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Posted to by Scott Stevens <> on 2005/03/31 14:30:10 UTC

Managing password updates in Commons-DBCP

Hello Commons-Users,
The issue we are having is that we are implementing a policy forcing database account password changes every 90 days.  
Our DataSource implementation class uses the SharedPoolDataSource (from commons-dbcp) in managing its PooledConnections. Unfortunately, it appears that SharedPoolDataSource maps the user/password info using the user name. If the user's password changes and the old user/password info is already in the Map, a test in the SharedPoolDataSource prevents client apps from getting a connection on the user.  Also the Map object is private to SharedPoolDataSource, and simply implementing our own version of SharedPoolDataSource will not work, since there's a ton of package level classes being used.
Can anyone provide a straight-forward method to replacing the expired username/password mapping such that a SharedPoolDataSource may recognize/replace the new account password?
Thank you for any suggestions.
Scott Stevens

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