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[Jakarta Lucene Wiki] New: SearchNumericalFields

   Date: 2004-04-04T13:30:06
   Editor: StephaneVaucher <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Lucene Wiki
   Page: SearchNumericalFields

   Initial commit

New Page:

= Searching Numerical Fields =

 Original post:
 Goal: We want to do a search for something like this: [[BR]]
 number:[1 TO 2]

 and not have it return 11 or 103, etc.  But, return 1.5, for example.

 Answer (from:, Erik Hatcher)

 == Utility to pad the numbers ==
 public class Number''''''Utils {
   private static final Decimal''''''Format formatter =
       new Decimal''''''Format("00000"); // make this as wide as you need

   public static String pad(int n) {
     return formatter.format(n);

 == Index the relevant fields using the pad function ==

       doc.add(Field.Keyword("id", Number''''''Utils.pad(i)));

 == Create a custom QueryParser subclass: ==

  public class Custom''''''Query''''''Parser extends Query''''''Parser {
   public Custom''''''Query''''''Parser(String field, Analyzer analyzer) {
     super(field, analyzer);

   protected Query getRangeQuery(String field, Analyzer analyzer,
                                 String part1, String part2,
                                 boolean inclusive)
       throws Parse''''''Exception {
     if ("id".equals(field)) {
       try {
         int num1 = Integer.parseInt(part1);
         int num2 = Integer.parseInt(part2);
         return new Range''''''Query(new Term(field, Number''''''Utils.pad(num1)),
                               new Term(field, Number''''''Utils.pad(num2)),
       } catch (Number''''''Format''''''Exception e) {
         throw new Parse''''''Exception(e.getMessage());

     return super.getRangeQuery(field, analyzer, part1, part2,

  Note: Only the "id" field is treated special, but your logic may vary.

  == Use the custom QueryParser ==

     Custom``Query''''''Parser parser =
         new Custom''''''Query``Parser("field", analyzer);

     Query query = parser.parse("id:[37 TO 346]");

     assertEquals("padded", "id:[00037 TO 00346]",

  == For decimals (sv) ==

  You can use a multiplier to make sure you don't have decimals if they cause problems.

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