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Posted to by Dieter Scholz <> on 2013/09/02 11:47:38 UTC

Upload of large files via Windows mapped webdav share does not work


at the moment I am evaluating Jackrabbit for my company. So far it looks 
promising. I'm writing this mail because there's one thing that does not work 
at the moment.

JR is running on Jboss 7.2.0 using the JCA distribution. I use the 
SimpleWebdavServlet and more or less the configuration from the standalone 
distribution. If I mount the repository via webdav as a shared device in 
Windows 7 nearly everything works as expected. After patching the Windows 
registry to allow large files via webdav I can even download large files.

Only if I want to upload large files (> ~50 MB) an error occurs - small files 
are no problem. Windows shows an error message that the source file is not 
accessible. The JR log shows a message that tells me:

"Error while importing resource: Cannot refresh a new 
item: item.refresh(false)"

... and the upload fails.

Because the use of the webdav mapping is an important feature we need for our 
application I hope there's a solution for this problem.

Can you help me? Thanks in advance.

Greetings, Dieter