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cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx book.xml index.xml mxinfo.xml overview.xml structure.xml xdoctags.xml

nicolaken    2002/11/18 06:19:14

  Added:       src/documentation/content/mx book.xml index.xml mxinfo.xml
                        overview.xml structure.xml xdoctags.xml
  First step of migration of documentation to Forrest.
  New docs dir:
  New content dir:
  New resources and images dir:
  To build the documentation download Forrest from CVS
   install it as described here
  cd in the  jakarta-avalon-phoenix dir and run "forrest"
  To see the site real-time from a local embedded webserver run "forrest run"
  and point the browser to http://localhost:8888/
  The sources to change are in ./build/webapp, you will need to synch them with
  the actual docs manually.
  Or run the Phoenix build.xml with target "site".
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN" "book-cocoon-v10.dtd">
  <book title="Avalon Phoenix" copyright="Avalon Phoenix" software="Avalon Phoenix">
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  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
          <title>Management Guide</title>
      <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
                  Management refers to how a running instance of Phoenix, along with
                  its components, applications and blocks is supervised and manipulated.
                  This guide covers the steps required to write management-enabled
                  applications using Phoenix.
                  Management in Phoenix is divided into two distinct areas.  The first 
                  area is the the management metadata.  This information about which
                  applications, blocks and
                  components should be managed, the operations and attributes
                  to expose, and descriptions for each these to help guide the user.
                  Each block and component
                  stores this data in an 'MXINFO file' that is distributed along
                  with the class files that make up Phoenix and the Phoenix-enabled
                  The second area is the Phoenix component that uses the
                  MXINFO files to generate a user interface through which Phoenix
                  and its applications are interacted with.  It is anticated that a number
                  of such interfaces will be developed.  The current implementation
                  of the management component uses the MXINFO files to generate
                  ModelMBeans that are then registered and exposed through a slightly 
                  customized JMX implementation called  
                  <link href="">MX4J</link>.    
                  Note that nothing about the MXINFO file is dependant on using
                  JMX, and the block author does not need to know or care about
                  how Phoenix, the application, and its blocks will be managed.  
                  His/her responsibility is limited to creating an MXINFO file.
                  The guide is broken into a number of sections, each
                  covering a particular aspect of the management picture.
          <section><title>Organizing Structure for Management Data</title>
                  This section provides a conceptual overview of the elements that
                  are used to represent management information within Phoenix.
                  An understanding of these elements and their relationships is 
                  essential for all users are the management functionality.
                  <link href="structure.html">Structure</link>
          <section><title>Step-By-Step Walk-Through</title>
                  This section walks through the steps that are needed to make a
                  block manageable.  The emphasis is on illuminating the process,
                  it does not cover every feature or option.
                  <link href="overview.html">Step-by-Step</link>
          <section><title>MXINFO File Format</title>
                  Management meta-data is stored in MXINFO files.  This section 
                  describes its structure, as well as the runtime requirements
                  of the management agent.
                  <link href="mxinfo.html">MXINFO Format</link>
          <section><title>Using XDoclet Tags to Generate MXINFO file</title>
                  Instead of writing MXINFO files directly it is recommended that
                  component and block authors make use of custom tags inserted 
                  into the source code.  These tags are parsed using the 
                  <link href="">XDoclet</link>
                  engine to produce the MXINFO file.  This section describes
                  how to use the feature.
                  <link href="xdoctags.html">XDoclet Tags</link>
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/mxinfo.xml
  Index: mxinfo.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Management Guide - MXINFO File Format</title>
    <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
          The MXINFO file is contains information about how the object it describes can be managed.  It
          includes functional information intended for the management application, and descriptive data
          to help guide the user.
          An mxinfo file is created at design time.  It can be generated 
          automatically using xdoclet tags (<link href="xdoctags.html">described here</link>) 
          or by hand.  
          At runtime it is expected that the mxinfo file will be have the same name 
          as the class it describes (e.g. FtpServer.class would be described by an
          FtpServer.mxinfo file), and be located in the same package as that class.  
          At startup the mxinfo file is parsed and, in conjuntion with class introspection, 
          is used to define the in-memory metadata for management of the target object.
          Note that a target object is not restricted to having a single mxinfo file, although the specifics of how that
          works is dependant on the management component.  Finally, its worth
          pointing out that an mxinfo file generated from interface can be applied to
          any class that implements the interface.
          Since mxinfo files are somewhat confusing in the abstract, but straight forward in practice,
          the rest of this section describes an imaginary, yet somewhat plausible, mxinfo file.
  &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
  &lt;!DOCTYPE mxinfo PUBLIC "-//PHOENIX/Mx Info DTD Version 1.0//EN"
      &lt;topic name="ftpServer" &gt;
        &lt;!-- attributes --&gt;
          description="Address String"
          description="Server bind address."
        &lt;!-- operations --&gt;
          description="Gets the default root"
          description="Returns port that the server listens on"
            description="no description"
      &lt;proxy name="userManager" /&gt;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/overview.xml
  Index: overview.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
          <title>Guide - Step by Step Overview</title>
      <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
                This section gives a quick overview of how to go from a block's source code, 
                to a managed object accessible in a management interface.  It discusses
                the role of actors at three different points in the
                life cycle of the application:
                during development, at start-up, and while running.  
              <section><title>In Development</title>
                    For a block to be manageable, the developer must provide an
                    MXINFO file along with the compiled code.  The easiest way 
                    to do that is to insert a series of XDoclet tags
                    into the source file.  An example of how to use these tags follows.
                  First, at the class level, the block must be tagged as manageable
                  with @phoenix:mx-topic tag:
   * Ftp server starting point. Avalon framework will load this
   * from the jar file. This is also the starting point of remote
   * admin.
   * @phoenix:block
   * @phoenix:mx-topic name="ftpServer"
   * @phoenix:service name="org.apache.avalon.ftpserver...
  public class FtpServerImpl extends AbstractLogEnabled
                    Then, for each attribute that should be exposed add the 
                    @phoenix:mx-attribute tag:
       * @phoenix:mx-attribute
       * @phoenix:mx-description Returns the top published directory
       * @phoenix:mx-isWriteable false
      public String getDefaultRoot() {
                  and finally for each operation add the @phoenix:mx-operation tag:
       * @phoenix:mx-operation
       * @phoenix:mx-description Returns port that the server listens on
      public String getServerPort(Integer instance) {
                      When this is compiled the PhoenixDoclet task extracts this and inserts it
                      into an mxinfo file.  If a method doesn't have a @pheonix:mx-attribute tag it is not exposed for
                      Here's what the entry generated from the tags above looks like:
  &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
  &lt;!DOCTYPE mxinfo PUBLIC "-//PHOENIX/Mx Info DTD Version 1.0//EN"
      &lt;topic name="ftpServer" &gt;
        &lt;!-- attributes --&gt;
          description="Returns the top published directory"
        &lt;!-- operations --&gt;
          description="Returns port that the server listens on"
            description="no description"
                      Alternatively, you could write the mxinfo file directly (particularly in cases
                      where you can't/don't want to modify the source code).
                      The DTD is called 'mxinfo.dtd' and is available in the /src/schema
                      directory of the source.
              <section><title>At Startup</title>
                      At startup, Phoenix registers each block to a local SystemManager context.  This
                      context determines where the block fits into the management hierarchy.
                      The following code snippet shows the code snippet that registers
                      the Embeddor component with the 'component' management context.  A
                      similar process is followed for registering the blocks in 
                      the application.
  // get the management context
  final SystemManager componentManager =
      systemManager.getSubContext( null, "component" );
  // register the component
  componentManager.register( ManagementRegistration.EMBEDDOR.getName(),
                             ManagementRegistration.EMBEDDOR.getInterfaces() );    
                      The system manager uses the mxinfo file in conjunction with introspection to
                      generate a ModelMBeanInfo object for each topic.  A RequiredModelMBean is then
                      created and exposed for management.
              <section><title>While Running</title>
                      In the default configuration, management is provided through MX4J.  The administrator can perform various
                      tasks such as deploying, starting and stopping applications and changing the configuration of various
                      By default, the server is accessed on port 8082 of the server. eg. http://localhost:8082.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/structure.xml
  Index: structure.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Management Guide - Organizing Structure</title>
    <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
          Phoenix Management seperates the information on what should be managed
          from the implementation of the management agent.  In order to maintain
          this seperation, yet still allow the management interface to be rich
          and structured enough to be useful, it is necessary to impose an organizing
          strucuture on the management metadata.  This structure will be common
          across all management interfaces, althought the specifics of how it is
          exposed is up to the implementor.
          Management information is stored in a structured format that contains both a 
          functional definition of the actions (what can be done) and descriptive information
          about the actions (to help guide the user).  It is composed of the following elements:
            In Phoenix, each managed object belongs to a single Context
            The Context contains a list of managed components called Targets.  In
            addition to the list of Targets, a Context can also have zero or more
            This nested structure of Contexts is the principle
            organizing element for management data, and is the bridge between 
            the management code embedded in Phoenix and the implementation of the 
            management component.  It is represented by the
            A target is a manageable object.  Examples of Targets in Phoenix include the 
            components, the applications and the blocks.  Each target has one or more topics.
            A topic is a logical grouping of attributes that can be get and/or set on the Target and a 
            group of operations that can be called on it.  It is intended that Topics group together
            a particular aspect of Targets manageability.
      This diagram illustrates how this might be presented in a management GUI:
   |   +-- Kernel 
   |   +-- Deployer 
   |   +-- etc. 
       +--Hello World 
       |    +-- Blocks
       |          +-- Block 1 
       |          +-- Block 2 
       +-- Ftp Server 
            +-- Blocks
                  +-- Block 1 
                  +-- Block 2 
          In this example Phoenix, Components and Blocks are Contexts.  Kernel, Deployer, Hello World, Block 1, etc are Targets.  Each Target will then have one or more Topics.  Topics might be Logging, Lifecycle, Deployer, etc.  
          In a jmx environment each topic would most likely be exported as its own mbean 
          (so in the above example the jmx name would be 'Instance=Phoenix,Application=Hello_World,Block=Block_2,Topic=Logger'.  
          In a swing environment each topic might have its own tab.
      In a command line environment, the syntax might be:
  phoenix-mx.set( "Phoenix/Applications/Hello World/Logging/LogLevel", "DEBUG" );
  phoenix-mx.describe( ""Phoenix/Applications/Hello World/Logging/LogLevel" );
          Again, the point behind the 'Organizing Structure' is to keep the management specification 
          seperated from the  management agent, while at the same time providing enough definition 
          to keep a shared conceptual view between the two areas.
      <section><title>Management Proxies</title>
          There is one remaining concept to cover, the proxy.  It is a class that can be used 
          to wrap access to the underlying target.  Posible uses include the mapping of data 
          types to a more friendly type, (eg. from Date to String and back), cleaning up method names, 
          providing backwards compatibility with older versions, and exposing methods 
          missing from the target class, but available to it via a reference.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/mx/xdoctags.xml
  Index: xdoctags.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Management Guide - XDoclet Tagging</title>
    <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
          Doclet tags inserted into source code automatically generate the mxinfo file.
          There are a number of advantages to doing it this way:
            its a lot faster than writing MXINFO files by hand
            its harder to make mistakes, since much of the data required for the mxinfo file is
            parsed out of the source code
            useful defaults can be used by reading the standard javadoc.
          Any class or interface can be used to produce MXINFO files.  How they get used is up to 
          container and its Management subsystem.
      <section><title>The Tags</title>
          The following tags are defined:
                Applies to classes and interfaces.
                Marks the class or interface as eligible for management.  
                It takes a single attribute, called name, that will be used
                to uniquely define the Topic for each Target that includes it.
                This name may be presented to the user in the management agent.
   * This is the interface via which you can manager
   * the root container of Applications.
   * @phoenix:mx-topic name="Kernel"
   * @author <link href="mailto:peter at">Peter Donald</link>
                Applies to getter and setter methods.
                Marks the method as being a getter or setter and as eligible for
                management.  If the class defines a getter and setter, then just 
                getter should be marked up.  
                Often used in conjuntion with the mx-isWriteable tag
       * Gets the list of applications running in the container
       * @phoenix:mx-attribute
       * @return applicationNames The array of application names
      String[] getApplicationNames();
                Applies to methods that are not getters or setters.
                Marks the method as elible to be a management operation.  
                The standard javadoc is used to generate descriptions for any parameters to the
       * Removes the application from the container
       * @phoenix:mx-operation
       * @param name the name of application to remove
      void removeApplication( String name )
                Applies to manageable attributes and operations (i.e. to methods that also
                have the mx-operation or mx-attribute tag).
                The text following the tag is a description of the method suitable for presentation
                in the management agent.
                Optional.  If ommitted the javadoc definition is used.            
       * Retrieve a string identifying version of server.
       * Usually looks like "v4.0.1a".
       * @phoenix:mx-attribute
       * @phoenix:mx-description Retrieve a string identifying version of server.
       * @return version string of server.
      String getVersion();
                Applies to classes.
                The proxy tag is used to indicate that a proxy class should be used
                to manage some aspect(s) of this object.  At runtime, the management
                system will instantiate in instance of the proxy class passing in
                a reference to the managed object in the constructor.  Management
                calls are then made on the proxy instead of the managed object.
                Takes a single attribute, "name" that must be the full class name of a class to be used
                as proxy for the management of this class.
                At runtime it is expected the manager will instantiate the proxy class and use
                it in place of the Target object.
   * Ftp server starting point. Avalon framework will load this
   * from the jar file. This is also the starting point of remote
   * admin.
   * @phoenix:block
   * @phoenix:service name="org.apache.avalon.ftpserver.interfaces.FtpServerInterface"
   * @phoenix:mx-proxy class="org.apache.avalon.ftpserver.FtpServerMxProxy"
   * @author  Rana Bhattacharyya &lt;;
   * @author  Paul Hammant &lt;;
   * @version 1.0
      <section><title>Build Instructions</title>
          To have mxinfo files generated as part as your ant build
          script, include a task like that this:
  &lt;!-- Make .mxinfo automatically for blocks --&gt;
  &lt;target name="phoenix-qdox" depends="compile"&gt;
    &lt;mkdir dir="${build.qdox}"/&gt;
    &lt;taskdef name="generatemeta"
      &lt;classpath refid="project.class.path" /&gt;
    &lt;generatemeta dest="${build.qdox}"&gt;
      &lt;fileset dir="${java.dir}"&gt;
        &lt;include name="**/*.java"/&gt;
          Where build.qdox is where the .mxinfo files should be placed, and java.dir
          is the location of the source files.
          The qdox jar and phoenix-client.jar need to be in the project.class.path.

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