nil "--nemesis-gen GEN" (str "Which nemesis should be used?"
                                                   (keys-as-allowed-values-help-text fn/nemesis-generator-factories))
                      :parse-fn keyword
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/nemesis.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/nemesis.clj
index 5335bba874c..07d69ead9cf 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/nemesis.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/nemesis.clj
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
                           job-running-history (->>
                                                 (filter (fn [op] (>= (- (:time op) @t) 0)))
-                                                (flink-checker/get-job-running-history)
+                                                (flink-checker/all-jobs-running?-history)
                                                 (take-last-with-default job-running-healthy-threshold false))]
                       (if (or
                             (every? true? job-running-history)
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/utils.clj b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/utils.clj
index 1aa53efe7ae..6634a7ec83a 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/utils.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/src/jepsen/flink/utils.clj
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
          (recur op (assoc keys :retries (dec retries))))
        (success r)))))
+(defn join-space
+  [& tokens]
+  (clojure.string/join " " tokens))
 (defn find-files!
   "Lists files recursively given a directory. If the directory does not exist, an empty collection
   is returned."
diff --git a/flink-jepsen/test/jepsen/flink/checker_test.clj b/flink-jepsen/test/jepsen/flink/checker_test.clj
index c27d751e69e..d1ade1645b0 100644
--- a/flink-jepsen/test/jepsen/flink/checker_test.clj
+++ b/flink-jepsen/test/jepsen/flink/checker_test.clj
@@ -20,96 +20,99 @@
              [checker :as checker]]
             [jepsen.flink.checker :refer :all]))
-(deftest get-job-running-history-test
+(deftest all-jobs-running?-history-test
   (let [history [{:type :info, :f :kill-random-subset-task-managers, :process :nemesis, :time 121898381144, :value '("")}
-                 {:type :invoke, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127443701575}
-                 {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 127453553462}
-                 {:type :invoke, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127453553463}
-                 {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 127453553464}
-                 {:type :info, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127453553465}]]
-    (is (= (get-job-running-history history) [false true false]))))
+                 {:type :invoke, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127443701575}
+                 {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value {"3886d6b547969c3f15c53896bb496b8f" false}, :process 0, :time 127453553462}
+                 {:type :invoke, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127453553463}
+                 {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value {"3886d6b547969c3f15c53896bb496b8f" true}, :process 0, :time 127453553464}
+                 {:type :info, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 127453553465}]]
+    (is (= [false true false] (all-jobs-running?-history history)))))
 (deftest job-running-checker-test
   (let [checker (job-running-checker)
         test {}
         model (job-running-within-grace-period 3 60 10)
         opts {}
-        check (fn [history] (checker/check checker test model history opts))]
+        check (fn [history] (checker/check checker test model history opts))
+        job-running-value {"3886d6b547969c3f15c53896bb496b8f" true}
+        job-not-running-value {"3886d6b547969c3f15c53896bb496b8f" false}]
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if job is not running after grace period."
       (let [result (check
                      [{:type :info, :f :kill-task-managers, :process :nemesis, :time 0, :value [""]}
-                      {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 60000000001}])]
+                      {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-not-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000001}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Job is not running." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Job is not running." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Model should be consistent if job is running after grace period."
       (is (= true (:valid? (check
                              [{:type :info, :f :kill-task-managers, :process :nemesis, :time 0, :value [""]}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000002}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000003}])))))
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000002}
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000003}])))))
     (testing "Should tolerate non-running job during failures."
       (is (= true (:valid? (check
                              [{:type :info, :f :partition-start, :process :nemesis, :time -1}
                               {:type :info, :f :partition-start, :process :nemesis, :time 0, :value "Cut off [...]"}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-not-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
                               {:type :info, :f :partition-stop, :process :nemesis, :time 60000000002}
                               {:type :info, :f :partition-stop, :process :nemesis, :time 60000000003, :value "fully connected"}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000004}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000005}
-                              {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000006}])))))
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000004}
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000005}
+                              {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000006}])))))
     (testing "Should not tolerate non-running job without a cause."
       (let [result (check
-                     [{:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 0}
-                      {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 1}
-                      {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
-                      {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 60000000002}])]
+                     [{:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 0}
+                      {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 1}
+                      {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-not-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000001}
+                      {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 60000000002}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Job is not running." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Job is not running." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if job submission was unsuccessful."
-      (let [result (check [{:type :invoke, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 239150413307}
-                           {:type :info, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 239150751938, :error "indeterminate: Assert failed: job-id"}])]
+      (let [result (check [{:type :invoke, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 239150413307}
+                           {:type :info, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 239150751938, :error "indeterminate: Assert failed: job-id"}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))))
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if the job status cannot be polled, i.e., if the cluster is unavailable."
-      (let [result (check [{:type :fail, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0 :error "Error"}
-                           {:type :fail, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000001 :error "Error"}
-                           {:type :fail, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000002 :error "Error"}])]
+      (let [result (check [{:type :fail, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 0 :error "Error"}
+                           {:type :fail, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000001 :error "Error"}
+                           {:type :fail, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000002 :error "Error"}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Should tolerate non-running job after cancellation."
-      (is (= true (:valid? (check [{:type :invoke, :f :cancel-job, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :cancel-job, :value true, :process 0, :time 1}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 2}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 3}])))))
+      (is (= true (:valid? (check [{:type :invoke, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil, :process 0, :time 1}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 2}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-not-running-value, :process 0, :time 3}])))))
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if job is running after cancellation."
-      (let [result (check [{:type :invoke, :f :cancel-job, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
-                           {:type :ok, :f :cancel-job, :value true, :process 0, :time 1}
-                           {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 10000000002}])]
+      (let [result (check [{:type :invoke, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
+                           {:type :ok, :f :cancel-jobs, :value true, :process 0, :time 1}
+                           {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 10000000002}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Job is running after cancellation." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Job is running after cancellation." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if Flink cluster is not available at the end."
-      (let [result (check [{:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 0}
-                           {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 1}
-                           {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 2}
-                           {:type :fail, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000003, :error "Error"}])]
+      (let [result (check [{:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 0}
+                           {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 1}
+                           {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 2}
+                           {:type :fail, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000003, :error "Error"}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Model should be inconsistent if Flink cluster is not available after job cancellation."
-      (let [result (check [{:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 0}
-                           {:type :invoke, :f :cancel-job, :value nil, :process 0, :time 1}
-                           {:type :ok, :f :cancel-job, :value true, :process 0, :time 2}
-                           {:type :fail, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000001, :error "Error"}])]
+      (let [result (check [{:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 0}
+                           {:type :invoke, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil, :process 0, :time 1}
+                           {:type :ok, :f :cancel-jobs, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 2}
+                           {:type :fail, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 60000000001, :error "Error"}])]
         (is (= false (:valid? result)))
-        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-model :msg)))))
+        (is (= "Cluster is not running." (-> result :final-models first :msg)))))
     (testing "Should throw AssertionError if job cancelling operation failed."
       (is (thrown-with-msg? AssertionError
                             #":cancel-job must not fail"
-                            (check [{:type :fail, :f :cancel-job, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}]))))
+                            (check [{:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 0}
+                                    {:type :fail, :f :cancel-jobs, :value nil, :process 0, :time 1}]))))
     (testing "Should tolerate non-running job if grace period has not passed."
-      (is (= true (:valid? (check [{:type :invoke, :f :job-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value false, :process 0, :time 1}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 2}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 3}
-                                   {:type :ok, :f :job-running?, :value true, :process 0, :time 4}])))))))
+      (is (= true (:valid? (check [{:type :invoke, :f :jobs-running?, :value nil, :process 0, :time 0}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-not-running-value, :process 0, :time 1}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 2}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 3}
+                                   {:type :ok, :f :jobs-running?, :value job-running-value, :process 0, :time 4}])))))))
 (deftest safe-inc-test
   (is (= (safe-inc nil) 1))


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