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[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "View_Snippets" by RobertNewson

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The "View_Snippets" page has been changed by RobertNewson:

Remove misleading or incomplete examples

  If you then want to know the total count for each parent, you can use the ''group_level'' view parameter:
- == Retrieve the top N tags. ==
- This snippet assumes your docs have a top level tags element that is an array of strings, theoretically it'd work with an array of anything, but it hasn't been tested as such.
- Use a standard counting emit function:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(doc) {
-     for(var idx in doc.tags) {
-         emit(doc.tags[idx], 1);
-     }
- }
- }}}
- Notice that `MAX` is the number of tags to return. Technically this snippet relies on an implementation artifact that CouchDB will send keys in sorted order to the reduce functions, thus it'd break subtly if this stopped being true. Buyer beware!
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(keys, values, rereduce)
- {
-     var MAX = 3;
-     /*
-         Basically we're just kind of faking a priority queue. We
-         do have one caveat in that we may process a single key
-         across reduce calls. I'm reasonably certain that even so
-         we'll still be processing keys in collation order in
-         which case we can just keep the last key from the previous
-         non-rereduce in our return value. Should work itself out
-         in the rereduces though when we don't keep the extras
-         around.
-     */
-     var tags = {};
-     var lastkey = null;
-     if(!rereduce)
-     {
-         /*
-             I could probably alter the view output to produce
-             a slightly different output so that this code
-             could get pushed into the same code as below, but
-             I figure that the view output might be used for
-             other reduce functions.
-             This just creates an object {tag1: N, tag2: M, ...}
-         */
-         for(var k in keys)
-         {
-             if(tags[keys[k][0]]) tags[keys[k][0]] += values[k];
-             else tags[keys[k][0]] = values[k];
-         }
-         lastkey = keys[keys.length-1][0];
-     }
-     else
-     {
-         /*
-             This just takes a collection of objects that have
-             (tag, count) key/value pairs and merges into a
-             single object.
-         */
-         tags = values[0];
-         for(var v = 1; v < values.length; v++)
-         {
-             for(var t in values[v])
-             {
-                 if(tags[t]) tags[t] += values[v][t];
-                 else tags[t] = values[v][t];
-             }
-         }
-     }
-     /*
-         This code just removes the tags that are out of
-         the top N tags. When re-reduce is false we may
-         keep the last key passed to use because its
-         possible that we only processed part of it's
-         data.
-     */
-     var top = [];
-     for(var t in tags){top[top.length] = [t, tags[t]];}
-     function sort_tags(a, b) {return b[1] - a[1];}
-     top.sort(sort_tags);
-     for(var n = MAX; n < top.length; n++)
-     {
-         if(top[n][0] != lastkey) tags[top[n][0]] = undefined;
-     }
-     // And done.
-     return tags;
- }
- }}}
- There's probably a more efficient method to get the priority queue stuff, but I was going for simplicity over speed.
- When querying this reduce you should not use the `group` or `group_level` query string parameters. The returned reduce value will be an object with the top `MAX` tag: count pairs.
- == Joining an aggregate sum along with related data ==
- Here is a modified example from the [[View_collation|View collation]] page.  Note that `group_level` needs to be set to `1` for it to return a meaningful `customer_details`.
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- // Map function
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.Type == "customer") {
-     emit([doc._id, 0], doc);
-   } else if (doc.Type == "order") {
-     emit([doc.customer_id, 1], doc);
-   }
- }
- // Reduce function
- // Only produces meaningful output.customer_details if group_level >= 1
- function(keys, values, rereduce) {
-   var output = {};
-   if (rereduce) {
-     for (idx in values) {
-       if (values[idx].total !== undefined) {
- += values[idx].total;
-       } else if (values[idx].customer_details !== undefined) {
-         output.customer_details = values[idx].customer_details;
-       }
-     }
-   } else {
-     for (idx in values) {
-       if (values[idx].Type == "customer") output.customer_details = doc;
-       else if (values[idx].Type == "order") += 1;
-     }
-   }
-   return output;
- }
- }}}
- == Computing the standard deviation ==
- This example is from the couchdb test-suite. It is '''much''' easier and less complex then following example although it does not calculate min,max and mean (but this should be an easy exercise).
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- // Map
- function (doc) {
-   emit(doc.val, doc.val)
- }
- }}}
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- // Reduce
- function (keys, values, rereduce) {
-     // This computes the standard deviation of the mapped results
-     var stdDeviation=0.0;
-     var count=0;
-     var total=0.0;
-     var sqrTotal=0.0;
-     if (!rereduce) {
-       // This is the reduce phase, we are reducing over emitted values from
-       // the map functions.
-       for(var i in values) {
-         total = total + values[i];
-         sqrTotal = sqrTotal + (values[i] * values[i]);
-       }
-       count = values.length;
-     }
-     else {
-       // This is the rereduce phase, we are re-reducing previosuly
-       // reduced values.
-       for(var i in values) {
-         count = count + values[i].count;
-         total = total + values[i].total;
-         sqrTotal = sqrTotal + values[i].sqrTotal;
-       }
-     }
-     var variance =  (sqrTotal - ((total * total)/count)) / count;
-     stdDeviation = Math.sqrt(variance);
-     // the reduce result. It contains enough information to be rereduced
-     // with other reduce results.
-     return {"stdDeviation":stdDeviation,"count":count,
-         "total":total,"sqrTotal":sqrTotal};
- }; 
- }}}
- == Computing simple summary statistics (min,max,mean,standard deviation)  ==
- This implementation of standard deviation is more complex than the above algorithm, called the "textbook one-pass algorithm" by Chan, Golub, and Le``Veque.  While it is mathematically equivalent to the standard two-pass computation of standard deviation, it can be numerically unstable under certain conditions.  Specifically, if the square of the sums and  the sum of the squares terms are large, then they will be computed with some rounding error.  If the variance of the data set is small, then subtracting those two large numbers (which have been rounded off slightly) might wipe out the computation of the variance.  See,, and the wikipedia description of Knuth's algorithm
- The below implementation in {{{JavaScript}}} by MarcaJames.  Any mistakes in the js coding are my fault.  The algorithms are from others (all smarter than I), as noted in the comments in the code.  To the best of my knowledge the algorithms are public domain, and my implementation freely available to all.  
- Note that the view is specialized to my dataset, but the reduce function is written to be fairly generic.  I kept the view as is because I'm too lazy to write up a generic view, and also because when I wrote it I wasn't sure one could use Date, Math, and Reg``Exp in Couch``DB Java``Script.  
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- // Map function
- function(doc) {
-     var risk_exponent = 
-     -3.194 +
-     doc.CV_VOLOCC_1                 *1.080 +
-     doc.CV_VOLOCC_M                 *0.627 +
-     doc.CV_VOLOCC_R                 *0.553 +
-     doc.CORR_VOLOCC_1M              *1.439 +
-     doc.CORR_VOLOCC_MR              *0.658 +
-     doc.LAG1_OCC_M                  *0.412 +
-     doc.LAG1_OCC_R                  *1.424 +
-     doc.MU_VOL_1                    *0.038 +
-     doc.MU_VOL_M                    *0.100 +
-     doc["CORR_OCC_1M X MU_VOL_M"]      *-0.168 +
-     doc["CORR_OCC_1M X SD_VOL_R" ]     *0.479 +
-     doc["CORR_OCC_1M X LAG1_OCC_R"]    *-1.462 ;
-     var risk = Math.exp(risk_exponent);
-     // parse the date and "chunk" it up
-     var pattern = new RegExp("(.*)-0?(.*)-0?(.*)T0?(.*):0?(.*):0?(.*)(-0800)");
-     var result = pattern.exec(doc.EstimateTime);
-     var day;
-     if(result){
-         //new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, ms)
-         // force rounding to 5 minutes, 0 seconds, for aggregation of 5 minute chunks
-         var fivemin = 5 * Math.floor(result[5]/5)
-         day = new Date(result[1],result[2]-1,result[3],result[4], fivemin, 0);
-     }
-     var weekdays = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];
-     emit([weekdays[day.getDay()],day.toLocaleTimeString( )],{'risk':risk});
- }
- // Reduce function
- function (keys, values, rereduce) {
-     // algorithm for on-line computation of moments from 
-     // 
-     //    Tony F. Chan, Gene H. Golub, and Randall J. LeVeque: "Updating
-     //    Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample
-     //    Variances." Technical Report STAN-CS-79-773, Department of
-     //    Computer Science, Stanford University, November 1979.  url:
-     //
-     // so there is some weirdness in that the original was Fortran, index from 1,
-     // and lots of arrays (no lists, no hash tables)
-     // also consulted
-     // and
-     // and (ick!) the wikipedia description of Knuth's algorithm
-     // to clarify what was going on with
-     /* 
-        combine the variance esitmates for two partitions, A and B.
-        partitionA and partitionB both should contain
-         { S :  the current estimate of the second moment
-           Sum : the sum of observed values
-           M : the number of observations used in the partition to calculate S and Sum
-         }
-     The output will be an identical object, containing the S, Sum and
-     M for the combination of partitions A and B
-     This routine is derived from original fortran code in Chan et al,
-     (1979)
-     But it is easily derived by recognizing that all you're doing is
-     multiplying each partition's S and Sum by its respective count M,
-     and then dividing by the new count Ma + Mb.  The arrangement of
-     the diff etc is just rearranging terms to make it look nice.
-     And then summing up the sums, and summing up the counts
-     */
-     function combine_S(partitionA,partitionB){
-     var NewS=partitionA.S;
-     var NewSum=partitionA.Sum;
-     var min = partitionA.min;
-     var max = partitionA.max;
-     var M = partitionB.M;
-     if(!M){M=0;}
-     if(M){
-       var diff = ((partitionA.M * partitionB.Sum / partitionB.M) - partitionA.Sum );
-     NewS += partitionB.S + partitionB.M*diff*diff/(partitionA.M * (partitionA.M+partitionB.M) );
-     NewSum += partitionB.Sum ;
-     min = Math.min(partitionB.min, min);
-     max = Math.max(partitionB.max, max);
- }
- return {'S':NewS,'Sum':NewSum, 'M': partitionA.M+M, 'min':min, 'max':max };
-     }
-     /*
-     This routine is derived from original fortran code in Chan et al,
-     (1979), with the combination step split out above to allow that to
-     be called independently in the rereduce step.
-     Arguments:  
-     The first argument (values) is an array of objects.  The
-     assumption is that the key to the variable of interest is 'risk'.
-     If this is not the case, the seventh argument should be the correct
-     key to use.  More complicated data structures are not supported.
-     The second, third, and fourth arguments are in case this is a
-     running tally.  You can pass in exiting values for M (the number
-     of observations already processed), Sum (the running sum of those
-     M observations) and S (the current estimate of variance for those
-     M observations).  Totally optional, defaulting to zero.  
-     The fifth parameter is for the running min, and the sixth for the
-     max.
-     Pass "null"  for parameters 2 through 6 if you need to pass a key in the
-     seventh slot.
-     Some notes on the algorithm.  There is a precious bit of trickery
-     with stack pointers, etc that make for a minimal amount of
-     temporary storage.  All this was included in the original
-     algorithm.  I can't see that it makes much sense to include all
-     that effort given that I've got gobs of RAM and am instead most
-     likely processor bound, but it reminded me of programming in
-     assembly so I kept it in.  
-     If you watch the progress of this algorithm in a debugger or
-     firebug, you'll see that the size of the stack stays pretty small,
-     with the bottom (0) entry staying at zero, then the [1] entry
-     containing a power of two (2,4,8,16, etc), and the [2] entry
-     containing the next power of two down from [1] and so on.  As the
-     slots of the stack get filled up, they get cascaded together by
-     the inner loop.
-     You could skip all that, and just pairwise process repeatedly
-     until the list of intermediate values is empty, but whatever.  And
-     there seems to be some super small gain in efficiency in using
-     identical support for two groups being combined, in that you don't
-     have to consider different Ma and Mb in the computation.  One less
-     divide I guess)
-     */
-     function pairwise_update (values, M, Sum, S, min, max, key){
-   if(!key){key='risk';}
-   if(!Sum){Sum = 0; S = 0; M=0;}
-   if(!S){Sum = 0; S = 0; M=0;}
-   if(!M){Sum = 0; S = 0; M=0;}
-   if(!min){ min = Infinity; }
-   if(!max){ max = -Infinity; }
-   var T;
-   var stack_ptr=1;
-   var N = values.length;
-   var half = Math.floor(N/2);
-   var NewSum;
-   var NewS ;
-   var SumA=[];
-   var SA=[];
-   var Terms=[];
-   Terms[0]=0;
-   if(N == 1){
-       Nsum=values[0][key];
-       Ns=0;
-   }else if(N > 1){
-       // loop over the data pairwise
-       for(var i = 0; i < half; i++){
-     // check min max
-     if(values[2*i+1][key] < values[2*i][key] ){
-         min = Math.min(values[2*i+1][key], min);
-         max = Math.max(values[2*i][key], max);
-     }else{
-         min = Math.min(values[2*i][key], min);
-         max = Math.max(values[2*i+1][key], max);
-     }
-     SumA[stack_ptr]=values[2*i+1][key] + values[2*i][key];
-     var diff = values[2*i + 1][key] - values[2*i][key] ;
-     SA[stack_ptr]=( diff * diff ) / 2;
-     Terms[stack_ptr]=2;
-     while( Terms[stack_ptr] == Terms[stack_ptr-1]){
-         // combine the top two elements in storage, as
-         // they have equal numbers of support terms.  this
-         // should happen for powers of two (2, 4, 8, etc).
-         // Everything else gets cleaned up below
-         stack_ptr--;
-         Terms[stack_ptr]*=2;
-         // compare this diff with the below diff.  Here
-         // there is no multiplication and division of the
-         // first sum (SumA[stack_ptr]) because it is the
-         // same size as the other.
-         var diff = SumA[stack_ptr] - SumA[stack_ptr+1];
-         SA[stack_ptr]=  SA[stack_ptr] + SA[stack_ptr+1] +
-       (diff * diff)/Terms[stack_ptr];
-         SumA[stack_ptr] += SumA[stack_ptr+1];
-     } // repeat as needed
-     stack_ptr++;
-       }
-       stack_ptr--;
-       // check if N is odd
-       if(N % 2 !=  0){
-     // handle that dangling entry
-     stack_ptr++;
-     Terms[stack_ptr]=1;
-     SumA[stack_ptr]=values[N-1][key];
-     SA[stack_ptr]=0;  // the variance of a single observation is zero!
-     min = Math.min(values[N-1][key], min);
-     max = Math.max(values[N-1][key], max);
-       }
-       T=Terms[stack_ptr];
-       NewSum=SumA[stack_ptr];
-       NewS= SA[stack_ptr];
-       if(stack_ptr > 1){
-     // values.length is not power of two, so not
-     // everything has been scooped up in the inner loop
-     // above.  Here handle the remainders
-     for(var i = stack_ptr-1; i>=1 ; i--){
-         // compare this diff with the above diff---one
-         // more multiply and divide on the current sum,
-         // because the size of the sets (SumA[i] and NewSum)
-         // are different.
-         var diff = Terms[i]*NewSum/T-SumA[i]; 
-         NewS = NewS + SA[i] + 
-       ( T * diff * diff )/
-       (Terms[i] * (Terms[i] + T));
-         NewSum += SumA[i];
-         T += Terms[i];
-     }
-       }
-   }
-   // finally, combine NewS and NewSum with S and Sum
-   return  combine_S(
-       {'S':NewS,'Sum':NewSum, 'M': T ,  'min':min, 'max':max},
-       {'S':S,'Sum':Sum, 'M': M ,  'min':min, 'max':max});
-     }
-     /*
-     This function is attributed to Knuth, the Art of Computer
-     Programming.  Donald Knuth is a math god, so I am sure that it is
-     numerically stable, but I haven't read the source so who knows.
-     The first parameter is again values, a list of objects with the expectation that the variable of interest is contained under the key 'risk'.  If this is not the case, pass the correct variable in the 7th field.
-     Parameters 2 through 6 are all optional.  Pass nulls if you need to pass a key in slot 7.
-     In order they are 
-     mean:  the current mean value estimate 
-     M2: the current estimate of the second moment (variance)
-     n:  the count of observations used in the current estimate
-     min:   the current min value observed
-     max:   the current max value observed
-     */
-     function KnuthianOnLineVariance(values, M2, n, mean, min, max,  key){
-   if(!M2){ M2 = 0; }
-   if(!n){ n = 0; }
-   if(!mean){ mean  = 0; }
-   if(!min){ min = Infinity; }
-   if(!max){ max = -Infinity; }
-   if(!key){ key = 'risk'; }
-   // this algorithm is apparently a special case of the above
-   // pairwise algorithm, in which you just apply one more value
-   // to the running total.  I don't know why bun Chan et al
-   // (1979) and again in their later paper claim that using M
-   // greater than 1 is always better than not.
-   // but this code is certainly cleaner!  code based on Scott
-   // Lamb's Java found at
-   //
-   // but modified a bit
-   for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++ ){
-       var diff = (values[i][key] - mean);
-             var newmean = mean +  diff / (n+i+1);
-             M2 += diff * (values[i][key] - newmean);
-             mean = newmean;
-             min = Math.min(values[i][key], min);
-             max = Math.max(values[i][key], max);
-         }
-   return {'M2': M2, 'n': n + values.length, 'mean': mean, 'min':min, 'max':max };
-     }
-     function KnuthCombine(partitionA,partitionB){
-   if(partitionB.n){
-       var newn = partitionA.n + partitionB.n;
-             var diff = partitionB.mean - partitionA.mean;
-             var newmean = partitionA.mean + diff*(partitionB.n/newn)
-             var M2 = partitionA.M2 + partitionB.M2 + (diff * diff * partitionA.n * partitionB.n / newn );
-             min = Math.min(partitionB.min, partitionA.min);
-             max = Math.max(partitionB.max, partitionA.max);
-       return {'M2': M2, 'n': newn, 'mean': newmean, 'min':min, 'max':max };
-         } else {
-             return partitionA;
-         }
-     }
-     var output={};
-     var knuthOutput={};
-     // two cases in the application of reduce.  In the first reduce
-     // case the rereduce flag is false, and we have raw values.  We
-     // also have keys, but that isn't applicable here.
-     // 
-     // In the rereduce case, rereduce is true, and we are being passed
-     // output for identical keys that needs to be combined further.
-     if(!rereduce)
-     {
-   output = pairwise_update(values);
-   output.variance_n=output.S/output.M;
-   output.mean = output.Sum/output.M;
-   knuthOutput = KnuthianOnLineVariance(values);
-   knuthOutput.variance_n=knuthOutput.M2/knuthOutput.n;
-   output.knuthOutput=knuthOutput;
-     } else {
-   /*
-            we have an existing pass, so should have multiple outputs to combine  
-         */
-   for(var v in values){
-       output = combine_S(values[v],output);
-       knuthOutput = KnuthCombine(values[v].knuthOutput, knuthOutput);
-   }
-   output.variance_n=output.S/output.M;
-   output.mean = output.Sum/output.M;
-   knuthOutput.variance_n=knuthOutput.M2/knuthOutput.n;
-   output.knuthOutput=knuthOutput;
-     }
-     // and done
-     return output;
- }
- }}}
- Sample output.  Note the difference in the very last few decimal places between the two methods.  
- ||`["Tue", "08:00:00"] `|| ` {"S": 1276.8988123975391, "Sum": 1257.4497350063903, "M": 955, "min": 0.033031734767263086, "max": 6.011336961717487,`  `"variance_n": 1.3370668192644388, "mean": 1.3167012932004087,`  `"knuthOutput": {"M2": 1276.898812397539, "n": 955, "mean": 1.3167012932004083, "min": 0.033031734767263086, "max": 6.011336961717487,` `"variance_n": 1.3370668192644386}} `||
- ||`["Tue", "08:05:00"]`||` {"S": 1363.1444727834003, "Sum": 1303.08214106713, "M": 939, "min": 0.03216066554751794, "max": 5.93544645899576,`  `"variance_n": 1.4516980540824285, "mean": 1.387733909549659,`  `"knuthOutput": {"M2": 1363.1444727834005, "n": 939, "mean": 1.3877339095496595, "min": 0.03216066554751794, "max": 5.93544645899576,` `"variance_n": 1.4516980540824287}} `||
- <<Anchor(interactive_couchdb)>>
- == Interactive CouchDB Tutorial ==
- See [[|this blog post]], which is a CouchDB emulator (in JavaScript) that explains the basics of map/reduce, view collation and querying CouchDB RESTfully.
- <<Anchor(documents_without_a_field)>>
- == Retrieving documents without a certain field ==
- Sometimes you might need to get a list of documents that '''don't''' have a certain field. You can do this quite easy by emitting keys that fit the "undefined" condition:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.field === void 0) {
-     emit(, null);
-   }
- }
- }}}
- However, if you have more than just a few fields that need to be tested for absence you can use another approach instead of creating a view for each negation:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function (doc) {
-   // List of fields to test for absence in documents, fields specified here will be emitted as key
-   var fields = [ "type", "role", "etc" ];
-   // Loop through our fields
-   for (var idx in fields)
-   {
-     // Does the current field exists?
-     if (!doc.hasOwnProperty(fields[idx]))
-     {
-       // It doesn't, emit the field name as key
-       emit(fields[idx], 1);
-     }
-   }
- }
- }}}
- For example: you can now query your view and retrieve all documents that do not contain the field `role` (view/NAME/?key="role").
- == Using views to search for sort documents geographically ==
- If you use latitude/longitude information in your documents, it's not very easy to sort on proximity from a given point using the normal approach (of using a key of [<latitude>, <longitude>]). This happens because they're on different axes, which doesn't map well onto CouchDB's treatment of the index sorting -- which is a linear sort. However, using a [[|geohash]] may solve this, by letting you convert the coordinates of a location into a string that sorts well (e.g., locations that are close share a common prefix).
- (Note that I haven't actually used this approach, but this came up in IRC and geohashes are conceptually a good match. Please reword/refactor this entry if I've stated the problem or solution poorly.)
  == Get contents of an object with specific attributes e.g. doc.objects.[0].attribute ==
  {{{#!highlight javascript