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Posted to by James Shaw <> on 2005/10/06 11:55:37 UTC

Using Tiles to handle multiple javascript files

I'm using tiles for page layout, my tiles-definitions looks something like this:

	<definition name=".layout" path="/WEB-INF/layouts/standard.jsp">
		<put name="footer" value="/WEB-INF/footer.jsp"/>
	<definition name=".homeLayout" extends=".layout">
		<put name="header" value="/jsp/document/Header.jsp" />

At the moment, we have <script> tags used in many JSPs, often not
within a <head> section (I didn't write this code ;-).  My aim is to
get all the javascript files required for the whole page, and include
them in one go, like this:

*** standard.jsp ***

<script src="/all-javascript.jsp?modules=common,documents,links"/>
<!-- modules list needs to be dynamically generated by tiles -->

The file 'all-javascript.jsp' maps the names like "common",
"documents" to actual javascript files and sends them in a single

Do you have any ideas how I might generate this module list?  One idea
I had was to use <putList> inside the definitions, but I haven't
managed to get any satisfactory results as yet.

Thanks in advance
James Shaw

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