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Posted to by Eileen Mosch <> on 2019/08/13 12:43:53 UTC

Problem with Solr alias and suggester call

Hi all,

we updated Solr from version 7.3.1 to version 8.1.1 and detected a problem requesting suggesters via multi-collection alias. It also exists in version 8.2.0. I think it is a bug but maybe someone can verify this?

I created an alias called „WORLD“ pointing to six collections. If I send a /suggest request using SolrClient I get the error message: „No live SolrServers available to handle this request:[http://[myIP]:8983/solr/WORLD“. If I try to call /suggest via Solr HTTP API, I get „Timeout occured while waiting response from server at: http://[myIP]:8983/solr/AT.test_shard1_replica_n1/suggest“

If I use single-collection Aliases everything is fine.

Kind Regards,

Here are the details:

Alias creation request:

  *   http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATEALIAS&name=WORLD&collections=AT.test,BE.test,DE.test,FR.test,LU.test,NL.test

aliases.json content:

Suggester call via http API

  *   http://localhost:8983/solr/WORLD/suggest?suggest=true&suggest.q=Rue%20Roi%20Albert&suggest.dictionary=streetSuggester&suggest.dictionary=streetSuggesterFuzzy&

Response/Stacktrace of http call:

  *   see attachement


B.Sc. Kartographie und Geomatik Eileen Mosch
Senior Software Engineer

Am Studio 2a
12489 Berlin

MD: Dr.-Ing. Roger Müller
AG Bochum, HRB 9402
Tax.-Nr: 325/5837/0464
VAT.-Nr.: DE 164887900

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