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cvs commit: xml-xerces/c/samples/SEnumVal SEnumVal.cpp

peiyongz    01/11/21 08:56:39

  Added:       c/samples/SEnumVal SEnumVal.cpp
  New Sample: code from Peter A. Volchek (
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-xerces/c/samples/SEnumVal/SEnumVal.cpp
  Index: SEnumVal.cpp
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Includes
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #include <util/NameIdPool.hpp>
  #include <util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
  #include <framework/XMLValidator.hpp>
  #include <parsers/SAXParser.hpp>
  #include <validators/schema/SchemaValidator.hpp>
  #include <validators/common/ContentSpecNode.hpp>
  #include <validators/schema/SchemaSymbols.hpp>
  #include <iostream.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Forward references
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  static void usage();
  void processAttributes( XMLAttDefList& attList, bool margin = false );
  void processDatatypeValidator( const DatatypeValidator*, bool margin = false );
  void processContentSpecNode( const ContentSpecNode* specNode, bool margin = false );
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  This is a simple class that lets us do easy (though not terribly efficient)
  //  trancoding of XMLCh data to local code page for display.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  class StrX
  public :
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      //  Constructors and Destructor
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      StrX(const XMLCh* const toTranscode)
          // Call the private transcoding method
          fLocalForm = XMLString::transcode(toTranscode);
          delete [] fLocalForm;
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      //  Getter methods
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      const char* localForm() const
          return fLocalForm;
  private :
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      //  Private data members
      //  fLocalForm
      //      This is the local code page form of the string.
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      char*   fLocalForm;
  inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& target, const StrX& toDump)
      target << toDump.localForm();
      return target;
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Local helper methods
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  static void usage()
      cout << "\nUsage:\n"
              "    EnumVal <XML file>\n\n"
              "This program parses a file, then shows how to enumerate the\n"
              "contents of the validator pools. Essentially, shows how one can\n"
              "access the Schema information stored in internal data structures.\n\n"
              "  * = Default if not provided explicitly\n"
           << endl;
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Program entry point
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  int main(int argC, char* argV[])
      // Initialize the XML4C system
      catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
           cerr   << "Error during initialization! Message:\n"
                  << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << endl;
           return 1;
      // Check command line and extract arguments.
      if (argC < 2)
          return 1;
      // We only have one required parameter, which is the file to process
      if ((argC == 2) && (*(argV[1]) == '-'))
          return 2;
      const char*              xmlFile   = argV[1];
      SAXParser::ValSchemes    valScheme = SAXParser::Val_Never;
      //  Create a Schema validator to be used for our validation work. Then create
      //  a SAX parser object and pass it our validator. Then, according to what
      //  we were told on the command line, set it to validate or not. He owns
      //  the validator, so we have to allocate it.
      //SchemaValidator* valToUse = new SchemaValidator;
      SAXParser parser;//(valToUse);
      //  Get the starting time and kick off the parse of the indicated
      //  file. Catch any exceptions that might propogate out of it.
      catch (const XMLException& e)
          cerr << "\nError during parsing: '" << xmlFile << "'\n"
               << "Exception message is:  \n"
               << StrX(e.getMessage()) << "\n" << endl;
          return 3;
      //  Now we will get an enumerator for the element pool from the validator
      //  and enumerate the elements, printing them as we go. For each element
      //  we get an enumerator for its attributes and print them also.
  	//SchemaGrammar* grammar = (SchemaGrammar*) valToUse->getGrammar();
      SchemaGrammar* grammar = (SchemaGrammar*) parser.getValidator().getGrammar();
      RefHash3KeysIdPoolEnumerator<SchemaElementDecl> elemEnum = grammar->getElemEnumerator();
      if (elemEnum.hasMoreElements())
              // Element's properties
              const SchemaElementDecl& curElem = elemEnum.nextElement();
              // Name
              cout << "Name:\t\t\t" << StrX(curElem.getFullName()) << "\n";
              // Model Type
              cout << "Model Type:\t\t";
              switch( curElem.getModelType() )
              case SchemaElementDecl::Empty:      cout << "Empty";    break;
              case SchemaElementDecl::Any:        cout << "Any";      break;
              case SchemaElementDecl::Mixed:      cout << "Mixed";    break;
              case SchemaElementDecl::Children:   cout << "Children"; break;
              case SchemaElementDecl::Simple:     cout << "Simple";   break;
              default:                            cout << "Unknown";  break;
              cout << "\n";
              // Create Reason
              cout << "Create Reason:\t";
              switch( curElem.getCreateReason() )
                  case XMLElementDecl::NoReason:          cout << "Empty";            break;
                  case XMLElementDecl::Declared:          cout << "Declared";         break;
                  case XMLElementDecl::AttList:           cout << "AttList";          break;
                  case XMLElementDecl::InContentModel:    cout << "InContentModel";   break;
                  case XMLElementDecl::AsRootElem:        cout << "AsRootElem";       break;
                  case XMLElementDecl::JustFaultIn:       cout << "JustFaultIn";      break;
              cout << "\n";
              // Content Spec Node
              processContentSpecNode( curElem.getContentSpec() );
              // Misc Flags
              int mflags = curElem.getMiscFlags();
              if( mflags !=0 )
                  cout << "Misc. Flags:\t";
              if(       mflags == SchemaSymbols::INFINITY  )
                  cout << "Infinity ";
                  if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::NILLABLE  != 0 )
                      cout << "Nillable ";
                  if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::ABSTRACT  != 0 )
                      cout << "Abstract ";
                  if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::FIXED     != 0 )
                      cout << "Fixed ";
              if( mflags !=0 )
                  cout << "\n";
              // Substitution Name
              XMLCh* subsGroup = curElem.getSubstitutionGroupName();
              if( subsGroup )
                  cout << "Substitution Name:\t" << StrX(subsGroup) << "\n";
              // Block Set
              int blockSet = curElem.getBlockSet();
              cout << "Block. Set:\t\t";
              if( blockSet == SchemaSymbols::EMPTY_SET  )
                  cout << "Empty Set ";
                  if( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::SUBSTITUTION  )
                      cout << "Substitution ";
                  if ( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::EXTENSION  != 0 )
                      cout << "Extension ";
                  if ( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::RESTRICTION     != 0 )
                      cout << "Restriction ";
                  if ( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::LIST  != 0 )
                      cout << "List ";
                  if ( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::UNION     != 0 )
                      cout << "Union ";
                  if ( blockSet & SchemaSymbols::ENUMERATION     != 0 )
                      cout << "Enumeration ";
              cout << "\n";
              // Content Model
              const XMLCh* fmtCntModel = curElem.getFormattedContentModel();
              if( fmtCntModel != NULL )
                  cout << "Content Model:\t" << StrX(fmtCntModel) << "\n";
              const ComplexTypeInfo* ctype = curElem.getComplexTypeInfo();
              if( ctype != NULL)
                  cout << "ComplexType:\n";
                  cout << "\tTypeName:\t" << StrX(ctype->getTypeName()) << "\n";
                  ContentSpecNode* cSpecNode = ctype->getContentSpec();
                  processContentSpecNode(cSpecNode, true );
              // Datatype 
              DatatypeValidator* dtValidator = curElem.getDatatypeValidator();
              processDatatypeValidator( dtValidator );
              // Get an enumerator for this guy's attributes if any
              if ( curElem.hasAttDefs() )
                  processAttributes( curElem.getAttDefList() );
              cout << "--------------------------------------------";
              cout << endl;
          cout << "The validator has no elements to display\n" << endl;
      // And call the termination method
      return 0;
  //  Prints the Attribute's properties
  void processAttributes( XMLAttDefList& attList, bool margin )
      if( attList.isEmpty() )
      if( margin )
          cout << "\t";
      cout << "Attributes:\n";
      while( attList.hasMoreElements() )
          // Name
          SchemaAttDef& curAttDef = (SchemaAttDef&)attList.nextElement();
          cout << "\tName:\t\t\t" << StrX(curAttDef.getFullName()) << "\n";
          // Type
          cout << "\tType:\t\t\t";
          const XMLAttDef::AttTypes type = curAttDef.getType();
          case XMLAttDef::CData:      cout << "CDATA";        break;
          case XMLAttDef::ID:         cout << "ID";           break;
          case XMLAttDef::IDRef:
          case XMLAttDef::IDRefs:     cout << "IDREF(S)";     break;
          case XMLAttDef::Entity:
          case XMLAttDef::Entities:   cout << "ENTITY(IES)";  break;
          case XMLAttDef::NmToken:
          case XMLAttDef::NmTokens:   cout << "NMTOKEN(S)";   break;
          case XMLAttDef::Notation:   cout << "NOTATION";     break;
          case XMLAttDef::Enumeration:cout << "ENUMERATION";  break;
          case XMLAttDef::Simple:     cout << "Simple";       break;
          default:                    cout << "(" << type << ")";
          cout << "\n";
          // Default Type
          cout << "\tDefault Type:\t";
          XMLAttDef::DefAttTypes defType = curAttDef.getDefaultType();
          switch( defType )
          case XMLAttDef::Default:                cout << "Default";      break;
          case XMLAttDef::Required:               cout << "Required";     break;
          case XMLAttDef::Implied:                cout << "Implied";      break;
          case XMLAttDef::Fixed:                  cout << "Fixed";        break;
          case XMLAttDef::Prohibited:             cout << "Prohibited";   break;
          case XMLAttDef::Required_And_Fixed:     cout << "Required_And_Fixed";       break;
          case XMLAttDef::ProcessContents_Strict: cout << "ProcessContents_Strict";   break;
          case XMLAttDef::ProcessContents_Lax:    cout << "ProcessContents_Lax";      break;
          case XMLAttDef::ProcessContents_Skip:   cout << "ProcessContents_Skip";     break;
              cout << "(" << defType << ")";
          cout << "\n";
          // Value
          if( curAttDef.getValue() )
              cout << "\tValue:\t\t\t";
              cout << StrX(curAttDef.getValue());
              cout << "\n";
          // Enum. values
          if( curAttDef.getEnumeration() )
              cout << "\tEnumeration:\t";
              cout << StrX(curAttDef.getEnumeration());
              cout << "\n";
           const DatatypeValidator* dv = curAttDef.getDatatypeValidator();
           processDatatypeValidator( dv, true );
          cout << "\n";
  void processDatatypeValidator( const DatatypeValidator* dtValidator, bool margin )
      if( dtValidator == NULL ) 
      if( margin )
          cout << "\t";
      cout << "Base Datatype:\t\t";
      switch( dtValidator->getType() )
      case DatatypeValidator::String:         cout << "string";      break;
      case DatatypeValidator::AnyURI:         cout << "AnyURI";      break;
      case DatatypeValidator::QName:          cout << "QName";       break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Boolean:        cout << "Boolean";     break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Float:          cout << "Float";       break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Double:         cout << "Double";      break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Decimal:        cout << "Decimal";     break;
      case DatatypeValidator::HexBinary:      cout << "HexBinary";   break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Base64Binary:   cout << "Base64Binary";break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Duration:       cout << "Duration";    break;
      case DatatypeValidator::DateTime:       cout << "DateTime";    break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Date:           cout << "Date";        break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Time:           cout << "Time";        break;
      case DatatypeValidator::MonthDay:       cout << "MonthDay";    break;
      case DatatypeValidator::YearMonth:      cout << "YearMonth";   break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Year:           cout << "Year";        break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Month:          cout << "Month";       break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Day:            cout << "Day";         break;
      case DatatypeValidator::ID:             cout << "ID";          break;
      case DatatypeValidator::IDREF:          cout << "IDREF";       break;
      case DatatypeValidator::ENTITY:         cout << "ENTITY";      break;
      case DatatypeValidator::NOTATION:       cout << "NOTATION";    break;
      case DatatypeValidator::List:           cout << "List";        break;
      case DatatypeValidator::Union:          cout << "Union";       break;
      cout << "\n";
      // Facets
  	RefHashTableOf<KVStringPair>* facets = dtValidator->getFacets();
      if( facets != NULL )
          RefHashTableOfEnumerator<KVStringPair> enumFacets(facets);
          if( enumFacets.hasMoreElements() )
              cout << "Facets:\t\t\n";
              // Element's properties
              const KVStringPair& curPair = enumFacets.nextElement();
              cout << "\t" << StrX( curPair.getKey() )    << "=" 
                           << StrX( curPair.getValue() )  << "\n";
  void processContentSpecNode( const ContentSpecNode* cSpecNode, bool margin )
      if( !cSpecNode )
      if( margin )
          cout << "\t";
      cout << "ContentType:\t";
      switch( cSpecNode->getType() )
          case ContentSpecNode::Leaf:             cout << "Leaf"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrOne:        cout << "ZeroOrOne"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrMore:       cout << "ZeroOrMore"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::OneOrMore:        cout << "OneOrMore"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Choice:           cout << "Choice"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Sequence:         cout << "Sequence"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any:              cout << "Any"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_Other:        cout << "Any_Other"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_NS:           cout << "Any_NS"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_Lax:          cout << "Any_Lax"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_Other_Lax:    cout << "Any_Other_Lax"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_NS_Lax:       cout << "Any_NS_Lax"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_Skip:         cout << "Any_Skip"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_Other_Skip:   cout << "Any_Other_Skip"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::Any_NS_Skip:   cout << "Any_NS_Skip"; break;
          case ContentSpecNode::UnknownType:      cout << "UnknownType"; break;
      cout << "\n";

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