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Posted to by Sam Prokop <> on 2006/08/09 14:33:18 UTC

format-number round and negative

Hi all,

i´ve got the following problem:

if i use format-number and use formatting-pattern ###.##0,0 
with this decimal-format definition:

<xsl:decimal-format name="standard" decimal-separator="," grouping-separator="." infinity="Infinity" minus-sign="-" NaN="NaN" percent="%" per-mille="&#x2030;" zero-digit="0" digit="#" pattern-separator=";"/>

i get -0,0 if the input-xml has the value -0.03, i expected 0,0 and 
i get -0,0 if the input-xml has the value -0.05, i expected -0,1

msxml does what i expect, but i won´t use that one.

So, is this behavior of xalan a bug or a feature? and is there a work-around?

Thanks in anticipation


Re: format-number round and negative

Posted by
I think the expected behavior is the IEEE 754 round-to-nearest rule, which
I *think* says that if two equally good choices exist, the one closer to
positive infinity will be taken.

One classic workaround is to take absolute value, round, then restore the

"... Three things see no end: A loop with exit code done wrong,
A semaphore untested, And the change that comes along. ..."
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