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Posted to by Sachin Mittal <> on 2016/07/20 17:30:59 UTC

Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.

I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at but few doubts still remain. I have few specific
questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.

So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a
8 core PC.

- What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
which ran in parallel.
Is this understanding correct.

- What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
this number improve performance.

- Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
because I have a 8 core PC.

- What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?

- I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I did
not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.

- What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.

I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
followup questions if any.


Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sachin Mittal <>.
Just couple doubts regarding executor cores number in standalone cluster

Can executor-cores value exceed the available CPU cores on a worker node.

Also can executor-cores * num-executors exceed  spark.cores.max or

I also see a property spark.task.cpus.
How does this related to executor-cores. Say if spark.task.cpus is set as 2
where has
executor-cores is set as 6. Does this mean six tasks would run in parallel
each utilizing 2 CPU cores. What if available CPU cores on that machine in


On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <
> wrote:

> yes get this clarified
> --num-executors controls the number of executors requested for this
> spark-submit job which as stated if we set --num-executors = 8 it means we
> run 8 executors in the Spark cluster and that is all nodes combined
> --executor-cores=n means that each executor can have up to n
> cores/logicalprocessors/threads allocated to it. In other words can run up
> to n number of parallel tasks.
> --executor-memory/spark.executor.memory=mG determines the executor heap
> size. So as I understand if you have 4 executors in your cluster you have
> allocated a total of 4xm GB of memory to your executors in your cluster.
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn *
> <>*
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 22 July 2016 at 18:20, RK Aduri <> wrote:
>> Your assumption in point 2 is wrong: Clearly as per this configuration it
>> will run 6 executors on each node.
>> If you specify --num-executors ( its the number of executors that run on
>> all nodes, NOT on each node). And you can derive —executor-memory from the
>> total available memory and number of executors. it would be
>> (#total_available_memory (-how much ever the OS needs) divide by number of
>> executors. And, --executor-cores 2 actually means any executor can run
>> maximum 2 tasks at any given point of time.
>> On Jul 22, 2016, at 6:29 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <>
>> wrote:
>> . Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,  SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
>> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
>> the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
>> applicable in standalone mode.
>> Chech file  $SPARK_HOME/sbin/ under standalone section
>> # Options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
>> # - SPARK_MASTER_IP, to bind the master to a different IP address or
>> hostname
>> # - SPARK_MASTER_PORT / SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
>> for the master
>> # - SPARK_MASTER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the master (e.g.
>> "-Dx=y")
>> export SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2 ##, to set the number of cores to use on this
>> machine
>> export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2g ##, to set how much total memory workers
>> have to give executors (e.g. 1000m, 2g)
>> # - SPARK_WORKER_PORT / SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
>> for the worker
>> export SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES=4 ##, to set the number of worker processes
>> per node
>> # - SPARK_WORKER_DIR, to set the working directory of worker processes
>> # - SPARK_WORKER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the worker (e.g.
>> "-Dx=y")
>> # - SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY, to allocate to the master, worker and history
>> server themselves (default: 1g).
>> # - SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS, to set config properties only for the history
>> server (e.g. "-Dx=y")
>> # - SPARK_SHUFFLE_OPTS, to set config properties only for the external
>> shuffle service (e.g. "-Dx=y")
>> # - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, to set config properties for all daemons
>> (e.g. "-Dx=y")
>> # - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the master or workers
>> # Generic options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
>> # - SPARK_CONF_DIR      Alternate conf dir. (Default: ${SPARK_HOME}/conf)
>> # - SPARK_LOG_DIR       Where log files are stored.  (Default:
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/logs)
>> # - SPARK_PID_DIR       Where the pid file is stored. (Default: /tmp)
>> # - SPARK_IDENT_STRING  A string representing this instance of spark.
>> (Default: $USER)
>> # - SPARK_NICENESS      The scheduling priority for daemons. (Default: 0)
>> HTH
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn *
>> <>*
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On 22 July 2016 at 10:57, Sivakumaran S <> wrote:
>>> 1.  the --deploy-mode dictates whether to launch the driver program
>>> locally (“client”) in the machine where the spark-submit runs or or on one
>>> of the machines in the cluster. Consider “cluster” option to be outsourcing
>>> the driver program to a different node in the cluster. Thus with the
>>> cluster mode, you don’t have to keep your local machine open or logged in
>>> because the driver program is running elsewhere.
>>> 2.. If I am not wrong ( I vaguely remember from the book), specifying a
>>> executor-memory requirement higher than what is physically available causes
>>> the job to be fail.
>>> HTH
>>> Regards,
>>> Sivakumaran
>>> On 22-Jul-2016, at 10:45 AM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and
>>> standalone mode.
>>> In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can
>>> control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.
>>> In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you
>>> use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per
>>> executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A
>>> worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs
>>> and job's executor configurations.
>>> Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode
>>> standalone/otherwise)
>>> 1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as
>>> client/cluster.
>>>     I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when
>>> the main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally
>>> as a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver
>>> program and what is the purpose of master.
>>> 2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
>>> --num-executors 6
>>> --executor-memory 2G
>>> --executor-cores 2
>>> So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has
>>> only 8 cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
>>> Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node
>>> and take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
>>> This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will
>>> happen in this case.
>>> 3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores
>>> options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should
>>> use.
>>> 4. Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,  SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
>>> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
>>> the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
>>> applicable in standalone mode.
>>> Thanks
>>> Sachin
>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Your points:
>>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>>> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource
>>>> manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the
>>>> worker thread.
>>>> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot
>>>> have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master
>>>> and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning
>>>> that the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if
>>>> applicable. With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have
>>>> 8 tasks
>>>> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then
>>>> --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2]
>>>> will use two cores
>>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>>>> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master.
>>>> Remember a driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your
>>>> spark app. A master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone"
>>>> mode
>>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1)
>>>> and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>>> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than
>>>> Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to
>>>> "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job
>>>> (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each
>>>> executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the
>>>> same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than
>>>> one executor running on it. You start workers by running
>>>> sbin/
>>>> HTH
>>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>>>> that machine
>>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>>> machine
>>>> Is that assumption correct
>>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>>> program
>>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>>>> always run on master.
>>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>>> LinkedIn *
>>>> <>*
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sachin Mittal,
>>>>> I would like answer this one (if not all)
>>>>> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run
>>>>> the task assigned to it.
>>>>> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the
>>>>> task. A worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one
>>>>> executor per job.
>>>>> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is
>>>>> possible that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2
>>>>> respectively.
>>>>> Hope it helps!!
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>>>>>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my
>>>>>> understanding of spark.
>>>>>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on
>>>>>> right track.
>>>>>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>>>>>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>>>>>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that
>>>>>> JVM as per * option.
>>>>>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>>>>> task assigned to it.
>>>>>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master
>>>>>> and starting one more many slaves.
>>>>>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC
>>>>>> accesible from master PC.
>>>>>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more
>>>>>> executors.
>>>>>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor
>>>>>> will run in its own thread.
>>>>>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7
>>>>>> executors means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>>>>>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master
>>>>>> cluster and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>>>>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
>>>>>> ip>:7077
>>>>>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood
>>>>>> that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=>
>>>>>> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting
>>>>>> the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting
>>>>>> the job.
>>>>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>>>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>>>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>>>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>>>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>>>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the
>>>>>> master?
>>>>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>>>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1)
>>>>>> and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>>>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores
>>>>>> on that machine
>>>>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>>>>> machine
>>>>>> Is that assumption correct
>>>>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and
>>>>>> executor-cores
>>>>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>>>>> program
>>>>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver
>>>>>> program always run on master.
>>>>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>>>>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these
>>>>>> topics.
>>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>>> Sachin
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for
>>>>>>> Spark starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but
>>>>>>> sounds like I never have the time to finish it!
>>>>>>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some
>>>>>>> arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to
>>>>>>> finish it :)
>>>>>>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or
>>>>>>> part of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>>>>>>> *Introduction*
>>>>>>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is
>>>>>>> a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>>>>>>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>>>>>>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>>>>>>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>>>>>>> computation among other things
>>>>>>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>>>>>>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>>>>>>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>>>>>>> <>). These
>>>>>>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>>>>>>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>>>>>>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>>>>>>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>>>>>>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>>>>>>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require
>>>>>>> careful tuning to get the most out of it.
>>>>>>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to
>>>>>>> ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only
>>>>>>> performant but also scalable for your needs.
>>>>>>> *Why Spark*
>>>>>>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of
>>>>>>> offerings. Some of them are complementary and others are competing with
>>>>>>> each other. Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it
>>>>>>> has grown much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular
>>>>>>> tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.
>>>>>>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as
>>>>>>> its core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods.
>>>>>>> Although Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked
>>>>>>> the speed and performance required for certain business needs like dealing
>>>>>>> with real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>>>>>>> concerns.
>>>>>>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>>>>>>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions
>>>>>>> summarized in the form of an application. An application consists of a
>>>>>>> Driver Program that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring
>>>>>>> the code.
>>>>>>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster.
>>>>>>> In other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of
>>>>>>> processes on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux
>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that
>>>>>>> communicate with each other to make a set of services highly available to
>>>>>>> the applications running on them.
>>>>>>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host,
>>>>>>> a VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some
>>>>>>> refer to nodes as machines as well.
>>>>>>> *Spark Operations*
>>>>>>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across
>>>>>>> this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the
>>>>>>> processing. To affect this Spark provides *as part of its core
>>>>>>> architecture *an abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed
>>>>>>> Dataset (RDD). *Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like
>>>>>>> a sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources
>>>>>>> like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
>>>>>>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the
>>>>>>> Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>>>>>>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed,
>>>>>>> but can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs
>>>>>>> can also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to
>>>>>>> Spark) across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>>>>>>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
>>>>>>> known as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel
>>>>>>> operations. By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of
>>>>>>> tasks on different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the
>>>>>>> function to each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across
>>>>>>> tasks, or between tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two
>>>>>>> types of shared variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be
>>>>>>> used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*,
>>>>>>> which are variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We
>>>>>>> will cover them later
>>>>>>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be
>>>>>>> configured differently as well through what is known as the configuration
>>>>>>> of cluster manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>>>>>>> configurations:
>>>>>>>    - *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the
>>>>>>>    simplest set up and best suited for learners who want to understand
>>>>>>>    different concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>>>>>>    - *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with
>>>>>>>    Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>>>>>>    - *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an
>>>>>>>    application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the
>>>>>>>    client can go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>>>>>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>>>>>>    - *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and
>>>>>>>    the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
>>>>>>>    Unlike Spark standalone mode, in which the master’s address is
>>>>>>>    specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the
>>>>>>>    ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus,
>>>>>>>    the --master parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode
>>>>>>>    client
>>>>>>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain
>>>>>>> alive. Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>>>>>>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>>>>>>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>>>>>>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>>>>>>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>>>>>>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>>>>>>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>>>>>>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>>>>>>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>>>>>>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>>>>>>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>>>>>>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>>>>>>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>>>>>>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>>>>>>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>>>>>>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>>>>>>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>>>>>>> the edge node.*
>>>>>>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local
>>>>>>> host *and will leave the other two to other parts.
>>>>>>> *Spark Local Mode*
>>>>>>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does
>>>>>>> not require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>>>>>>> with Spark.
>>>>>>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager
>>>>>>> and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker
>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are
>>>>>>> staring spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make
>>>>>>> life easier to work on Spark.
>>>>>>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>>>>>>> script, you will notice my point:
>>>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>>>>>>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>>>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark
>>>>>>> shell"
>>>>>>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related
>>>>>>> to spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>>>>>>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>>>>>>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>>>>>>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web
>>>>>>> GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to
>>>>>>> call it a different name
>>>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555"
>>>>>>> --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>>>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and
>>>>>>> threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with
>>>>>>> a number of cores.
>>>>>>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>>>>>>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>>>>>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>>>>>>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>>>>>>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>>>>>>> On local mode with you have
>>>>>>> --master local
>>>>>>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>>>>>>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>>>>>>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all
>>>>>>> available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism
>>>>>>> is defined by the number of threads *k*.
>>>>>>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and
>>>>>>> slaves/workers. In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many
>>>>>>> JVMs (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and
>>>>>>> cores). Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on
>>>>>>> 4041 and so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf
>>>>>>> "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>>>>>>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a
>>>>>>> performance test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently
>>>>>>> and more importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>>>>>>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>>>>>>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in
>>>>>>> turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM.
>>>>>>> In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass
>>>>>>> parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>>>>>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>>>>>>                 --master local \
>>>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>>>>>>                 --conf
>>>>>>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>>>>>>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>>>>>>                 --jars
>>>>>>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>>>>>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>>>>>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>>>>>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>>>>>>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources.
>>>>>>> This is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other
>>>>>>> Spark jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>>>>>>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you
>>>>>>> are creating a new SparkConf*
>>>>>>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>>>>>>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>>>>>>> *             setMaster("local").*
>>>>>>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>>>>>>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>>>>>>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>>>>>>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>>>>>>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>>>>>>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>>>>>>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode
>>>>>>> and deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data
>>>>>>> from CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables
>>>>>>> and doing Spark Streaming.*
>>>>>>> *The components of a Spark App*
>>>>>>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>>>>>>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>>>>>>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of
>>>>>>> executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the
>>>>>>> executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes'
>>>>>>> processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The
>>>>>>> executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local
>>>>>>> mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is
>>>>>>> running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called
>>>>>>> *driver* and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well.
>>>>>>> This single executor will be started with *k* threads.
>>>>>>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark
>>>>>>> in-built cluster set-up*.*
>>>>>>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by
>>>>>>> spark-submit. The application relies on the initial Spark specific
>>>>>>> environment setting in the shell that the application is started to create
>>>>>>> what is known as *SparkContext object*. SparkContext tells the
>>>>>>> driver program how to access the Spark cluster among other things. It is a
>>>>>>> separate Java process. It is identified as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>>>>>>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>>>>>>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>>>>>>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>>>>>>> starts executing
>>>>>>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each
>>>>>>> stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution
>>>>>>> that an executor runs on a single node.
>>>>>>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>>>>>>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These
>>>>>>> are as follows:
>>>>>>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of
>>>>>>> cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on
>>>>>>> his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they
>>>>>>> go and grab those values.
>>>>>>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>>>>>>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>>>>>>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>>>>>>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>>>>>>> what it says in this page.
>>>>>>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>>>>>>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the
>>>>>>> settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>>>>>>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>>>>>>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>>>>>>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>>>>>>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed
>>>>>>> number of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be
>>>>>>> specified with the --executor-cores flag when invoking
>>>>>>> spark-submit, spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting
>>>>>>> the spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file
>>>>>>> or on a SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be
>>>>>>> controlled with the --executor-memory flag or the
>>>>>>> spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the
>>>>>>> number of concurrent tasks an executor can run*. **--executor-cores
>>>>>>> 5** means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the
>>>>>>> same time.* The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark
>>>>>>> can cache, as well as the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used
>>>>>>> for grouping, aggregations, and joins.
>>>>>>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or *
>>>>>>> *spark.executor.instances** configuration property control the
>>>>>>> number of executors requeste*d. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you
>>>>>>> will be able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic
>>>>>>> allocation
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic
>>>>>>> allocation enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a
>>>>>>> backlog of pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>>>>>>> *Resource scheduling*
>>>>>>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First
>>>>>>> In First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>>>>>>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>>>>>>> application will use.
>>>>>>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this
>>>>>>> value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>>>>>>> spark-defaults.conf
>>>>>>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>>>>>>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>>>>>>> spark-submit
>>>>>>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the
>>>>>>> cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>>>>>>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>>>>>>> SparkConf. For example:
>>>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>>>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally
>>>>>>> with two threads
>>>>>>>    - local uses 1 thread.
>>>>>>>    - local[N] uses N threads.
>>>>>>>    - local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>>>>>>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will
>>>>>>> need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>>>>>>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>>>>>>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the
>>>>>>> additional Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>>>>>>> Example
>>>>>>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>>>>>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>>>>>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>>>>>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>>>>>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>>>>>>> And at submit time do
>>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>>>                 --master local[2] \
>>>>>>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>>>                 …..
>>>>>>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters
>>>>>>> with sparkConf
>>>>>>> *Resource Monitoring*
>>>>>>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs
>>>>>>> on <HOST>:4040. This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages,
>>>>>>> Executors etc. An example is shown below:
>>>>>>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>>>>>>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses
>>>>>>> JDBC to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion
>>>>>>> rows. It then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable,
>>>>>>> create an ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using
>>>>>>> Maven and executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>>>>>>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>>>>>>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>>>>>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>>>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>>>>>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>>>>>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564
>>>>>>> :1521:mydb12"
>>>>>>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>>>>>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>>>>>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>>>>>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>>>>>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>>>>>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>>>>>>   "user" -> _username,
>>>>>>>   "password" -> _password))
>>>>>>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>>>>>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>>>>>>      ID INT
>>>>>>>    , CLUSTERED INT
>>>>>>>    , SCATTERED INT
>>>>>>>    , RANDOMISED INT
>>>>>>>    , RANDOM_STRING VARCHAR(50)
>>>>>>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>>>   )
>>>>>>>   STORED AS ORC
>>>>>>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>>>>>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>>>>>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>>>>>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>>>           ID
>>>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>>>   sys.exit()
>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>>>>>>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>>>>>>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>>>>>>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>>>>>>> below:
>>>>>>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>>>>>>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at
>>>>>>> ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is currently running at line 87 of
>>>>>>> the code which is
>>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>>>           ID
>>>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session
>>>>>>> in GUI though stages
>>>>>>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>>>>>>  ...................
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>>>>>> LinkedIn *
>>>>>>> <>*
>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google
>>>>>>>> translate suck on the translation.
>>>>>>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>>>>>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>>>>>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <
>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master,
>>>>>>>> slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>>>>>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about
>>>>>>>> spark:
>>>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>>>>>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>>>>>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks,
>>>>>>>> so...
>>>>>>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but
>>>>>>>> HT, so it makes 24.
>>>>>>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit
>>>>>>>> and Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>>>>>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>>>>>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>>>>>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the
>>>>>>>> resources at but few doubts still remain.
>>>>>>>> I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some
>>>>>>>> light on it.
>>>>>>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I
>>>>>>>> have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since
>>>>>>>> mine had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number
>>>>>>>> of tasks which ran in parallel.
>>>>>>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>>>>>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262
>>>>>>>> tasks From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>>>>>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>>>>>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is
>>>>>>>> this because I have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When
>>>>>>>> I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>>>>>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this
>>>>>>>> because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single
>>>>>>>> master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run
>>>>>>>> in its own JVM.
>>>>>>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a
>>>>>>>> worker have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that.
>>>>>>>> Does all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>>>>>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will
>>>>>>>> add followup questions if any.
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Sachin
>>>>>>>> --
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Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
yes get this clarified

--num-executors controls the number of executors requested for this
spark-submit job which as stated if we set --num-executors = 8 it means we
run 8 executors in the Spark cluster and that is all nodes combined

--executor-cores=n means that each executor can have up to n
cores/logicalprocessors/threads allocated to it. In other words can run up
to n number of parallel tasks.

--executor-memory/spark.executor.memory=mG determines the executor heap
size. So as I understand if you have 4 executors in your cluster you have
allocated a total of 4xm GB of memory to your executors in your cluster.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On 22 July 2016 at 18:20, RK Aduri <> wrote:

> Your assumption in point 2 is wrong: Clearly as per this configuration it
> will run 6 executors on each node.
> If you specify --num-executors ( its the number of executors that run on
> all nodes, NOT on each node). And you can derive —executor-memory from the
> total available memory and number of executors. it would be
> (#total_available_memory (-how much ever the OS needs) divide by number of
> executors. And, --executor-cores 2 actually means any executor can run
> maximum 2 tasks at any given point of time.
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 6:29 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <>
> wrote:
> . Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,  SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
> the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
> applicable in standalone mode.
> Chech file  $SPARK_HOME/sbin/ under standalone section
> # Options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
> # - SPARK_MASTER_IP, to bind the master to a different IP address or
> hostname
> # - SPARK_MASTER_PORT / SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
> for the master
> # - SPARK_MASTER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the master (e.g.
> "-Dx=y")
> export SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2 ##, to set the number of cores to use on this
> machine
> export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2g ##, to set how much total memory workers
> have to give executors (e.g. 1000m, 2g)
> # - SPARK_WORKER_PORT / SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
> for the worker
> export SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES=4 ##, to set the number of worker processes
> per node
> # - SPARK_WORKER_DIR, to set the working directory of worker processes
> # - SPARK_WORKER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the worker (e.g.
> "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY, to allocate to the master, worker and history
> server themselves (default: 1g).
> # - SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS, to set config properties only for the history
> server (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_SHUFFLE_OPTS, to set config properties only for the external
> shuffle service (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, to set config properties for all daemons (e.g.
> "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the master or workers
> # Generic options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
> # - SPARK_CONF_DIR      Alternate conf dir. (Default: ${SPARK_HOME}/conf)
> # - SPARK_LOG_DIR       Where log files are stored.  (Default:
> ${SPARK_HOME}/logs)
> # - SPARK_PID_DIR       Where the pid file is stored. (Default: /tmp)
> # - SPARK_IDENT_STRING  A string representing this instance of spark.
> (Default: $USER)
> # - SPARK_NICENESS      The scheduling priority for daemons. (Default: 0)
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn *
> <>*
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 22 July 2016 at 10:57, Sivakumaran S <> wrote:
>> 1.  the --deploy-mode dictates whether to launch the driver program
>> locally (“client”) in the machine where the spark-submit runs or or on one
>> of the machines in the cluster. Consider “cluster” option to be outsourcing
>> the driver program to a different node in the cluster. Thus with the
>> cluster mode, you don’t have to keep your local machine open or logged in
>> because the driver program is running elsewhere.
>> 2.. If I am not wrong ( I vaguely remember from the book), specifying a
>> executor-memory requirement higher than what is physically available causes
>> the job to be fail.
>> HTH
>> Regards,
>> Sivakumaran
>> On 22-Jul-2016, at 10:45 AM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and
>> standalone mode.
>> In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can
>> control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.
>> In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you
>> use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per
>> executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A
>> worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs
>> and job's executor configurations.
>> Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode
>> standalone/otherwise)
>> 1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as
>> client/cluster.
>>     I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when the
>> main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally as
>> a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver program
>> and what is the purpose of master.
>> 2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
>> --num-executors 6
>> --executor-memory 2G
>> --executor-cores 2
>> So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has only
>> 8 cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
>> Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node
>> and take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
>> This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will
>> happen in this case.
>> 3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores
>> options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should
>> use.
>> 4. Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,  SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
>> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
>> the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
>> applicable in standalone mode.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>> wrote:
>>> Your points:
>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource
>>> manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the
>>> worker thread.
>>> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot
>>> have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master
>>> and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that
>>> the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable.
>>> With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks
>>> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then
>>> --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2]
>>> will use two cores
>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>>> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember
>>> a driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A
>>> master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode
>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and
>>> 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than
>>> Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to
>>> "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job
>>> (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each
>>> executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the
>>> same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than
>>> one executor running on it. You start workers by running
>>> sbin/
>>> HTH
>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>>> that machine
>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>> machine
>>> Is that assumption correct
>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>> program
>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>>> always run on master.
>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>> LinkedIn *
>>> <>*
>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sachin Mittal,
>>>> I would like answer this one (if not all)
>>>> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>>> task assigned to it.
>>>> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task.
>>>> A worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor
>>>> per job.
>>>> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is
>>>> possible that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2
>>>> respectively.
>>>> Hope it helps!!
>>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>>>>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my
>>>>> understanding of spark.
>>>>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right
>>>>> track.
>>>>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>>>>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>>>>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that
>>>>> JVM as per * option.
>>>>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>>>> task assigned to it.
>>>>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master
>>>>> and starting one more many slaves.
>>>>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC
>>>>> accesible from master PC.
>>>>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
>>>>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will
>>>>> run in its own thread.
>>>>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7
>>>>> executors means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>>>>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master
>>>>> cluster and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>>>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
>>>>> ip>:7077
>>>>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood
>>>>> that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=>
>>>>> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting
>>>>> the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting
>>>>> the job.
>>>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>>>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1)
>>>>> and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores
>>>>> on that machine
>>>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>>>> machine
>>>>> Is that assumption correct
>>>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>>>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>>>> program
>>>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver
>>>>> program always run on master.
>>>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>>>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>> Sachin
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for
>>>>>> Spark starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but
>>>>>> sounds like I never have the time to finish it!
>>>>>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some
>>>>>> arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to
>>>>>> finish it :)
>>>>>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or
>>>>>> part of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>>>>>> *Introduction*
>>>>>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is
>>>>>> a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>>>>>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>>>>>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>>>>>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>>>>>> computation among other things
>>>>>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>>>>>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>>>>>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>>>>>> <>). These
>>>>>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>>>>>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>>>>>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>>>>>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>>>>>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>>>>>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require
>>>>>> careful tuning to get the most out of it.
>>>>>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to
>>>>>> ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only
>>>>>> performant but also scalable for your needs.
>>>>>> *Why Spark*
>>>>>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings.
>>>>>> Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other.
>>>>>> Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown
>>>>>> much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in
>>>>>> the Hadoop ecosystem.
>>>>>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as
>>>>>> its core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods.
>>>>>> Although Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked
>>>>>> the speed and performance required for certain business needs like dealing
>>>>>> with real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>>>>>> concerns.
>>>>>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>>>>>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions
>>>>>> summarized in the form of an application. An application consists of a
>>>>>> Driver Program that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring
>>>>>> the code.
>>>>>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster.
>>>>>> In other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of
>>>>>> processes on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux
>>>>>> system
>>>>>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that
>>>>>> communicate with each other to make a set of services highly available to
>>>>>> the applications running on them.
>>>>>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host,
>>>>>> a VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some
>>>>>> refer to nodes as machines as well.
>>>>>> *Spark Operations*
>>>>>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across
>>>>>> this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the
>>>>>> processing. To affect this Spark provides *as part of its core
>>>>>> architecture *an abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed
>>>>>> Dataset (RDD). *Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a
>>>>>> sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources
>>>>>> like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
>>>>>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the
>>>>>> Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>>>>>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed,
>>>>>> but can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs
>>>>>> can also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to
>>>>>> Spark) across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>>>>>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
>>>>>> known as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations.
>>>>>> By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
>>>>>> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
>>>>>> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
>>>>>> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
>>>>>> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a
>>>>>> value in memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are
>>>>>> variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will
>>>>>> cover them later
>>>>>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
>>>>>> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
>>>>>> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>>>>>> configurations:
>>>>>>    - *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the
>>>>>>    simplest set up and best suited for learners who want to understand
>>>>>>    different concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>>>>>    - *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with
>>>>>>    Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>>>>>    - *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an
>>>>>>    application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the
>>>>>>    client can go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>>>>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>>>>>    - *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and
>>>>>>    the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
>>>>>>    Unlike Spark standalone mode, in which the master’s address is
>>>>>>    specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the
>>>>>>    ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus,
>>>>>>    the --master parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode
>>>>>>    client
>>>>>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain
>>>>>> alive. Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>>>>>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>>>>>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>>>>>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>>>>>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>>>>>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>>>>>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>>>>>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>>>>>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>>>>>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>>>>>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>>>>>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>>>>>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>>>>>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>>>>>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>>>>>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>>>>>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>>>>>> the edge node.*
>>>>>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local
>>>>>> host *and will leave the other two to other parts.
>>>>>> *Spark Local Mode*
>>>>>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
>>>>>> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>>>>>> with Spark.
>>>>>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager
>>>>>> and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker
>>>>>> thread
>>>>>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are
>>>>>> staring spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make
>>>>>> life easier to work on Spark.
>>>>>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>>>>>> script, you will notice my point:
>>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>>>>>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark
>>>>>> shell"
>>>>>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
>>>>>> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>>>>>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>>>>>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>>>>>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web
>>>>>> GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to
>>>>>> call it a different name
>>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and
>>>>>> threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with
>>>>>> a number of cores.
>>>>>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>>>>>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>>>>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>>>>>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>>>>>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>>>>>> On local mode with you have
>>>>>> --master local
>>>>>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>>>>>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>>>>>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all
>>>>>> available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism
>>>>>> is defined by the number of threads *k*.
>>>>>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers.
>>>>>> In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs
>>>>>> (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores).
>>>>>> Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and
>>>>>> so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf
>>>>>> "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>>>>>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
>>>>>> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
>>>>>> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>>>>>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>>>>>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in
>>>>>> turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM.
>>>>>> In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass
>>>>>> parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>>>>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>>>>>                 --master local \
>>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>>>>>                 --conf
>>>>>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>>>>>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>>>>>                 --jars
>>>>>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>>>>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>>>>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>>>>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>>>>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>>>>>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources.
>>>>>> This is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other
>>>>>> Spark jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>>>>>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
>>>>>> creating a new SparkConf*
>>>>>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>>>>>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>>>>>> *             setMaster("local").*
>>>>>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>>>>>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>>>>>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>>>>>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>>>>>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>>>>>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>>>>>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode
>>>>>> and deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data
>>>>>> from CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables
>>>>>> and doing Spark Streaming.*
>>>>>> *The components of a Spark App*
>>>>>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>>>>>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>>>>>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of
>>>>>> executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the
>>>>>> executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes'
>>>>>> processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The
>>>>>> executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local
>>>>>> mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is
>>>>>> running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called
>>>>>> *driver* and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well.
>>>>>> This single executor will be started with *k* threads.
>>>>>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
>>>>>> cluster set-up*.*
>>>>>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit.
>>>>>> The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in
>>>>>> the shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
>>>>>> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the
>>>>>> Spark cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is
>>>>>> identified as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>>>>>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>>>>>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>>>>>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>>>>>> starts executing
>>>>>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each
>>>>>> stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution
>>>>>> that an executor runs on a single node.
>>>>>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>>>>>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These
>>>>>> are as follows:
>>>>>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of
>>>>>> cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on
>>>>>> his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they
>>>>>> go and grab those values.
>>>>>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>>>>>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>>>>>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>>>>>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>>>>>> what it says in this page.
>>>>>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>>>>>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the
>>>>>> settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>>>>>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>>>>>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>>>>>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>>>>>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number
>>>>>> of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified
>>>>>> with the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit,
>>>>>> spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting the
>>>>>> spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on
>>>>>> a SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with
>>>>>> the --executor-memory flag or the spark.executor.memory
>>>>>> property. The cores property controls the number of concurrent tasks
>>>>>> an executor can run*. **--executor-cores 5** means that each
>>>>>> executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time.* The
>>>>>> memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as the
>>>>>> maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping,
>>>>>> aggregations, and joins.
>>>>>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or *
>>>>>> *spark.executor.instances** configuration property control the
>>>>>> number of executors requeste*d. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you
>>>>>> will be able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic
>>>>>> allocation
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic
>>>>>> allocation enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a
>>>>>> backlog of pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>>>>>> *Resource scheduling*
>>>>>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
>>>>>> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>>>>>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>>>>>> application will use.
>>>>>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this
>>>>>> value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>>>>>> spark-defaults.conf
>>>>>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>>>>>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>>>>>> spark-submit
>>>>>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the
>>>>>> cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>>>>>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>>>>>> SparkConf. For example:
>>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally
>>>>>> with two threads
>>>>>>    - local uses 1 thread.
>>>>>>    - local[N] uses N threads.
>>>>>>    - local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>>>>>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will
>>>>>> need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>>>>>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>>>>>> Or
>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>>>>>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the
>>>>>> additional Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>>>>>> Example
>>>>>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>>>>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>>>>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>>>>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>>>>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>>>>>> And at submit time do
>>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>>                 --master local[2] \
>>>>>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>>                 …..
>>>>>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters
>>>>>> with sparkConf
>>>>>> *Resource Monitoring*
>>>>>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
>>>>>> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
>>>>>> shown below:
>>>>>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>>>>>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses
>>>>>> JDBC to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion
>>>>>> rows. It then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable,
>>>>>> create an ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using
>>>>>> Maven and executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>>>>>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>>>>>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>>>>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>>>>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>>>>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564
>>>>>> :1521:mydb12"
>>>>>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>>>>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>>>>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>>>>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>>>>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>>>>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>>>>>   "user" -> _username,
>>>>>>   "password" -> _password))
>>>>>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>>>>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>>>>>      ID INT
>>>>>>    , CLUSTERED INT
>>>>>>    , SCATTERED INT
>>>>>>    , RANDOMISED INT
>>>>>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>>   )
>>>>>>   STORED AS ORC
>>>>>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>>>>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>>>>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>>>>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>>>>>   //
>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>>           ID
>>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>>   sys.exit()
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>>>>>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>>>>>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>>>>>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>>>>>> below:
>>>>>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>>>>>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at
>>>>>> ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is currently running at line 87 of
>>>>>> the code which is
>>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>>           ID
>>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>>   """
>>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session
>>>>>> in GUI though stages
>>>>>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>>>>>  ...................
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>>>>> LinkedIn *
>>>>>> <>*
>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google
>>>>>>> translate suck on the translation.
>>>>>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>>>>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>>>>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave,
>>>>>>> job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>>>>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>>>>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>>>>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>>>>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT,
>>>>>>> so it makes 24.
>>>>>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit
>>>>>>> and Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>>>>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>>>>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>>>>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the
>>>>>>> resources at but few doubts still remain.
>>>>>>> I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some
>>>>>>> light on it.
>>>>>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I
>>>>>>> have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine
>>>>>>> had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of
>>>>>>> tasks which ran in parallel.
>>>>>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>>>>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>>>>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>>>>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>>>>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>>>>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When
>>>>>>> I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>>>>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this
>>>>>>> because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single
>>>>>>> master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run
>>>>>>> in its own JVM.
>>>>>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>>>>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>>>>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>>>>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will
>>>>>>> add followup questions if any.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Sachin
>>>>>>> --
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Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by RK Aduri <>.
Your assumption in point 2 is wrong: Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node.

If you specify --num-executors ( its the number of executors that run on all nodes, NOT on each node). And you can derive —executor-memory from the total available memory and number of executors. it would be (#total_available_memory (-how much ever the OS needs) divide by number of executors. And, --executor-cores 2 actually means any executor can run maximum 2 tasks at any given point of time. 

> On Jul 22, 2016, at 6:29 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <> wrote:
> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options applicable in standalone mode.
> Chech file  $SPARK_HOME/sbin/ under standalone section
> # Options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
> # - SPARK_MASTER_IP, to bind the master to a different IP address or hostname
> # - SPARK_MASTER_PORT / SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports for the master
> # - SPARK_MASTER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the master (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> export SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2 ##, to set the number of cores to use on this machine
> export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2g ##, to set how much total memory workers have to give executors (e.g. 1000m, 2g)
> # - SPARK_WORKER_PORT / SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports for the worker
> export SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES=4 ##, to set the number of worker processes per node
> # - SPARK_WORKER_DIR, to set the working directory of worker processes
> # - SPARK_WORKER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the worker (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY, to allocate to the master, worker and history server themselves (default: 1g).
> # - SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS, to set config properties only for the history server (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_SHUFFLE_OPTS, to set config properties only for the external shuffle service (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, to set config properties for all daemons (e.g. "-Dx=y")
> # - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the master or workers
> # Generic options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
> # - SPARK_CONF_DIR      Alternate conf dir. (Default: ${SPARK_HOME}/conf)
> # - SPARK_LOG_DIR       Where log files are stored.  (Default: ${SPARK_HOME}/logs)
> # - SPARK_PID_DIR       Where the pid file is stored. (Default: /tmp)
> # - SPARK_IDENT_STRING  A string representing this instance of spark. (Default: $USER)
> # - SPARK_NICENESS      The scheduling priority for daemons. (Default: 0)
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn <>
> <>
> Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 22 July 2016 at 10:57, Sivakumaran S < <>> wrote:
> 1.  the --deploy-mode dictates whether to launch the driver program locally (“client”) in the machine where the spark-submit runs or or on one of the machines in the cluster. Consider “cluster” option to be outsourcing the driver program to a different node in the cluster. Thus with the cluster mode, you don’t have to keep your local machine open or logged in because the driver program is running elsewhere.
> 2.. If I am not wrong ( I vaguely remember from the book), specifying a executor-memory requirement higher than what is physically available causes the job to be fail.
> Regards,
> Sivakumaran
>> On 22-Jul-2016, at 10:45 AM, Sachin Mittal < <>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and standalone mode.
>> In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.
>> In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs and job's executor configurations.
>> Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode standalone/otherwise)
>> 1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as client/cluster.
>>     I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when the main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally as a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver program and what is the purpose of master.
>> 2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
>> --num-executors 6
>> --executor-memory 2G
>> --executor-cores 2
>> So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has only 8 cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
>> Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node and take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
>> This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will happen in this case.
>> 3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should use.
>> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options applicable in standalone mode.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh < <>> wrote:
>> Your points:
>> Here are some followup questions:
>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8 workers, ie 16 threads overall or 
>> just 2 threads overall?
>> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread.
>> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable. With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks
>> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2] will use two cores
>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember a driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode
>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than one executor running on it. You start workers by running sbin/
>> HTH
>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on that machine
>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
>> Is that assumption correct
>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver program
>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program always run on master.
>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn <>
>> <>
>> Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain < <>> wrote:
>> Hi Sachin Mittal,
>> I would like answer this one (if not all) 
>> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task assigned to it.
>> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task. A worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor per job.
>> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.
>> Hope it helps!!
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal < <>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding of spark.
>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right track.
>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM as per * option.
>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task assigned to it.
>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and starting one more many slaves.
>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible from master PC.
>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will run in its own thread.
>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master ip>:7077
>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting the job.
>> Here are some followup questions:
>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8 workers, ie 16 threads overall or 
>> just 2 threads overall?
>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on that machine
>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
>> Is that assumption correct
>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver program
>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program always run on master.
>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
>> Thanks again
>> Sachin
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh < <>> wrote:
>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds like I never have the time to finish it!
>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)
>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>> Introduction
>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster computation among other things
>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG <>). These capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful tuning to get the most out of it. 
>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant but also scalable for your needs.
>> Why Spark
>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings. Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other. Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.
>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these concerns.  
>> Overview of Spark Architecture
>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized in the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
>> A cluster is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate with each other to make a set of services highly available to the applications running on them.
>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer to nodes as machines as well.
>> Spark Operations
>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To affect this Spark provides as part of its core architecture an abstraction layer called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>> RDDs in Spark are immutable meaning that they cannot be changed, but can be acted upon to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark known as shared variables that can be used in parallel operations. By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between tasks and the driver program. Spark supports two types of shared variables: broadcast variables, which can be used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and accumulators, which are variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following configurations:
>> Spark Local - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest set up and best suited for learners who want to understand different concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>> Spark Standalone – a simple cluster manager included with Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>> YARN Cluster Mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>> YARN Client Mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
>> - client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive. Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup.
>> - client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any user intervention.
>> - if your edge node (from where the app is launched) isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues.
>> - in cluster mode, your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of memory / cpu.
>> - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up (think a long running streaming job, for example).
>> If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on the edge node.
>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with Spark on Local host and will leave the other two to other parts.
>> Spark Local Mode
>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment with Spark.
>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life easier to work on Spark.
>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the script, you will notice my point:
>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"
>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call it a different name
>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number of cores.
>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>> On local mode with you have
>> --master local
>> This will start with one (worker) thread or equivalent to –master local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of threads k in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by the number of threads k.
>> In Local mode, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more importantly gets you started and understand various configuration parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>                 --master local \
>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>                 --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>                 --jars /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>> Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.
>> Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are creating a new SparkConf
>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>              setMaster("local").
>>              Set(“num.executors”, “1”).
>>              set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").
>>              set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).
>>              set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>> You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and doing Spark Streaming.
>> The components of a Spark App
>> Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.
>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes' processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called driver and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well. This single executor will be started with k threads.
>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built cluster set-up.
>> Driver Program: The driver is the process started by spark-submit. The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in the shell that the application is started to create what is known as SparkContext object. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified as SparkSubmit in jps
>> Standalone Master is not required in Local mode
>> Standalone Worker is not required in Local
>> Executor is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job starts executing
>> Tasks Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution that an executor runs on a single node.
>> Cache is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are as follows:
>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they go and grab those values.
>> Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL
>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about what it says in this page.
>> Configuring Spark parameters
>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run. --executor-cores 5 means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time. The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping, aggregations, and joins.
>> The --num-executors command-line flag or spark.executor.instances configuration property control the number of executors requested. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic allocation <> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>> Resource scheduling
>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each application will use.
>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ spark-defaults.conf
>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or spark-submit
>> Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time.
>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your SparkConf. For example:
>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with two threads
>> local uses 1 thread.
>> local[N] uses N threads.
>> local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value before starting JVM by providing the new value:
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>> Or
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>> Example
>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>              setMaster("local[2]").
>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>> And at submit time do
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --master local[2] \
>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>                 …..
>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with sparkConf
>> Resource Monitoring
>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040. This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is shown below:
>> Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL
>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>   "user" -> _username,
>>   "password" -> _password))
>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>   //
>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>   //
>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>   //
>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>   //
>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>   sqltext = """
>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>      ID INT
>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>   )
>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>   //
>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>   //
>>   sqltext = """
>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>           ID
>>         , CLUSTERED
>>         , SCATTERED
>>         , RANDOMISED
>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>         , SMALL_VC
>>         , PADDING
>>   FROM tmp
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
>>   sys.exit()
>>  }
>> }
>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into Active Jobs and Completed Jobs respectively. The description is pretty smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is below:
>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>>   sqltext = """
>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>           ID
>>         , CLUSTERED
>>         , SCATTERED
>>         , RANDOMISED
>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>         , SMALL_VC
>>         , PADDING
>>   FROM tmp
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in GUI though stages
>> Figure 4: Drilling down to execution
>>  ...................
>> HTH
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn <>
>> <>
>> Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola < <>> wrote:
>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>> spark-questions-concepts <>
>> deep-into-spark-exection-model  <>
>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate suck on the translation.
>> From: Taotao.Li [ <>] 
>> Sent: 21 July 2016 04:04
>> To: Jean Georges Perrin < <>>
>> Cc: Sachin Mittal < <>>; user < <>>
>> Subject: Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task
>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>> spark-questions-concepts <>
>> deep-into-spark-exection-model  <>
>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post: <>
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin < <>> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it makes 24.
>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and Worker is really the one doing the job. 
>> 5) Dunnoh
>> 6) Dunnoh
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal < <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at <> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a 8 core PC.
>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks which ran in parallel.
>> Is this understanding correct.
>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing this number improve performance.
>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this because I have a 8 core PC.
>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add followup questions if any.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
>> --
>> ___________________
>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>> ___________________
>> blog: <>
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Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
. Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,
If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
applicable in standalone mode.

Chech file  $SPARK_HOME/sbin/ under standalone section

# Options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
# - SPARK_MASTER_IP, to bind the master to a different IP address or
# - SPARK_MASTER_PORT / SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
for the master
# - SPARK_MASTER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the master (e.g.
export SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2 ##, to set the number of cores to use on this
export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2g ##, to set how much total memory workers have
to give executors (e.g. 1000m, 2g)
# - SPARK_WORKER_PORT / SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports
for the worker
export SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES=4 ##, to set the number of worker processes
per node
# - SPARK_WORKER_DIR, to set the working directory of worker processes
# - SPARK_WORKER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the worker (e.g.
# - SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY, to allocate to the master, worker and history
server themselves (default: 1g).
# - SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS, to set config properties only for the history
server (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_SHUFFLE_OPTS, to set config properties only for the external
shuffle service (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, to set config properties for all daemons (e.g.
# - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the master or workers
# Generic options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode
# - SPARK_CONF_DIR      Alternate conf dir. (Default: ${SPARK_HOME}/conf)
# - SPARK_LOG_DIR       Where log files are stored.  (Default:
# - SPARK_PID_DIR       Where the pid file is stored. (Default: /tmp)
# - SPARK_IDENT_STRING  A string representing this instance of spark.
(Default: $USER)
# - SPARK_NICENESS      The scheduling priority for daemons. (Default: 0)


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On 22 July 2016 at 10:57, Sivakumaran S <> wrote:

> 1.  the --deploy-mode dictates whether to launch the driver program
> locally (“client”) in the machine where the spark-submit runs or or on one
> of the machines in the cluster. Consider “cluster” option to be outsourcing
> the driver program to a different node in the cluster. Thus with the
> cluster mode, you don’t have to keep your local machine open or logged in
> because the driver program is running elsewhere.
> 2.. If I am not wrong ( I vaguely remember from the book), specifying a
> executor-memory requirement higher than what is physically available causes
> the job to be fail.
> Regards,
> Sivakumaran
> On 22-Jul-2016, at 10:45 AM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and
> standalone mode.
> In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can
> control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.
> In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you
> use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per
> executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A
> worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs
> and job's executor configurations.
> Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode
> standalone/otherwise)
> 1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as
> client/cluster.
>     I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when the
> main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally as
> a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver program
> and what is the purpose of master.
> 2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
> --num-executors 6
> --executor-memory 2G
> --executor-cores 2
> So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has only
> 8 cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
> Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node and
> take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
> This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will
> happen in this case.
> 3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores
> options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should
> use.
> 4. Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,  SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
> the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
> applicable in standalone mode.
> Thanks
> Sachin
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>> wrote:
>> Your points:
>> Here are some followup questions:
>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>> just 2 threads overall?
>> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource
>> manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the
>> worker thread.
>> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot
>> have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master
>> and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that
>> the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable.
>> With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks
>> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then
>> --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2]
>> will use two cores
>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember
>> a driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A
>> master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode
>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and
>> 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than
>> Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to
>> "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job
>> (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each
>> executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the
>> same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than
>> one executor running on it. You start workers by running
>> sbin/
>> HTH
>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>> that machine
>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>> machine
>> Is that assumption correct
>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>> program
>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>> always run on master.
>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn *
>> <>*
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain <> wrote:
>>> Hi Sachin Mittal,
>>> I would like answer this one (if not all)
>>> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>> task assigned to it.
>>> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task.
>>> A worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor
>>> per job.
>>> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible
>>> that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.
>>> Hope it helps!!
>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>>>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding
>>>> of spark.
>>>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right
>>>> track.
>>>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>>>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>>>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that
>>>> JVM as per * option.
>>>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>>> task assigned to it.
>>>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and
>>>> starting one more many slaves.
>>>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible
>>>> from master PC.
>>>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
>>>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will
>>>> run in its own thread.
>>>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors
>>>> means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>>>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master
>>>> cluster and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
>>>> ip>:7077
>>>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood
>>>> that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=>
>>>> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting
>>>> the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting
>>>> the job.
>>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1)
>>>> and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>>>> that machine
>>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>>> machine
>>>> Is that assumption correct
>>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>>> program
>>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>>>> always run on master.
>>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> Sachin
>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
>>>>> starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
>>>>> like I never have the time to finish it!
>>>>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some
>>>>> arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to
>>>>> finish it :)
>>>>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or
>>>>> part of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>>>>> *Introduction*
>>>>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is
>>>>> a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>>>>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>>>>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>>>>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>>>>> computation among other things
>>>>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>>>>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>>>>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>>>>> <>). These
>>>>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>>>>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>>>>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>>>>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>>>>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>>>>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
>>>>> tuning to get the most out of it.
>>>>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to
>>>>> ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only
>>>>> performant but also scalable for your needs.
>>>>> *Why Spark*
>>>>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings.
>>>>> Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other.
>>>>> Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown
>>>>> much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in
>>>>> the Hadoop ecosystem.
>>>>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its
>>>>> core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
>>>>> Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
>>>>> and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
>>>>> real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>>>>> concerns.
>>>>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>>>>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized
>>>>> in the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
>>>>> that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>>>>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster.
>>>>> In other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of
>>>>> processes on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux
>>>>> system
>>>>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate
>>>>> with each other to make a set of services highly available to the
>>>>> applications running on them.
>>>>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a
>>>>> VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer
>>>>> to nodes as machines as well.
>>>>> *Spark Operations*
>>>>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across
>>>>> this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the
>>>>> processing. To affect this Spark provides *as part of its core
>>>>> architecture *an abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed
>>>>> Dataset (RDD). *Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a
>>>>> sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources
>>>>> like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
>>>>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the
>>>>> Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>>>>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed,
>>>>> but can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can
>>>>> also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark)
>>>>> across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>>>>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
>>>>> known as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations.
>>>>> By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
>>>>> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
>>>>> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
>>>>> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
>>>>> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a value
>>>>> in memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are variables that
>>>>> are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
>>>>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
>>>>> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
>>>>> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>>>>> configurations:
>>>>>    - *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the
>>>>>    simplest set up and best suited for learners who want to understand
>>>>>    different concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>>>>    - *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with
>>>>>    Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>>>>    - *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application
>>>>>    master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can
>>>>>    go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>>>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>>>>    - *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and
>>>>>    the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
>>>>>    Unlike Spark standalone mode, in which the master’s address is
>>>>>    specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the
>>>>>    ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus,
>>>>>    the --master parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode
>>>>>    client
>>>>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain
>>>>> alive. Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>>>>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>>>>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>>>>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>>>>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>>>>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>>>>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>>>>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>>>>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>>>>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>>>>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>>>>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>>>>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>>>>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>>>>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>>>>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>>>>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>>>>> the edge node.*
>>>>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host
>>>>> *and will leave the other two to other parts.
>>>>> *Spark Local Mode*
>>>>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
>>>>> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>>>>> with Spark.
>>>>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager
>>>>> and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker
>>>>> thread
>>>>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
>>>>> spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
>>>>> easier to work on Spark.
>>>>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>>>>> script, you will notice my point:
>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>>>>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark
>>>>> shell"
>>>>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
>>>>> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>>>>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>>>>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>>>>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web
>>>>> GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to
>>>>> call it a different name
>>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
>>>>> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>>>>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and
>>>>> threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with
>>>>> a number of cores.
>>>>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>>>>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>>>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>>>>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>>>>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>>>>> On local mode with you have
>>>>> --master local
>>>>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>>>>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>>>>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all
>>>>> available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is
>>>>> defined by the number of threads *k*.
>>>>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers.
>>>>> In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs
>>>>> (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores).
>>>>> Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and
>>>>> so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf
>>>>> "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>>>>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
>>>>> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
>>>>> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>>>>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>>>>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in
>>>>> turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM.
>>>>> In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass
>>>>> parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>>>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>>>>                 --master local \
>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>>>>                 --conf
>>>>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>>>>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>>>>                 --jars
>>>>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>>>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>>>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>>>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>>>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>>>>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This
>>>>> is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark
>>>>> jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>>>>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
>>>>> creating a new SparkConf*
>>>>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>>>>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>>>>> *             setMaster("local").*
>>>>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>>>>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>>>>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>>>>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>>>>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>>>>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>>>>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
>>>>> deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
>>>>> CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
>>>>> doing Spark Streaming.*
>>>>> *The components of a Spark App*
>>>>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>>>>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>>>>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of
>>>>> executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the
>>>>> executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes'
>>>>> processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The
>>>>> executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local
>>>>> mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is
>>>>> running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called
>>>>> *driver* and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well.
>>>>> This single executor will be started with *k* threads.
>>>>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
>>>>> cluster set-up*.*
>>>>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit.
>>>>> The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in
>>>>> the shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
>>>>> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the
>>>>> Spark cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is
>>>>> identified as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>>>>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>>>>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>>>>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>>>>> starts executing
>>>>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each
>>>>> stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution
>>>>> that an executor runs on a single node.
>>>>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>>>>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are
>>>>> as follows:
>>>>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of
>>>>> cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on
>>>>> his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they
>>>>> go and grab those values.
>>>>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>>>>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>>>>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>>>>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>>>>> what it says in this page.
>>>>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>>>>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the
>>>>> settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>>>>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>>>>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>>>>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>>>>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number
>>>>> of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified
>>>>> with the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit,
>>>>> spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting the
>>>>> spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a
>>>>> SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the
>>>>> --executor-memory flag or the spark.executor.memory property. The
>>>>> cores property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor
>>>>> can run*. **--executor-cores 5** means that each executor can run a
>>>>> maximum of five tasks at the same time.* The memory property impacts
>>>>> the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as the maximum sizes of the
>>>>> shuffle data structures used for grouping, aggregations, and joins.
>>>>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or *
>>>>> *spark.executor.instances** configuration property control the number
>>>>> of executors requeste*d. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be
>>>>> able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic allocation
>>>>> <>
>>>>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
>>>>> enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
>>>>> pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>>>>> *Resource scheduling*
>>>>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
>>>>> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>>>>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>>>>> application will use.
>>>>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this
>>>>> value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>>>>> spark-defaults.conf
>>>>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>>>>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>>>>> spark-submit
>>>>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the
>>>>> cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>>>>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>>>>> SparkConf. For example:
>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with
>>>>> two threads
>>>>>    - local uses 1 thread.
>>>>>    - local[N] uses N threads.
>>>>>    - local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>>>>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will
>>>>> need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>>>>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>>>>> Or
>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>>>>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the
>>>>> additional Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>>>>> Example
>>>>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>>>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>>>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>>>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>>>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>>>>> And at submit time do
>>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>>                 --master local[2] \
>>>>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>>                 …..
>>>>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters
>>>>> with sparkConf
>>>>> *Resource Monitoring*
>>>>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
>>>>> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
>>>>> shown below:
>>>>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>>>>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC
>>>>> to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
>>>>> then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
>>>>> ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
>>>>> executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>>>>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>>>>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>>>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>>>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>>>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>>>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>>>>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>>>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>>>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>>>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>>>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>>>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>>>>   "user" -> _username,
>>>>>   "password" -> _password))
>>>>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>>>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>>>>      ID INT
>>>>>    , CLUSTERED INT
>>>>>    , SCATTERED INT
>>>>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>>>>   )
>>>>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>>>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>>>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>>>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>>>>   """
>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>>>>   //
>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>           ID
>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>   """
>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>>   sys.exit()
>>>>>  }
>>>>> }
>>>>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>>>>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>>>>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>>>>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>>>>> below:
>>>>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>>>>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at
>>>>> ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is currently running at line 87 of the
>>>>> code which is
>>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>>   SELECT
>>>>>           ID
>>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>>   """
>>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session
>>>>> in GUI though stages
>>>>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>>>>  ...................
>>>>> HTH
>>>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>>>> LinkedIn *
>>>>> <>*
>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google
>>>>>> translate suck on the translation.
>>>>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>>>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>>>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave,
>>>>>> job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>>>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>>    <>
>>>>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>>>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>>>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>>>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT,
>>>>>> so it makes 24.
>>>>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>>>>>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>>>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>>>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>>>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources
>>>>>> at but few doubts still remain. I have few
>>>>>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I
>>>>>> have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine
>>>>>> had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of
>>>>>> tasks which ran in parallel.
>>>>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>>>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>>>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>>>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>>>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>>>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>>>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I
>>>>>> did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>>>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because
>>>>>> I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master
>>>>>> cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its
>>>>>> own JVM.
>>>>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>>>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>>>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>>>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>>>>>> followup questions if any.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Sachin
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *___________________*
>>>>>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>>>>>> *___________________*
>>>>>> *blog*:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *github*:
>>>>>> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you
>>>>>> are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content
>>>>>> but contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sivakumaran S <>.
1.  the --deploy-mode dictates whether to launch the driver program locally (“client”) in the machine where the spark-submit runs or or on one of the machines in the cluster. Consider “cluster” option to be outsourcing the driver program to a different node in the cluster. Thus with the cluster mode, you don’t have to keep your local machine open or logged in because the driver program is running elsewhere.

2.. If I am not wrong ( I vaguely remember from the book), specifying a executor-memory requirement higher than what is physically available causes the job to be fail.




> On 22-Jul-2016, at 10:45 AM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and standalone mode.
> In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.
> In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs and job's executor configurations.
> Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode standalone/otherwise)
> 1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as client/cluster.
>     I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when the main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally as a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver program and what is the purpose of master.
> 2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
> --num-executors 6
> --executor-memory 2G
> --executor-cores 2
> So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has only 8 cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
> Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node and take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
> This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will happen in this case.
> 3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should use.
> If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options applicable in standalone mode.
> Thanks
> Sachin
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh < <>> wrote:
> Your points:
> Here are some followup questions:
> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8 workers, ie 16 threads overall or 
> just 2 threads overall?
> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread.
> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable. With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks
> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2] will use two cores
> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember a driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode
> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than one executor running on it. You start workers by running sbin/
> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on that machine
> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
> Is that assumption correct
> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver program
> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program always run on master.
> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn <>
> <>
> Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain < <>> wrote:
> Hi Sachin Mittal,
> I would like answer this one (if not all) 
> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task assigned to it.
> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task. A worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor per job.
> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.
> Hope it helps!!
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal < <>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding of spark.
> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right track.
> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM as per * option.
> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task assigned to it.
> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and starting one more many slaves.
> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible from master PC.
> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will run in its own thread.
> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master ip>:7077
> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting the job.
> Here are some followup questions:
> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8 workers, ie 16 threads overall or 
> just 2 threads overall?
> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on that machine
> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
> Is that assumption correct
> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver program
> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program always run on master.
> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
> Thanks again
> Sachin
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh < <>> wrote:
> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds like I never have the time to finish it!
> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)
> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
> Introduction
> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster computation among other things
> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG <>). These capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful tuning to get the most out of it.
> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant but also scalable for your needs.
> Why Spark
> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings. Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other. Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.
> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these concerns.  
> Overview of Spark Architecture
> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized in the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
> A cluster is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate with each other to make a set of services highly available to the applications running on them.
> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer to nodes as machines as well.
> Spark Operations
> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To affect this Spark provides as part of its core architecture an abstraction layer called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
> RDDs in Spark are immutable meaning that they cannot be changed, but can be acted upon to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark known as shared variables that can be used in parallel operations. By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between tasks and the driver program. Spark supports two types of shared variables: broadcast variables, which can be used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and accumulators, which are variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following configurations:
> Spark Local - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest set up and best suited for learners who want to understand different concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
> Spark Standalone – a simple cluster manager included with Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
> YARN Cluster Mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
> YARN Client Mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
> - client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive. Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup.
> - client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any user intervention.
> - if your edge node (from where the app is launched) isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues.
> - in cluster mode, your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of memory / cpu.
> - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up (think a long running streaming job, for example).
> If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on the edge node.
> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with Spark on Local host and will leave the other two to other parts.
> Spark Local Mode
> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment with Spark.
> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life easier to work on Spark.
> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the script, you will notice my point:
> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "Spark shell" "$@"
> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"
> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use them for example in YARN cluster mode.
> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call it a different name
> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number of cores.
> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
> On local mode with you have
> --master local
> This will start with one (worker) thread or equivalent to –master local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of threads k in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by the number of threads k.
> In Local mode, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more importantly gets you started and understand various configuration parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>                 --num-executors 1 \
>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>                 --master local \
>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>                 --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>                 --jars /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
> Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.
> Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are creating a new SparkConf
> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>              setMaster("local").
>              Set(“num.executors”, “1”).
>              set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").
>              set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).
>              set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
> You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and doing Spark Streaming.
> The components of a Spark App
> Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.
> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes' processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called driver and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well. This single executor will be started with k threads.
> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built cluster set-up.
> Driver Program: The driver is the process started by spark-submit. The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in the shell that the application is started to create what is known as SparkContext object. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified as SparkSubmit in jps
> Standalone Master is not required in Local mode
> Standalone Worker is not required in Local
> Executor is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job starts executing
> Tasks Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution that an executor runs on a single node.
> Cache is the memory allocated to this Spark process
> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are as follows:
> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they go and grab those values.
> Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL
> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about what it says in this page.
> Configuring Spark parameters
> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember to restart your master and slaves’ routines
> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run. --executor-cores 5 means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time. The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping, aggregations, and joins.
> The --num-executors command-line flag or spark.executor.instances configuration property control the number of executors requested. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic allocation <> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
> Resource scheduling
> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each application will use.
> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ spark-defaults.conf
> export spark.driver.memory         4g
> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or spark-submit
> Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time.
> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your SparkConf. For example:
>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>                setMaster("local[2]").
>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with two threads
> local uses 1 thread.
> local[N] uses N threads.
> local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value before starting JVM by providing the new value:
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
> Or
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional Spark configuration parameters at submit time
> Example
> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>              setMaster("local[2]").
>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
> And at submit time do
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>                 --master local[2] \
>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>                 --num-executors 1 \
>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>                 …..
> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with sparkConf
> Resource Monitoring
> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040. This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is shown below:
> Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL
> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>                setMaster("local[2]").
>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>   "user" -> _username,
>   "password" -> _password))
>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>   //
>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>   //
>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>   //
>   // Drop and create table dummy
>   //
>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>   var sqltext : String = ""
>   sqltext = """
>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>      ID INT
>   )
>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>   //
>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>   //
>   sqltext = """
>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>           ID
>         , CLUSTERED
>         , SCATTERED
>         , RANDOMISED
>         , RANDOM_STRING
>         , SMALL_VC
>         , PADDING
>   FROM tmp
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
>   sys.exit()
>  }
> }
> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into Active Jobs and Completed Jobs respectively. The description is pretty smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is below:
> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy') ").collect.foreach(println)
> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>   sqltext = """
>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>           ID
>         , CLUSTERED
>         , SCATTERED
>         , RANDOMISED
>         , RANDOM_STRING
>         , SMALL_VC
>         , PADDING
>   FROM tmp
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in GUI though stages
> Figure 4: Drilling down to execution
>  ...................
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn <>
> <>
> Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola < <>> wrote:
> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
> spark-questions-concepts <>
> deep-into-spark-exection-model  <>
> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate suck on the translation.
> From: Taotao.Li [ <>] 
> Sent: 21 July 2016 04:04
> To: Jean Georges Perrin < <>>
> Cc: Sachin Mittal < <>>; user < <>>
> Subject: Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task
> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
> spark-questions-concepts <>
> deep-into-spark-exection-model  <>
> And, I fully recommend databrick's post: <>
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin < <>> wrote:
> Hey,
> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it makes 24.
> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and Worker is really the one doing the job. 
> 5) Dunnoh
> 6) Dunnoh
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal < <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at <> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a 8 core PC.
> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks which ran in parallel.
> Is this understanding correct.
> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing this number improve performance.
> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this because I have a 8 core PC.
> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add followup questions if any.
> Thanks
> Sachin
> --
> ___________________
> Quant | Engineer | Boy
> ___________________
> blog: <>
> github: <>This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sachin Mittal <>.
Hi All,
This has helped me a lot. especially the differences between local and
standalone mode.
In local everything is within the same JVM and using local[*] you can
control number of cores/threads to use to run the job/tasks.

In standalone mode you start master/ one more slaves (workers). Then you
use spark-submit or job's conf to control number of executors, cores per
executors, memory per executors when these get distributed to a worker. A
worker can have one more executor task running depending on number of jobs
and job's executor configurations.

Few things are still not clear to me (all on cluster mode

1. spark-submit or driver program has a deploy-mode option as
    I have not understood as what is the purpose of master here, when the
main driver program does not run there. ie it is either running locally as
a client or on cluster. So basically what is the purpose of driver program
and what is the purpose of master.

2. The three options using which one controls the executor for a job.
--num-executors 6
--executor-memory 2G
--executor-cores 2
So say I set the above options for a job. What if my worker node has only 8
cores available and total of 8 GB RAM available.
Clearly as per this configuration it will run 6 executors on each node and
take 6 * 2 = 12 cores and 6 * 2 = 12 GB memory.
This exceeds the physical capacity of that worker node. So what will happen
in this case.

3. Also what is advisable setting --num-executors and --executor-cores
options or --total-executor-cores option to control the cores job should

4. Further I see some env variables like SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES,
If we set this in the env where we start our worker means by default all
the job submitted take the values specified by these. Are these options
applicable in standalone mode.


On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
> wrote:

> Your points:
> Here are some followup questions:
> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
> just 2 threads overall?
> In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource
> manager and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the
> worker thread.
> There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot
> have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master
> and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that
> the same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable.
> With 2 cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks
> If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then
> --master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2]
> will use two cores
> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
> The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember a
> driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A
> master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode
> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4
> cores (out of say 8 core PC)
> Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than
> Local mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to
> "each" executor. number-executors is telling that this job
> (spark-submit) will use two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each
> executor can perform parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the
> same time. Each executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than
> one executor running on it. You start workers by running
> sbin/
> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
> that machine
> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
> machine
> Is that assumption correct
> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
> program
> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
> always run on master.
> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn *
> <>*
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain <> wrote:
>> Hi Sachin Mittal,
>> I would like answer this one (if not all)
>> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>> task assigned to it.
>> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task. A
>> worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor
>> per job.
>> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible
>> that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.
>> Hope it helps!!
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding
>>> of spark.
>>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right
>>> track.
>>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM
>>> as per * option.
>>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
>>> task assigned to it.
>>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and
>>> starting one more many slaves.
>>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible
>>> from master PC.
>>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
>>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will
>>> run in its own thread.
>>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors
>>> means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster
>>> and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
>>> ip>:7077
>>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood
>>> that if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=>
>>> slave in standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting
>>> the worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting
>>> the job.
>>> Here are some followup questions:
>>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>>> just 2 threads overall?
>>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and
>>> 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>>> that machine
>>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>>> machine
>>> Is that assumption correct
>>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>>> program
>>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>>> always run on master.
>>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
>>> Thanks again
>>> Sachin
>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
>>>> starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
>>>> like I never have the time to finish it!
>>>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some
>>>> arbitrary way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to
>>>> finish it :)
>>>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part
>>>> of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>>>> *Introduction*
>>>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is
>>>> a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>>>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>>>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>>>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>>>> computation among other things
>>>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>>>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>>>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>>>> <>). These
>>>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>>>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>>>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>>>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>>>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>>>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
>>>> tuning to get the most out of it.
>>>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to
>>>> ensure that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only
>>>> performant but also scalable for your needs.
>>>> *Why Spark*
>>>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings.
>>>> Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other.
>>>> Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown
>>>> much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in
>>>> the Hadoop ecosystem.
>>>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its
>>>> core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
>>>> Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
>>>> and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
>>>> real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>>>> concerns.
>>>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>>>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized
>>>> in the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
>>>> that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>>>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In
>>>> other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes
>>>> on a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
>>>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate
>>>> with each other to make a set of services highly available to the
>>>> applications running on them.
>>>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a
>>>> VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer
>>>> to nodes as machines as well.
>>>> *Spark Operations*
>>>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across
>>>> this cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the
>>>> processing. To affect this Spark provides *as part of its core
>>>> architecture *an abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed
>>>> Dataset (RDD). *Simply put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a
>>>> sequence, a text file, a CSV file, data coming in from streaming sources
>>>> like Twitter, Kafka and so forth) that one wants to work with.
>>>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the
>>>> Spark cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>>>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed,
>>>> but can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can
>>>> also be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark)
>>>> across multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>>>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
>>>> known as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations.
>>>> By default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
>>>> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
>>>> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
>>>> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
>>>> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a value
>>>> in memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are variables that
>>>> are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
>>>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
>>>> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
>>>> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>>>> configurations:
>>>>    -
>>>>    *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest
>>>>    set up and best suited for learners who want to understand different
>>>>    concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>>>    -
>>>>    *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with Spark
>>>>    that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>>>    -
>>>>    *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application
>>>>    master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can
>>>>    go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>>>    -
>>>>    *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and the
>>>>    application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark
>>>>    standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the
>>>>    --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is
>>>>    picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master
>>>>    parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
>>>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive.
>>>> Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>>>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>>>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>>>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>>>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>>>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>>>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>>>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>>>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>>>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>>>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>>>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>>>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>>>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>>>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>>>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>>>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>>>> the edge node.*
>>>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host *and
>>>> will leave the other two to other parts.
>>>> *Spark Local Mode*
>>>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
>>>> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>>>> with Spark.
>>>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and
>>>> executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
>>>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
>>>> spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
>>>> easier to work on Spark.
>>>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>>>> script, you will notice my point:
>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>>>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>>>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark
>>>> shell"
>>>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
>>>> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>>>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>>>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>>>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web
>>>> GUI for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to
>>>> call it a different name
>>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
>>>> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>>>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and
>>>> threads. These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with
>>>> a number of cores.
>>>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>>>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>>>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>>>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>>>> On local mode with you have
>>>> --master local
>>>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>>>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>>>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all
>>>> available threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is
>>>> defined by the number of threads *k*.
>>>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers.
>>>> In this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs
>>>> (spark-submit) as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores).
>>>> Additionally, the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and
>>>> so forth unless you specifically start it with --conf
>>>> "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>>>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
>>>> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
>>>> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>>>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>>>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in
>>>> turn rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM.
>>>> In other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass
>>>> parameters to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>>>                 --master local \
>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>>>                 --conf
>>>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>>>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>>>                 --jars
>>>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>>>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This
>>>> is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark
>>>> jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>>>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
>>>> creating a new SparkConf*
>>>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>>>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>>>> *             setMaster("local").*
>>>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>>>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>>>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>>>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>>>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>>>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>>>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
>>>> deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
>>>> CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
>>>> doing Spark Streaming.*
>>>> *The components of a Spark App*
>>>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>>>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>>>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of
>>>> executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the
>>>> executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes'
>>>> processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The
>>>> executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local
>>>> mode, the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is
>>>> running on the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called
>>>> *driver* and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well.
>>>> This single executor will be started with *k* threads.
>>>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
>>>> cluster set-up*.*
>>>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit.
>>>> The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in
>>>> the shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
>>>> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark
>>>> cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified
>>>> as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>>>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>>>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>>>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>>>> starts executing
>>>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each
>>>> stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution
>>>> that an executor runs on a single node.
>>>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>>>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are
>>>> as follows:
>>>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of
>>>> cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on
>>>> his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they
>>>> go and grab those values.
>>>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>>>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>>>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>>>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>>>> what it says in this page.
>>>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>>>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the
>>>> settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>>>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>>>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>>>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>>>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number
>>>> of cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified
>>>> with the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit,
>>>> spark-shell, and pyspark from the command line, or by setting the
>>>> spark.executor.cores property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a
>>>> SparkConf object. Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the
>>>> --executor-memory flag or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores
>>>> property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run
>>>> *. **--executor-cores 5** means that each executor can run a maximum
>>>> of five tasks at the same time.* The memory property impacts the
>>>> amount of data Spark can cache, as well as the maximum sizes of the shuffle
>>>> data structures used for grouping, aggregations, and joins.
>>>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or *
>>>> *spark.executor.instances** configuration property control the number
>>>> of executors requeste*d. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be
>>>> able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic allocation
>>>> <>
>>>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
>>>> enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
>>>> pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>>>> *Resource scheduling*
>>>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
>>>> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>>>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>>>> application will use.
>>>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this
>>>> value by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>>>> spark-defaults.conf
>>>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>>>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>>>> spark-submit
>>>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the
>>>> cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>>>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>>>> SparkConf. For example:
>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with
>>>> two threads
>>>>    -
>>>>    local uses 1 thread.
>>>>    -
>>>>    local[N] uses N threads.
>>>>    -
>>>>    local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>>>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will
>>>> need to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>>>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>>>> Or
>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>>>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional
>>>> Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>>>> Example
>>>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>>>> And at submit time do
>>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>>                 --master local[2] \
>>>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>>                 …..
>>>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters
>>>> with sparkConf
>>>> *Resource Monitoring*
>>>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
>>>> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
>>>> shown below:
>>>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>>>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC
>>>> to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
>>>> then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
>>>> ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
>>>> executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>>>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>>>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>>>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>>>   "user" -> _username,
>>>>   "password" -> _password))
>>>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>>>   //
>>>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>   //
>>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>>   //
>>>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>>>   //
>>>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>>>      ID INT
>>>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>>>   )
>>>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>>>   """
>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>   //
>>>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>>>   //
>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>   SELECT
>>>>           ID
>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>   """
>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>>   sys.exit()
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>>>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>>>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>>>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>>>> below:
>>>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>>>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87”
>>>> is currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>>>>   sqltext = """
>>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>>   SELECT
>>>>           ID
>>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>>         , PADDING
>>>>   FROM tmp
>>>>   """
>>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in
>>>> GUI though stages
>>>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>>>  ...................
>>>> HTH
>>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>>> LinkedIn *
>>>> <>*
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>    <>
>>>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google
>>>>> translate suck on the translation.
>>>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave,
>>>>> job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>>    <>
>>>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT,
>>>>> so it makes 24.
>>>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>>>>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources
>>>>> at but few doubts still remain. I have few
>>>>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>>>>> it.
>>>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I
>>>>> have a 8 core PC.
>>>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine
>>>>> had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of
>>>>> tasks which ran in parallel.
>>>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I
>>>>> did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because
>>>>> I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master
>>>>> cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its
>>>>> own JVM.
>>>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>>>>> followup questions if any.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sachin
>>>>> --
>>>>> *___________________*
>>>>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>>>>> *___________________*
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>>>>> <>
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>>>>> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are
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Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Your points:

Here are some followup questions:
1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
workers, ie 16 threads overall or
just 2 threads overall?

In this mode"Local", the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager
and executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker

There is only one driver, one executor and 1 JVM all in one. You cannot
have two executors. As I said before in Local mode you don't have master
and slaves (AKA workers). You can have more than one core, meaning that the
same code can run on sub-section of data in parallel if applicable. With 2
cores you can have two tasks, with 8 cores you can have 8 tasks

If you have an 8 core PC meaning 8 logical processors/threads,  then
--master local[8] or --master local[*] will use 9 cores. --master local[2]
will use two cores

2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?

The one allocated to your job spark-submit. That is not master. Remember a
driver needs to be there for executing and coordinating your spark app. A
master needs to be there when running spark in "standalone" mode

3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4
cores (out of say 8 core PC)

Now with num-executors we are talking about anything else rather than Local
mode say standalone mode. executor-memory is memory allocated to "each"
executor. number-executors is telling that this job (spark-submit) will use
two executors. Executor-cores=2 means that each executor can perform
parallel queries (tasks)on two sub-set of data at the same time. Each
executor runs on one worker and a worker can have more than one executor
running on it. You start workers by running sbin/


So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
that machine
and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
Is that assumption correct

3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores

4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
always run on master.
If not that what is the difference between master and driver.

Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On 22 July 2016 at 06:29, Sachin Jain <> wrote:

> Hi Sachin Mittal,
> I would like answer this one (if not all)
> > 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the
> task assigned to it.
> Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task. A
> worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor
> per job.
> Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible
> that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.
> Hope it helps!!
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
>> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding
>> of spark.
>> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right
>> track.
>> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
>> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
>> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM
>> as per * option.
>> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task
>> assigned to it.
>> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and
>> starting one more many slaves.
>> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible
>> from master PC.
>> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
>> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will
>> run in its own thread.
>> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors
>> means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
>> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster
>> and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
>> ip>:7077
>> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood that
>> if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=> slave in
>> standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting the
>> worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting the
>> job.
>> Here are some followup questions:
>> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
>> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
>> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
>> just 2 threads overall?
>> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
>> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
>> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and
>> 4 cores (out of say 8 core PC)
>> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
>> that machine
>> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
>> machine
>> Is that assumption correct
>> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
>> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
>> program
>> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
>> always run on master.
>> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
>> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
>> Thanks again
>> Sachin
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>> wrote:
>>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
>>> starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
>>> like I never have the time to finish it!
>>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary
>>> way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)
>>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part
>>> of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>>> *Introduction*
>>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is
>>> a fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>>> computation among other things
>>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>>> <>). These
>>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
>>> tuning to get the most out of it.
>>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure
>>> that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant
>>> but also scalable for your needs.
>>> *Why Spark*
>>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings.
>>> Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other.
>>> Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown
>>> much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in
>>> the Hadoop ecosystem.
>>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its
>>> core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
>>> Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
>>> and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
>>> real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>>> concerns.
>>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized
>>> in the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
>>> that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In
>>> other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on
>>> a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
>>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate
>>> with each other to make a set of services highly available to the
>>> applications running on them.
>>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a
>>> VM host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer
>>> to nodes as machines as well.
>>> *Spark Operations*
>>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this
>>> cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To
>>> affect this Spark provides *as part of its core architecture *an
>>> abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). *Simply
>>> put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV
>>> file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so
>>> forth) that one wants to work with.
>>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark
>>> cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed, but
>>> can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also
>>> be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across
>>> multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
>>> known as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations. By
>>> default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
>>> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
>>> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
>>> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
>>> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a value
>>> in memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are variables that
>>> are only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
>>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
>>> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
>>> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>>> configurations:
>>>    -
>>>    *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest
>>>    set up and best suited for learners who want to understand different
>>>    concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>>    -
>>>    *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with Spark
>>>    that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>>    -
>>>    *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application
>>>    master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can
>>>    go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>>    -
>>>    *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and the
>>>    application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark
>>>    standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the
>>>    --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is
>>>    picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master
>>>    parameter is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
>>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive.
>>> Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>>> the edge node.*
>>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host *and
>>> will leave the other two to other parts.
>>> *Spark Local Mode*
>>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
>>> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>>> with Spark.
>>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and
>>> executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
>>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
>>> spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
>>> easier to work on Spark.
>>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>>> script, you will notice my point:
>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"
>>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
>>> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI
>>> for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call
>>> it a different name
>>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
>>> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads.
>>> These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number
>>> of cores.
>>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>>> On local mode with you have
>>> --master local
>>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available
>>> threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by
>>> the number of threads *k*.
>>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In
>>> this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit)
>>> as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally,
>>> the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth
>>> unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
>>> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
>>> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn
>>> rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In
>>> other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters
>>> to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>>                 --master local \
>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>>                 --conf
>>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>>                 --jars
>>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This
>>> is intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark
>>> jobs that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
>>> creating a new SparkConf*
>>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>>> *             setMaster("local").*
>>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
>>> deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
>>> CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
>>> doing Spark Streaming.*
>>> *The components of a Spark App*
>>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of
>>> executors. The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the
>>> executors to run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes'
>>> processes in charge of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The
>>> executors run the tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode,
>>> the driver program runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on
>>> the local machine. There is only one executor and it is called *driver*
>>> and the tasks are executed by the threads locally as well. This single
>>> executor will be started with *k* threads.
>>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
>>> cluster set-up*.*
>>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit.
>>> The application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in
>>> the shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
>>> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark
>>> cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified
>>> as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>>> starts executing
>>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each
>>> stage is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution
>>> that an executor runs on a single node.
>>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are
>>> as follows:
>>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of
>>> cores and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on
>>> his host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they
>>> go and grab those values.
>>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>>> what it says in this page.
>>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the
>>> settings in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of
>>> cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with
>>> the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and
>>> pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores
>>> property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object.
>>> Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag
>>> or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the
>>> number of concurrent tasks an executor can run*. **--executor-cores 5**
>>> means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time.*
>>> The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as
>>> the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping,
>>> aggregations, and joins.
>>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or *
>>> *spark.executor.instances** configuration property control the number
>>> of executors requeste*d. Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be
>>> able to avoid setting this property by turning on dynamic allocation
>>> <>
>>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
>>> enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
>>> pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>>> *Resource scheduling*
>>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
>>> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>>> application will use.
>>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value
>>> by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>>> spark-defaults.conf
>>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>>> spark-submit
>>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster,
>>> which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>>> SparkConf. For example:
>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with
>>> two threads
>>>    -
>>>    local uses 1 thread.
>>>    -
>>>    local[N] uses N threads.
>>>    -
>>>    local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need
>>> to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>>> Or
>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional
>>> Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>>> Example
>>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>>> And at submit time do
>>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>>                 --master local[2] \
>>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>>                 …..
>>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with
>>> sparkConf
>>> *Resource Monitoring*
>>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
>>> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
>>> shown below:
>>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC
>>> to access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
>>> then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
>>> ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
>>> executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>>   "user" -> _username,
>>>   "password" -> _password))
>>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>>   //
>>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>   //
>>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>>   //
>>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>>   //
>>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>>   sqltext = """
>>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>>      ID INT
>>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>>   )
>>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>>   """
>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>   //
>>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>>   //
>>>   sqltext = """
>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>   SELECT
>>>           ID
>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>         , PADDING
>>>   FROM tmp
>>>   """
>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>>   sys.exit()
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>>> below:
>>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87”
>>> is currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>>>   sqltext = """
>>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>>   SELECT
>>>           ID
>>>         , CLUSTERED
>>>         , SCATTERED
>>>         , RANDOMISED
>>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>>         , SMALL_VC
>>>         , PADDING
>>>   FROM tmp
>>>   """
>>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in
>>> GUI though stages
>>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>>  ...................
>>> HTH
>>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>>> LinkedIn *
>>> <>*
>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>    <>
>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>    <>
>>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google
>>>> translate suck on the translation.
>>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave,
>>>> job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>>    <>
>>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>>    <>
>>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>>>> it makes 24.
>>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>>>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources
>>>> at but few doubts still remain. I have few
>>>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>>>> it.
>>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I
>>>> have a 8 core PC.
>>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine
>>>> had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of
>>>> tasks which ran in parallel.
>>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I
>>>> did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>>>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>>>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>>>> followup questions if any.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sachin
>>>> --
>>>> *___________________*
>>>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>>>> *___________________*
>>>> *blog*:
>>>> <>
>>>> *github*:
>>>> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are
>>>> not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but
>>>> contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sachin Jain <>.
Hi Sachin Mittal,

I would like answer this one (if not all)

> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task
assigned to it.

Yes, By default Each worker thread starts one executor to run the task. A
worker can have more than 1 executors but there can be only one executor
per job.
Suppose you are running 2 Spark jobs on your cluster then it is possible
that a worker W1 has two executors E1 and E2 for Job J1 and J2 respectively.

Hope it helps!!

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
> I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding of
> spark.
> I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right
> track.
> 1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
> 2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
> 3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM
> as per * option.
> 4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task
> assigned to it.
> 5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and
> starting one more many slaves.
> 6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible
> from master PC.
> 7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
> 8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will run
> in its own thread.
> 9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors
> means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
> 10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster
> and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
>     Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master
> ip>:7077
> I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood that
> if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=> slave in
> standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting the
> worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting the
> job.
> Here are some followup questions:
> 1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
> Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
> workers, ie 16 threads overall or
> just 2 threads overall?
> 2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?
> 3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
> Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4
> cores (out of say 8 core PC)
> So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
> that machine
> and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that
> machine
> Is that assumption correct
> 3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores
> 4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
> program
> Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
> always run on master.
> If not that what is the difference between master and driver.
> It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.
> Thanks again
> Sachin
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>> wrote:
>> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
>> starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
>> like I never have the time to finish it!
>> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary
>> way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)
>> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part
>> of wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
>> *Introduction*
>> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is a
>> fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
>> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
>> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
>> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
>> computation among other things
>> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
>> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
>> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
>> <>). These
>> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
>> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
>> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
>> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
>> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
>> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
>> tuning to get the most out of it.
>> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure
>> that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant
>> but also scalable for your needs.
>> *Why Spark*
>> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings.
>> Some of them are complementary and others are competing with each other.
>> Spark is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown
>> much in its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in
>> the Hadoop ecosystem.
>> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its
>> core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
>> Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
>> and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
>> real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
>> concerns.
>> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
>> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized in
>> the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
>> that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In
>> other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on
>> a cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
>> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate
>> with each other to make a set of services highly available to the
>> applications running on them.
>> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a VM
>> host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer to
>> nodes as machines as well.
>> *Spark Operations*
>> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this
>> cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To
>> affect this Spark provides *as part of its core architecture *an
>> abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). *Simply
>> put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV
>> file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so
>> forth) that one wants to work with.
>> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark
>> cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
>> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed, but
>> can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also
>> be cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across
>> multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
>> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark known
>> as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations. By
>> default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
>> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
>> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
>> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
>> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a value in
>> memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are variables that are
>> only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
>> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
>> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
>> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
>> configurations:
>>    -
>>    *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest
>>    set up and best suited for learners who want to understand different
>>    concepts of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>>    -
>>    *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with Spark
>>    that makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>>    -
>>    *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application
>>    master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can
>>    go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>>    -
>>    *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and the
>>    application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark
>>    standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the
>>    --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is
>>    picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter
>>    is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
>> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive.
>> Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
>> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
>> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
>> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
>> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
>> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
>> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
>> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
>> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
>> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
>> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
>> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
>> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
>> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
>> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
>> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
>> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
>> the edge node.*
>> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host *and
>> will leave the other two to other parts.
>> *Spark Local Mode*
>> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
>> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
>> with Spark.
>> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and
>> executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
>> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
>> spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
>> easier to work on Spark.
>> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
>> script, you will notice my point:
>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main
>> --name "Spark shell" "$@"
>> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"
>> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
>> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
>> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
>> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
>> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI
>> for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call
>> it a different name
>> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
>> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
>> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads.
>> These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number
>> of cores.
>> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
>> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
>> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
>> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
>> On local mode with you have
>> --master local
>> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
>> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
>> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available
>> threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by
>> the number of threads *k*.
>> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In
>> this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit)
>> as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally,
>> the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth
>> unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
>> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
>> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
>> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
>> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
>> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn
>> rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In
>> other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters
>> to spark-submit with an example shown below:
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>>                 --master local \
>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>>                 --conf
>> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
>> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>>                 --jars
>> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
>> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This is
>> intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark jobs
>> that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
>> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
>> creating a new SparkConf*
>> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
>> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
>> *             setMaster("local").*
>> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
>> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
>> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
>> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
>> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
>> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
>> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
>> deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
>> CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
>> doing Spark Streaming.*
>> *The components of a Spark App*
>> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
>> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
>> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of executors.
>> The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the executors to
>> run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes' processes in charge
>> of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The executors run the
>> tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode, the driver program
>> runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on the local machine.
>> There is only one executor and it is called *driver* and the tasks are
>> executed by the threads locally as well. This single executor will be
>> started with *k* threads.
>> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
>> cluster set-up*.*
>> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit. The
>> application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in the
>> shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
>> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark
>> cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified
>> as *SparkSubmit* in jps
>> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
>> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
>> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
>> starts executing
>> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each stage
>> is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution that an
>> executor runs on a single node.
>> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
>> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are as
>> follows:
>> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of cores
>> and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on his
>> host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they go
>> and grab those values.
>> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
>> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
>> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
>> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
>> what it says in this page.
>> *Configuring Spark parameters*
>> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the settings
>> in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
>> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
>> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
>> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
>> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of
>> cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with
>> the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and
>> pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores
>> property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object.
>> Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag
>> or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the
>> number of concurrent tasks an executor can run*. **--executor-cores 5**
>> means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time.*
>> The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as
>> the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping,
>> aggregations, and joins.
>> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or **spark.executor.instances**
>> configuration property control the number of executors requeste*d.
>> Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this
>> property by turning on dynamic allocation
>> <>
>> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
>> enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
>> pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
>> *Resource scheduling*
>> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
>> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
>> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
>> application will use.
>> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value
>> by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
>> spark-defaults.conf
>> export spark.driver.memory         4g
>> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
>> spark-submit
>> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster,
>> which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
>> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
>> SparkConf. For example:
>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with
>> two threads
>>    -
>>    local uses 1 thread.
>>    -
>>    local[N] uses N threads.
>>    -
>>    local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
>> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need
>> to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
>> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
>> Or
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
>> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional
>> Spark configuration parameters at submit time
>> Example
>> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
>> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
>> And at submit time do
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --master local[2] \
>>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>>                 --num-executors 1 \
>>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>>                 …..
>> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with
>> sparkConf
>> *Resource Monitoring*
>> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
>> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
>> shown below:
>> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
>> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC to
>> access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
>> then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
>> ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
>> executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
>> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
>> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>>                setMaster("local[2]").
>>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>>   "user" -> _username,
>>   "password" -> _password))
>>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>>   //
>>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>>   //
>>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>>   //
>>   // Drop and create table dummy
>>   //
>>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>>   var sqltext : String = ""
>>   sqltext = """
>>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>>      ID INT
>>    , SMALL_VC VARCHAR(10)
>>    , PADDING  VARCHAR(10)
>>   )
>>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>   //
>>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>>   //
>>   sqltext = """
>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>           ID
>>         , CLUSTERED
>>         , SCATTERED
>>         , RANDOMISED
>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>         , SMALL_VC
>>         , PADDING
>>   FROM tmp
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>>   sys.exit()
>>  }
>> }
>> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
>> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty
>> smart. It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect
>> at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is
>> below:
>> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
>> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
>> ").collect.foreach(println)
>> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
>> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is
>> currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>>   sqltext = """
>>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>>           ID
>>         , CLUSTERED
>>         , SCATTERED
>>         , RANDOMISED
>>         , RANDOM_STRING
>>         , SMALL_VC
>>         , PADDING
>>   FROM tmp
>>   """
>>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in
>> GUI though stages
>> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>>  ...................
>> HTH
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn *
>> <>*
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
>> wrote:
>>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>    <>
>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>    <>
>>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate
>>> suck on the translation.
>>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave,
>>> job, stage, worker, executor, task
>>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>>    <>
>>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>>    <>
>>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>>> it makes 24.
>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
>>> but few doubts still remain. I have few
>>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>>> it.
>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have
>>> a 8 core PC.
>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
>>> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
>>> which ran in parallel.
>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I
>>> did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>>> followup questions if any.
>>> Thanks
>>> Sachin
>>> --
>>> *___________________*
>>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>>> *___________________*
>>> *blog*:
>>> <>
>>> *github*:
>>> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are
>>> not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but
>>> contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sachin Mittal <>.
Hi All,
Thanks for the links and clearing some of the concepts.
I have read the links and resources and have developed my understanding of
I am just presenting my understanding, please confirm if I am on right

1. spark-submit simple configuration runs spark in local mode.
2. In local mode everything runs under one jvm.
3. --master local[*] configuration will start worker threads in that JVM as
per * option.
4. By default each worker thread has one executor which will run the task
assigned to it.
5. In standalone mode you can create a cluster by starting a master and
starting one more many slaves.
6. Slaves can be local to the master or run on a different PC accesible
from master PC.
7. A slave is worker node and this node can have one or more executors.
8. This can be configured using --num-executors and each executor will run
in its own thread.
9. So say I have 3 workers and on each worker I can run say 7 executors
means I can run 21 tasks in parallel.
10. In standalone mode I can submit a job directly to the master cluster
and it will take care of dividing the job/tasks to worker nodes.
    Way to do it would be spark-submit --master spark://<spark master

I also have some followup questions. Basically I have not understood that
if you decide how many executors a worker (or slave if worker <=> slave in
standalone mode is correct understanding), will have when starting the
worker, or if that decision is made via spark-submit ie when submitting the

Here are some followup questions:
1. In option spark-submit --num-executors 2 --master local[*]
Say I have 8 core PC, then will there be 2 executor per worker and 8
workers, ie 16 threads overall or
just 2 threads overall?

2. What is driver-memory. Is this memory to be allocated to the master?

3. If executor-memory 1G and num-executors 2 and executor-cores 2
Does this mean that my worker node will utilize 2G of memory (2 x 1) and 4
cores (out of say 8 core PC)

So when tuning num-executors * executor-cores < total avaibale cores on
that machine
and executor-memory * num-executors < total available memory on that machine
Is that assumption correct

3. what is the difference between SPARK_WORKER_CORES and executor-cores

4. I have not understood the deploy-mode option and concept of driver
Since we submit the application to master, shouldn't the driver program
always run on master.
If not that what is the difference between master and driver.

It would be great if anyone of you can shed some light on these topics.

Thanks again

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <>

> I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
> starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
> like I never have the time to finish it!
> This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary
> way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)
> Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part of
> wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.
> *Introduction*
> According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is a
> fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
> written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
> is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
> extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
> computation among other things
> Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import
> aspects of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also
> supports an advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
> <>). These
> capabilities allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the
> help of Spark shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark
> Streaming can be used. Another important but often understated capability
> of Spark is deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for
> other Hadoop tools such as Hive.
> Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
> tuning to get the most out of it.
> Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure
> that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant
> but also scalable for your needs.
> *Why Spark*
> The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings. Some
> of them are complementary and others are competing with each other. Spark
> is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown much in
> its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in the
> Hadoop ecosystem.
> The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its
> core execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
> Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
> and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
> real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these
> concerns.
> *Overview of Spark Architecture*
> Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized in
> the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
> that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.
>  Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In
> other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a
> cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system
> A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate
> with each other to make a set of services highly available to the
> applications running on them.
> Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a VM
> host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer to
> nodes as machines as well.
> *Spark Operations*
> Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this
> cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To
> affect this Spark provides *as part of its core architecture *an
> abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). *Simply
> put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV
> file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so
> forth) that one wants to work with.
> What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark
> cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.
> *RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed, but
> can be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also be
> cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across
> multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.
> So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark known
> as *shared variables* that can be used in parallel operations. By
> default, when Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on
> different nodes, it ships a copy of each variable used in the function to
> each task. Sometimes, a variable need to be shared across tasks, or between
> tasks and the driver program. *Spark supports two types of shared
> variables*: *broadcast variables*, which can be used to cache a value in
> memory on all nodes, and *accumulators*, which are variables that are
> only “added” to, such as counters and sums. We will cover them later
> We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
> differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
> manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following
> configurations:
>    -
>    *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest set
>    up and best suited for learners who want to understand different concepts
>    of Spark and those performing unit testing.
>    -
>    *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with Spark that
>    makes it easy to set up a cluster.
>    -
>    *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application
>    master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can
>    go away after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master
>    yarn and --deploy-mode cluster
>    -
>    *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and the
>    application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. Unlike Spark
>    standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the
>    --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is
>    picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter
>    is yarn. This is invoked with --deploy-mode client
> *- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive.
> Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
> super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
> client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
> change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
> user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
> isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
> firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
> your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
> your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
> containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
> memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
> without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
> (think a long running streaming job, for example).*
> *If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
> definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
> close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
> cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
> the edge node.*
> In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host *and
> will leave the other two to other parts.
> *Spark Local Mode*
> Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
> require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
> with Spark.
> In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and
> executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread
> When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
> spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
> easier to work on Spark.
> However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
> script, you will notice my point:
> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name
> "Spark shell" "$@"
> So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"
> Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
> spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
> read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
> them for example in YARN cluster mode.
> Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI
> for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call
> it a different name
> "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
> org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"
> Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads.
> These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number
> of cores.
> Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:
> cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
>  Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without
> worrying what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these
> definitions may vary from one hardware vendor to another.
> On local mode with you have
> --master local
> This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
> local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
> threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available
> threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by
> the number of threads *k*.
> In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In
> this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit)
> as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally,
> the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth
> unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"
> Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance
> test. What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
> importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
> parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable
> You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn
> rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In
> other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters
> to spark-submit with an example shown below:
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>                 --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \
>                 --driver-memory 2G \
>                 --num-executors 1 \
>                 --executor-memory 2G \
>                 --master local \
>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>                 --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \
>                 --conf
> "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
>                 --jars
> /home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \
>                 --class "${FILE_NAME}" \
>                 --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \
>                 --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \
>                 --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \
>                 --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \
>                 --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \
>                 ${JAR_FILE} \
>                 >> ${LOG_FILE}
> *Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This is
> intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark jobs
> that I may be testing on this standalone node.*
> *Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
> creating a new SparkConf*
> *val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*
> *             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*
> *             setMaster("local").*
> *             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*
> *             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*
> *             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*
> *             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*
> *             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*
> *             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*
> *You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
> deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
> CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
> doing Spark Streaming.*
> *The components of a Spark App*
> *Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
> beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*
> A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of executors.
> The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the executors to
> run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes' processes in charge
> of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The executors run the
> tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode, the driver program
> runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on the local machine.
> There is only one executor and it is called *driver* and the tasks are
> executed by the threads locally as well. This single executor will be
> started with *k* threads.
> Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
> cluster set-up*.*
> *Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit. The
> application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in the
> shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
> object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark
> cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified
> as *SparkSubmit* in jps
> *Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode
> *Standalone Worker* is not required in Local
> *Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job
> starts executing
> *Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each stage
> is completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution that an
> executor runs on a single node.
> *Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process
> Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are as
> follows:
> Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of cores
> and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on his
> host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they go
> and grab those values.
> *Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*
> Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and
> allocates the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are
> somehow misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about
> what it says in this page.
> *Configuring Spark parameters*
> To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the settings
> in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script
> Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call
> $SPARK_HOME/conf/ scripts. So if you modify this file, remember
> to restart your master and slaves’ routines
> Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of
> cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with
> the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and
> pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores
> property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object.
> Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag
> or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the
> number of concurrent tasks an executor can run*. **--executor-cores 5**
> means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time.*
> The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as
> the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping,
> aggregations, and joins.
> *The **--num-executors** command-line flag or **spark.executor.instances**
> configuration property control the number of executors requeste*d.
> Starting in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this
> property by turning on dynamic allocation
> <>
> with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
> enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
> pending tasks and free up executors when idle.
> *Resource scheduling*
> The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In
> First Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple
> concurrent users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
> application will use.
> By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value
> by setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
> spark-defaults.conf
> export spark.driver.memory         4g
> or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or
> spark-submit
> *Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster,
> which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.
> You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
> SparkConf. For example:
>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>                setAppName("MyApplication").
>                setMaster("local[2]").
>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
> Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with two
> threads
>    -
>    local uses 1 thread.
>    -
>    local[N] uses N threads.
>    -
>    local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.
> However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need
> to set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before
> starting JVM by providing the new value:*
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g
> Or
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g
> You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional
> Spark configuration parameters at submit time
> Example
> val sparkConf = new SparkConf().
>              setAppName("CEP_streaming").
> *             setMaster("local[2]").*
>              set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").
>              set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").
>              set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")
> And at submit time do
> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>                 --master local[2] \
>                 --driver-memory 4G \
>                 --num-executors 1 \
>                 --executor-memory 4G \
>                 --executor-cores 2 \
>                 …..
> Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with
> sparkConf
> *Resource Monitoring*
> You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on <HOST>:4040.
> This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
> shown below:
> *Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*
> Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC to
> access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
> then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
> ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
> executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
> The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala
> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
> object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {
>   def main(args: Array[String]) {
>   val conf = new SparkConf().
>                setAppName("ETL_scratchpad_dummy").
>                setMaster("local[2]").
>                set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").
>                set("spark.cores.max", "2").
>                set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
>   val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>   // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext
>   val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
>   import sqlContext.implicits._
>   val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
>   println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
> ").collect.foreach(println)
>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>   var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"
>   var _username : String = "scratchpad"
>   var _password : String = "xxxxxx"
>   // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy
>   val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",
>   Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,
>   "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS
>   "user" -> _username,
>   "password" -> _password))
>   d.registerTempTable("tmp")
>   //
>   // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy
>   //
>   HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")
>   //
>   // Drop and create table dummy
>   //
>   HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")
>   var sqltext : String = ""
>   sqltext = """
>   CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (
>      ID INT
>   )
>   "orc.create.index"="true",
>   "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="ID",
>   "orc.bloom.filter.fpp"="0.05",
>   "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",
>   "orc.stripe.size"="16777216",
>   "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>   //
>   // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done
>   //
>   sqltext = """
>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>           ID
>         , CLUSTERED
>         , SCATTERED
>         , RANDOMISED
>         , RANDOM_STRING
>         , SMALL_VC
>         , PADDING
>   FROM tmp
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
>   println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
> ").collect.foreach(println)
>   sys.exit()
>  }
> }
> If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
> Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty smart.
> It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect at
> ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is below:
> println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
> FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')
> ").collect.foreach(println)
> This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed
> On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is
> currently running at line 87 of the code which is
>   sqltext = """
>   INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy
>           ID
>         , CLUSTERED
>         , SCATTERED
>         , RANDOMISED
>         , RANDOM_STRING
>         , SMALL_VC
>         , PADDING
>   FROM tmp
>   """
>    HiveContext.sql(sqltext)
> We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in
> GUI though stages
> *Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*
>  ...................
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn *
> <>*
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.
> On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <>
> wrote:
>> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>    <>
>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>    <>
>> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate
>> suck on the translation.
>> *From:* Taotao.Li []
>> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
>> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
>> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job,
>> stage, worker, executor, task
>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>    <>
>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>    <>
>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>> it makes 24.
>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>> 5) Dunnoh
>> 6) Dunnoh
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
>> but few doubts still remain. I have few
>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>> it.
>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have
>> a 8 core PC.
>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
>> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
>> which ran in parallel.
>> Is this understanding correct.
>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
>> where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
>> this number improve performance.
>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
>> spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
>> more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
>> executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>> followup questions if any.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
>> --
>> *___________________*
>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>> *___________________*
>> *blog*:
>> <>
>> *github*:
>> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are
>> not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but
>> contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
I started putting together some Performance and Tuning guide for Spark
starting from the simplest operation Local and Standalone modes but sounds
like I never have the time to finish it!

This is some stuff but is in word and wrapped together in some arbitrary
way.  Anyway if you think it is useful let me know and I try to finish it :)

Some of the points we have already discussed in this user group or part of
wider available literature. It is aimed at practitioner.


According to Spark Website, Apache Spark <> is a
fast and general purpose engine for large-scale data processing. It is
written mostly in Scala, and provides APIs for Scala, Java and Python. It
is fully compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), however it
extends on Hadoop’s core functionality by providing in-memory cluster
computation among other things

Providing in-memory capabilities is probably one of the most import aspects
of Spark that allows one to do computation in-memory. It also supports an
advanced scheduler based on directed acyclic graph (DAG
<>). These capabilities
allow Spark to be used as an advanced query engine with the help of Spark
shell and Spark SQL. For near real time data processing Spark Streaming can
be used. Another important but often understated capability of Spark is
deploying it to be used as an advanced execution engine for other Hadoop
tools such as Hive.

Like most of the tools in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark will require careful
tuning to get the most out of it.

Thus, in these brief notes we will aim to address these points to ensure
that you create an infrastructure for Spark, which is not only performant
but also scalable for your needs.

*Why Spark*

The Hadoop ecosystem is nowadays crowded with a variety of offerings. Some
of them are complementary and others are competing with each other. Spark
is unique in that in a space of relatively short time it has grown much in
its popularity and as of today is one of the most popular tools in the
Hadoop ecosystem.

The fundamental technology of Hadoop using Map-Reduce algorithm as its core
execution engine gave rise to deployment of other methods. Although
Map-Reduce was and still is an incredible technology, it lacked the speed
and performance required for certain business needs like dealing with
real-time analytics. Spark was developed ground up to address these

*Overview of Spark Architecture*

Spark much like many other tools runs a set of instructions summarized in
the form of an application. An application consists of a Driver Program
that is responsible for submitting, running and monitoring the code.

 Spark can distribute the work load across what is known as cluster. In
other words, Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a
cluster. Process is an application running on UNIX/Linux system

A *cluster *is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate with
each other to make a set of services highly available to the applications
running on them.

Before going any further one can equate a node with a physical host, a VM
host or any other resource capable of providing RAM and core. Some refer to
nodes as machines as well.

*Spark Operations*

Spark takes advantages of a cluster by dividing the workload across this
cluster and executing operations in parallel to speed up the processing. To
affect this Spark provides *as part of its core architecture *an
abstraction layer called a *Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). *Simply
put an RDD is a selection of elements (like a sequence, a text file, a CSV
file, data coming in from streaming sources like Twitter, Kafka and so
forth) that one wants to work with.

What an RDD does is to partition that data across the nodes of the Spark
cluster to take advantage of parallel processing.

*RDDs in Spark are immutable *meaning that *they cannot be changed, but can
be acted upon* to create other RDDs and result sets. RDDs can also be
cached in memory (to be precise in the memory allocated to Spark) across
multiple nodes for faster parallel operations.

So that takes care of data. There is a second abstraction in Spark
known as *shared
variables* that can be used in parallel operations. By default, when Spark
runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on different nodes, it ships
a copy of each variable used in the function to each task. Sometimes, a
variable need to be shared across tasks, or between tasks and the driver
program. *Spark supports two types of shared variables*: *broadcast
variables*, which can be used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and
*accumulators*, which are variables that are only “added” to, such as
counters and sums. We will cover them later

We have been mentioning Spark clusters but clusters can be configured
differently as well through what is known as the configuration of cluster
manager. To this effect, Spark currently supports the following


   *Spark Local* - Spark runs on the local host. This is the simplest set
   up and best suited for learners who want to understand different concepts
   of Spark and those performing unit testing.

   *Spark Standalone *– a simple cluster manager included with Spark that
   makes it easy to set up a cluster.

   *YARN Cluster Mode,* the Spark driver runs inside an application master
   process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away
   after initiating the application. This is invoked with –master yarn
and --deploy-mode

   *YARN Client Mode*, the driver runs in the client process, and the
   application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
Unlike Spark
   standalone mode, in which the master’s address is specified in the
   --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked
   up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter is yarn. This
   is invoked with --deploy-mode client

*- client mode requires the process that launched the app remain alive.
Meaning the host where it lives has to stay alive, and it may not be
super-friendly to ssh sessions dying, for example, unless you use nohup. -
client mode driver logs are printed to stderr by default. yes you can
change that, but in cluster mode, they're all collected by yarn without any
user intervention. - if your edge node (from where the app is launched)
isn't really part of the cluster (e.g., lives in an outside network with
firewalls or higher latency), you may run into issues. - in cluster mode,
your driver's cpu / memory usage is accounted for in YARN; this matters if
your edge node is part of the cluster (and could be running yarn
containers), since in client mode your driver will potentially use a lot of
memory / cpu. - finally, in cluster mode YARN can restart your application
without user interference. this is useful for things that need to stay up
(think a long running streaming job, for example).*

*If your client is not close to the cluster (e.g. your PC) then you
definitely want to go cluster to improve performance. If your client is
close to the cluster (e.g. an edge node) then you could go either client or
cluster.  Note that by going client, more resources are going to be used on
the edge node.*

In this part one, we will confine ourselves with *Spark on Local host *and
will leave the other two to other parts.

*Spark Local Mode*

Spark Local Mode is the simplest configuration of Spark that does not
require a Cluster. The user on the local host can launch and experiment
with Spark.

In this mode the driver program (SparkSubmit), the resource manager and
executor all exist within the same JVM. The JVM itself is the worker thread

When you use spark-shell or for that matter spark-sql, you are staring
spark-submit under the bonnet. These two shells are created to make life
easier to work on Spark.

However, if you look at what $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell does in the
script, you will notice my point:

"${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name
"Spark shell" "$@"

So that is basically spark-submit JVM invoked with the name "Spark shell"

Since it is using spark-submit it takes all the parameters related to
spark-submit. However, remember that these two shells are created for
read–eval–print loop (REPL) and they default to Local mode. You cannot use
them for example in YARN cluster mode.

Some default parameters can be changed. For example, the default Web GUI
for Spark is 4040. However, I start it with 55555 and modified it to call
it a different name

"${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.ui.port=55555" --class
org.apache.spark.repl.Main --name "my own Spark shell" "$@"

Before going further let us understand the concept of cores and threads.
These days we talk about cores more than CPUs. Each CPU comes with a number
of cores.

Simply put to work out the number of threads you can do this:

cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l

 Which for me it returns 12 and that is all I need to know without worrying
what physical cores, logical cores and CPU really mean as these definitions
may vary from one hardware vendor to another.

On local mode with you have

--master local

This will start with one (worker) *thread *or equivalent to –master
local[1]. You can start by more than one thread by specifying the number of
threads *k* in –master local[k]. You can also start using all available
threads with –master local[*]. The degree of parallelism is defined by the
number of threads *k*.

In *Local mode*, you do not need to start master and slaves/workers. In
this mode it is pretty simple and you can run as many JVMs (spark-submit)
as your resources allow (resource meaning memory and cores). Additionally,
the GUI starts by default on port 4040, next one on 4041 and so forth
unless you specifically start it with --conf "spark.ui.port=nnnnn"

Remember this is all about testing your apps. It is NOT a performance test.
What it allows you is to test multiple apps concurrently and more
importantly gets you started and understand various configuration
parameters that Spark uses together with spark-submit executable

You can of course use spark-shell and spark-sql utilities. These in turn
rely on spark-submit executable to run certain variations of the JVM. In
other words, you are still executing spark-submit. You can pass parameters
to spark-submit with an example shown below:

${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \

                --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.3.0 \

                --driver-memory 2G \

                --num-executors 1 \

                --executor-memory 2G \

                --master local \

                --executor-cores 2 \

                --conf "spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR" \

                --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+PrintGCDetails
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \

/home/hduser/jars/spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10-1.6.1.jar \

                --class "${FILE_NAME}" \

                --conf "spark.ui.port=4040” \

                --conf "spark.driver.port=54631" \

                --conf "spark.fileserver.port=54731" \

                --conf "spark.blockManager.port=54832" \

                --conf "spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512" \

                ${JAR_FILE} \

                >> ${LOG_FILE}

*Note that in the above example I am only using modest resources. This is
intentional to ensure that resources are available for the other Spark jobs
that I may be testing on this standalone node.*

*Alternatively, you can specify some of these parameters when you are
creating a new SparkConf*

*val sparkConf = new SparkConf().*

*             setAppName("CEP_streaming").*

*             setMaster("local").*

*             Set(“num.executors”, “1”).*

*             set("spark.executor.memory", "2G").*

*             set(“spark.executor.cores”, “2”).*

*             set("spark.cores.max", "2").*

*             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").*

*             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")*

*You can practically run most of your unit testing with Local mode and
deploy variety of options including running SQL queries, reading data from
CSV files, writing to HDFS, creating Hive tables including ORC tables and
doing Spark Streaming.*

*The components of a Spark App*

*Although this may be of little relevance to Local mode, it would be
beneficial to clarify a number of Spark terminologies here.*

A Spark application consists of a driver program and a list of executors.
The driver program is the main program, which coordinates the executors to
run the Spark application. Executors are worker nodes' processes in charge
of running individual tasks in a given Spark job. The executors run the
tasks assigned by the driver program.  In Local mode, the driver program
runs inside the JVM and the driver program is running on the local machine.
There is only one executor and it is called *driver* and the tasks are
executed by the threads locally as well. This single executor will be
started with *k* threads.

Local mode is different than Standalone mode that uses Spark in-built
cluster set-up*.*

*Driver Program: *The driver is the process started by spark-submit. The
application relies on the initial Spark specific environment setting in the
shell that the application is started to create what is known as *SparkContext
object*. SparkContext tells the driver program how to access the Spark
cluster among other things. It is a separate Java process. It is identified
as *SparkSubmit* in jps

*Standalone Master* is not required in Local mode

*Standalone Worker* is not required in Local

*Executor *is the program that is launched on the Worker when a Job starts

*Tasks *Each Spark application is broken down into stages and each stage is
completed by one or more tasks. A task is a thread of execution that an
executor runs on a single node.

*Cache* is the memory allocated to this Spark process

Going back to Figure 1, we notice Cache, Executor and Tasks. These are as

Figure 2 below shows a typical Spark master URL. Note the number of cores
and Memory allocation for each worker. These are default maximum on his
host. Again these are the resource ceilings it does not mean that they go
and grab those values.

*Figure 2: A typical Spark master URL*

Note that as stated each worker grabs all the available cores and allocates
the remaining memory on each host. However, these values are somehow
misleading and are not updated. So I would not worry too much about what it
says in this page.

*Configuring Spark parameters*

To configure Spark shell parameters, you will need to modify the settings
in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ script

Note that the shells in $SPARK_HOME/sbin call $SPARK_HOME/conf/
scripts. So if you modify this file, remember to restart your master and
slaves’ routines

Every Spark executor in an application that has the same fixed number of
cores and same fixed heap size. The number of cores can be specified with
the --executor-cores flag when invoking spark-submit, spark-shell, and
pyspark from the command line, or by setting the spark.executor.cores
property in the spark-defaults.conf file or on a SparkConf object.
Similarly, the heap size can be controlled with the --executor-memory flag
or the spark.executor.memory property. The cores property controls the
number of concurrent tasks an executor can run*. **--executor-cores 5**
means that each executor can run a maximum of five tasks at the same time.*
The memory property impacts the amount of data Spark can cache, as well as
the maximum sizes of the shuffle data structures used for grouping,
aggregations, and joins.

*The **--num-executors** command-line flag or **spark.executor.instances**
configuration property control the number of executors requeste*d. Starting
in CDH 5.4/Spark 1.3, you will be able to avoid setting this property by
turning on dynamic allocation
with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property. Dynamic allocation
enables a Spark application to request executors when there is a backlog of
pending tasks and free up executors when idle.

*Resource scheduling*

The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple First In First
Out (FIFO) scheduler across applications. Thus to allow multiple concurrent
users, you can control the maximum number of resources each application
will use.

By default, the default memory used in 512M. You can increase this value by
setting the following parameter in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ spark-defaults.conf

export spark.driver.memory         4g

or by supplying configuration setting at runtime to spark-shell or

*Note that in this mode a process will acquire all cores in the cluster,
which only makes sense if you just run one application at a time*.

You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max in your
SparkConf. For example:

  val conf = new SparkConf().



               set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").

               set("spark.cores.max", "2").

               set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")

  val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

Note that setMaster("local[2]"). Specifies that it is run locally with two


   local uses 1 thread.

   local[N] uses N threads.

   local[*] uses as many threads as there are cores.

However, since driver-memory setting encapsulates the JVM, you will need to
set the amount of driver memory for any non-default value *before starting
JVM by providing the new value:*

${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4g


${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --driver-memory 4g

You can of course have a simple SparkConf values and set the additional
Spark configuration parameters at submit time


val sparkConf = new SparkConf().


*             setMaster("local[2]").*

             set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "2").

             set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").

             set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false")

And at submit time do

${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \

                --master local[2] \

                --driver-memory 4G \

                --num-executors 1 \

                --executor-memory 4G \

                --executor-cores 2 \


Note that this will override earlier Spark configuration parameters with

*Resource Monitoring*

You can see the job progress in Spark Job GUI that by default runs on
This GUI has different tabs for Jobs, Stages, Executors etc. An example is
shown below:

*Figure 3: A typical Spark Job URL*

Figure 3 shows the status of Jobs. This is a simple job that uses JDBC to
access Oracle database and a table called dummy with 1 billion rows. It
then takes that table, caches it by registering it as temptable, create an
ORC table in Hive and populates that table. It was compiled using Maven and
executed through $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

The code is shown below: for ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row

import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

object ETL_scratchpad_dummy {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

  val conf = new SparkConf().



               set("spark.executor.memory", "4G").

               set("spark.cores.max", "2").

               set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")

  val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

  // Create sqlContext based on HiveContext

  val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)

  import sqlContext.implicits._

  val HiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)

  println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')

  HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")

  var _ORACLEserver : String = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhes564:1521:mydb12"

  var _username : String = "scratchpad"

  var _password : String = "xxxxxx"

  // Get data from Oracle table scratchpad.dummy

  val d = HiveContext.load("jdbc",

  Map("url" -> _ORACLEserver,

  "dbtable" -> "(SELECT to_char(ID) AS ID, to_char(CLUSTERED) AS CLUSTERED,

  "user" -> _username,

  "password" -> _password))



  // Need to create and populate target ORC table oraclehadoop.dummy


  HiveContext.sql("use oraclehadoop")


  // Drop and create table dummy


  HiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oraclehadoop.dummy")

  var sqltext : String = ""

  sqltext = """

  CREATE TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy (

     ID INT
















  "orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )




  // Put data in Hive table. Clean up is already done


  sqltext = """

  INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy



        , CLUSTERED

        , SCATTERED

        , RANDOMISED


        , SMALL_VC

        , PADDING

  FROM tmp



  println ("\nFinished at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')




If you look at Figure 3 you will the status of the job broken into *Active
Jobs* and *Completed Jobs *respectively. The description is pretty smart.
It tells you which line of code was executed. For example “collect at
ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:24” refers to line 24 of the code which is below:

println ("\nStarted at"); sqlContext.sql("SELECT
FROM_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'dd/MM/yyyy')

This Job (Job Id 0) is already completed

On the other hand Active Job Id 1 “sql at ETL_scratchpad_dummy.scala:87” is
currently running at line 87 of the code which is

  sqltext = """

  INSERT INTO TABLE oraclehadoop.dummy



        , CLUSTERED

        , SCATTERED

        , RANDOMISED


        , SMALL_VC

        , PADDING

  FROM tmp



We can look at this job further by looking at the active job session in GUI
though stages

*Figure 4: Drilling down to execution*



Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On 21 July 2016 at 12:27, Joaquin Alzola <> wrote:

> You have the same as link 1 but in English?
>    - spark-questions-concepts
>    <>
>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>    <>
> Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate
> suck on the translation.
> *From:* Taotao.Li []
> *Sent:* 21 July 2016 04:04
> *To:* Jean Georges Perrin <>
> *Cc:* Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
> *Subject:* Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job,
> stage, worker, executor, task
> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>    - spark-questions-concepts
>    <>
>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>    <>
> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <> wrote:
> Hey,
> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it
> makes 24.
> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
> Worker is really the one doing the job.
> 5) Dunnoh
> 6) Dunnoh
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific
> questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a
> 8 core PC.
> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
> which ran in parallel.
> Is this understanding correct.
> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
> where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
> this number improve performance.
> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
> because I have a 8 core PC.
> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
> spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
> more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
> executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
> followup questions if any.
> Thanks
> Sachin
> --
> *___________________*
> Quant | Engineer | Boy
> *___________________*
> *blog*:
> <>
> *github*:
> This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are not
> the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but
> contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

RE: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Joaquin Alzola <>.
You have the same as link 1 but in English?

  *   spark-questions-concepts<>
  *   deep-into-spark-exection-model <>
Seems really interesting post but in Chinese. I suppose google translate suck on the translation.

From: Taotao.Li []
Sent: 21 July 2016 04:04
To: Jean Georges Perrin <>
Cc: Sachin Mittal <>; user <>
Subject: Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:

  *   spark-questions-concepts<>
  *   deep-into-spark-exection-model <>

And, I fully recommend databrick's post:

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <>> wrote:

I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)

1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it makes 24.
4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and Worker is really the one doing the job.
5) Dunnoh
6) Dunnoh

On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <>> wrote:

I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at<> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a 8 core PC.

- What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks which ran in parallel.
Is this understanding correct.

- What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing this number improve performance.
- Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this because I have a 8 core PC.
- What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
- I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
- What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add followup questions if any.

Quant | Engineer | Boy
This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by "Taotao.Li" <>.
Hi, Sachin, there is no planning on translate these into english currently,
sorry for that, but you can check databrick's blog, there are lots of
high-quality and easy-understanding posts.

or you can check the list in this post of mine, choose the English version:

   - spark-resouces-blogs-paper

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the links, is there any english translation for the same?
> Sachin
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Taotao.Li <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>>    - spark-questions-concepts
>>    <>
>>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>>    <>
>> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>>> it makes 24.
>>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>>> 5) Dunnoh
>>> 6) Dunnoh
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
>>> but few doubts still remain. I have few
>>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>>> it.
>>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have
>>> a 8 core PC.
>>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
>>> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
>>> which ran in parallel.
>>> Is this understanding correct.
>>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks
>>> From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would
>>> increasing this number improve performance.
>>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I
>>> did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker
>>> have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does
>>> all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>>> followup questions if any.
>>> Thanks
>>> Sachin
>> --
>> *___________________*
>> Quant | Engineer | Boy
>> *___________________*
>> *blog*:
>> <>
>> *github*:

Quant | Engineer | Boy

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Sachin Mittal <>.
Thanks for the links, is there any english translation for the same?


On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Taotao.Li <> wrote:

> Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:
>    - spark-questions-concepts
>    <>
>    - deep-into-spark-exection-model
>    <>
> And, I fully recommend databrick's post:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
>> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
>> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
>> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so
>> it makes 24.
>> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
>> Worker is really the one doing the job.
>> 5) Dunnoh
>> 6) Dunnoh
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
>> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
>> but few doubts still remain. I have few
>> specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on
>> it.
>> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have
>> a 8 core PC.
>> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
>> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
>> which ran in parallel.
>> Is this understanding correct.
>> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
>> where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
>> this number improve performance.
>> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
>> because I have a 8 core PC.
>> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
>> spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
>> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
>> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
>> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
>> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
>> more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
>> executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
>> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
>> followup questions if any.
>> Thanks
>> Sachin
> --
> *___________________*
> Quant | Engineer | Boy
> *___________________*
> *blog*:
> <>
> *github*:

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by "Taotao.Li" <>.
Hi, Sachin,  here are two posts about the basic concepts about spark:

   - spark-questions-concepts
   - deep-into-spark-exection-model

And, I fully recommend databrick's post:

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Jean Georges Perrin <> wrote:

> Hey,
> I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)
> 1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
> 2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
> 3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it
> makes 24.
> 4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and
> Worker is really the one doing the job.
> 5) Dunnoh
> 6) Dunnoh
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at
> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific
> questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a
> 8 core PC.
> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had
> two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks
> which ran in parallel.
> Is this understanding correct.
> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From
> where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing
> this number improve performance.
> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this
> because I have a 8 core PC.
> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did
> spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I
> did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster
> manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have
> more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all
> executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add
> followup questions if any.
> Thanks
> Sachin

Quant | Engineer | Boy

Re: Understanding spark concepts cluster, master, slave, job, stage, worker, executor, task

Posted by Jean Georges Perrin <>.

I love when questions are numbered, it's easier :)

1) Yes (but I am not an expert)
2) You don't control... One of my process is going to 8k tasks, so...
3) Yes, if you have HT, it double. My servers have 12 cores, but HT, so it makes 24.
4) From my understanding: Slave is the logical computational unit and Worker is really the one doing the job. 
5) Dunnoh
6) Dunnoh

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Sachin Mittal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to build and run my spark application via spark submit.
> I have understood some of the concepts by going through the resources at <> but few doubts still remain. I have few specific questions and would be glad if someone could share some light on it.
> So I submitted the application using spark.master    local[*] and I have a 8 core PC.
> - What I understand is that application is called as job. Since mine had two stages it gets divided into 2 stages and each stage had number of tasks which ran in parallel.
> Is this understanding correct.
> - What I notice is that each stage is further divided into 262 tasks From where did this number 262 came from. Is this configurable. Would increasing this number improve performance.
> - Also I see that the tasks are run in parallel in set of 8. Is this because I have a 8 core PC.
> - What is the difference or relation between slave and worker. When I did spark-submit did it start 8 slaves or worker threads?
> - I see all worker threads running in one single JVM. Is this because I did not start  slaves separately and connect it to a single master cluster manager. If I had done that then each worker would have run in its own JVM.
> - What is the relationship between worker and executor. Can a worker have more than one executors? If yes then how do we configure that. Does all executor run in the worker JVM and are independent threads.
> I suppose that is all for now. Would appreciate any response.Will add followup questions if any.
> Thanks
> Sachin