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[28/50] [abbrv] incubator-nifi git commit: NIFI-27: - Starting to upgrade jQuery and jQuery UI.
diff --git a/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min.js b/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min.js
deleted file mode 100755
index adb6986..0000000
--- a/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6354 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-(function (c, j) {
-    function k(a) {
-        return!c(a).parents().andSelf().filter(function () {
-            return c.curCSS(this, "visibility") === "hidden" || c.expr.filters.hidden(this)
-        }).length
-    }
-    c.ui = c.ui || {};
-    if (!c.ui.version) {
-        c.extend(c.ui, {version: "1.8.10", keyCode: {ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, COMMA: 188, COMMAND: 91, COMMAND_LEFT: 91, COMMAND_RIGHT: 93, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, INSERT: 45, LEFT: 37, MENU: 93, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106,
-                NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, WINDOWS: 91}});
-        c.fn.extend({_focus: c.fn.focus, focus: function (a, b) {
-                return typeof a === "number" ? this.each(function () {
-                    var d = this;
-                    setTimeout(function () {
-                        c(d).focus();
-                        b &&
-                    }, a)
-                }) : this._focus.apply(this, arguments)
-            }, scrollParent: function () {
-                var a;
-                a = c.browser.msie && /(static|relative)/.test(this.css("position")) || /absolute/.test(this.css("position")) ? this.parents().filter(function () {
-                    return/(relative|absolute|fixed)/.test(c.curCSS(this,
-                            "position", 1)) && /(auto|scroll)/.test(c.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + c.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + c.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1))
-                }).eq(0) : this.parents().filter(function () {
-                    return/(auto|scroll)/.test(c.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + c.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + c.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1))
-                }).eq(0);
-                return/fixed/.test(this.css("position")) || !a.length ? c(document) : a
-            }, zIndex: function (a) {
-                if (a !== j)
-                    return this.css("zIndex", a);
-                if (this.length) {
-                    a = c(this[0]);
-                    for (var b; a.length && a[0] !== document; ) {
-                        b = a.css("position");
-                        if (b === "absolute" || b === "relative" || b === "fixed") {
-                            b = parseInt(a.css("zIndex"), 10);
-                            if (!isNaN(b) && b !== 0)
-                                return b
-                        }
-                        a = a.parent()
-                    }
-                }
-                return 0
-            }, disableSelection: function () {
-                return this.bind(( ? "selectstart" : "mousedown") + ".ui-disableSelection", function (a) {
-                    a.preventDefault()
-                })
-            }, enableSelection: function () {
-                return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection")
-            }});
-        c.each(["Width", "Height"], function (a, b) {
-            function d(f, g, l, m) {
-                c.each(e, function () {
-                    g -= parseFloat(c.curCSS(f, "padding" + this, true)) || 0;
-                    if (l)
-                        g -= parseFloat(c.curCSS(f,
-                                "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0;
-                    if (m)
-                        g -= parseFloat(c.curCSS(f, "margin" + this, true)) || 0
-                });
-                return g
-            }
-            var e = b === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"], h = b.toLowerCase(), i = {innerWidth: c.fn.innerWidth, innerHeight: c.fn.innerHeight, outerWidth: c.fn.outerWidth, outerHeight: c.fn.outerHeight};
-            c.fn["inner" + b] = function (f) {
-                if (f === j)
-                    return i["inner" + b].call(this);
-                return this.each(function () {
-                    c(this).css(h, d(this, f) + "px")
-                })
-            };
-            c.fn["outer" + b] = function (f, g) {
-                if (typeof f !== "number")
-                    return i["outer" + b].call(this, f);
-                return this.each(function () {
-                    c(this).css(h,
-                            d(this, f, true, g) + "px")
-                })
-            }
-        });
-        c.extend(c.expr[":"], {data: function (a, b, d) {
-                return!!, d[3])
-            }, focusable: function (a) {
-                var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(), d = c.attr(a, "tabindex");
-                if ("area" === b) {
-                    b = a.parentNode;
-                    d =;
-                    if (!a.href || !d || b.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "map")
-                        return false;
-                    a = c("img[usemap=#" + d + "]")[0];
-                    return!!a && k(a)
-                }
-                return(/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(b) ? !a.disabled : "a" == b ? a.href || !isNaN(d) : !isNaN(d)) && k(a)
-            }, tabbable: function (a) {
-                var b = c.attr(a, "tabindex");
-                return(isNaN(b) || b >= 0) && c(a).is(":focusable")
-            }});
-        c(function () {
-            var a = document.body, b = a.appendChild(b = document.createElement("div"));
-            c.extend(, {minHeight: "100px", height: "auto", padding: 0, borderWidth: 0});
-   = b.offsetHeight === 100;
-   = "onselectstart"in b;
-            a.removeChild(b).style.display = "none"
-        });
-        c.extend(c.ui, {plugin: {add: function (a, b, d) {
-                    a = c.ui[a].prototype;
-                    for (var e in d) {
-                        a.plugins[e] = a.plugins[e] || [];
-                        a.plugins[e].push([b, d[e]])
-                    }
-                }, call: function (a, b, d) {
-                    if ((b = a.plugins[b]) && a.element[0].parentNode)
-                        for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
-                            a.options[b[e][0]] &&
-                                    b[e][1].apply(a.element, d)
-                }}, contains: function (a, b) {
-                return document.compareDocumentPosition ? a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16 : a !== b && a.contains(b)
-            }, hasScroll: function (a, b) {
-                if (c(a).css("overflow") === "hidden")
-                    return false;
-                b = b && b === "left" ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop";
-                var d = false;
-                if (a[b] > 0)
-                    return true;
-                a[b] = 1;
-                d = a[b] > 0;
-                a[b] = 0;
-                return d
-            }, isOverAxis: function (a, b, d) {
-                return a > b && a < b + d
-            }, isOver: function (a, b, d, e, h, i) {
-                return c.ui.isOverAxis(a, d, h) && c.ui.isOverAxis(b, e, i)
-            }})
-    }
- * jQuery UI Widget 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-(function (b, j) {
-    if (b.cleanData) {
-        var k = b.cleanData;
-        b.cleanData = function (a) {
-            for (var c = 0, d; (d = a[c]) != null; c++)
-                b(d).triggerHandler("remove");
-            k(a)
-        }
-    } else {
-        var l = b.fn.remove;
-        b.fn.remove = function (a, c) {
-            return this.each(function () {
-                if (!c)
-                    if (!a || b.filter(a, [this]).length)
-                        b("*", this).add([this]).each(function () {
-                            b(this).triggerHandler("remove")
-                        });
-                return, a, c)
-            })
-        }
-    }
-    b.widget = function (a, c, d) {
-        var e = a.split(".")[0], f;
-        a = a.split(".")[1];
-        f = e + "-" + a;
-        if (!d) {
-            d = c;
-            c = b.Widget
-        }
-        b.expr[":"][f] = function (h) {
-            return!!,
-                    a)
-        };
-        b[e] = b[e] || {};
-        b[e][a] = function (h, g) {
-            arguments.length && this._createWidget(h, g)
-        };
-        c = new c;
-        c.options = b.extend(true, {}, c.options);
-        b[e][a].prototype = b.extend(true, c, {namespace: e, widgetName: a, widgetEventPrefix: b[e][a].prototype.widgetEventPrefix || a, widgetBaseClass: f}, d);
-        b.widget.bridge(a, b[e][a])
-    };
-    b.widget.bridge = function (a, c) {
-        b.fn[a] = function (d) {
-            var e = typeof d === "string", f =, 1), h = this;
-            d = !e && f.length ? b.extend.apply(null, [true, d].concat(f)) : d;
-            if (e && d.charAt(0) === "_")
-                return h;
-            e ? this.each(function () {
-                var g =, a), i = g && b.isFunction(g[d]) ? g[d].apply(g, f) : g;
-                if (i !== g && i !== j) {
-                    h = i;
-                    return false
-                }
-            }) : this.each(function () {
-                var g =, a);
-                g ? g.option(d || {})._init() :, a, new c(d, this))
-            });
-            return h
-        }
-    };
-    b.Widget = function (a, c) {
-        arguments.length && this._createWidget(a, c)
-    };
-    b.Widget.prototype = {widgetName: "widget", widgetEventPrefix: "", options: {disabled: false}, _createWidget: function (a, c) {
-  , this.widgetName, this);
-            this.element = b(c);
-            this.options = b.extend(true, {}, this.options,
-                    this._getCreateOptions(), a);
-            var d = this;
-            this.element.bind("remove." + this.widgetName, function () {
-                d.destroy()
-            });
-            this._create();
-            this._trigger("create");
-            this._init()
-        }, _getCreateOptions: function () {
-            return b.metadata && b.metadata.get(this.element[0])[this.widgetName]
-        }, _create: function () {
-        }, _init: function () {
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            this.element.unbind("." + this.widgetName).removeData(this.widgetName);
-            this.widget().unbind("." + this.widgetName).removeAttr("aria-disabled").removeClass(this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled ui-state-disabled")
-        },
-        widget: function () {
-            return this.element
-        }, option: function (a, c) {
-            var d = a;
-            if (arguments.length === 0)
-                return b.extend({}, this.options);
-            if (typeof a === "string") {
-                if (c === j)
-                    return this.options[a];
-                d = {};
-                d[a] = c
-            }
-            this._setOptions(d);
-            return this
-        }, _setOptions: function (a) {
-            var c = this;
-            b.each(a, function (d, e) {
-                c._setOption(d, e)
-            });
-            return this
-        }, _setOption: function (a, c) {
-            this.options[a] = c;
-            if (a === "disabled")
-                this.widget()[c ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled ui-state-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", c);
-            return this
-        },
-        enable: function () {
-            return this._setOption("disabled", false)
-        }, disable: function () {
-            return this._setOption("disabled", true)
-        }, _trigger: function (a, c, d) {
-            var e = this.options[a];
-            c = b.Event(c);
-            c.type = (a === this.widgetEventPrefix ? a : this.widgetEventPrefix + a).toLowerCase();
-            d = d || {};
-            if (c.originalEvent) {
-                a = b.event.props.length;
-                for (var f; a; ) {
-                    f = b.event.props[--a];
-                    c[f] = c.originalEvent[f]
-                }
-            }
-            this.element.trigger(c, d);
-            return!(b.isFunction(e) &&[0], c, d) === false || c.isDefaultPrevented())
-        }}
- * jQuery UI Mouse 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Depends:
- *	jquery.ui.widget.js
- */
-(function (c) {
-    c.widget("ui.mouse", {options: {cancel: ":input,option", distance: 1, delay: 0}, _mouseInit: function () {
-            var a = this;
-            this.element.bind("mousedown." + this.widgetName, function (b) {
-                return a._mouseDown(b)
-            }).bind("click." + this.widgetName, function (b) {
-                if (true ===, a.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent")) {
-                    c.removeData(, a.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent");
-                    b.stopImmediatePropagation();
-                    return false
-                }
-            });
-            this.started = false
-        }, _mouseDestroy: function () {
-            this.element.unbind("." + this.widgetName)
-        }, _mouseDown: function (a) {
-            a.originalEvent =
-                    a.originalEvent || {};
-            if (!a.originalEvent.mouseHandled) {
-                this._mouseStarted && this._mouseUp(a);
-                this._mouseDownEvent = a;
-                var b = this, e = a.which == 1, f = typeof this.options.cancel == "string" ? c( : false;
-                if (!e || f || !this._mouseCapture(a))
-                    return true;
-                this.mouseDelayMet = !this.options.delay;
-                if (!this.mouseDelayMet)
-                    this._mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () {
-                        b.mouseDelayMet = true
-                    }, this.options.delay);
-                if (this._mouseDistanceMet(a) && this._mouseDelayMet(a)) {
-                    this._mouseStarted =
-                            this._mouseStart(a) !== false;
-                    if (!this._mouseStarted) {
-                        a.preventDefault();
-                        return true
-                    }
-                }
-                this._mouseMoveDelegate = function (d) {
-                    return b._mouseMove(d)
-                };
-                this._mouseUpDelegate = function (d) {
-                    return b._mouseUp(d)
-                };
-                c(document).bind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).bind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
-                a.preventDefault();
-                return a.originalEvent.mouseHandled = true
-            }
-        }, _mouseMove: function (a) {
-            if (c.browser.msie && !(document.documentMode >= 9) && !a.button)
-                return this._mouseUp(a);
-            if (this._mouseStarted) {
-                this._mouseDrag(a);
-                return a.preventDefault()
-            }
-            if (this._mouseDistanceMet(a) && this._mouseDelayMet(a))
-                (this._mouseStarted = this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, a) !== false) ? this._mouseDrag(a) : this._mouseUp(a);
-            return!this._mouseStarted
-        }, _mouseUp: function (a) {
-            c(document).unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
-            if (this._mouseStarted) {
-                this._mouseStarted = false;
-       == &&, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent",
-                        true);
-                this._mouseStop(a)
-            }
-            return false
-        }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (a) {
-            return Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - a.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - a.pageY)) >= this.options.distance
-        }, _mouseDelayMet: function () {
-            return this.mouseDelayMet
-        }, _mouseStart: function () {
-        }, _mouseDrag: function () {
-        }, _mouseStop: function () {
-        }, _mouseCapture: function () {
-            return true
-        }})
- * jQuery UI Position 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-(function (c) {
-    c.ui = c.ui || {};
-    var n = /left|center|right/, o = /top|center|bottom/, t = c.fn.position, u = c.fn.offset;
-    c.fn.position = function (b) {
-        if (!b || !b.of)
-            return t.apply(this, arguments);
-        b = c.extend({}, b);
-        var a = c(b.of), d = a[0], g = (b.collision || "flip").split(" "), e = b.offset ? b.offset.split(" ") : [0, 0], h, k, j;
-        if (d.nodeType === 9) {
-            h = a.width();
-            k = a.height();
-            j = {top: 0, left: 0}
-        } else if (d.setTimeout) {
-            h = a.width();
-            k = a.height();
-            j = {top: a.scrollTop(), left: a.scrollLeft()}
-        } else if (d.preventDefault) {
-   = "left top";
-            h = k = 0;
-            j = {top: b.of.pageY,
-                left: b.of.pageX}
-        } else {
-            h = a.outerWidth();
-            k = a.outerHeight();
-            j = a.offset()
-        }
-        c.each(["my", "at"], function () {
-            var f = (b[this] || "").split(" ");
-            if (f.length === 1)
-                f = n.test(f[0]) ? f.concat(["center"]) : o.test(f[0]) ? ["center"].concat(f) : ["center", "center"];
-            f[0] = n.test(f[0]) ? f[0] : "center";
-            f[1] = o.test(f[1]) ? f[1] : "center";
-            b[this] = f
-        });
-        if (g.length === 1)
-            g[1] = g[0];
-        e[0] = parseInt(e[0], 10) || 0;
-        if (e.length === 1)
-            e[1] = e[0];
-        e[1] = parseInt(e[1], 10) || 0;
-        if ([0] === "right")
-            j.left += h;
-        else if ([0] === "center")
-            j.left += h / 2;
-        if ([1] === "bottom")
-   +=
-                    k;
-        else if ([1] === "center")
-   += k / 2;
-        j.left += e[0];
- += e[1];
-        return this.each(function () {
-            var f = c(this), l = f.outerWidth(), m = f.outerHeight(), p = parseInt(c.curCSS(this, "marginLeft", true)) || 0, q = parseInt(c.curCSS(this, "marginTop", true)) || 0, v = l + p + (parseInt(c.curCSS(this, "marginRight", true)) || 0), w = m + q + (parseInt(c.curCSS(this, "marginBottom", true)) || 0), i = c.extend({}, j), r;
-            if ([0] === "right")
-                i.left -= l;
-            else if ([0] === "center")
-                i.left -= l / 2;
-            if ([1] === "bottom")
-       -= m;
-            else if ([1] === "center")
-       -=
-                        m / 2;
-            i.left = Math.round(i.left);
-   = Math.round(;
-            r = {left: i.left - p, top: - q};
-            c.each(["left", "top"], function (s, x) {
-                c.ui.position[g[s]] && c.ui.position[g[s]][x](i, {targetWidth: h, targetHeight: k, elemWidth: l, elemHeight: m, collisionPosition: r, collisionWidth: v, collisionHeight: w, offset: e, my:, at:})
-            });
-            c.fn.bgiframe && f.bgiframe();
-            f.offset(c.extend(i, {using: b.using}))
-        })
-    };
-    c.ui.position = {fit: {left: function (b, a) {
-                var d = c(window);
-                d = a.collisionPosition.left + a.collisionWidth - d.width() - d.scrollLeft();
-                b.left =
-                        d > 0 ? b.left - d : Math.max(b.left - a.collisionPosition.left, b.left)
-            }, top: function (b, a) {
-                var d = c(window);
-                d = + a.collisionHeight - d.height() - d.scrollTop();
-       = d > 0 ? - d : Math.max( -,
-            }}, flip: {left: function (b, a) {
-                if ([0] !== "center") {
-                    var d = c(window);
-                    d = a.collisionPosition.left + a.collisionWidth - d.width() - d.scrollLeft();
-                    var g =[0] === "left" ? -a.elemWidth :[0] === "right" ? a.elemWidth : 0, e =[0] === "left" ? a.targetWidth : -a.targetWidth, h = -2 * a.offset[0];
-                    b.left +=
-                            a.collisionPosition.left < 0 ? g + e + h : d > 0 ? g + e + h : 0
-                }
-            }, top: function (b, a) {
-                if ([1] !== "center") {
-                    var d = c(window);
-                    d = + a.collisionHeight - d.height() - d.scrollTop();
-                    var g =[1] === "top" ? -a.elemHeight :[1] === "bottom" ? a.elemHeight : 0, e =[1] === "top" ? a.targetHeight : -a.targetHeight, h = -2 * a.offset[1];
-           += < 0 ? g + e + h : d > 0 ? g + e + h : 0
-                }
-            }}};
-    if (!c.offset.setOffset) {
-        c.offset.setOffset = function (b, a) {
-            if (/static/.test(c.curCSS(b, "position")))
-       = "relative";
-            var d = c(b),
-                    g = d.offset(), e = parseInt(c.curCSS(b, "top", true), 10) || 0, h = parseInt(c.curCSS(b, "left", true), 10) || 0;
-            g = {top: - + e, left: a.left - g.left + h};
-            "using"in a ?, g) : d.css(g)
-        };
-        c.fn.offset = function (b) {
-            var a = this[0];
-            if (!a || !a.ownerDocument)
-                return null;
-            if (b)
-                return this.each(function () {
-                    c.offset.setOffset(this, b)
-                });
-            return
-        }
-    }
- * jQuery UI Draggable 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Depends:
- *	jquery.ui.core.js
- *	jquery.ui.mouse.js
- *	jquery.ui.widget.js
- */
-(function (d) {
-    d.widget("ui.draggable", d.ui.mouse, {widgetEventPrefix: "drag", options: {addClasses: true, appendTo: "parent", axis: false, connectToSortable: false, containment: false, cursor: "auto", cursorAt: false, grid: false, handle: false, helper: "original", iframeFix: false, opacity: false, refreshPositions: false, revert: false, revertDuration: 500, scope: "default", scroll: true, scrollSensitivity: 20, scrollSpeed: 20, snap: false, snapMode: "both", snapTolerance: 20, stack: false, zIndex: false}, _create: function () {
-            if (this.options.helper ==
-                    "original" && !/^(?:r|a|f)/.test(this.element.css("position")))
-                this.element[0].style.position = "relative";
-            this.options.addClasses && this.element.addClass("ui-draggable");
-            this.options.disabled && this.element.addClass("ui-draggable-disabled");
-            this._mouseInit()
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            if ("draggable")) {
-                this.element.removeData("draggable").unbind(".draggable").removeClass("ui-draggable ui-draggable-dragging ui-draggable-disabled");
-                this._mouseDestroy();
-                return this
-            }
-        }, _mouseCapture: function (a) {
-            var b =
-                    this.options;
-            if (this.helper || b.disabled || d(".ui-resizable-handle"))
-                return false;
-            this.handle = this._getHandle(a);
-            if (!this.handle)
-                return false;
-            return true
-        }, _mouseStart: function (a) {
-            var b = this.options;
-            this.helper = this._createHelper(a);
-            this._cacheHelperProportions();
-            if (d.ui.ddmanager)
-                d.ui.ddmanager.current = this;
-            this._cacheMargins();
-            this.cssPosition = this.helper.css("position");
-            this.scrollParent = this.helper.scrollParent();
-            this.offset = this.positionAbs = this.element.offset();
-            this.offset = {top: -
-              , left: this.offset.left - this.margins.left};
-            d.extend(this.offset, {click: {left: a.pageX - this.offset.left, top: a.pageY -}, parent: this._getParentOffset(), relative: this._getRelativeOffset()});
-            this.originalPosition = this.position = this._generatePosition(a);
-            this.originalPageX = a.pageX;
-            this.originalPageY = a.pageY;
-            b.cursorAt && this._adjustOffsetFromHelper(b.cursorAt);
-            b.containment && this._setContainment();
-            if (this._trigger("start", a) === false) {
-                this._clear();
-                return false
-            }
-            this._cacheHelperProportions();
-            d.ui.ddmanager && !b.dropBehaviour && d.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, a);
-            this.helper.addClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
-            this._mouseDrag(a, true);
-            return true
-        }, _mouseDrag: function (a, b) {
-            this.position = this._generatePosition(a);
-            this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute");
-            if (!b) {
-                b = this._uiHash();
-                if (this._trigger("drag", a, b) === false) {
-                    this._mouseUp({});
-                    return false
-                }
-                this.position = b.position
-            }
-            if (!this.options.axis || this.options.axis != "y")
-                this.helper[0].style.left = this.position.left + "px";
-            if (!this.options.axis ||
-                    this.options.axis != "x")
-                this.helper[0] = + "px";
-            d.ui.ddmanager && d.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, a);
-            return false
-        }, _mouseStop: function (a) {
-            var b = false;
-            if (d.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour)
-                b = d.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, a);
-            if (this.dropped) {
-                b = this.dropped;
-                this.dropped = false
-            }
-            if ((!this.element[0] || !this.element[0].parentNode) && this.options.helper == "original")
-                return false;
-            if (this.options.revert == "invalid" && !b || this.options.revert == "valid" && b || this.options.revert === true || d.isFunction(this.options.revert) &&
-          , b)) {
-                var c = this;
-                d(this.helper).animate(this.originalPosition, parseInt(this.options.revertDuration, 10), function () {
-                    c._trigger("stop", a) !== false && c._clear()
-                })
-            } else
-                this._trigger("stop", a) !== false && this._clear();
-            return false
-        }, cancel: function () {
-  ".ui-draggable-dragging") ? this._mouseUp({}) : this._clear();
-            return this
-        }, _getHandle: function (a) {
-            var b = !this.options.handle || !d(this.options.handle, this.element).length ? true : false;
-            d(this.options.handle, this.element).find("*").andSelf().each(function () {
-                if (this ==
-                    b = true
-            });
-            return b
-        }, _createHelper: function (a) {
-            var b = this.options;
-            a = d.isFunction(b.helper) ? d(b.helper.apply(this.element[0], [a])) : b.helper == "clone" ? this.element.clone() : this.element;
-            a.parents("body").length || a.appendTo(b.appendTo == "parent" ? this.element[0].parentNode : b.appendTo);
-            a[0] != this.element[0] && !/(fixed|absolute)/.test(a.css("position")) && a.css("position", "absolute");
-            return a
-        }, _adjustOffsetFromHelper: function (a) {
-            if (typeof a == "string")
-                a = a.split(" ");
-            if (d.isArray(a))
-                a = {left: +a[0], top: +a[1] ||
-                            0};
-            if ("left"in a)
-       = a.left + this.margins.left;
-            if ("right"in a)
-       = this.helperProportions.width - a.right + this.margins.left;
-            if ("top"in a)
-       = +;
-            if ("bottom"in a)
-       = this.helperProportions.height - a.bottom +
-        }, _getParentOffset: function () {
-            this.offsetParent = this.helper.offsetParent();
-            var a = this.offsetParent.offset();
-            if (this.cssPosition == "absolute" && this.scrollParent[0] != document && d.ui.contains(this.scrollParent[0],
-                    this.offsetParent[0])) {
-                a.left += this.scrollParent.scrollLeft();
-       += this.scrollParent.scrollTop()
-            }
-            if (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body || this.offsetParent[0].tagName && this.offsetParent[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == "html" && d.browser.msie)
-                a = {top: 0, left: 0};
-            return{top: + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0), left: a.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0)}
-        }, _getRelativeOffset: function () {
-            if (this.cssPosition == "relative") {
-                var a = this.element.position();
-                return{top: -
-                            (parseInt(this.helper.css("top"), 10) || 0) + this.scrollParent.scrollTop(), left: a.left - (parseInt(this.helper.css("left"), 10) || 0) + this.scrollParent.scrollLeft()}
-            } else
-                return{top: 0, left: 0}
-        }, _cacheMargins: function () {
-            this.margins = {left: parseInt(this.element.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0, top: parseInt(this.element.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0}
-        }, _cacheHelperProportions: function () {
-            this.helperProportions = {width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight()}
-        }, _setContainment: function () {
-            var a = this.options;
-            if (a.containment ==
-                    "parent")
-                a.containment = this.helper[0].parentNode;
-            if (a.containment == "document" || a.containment == "window")
-                this.containment = [(a.containment == "document" ? 0 : d(window).scrollLeft()) - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left, (a.containment == "document" ? 0 : d(window).scrollTop()) - -, (a.containment == "document" ? 0 : d(window).scrollLeft()) + d(a.containment == "document" ? document : window).width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left, (a.containment == "document" ?
-                            0 : d(window).scrollTop()) + (d(a.containment == "document" ? document : window).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight) - this.helperProportions.height -];
-            if (!/^(document|window|parent)$/.test(a.containment) && a.containment.constructor != Array) {
-                var b = d(a.containment)[0];
-                if (b) {
-                    a = d(a.containment).offset();
-                    var c = d(b).css("overflow") != "hidden";
-                    this.containment = [a.left + (parseInt(d(b).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(d(b).css("paddingLeft"), 10) || 0) - this.margins.left, + (parseInt(d(b).css("borderTopWidth"),
-                                10) || 0) + (parseInt(d(b).css("paddingTop"), 10) || 0) -, a.left + (c ? Math.max(b.scrollWidth, b.offsetWidth) : b.offsetWidth) - (parseInt(d(b).css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(d(b).css("paddingRight"), 10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left, + (c ? Math.max(b.scrollHeight, b.offsetHeight) : b.offsetHeight) - (parseInt(d(b).css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(d(b).css("paddingBottom"), 10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.height -]
-                }
-            } else if (a.containment.constructor ==
-                    Array)
-                this.containment = a.containment
-        }, _convertPositionTo: function (a, b) {
-            if (!b)
-                b = this.position;
-            a = a == "absolute" ? 1 : -1;
-            var c = this.cssPosition == "absolute" && !(this.scrollParent[0] != document && d.ui.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) ? this.offsetParent : this.scrollParent, f = /(html|body)/i.test(c[0].tagName);
-            return{top: + * a + * a - (d.browser.safari && d.browser.version < 526 && this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? 0 : (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollTop() :
-                        f ? 0 : c.scrollTop()) * a), left: b.left + this.offset.relative.left * a + this.offset.parent.left * a - (d.browser.safari && d.browser.version < 526 && this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? 0 : (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() : f ? 0 : c.scrollLeft()) * a)}
-        }, _generatePosition: function (a) {
-            var b = this.options, c = this.cssPosition == "absolute" && !(this.scrollParent[0] != document && d.ui.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) ? this.offsetParent : this.scrollParent, f = /(html|body)/i.test(c[0].tagName), e = a.pageX, g = a.pageY;
-            if (this.originalPosition) {
-                if (this.containment) {
-                    if (a.pageX - < this.containment[0])
-                        e = this.containment[0] +;
-                    if (a.pageY - < this.containment[1])
-                        g = this.containment[1] +;
-                    if (a.pageX - > this.containment[2])
-                        e = this.containment[2] +;
-                    if (a.pageY - > this.containment[3])
-                        g = this.containment[3] +
-                }
-                if (b.grid) {
-                    g = this.originalPageY + Math.round((g - this.originalPageY) /
-                            b.grid[1]) * b.grid[1];
-                    g = this.containment ? !(g - < this.containment[1] || g - > this.containment[3]) ? g : !(g - < this.containment[1]) ? g - b.grid[1] : g + b.grid[1] : g;
-                    e = this.originalPageX + Math.round((e - this.originalPageX) / b.grid[0]) * b.grid[0];
-                    e = this.containment ? !(e - < this.containment[0] || e - > this.containment[2]) ? e : !(e - < this.containment[0]) ? e - b.grid[0] : e + b.grid[0] : e
-                }
-            }
-            return{top: g - -
-               - + (d.browser.safari && d.browser.version < 526 && this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? 0 : this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollTop() : f ? 0 : c.scrollTop()), left: e - - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left + (d.browser.safari && d.browser.version < 526 && this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? 0 : this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() : f ? 0 : c.scrollLeft())}
-        }, _clear: function () {
-            this.helper.removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
-            this.helper[0] !=
-                    this.element[0] && !this.cancelHelperRemoval && this.helper.remove();
-            this.helper = null;
-            this.cancelHelperRemoval = false
-        }, _trigger: function (a, b, c) {
-            c = c || this._uiHash();
-  , a, [b, c]);
-            if (a == "drag")
-                this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute");
-            return, a, b, c)
-        }, plugins: {}, _uiHash: function () {
-            return{helper: this.helper, position: this.position, originalPosition: this.originalPosition, offset: this.positionAbs}
-        }});
-    d.extend(d.ui.draggable, {version: "1.8.10"});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "connectToSortable", {start: function (a, b) {
-            var c = d(this).data("draggable"), f = c.options, e = d.extend({}, b, {item: c.element});
-            c.sortables = [];
-            d(f.connectToSortable).each(function () {
-                var g =, "sortable");
-                if (g && !g.options.disabled) {
-                    c.sortables.push({instance: g, shouldRevert: g.options.revert});
-                    g._refreshItems();
-                    g._trigger("activate", a, e)
-                }
-            })
-        }, stop: function (a, b) {
-            var c = d(this).data("draggable"), f = d.extend({}, b, {item: c.element});
-            d.each(c.sortables, function () {
-                if (this.instance.isOver) {
-                    this.instance.isOver =
-                            0;
-                    c.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
-                    this.instance.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
-                    if (this.shouldRevert)
-                        this.instance.options.revert = true;
-                    this.instance._mouseStop(a);
-                    this.instance.options.helper = this.instance.options._helper;
-                    c.options.helper == "original" && this.instance.currentItem.css({top: "auto", left: "auto"})
-                } else {
-                    this.instance.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
-                    this.instance._trigger("deactivate", a, f)
-                }
-            })
-        }, drag: function (a, b) {
-            var c = d(this).data("draggable"), f = this;
-            d.each(c.sortables, function () {
-                this.instance.positionAbs =
-                        c.positionAbs;
-                this.instance.helperProportions = c.helperProportions;
-       =;
-                if (this.instance._intersectsWith(this.instance.containerCache)) {
-                    if (!this.instance.isOver) {
-                        this.instance.isOver = 1;
-                        this.instance.currentItem = d(f).clone().appendTo(this.instance.element).data("sortable-item", true);
-                        this.instance.options._helper = this.instance.options.helper;
-                        this.instance.options.helper = function () {
-                            return b.helper[0]
-                        };
-               = this.instance.currentItem[0];
-                        this.instance._mouseCapture(a,
-                                true);
-                        this.instance._mouseStart(a, true, true);
-               =;
-               =;
-                        this.instance.offset.parent.left -= c.offset.parent.left - this.instance.offset.parent.left;
-               -= -;
-                        c._trigger("toSortable", a);
-                        c.dropped = this.instance.element;
-                        c.currentItem = c.element;
-                        this.instance.fromOutside = c
-                    }
-                    this.instance.currentItem && this.instance._mouseDrag(a)
-                } else if (this.instance.isOver) {
-                    this.instance.isOver =
-                            0;
-                    this.instance.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
-                    this.instance.options.revert = false;
-                    this.instance._trigger("out", a, this.instance._uiHash(this.instance));
-                    this.instance._mouseStop(a, true);
-                    this.instance.options.helper = this.instance.options._helper;
-                    this.instance.currentItem.remove();
-                    this.instance.placeholder && this.instance.placeholder.remove();
-                    c._trigger("fromSortable", a);
-                    c.dropped = false
-                }
-            })
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "cursor", {start: function () {
-            var a = d("body"), b = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            if (a.css("cursor"))
-                b._cursor =
-                        a.css("cursor");
-            a.css("cursor", b.cursor)
-        }, stop: function () {
-            var a = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            a._cursor && d("body").css("cursor", a._cursor)
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "iframeFix", {start: function () {
-            var a = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            d(a.iframeFix === true ? "iframe" : a.iframeFix).each(function () {
-                d('<div class="ui-draggable-iframeFix" style="background: #fff;"></div>').css({width: this.offsetWidth + "px", height: this.offsetHeight + "px", position: "absolute", opacity: "0.001", zIndex: 1E3}).css(d(this).offset()).appendTo("body")
-            })
-        },
-        stop: function () {
-            d("div.ui-draggable-iframeFix").each(function () {
-                this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
-            })
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "opacity", {start: function (a, b) {
-            a = d(b.helper);
-            b = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            if (a.css("opacity"))
-                b._opacity = a.css("opacity");
-            a.css("opacity", b.opacity)
-        }, stop: function (a, b) {
-            a = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            a._opacity && d(b.helper).css("opacity", a._opacity)
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "scroll", {start: function () {
-            var a = d(this).data("draggable");
-            if (a.scrollParent[0] !=
-                    document && a.scrollParent[0].tagName != "HTML")
-                a.overflowOffset = a.scrollParent.offset()
-        }, drag: function (a) {
-            var b = d(this).data("draggable"), c = b.options, f = false;
-            if (b.scrollParent[0] != document && b.scrollParent[0].tagName != "HTML") {
-                if (!c.axis || c.axis != "x")
-                    if ( + b.scrollParent[0].offsetHeight - a.pageY < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        b.scrollParent[0].scrollTop = f = b.scrollParent[0].scrollTop + c.scrollSpeed;
-                    else if (a.pageY - < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        b.scrollParent[0].scrollTop = f = b.scrollParent[0].scrollTop -
-                                c.scrollSpeed;
-                if (!c.axis || c.axis != "y")
-                    if (b.overflowOffset.left + b.scrollParent[0].offsetWidth - a.pageX < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        b.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft = f = b.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft + c.scrollSpeed;
-                    else if (a.pageX - b.overflowOffset.left < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        b.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft = f = b.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft - c.scrollSpeed
-            } else {
-                if (!c.axis || c.axis != "x")
-                    if (a.pageY - d(document).scrollTop() < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        f = d(document).scrollTop(d(document).scrollTop() - c.scrollSpeed);
-                    else if (d(window).height() -
-                            (a.pageY - d(document).scrollTop()) < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        f = d(document).scrollTop(d(document).scrollTop() + c.scrollSpeed);
-                if (!c.axis || c.axis != "y")
-                    if (a.pageX - d(document).scrollLeft() < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        f = d(document).scrollLeft(d(document).scrollLeft() - c.scrollSpeed);
-                    else if (d(window).width() - (a.pageX - d(document).scrollLeft()) < c.scrollSensitivity)
-                        f = d(document).scrollLeft(d(document).scrollLeft() + c.scrollSpeed)
-            }
-            f !== false && d.ui.ddmanager && !c.dropBehaviour && d.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(b, a)
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable",
-            "snap", {start: function () {
-                    var a = d(this).data("draggable"), b = a.options;
-                    a.snapElements = [];
-                    d(b.snap.constructor != String ? b.snap.items || ":data(draggable)" : b.snap).each(function () {
-                        var c = d(this), f = c.offset();
-                        this != a.element[0] && a.snapElements.push({item: this, width: c.outerWidth(), height: c.outerHeight(), top:, left: f.left})
-                    })
-                }, drag: function (a, b) {
-                    for (var c = d(this).data("draggable"), f = c.options, e = f.snapTolerance, g = b.offset.left, n = g + c.helperProportions.width, m =, o = m + c.helperProportions.height, h =
-                            c.snapElements.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) {
-                        var i = c.snapElements[h].left, k = i + c.snapElements[h].width, j = c.snapElements[h].top, l = j + c.snapElements[h].height;
-                        if (i - e < g && g < k + e && j - e < m && m < l + e || i - e < g && g < k + e && j - e < o && o < l + e || i - e < n && n < k + e && j - e < m && m < l + e || i - e < n && n < k + e && j - e < o && o < l + e) {
-                            if (f.snapMode != "inner") {
-                                var p = Math.abs(j - o) <= e, q = Math.abs(l - m) <= e, r = Math.abs(i - n) <= e, s = Math.abs(k - g) <= e;
-                                if (p)
-                           = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: j - c.helperProportions.height, left: 0}).top -;
-                                if (q)
-                           = c._convertPositionTo("relative",
-                                            {top: l, left: 0}).top -;
-                                if (r)
-                                    b.position.left = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: 0, left: i - c.helperProportions.width}).left - c.margins.left;
-                                if (s)
-                                    b.position.left = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: 0, left: k}).left - c.margins.left
-                            }
-                            var t = p || q || r || s;
-                            if (f.snapMode != "outer") {
-                                p = Math.abs(j - m) <= e;
-                                q = Math.abs(l - o) <= e;
-                                r = Math.abs(i - g) <= e;
-                                s = Math.abs(k - n) <= e;
-                                if (p)
-                           = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: j, left: 0}).top -;
-                                if (q)
-                           = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: l - c.helperProportions.height,
-                                        left: 0}).top -;
-                                if (r)
-                                    b.position.left = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: 0, left: i}).left - c.margins.left;
-                                if (s)
-                                    b.position.left = c._convertPositionTo("relative", {top: 0, left: k - c.helperProportions.width}).left - c.margins.left
-                            }
-                            if (!c.snapElements[h].snapping && (p || q || r || s || t))
-                                c.options.snap.snap &&, a, d.extend(c._uiHash(), {snapItem: c.snapElements[h].item}));
-                            c.snapElements[h].snapping = p || q || r || s || t
-                        } else {
-                            c.snapElements[h].snapping && c.options.snap.release &&,
-                                    a, d.extend(c._uiHash(), {snapItem: c.snapElements[h].item}));
-                            c.snapElements[h].snapping = false
-                        }
-                    }
-                }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "stack", {start: function () {
-            var a = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            a = d.makeArray(d(a.stack)).sort(function (c, f) {
-                return(parseInt(d(c).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(d(f).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0)
-            });
-            if (a.length) {
-                var b = parseInt(a[0].style.zIndex) || 0;
-                d(a).each(function (c) {
-           = b + c
-                });
-                this[0].style.zIndex = b + a.length
-            }
-        }});
-    d.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "zIndex", {start: function (a,
-                b) {
-            a = d(b.helper);
-            b = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            if (a.css("zIndex"))
-                b._zIndex = a.css("zIndex");
-            a.css("zIndex", b.zIndex)
-        }, stop: function (a, b) {
-            a = d(this).data("draggable").options;
-            a._zIndex && d(b.helper).css("zIndex", a._zIndex)
-        }})
- * jQuery UI Droppable 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Depends:
- *	jquery.ui.core.js
- *	jquery.ui.widget.js
- *	jquery.ui.mouse.js
- *	jquery.ui.draggable.js
- */
-(function (d) {
-    d.widget("ui.droppable", {widgetEventPrefix: "drop", options: {accept: "*", activeClass: false, addClasses: true, greedy: false, hoverClass: false, scope: "default", tolerance: "intersect"}, _create: function () {
-            var a = this.options, b = a.accept;
-            this.isover = 0;
-            this.isout = 1;
-            this.accept = d.isFunction(b) ? b : function (c) {
-                return
-            };
-            this.proportions = {width: this.element[0].offsetWidth, height: this.element[0].offsetHeight};
-            d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.scope] = d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.scope] || [];
-            d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.scope].push(this);
-            a.addClasses && this.element.addClass("ui-droppable")
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            for (var a = d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[this.options.scope], b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
-                a[b] == this && a.splice(b, 1);
-            this.element.removeClass("ui-droppable ui-droppable-disabled").removeData("droppable").unbind(".droppable");
-            return this
-        }, _setOption: function (a, b) {
-            if (a == "accept")
-                this.accept = d.isFunction(b) ? b : function (c) {
-                    return
-                };
-            d.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments)
-        }, _activate: function (a) {
-            var b = d.ui.ddmanager.current;
-            this.options.activeClass &&
-                    this.element.addClass(this.options.activeClass);
-            b && this._trigger("activate", a, this.ui(b))
-        }, _deactivate: function (a) {
-            var b = d.ui.ddmanager.current;
-            this.options.activeClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.activeClass);
-            b && this._trigger("deactivate", a, this.ui(b))
-        }, _over: function (a) {
-            var b = d.ui.ddmanager.current;
-            if (!(!b || (b.currentItem || b.element)[0] == this.element[0]))
-                if ([0], b.currentItem || b.element)) {
-                    this.options.hoverClass && this.element.addClass(this.options.hoverClass);
-                    this._trigger("over", a, this.ui(b))
-                }
-        }, _out: function (a) {
-            var b = d.ui.ddmanager.current;
-            if (!(!b || (b.currentItem || b.element)[0] == this.element[0]))
-                if ([0], b.currentItem || b.element)) {
-                    this.options.hoverClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass);
-                    this._trigger("out", a, this.ui(b))
-                }
-        }, _drop: function (a, b) {
-            var c = b || d.ui.ddmanager.current;
-            if (!c || (c.currentItem || c.element)[0] == this.element[0])
-                return false;
-            var e = false;
-            this.element.find(":data(droppable)").not(".ui-draggable-dragging").each(function () {
-                var g =
-              , "droppable");
-                if (g.options.greedy && !g.options.disabled && g.options.scope == c.options.scope &&[0], c.currentItem || c.element) && d.ui.intersect(c, d.extend(g, {offset: g.element.offset()}), g.options.tolerance)) {
-                    e = true;
-                    return false
-                }
-            });
-            if (e)
-                return false;
-            if ([0], c.currentItem || c.element)) {
-                this.options.activeClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.activeClass);
-                this.options.hoverClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass);
-                this._trigger("drop",
-                        a, this.ui(c));
-                return this.element
-            }
-            return false
-        }, ui: function (a) {
-            return{draggable: a.currentItem || a.element, helper: a.helper, position: a.position, offset: a.positionAbs}
-        }});
-    d.extend(d.ui.droppable, {version: "1.8.10"});
-    d.ui.intersect = function (a, b, c) {
-        if (!b.offset)
-            return false;
-        var e = (a.positionAbs || a.position.absolute).left, g = e + a.helperProportions.width, f = (a.positionAbs || a.position.absolute).top, h = f + a.helperProportions.height, i = b.offset.left, k = i + b.proportions.width, j =, l = j + b.proportions.height;
-        switch (c) {
-            case "fit":
-                return i <= e && g <= k && j <= f && h <= l;
-            case "intersect":
-                return i < e + a.helperProportions.width / 2 && g - a.helperProportions.width / 2 < k && j < f + a.helperProportions.height / 2 && h - a.helperProportions.height / 2 < l;
-            case "pointer":
-                return d.ui.isOver((a.positionAbs || a.position.absolute).top + (a.clickOffset ||, (a.positionAbs || a.position.absolute).left + (a.clickOffset ||, j, i, b.proportions.height, b.proportions.width);
-            case "touch":
-                return(f >= j && f <= l || h >= j && h <= l || f < j && h > l) && (e >=
-                        i && e <= k || g >= i && g <= k || e < i && g > k);
-            default:
-                return false
-        }
-    };
-    d.ui.ddmanager = {current: null, droppables: {"default": []}, prepareOffsets: function (a, b) {
-            var c = d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.options.scope] || [], e = b ? b.type : null, g = (a.currentItem || a.element).find(":data(droppable)").andSelf(), f = 0;
-            a:for (; f < c.length; f++)
-                if (!(c[f].options.disabled || a && !c[f][f].element[0], a.currentItem || a.element))) {
-                    for (var h = 0; h < g.length; h++)
-                        if (g[h] == c[f].element[0]) {
-                            c[f].proportions.height = 0;
-                            continue a
-                        }
-                    c[f].visible = c[f].element.css("display") !=
-                            "none";
-                    if (c[f].visible) {
-                        c[f].offset = c[f].element.offset();
-                        c[f].proportions = {width: c[f].element[0].offsetWidth, height: c[f].element[0].offsetHeight};
-                        e == "mousedown" && c[f][f], b)
-                    }
-                }
-        }, drop: function (a, b) {
-            var c = false;
-            d.each(d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.options.scope] || [], function () {
-                if (this.options) {
-                    if (!this.options.disabled && this.visible && d.ui.intersect(a, this, this.options.tolerance))
-                        c = c ||, b);
-                    if (!this.options.disabled && this.visible &&[0], a.currentItem ||
-                            a.element)) {
-                        this.isout = 1;
-                        this.isover = 0;
-              , b)
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-            return c
-        }, drag: function (a, b) {
-            a.options.refreshPositions && d.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(a, b);
-            d.each(d.ui.ddmanager.droppables[a.options.scope] || [], function () {
-                if (!(this.options.disabled || this.greedyChild || !this.visible)) {
-                    var c = d.ui.intersect(a, this, this.options.tolerance);
-                    if (c = !c && this.isover == 1 ? "isout" : c && this.isover == 0 ? "isover" : null) {
-                        var e;
-                        if (this.options.greedy) {
-                            var g = this.element.parents(":data(droppable):eq(0)");
-                            if (g.length) {
-                                e =
-                              [0], "droppable");
-                                e.greedyChild = c == "isover" ? 1 : 0
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (e && c == "isover") {
-                            e.isover = 0;
-                            e.isout = 1;
-                  , b)
-                        }
-                        this[c] = 1;
-                        this[c == "isout" ? "isover" : "isout"] = 0;
-                        this[c == "isover" ? "_over" : "_out"].call(this, b);
-                        if (e && c == "isout") {
-                            e.isout = 0;
-                            e.isover = 1;
-                  , b)
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            })
-        }}
- * jQuery UI Resizable 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Depends:
- *	jquery.ui.core.js
- *	jquery.ui.mouse.js
- *	jquery.ui.widget.js
- */
-(function (e) {
-    e.widget("ui.resizable", e.ui.mouse, {widgetEventPrefix: "resize", options: {alsoResize: false, animate: false, animateDuration: "slow", animateEasing: "swing", aspectRatio: false, autoHide: false, containment: false, ghost: false, grid: false, handles: "e,s,se", helper: false, maxHeight: null, maxWidth: null, minHeight: 10, minWidth: 10, zIndex: 1E3}, _create: function () {
-            var b = this, a = this.options;
-            this.element.addClass("ui-resizable");
-            e.extend(this, {_aspectRatio: !!a.aspectRatio, aspectRatio: a.aspectRatio, originalElement: this.element,
-                _proportionallyResizeElements: [], _helper: a.helper || a.ghost || a.animate ? a.helper || "ui-resizable-helper" : null});
-            if (this.element[0].nodeName.match(/canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i)) {
-                /relative/.test(this.element.css("position")) && e.browser.opera && this.element.css({position: "relative", top: "auto", left: "auto"});
-                this.element.wrap(e('<div class="ui-wrapper" style="overflow: hidden;"></div>').css({position: this.element.css("position"), width: this.element.outerWidth(), height: this.element.outerHeight(),
-                    top: this.element.css("top"), left: this.element.css("left")}));
-                this.element = this.element.parent().data("resizable","resizable"));
-                this.elementIsWrapper = true;
-                this.element.css({marginLeft: this.originalElement.css("marginLeft"), marginTop: this.originalElement.css("marginTop"), marginRight: this.originalElement.css("marginRight"), marginBottom: this.originalElement.css("marginBottom")});
-                this.originalElement.css({marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0});
-                this.originalResizeStyle =
-                        this.originalElement.css("resize");
-                this.originalElement.css("resize", "none");
-                this._proportionallyResizeElements.push(this.originalElement.css({position: "static", zoom: 1, display: "block"}));
-                this.originalElement.css({margin: this.originalElement.css("margin")});
-                this._proportionallyResize()
-            }
-            this.handles = a.handles || (!e(".ui-resizable-handle", this.element).length ? "e,s,se" : {n: ".ui-resizable-n", e: ".ui-resizable-e", s: ".ui-resizable-s", w: ".ui-resizable-w", se: ".ui-resizable-se", sw: ".ui-resizable-sw", ne: ".ui-resizable-ne",
-                nw: ".ui-resizable-nw"});
-            if (this.handles.constructor == String) {
-                if (this.handles == "all")
-                    this.handles = "n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw";
-                var c = this.handles.split(",");
-                this.handles = {};
-                for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
-                    var f = e.trim(c[d]), g = e('<div class="ui-resizable-handle ' + ("ui-resizable-" + f) + '"></div>');
-                    /sw|se|ne|nw/.test(f) && g.css({zIndex: ++a.zIndex});
-                    "se" == f && g.addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se");
-                    this.handles[f] = ".ui-resizable-" + f;
-                    this.element.append(g)
-                }
-            }
-            this._renderAxis = function (h) {
-                h = h || this.element;
-                for (var i in this.handles) {
-                    if (this.handles[i].constructor ==
-                            String)
-                        this.handles[i] = e(this.handles[i], this.element).show();
-                    if (this.elementIsWrapper && this.originalElement[0].nodeName.match(/textarea|input|select|button/i)) {
-                        var j = e(this.handles[i], this.element), k = 0;
-                        k = /sw|ne|nw|se|n|s/.test(i) ? j.outerHeight() : j.outerWidth();
-                        j = ["padding", /ne|nw|n/.test(i) ? "Top" : /se|sw|s/.test(i) ? "Bottom" : /^e$/.test(i) ? "Right" : "Left"].join("");
-                        h.css(j, k);
-                        this._proportionallyResize()
-                    }
-                    e(this.handles[i])
-                }
-            };
-            this._renderAxis(this.element);
-            this._handles = e(".ui-resizable-handle", this.element).disableSelection();
-            this._handles.mouseover(function () {
-                if (!b.resizing) {
-                    if (this.className)
-                        var h = this.className.match(/ui-resizable-(se|sw|ne|nw|n|e|s|w)/i);
-                    b.axis = h && h[1] ? h[1] : "se"
-                }
-            });
-            if (a.autoHide) {
-                this._handles.hide();
-                e(this.element).addClass("ui-resizable-autohide").hover(function () {
-                    e(this).removeClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
-                }, function () {
-                    if (!b.resizing) {
-                        e(this).addClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
-                        b._handles.hide()
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            this._mouseInit()
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            this._mouseDestroy();
-            var b = function (c) {
-                e(c).removeClass("ui-resizable ui-resizable-disabled ui-resizable-resizing").removeData("resizable").unbind(".resizable").find(".ui-resizable-handle").remove()
-            };
-            if (this.elementIsWrapper) {
-                b(this.element);
-                var a = this.element;
-                a.after(this.originalElement.css({position: a.css("position"), width: a.outerWidth(), height: a.outerHeight(), top: a.css("top"), left: a.css("left")})).remove()
-            }
-            this.originalElement.css("resize", this.originalResizeStyle);
-            b(this.originalElement);
-            return this
-        }, _mouseCapture: function (b) {
-            var a = false;
-            for (var c in this.handles)
-                if (e(this.handles[c])[0] ==
-                    a = true;
-            return!this.options.disabled && a
-        }, _mouseStart: function (b) {
-            var a = this.options, c = this.element.position(),
-                    d = this.element;
-            this.resizing = true;
-            this.documentScroll = {top: e(document).scrollTop(), left: e(document).scrollLeft()};
-            if (".ui-draggable") || /absolute/.test(d.css("position")))
-                d.css({position: "absolute", top:, left: c.left});
-            e.browser.opera && /relative/.test(d.css("position")) && d.css({position: "relative", top: "auto", left: "auto"});
-            this._renderProxy();
-            c = m(this.helper.css("left"));
-            var f = m(this.helper.css("top"));
-            if (a.containment) {
-                c += e(a.containment).scrollLeft() || 0;
-                f += e(a.containment).scrollTop() || 0
-            }
-            this.offset =
-                    this.helper.offset();
-            this.position = {left: c, top: f};
-            this.size = this._helper ? {width: d.outerWidth(), height: d.outerHeight()} : {width: d.width(), height: d.height()};
-            this.originalSize = this._helper ? {width: d.outerWidth(), height: d.outerHeight()} : {width: d.width(), height: d.height()};
-            this.originalPosition = {left: c, top: f};
-            this.sizeDiff = {width: d.outerWidth() - d.width(), height: d.outerHeight() - d.height()};
-            this.originalMousePosition = {left: b.pageX, top: b.pageY};
-            this.aspectRatio = typeof a.aspectRatio == "number" ? a.aspectRatio :
-                    this.originalSize.width / this.originalSize.height || 1;
-            a = e(".ui-resizable-" + this.axis).css("cursor");
-            e("body").css("cursor", a == "auto" ? this.axis + "-resize" : a);
-            d.addClass("ui-resizable-resizing");
-            this._propagate("start", b);
-            return true
-        }, _mouseDrag: function (b) {
-            var a = this.helper, c = this.originalMousePosition, d = this._change[this.axis];
-            if (!d)
-                return false;
-            c = d.apply(this, [b, b.pageX - c.left || 0, b.pageY - || 0]);
-            if (this._aspectRatio || b.shiftKey)
-                c = this._updateRatio(c, b);
-            c = this._respectSize(c, b);
-            this._propagate("resize",
-                    b);
-            a.css({top: + "px", left: this.position.left + "px", width: this.size.width + "px", height: this.size.height + "px"});
-            !this._helper && this._proportionallyResizeElements.length && this._proportionallyResize();
-            this._updateCache(c);
-            this._trigger("resize", b, this.ui());
-            return false
-        }, _mouseStop: function (b) {
-            this.resizing = false;
-            var a = this.options, c = this;
-            if (this._helper) {
-                var d = this._proportionallyResizeElements, f = d.length && /textarea/i.test(d[0].nodeName);
-                d = f && e.ui.hasScroll(d[0], "left") ? 0 : c.sizeDiff.height;
-                f = f ? 0 : c.sizeDiff.width;
-                f = {width: c.helper.width() - f, height: c.helper.height() - d};
-                d = parseInt(c.element.css("left"), 10) + (c.position.left - c.originalPosition.left) || null;
-                var g = parseInt(c.element.css("top"), 10) + ( - || null;
-                a.animate || this.element.css(e.extend(f, {top: g, left: d}));
-                c.helper.height(c.size.height);
-                c.helper.width(c.size.width);
-                this._helper && !a.animate && this._proportionallyResize()
-            }
-            e("body").css("cursor", "auto");
-            this.element.removeClass("ui-resizable-resizing");
-            this._propagate("stop", b);
-            this._helper && this.helper.remove();
-            return false
-        }, _updateCache: function (b) {
-            this.offset = this.helper.offset();
-            if (l(b.left))
-                this.position.left = b.left;
-            if (l(
-       =;
-            if (l(b.height))
-                this.size.height = b.height;
-            if (l(b.width))
-                this.size.width = b.width
-        }, _updateRatio: function (b) {
-            var a = this.position, c = this.size, d = this.axis;
-            if (b.height)
-                b.width = c.height * this.aspectRatio;
-            else if (b.width)
-                b.height = c.width / this.aspectRatio;
-            if (d == "sw") {
-                b.left = a.left + (c.width - b.width);
-       =
-                        null
-            }
-            if (d == "nw") {
-       = + (c.height - b.height);
-                b.left = a.left + (c.width - b.width)
-            }
-            return b
-        }, _respectSize: function (b) {
-            var a = this.options, c = this.axis, d = l(b.width) && a.maxWidth && a.maxWidth < b.width, f = l(b.height) && a.maxHeight && a.maxHeight < b.height, g = l(b.width) && a.minWidth && a.minWidth > b.width, h = l(b.height) && a.minHeight && a.minHeight > b.height;
-            if (g)
-                b.width = a.minWidth;
-            if (h)
-                b.height = a.minHeight;
-            if (d)
-                b.width = a.maxWidth;
-            if (f)
-                b.height = a.maxHeight;
-            var i = this.originalPosition.left + this.originalSize.width, j = +
-                    this.size.height, k = /sw|nw|w/.test(c);
-            c = /nw|ne|n/.test(c);
-            if (g && k)
-                b.left = i - a.minWidth;
-            if (d && k)
-                b.left = i - a.maxWidth;
-            if (h && c)
-       = j - a.minHeight;
-            if (f && c)
-       = j - a.maxHeight;
-            if ((a = !b.width && !b.height) && !b.left &&
-       = null;
-            else if (a && ! && b.left)
-                b.left = null;
-            return b
-        }, _proportionallyResize: function () {
-            if (this._proportionallyResizeElements.length)
-                for (var b = this.helper || this.element, a = 0; a < this._proportionallyResizeElements.length; a++) {
-                    var c = this._proportionallyResizeElements[a];
-                    if (!this.borderDif) {
-                        var d =
-                                [c.css("borderTopWidth"), c.css("borderRightWidth"), c.css("borderBottomWidth"), c.css("borderLeftWidth")], f = [c.css("paddingTop"), c.css("paddingRight"), c.css("paddingBottom"), c.css("paddingLeft")];
-                        this.borderDif =, function (g, h) {
-                            g = parseInt(g, 10) || 0;
-                            h = parseInt(f[h], 10) || 0;
-                            return g + h
-                        })
-                    }
-                    e.browser.msie && (e(b).is(":hidden") || e(b).parents(":hidden").length) || c.css({height: b.height() - this.borderDif[0] - this.borderDif[2] || 0, width: b.width() - this.borderDif[1] - this.borderDif[3] || 0})
-                }
-        }, _renderProxy: function () {
-            var b =
-                    this.options;
-            this.elementOffset = this.element.offset();
-            if (this._helper) {
-                this.helper = this.helper || e('<div style="overflow:hidden;"></div>');
-                var a = e.browser.msie && e.browser.version < 7, c = a ? 1 : 0;
-                a = a ? 2 : -1;
-                this.helper.addClass(this._helper).css({width: this.element.outerWidth() + a, height: this.element.outerHeight() + a, position: "absolute", left: this.elementOffset.left - c + "px", top: - c + "px", zIndex: ++b.zIndex});
-                this.helper.appendTo("body").disableSelection()
-            } else
-                this.helper = this.element
-        }, _change: {e: function (b,
-                    a) {
-                return{width: this.originalSize.width + a}
-            }, w: function (b, a) {
-                return{left: this.originalPosition.left + a, width: this.originalSize.width - a}
-            }, n: function (b, a, c) {
-                return{top: + c, height: this.originalSize.height - c}
-            }, s: function (b, a, c) {
-                return{height: this.originalSize.height + c}
-            }, se: function (b, a, c) {
-                return e.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [b, a, c]))
-            }, sw: function (b, a, c) {
-                return e.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [b, a,
-                    c]))
-            }, ne: function (b, a, c) {
-                return e.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [b, a, c]))
-            }, nw: function (b, a, c) {
-                return e.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [b, a, c]))
-            }}, _propagate: function (b, a) {
-  , b, [a, this.ui()]);
-            b != "resize" && this._trigger(b, a, this.ui())
-        }, plugins: {}, ui: function () {
-            return{originalElement: this.originalElement, element: this.element, helper: this.helper, position: this.position, size: this.size, originalSize: this.originalSize,
-                originalPosition: this.originalPosition}
-        }});
-    e.extend(e.ui.resizable, {version: "1.8.10"});
-    e.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "alsoResize", {start: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable").options, a = function (c) {
-                e(c).each(function () {
-                    var d = e(this);
-          "resizable-alsoresize", {width: parseInt(d.width(), 10), height: parseInt(d.height(), 10), left: parseInt(d.css("left"), 10), top: parseInt(d.css("top"), 10), position: d.css("position")})
-                })
-            };
-            if (typeof b.alsoResize == "object" && !b.alsoResize.parentNode)
-                if (b.alsoResize.length) {
-                    b.alsoResize =
-                            b.alsoResize[0];
-                    a(b.alsoResize)
-                } else
-                    e.each(b.alsoResize, function (c) {
-                        a(c)
-                    });
-            else
-                a(b.alsoResize)
-        }, resize: function (b, a) {
-            var c = e(this).data("resizable");
-            b = c.options;
-            var d = c.originalSize, f = c.originalPosition, g = {height: c.size.height - d.height || 0, width: c.size.width - d.width || 0, top: - || 0, left: c.position.left - f.left || 0}, h = function (i, j) {
-                e(i).each(function () {
-                    var k = e(this), q = e(this).data("resizable-alsoresize"), p = {}, r = j && j.length ? j : k.parents(a.originalElement[0]).length ? ["width", "height"] : ["width",
-                        "height", "top", "left"];
-                    e.each(r, function (n, o) {
-                        if ((n = (q[o] || 0) + (g[o] || 0)) && n >= 0)
-                            p[o] = n || null
-                    });
-                    if (e.browser.opera && /relative/.test(k.css("position"))) {
-                        c._revertToRelativePosition = true;
-                        k.css({position: "absolute", top: "auto", left: "auto"})
-                    }
-                    k.css(p)
-                })
-            };
-            typeof b.alsoResize == "object" && !b.alsoResize.nodeType ? e.each(b.alsoResize, function (i, j) {
-                h(i, j)
-            }) : h(b.alsoResize)
-        }, stop: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable"), a = b.options, c = function (d) {
-                e(d).each(function () {
-                    var f = e(this);
-                    f.css({position:"resizable-alsoresize").position})
-                })
-            };
-            if (b._revertToRelativePosition) {
-                b._revertToRelativePosition = false;
-                typeof a.alsoResize == "object" && !a.alsoResize.nodeType ? e.each(a.alsoResize, function (d) {
-                    c(d)
-                }) : c(a.alsoResize)
-            }
-            e(this).removeData("resizable-alsoresize")
-        }});
-    e.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "animate", {stop: function (b) {
-            var a = e(this).data("resizable"), c = a.options, d = a._proportionallyResizeElements, f = d.length && /textarea/i.test(d[0].nodeName), g = f && e.ui.hasScroll(d[0], "left") ? 0 : a.sizeDiff.height;
-            f = {width: a.size.width - (f ? 0 : a.sizeDiff.width), height: a.size.height -
-                        g};
-            g = parseInt(a.element.css("left"), 10) + (a.position.left - a.originalPosition.left) || null;
-            var h = parseInt(a.element.css("top"), 10) + ( - || null;
-            a.element.animate(e.extend(f, h && g ? {top: h, left: g} : {}), {duration: c.animateDuration, easing: c.animateEasing, step: function () {
-                    var i = {width: parseInt(a.element.css("width"), 10), height: parseInt(a.element.css("height"), 10), top: parseInt(a.element.css("top"), 10), left: parseInt(a.element.css("left"), 10)};
-                    d && d.length && e(d[0]).css({width: i.width,
-                        height: i.height});
-                    a._updateCache(i);
-                    a._propagate("resize", b)
-                }})
-        }});
-    e.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "containment", {start: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable"), a = b.element, c = b.options.containment;
-            if (a = c instanceof e ? c.get(0) : /parent/.test(c) ? a.parent().get(0) : c) {
-                b.containerElement = e(a);
-                if (/document/.test(c) || c == document) {
-                    b.containerOffset = {left: 0, top: 0};
-                    b.containerPosition = {left: 0, top: 0};
-                    b.parentData = {element: e(document), left: 0, top: 0, width: e(document).width(), height: e(document).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight}
-                } else {
-                    var d =
-                            e(a), f = [];
-                    e(["Top", "Right", "Left", "Bottom"]).each(function (i, j) {
-                        f[i] = m(d.css("padding" + j))
-                    });
-                    b.containerOffset = d.offset();
-                    b.containerPosition = d.position();
-                    b.containerSize = {height: d.innerHeight() - f[3], width: d.innerWidth() - f[1]};
-                    c = b.containerOffset;
-                    var g = b.containerSize.height, h = b.containerSize.width;
-                    h = e.ui.hasScroll(a, "left") ? a.scrollWidth : h;
-                    g = e.ui.hasScroll(a) ? a.scrollHeight : g;
-                    b.parentData = {element: a, left: c.left, top:, width: h, height: g}
-                }
-            }
-        }, resize: function (b) {
-            var a = e(this).data("resizable"), c = a.options,
-                    d = a.containerOffset, f = a.position;
-            b = a._aspectRatio || b.shiftKey;
-            var g = {top: 0, left: 0}, h = a.containerElement;
-            if (h[0] != document && /static/.test(h.css("position")))
-                g = d;
-            if (f.left < (a._helper ? d.left : 0)) {
-                a.size.width += a._helper ? a.position.left - d.left : a.position.left - g.left;
-                if (b)
-                    a.size.height = a.size.width / c.aspectRatio;
-                a.position.left = c.helper ? d.left : 0
-            }
-            if ( < (a._helper ? : 0)) {
-                a.size.height += a._helper ? - :;
-                if (b)
-                    a.size.width = a.size.height * c.aspectRatio;
-       = a._helper ?
-               : 0
-            }
-            a.offset.left = a.parentData.left + a.position.left;
-   = +;
-            c = Math.abs((a._helper ? a.offset.left - g.left : a.offset.left - g.left) + a.sizeDiff.width);
-            d = Math.abs((a._helper ? - : - + a.sizeDiff.height);
-            f = a.containerElement.get(0) == a.element.parent().get(0);
-            g = /relative|absolute/.test(a.containerElement.css("position"));
-            if (f && g)
-                c -= a.parentData.left;
-            if (c + a.size.width >= a.parentData.width) {
-                a.size.width = a.parentData.width - c;
-                if (b)
-                    a.size.height =
-                            a.size.width / a.aspectRatio
-            }
-            if (d + a.size.height >= a.parentData.height) {
-                a.size.height = a.parentData.height - d;
-                if (b)
-                    a.size.width = a.size.height * a.aspectRatio
-            }
-        }, stop: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable"), a = b.options, c = b.containerOffset, d = b.containerPosition, f = b.containerElement, g = e(b.helper), h = g.offset(), i = g.outerWidth() - b.sizeDiff.width;
-            g = g.outerHeight() - b.sizeDiff.height;
-            b._helper && !a.animate && /relative/.test(f.css("position")) && e(this).css({left: h.left - d.left - c.left, width: i, height: g});
-            b._helper && !a.animate &&
-                    /static/.test(f.css("position")) && e(this).css({left: h.left - d.left - c.left, width: i, height: g})
-        }});
-    e.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "ghost", {start: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable"), a = b.options, c = b.size;
-            b.ghost = b.originalElement.clone();
-            b.ghost.css({opacity: 0.25, display: "block", position: "relative", height: c.height, width: c.width, margin: 0, left: 0, top: 0}).addClass("ui-resizable-ghost").addClass(typeof a.ghost == "string" ? a.ghost : "");
-            b.ghost.appendTo(b.helper)
-        }, resize: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable");
-            b.ghost && b.ghost.css({position: "relative", height: b.size.height, width: b.size.width})
-        }, stop: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable");
-            b.ghost && b.helper && b.helper.get(0).removeChild(b.ghost.get(0))
-        }});
-    e.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "grid", {resize: function () {
-            var b = e(this).data("resizable"), a = b.options, c = b.size, d = b.originalSize, f = b.originalPosition, g = b.axis;
-            a.grid = typeof a.grid == "number" ? [a.grid, a.grid] : a.grid;
-            var h = Math.round((c.width - d.width) / (a.grid[0] || 1)) * (a.grid[0] || 1);
-            a = Math.round((c.height - d.height) /
-                    (a.grid[1] || 1)) * (a.grid[1] || 1);
-            if (/^(se|s|e)$/.test(g)) {
-                b.size.width = d.width + h;
-                b.size.height = d.height + a
-            } else if (/^(ne)$/.test(g)) {
-                b.size.width = d.width + h;
-                b.size.height = d.height + a;
-       = - a
-            } else {
-                if (/^(sw)$/.test(g)) {
-                    b.size.width = d.width + h;
-                    b.size.height = d.height + a
-                } else {
-                    b.size.width = d.width + h;
-                    b.size.height = d.height + a;
-           = - a
-                }
-                b.position.left = f.left - h
-            }
-        }});
-    var m = function (b) {
-        return parseInt(b, 10) || 0
-    }, l = function (b) {
-        return!isNaN(parseInt(b, 10))
-    }
- * jQuery UI Selectable 1.8.10
- *
- * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Depends:
- *	jquery.ui.core.js
- *	jquery.ui.mouse.js
- *	jquery.ui.widget.js
- */
-(function (e) {
-    e.widget("ui.selectable", e.ui.mouse, {options: {appendTo: "body", autoRefresh: true, distance: 0, filter: "*", tolerance: "touch"}, _create: function () {
-            var c = this;
-            this.element.addClass("ui-selectable");
-            this.dragged = false;
-            var f;
-            this.refresh = function () {
-                f = e(c.options.filter, c.element[0]);
-                f.each(function () {
-                    var d = e(this), b = d.offset();
-          , "selectable-item", {element: this, $element: d, left: b.left, top:, right: b.left + d.outerWidth(), bottom: + d.outerHeight(), startselected: false, selected: d.hasClass("ui-selected"),
-                        selecting: d.hasClass("ui-selecting"), unselecting: d.hasClass("ui-unselecting")})
-                })
-            };
-            this.refresh();
-            this.selectees = f.addClass("ui-selectee");
-            this._mouseInit();
-            this.helper = e("<div class='ui-selectable-helper'></div>")
-        }, destroy: function () {
-            this.selectees.removeClass("ui-selectee").removeData("selectable-item");
-            this.element.removeClass("ui-selectable ui-selectable-disabled").removeData("selectable").unbind(".selectable");
-            this._mouseDestroy();
-            return this
-        }, _mouseStart: function (c) {
-            var f = this;
-            this.opos = [c.pageX,
-                c.pageY];
-            if (!this.options.disabled) {
-                var d = this.options;
-                this.selectees = e(d.filter, this.element[0]);