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[GitHub] aditihilbert closed pull request #782: Deleting slinky tutorials from mynewt-core

aditihilbert closed pull request #782: Deleting slinky tutorials from mynewt-core

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
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diff --git a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst b/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c855972..000000000
--- a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-Project Slinky using the Nordic nRF52 Board
-This tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky
-application and communicate with newtmgr for a Nordic nRF52 board.
--  Meet the prerequisites listed in `Project
-   Slinky </os/tutorials/project-slinky.html>`__.
--  Have a Nordic nRF52-DK board.
--  Install the `Segger JLINK Software and documentation
-   pack <>`__.
-Create a New Project
-Create a new project if you do not have an existing one. You can skip
-this step and proceed to `create the targets <#create_targets>`__ if you
-already have a project created or completed the `Sim
-Slinky <project-slinky.html>`__ tutorial.
-Run the following commands to create a new project. We name the project
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt new slinky
-    Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    ...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
-    Project slinky successfully created
-    $ cd slinky
-    $newt install
-    apache-mynewt-core
-Create the Targets
-Create two targets for the nRF52-DK board - one for the bootloader and
-one for the Slinky application.
-Run the following ``newt target`` commands, from your project directory,
-to create a bootloader target. We name the target ``nrf52_boot``.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt target create nrf52_boot
-    $ newt target set nrf52_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk
-    $ newt target set nrf52_boot build_profile=optimized
-    $ newt target set nrf52_boot app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot
-Run the following ``newt target`` commands to create a target for the
-Slinky application. We name the target ``nrf52_slinky``.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt target create nrf52_slinky
-    $ newt target set nrf52_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk
-    $ newt target set nrf52_slinky build_profile=debug
-    $ newt target set nrf52_slinky app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky
-Build the Targets
-Run the ``newt build nrf52_boot`` command to build the bootloader:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt build nrf52-boot
-    Building target targets/nrf52_boot
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c
-        ...
-    Archiving sys_mfg.a
-    Archiving sys_sysinit.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf
-    Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_boot
-Run the ``newt build nrf52_slinky`` command to build the Slinky
-.. code-block:: console
-    $newt build nrf52_slinky
-    Building target targets/nrf52_slinky
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aesni.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
-           ...
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
-    Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky
-Sign and Create the Slinky Application Image
-Run the ``newt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0`` command to create and
-sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary version (e.g.
-1.0.0) to the image.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0
-    App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.img
-    $
-Connect to the Board
--  Connect a micro-USB cable from your computer to the micro-USB port on
-   the nRF52-DK board.
--  Turn the power on the board to ON. You should see the green LED light
-   up on the board.
-Load the Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image
-Run the ``newt load nrf52_boot`` command to load the bootloader onto the
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt load nrf52_boot
-    Loading bootloader
-    $
-Run the ``newt load nrf52_slinky`` command to load the Slinky
-application image onto the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt load nrf52_slinky
-    Loading app image into slot 1
-    $
-Connect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial Connection
-Set up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK board (See
-`Serial Port Setup </os/get_started/serial_access.html>`__).
-Locate the port, in the /dev directory on your computer, that the serial
-connection uses. The format of the port name is platform dependent:
--  Mac OS uses the format ``tty.usbserial-<some identifier>``.
--  Linux uses the format ``TTYUSB<N>``, where ``N`` is a number. For
-   example, TTYUSB2.
--  MinGW on Windows uses the format ``ttyS<N>``, where ``N`` is a
-   number. You must map the port name to a Windows COM port:
-   ``/dev/ttyS<N>`` maps to ``COM<N+1>``. For example, ``/dev/ttyS2``
-   maps to ``COM3``.
-   You can also use the Windows Device Manager to find the COM port
-   number.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ ls /dev/tty*usbserial*
-    /dev/tty.usbserial-1d11
-    $
-Setup a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port. For our example,
-the port is ``/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11``.
-Run the ``newtmgr conn add`` command to define a newtmgr connection
-profile for the serial port. We name the connection profile
--  You will need to replace the ``connstring`` with the specific port
-   for your serial connection.
--  On Windows, you must specify ``COM<N+1>`` for the connstring if
-   ``/dev/ttyS<N>`` is the serial port.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr conn add nrf52serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11
-    Connection profile nrf52serial successfully added
-    $
-You can run the ``newt conn show`` command to see all the newtmgr
-connection profiles:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr conn show
-    Connection profiles:
-      nrf52serial: type=serial, connstring='/dev/tty.usbserial-1d11'
-      sim1: type=serial, connstring='/dev/ttys012'
-    $
-Use Newtmgr to Query the Board
-Run some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from the board (See the `Newt Manager
-Guide <../../newtmgr/overview>`__ for more information on the newtmgr
-Run the ``newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial`` command. This is the
-simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr echo hello -c nrf52serial
-    hello
-    $
-Run the ``newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial`` command to list the
-images on the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr image list -c nrf52serial
-    Images:
-     slot=0
-        version: 1.0.0
-        bootable: true
-        flags: active confirmed
-        hash: f411a55d7a5f54eb8880d380bf47521d8c41ed77fd0a7bd5373b0ae87ddabd42
-    Split status: N/A
-    $
-Run the ``newtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial`` command to display the task
-statistics on the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr taskstat -c nrf52serial
-          task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse last_checkin next_checkin
-          idle 255   0    43484      539       64       32        0        0
-          main 127   1        1       90     1024      353        0        0
-         task1   8   2        0      340      192      114        0        0
-         task2   9   3        0      340       64       31        0        0
-    $
diff --git a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst b/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f62e7996e..000000000
--- a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Project Sim Slinky
-This tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky
-application and communicate with newtmgr for a simulated device. This is
-supported on Mac OS and Linux platforms.
-Meet the prerequisites listed in `Project
-Slinky </os/tutorials/project-slinky.html>`__.
-Creating a new project
-Instructions for creating a project are located in the `Basic
-Setup <../get_started/project_create/>`__ section of the `Mynewt
-Documentation <../introduction/>`__
-We will list only the steps here for brevity. We will name the project
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt new slinky
-    Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    ...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
-    Project slinky successfully created
-    $ cd slinky
-    $newt install
-    apache-mynewt-core
-Setting up your target build
-Create a target for ``slinky`` using the native bsp. We will list only
-the steps and suppress the tool output here for brevity.
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ newt target create sim_slinky
-        $ newt target set sim_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native
-        $ newt target set sim_slinky build_profile=debug
-        $ newt target set sim_slinky app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky
-Building Your target
-To build your target, use ``newt build``. When complete, an executable
-file is created.
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ newt build sim_slinky 
-        Building target targets/sim_slinky
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aesni.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
-                  ...
-        Archiving util_crc.a
-        Archiving util_mem.a
-        Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/sim_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
-        Target successfully built: targets/sim_slinky
-Run the target
-Run the executable you have build for the simulated environment. The
-serial port name on which the simulated target is connected is shown in
-the output when mynewt slinky starts.
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/sim_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
-        uart0 at /dev/ttys005
-In this example, the slinky app opened up a com port ``/dev/ttys005``
-for communications with newtmgr.
-**NOTE:** This application will block. You will need to open a new
-console (or execute this in another console) to continue the tutorial.\*
-Setting up a connection profile
-You will now set up a connection profile using ``newtmgr`` for the
-serial port connection and start communicating with the simulated remote
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ newtmgr conn add sim1 type=serial connstring=/dev/ttys005
-        Connection profile sim1 successfully added
-        $ newtmgr conn show
-        Connection profiles: 
-          sim1: type=serial, connstring='/dev/ttys005'
-Executing newtmgr commands with the target
-You can now use connection profile ``sim1`` to talk to the running
-sim\_slinky. As an example, we will query the running mynewt OS for the
-usage of its memory pools.
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ newtmgr -c sim1 mpstat
-        Return Code = 0
-                                name blksz  cnt free  min
-                              msys_1   292   12   10   10
-As a test command, you can send an arbitrary string to the target and it
-will echo that string back in a response to newtmgr.
-.. code-block:: console
-        $ newtmgr -c sim1 echo "Hello Mynewt"
-        Hello Mynewt
-In addition to these, you can also examine running tasks, statistics,
-logs, image status (not on sim), and configuration.
diff --git a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-slinky.rst b/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-slinky.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 672e58976..000000000
--- a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-slinky.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Project Slinky
-The goal of the project is to use a sample application called "Slinky"
-included in the Mynewt repository to enable remote communications with a
-device running the Mynewt OS. The protocol for remote communications is
-called newt manager (newtmgr).
-If you have an existing project using a target that does not use the
-Slinky application and you wish to add newtmgr functionality to it,
-check out the tutorial titled `Enable newtmgr in any
-app <add_newtmgr.html>`__.
-Available Tutorials
-Tutorials are available for the following boards:
--  `Slinky on a simulated device </os/tutorials/project-sim-slinky>`__.
-   This is supported on Mac OS and Linux platforms.
--  `Slinky on a nRF52 </os/tutorials/project-nrf52-slinky>`__.
--  `Slinky on an Olimex </os/tutorials/project-stm32-slinky>`__. ###
-   Prerequisites
-Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites before continuing with
-this tutorial:
--  Have Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.
--  Have a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to the
-   board over USB.
--  Have a Micro-USB cable to connect the board and the computer.
--  Have a `serial port setup </os/get_started/serial_access.html>`__.
--  Install the newt tool and the toolchains (See `Basic
-   Setup </os/get_started/get_started.html>`__).
--  Install the `newtmgr tool </newtmgr/install_mac.html>`__.
--  Read the Mynewt OS `Concepts </os/get_started/vocabulary.html>`__
-   section.
--  Create a project space (directory structure) and populated it with
-   the core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or kn ow how to as
-   explained in `Creating Your First
-   Project </os/get_started/project_create>`__.
-Overview of Steps
--  Install dependencies.
--  Define the bootloader and Slinky application target for the target
-   board.
--  Build the bootloader target.
--  Build the Slinky application target and create an application image.
--  Set a up serial connection with the targets.
--  Create a connection profile using the newtmgr tool.
--  Use the newtmgr tool to communicate with the targets.
diff --git a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst b/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b52de9f7..000000000
--- a/docs/os/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Project Slinky Using Olimex Board
-This tutorial shows you how to create, build and run the Slinky
-application and communicate with newtmgr for an Olimex STM-E407 board.
-###Prerequisites \* Meet the prerequisites listed in `Project
-Slinky </os/tutorials/project-slinky.html>`__. \* Have a STM32-E407
-development board from Olimex. \* Have a ARM-USB-TINY-H connector with
-JTAG interface for debugging ARM microcontrollers (comes with the ribbon
-cable to hook up to the board) \* Have a USB A-B type cable to connect
-the debugger to your computer. \* Have a USB to TTL Serial Cable with
-female wiring harness. \* Install the `OpenOCD
-debugger </os/get_started/cross_tools/>`__.
-Create a New Project
-Create a new project if you do not have an existing one. You can skip
-this step and proceed to `create the targets <#create_targets>`__ if you
-already have a project created or completed the `Sim
-Slinky <project-slinky.html>`__ tutorial.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt new slinky
-    Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    ...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
-    Project slink successfully created
-    $ cd slinky
-    $newt install
-    apache-mynewt-core
-Create the Targets
-Create two targets for the STM32-E407 board - one for the bootloader and
-one for the Slinky application.
-Run the following ``newt target`` commands, from your project directory,
-to create a bootloader target. We name the target ``stm32_boot``.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt target create stm32_boot
-    $ newt target set stm32_boot bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
-    $ newt target set stm32_boot build_profile=optimized
-    $ newt target set stm32_boot
-Run the following ``newt target`` commands to create a target for the
-Slinky application. We name the target ``stm32_slinky``.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt target create stm32_slinky
-    $ newt target set stm32_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
-    $ newt target set stm32_slinky build_profile=debug
-    $ newt target set stm32_slinky app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky
-Build the Targets
-Run the ``newt build stm32_boot`` command to build the bootloader:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt build stm32_boot
-    Building target targets/stm32_boot
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c
-          ...
-    Archiving sys_mfg.a
-    Archiving sys_sysinit.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf
-    Target successfully built: targets/stm32_boot
-    $
-Run the ``newt build stm32_slinky`` command to build the Slinky
-.. code-block:: console
-    $newt build stm32_slinky
-    Building target targets/stm32_slinky
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
-           ...
-    Archiving util_crc.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
-    Target successfully built: targets/stm32_slinky
-    $
-Sign and Create the Slinky Application Image
-Run the ``newt create-image stm32_slinky 1.0.0`` command to create and
-sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary version (e.g.
-1.0.0) to the image.
-.. code-block:: console
-    newt create-image stm32_slinky 1.0.0
-    App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.img
-    $
-Connect to the Board
--  Connect the USB A-B type cable to the ARM-USB-TINY-H debugger
-   connector.
--  Connect the ARM-USB-Tiny-H debugger connector to your computer and
-   the board.
--  Connect the USB Micro-A cable to the USB-OTG2 port on the board.
--  Set the Power Sel jumper on the board to pins 5 and 6 to select
-   USB-OTG2 as the power source. If you would like to use a different
-   power source, refer to the `OLIMEX STM32-E407 user
-   manual <>`__
-   for pin specifications.
-You should see a red LED light up on the board.
-Load the Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image
-Run the ``newt load stm32_boot`` command to load the bootloader onto the
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt load stm32_boot
-    Loading bootloader
-    $
-Note: If you are using Windows and get a ``no device found`` error, you
-will need to install the usb driver. Download
-`Zadig <>`__ and run it:
--  Select Options > List All Devices.
--  Select ``Olimex OpenOCD JTAG ARM-USB-TINY-H`` from the drop down
-   menu.
--  Select the ``WinUSB`` driver.
--  Click Install Driver.
--  Run the ``newt load stm32_boot`` command again.
-Run the ``newt load stm32_slinky`` command to load the Slinky
-application image onto the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newt load stm32_slinky
-    Loading app image into slot 1
-    $
-Connect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial Connection
-Locate the PC6/USART6\_TX (pin 3), PC7/USART6\_RX (pin 4), and GND (pin
-2) of the UEXT connector on the Olimex board. More information on the
-UEXT connector can be found at
- The schematic of the
-board can be found at
-for reference.
-.. figure:: pics/serial_conn.png
-   :alt: Alt Layout - Serial Connection
-   Alt Layout - Serial Connection
--  Connect the female RX pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the TX (Pin
-   3) of the UEXT connector on the board.
--  Connect the female TX pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the RX (Pin
-   4) of the UEXT connector on the board.
--  Connect the GND pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the GND (Pin 2) of
-   the UEXT connector on the board.
-Locate the port, in the /dev directory on your computer, that the
-serial connection uses. The format of the port name is platform
--  Mac OS uses the format ``tty.usbserial-<some identifier>``.
--  Linux uses the format ``TTYUSB<N>``, where ``N`` is a number. For
-   example, TTYUSB2.
--  MinGW on Windows uses the format ``ttyS<N>``, where ``N`` is a
-   number. You must map the port name to a Windows COM port:
-   ``/dev/ttyS<N>`` maps to ``COM<N+1>``. For example, ``/dev/ttyS2``
-   maps to ``COM3``.
-   You can also use the Windows Device Manager to find the COM port
-   number.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ ls /dev/tty*usbserial*
-    /dev/tty.usbserial-1d13
-    $
-Setup a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port. For our
-example, the port is ``/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13``.
-Run the ``newtmgr conn add`` command to define a newtmgr connection
-profile for the serial port. We name the connection profile
--  You will need to replace the ``connstring`` with the specific port
-   for your serial connection.
--  On Windows, you must specify ``COM<N+1>`` for the connstring if
-   ``/dev/ttyS<N>`` is the serial port.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr conn add stm32serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13
-    Connection profile stm32serial successfully added
-    $
-You can run the ``newt conn show`` command to see all the newtmgr
-connection profiles:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr conn show
-    Connection profiles:
-      stm32serial: type=serial, connstring='/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13'
-      sim1: type=serial, connstring='/dev/ttys012'
-    $
-Use Newtmgr to Query the Board
-Run some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from the board (See the `Newt Manager
-Guide <newtmgr/overview>`__ for more information on the newtmgr
-Run the ``newtmgr echo hello -c stm32serial`` command. This is the
-simplest command that requests the board to echo back the text.
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr echo hello -c stm32serial
-    hello
-    $
-Run the ``newtmgr image list -c stm32serial`` command to list the
-images on the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr image list -c stm32serial
-    Images:
-     slot=0
-        version: 1.0.0
-        bootable: true
-        flags: active confirmed
-        hash: 9cf8af22b1b573909a8290a90c066d4e190407e97680b7a32243960ec2bf3a7f
-    Split status: N/A
-    $
-Run the ``newtmgr taskstat -c stm32serial`` command to display the task
-statistics on the board:
-.. code-block:: console
-    $ newtmgr taskstat -c stm32serial
-          task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse last_checkin next_checkin
-          idle 255   0   157179   157183       64       25        0        0
-          main 127   1        4       72     1024      356        0        0
-         task1   8   2        0      158      192      114        0        0
-         task2   9   3        0      158       64       30        0        0
-    $


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