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Posted to by on 2017/03/25 06:24:55 UTC

[05/11] incubator-mynewt-site git commit: Closes PR 163 and 164. Updates events and BSPs supported.
diff --git a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 719ffa4..957c469 100644
--- a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
             "location": "/newt/install/newt_mac/", 
-            "text": "Install newt tool on your Mac\n\n\nGetting your Mac Ready\n\n\nIf you want to build the \nnewt\n tool from its source code, follow the following steps:\n\n\n\n\n1. Install Homebrew on your Mac OS X\n\n\n\n\nDo you have Homebrew? If not, open a terminal on your Mac and paste the following at a Terminal prompt. It will ask you for your sudo password.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ruby -e \n$(curl -fsSL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, you can just extract (or \ngit clone\n) Homebrew and install it to \n/usr/local\n.\n\n\n\n\n2. Install Go, the programming language\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGo language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlanace as workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nsrc contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),\n\n\n\n\n\n\npkg contains package objects, and\n\n
 \n\n\n\n\nbin contains executable commands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this workspace environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the \nnewt\n tool repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`\n\n\n\n\n\n(Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)\n\n\n\n\n        $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNext, using \nbrew\n, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import \nnewt\n rep
 o into your local Go environment.\n\n\n\n\n        $ brew install go\n        ==\n \n        ...\n        ... \n        ==\n *Summary*\n        \ud83c\udf7a  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1: 5330 files, 273M\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, you can download the Go package directly from ( instead of brewing it. Install it in /usr/local directory.\n\n\n\n\n3. Create local repository\n\n\n\n\nUse Go commands to copy the directory (currently the ASF incubator directory). Be patient as it may take a minute or two. Check the directories installed.\n\n\n\n\n        $ go get\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck that newt.go is in place.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ls $GOPATH/src/\n        DISCLAIMER  NOTICE      newt        newtvm      viper\n        LICENSE   newtmgr     util        yaml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Build the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nUse Go to run the newt.go program to build the \nnewt\n tool. The command \ngo install\n compiles and writes 
 the resulting executable to an output file named \nnewt\n, which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin.\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt this point, you can try using \nnewt\n. For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.\n\n\n\n\n(Note: If you are going to be modifying the \nnewt\n often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in \nexport newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"\n in your .bash_profile and execute it by calling \n$newt\n at the prompt instead of \nnewt\n. Essentially, \n$newt\n calls \ngo run\n which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the 
 updated bash profile by typing \nsource ~/.bash_profile\n at the prompt! )\n\n\n        $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded project based on the Mynewt\n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a\n        single tool, which allows you to compose an embedded workspace, and set\n        of projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects.\n        For more information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit\n\n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command\n        you want help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n         newt [flags]\n         newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n         newt\n         newt help [\ncommand-name\n]\n           For help on \ncommand-name\n.  If not specified, print this message.\n\n\n        Availabl
 e Commands:\n         version     Display the Newt version number.\n         target      Set and view target information\n         egg         Commands to list and inspect eggs on a nest\n         nest        Commands to manage nests \n clutches (remote egg repositories)\n         help        Help about any command\n\n        Flags:\n         -h, --help=false: help for newt\n         -l, --loglevel=\nWARN\n: Log level, defaults to WARN.\n         -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.\n         -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don\nt output anything.\n         -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.\n\n\n        Use \nnewt help [command]\n for more information about a command.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Updating the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nYou will update the newt tool in the same place as you initially installed the newt tool.\n\n\nStart by updating the git repository of the newt tool (you can change to a different branch using git checkout [branch] if 
 you need to)\n\n\nThen update each of the tools newt, newtmgr and newtvm as needed\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ git pull\n        $ cd newt\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtmgr\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtvm\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\nThat should have updated your newt, newtmgr and newtvm to the latest versions based on the git repository you used.", 
+            "text": "Install newt tool on your Mac\n\n\nGetting your Mac Ready\n\n\nIf you want to build the \nnewt\n tool from its source code, follow the following steps:\n\n\n\n\n1. Install Homebrew on your Mac OS X\n\n\n\n\nDo you have Homebrew? If not, open a terminal on your Mac and paste the following at a Terminal prompt. It will ask you for your sudo password.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ruby -e \n$(curl -fsSL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, you can just extract (or \ngit clone\n) Homebrew and install it to \n/usr/local\n.\n\n\n\n\n2. Install Go, the programming language\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGo language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlanace as workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nsrc contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),\n\n\n\n\n\n\npkg contains package objects, and\n\n
 \n\n\n\n\nbin contains executable commands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this workspace environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the \nnewt\n tool repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`\n\n\n\n\n\n(Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)\n\n\n\n\n        $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNext, using \nbrew\n, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import \nnewt\n rep
 o into your local Go environment.\n\n\n\n\n        $ brew install go\n        ==\n \n        ...\n        ... \n        ==\n *Summary*\n        \ud83c\udf7a  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1: 5330 files, 273M\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, you can download the Go package directly from ( instead of brewing it. Install it in /usr/local directory.\n\n\n\n\n3. Create local repository\n\n\n\n\nUse Go commands to copy the directory (currently the ASF incubator directory). Be patient as it may take a minute or two. Check the directories installed.\n\n\n\n\n        $ go get\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck that newt.go is in place.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ls $GOPATH/src/\n        DISCLAIMER  NOTICE      newt        newtvm      viper\n        LICENSE   newtmgr     util        yaml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Build the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nUse Go to run the newt.go program to build the \nnewt\n tool. The command \ngo install\n compiles and writes 
 the resulting executable to an output file named \nnewt\n, which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin.\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt this point, you can try using \nnewt\n. For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.\n\n\n\n\n(Note: If you are going to be modifying the \nnewt\n often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in \nexport newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"\n in your .bash_profile and execute it by calling \n$newt\n at the prompt instead of \nnewt\n. Essentially, \n$newt\n calls \ngo run\n which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the 
 updated bash profile by typing \nsource ~/.bash_profile\n at the prompt! )\n\n\n        $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt \n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single \n        tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of \n        projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more \n        information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit \n \n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want \n        help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n          newt [flags]\n          newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n          newt\n          newt help [\ncommand-name\n]\n            For help on \ncommand-name\n.  If not specified, print this message.\n\n        Available
  Commands:\n          build        Build one or more targets\n          clean        Delete build artifacts for one or more targets\n          create-image Add image header to target binary\n          debug        Open debugger session to target\n          info         Show project info\n          install      Install project dependencies\n          load         Load built target to board\n          mfg          Manufacturing flash image commands\n          new          Create a new project\n          pkg          Create and manage packages in the current workspace\n          run          build/create-image/download/debug \ntarget\n\n          size         Size of target components\n          sync         Synchronize project dependencies\n          target       Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets\n          test         Executes unit tests for one or more packages\n          upgrade      Upgrade project dependencies\n          vals         Display valid values f
 or the specified element type(s)\n          version      Display the Newt version number\n\n        Flags:\n          -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n          -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n          -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default \nWARN\n)\n          -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n          -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n          -s, --silent            Be silent; don\nt output anything\n          -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\n        Use \nnewt [command] --help\n for more information about a comma\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Updating the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nYou will update the newt tool in the same place as you initially installed the newt tool.\n\n\nStart by updating the git repository of the newt tool (you can change to a different branch using git checkout [branch] if you need to)\n\n\nThen update each of the tools newt, newtmgr a
 nd newtvm as needed\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ git pull\n        $ cd newt\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtmgr\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtvm\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\nThat should have updated your newt, newtmgr and newtvm to the latest versions based on the git repository you used.", 
             "title": "Install Newt on Mac"
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
             "location": "/newt/install/newt_mac/#4-build-the-newt-tool", 
-            "text": "Use Go to run the newt.go program to build the  newt  tool. The command  go install  compiles and writes the resulting executable to an output file named  newt , which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin.           $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls  $GOPATH /bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm    At this point, you can try using  newt . For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.   (Note: If you are going to be modifying the  newt  often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in  export newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"  in your .bash_profile and execute it by calling  $newt  at the prompt instead of  newt . Essentially,  $newt  calls  go run  which runs the compile
 d binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing  source ~/.bash_profile  at the prompt! )          $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded project based on the Mynewt\n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a\n        single tool, which allows you to compose an embedded workspace, and set\n        of projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects.\n        For more information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit\n\n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command\n        you want help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n         newt [flags]\n         newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n         newt\n         newt help [ command-name ]\n           For help on  command
 -name .  If not specified, print this message.\n\n\n        Available Commands:\n         version     Display the Newt version number.\n         target      Set and view target information\n         egg         Commands to list and inspect eggs on a nest\n         nest        Commands to manage nests   clutches (remote egg repositories)\n         help        Help about any command\n\n        Flags:\n         -h, --help=false: help for newt\n         -l, --loglevel= WARN : Log level, defaults to WARN.\n         -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.\n         -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don t output anything.\n         -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.\n\n\n        Use  newt help [command]  for more information about a command.", 
+            "text": "Use Go to run the newt.go program to build the  newt  tool. The command  go install  compiles and writes the resulting executable to an output file named  newt , which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin.           $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls  $GOPATH /bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm    At this point, you can try using  newt . For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.   (Note: If you are going to be modifying the  newt  often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in  export newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"  in your .bash_profile and execute it by calling  $newt  at the prompt instead of  newt . Essentially,  $newt  calls  go run  which runs the compile
 d binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing  source ~/.bash_profile  at the prompt! )          $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt \n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single \n        tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of \n        projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more \n        information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit \n \n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want \n        help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n          newt [flags]\n          newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n          newt\n          newt help [ command-name ]\n            For help on  comman
 d-name .  If not specified, print this message.\n\n        Available Commands:\n          build        Build one or more targets\n          clean        Delete build artifacts for one or more targets\n          create-image Add image header to target binary\n          debug        Open debugger session to target\n          info         Show project info\n          install      Install project dependencies\n          load         Load built target to board\n          mfg          Manufacturing flash image commands\n          new          Create a new project\n          pkg          Create and manage packages in the current workspace\n          run          build/create-image/download/debug  target \n          size         Size of target components\n          sync         Synchronize project dependencies\n          target       Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets\n          test         Executes unit tests for one or more packages\n          upgrade      Upgrade p
 roject dependencies\n          vals         Display valid values for the specified element type(s)\n          version      Display the Newt version number\n\n        Flags:\n          -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n          -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n          -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default  WARN )\n          -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n          -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n          -s, --silent            Be silent; don t output anything\n          -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\n        Use  newt [command] --help  for more information about a comma", 
             "title": "4. Build the Newt tool"
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
             "location": "/newt/install/newt_linux/", 
-            "text": "Install newt tool on Linux\n\n\n\n\nGetting your Linux box Ready\n\n\nIf you want to build the \nnewt\n tool from its source code, follow the following steps:\n\n\n1. Install git, libcurl\n\n\n        $ sudo apt-get install git \n        $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev \n\n\n\n\n\nNOTE:\n On 64-bit host, you may also need to install gcc-multilib, if you encounter compilation errors related to 'sys/cdefs.h'\n\n\n\n\n2. Install Go, the programming language\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGo language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlance as a workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nsrc contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),\n\n\n\n\n\n\npkg contains package objects, and\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbin contains executable commands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this work
 space environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the \nnewt\n tool repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`\n\n\n\n\n\n(Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)\n\n\n\n\n        $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNext, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import \nnewt\n repo into your local Go environment.\n\n\nNote\n: The Newt tool requires Go version 1.5 or later. It uses the support for \"vendoring\" that was added in Go 1.5. Depend
 ing on the Ubuntu version you have, the following may install an earlier version. In that case, download the latest package of Go 1.5 or 1.6 from \n\n. You can search for more detailed instructions such as installing Go 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 which can be found at \n\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ sudo apt-get install golang \n\n\n\n\n\n    \n\n\n3. Create local repository\n\n\n\n\nUse Go commands to copy the directory (currently the ASF incubator directory). Be patient as it may take a minute or two. Check the directories installed.\n\n\n\n\n        $ go get\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck that newt.go is in place.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ls $GOPATH/src/\n        DISCLAIMER  NOTICE      newt        newtvm      viper\n        LICENSE   newtmgr     util        yaml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Build the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nUse Go to run the newt.g
 o program to build the \nnewt\n tool. The command \ngo install\n compiles and writes the resulting executable to an output file named \nnewt\n, which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin. If you get errors it is likely because of path resolution issues. Try \ngo build\n  followed by \ngo install\n in that case.\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt this point, you can try using \nnewt\n. For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.\n\n\n\n\n(Note: If you are going to be modifying the \nnewt\n often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in \nexport newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"\n in your .bash_profile a
 nd execute it by calling \n$newt\n at the prompt instead of \nnewt\n. Essentially, \n$newt\n calls \ngo run\n which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing \nsource ~/.bash_profile\n at the prompt! )\n\n\n        $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded project based on the Mynewt\n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a\n        single tool, which allows you to compose an embedded workspace, and set\n        of projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects.\n        For more information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit\n\n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command\n        you want help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n         newt 
 [flags]\n         newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n         newt\n         newt help [\ncommand-name\n]\n           For help on \ncommand-name\n.  If not specified, print this message.\n\n\n        Available Commands:\n         version     Display the Newt version number.\n         target      Set and view target information\n         egg         Commands to list and inspect eggs on a nest\n         nest        Commands to manage nests \n clutches (remote egg repositories)\n         help        Help about any command\n\n        Flags:\n         -h, --help=false: help for newt\n         -l, --loglevel=\nWARN\n: Log level, defaults to WARN.\n         -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.\n         -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don\nt output anything.\n         -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.\n\n\n        Use \nnewt help [command]\n for more information about a command.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Updating the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nYou will
  update the newt tool in the same place as you initially installed the newt tool.\n\n\nStart by updating the git repository of the newt tool (you can change to a different branch using git checkout [branch] if you need to)\n\n\nThen update each of the tools newt, newtmgr and newtvm as needed\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ git pull\n        $ cd newt\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtmgr\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtvm\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\nThat should have updated your newt, newtmgr and newtvm to the latest versions based on the git repository you used.", 
+            "text": "Install newt tool on Linux\n\n\n\n\nGetting your Linux box Ready\n\n\nIf you want to build the \nnewt\n tool from its source code, follow the following steps:\n\n\n1. Install git, libcurl\n\n\n        $ sudo apt-get install git \n        $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev \n\n\n\n\n\nNOTE:\n On 64-bit host, you may also need to install gcc-multilib, if you encounter compilation errors related to 'sys/cdefs.h'\n\n\n\n\n2. Install Go, the programming language\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGo language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlance as a workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nsrc contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),\n\n\n\n\n\n\npkg contains package objects, and\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbin contains executable commands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this work
 space environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the \nnewt\n tool repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`\n\n\n\n\n\n(Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)\n\n\n\n\n        $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNext, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import \nnewt\n repo into your local Go environment.\n\n\nNote\n: The Newt tool requires Go version 1.6 or later. Depending on the Ubuntu version you have, the following may install an
  earlier version. In that case, download the latest package of Go 1.6 from \n\n. You can search for more detailed instructions such as installing Go 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 which can be found at \n\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n        $ sudo apt-get install golang \n\n\n\n\n\n    \n\n\n3. Create local repository\n\n\n\n\nUse Go commands to copy the directory (currently the ASF incubator directory). Be patient as it may take a minute or two. Check the directories installed.\n\n\n\n\n        $ go get\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck that newt.go is in place.\n\n\n\n\n        $ ls $GOPATH/src/\n        DISCLAIMER  NOTICE      newt        newtvm      viper\n        LICENSE   newtmgr     util        yaml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Build the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nUse Go to run the newt.go program to build the \nnewt\n tool. The command \ngo install\n compil
 es and writes the resulting executable to an output file named \nnewt\n, which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin. If you get errors it is likely because of path resolution issues. Try \ngo build\n  followed by \ngo install\n in that case.\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt this point, you can try using \nnewt\n. For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.\n\n\n\n\n(Note: If you are going to be modifying the \nnewt\n often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in \nexport newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"\n in your .bash_profile and execute it by calling \n$newt\n at the prompt instead of \nnewt\n. E
 ssentially, \n$newt\n calls \ngo run\n which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing \nsource ~/.bash_profile\n at the prompt! )\n\n\n        $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt \n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single \n        tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of \n        projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more \n        information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit \n \n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want \n        help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n          newt [flags]\n          newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n          newt\n  
         newt help [\ncommand-name\n]\n            For help on \ncommand-name\n.  If not specified, print this message.\n\n        Available Commands:\n          build        Build one or more targets\n          clean        Delete build artifacts for one or more targets\n          create-image Add image header to target binary\n          debug        Open debugger session to target\n          info         Show project info\n          install      Install project dependencies\n          load         Load built target to board\n          mfg          Manufacturing flash image commands\n          new          Create a new project\n          pkg          Create and manage packages in the current workspace\n          run          build/create-image/download/debug \ntarget\n\n          size         Size of target components\n          sync         Synchronize project dependencies\n          target       Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets\n          test         Execu
 tes unit tests for one or more packages\n          upgrade      Upgrade project dependencies\n          vals         Display valid values for the specified element type(s)\n          version      Display the Newt version number\n\n        Flags:\n          -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n          -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n          -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default \nWARN\n)\n          -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n          -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n          -s, --silent            Be silent; don\nt output anything\n          -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\n        Use \nnewt [command] --help\n for more information about a comma\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Updating the Newt tool\n\n\n\n\nYou will update the newt tool in the same place as you initially installed the newt tool.\n\n\nStart by updating the git repository of the new
 t tool (you can change to a different branch using git checkout [branch] if you need to)\n\n\nThen update each of the tools newt, newtmgr and newtvm as needed\n\n\n\n\n        $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ git pull\n        $ cd newt\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtmgr\n        $ go install\n        $ cd ../newtvm\n        $ go install\n        $ ls \n$GOPATH\n/bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm\n\n\n\n\n\nThat should have updated your newt, newtmgr and newtvm to the latest versions based on the git repository you used.", 
             "title": "Install Newt on Linux"
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
             "location": "/newt/install/newt_linux/#2-install-go-the-programming-language", 
-            "text": "Go language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlance as a workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below.     src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),    pkg contains package objects, and    bin contains executable commands.    The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this workspace environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the  newt  tool repository.            $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`  (Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)           $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile   
   Next, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import  newt  repo into your local Go environment.  Note : The Newt tool requires Go version 1.5 or later. It uses the support for \"vendoring\" that was added in Go 1.5. Depending on the Ubuntu version you have, the following may install an earlier version. In that case, download the latest package of Go 1.5 or 1.6 from . You can search for more detailed instructions such as installing Go 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 which can be found at .            $ sudo apt-get install golang", 
+            "text": "Go language environment dictates a directory structure. Known in Go parlance as a workspace, it must contain three sibling directories with the directory names src, pkg and bin, as explained below.     src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),    pkg contains package objects, and    bin contains executable commands.    The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. To setup this workspace environment, create a 'dev' directory and then a 'go' directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this directory where you will soon clone the  newt  tool repository.            $ cd $HOME\n        $ mkdir -p dev/go  \n        $ cd dev/go\n        $ export GOPATH=`pwd`  (Note that you need to add export statements to ~/.bash_profile to export variables permanently. Don't forget to source the file for the change to go into effect.)           $ vi ~/.bash_profile\n        $ source ~/.bash_profile   
   Next, install Go. When installed, Go offers you as a developer a language environment (to compile Go code), construct Go packages (to assemble Go packages) and import Go code (from github). In the next step, you will use the Go commands to import  newt  repo into your local Go environment.  Note : The Newt tool requires Go version 1.6 or later. Depending on the Ubuntu version you have, the following may install an earlier version. In that case, download the latest package of Go 1.6 from . You can search for more detailed instructions such as installing Go 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 which can be found at .            $ sudo apt-get install golang", 
             "title": "2. Install Go, the programming language"
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
             "location": "/newt/install/newt_linux/#4-build-the-newt-tool", 
-            "text": "Use Go to run the newt.go program to build the  newt  tool. The command  go install  compiles and writes the resulting executable to an output file named  newt , which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin. If you get errors it is likely because of path resolution issues. Try  go build   followed by  go install  in that case.           $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls  $GOPATH /bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm    At this point, you can try using  newt . For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.   (Note: If you are going to be modifying the  newt  often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in  export newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"  in your .bash_profile and 
 execute it by calling  $newt  at the prompt instead of  newt . Essentially,  $newt  calls  go run  which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing  source ~/.bash_profile  at the prompt! )          $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded project based on the Mynewt\n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a\n        single tool, which allows you to compose an embedded workspace, and set\n        of projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects.\n        For more information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit\n\n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command\n        you want help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n         newt [flags]\n        
  newt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n         newt\n         newt help [ command-name ]\n           For help on  command-name .  If not specified, print this message.\n\n\n        Available Commands:\n         version     Display the Newt version number.\n         target      Set and view target information\n         egg         Commands to list and inspect eggs on a nest\n         nest        Commands to manage nests   clutches (remote egg repositories)\n         help        Help about any command\n\n        Flags:\n         -h, --help=false: help for newt\n         -l, --loglevel= WARN : Log level, defaults to WARN.\n         -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.\n         -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don t output anything.\n         -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.\n\n\n        Use  newt help [command]  for more information about a command.", 
+            "text": "Use Go to run the newt.go program to build the  newt  tool. The command  go install  compiles and writes the resulting executable to an output file named  newt , which is then installed, along with its dependencies, in $GOPATH/bin. If you get errors it is likely because of path resolution issues. Try  go build   followed by  go install  in that case.           $ cd $GOPATH/src/\n        $ go install\n        $ ls  $GOPATH /bin/\n        newt newtmgr newtvm    At this point, you can try using  newt . For example, check for the version number by typing 'newt version'. See all the possible commands available to a user of newt by typing 'newt -h'.   (Note: If you are going to be modifying the  newt  often and going to be compile the program every time you call it, you will want to store the command in a variable in your .bash_profile. So type in  export newt=\"go run $GOPATH/\"  in your .bash_profile and 
 execute it by calling  $newt  at the prompt instead of  newt . Essentially,  $newt  calls  go run  which runs the compiled binary directly without producing an executable. Don't forget to reload the updated bash profile by typing  source ~/.bash_profile  at the prompt! )          $ newt version\n        Newt version:  1.0\n        $ newt -h\n        Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt \n        operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single \n        tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of \n        projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more \n        information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit \n \n\n        Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want \n        help for, for help on how to use a specific command\n\n        Usage:\n          newt [flags]\n          n
 ewt [command]\n\n        Examples:\n          newt\n          newt help [ command-name ]\n            For help on  command-name .  If not specified, print this message.\n\n        Available Commands:\n          build        Build one or more targets\n          clean        Delete build artifacts for one or more targets\n          create-image Add image header to target binary\n          debug        Open debugger session to target\n          info         Show project info\n          install      Install project dependencies\n          load         Load built target to board\n          mfg          Manufacturing flash image commands\n          new          Create a new project\n          pkg          Create and manage packages in the current workspace\n          run          build/create-image/download/debug  target \n          size         Size of target components\n          sync         Synchronize project dependencies\n          target       Commands to create, delete, configure,
  and query targets\n          test         Executes unit tests for one or more packages\n          upgrade      Upgrade project dependencies\n          vals         Display valid values for the specified element type(s)\n          version      Display the Newt version number\n\n        Flags:\n          -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n          -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n          -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default  WARN )\n          -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n          -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n          -s, --silent            Be silent; don t output anything\n          -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\n        Use  newt [command] --help  for more information about a comma", 
             "title": "4. Build the Newt tool"
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
             "location": "/os/get_started/vocabulary/", 
-            "text": "Concepts\n\n\nThis page is meant to introduce you to some of the concepts inherent to \nthe Apache Mynewt Operating System, and \nNewt\n the tool that stitches a \nproject built on Apache Mynewt together.\n\n\nProject\n\n\nThe project is the base directory of your embedded software tree.  It is a \nworkspace that contains a logical collection of source code, for one or \nmore of your applications.  A project consists of the following items:\n\n\n\n\nProject Definition: defines project level dependencies, and parameters\n    (located in \nproject.yml\n)\n\n\nPackages\n\n\n\n\nPackages\n are described in detail in the section below.  \n\n\nHere is an example project definition file from the default Apache Mynewt \nproject: \n\n\n$ more project.yml \n\nsnip\n\ \nmy_project\n\n\nproject.repositories:\n    - apache-mynewt-core\n\n# Use github\ns distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.\n# This provides mirroring automatically for us.\n#\nrepositor
 y.apache-mynewt-core:\n    type: github\n    vers: 0-latest\n    user: apache\n    repo: incubator-mynewt-core\n$ \n\n\n\n\n\nA couple of things to note in the project definition:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nproject.repositories\n: Defines the remote repositories that this project\nrelies upon.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nrepository.apache-mynewt-core\n: Defines the repository information for \nthe \napache-mynewt-core\n repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvers=0-latest\n: Defines the repository version. This string will use the \nlatest code in the 'Master' github branch. To use the latest version in the \ndevelop branch, just change it to \nvers=0-dev\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRepositories are versioned collections of packages.  \n\n\nProjects can rely on remote repositories for functionality, and the newt tool \nwill resolve those remote repositories, and download the correct version into \nyour local source tree.  Newly fetched repositories are put in the \nrepos\n\ndirectory of your project, and can be referenced throughout the sy
 stem by using\nthe \n@\n specifier.  \n\n\nBy default, the \n@apache-mynewt-core\n repository is included in every \nproject.  Apache Mynewt Core contains all the base functionality of the Apache \nMynewt Operating System, including the Real Time Kernel, Bluetooth Networking \nStack, Flash File System, Console, Shell and Bootloader.\n\n\nNOTE:\n Any project can be converted into a repository by providing it with a \n\nrepository.yml\n file and putting it up onto Github.  More information\nabout repositories can be found in the Newt documentation.\n\n\nPackage\n\n\nA package is a collection items that form a fundamental unit in the Mynewt \nOperating System.  Packages can be:\n\n\n\n\nApplications\n\n\nLibraries\n\n\nCompiler definitions\n\n\nTargets\n\n\n\n\nA package is identified by having a \npkg.yml\n file in it's base \ndirectory.  Here is a sample \npkg.yml\n file for the blinky applicaton:\n\n\n$ more pkg.yml \n\nsnip\n\ apps/blinky\npkg.type: app\npkg.description: 
 Basic example application which blinks an LED.\ \nApache Mynewt \\n\npkg.homepage: \n\n\npkg.keywords:\n\npkg.deps:\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/libs/os\n\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/hw/hal\n\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/libs/console/full\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPackages have a few features worth noting:\n\n\n\n\nDependencies: Packages can rely upon other packages, and when they do\n    they will inherit their functionality (header files, library definitions, etc.)\n\n\nAPIs: Packages can export named APIs, and they can require that certain \n    APIs be present, in order to compile.\n\n\nFeatures: Packages can operate differently depending on what named features are \n    present in the system.  Packages can also export features to the rest of the \n    Mynewt system.\n\n\n\n\nEverything that newt knows about within a project's directory is a package.  This \nmakes it very clean and easy to write re-usable components, which
  can describe their \nDependencies and APIs to the rest of the system.\n\n\nTarget\n\n\nA target in Apache Mynewt is very similar to a target in \nmake\n.  It is the collection\nof parameters that must be passed to Newt in order to generate a reproducible build.  A \ntarget represents the top of the build tree, and any packages or parameters specified at \nthe target level, cascade down to all dependencies.\n\n\nTargets are also packages, and are stored in the \ntargets/\n directory at the base \nof your project.  Most targets consist of: \n\n\n\n\napp\n: The application to build.\n\n\nbsp\n: The board support package to combine with that application\n\n\nbuild_profile\n: Either \ndebug\n or \noptimized\n. \n\n\n\n\nTargets can also have additional items specified, including: \n\n\n\n\ncflags\n: Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build.\n\n\nfeatures\n: Any system level features you want to enable.\n\n\n\n\nIn order to create and manipulate targets, the \
 nnewt\n tool offers a set of helper commands,\nyou can find more information about these by issuing:\n\n\n$ newt target\n\n\nUsage:\n  newt target [flags]\n  newt target [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n  config      View target system configuration\n  copy        Copy target\n  create      Create a target\n  delete      Delete target\n  set         Set target configuration variable\n  show        View target configuration variables\n\nGlobal Flags:\n  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default \nWARN\n)\n  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n  -s, --silent            Be silent; don\nt output anything\n  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\nUse \nnewt target [command] --help\n for more information about a command.\n$ \n\n\n\n\n\nConfiguration\n\n\nThere are a lot of configuration options available when building your application in MyNewt. System Configuration options ar
 e set in \na file called \nsyscfg.yml\n and you will find these configuration files throughout the MyNewt packages. While you can edit these\nfiles directly to change some default settings, it is best to override the default settings in a \nsyscfg.yml\n file in your project\ndirectory rather than editing the package configurations directly.\n\n\nTo see all \nall\n the system configuration settings, simply type\n\n\n$ newt target config \ntarget-name\n\n...\n* PACKAGE: sys/stats\n  * Setting: STATS_CLI\n    * Description: Expose the \nstat\n shell command.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NAMES\n    * Description: Include and report the textual name of each statistic.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NEWTMGR\n    * Description: Expose the \nstat\n newtmgr command.\n    * Value: 0\n...\n$\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep in mind that this will only show the configuration options for any packages that are included in your applicaiton. \n\n\nIf you really want to see \nall\n the available configur
 ation options, you can go rough each package and look at the\n\nsyscfg.yml\n file in each.", 
+            "text": "Concepts\n\n\nThis page is meant to introduce you to some of the concepts inherent to \nthe Apache Mynewt Operating System, and \nNewt\n the tool that stitches a \nproject built on Apache Mynewt together.\n\n\nProject\n\n\nThe project is the base directory of your embedded software tree.  It is a \nworkspace that contains a logical collection of source code, for one or \nmore of your applications.  A project consists of the following items:\n\n\n\n\nProject Definition: defines project level dependencies, and parameters\n    (located in \nproject.yml\n)\n\n\nPackages\n\n\n\n\nPackages\n are described in detail in the section below.  \n\n\nHere is an example project definition file from the default Apache Mynewt \nproject: \n\n\n$ more project.yml \n\nsnip\n\ \nmy_project\n\n\nproject.repositories:\n    - apache-mynewt-core\n\n# Use github\ns distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.\n# This provides mirroring automatically for us.\n#\nrepositor
 y.apache-mynewt-core:\n    type: github\n    vers: 1-latest\n    user: apache\n    repo: incubator-mynewt-core\n$ \n\n\n\n\n\nA couple of things to note in the project definition:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nproject.repositories\n: Defines the remote repositories that this project\nrelies upon.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nrepository.apache-mynewt-core\n: Defines the repository information for \nthe \napache-mynewt-core\n repository.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvers=1-latest\n: Defines the repository version. This string will use the \nlatest code in the 'Master' github branch. To use the latest version in the \ndevelop branch, just change it to \nvers=1-dev\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRepositories are versioned collections of packages.  \n\n\nProjects can rely on remote repositories for functionality, and the newt tool \nwill resolve those remote repositories, and download the correct version into \nyour local source tree.  Newly fetched repositories are put in the \nrepos\n\ndirectory of your project, and can be referenced throughout the sy
 stem by using\nthe \n@\n specifier.  \n\n\nBy default, the \n@apache-mynewt-core\n repository is included in every \nproject.  Apache Mynewt Core contains all the base functionality of the Apache \nMynewt Operating System, including the Real Time Kernel, Bluetooth Networking \nStack, Flash File System, Console, Shell and Bootloader.\n\n\nNOTE:\n Any project can be converted into a repository by providing it with a \n\nrepository.yml\n file and putting it up onto Github.  More information\nabout repositories can be found in the Newt documentation.\n\n\nPackage\n\n\nA package is a collection items that form a fundamental unit in the Mynewt \nOperating System.  Packages can be:\n\n\n\n\nApplications\n\n\nLibraries\n\n\nCompiler definitions\n\n\nTargets\n\n\n\n\nA package is identified by having a \npkg.yml\n file in it's base \ndirectory.  Here is a sample \npkg.yml\n file for the blinky applicaton:\n\n\n$ more pkg.yml \n\nsnip\n\ apps/blinky\npkg.type: app\npkg.description: 
 Basic example application which blinks an LED.\ \nApache Mynewt \\n\npkg.homepage: \n\n\npkg.keywords:\n\npkg.deps:\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/libs/os\n\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/hw/hal\n\n    - \n@apache-mynewt-core/libs/console/full\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPackages have a few features worth noting:\n\n\n\n\nDependencies: Packages can rely upon other packages, and when they do\n    they will inherit their functionality (header files, library definitions, etc.)\n\n\nAPIs: Packages can export named APIs, and they can require that certain \n    APIs be present, in order to compile.\n\n\nFeatures: Packages can operate differently depending on what named features are \n    present in the system.  Packages can also export features to the rest of the \n    Mynewt system.\n\n\n\n\nEverything that newt knows about within a project's directory is a package.  This \nmakes it very clean and easy to write re-usable components, which
  can describe their \nDependencies and APIs to the rest of the system.\n\n\nTarget\n\n\nA target in Apache Mynewt is very similar to a target in \nmake\n.  It is the collection\nof parameters that must be passed to Newt in order to generate a reproducible build.  A \ntarget represents the top of the build tree, and any packages or parameters specified at \nthe target level, cascade down to all dependencies.\n\n\nTargets are also packages, and are stored in the \ntargets/\n directory at the base \nof your project.  Most targets consist of: \n\n\n\n\napp\n: The application to build.\n\n\nbsp\n: The board support package to combine with that application\n\n\nbuild_profile\n: Either \ndebug\n or \noptimized\n. \n\n\n\n\nTargets can also have additional items specified, including: \n\n\n\n\ncflags\n: Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build.\n\n\nfeatures\n: Any system level features you want to enable.\n\n\n\n\nIn order to create and manipulate targets, the \
 nnewt\n tool offers a set of helper commands,\nyou can find more information about these by issuing:\n\n\n$ newt target\n\n\nnewt target\nUsage:\n  newt target [flags]\n  newt target [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n  config      View or populate a target\ns system configuration\n  copy        Copy target\n  create      Create a target\n  delete      Delete target\n  dep         View target\ns dependency graph\n  revdep      View target\ns reverse-dependency graph\n  set         Set target configuration variable\n  show        View target configuration variables\n\nGlobal Flags:\n  -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n  -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default \nWARN\n)\n  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n  -s, --silent            Be silent; don\nt output anything\n  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when ex
 ecuting commands\n\nUse \nnewt target [command] --help\n for more information about a command.\n\n$ \n\n\n\n\n\nConfiguration\n\n\nThere are a lot of configuration options available when building your application in MyNewt. System Configuration options are set in \na file called \nsyscfg.yml\n and you will find these configuration files throughout the MyNewt packages. While you can edit these\nfiles directly to change some default settings, it is best to override the default settings in a \nsyscfg.yml\n file in your project\ndirectory rather than editing the package configurations directly.\n\n\nTo see all \nall\n the system configuration settings, simply type\n\n\n$ newt target config show \ntarget-name\n\n...\n* PACKAGE: sys/stats\n  * Setting: STATS_CLI\n    * Description: Expose the \nstat\n shell command.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NAMES\n    * Description: Include and report the textual name of each statistic.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NEWTMGR\n    * Descrip
 tion: Expose the \nstat\n newtmgr command.\n    * Value: 0\n...\n$\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep in mind that this will only show the configuration options for any packages that are included in your applicaiton. \n\n\nIf you really want to see \nall\n the available configuration options, you can go rough each package and look at the\n\nsyscfg.yml\n file in each.", 
             "title": "Concepts"
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
             "location": "/os/get_started/vocabulary/#project", 
-            "text": "The project is the base directory of your embedded software tree.  It is a \nworkspace that contains a logical collection of source code, for one or \nmore of your applications.  A project consists of the following items:   Project Definition: defines project level dependencies, and parameters\n    (located in  project.yml )  Packages   Packages  are described in detail in the section below.    Here is an example project definition file from the default Apache Mynewt \nproject:   $ more project.yml  snip \  my_project \n\nproject.repositories:\n    - apache-mynewt-core\n\n# Use github s distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.\n# This provides mirroring automatically for us.\n#\nrepository.apache-mynewt-core:\n    type: github\n    vers: 0-latest\n    user: apache\n    repo: incubator-mynewt-core\n$   A couple of things to note in the project definition:    project.repositories : Defines the remote repositories that this project\nrelies upon.
     repository.apache-mynewt-core : Defines the repository information for \nthe  apache-mynewt-core  repository.    vers=0-latest : Defines the repository version. This string will use the \nlatest code in the 'Master' github branch. To use the latest version in the \ndevelop branch, just change it to  vers=0-dev    Repositories are versioned collections of packages.    Projects can rely on remote repositories for functionality, and the newt tool \nwill resolve those remote repositories, and download the correct version into \nyour local source tree.  Newly fetched repositories are put in the  repos \ndirectory of your project, and can be referenced throughout the system by using\nthe  @  specifier.    By default, the  @apache-mynewt-core  repository is included in every \nproject.  Apache Mynewt Core contains all the base functionality of the Apache \nMynewt Operating System, including the Real Time Kernel, Bluetooth Networking \nStack, Flash File System, Console, Shell and Bootlo
 ader.  NOTE:  Any project can be converted into a repository by providing it with a  repository.yml  file and putting it up onto Github.  More information\nabout repositories can be found in the Newt documentation.", 
+            "text": "The project is the base directory of your embedded software tree.  It is a \nworkspace that contains a logical collection of source code, for one or \nmore of your applications.  A project consists of the following items:   Project Definition: defines project level dependencies, and parameters\n    (located in  project.yml )  Packages   Packages  are described in detail in the section below.    Here is an example project definition file from the default Apache Mynewt \nproject:   $ more project.yml  snip \  my_project \n\nproject.repositories:\n    - apache-mynewt-core\n\n# Use github s distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.\n# This provides mirroring automatically for us.\n#\nrepository.apache-mynewt-core:\n    type: github\n    vers: 1-latest\n    user: apache\n    repo: incubator-mynewt-core\n$   A couple of things to note in the project definition:    project.repositories : Defines the remote repositories that this project\nrelies upon.
     repository.apache-mynewt-core : Defines the repository information for \nthe  apache-mynewt-core  repository.    vers=1-latest : Defines the repository version. This string will use the \nlatest code in the 'Master' github branch. To use the latest version in the \ndevelop branch, just change it to  vers=1-dev    Repositories are versioned collections of packages.    Projects can rely on remote repositories for functionality, and the newt tool \nwill resolve those remote repositories, and download the correct version into \nyour local source tree.  Newly fetched repositories are put in the  repos \ndirectory of your project, and can be referenced throughout the system by using\nthe  @  specifier.    By default, the  @apache-mynewt-core  repository is included in every \nproject.  Apache Mynewt Core contains all the base functionality of the Apache \nMynewt Operating System, including the Real Time Kernel, Bluetooth Networking \nStack, Flash File System, Console, Shell and Bootlo
 ader.  NOTE:  Any project can be converted into a repository by providing it with a  repository.yml  file and putting it up onto Github.  More information\nabout repositories can be found in the Newt documentation.", 
             "title": "Project"
@@ -452,12 +452,12 @@
             "location": "/os/get_started/vocabulary/#target", 
-            "text": "A target in Apache Mynewt is very similar to a target in  make .  It is the collection\nof parameters that must be passed to Newt in order to generate a reproducible build.  A \ntarget represents the top of the build tree, and any packages or parameters specified at \nthe target level, cascade down to all dependencies.  Targets are also packages, and are stored in the  targets/  directory at the base \nof your project.  Most targets consist of:    app : The application to build.  bsp : The board support package to combine with that application  build_profile : Either  debug  or  optimized .    Targets can also have additional items specified, including:    cflags : Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build.  features : Any system level features you want to enable.   In order to create and manipulate targets, the  newt  tool offers a set of helper commands,\nyou can find more information about these by issuing:  $ newt target  Usage:\n 
  newt target [flags]\n  newt target [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n  config      View target system configuration\n  copy        Copy target\n  create      Create a target\n  delete      Delete target\n  set         Set target configuration variable\n  show        View target configuration variables\n\nGlobal Flags:\n  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default  WARN )\n  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n  -s, --silent            Be silent; don t output anything\n  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\nUse  newt target [command] --help  for more information about a command.\n$", 
+            "text": "A target in Apache Mynewt is very similar to a target in  make .  It is the collection\nof parameters that must be passed to Newt in order to generate a reproducible build.  A \ntarget represents the top of the build tree, and any packages or parameters specified at \nthe target level, cascade down to all dependencies.  Targets are also packages, and are stored in the  targets/  directory at the base \nof your project.  Most targets consist of:    app : The application to build.  bsp : The board support package to combine with that application  build_profile : Either  debug  or  optimized .    Targets can also have additional items specified, including:    cflags : Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build.  features : Any system level features you want to enable.   In order to create and manipulate targets, the  newt  tool offers a set of helper commands,\nyou can find more information about these by issuing:  $ newt target  newt targ
 et\nUsage:\n  newt target [flags]\n  newt target [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n  config      View or populate a target s system configuration\n  copy        Copy target\n  create      Create a target\n  delete      Delete target\n  dep         View target s dependency graph\n  revdep      View target s reverse-dependency graph\n  set         Set target configuration variable\n  show        View target configuration variables\n\nGlobal Flags:\n  -h, --help              Help for newt commands\n  -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)\n  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default  WARN )\n  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to\n  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output\n  -s, --silent            Be silent; don t output anything\n  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands\n\nUse  newt target [command] --help  for more information about a command.\n\n$", 
             "title": "Target"
             "location": "/os/get_started/vocabulary/#configuration", 
-            "text": "There are a lot of configuration options available when building your application in MyNewt. System Configuration options are set in \na file called  syscfg.yml  and you will find these configuration files throughout the MyNewt packages. While you can edit these\nfiles directly to change some default settings, it is best to override the default settings in a  syscfg.yml  file in your project\ndirectory rather than editing the package configurations directly.  To see all  all  the system configuration settings, simply type  $ newt target config  target-name \n...\n* PACKAGE: sys/stats\n  * Setting: STATS_CLI\n    * Description: Expose the  stat  shell command.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NAMES\n    * Description: Include and report the textual name of each statistic.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NEWTMGR\n    * Description: Expose the  stat  newtmgr command.\n    * Value: 0\n...\n$  Keep in mind that this will only show the configuration options for
  any packages that are included in your applicaiton.   If you really want to see  all  the available configuration options, you can go rough each package and look at the syscfg.yml  file in each.", 
+            "text": "There are a lot of configuration options available when building your application in MyNewt. System Configuration options are set in \na file called  syscfg.yml  and you will find these configuration files throughout the MyNewt packages. While you can edit these\nfiles directly to change some default settings, it is best to override the default settings in a  syscfg.yml  file in your project\ndirectory rather than editing the package configurations directly.  To see all  all  the system configuration settings, simply type  $ newt target config show  target-name \n...\n* PACKAGE: sys/stats\n  * Setting: STATS_CLI\n    * Description: Expose the  stat  shell command.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NAMES\n    * Description: Include and report the textual name of each statistic.\n    * Value: 0\n  * Setting: STATS_NEWTMGR\n    * Description: Expose the  stat  newtmgr command.\n    * Value: 0\n...\n$  Keep in mind that this will only show the configuration option
 s for any packages that are included in your applicaiton.   If you really want to see  all  the available configuration options, you can go rough each package and look at the syscfg.yml  file in each.", 
             "title": "Configuration"
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
             "location": "/os/tutorials/arduino_zero/", 
-            "text": "Blinky, your \"Hello World!\", on Arduino Zero\n\n\nLearn how to use packages from a default application repository of Mynewt to build your first \nHello World\n application (Blinky) on a target board. Once built using the \nnewt\n tool, this application will blink the LED lights on the target board.\n\n\nThis tutorial describes how to run Mynewt OS on Arduino Zero. Follow these simple steps and your board will be blinking in no time!\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\nBefore tackling this tutorial, it's best to read about Mynewt in the \nIntroduction\n section of this documentation.\n\n\nEquipment\n\n\nYou will need the following equipment\n\n\n\n\nAn Arduino Zero board.  NOTE: There are many flavors of Arduino. Ensure that\nyou have an Arduino Zero. See below for the versions of Arduino Zero that are\ncompatible with this tutorial\n\n\nA computer that can connect to the Arduino Zero over USB\n\n\nA USB cable (Type A to micro B) that can connect the computer to the Arduin
 o\n\n\nThe Mynewt Release\n\n\n\n\nThis tutorial has been tested on the following three Arduino Zero boards - Zero, M0 Pro, and Zero-Pro.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMynewt has not been tested on Arduino M0 which has no internal debugger support.\n\n\nInstall Mynewt and Newt\n\n\n\n\nIf you have not already done so, install Newt as shown in the \nNewt install tutorial\n\n\nIf you have not already done so, create a project as shown in the Quick Start guide on how to \nCreate Your First Project\n. Skip the testing and building the project steps in that tutorial since you will be defining a target for your Arduino board in this tutorial.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFetch External Packages\n\n\nMynewt uses source code provided directly from the chip manufacturer for\nlow level operations. Sometimes this code is licensed only for the specific manufacturer of the chipset and cannot live in the Apache Mynewt repository. That happens to be the case for the Arduino Zero board which uses Atmel SAMD21. Runtime's github
  repository hosts such external third-party packages and the Newt tool can fetch them.\n\n\nTo fetch the package with MCU support for Atmel SAMD21 for Arduino Zero from the Runtime git repository, you need to add\nthe repository to the \nproject.yml\n file in your base project directory.\n\n\nHere is an example \nproject.yml\n file with the Arduino Zero repository\nadded. The sections with \nmynewt_arduino_zero\n that need to be added to\nyour project file are highlighted.\n\n\n$ more project.yml\ \nmy_project\n\n\nproject.repositories:\n    - apache-mynewt-core\n\n    - mynewt_arduino_zero\n\n\nrepository.apache-mynewt-core:\n    type: github\n    vers: 0-latest\n    user: apache\n    repo: incubator-mynewt-core\n\n\nrepository.mynewt_arduino_zero:\n\n    type: github\n\n    vers: 0-latest\n\n    user: runtimeinc\n\n    repo: mynewt_arduino_zero\n\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOnce you've edited your \nproject.yml\n file, the next step is to install the\nproject dependencies, thi
 s can be done with the \nnewt install\n command\n(to see more output, provide the \n-v\n verbose option.):\n\n\n$ newt install\napache-mynewt-core\nmynewt_arduino_zero\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNOTE:\n If there has been a new release of a repo used in your project since you last installed it, the \n0-latest\n version for the repo in the \nproject.yml\n file will refer to the new release and will not match the installed files. In that case you will get an error message saying so and you will need to run \nnewt upgrade\n to overwrite the existing files with the latest codebase.\n\n\n\n\nCreate your bootloader target\n\n\nNext, you need to tell Newt what to build.  For the Arduino Zero, we are going to\ngenerate both a bootloader, and an image target.\n\n\nTo generate the bootloader target, you need to specify the following options. The output of the commands (indicating success) have been suppressed for easier readability.\n\n\n$ newt target create arduino_boot\n$ newt target set arduino_boot
  bsp=@mynewt_arduino_zero/hw/bsp/arduino_zero\nTarget targets/arduino_boot successfully created\n$ newt target set arduino_boot app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\nTarget targets/arduino_boot successfully set to @apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n$ newt target set arduino_boot build_profile=optimized\nTarget targets/arduino_boot successfully set target.build_profile to optimized\n$ newt target set arduino_boot syscfg=BSP_ARDUINO_ZERO_PRO=1\nTarget targets/arduino_boot successfully set target.syscfg to BSP_ARDUINO_ZERO_PRO=1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThese commands do a few things:\n\n\n\n\nCreate a target named \narduino_boot\n, in order to build the Arduino Zero Bootloader.\n\n\nSet the application for the \narduino_boot\n target to the default Apache Mynewt\n    bootloader (\n@apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot\n)\n\n\nSet the board support package for the target to\n    \n@mynewt_arduino_zero/hw/bsp/arduino_zero\n.  This is a reference to the downloaded\n    Arduino Zero support from Github
 .\n\n\nUse the \"optimized\" build profile for the \narduino_boot\n target.  This\n    instructs Newt to generate smaller and more efficient code for this target.\n    This setting is necessary due to the bootloader's strict size constraints.\n\n\nTells the Board Support Package to enable support for the Arduino Zero Pro or the Arduino Zero. Set it to \narduino_zero\n or \narduino_zero_pro\n depending on the board you have.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you'd rather, you can also take care of that last part by editing the \nsyscfg.yml\n file \nfor the target to set options -- at least one that is \nrequired\n.\nLook in the directory for the target, as defined by the target (in this case \ntargets/arduino_boot\n)\nand edit the syscfg.yml file. It should look like this when you're done:\n\n\n### Package: targets/arduino_boot\n\nsyscfg.vals:\n    BSP_ARDUINO_ZERO_PRO: 1\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you have an Arduino Zero Pro or M0 Pro, you'll want \nBSP_ARDUINO_ZEZRO_PRO: 1\n. If you have the Arduino Zero, \nyou
 'll want \nBSP_ARDUINO_ZERO: 1\n instead.\n\n\nFor more information on setting options, see the section on \nConcepts\n.\n\n\nFor now, we're not going to set any more options or enable any more features of Mynewt OS.\n\n\n\n\nBuild your bootloader\n\n\nOnce you've configured the bootloader target, the next step is to build the bootloader for your Arduino. You can do this by using the \nnewt build\n command:\n\n\n$ newt build arduino_boot\nCompiling asprintf.c\nCompiling atoi.c\nCompiling atol.c\nCompiling atoll.c\nCompiling bsearch.c\nCompiling bzero.c\nCompiling calloc.c\nCompiling fgets.c\nCompiling inline.c\n\nsnip\n\nApp successfully built: myproject/bin/arduino_boot/apps/boot/boot.elf\n\n\n\n\n\nIf this command finishes successfully, you have successfully built the Arduino\nbootloader, and the next step is to build your application for the Arduino\nboard.\n\n\n\n\nBuild your blinky app\n\n\nTo create and download your application, you create another target, this one pointing to
  the application you want to download to the Arduino board.\n\nIn this tutorial,  we will use the default application that comes with your project, \napps/blinky\n:\n\n\nNote\n: Remember to set features to \narduino_zero\n if your board is Arduino Zero and not a Pro!\n\n\n$ newt target create arduino_blinky\nTarget targets/arduino_blinky successfully created\n$ newt target set arduino_blinky app=apps/blinky\nTarget targets/arduino_blinky successfully set to apps/blinky\n$ newt target set arduino_blinky bsp=@mynewt_arduino_zero/hw/bsp/arduino_zero\nTarget targets/arduino_blinky successfully set target.bsp to @mynewt_arduino_zero/hw/bsp/arduino_zero\n$ newt target set arduino_blinky build_profile=debug\nTarget targets/arduino_blinky successfully set target.build_profile to debug\n\n$ newt target set arduino_blinky features=arduino_zero_pro\n\nTarget targets/arduino_blinky successfully set pkg.features to arduino_zero_pro\n$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can now build the target, with 
 \nnewt build\n:\n\n\n$ newt build arduino_blinky\nCompiling main.c\nArchiving blinky.a\nCompiling cons_fmt.c\nCompiling cons_tty.c\nArchiving full.a\nCompiling case.c\nCompiling suite.c\nCompiling testutil.c\nArchiving testutil.a\n\nsnip\n\nApp successfully built: myproject/bin/arduino_blinky/apps/blinky/blinky.elf\n\n\n\n\n\n Congratulations! \n You have successfully built your application. Now it's time to load both the bootloader and application onto the target.\n\n\n\n\nConnect the Target\n\n\nConnect your computer to the Arduino Zero (from now on we'll call this the\ntarget) with the Micro-USB cable through the Programming Port as shown below.\nMynewt will download and debug the target through this port. You should see a\nlittle green LED come on. That means the board has power.\n\n\nNo external debugger is required.  The Arduino Zero comes with an internal\ndebugger that can be accessed by Mynewt.\n\n\nA image below shows the Arduino Zero Programming Port.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDow
 nload the Bootloader\n\n\nExecute the command to download the bootloader.\n\n\n    \n$\n \nnewt\n \nload\n \narduino_boot\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf the newt tool finishes without error, that means the bootloader has been\nsuccessfully loaded onto the target.\n\n\nIf, on the other hand, you get errors like the following:\n\n\n$ newt load arduino_boot -v\nLoading bootloader\nError: Downloading ~/dev/arduino_zero/bin/targets/arduino_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf.bin to 0x0\nOpen On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0 (2015-11-15-05:39)\nLicensed under GNU GPL v2\nFor bug reports, read\n\nInfo : only one transport option; autoselect \nswd\n\nadapter speed: 500 kHz\nadapter_nsrst_delay: 100\ncortex_m reset_config sysresetreq\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: SWD  Supported\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: JTAG Supported\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 01.1F.0118\nInfo : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 1 TDO = 1 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: I
 nterface ready\nInfo : clock speed 500 kHz\nInfo : SWD IDCODE 0x0bc11477\nInfo : at91samd21g18.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints\nError: Target not halted\n\n\n\n\n\nThen you'll need to erase your board first before downloading the \narduino_boot\n application. Here's how you do that using gdb,\nthe GNU Debugger. \n\n\n$ newt debug arduino_blinky\n\n(gdb) mon at91samd chip-erase\nchip erased\nchip erased\n(gdb) x/32wx 0\n0x0:    0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x10:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x20:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x30:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x40:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x50:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x60:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n0x70:   0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff  0xffffffff\n(gdb) q\n\n\n\n\n\nOnce the chip is erased, go back and download the \narduino_boot\n image to the board as abo
 ve. \n\n\n\n\n Reminder if you are using Docker: \n When working with actual hardware, remember that each board has an ID. If you swap boards and do not refresh the USB Device Filter on the VirtualBox UI, the ID might be stale and the Docker instance may not be able to see the board correctly. For example, you may see an error message like \nError: unable to find CMSIS-DAP device\n when you try to load or run an image on the board. In that case, you need to click on the USB link in VirtualBox UI, remove the existing USB Device Filter (e.g. \"Atmel Corp. EDBG CMSIS-DAP[0101]\") by clicking on the \"Removes selected USB filter\" button, and add a new filter by clicking on the \"Adds new USB filter\" button.\n\n\n\n\nRun the Image\n\n\nNow that the bootloader is downloaded to the target, the next step is to load\nyour image onto the Arduino Zero.  The easiest way to do this, is to use the\n\nnewt run\n command.  \nnewt run\n will automatically rebuild your program\n(if necessary), crea
 te an image, and load it onto the target device.\n\n\nHere, we will load our \narduino_blinky\n target onto the device, and we\nshould see it run:\n\n\n$ newt run arduino_blinky 0.0.0\nDebugging myproject/bin/arduino_blinky/apps/blinky/blinky.elf\nOpen On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0 (2015-09-23-21:46)\nLicensed under GNU GPL v2\nFor bug reports, read\n\nInfo : only one transport option; autoselect \nswd\n\nadapter speed: 500 kHz\nadapter_nsrst_delay: 100\ncortex_m reset_config sysresetreq\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: SWD  Supported\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: JTAG Supported\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 01.1F.0118\nInfo : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 1 TDO = 1 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1\nInfo : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready\nInfo : clock speed 500 kHz\nInfo : SWD IDCODE 0x0bc11477\nInfo : at91samd21g18.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints\nGNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)\nCopyr
 ight (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\nLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later \n\n\nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type \nshow copying\n\nand \nshow warranty\n for details.\nThis GDB was configured as \n--host=x86_64-apple-darwin10 --target=arm-none-eabi\n.\nType \nshow configuration\n for configuration details.\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n\n\n.\nFind the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:\n\n\n.\nFor help, type \nhelp\n.\nType \napropos word\n to search for commands related to \nword\n...\nReading symbols from myproject/bin/arduino_blinky/apps/blinky/blinky.elf...done.\ntarget state: halted\ntarget halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread\nxPSR: 0x21000000 pc: 0x0000030e msp: 0x20008000\nInfo : accepting \ngdb\n connecti
 on on tcp/3333\nInfo : SAMD MCU: SAMD21G18A (256KB Flash, 32KB RAM)\n0x0000030e in ?? ()\n(gdb) r\nThe \nremote\n target does not support \nrun\n.  Try \nhelp target\n or \ncontinue\n.\n(gdb) c\nContinuing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNOTE:\n The 0.0.0 specified after the target name to \nnewt run\n is the version\nof the image to load.  If you are not providing remote upgrade, and are just\ndeveloping locally, you can provide 0.0.0 for every image version.\n\n\nIf you want the image to run without the debugger connected, simply quit the\ndebugger and restart the board.  The image you programmed will come up and run on \nthe Arduino on the next boot!  \n\n\n\n\nWatch the LED blink\n\n\nCongratulations! You have created a Mynewt operating system running on the\nArduino Zero. The LED right next to the power LED should be blinking. It is toggled \nby one task running on the Mynewt OS.   \n\n\nWe have more fun tutorials for you to get your hands dirty. Be bold and try other \nBlinky-like \ntutorials
 \n or try enabling additional functionality \nsuch as \nremote comms\n on the current board.\n\n\nIf you see anything missing or want to send us feedback, please do so by signing up for \nappropriate mailing lists on our \nCommunity Page\n.\n\n\nKeep on hacking and blinking!", 
+            "text": "Blinky, your \"Hello World!\", on Arduino Zero\n\n\nLearn how to use packages from a default application repository of Mynewt to build your first \nHello World\n application (Blinky) on a target board. Once built using the \nnewt\n tool, this application will blink the LED lights on the target board.\n\n\nThis tutorial describes how to run Mynewt OS on Arduino Zero. Follow these simple steps and your board will be blinking in no time!\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\n\nEnsure that you have met the following prerequisites before continuing with this tutorial:\n\n\n\n\nHave an Arduino Zero board.\n\nNote: There are many flavors of Arduino. Make sure you are using an Arduino Zero. See below for the versions of Arduino Zero that are compatible with this tutorial.\n\n\nHave Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.\n\n\nHave a Micro-USB cable to connect the board and the computer.\n\n\nHave a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to your board over U
 SB.\n\n\nInstall the Newt tool and toolchains (See \nBasic Setup\n).\n\n\nCreate a project space (directory structure) and populated it with the core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or know how to as explained in \nCreating Your First Project\n.\n\n\nRead the Mynewt OS \nConcepts\n section. \n\n\n\n\nThis tutorial has been tested on the following three Arduino Zero boards - Zero, M0 Pro, and Zero-Pro.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMynewt has not been tested on Arduino M0 which has no internal debugger support.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a Project\n\n\nCreate a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can skip this step and proceed to \nfetch external packages\n if you already created a project.  \n\n\nRun the following commands to create a new project: \n\n\n    $ mkdir ~/dev\n    $ cd ~/dev\n    $ newt new myproj\n    Downloading project skeleton from apache/incubator-mynewt-blinky...\n    Installing skeleton in myproj...\n    Project myproj successfully created.\n    $ cd myproj\n    $ n
 ewt install\n    apache-mynewt-core\n    $\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Fetch External Packages\n\n\nMynewt uses source code provided directly from the chip manufacturer for\nlow level operations. Sometimes this code is licensed only for the specific manufacturer of the chipset and cannot live in the Apache Mynewt repository. That happens to be the case for the Arduino Zero board which uses Atmel SAMD21.