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+          <h1>Stripes</h1>
+          <p>The body of ORC files consists of a series of stripes. Stripes are
+large (typically ~200MB) and independent of each other and are often
+processed by different tasks. The defining characteristic for columnar
+storage formats is that the data for each column is stored separately
+and that reading data out of the file should be proportional to the
+number of columns read.</p>
+<p>In ORC files, each column is stored in several streams that are stored
+next to each other in the file. For example, an integer column is
+represented as two streams PRESENT, which uses one with a bit per
+value recording if the value is non-null, and DATA, which records the
+non-null values. If all of a column’s values in a stripe are non-null,
+the PRESENT stream is omitted from the stripe. For binary data, ORC
+uses three streams PRESENT, DATA, and LENGTH, which stores the length
+of each value. The details of each type will be presented in the
+following subsections.</p>
+<h1 id="stripe-footer">Stripe Footer</h1>
+<p>The stripe footer contains the encoding of each column and the
+directory of the streams including their location.</p>
+<p><code>message StripeFooter {
+ // the location of each stream
+ repeated Stream streams = 1;
+ // the encoding of each column
+ repeated ColumnEncoding columns = 2;
+<p>To describe each stream, ORC stores the kind of stream, the column id,
+and the stream’s size in bytes. The details of what is stored in each stream
+depends on the type and encoding of the column.</p>
+<p><code>message Stream {
+ enum Kind {
+ // boolean stream of whether the next value is non-null
+ PRESENT = 0;
+ // the primary data stream
+ DATA = 1;
+ // the length of each value for variable length data
+ LENGTH = 2;
+ // the dictionary blob
+ // deprecated prior to Hive 0.11
+ // It was used to store the number of instances of each value in the
+ // dictionary
+ // a secondary data stream
+ // the index for seeking to particular row groups
+ ROW_INDEX = 6;
+ }
+ required Kind kind = 1;
+ // the column id
+ optional uint32 column = 2;
+ // the number of bytes in the file
+ optional uint64 length = 3;
+<p>Depending on their type several options for encoding are possible. The
+encodings are divided into direct or dictionary-based categories and
+further refined as to whether they use RLE v1 or v2.</p>
+<p><code>message ColumnEncoding {
+ enum Kind {
+ // the encoding is mapped directly to the stream using RLE v1
+ DIRECT = 0;
+ // the encoding uses a dictionary of unique values using RLE v1
+ // the encoding is direct using RLE v2
+ DIRECT\_V2 = 2;
+ // the encoding is dictionary-based using RLE v2
+ }
+ required Kind kind = 1;
+ // for dictionary encodings, record the size of the dictionary
+ optional uint32 dictionarySize = 2;
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+          <h1>Types</h1>
+          <p>ORC files are completely self-describing and do not depend on the Hive
+Metastore or any other external metadata. The file includes all of the
+type and encoding information for the objects stored in the file. Because the
+file is self-contained, it does not depend on the user’s environment to
+correctly interpret the file’s contents.</p>
+<p>ORC provides a rich set of scalar and compound types:</p>
+  <li>Integer
+    <ul>
+      <li>boolean (1 bit)</li>
+      <li>tinyint (8 bit)</li>
+      <li>smallint (16 bit)</li>
+      <li>int (32 bit)</li>
+      <li>bigint (64 bit)</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>Floating point
+    <ul>
+      <li>float</li>
+      <li>double</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>String types
+    <ul>
+      <li>string</li>
+      <li>char</li>
+      <li>varchar</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>Binary blobs
+    <ul>
+      <li>binary</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>Date/time
+    <ul>
+      <li>timestamp</li>
+      <li>date</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>Compound types
+    <ul>
+      <li>struct</li>
+      <li>list</li>
+      <li>map</li>
+      <li>union</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<p>All ORC file are logically sequences of identically typed objects. Hive
+always uses a struct with a field for each of the top-level columns as
+the root object type, but that is not required. All types in ORC can take
+null values including the compound types.</p>
+<p>Compound types have children columns that hold the values for their
+sub-elements. For example, a struct column has one child column for
+each field of the struct. Lists always have a single child column for
+the element values and maps always have two child columns. Union
+columns have one child column for each of the variants.</p>
+<p>Given the following definition of the table Foobar, the columns in the
+file would form the given tree.</p>
+<p><code>create table Foobar (
+ myInt int,
+ myMap map&lt;string,
+ struct&lt;myString : string,
+ myDouble: double&gt;&gt;,
+ myTime timestamp
+<p><img src="/img/TreeWriters.png" alt="ORC column structure" /></p>
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