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Posted to by on 2018/09/26 18:19:47 UTC

predictionio git commit: Update release instructions for PMC

Repository: predictionio
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/develop 49b64ee15 -> e48e93bed

Update release instructions for PMC

Closes #467


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: e48e93bed25089b9bdc8315671f2f34feddbb4aa
Parents: 49b64ee
Author: shimamoto <>
Authored: Wed Sep 26 11:17:07 2018 -0700
Committer: Donald Szeto <>
Committed: Wed Sep 26 11:17:39 2018 -0700

----------------------------------------------------------------------    | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 build.sbt |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index f61d75e..b21952e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,35 +27,40 @@ on how to generate a strong code
 signing key.
 2. Add your public key to the `KEYS` file at the root of the source code tree.
 3. Create a new release branch, with version bumped to the next release version.
-    * `git checkout -b release/0.13.0`
-    * Replace all `0.13.0-SNAPSHOT` in the code tree to `0.13.0`.
-    * `git commit -am "Prepare 0.13.0-rc1"`
-    * `git tag -am "Apache PredictionIO 0.13.0-rc1" v0.13.0-rc1`
-4. If you have not done so, use SVN to checkout
+    * `git checkout -b release/0.14.0`
+    * Replace all `0.14.0-SNAPSHOT` in the code tree to `0.14.0`
+    * `git commit -am "Prepare 0.14.0-rc1"`
+    * `git tag -am "Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0-rc1" v0.14.0-rc1`
+4. Push the release branch and tag to the apache git repo.
+5. Wait for Travis to pass build on the release branch.
+6. Package a clean tarball for staging a release candidate.
+    * `git archive --format tar v0.14.0-rc1 >
+  ../apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar`
+    * `cd ..; gzip apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar`
+7. Generate detached signature for the release candidate.
+    * `gpg --armor --output apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar.gz.asc
+  --detach-sig apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar.gz`
+8. Generate SHA512 checksums for the release candidate.
+    * `gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar.gz >
+  apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1.tar.gz.sha512`
+9. Run `./` and repeat steps 6 to 8 to create binary distribution release.
+    * `mv PredictionIO-0.14.0.tar.gz apache-predictionio-0.14.0-bin.tar.gz`
+    * `gpg --armor --output apache-predictionio-0.14.0-bin.tar.gz.asc
+  --detach-sig apache-predictionio-0.14.0-bin.tar.gz`
+    * `gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-predictionio-0.14.0-bin.tar.gz >
+  apache-predictionio-0.14.0-bin.tar.gz.sha512`
+10. If you have not done so, use SVN to checkout This is the area
 for staging release candidates for voting.
     * `svn co`
-5.  Package a clean tarball for staging a release candidate.
-    * `git archive --format tar v0.13.0-rc1 >
-  ../apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar`
-    * `cd ..; gzip apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar`
-6. Generate detached signature for the release candidate.
-    * `gpg --armor --output apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar.gz.asc
-  --detach-sig apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar.gz`
-7. Generate SHA512 checksums for the release candidate.
-    * `gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar.gz >
-  apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.tar.gz.sha512`
-8. Run `./` and repeat steps 5 to 7 to create binary distribution release.
-9. Create a subdirectory at the SVN staging area. The area should have a `KEYS` file.
-    * `mkdir apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1`
-    * `cp apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1.*
-  apache-predictionio-0.13.0-rc1`
-10. If you have updated the `KEYS` file, also copy that to the staging area.
-11. `svn commit`
-12. Set up credentials with Apache Nexus using the SBT Sonatype plugin. Put this
-in `~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt`. You can generate username and password tokens
-from ASF's Nexus instance.
+11. Create a subdirectory at the SVN staging area. The area should have a `KEYS` file.
+    * `mkdir apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1`
+    * `cp apache-predictionio-0.14.0-* apache-predictionio-0.14.0-rc1`
+12. If you have updated the `KEYS` file, also copy that to the staging area.
+13. `svn commit -m "Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0-rc1"`
+14. Set up credentials with Apache Nexus using the SBT Sonatype plugin. Put this
+in `~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt`.
   publishTo := {
@@ -66,69 +71,71 @@ from ASF's Nexus instance.
         Some("releases" at nexus + "service/local/staging/deploy/maven2")
-  credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", "username_token", "password_token")
+  credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", "<YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME>", "<YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD>")
-13. `sbt/sbt +publishSigned +storage/publishSigned
-+dataElasticsearch/publishSigned` then close the staged repository on Apache
-    * You may need to run `sbt/sbt publishLocal` first to avoid depedency errors.
-14. Wait for Travis to pass build on the release branch.
-15. Tag the release branch with a rc tag, e.g. `0.13.0-rc1`.
+15. Run `sbt/sbt +publishLocal` first and then run `sbt/sbt +publishSigned +storage/publishSigned`.
+Close the staged repository on Apache Nexus.
 16. Send out email for voting on PredictionIO dev mailing list.
-  Subject: [VOTE] Apache PredictionIO 0.13.0 Release (RC1)
+  Subject: [VOTE] Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0 Release (RC1)
-  This is the vote for 0.13.0 of Apache PredictionIO.
+  This is the vote for 0.14.0 of Apache PredictionIO.
   The vote will run for at least 72 hours and will close on Apr 7th, 2017.
-  The release candidate artifacts can be downloaded here:
+  The release candidate artifacts can be downloaded here:
-  Test results of RC5 can be found here:
+  Test results of RC1 can be found here:
   Maven artifacts are built from the release candidate artifacts above, and are provided as convenience for testing with engine templates. The Maven artifacts are provided at the Maven staging repo here:
-  All JIRAs completed for this release are tagged with 'FixVersion = 0.13.0'. You can view them here:
+  All JIRAs completed for this release are tagged with 'FixVersion = 0.14.0'. You can view them here:
   The artifacts have been signed with Key : YOUR_KEY_ID
   Please vote accordingly:
-  [ ] +1, accept RC as the official 0.13.0 release
-  [ ] -1, do not accept RC as the official 0.13.0 release because...
+  [ ] +1, accept RC as the official 0.14.0 release
+  [ ] -1, do not accept RC as the official 0.14.0 release because...
-17. After the vote has been accepted, use SVN to checkout
+17. After the vote has been accepted, update ``.
+18. Create a release tag
+19. Repeat steps 6 to 8 to create the official release, and step 15 to publish it.
+20. Use SVN to checkout This is the area
 for staging actual releases.
-18. Repeat steps 5 to 7 to create the official release, and step 13 to publish it.
-Also, remove old releases from the ASF distribution mirrors.
-19. Document breaking changes in
-20. Update ``.
-21. Send out an email to the following mailing lists: announce, general, user, dev.
+21. Create a subdirectory at the SVN staging area. The area should have a `KEYS` file.
+    * `mkdir 0.14.0`
+    * Copy the binary distribution from the dev/ tree to the release/ tree
+    * Copy the official release to the release/ tree
+22. If you have updated the `KEYS` file, also copy that to the staging area.
+23. Remove old releases from the ASF distribution mirrors.
+    * `svn delete 0.13.0`
+24. `svn commit -m "Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0"`
+25. Document breaking changes in
+26. Mark the version as released on JIRA.
+27. Send out an email to the following mailing lists: announce, user, dev.
-  Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache PredictionIO 0.13.0 Release
+  Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0 Release
-  The Apache PredictionIO team would like to announce the release of Apache
-  PredictionIO 0.13.0.
+  The Apache PredictionIO team would like to announce the release of Apache PredictionIO 0.14.0.
   Release notes are here:
-  Apache PredictionIO is an open source Machine Learning Server built on
-  top of state-of-the-art open source stack, that enables developers to
-  manage and deploy production-ready predictive services for various kinds
-  of machine learning tasks.
+  Apache PredictionIO is an open source Machine Learning Server built on top of state-of-the-art open source stack, that enables developers to manage and deploy production-ready predictive services for various kinds of machine learning tasks.
   More details regarding Apache PredictionIO can be found here:
   The release artifacts can be downloaded here:
-  All JIRAs completed for this release are tagged with 'FixVersion =
-  0.13.0'; the JIRA release notes can be found here:
+  All JIRAs completed for this release are tagged with 'FixVersion = 0.13.0'; the JIRA release notes can be found here:
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 308b409..a067a3b 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ lazy val scalaSparkDepsVersion = Map(
 name := "apache-predictionio-parent"
-version in ThisBuild := "0.13.0"
+version in ThisBuild := "0.14.0-SNAPSHOT"
 organization in ThisBuild := "org.apache.predictionio"