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[07/11] nifi git commit: NIFI-3653: - Introducing UserGroup and Policy provider interfaces. - Introducing FileUserGroupProvider and FileAccessPolicyProvider. - Refactoring FileAuthorizer to utilize the file based implementations. - Introducing the Standa
diff --git a/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-file-authorizer/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/authorization/ b/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-file-authorizer/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/authorization/
index 9a310a2..b64a36a 100644
--- a/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-file-authorizer/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/authorization/
+++ b/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-file-authorizer/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/authorization/
@@ -16,52 +16,17 @@
 package org.apache.nifi.authorization;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.nifi.authorization.annotation.AuthorizerContext;
 import org.apache.nifi.authorization.exception.AuthorizationAccessException;
 import org.apache.nifi.authorization.exception.AuthorizerCreationException;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.generated.Authorizations;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Groups;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.generated.Policies;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.generated.Policy;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Users;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Tenants;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.ResourceFactory;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.ResourceType;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.util.IdentityMapping;
-import org.apache.nifi.authorization.util.IdentityMappingUtil;
-import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyValue;
 import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties;
-import org.apache.nifi.util.file.FileUtils;
-import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PortDTO;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
-import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
-import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
-import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
-import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  * Provides authorizes requests to resources using policies persisted in a file.
@@ -70,687 +35,106 @@ public class FileAuthorizer extends AbstractPolicyBasedAuthorizer {
     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileAuthorizer.class);
-    private static final String AUTHORIZATIONS_XSD = "/authorizations.xsd";
-    private static final String JAXB_AUTHORIZATIONS_PATH = "org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.generated";
+    private static final String FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID = "file-user-group-provider";
+    private static final String FILE_ACCESS_POLICY_PROVIDER_ID = "file-access-policy-provider";
-    private static final String TENANTS_XSD = "/tenants.xsd";
-    private static final String JAXB_TENANTS_PATH = "org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated";
-    private static final String USERS_XSD = "/legacy-users.xsd";
-    private static final String JAXB_USERS_PATH = "org.apache.nifi.user.generated";
-    private static final JAXBContext JAXB_AUTHORIZATIONS_CONTEXT = initializeJaxbContext(JAXB_AUTHORIZATIONS_PATH);
-    private static final JAXBContext JAXB_TENANTS_CONTEXT = initializeJaxbContext(JAXB_TENANTS_PATH);
-    private static final JAXBContext JAXB_USERS_CONTEXT = initializeJaxbContext(JAXB_USERS_PATH);
-    /**
-     * Load the JAXBContext.
-     */
-    private static JAXBContext initializeJaxbContext(final String contextPath) {
-        try {
-            return JAXBContext.newInstance(contextPath, FileAuthorizer.class.getClassLoader());
-        } catch (JAXBException e) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create JAXBContext.");
-        }
-    }
-    static final String READ_CODE = "R";
-    static final String WRITE_CODE = "W";
-    static final String PROP_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE = "Authorizations File";
-    static final String PROP_TENANTS_FILE = "Users File";
-    static final String PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY = "Initial Admin Identity";
     static final String PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE = "Legacy Authorized Users File";
-    static final Pattern NODE_IDENTITY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Node Identity \\S+");
-    private Schema usersSchema;
-    private Schema tenantsSchema;
-    private Schema authorizationsSchema;
-    private SchemaFactory schemaFactory;
-    private NiFiProperties properties;
-    private File tenantsFile;
-    private File authorizationsFile;
-    private File restoreAuthorizationsFile;
-    private File restoreTenantsFile;
-    private String rootGroupId;
-    private String initialAdminIdentity;
-    private String legacyAuthorizedUsersFile;
-    private Set<String> nodeIdentities;
-    private List<PortDTO> ports = new ArrayList<>();
-    private List<IdentityMapping> identityMappings;
-    private final AtomicReference<AuthorizationsHolder> authorizationsHolder = new AtomicReference<>();
+    private FileUserGroupProvider userGroupProvider = new FileUserGroupProvider();
+    private FileAccessPolicyProvider accessPolicyProvider = new FileAccessPolicyProvider();
     public void initialize(final AuthorizerInitializationContext initializationContext) throws AuthorizerCreationException {
-        try {
-            schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
-            tenantsSchema = schemaFactory.newSchema(FileAuthorizer.class.getResource(TENANTS_XSD));
-            authorizationsSchema = schemaFactory.newSchema(FileAuthorizer.class.getResource(AUTHORIZATIONS_XSD));
-            usersSchema = schemaFactory.newSchema(FileAuthorizer.class.getResource(USERS_XSD));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw new AuthorizerCreationException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void doOnConfigured(final AuthorizerConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws AuthorizerCreationException {
-        try {
-            final PropertyValue tenantsPath = configurationContext.getProperty(PROP_TENANTS_FILE);
-            if (StringUtils.isBlank(tenantsPath.getValue())) {
-                throw new AuthorizerCreationException("The users file must be specified.");
-            }
-            // get the tenants file and ensure it exists
-            tenantsFile = new File(tenantsPath.getValue());
-            if (!tenantsFile.exists()) {
-      "Creating new users file at {}", new Object[] {tenantsFile.getAbsolutePath()});
-                saveTenants(new Tenants());
-            }
-            final PropertyValue authorizationsPath = configurationContext.getProperty(PROP_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE);
-            if (StringUtils.isBlank(authorizationsPath.getValue())) {
-                throw new AuthorizerCreationException("The authorizations file must be specified.");
-            }
-            // get the authorizations file and ensure it exists
-            authorizationsFile = new File(authorizationsPath.getValue());
-            if (!authorizationsFile.exists()) {
-      "Creating new authorizations file at {}", new Object[] {authorizationsFile.getAbsolutePath()});
-                saveAuthorizations(new Authorizations());
-            }
-            final File authorizationsFileDirectory = authorizationsFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
-            final File tenantsFileDirectory = tenantsFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
-            // the restore directory is optional and may be null
-            final File restoreDirectory = properties.getRestoreDirectory();
-            if (restoreDirectory != null) {
-                // sanity check that restore directory is a directory, creating it if necessary
-                FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExistAndCanAccess(restoreDirectory);
-                // check that restore directory is not the same as the authorizations directory
-                if (authorizationsFileDirectory.getAbsolutePath().equals(restoreDirectory.getAbsolutePath())) {
-                    throw new AuthorizerCreationException(String.format("Authorizations file directory '%s' is the same as restore directory '%s' ",
-                            authorizationsFileDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), restoreDirectory.getAbsolutePath()));
-                }
-                // check that restore directory is not the same as the user's directory
-                if (tenantsFileDirectory.getAbsolutePath().equals(restoreDirectory.getAbsolutePath())) {
-                    throw new AuthorizerCreationException(String.format("Users file directory '%s' is the same as restore directory '%s' ",
-                            tenantsFileDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), restoreDirectory.getAbsolutePath()));
-                }
-                // the restore copy will have same file name, but reside in a different directory
-                restoreAuthorizationsFile = new File(restoreDirectory, authorizationsFile.getName());
-                restoreTenantsFile = new File(restoreDirectory, tenantsFile.getName());
-                try {
-                    // sync the primary copy with the restore copy
-                    FileUtils.syncWithRestore(authorizationsFile, restoreAuthorizationsFile, logger);
-                    FileUtils.syncWithRestore(tenantsFile, restoreTenantsFile, logger);
-                } catch (final IOException | IllegalStateException ioe) {
-                    throw new AuthorizerCreationException(ioe);
-                }
-            }
-            // extract the identity mappings from if any are provided
-            identityMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(IdentityMappingUtil.getIdentityMappings(properties));
-            // get the value of the initial admin identity
-            final PropertyValue initialAdminIdentityProp = configurationContext.getProperty(PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY);
-            initialAdminIdentity = initialAdminIdentityProp == null ? null : IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(initialAdminIdentityProp.getValue(), identityMappings);
-            // get the value of the legacy authorized users file
-            final PropertyValue legacyAuthorizedUsersProp = configurationContext.getProperty(PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE);
-            legacyAuthorizedUsersFile = legacyAuthorizedUsersProp == null ? null : legacyAuthorizedUsersProp.getValue();
-            // extract any node identities
-            nodeIdentities = new HashSet<>();
-            for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : configurationContext.getProperties().entrySet()) {
-                Matcher matcher = NODE_IDENTITY_PATTERN.matcher(entry.getKey());
-                if (matcher.matches() && !StringUtils.isBlank(entry.getValue())) {
-                    nodeIdentities.add(IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(entry.getValue(), identityMappings));
-                }
-            }
-            // load the authorizations
-            load();
-            // if we've copied the authorizations file to a restore directory synchronize it
-            if (restoreAuthorizationsFile != null) {
-                FileUtils.copyFile(authorizationsFile, restoreAuthorizationsFile, false, false, logger);
-            }
-            // if we've copied the authorizations file to a restore directory synchronize it
-            if (restoreTenantsFile != null) {
-                FileUtils.copyFile(tenantsFile, restoreTenantsFile, false, false, logger);
-            }
-  "Authorizations file loaded at %s", new Date().toString()));
-        } catch (IOException | AuthorizerCreationException | JAXBException | IllegalStateException | SAXException e) {
-            throw new AuthorizerCreationException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Loads the authorizations file and populates the AuthorizationsHolder, only called during start-up.
-     *
-     * @throws JAXBException            Unable to reload the authorized users file
-     * @throws IOException              Unable to sync file with restore
-     * @throws IllegalStateException    Unable to sync file with restore
-     */
-    private synchronized void load() throws JAXBException, IOException, IllegalStateException, SAXException {
-        // attempt to unmarshal
-        final Authorizations authorizations = unmarshallAuthorizations();
-        if (authorizations.getPolicies() == null) {
-            authorizations.setPolicies(new Policies());
-        }
-        final Tenants tenants = unmarshallTenants();
-        if (tenants.getUsers() == null) {
-            tenants.setUsers(new Users());
-        }
-        if (tenants.getGroups() == null) {
-            tenants.setGroups(new Groups());
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder authorizationsHolder = new AuthorizationsHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        final boolean emptyAuthorizations = authorizationsHolder.getAllPolicies().isEmpty();
-        final boolean hasInitialAdminIdentity = (initialAdminIdentity != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(initialAdminIdentity));
-        final boolean hasLegacyAuthorizedUsers = (legacyAuthorizedUsersFile != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(legacyAuthorizedUsersFile));
-        // if we are starting fresh then we might need to populate an initial admin or convert legacy users
-        if (emptyAuthorizations) {
-            parseFlow();
-            if (hasInitialAdminIdentity && hasLegacyAuthorizedUsers) {
-                throw new AuthorizerCreationException("Cannot provide an Initial Admin Identity and a Legacy Authorized Users File");
-            } else if (hasInitialAdminIdentity) {
-      "Populating authorizations for Initial Admin: " + initialAdminIdentity);
-                populateInitialAdmin(authorizations, tenants);
-            } else if (hasLegacyAuthorizedUsers) {
-      "Converting " + legacyAuthorizedUsersFile + " to new authorizations model");
-                convertLegacyAuthorizedUsers(authorizations, tenants);
-            }
-            populateNodes(authorizations, tenants);
-            // save any changes that were made and repopulate the holder
-            saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        } else {
-            this.authorizationsHolder.set(authorizationsHolder);
-        }
-    }
-    private Authorizations unmarshallAuthorizations() throws JAXBException {
-        final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JAXB_AUTHORIZATIONS_CONTEXT.createUnmarshaller();
-        unmarshaller.setSchema(authorizationsSchema);
-        final JAXBElement<Authorizations> element = unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(authorizationsFile), Authorizations.class);
-        return element.getValue();
-    }
-    private Tenants unmarshallTenants() throws JAXBException {
-        final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JAXB_TENANTS_CONTEXT.createUnmarshaller();
-        unmarshaller.setSchema(tenantsSchema);
-        final JAXBElement<Tenants> element = unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(tenantsFile), Tenants.class);
-        return element.getValue();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Try to parse the flow configuration file to extract the root group id and port information.
-     *
-     * @throws SAXException if an error occurs creating the schema
-     */
-    private void parseFlow() throws SAXException {
-        final FlowParser flowParser = new FlowParser();
-        final FlowInfo flowInfo = flowParser.parse(properties.getFlowConfigurationFile());
-        if (flowInfo != null) {
-            rootGroupId = flowInfo.getRootGroupId();
-            ports = flowInfo.getPorts() == null ? new ArrayList<>() : flowInfo.getPorts();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Creates the initial admin user and policies for access the flow and managing users and policies.
-     */
-    private void populateInitialAdmin(final Authorizations authorizations, Tenants tenants) {
-        final org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User adminUser = getOrCreateUser(tenants, initialAdminIdentity);
-        // grant the user read access to the /flow resource
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Flow.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-        // grant the user read access to the root process group resource
-        if (rootGroupId != null) {
-            addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Data.getValue() + ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-            addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Data.getValue() + ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-            addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-            addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-        }
-        // grant the user write to restricted components
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.RestrictedComponents.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-        // grant the user read/write access to the /tenants resource
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Tenant.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Tenant.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-        // grant the user read/write access to the /policies resource
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Policy.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Policy.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-        // grant the user read/write access to the /controller resource
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Controller.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-        addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Controller.getValue(), adminUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a user for each node and gives the nodes write permission to /proxy.
-     *
-     * @param authorizations the overall authorizations
-     */
-    private void populateNodes(Authorizations authorizations, Tenants tenants) {
-        for (String nodeIdentity : nodeIdentities) {
-            final org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbNodeUser = getOrCreateUser(tenants, nodeIdentity);
-            // grant access to the proxy resource
-            addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Proxy.getValue(), jaxbNodeUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-            // grant the user read/write access data of the root group
-            if (rootGroupId != null) {
-                addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Data.getValue() + ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, jaxbNodeUser.getIdentifier(), READ_CODE);
-                addAccessPolicy(authorizations, ResourceType.Data.getValue() + ResourceType.ProcessGroup.getValue() + "/" + rootGroupId, jaxbNodeUser.getIdentifier(), WRITE_CODE);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unmarshalls an existing authorized-users.xml and converts the object model to the new model.
-     *
-     * @param authorizations the current Authorizations instance that policies will be added to
-     * @param tenants the current Tenants instance users and groups will be added to
-     * @throws AuthorizerCreationException if the legacy authorized users file that was provided does not exist
-     * @throws JAXBException if the legacy authorized users file that was provided could not be unmarshalled
-     */
-    private void convertLegacyAuthorizedUsers(final Authorizations authorizations, final Tenants tenants) throws AuthorizerCreationException, JAXBException {
-        final File authorizedUsersFile = new File(legacyAuthorizedUsersFile);
-        if (!authorizedUsersFile.exists()) {
-            throw new AuthorizerCreationException("Legacy Authorized Users File '" + legacyAuthorizedUsersFile + "' does not exists");
-        }
-        final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JAXB_USERS_CONTEXT.createUnmarshaller();
-        unmarshaller.setSchema(usersSchema);
-        final JAXBElement<org.apache.nifi.user.generated.Users> element = unmarshaller.unmarshal(
-                new StreamSource(authorizedUsersFile), org.apache.nifi.user.generated.Users.class);
-        final org.apache.nifi.user.generated.Users users = element.getValue();
-        if (users.getUser().isEmpty()) {
-  "Legacy Authorized Users File contained no users, nothing to convert");
-            return;
-        }
-        // get all the user DNs into a list
-        List<String> userIdentities = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (org.apache.nifi.user.generated.User legacyUser : users.getUser()) {
-            userIdentities.add(IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(legacyUser.getDn(), identityMappings));
-        }
-        // sort the list and pull out the first identity
-        Collections.sort(userIdentities);
-        final String seedIdentity = userIdentities.get(0);
-        // create mapping from Role to access policies
-        final Map<Role,Set<RoleAccessPolicy>> roleAccessPolicies = RoleAccessPolicy.getMappings(rootGroupId);
-        final List<Policy> allPolicies = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (org.apache.nifi.user.generated.User legacyUser : users.getUser()) {
-            // create the identifier of the new user based on the DN
-            final String legacyUserDn = IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(legacyUser.getDn(), identityMappings);
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User user = getOrCreateUser(tenants, legacyUserDn);
-            // if there was a group name find or create the group and add the user to it
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group group = getOrCreateGroup(tenants, legacyUser.getGroup());
-            if (group != null) {
-                org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User groupUser = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User();
-                groupUser.setIdentifier(user.getIdentifier());
-                group.getUser().add(groupUser);
+        // initialize the user group provider
+        userGroupProvider.initialize(new UserGroupProviderInitializationContext() {
+            @Override
+            public String getIdentifier() {
+                return FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID;
-            // create policies based on the given role
-            for (org.apache.nifi.user.generated.Role jaxbRole : legacyUser.getRole()) {
-                Role role = Role.valueOf(jaxbRole.getName());
-                Set<RoleAccessPolicy> policies = roleAccessPolicies.get(role);
-                for (RoleAccessPolicy roleAccessPolicy : policies) {
-                    // get the matching policy, or create a new one
-                    Policy policy = getOrCreatePolicy(
-                            allPolicies,
-                            seedIdentity,
-                            roleAccessPolicy.getResource(),
-                            roleAccessPolicy.getAction());
-                    // add the user to the policy if it doesn't exist
-                    addUserToPolicy(user.getIdentifier(), policy);
-                }
+            @Override
+            public UserGroupProviderLookup getUserGroupProviderLookup() {
+                return (identifier) -> null;
+        });
-        }
-        // convert any access controls on ports to the appropriate policies
-        for (PortDTO portDTO : ports) {
-            final Resource resource;
-            if (portDTO.getType() != null && portDTO.getType().equals("inputPort")) {
-                resource = ResourceFactory.getDataTransferResource(ResourceFactory.getComponentResource(ResourceType.InputPort, portDTO.getId(), portDTO.getName()));
-            } else {
-                resource = ResourceFactory.getDataTransferResource(ResourceFactory.getComponentResource(ResourceType.OutputPort, portDTO.getId(), portDTO.getName()));
+        // initialize the access policy provider
+        accessPolicyProvider.initialize(new AccessPolicyProviderInitializationContext() {
+            @Override
+            public String getIdentifier() {
+                return FILE_ACCESS_POLICY_PROVIDER_ID;
-            if (portDTO.getUserAccessControl() != null) {
-                for (String userAccessControl : portDTO.getUserAccessControl()) {
-                    // need to perform the identity mapping on the access control so it matches the identities in the User objects
-                    final String mappedUserAccessControl = IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(userAccessControl, identityMappings);
-                    // find a user where the identity is the userAccessControl
-                    org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User foundUser = null;
-                    for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser : tenants.getUsers().getUser()) {
-                        if (jaxbUser.getIdentity().equals(mappedUserAccessControl)) {
-                            foundUser = jaxbUser;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // couldn't find the user matching the access control so log a warning and skip
-                    if (foundUser == null) {
-                        logger.warn("Found port with user access control for {} but no user exists with this identity, skipping...",
-                                new Object[] {mappedUserAccessControl});
-                        continue;
+            @Override
+            public UserGroupProviderLookup getUserGroupProviderLookup() {
+                return (identifier) -> {
+                    if (FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID.equals(identifier)) {
+                        return userGroupProvider;
-                    // we found the user so create the appropriate policy and add the user to it
-                    Policy policy = getOrCreatePolicy(
-                            allPolicies,
-                            seedIdentity,
-                            resource.getIdentifier(),
-                            WRITE_CODE);
-                    addUserToPolicy(foundUser.getIdentifier(), policy);
-                }
-            }
-            if (portDTO.getGroupAccessControl() != null) {
-                for (String groupAccessControl : portDTO.getGroupAccessControl()) {
-                    // find a group where the name is the groupAccessControl
-                    org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group foundGroup = null;
-                    for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group jaxbGroup : tenants.getGroups().getGroup()) {
-                        if (jaxbGroup.getName().equals(groupAccessControl)) {
-                            foundGroup = jaxbGroup;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // couldn't find the group matching the access control so log a warning and skip
-                    if (foundGroup == null) {
-                        logger.warn("Found port with group access control for {} but no group exists with this name, skipping...",
-                                new Object[] {groupAccessControl});
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    // we found the group so create the appropriate policy and add all the users to it
-                    Policy policy = getOrCreatePolicy(
-                            allPolicies,
-                            seedIdentity,
-                            resource.getIdentifier(),
-                            WRITE_CODE);
-                    addGroupToPolicy(foundGroup.getIdentifier(), policy);
-                }
+                    return null;
+                };
-        }
-        authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy().addAll(allPolicies);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds the given user identifier to the policy if it doesn't already exist.
-     *
-     * @param userIdentifier a user identifier
-     * @param policy a policy to add the user to
-     */
-    private void addUserToPolicy(final String userIdentifier, final Policy policy) {
-        // determine if the user already exists in the policy
-        boolean userExists = false;
-        for (Policy.User policyUser : policy.getUser()) {
-            if (policyUser.getIdentifier().equals(userIdentifier)) {
-                userExists = true;
-                break;
+            @Override
+            public AccessPolicyProviderLookup getAccessPolicyProviderLookup() {
+                return (identifier) ->  null;
-        }
-        // add the user to the policy if doesn't already exist
-        if (!userExists) {
-            Policy.User policyUser = new Policy.User();
-            policyUser.setIdentifier(userIdentifier);
-            policy.getUser().add(policyUser);
-        }
+        });
-    /**
-     * Adds the given group identifier to the policy if it doesn't already exist.
-     *
-     * @param groupIdentifier a group identifier
-     * @param policy a policy to add the user to
-     */
-    private void addGroupToPolicy(final String groupIdentifier, final Policy policy) {
-        // determine if the group already exists in the policy
-        boolean groupExists = false;
-        for (Policy.Group policyGroup : policy.getGroup()) {
-            if (policyGroup.getIdentifier().equals(groupIdentifier)) {
-                groupExists = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // add the group to the policy if doesn't already exist
-        if (!groupExists) {
-            Policy.Group policyGroup = new Policy.Group();
-            policyGroup.setIdentifier(groupIdentifier);
-            policy.getGroup().add(policyGroup);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Finds the User with the given identity, or creates a new one and adds it to the Tenants.
-     *
-     * @param tenants the Tenants reference
-     * @param userIdentity the user identity to find or create
-     * @return the User from Tenants with the given identity, or a new instance that was added to Tenants
-     */
-    private org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User getOrCreateUser(final Tenants tenants, final String userIdentity) {
-        if (StringUtils.isBlank(userIdentity)) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User foundUser = null;
-        for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User user : tenants.getUsers().getUser()) {
-            if (user.getIdentity().equals(userIdentity)) {
-                foundUser = user;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (foundUser == null) {
-            final String userIdentifier = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(userIdentity.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).toString();
-            foundUser = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User();
-            foundUser.setIdentifier(userIdentifier);
-            foundUser.setIdentity(userIdentity);
-            tenants.getUsers().getUser().add(foundUser);
-        }
-        return foundUser;
-    }
+    @Override
+    public void doOnConfigured(final AuthorizerConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws AuthorizerCreationException {
+        final Map<String, String> configurationProperties = configurationContext.getProperties();
-    /**
-     * Finds the Group with the given name, or creates a new one and adds it to Tenants.
-     *
-     * @param tenants the Tenants reference
-     * @param groupName the name of the group to look for
-     * @return the Group from Tenants with the given name, or a new instance that was added to Tenants
-     */
-    private org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group getOrCreateGroup(final Tenants tenants, final String groupName) {
-        if (StringUtils.isBlank(groupName)) {
-            return null;
+        // relay the relevant config
+        final Map<String, String> userGroupProperties = new HashMap<>();
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileUserGroupProvider.PROP_TENANTS_FILE)) {
+            userGroupProperties.put(FileUserGroupProvider.PROP_TENANTS_FILE, configurationProperties.get(FileUserGroupProvider.PROP_TENANTS_FILE));
-        org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group foundGroup = null;
-        for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group group : tenants.getGroups().getGroup()) {
-            if (group.getName().equals(groupName)) {
-                foundGroup = group;
-                break;
-            }
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE)) {
+            userGroupProperties.put(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE, configurationProperties.get(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE));
-        if (foundGroup == null) {
-            UUID newGroupIdentifier = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(groupName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
-            foundGroup = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group();
-            foundGroup.setIdentifier(newGroupIdentifier.toString());
-            foundGroup.setName(groupName);
-            tenants.getGroups().getGroup().add(foundGroup);
+        // relay the relevant config
+        final Map<String, String> accessPolicyProperties = new HashMap<>();
+        accessPolicyProperties.put(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER, FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID);
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE)) {
+            accessPolicyProperties.put(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE, configurationProperties.get(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE));
-        return foundGroup;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Finds the Policy matching the resource and action, or creates a new one and adds it to the list of policies.
-     *
-     * @param policies the policies to search through
-     * @param seedIdentity the seedIdentity to use when creating identifiers for new policies
-     * @param resource the resource for the policy
-     * @param action the action string for the police (R or RW)
-     * @return the matching policy or a new policy
-     */
-    private Policy getOrCreatePolicy(final List<Policy> policies, final String seedIdentity, final String resource, final String action) {
-        Policy foundPolicy = null;
-        // try to find a policy with the same resource and actions
-        for (Policy policy : policies) {
-            if (policy.getResource().equals(resource) && policy.getAction().equals(action)) {
-                foundPolicy = policy;
-                break;
-            }
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY)) {
+            accessPolicyProperties.put(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY, configurationProperties.get(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY));
-        // if a matching policy wasn't found then create one
-        if (foundPolicy == null) {
-            final String uuidSeed = resource + action + seedIdentity;
-            final UUID policyIdentifier = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(uuidSeed.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
-            foundPolicy = new Policy();
-            foundPolicy.setIdentifier(policyIdentifier.toString());
-            foundPolicy.setResource(resource);
-            foundPolicy.setAction(action);
-            policies.add(foundPolicy);
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE)) {
+            accessPolicyProperties.put(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE, configurationProperties.get(FileAuthorizer.PROP_LEGACY_AUTHORIZED_USERS_FILE));
-        return foundPolicy;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates and adds an access policy for the given resource, identity, and actions.
-     *
-     * @param authorizations the Authorizations instance to add the policy to
-     * @param resource the resource for the policy
-     * @param identity the identity for the policy
-     * @param action the action for the policy
-     */
-    private void addAccessPolicy(final Authorizations authorizations, final String resource, final String identity, final String action) {
-        // first try to find an existing policy for the given resource and action
-        Policy foundPolicy = null;
-        for (Policy policy : authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy()) {
-            if (policy.getResource().equals(resource) && policy.getAction().equals(action)) {
-                foundPolicy = policy;
-                break;
+        // ensure all node identities are seeded into the user provider
+        configurationProperties.forEach((property, value) -> {
+            final Matcher matcher = FileAccessPolicyProvider.NODE_IDENTITY_PATTERN.matcher(property);
+            if (matcher.matches()) {
+                accessPolicyProperties.put(property, value);
+                userGroupProperties.put(property.replace(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_NODE_IDENTITY_PREFIX, FileUserGroupProvider.PROP_INITIAL_USER_IDENTITY_PREFIX), value);
-        }
+        });
-        if (foundPolicy == null) {
-            // if we didn't find an existing policy create a new one
-            final String uuidSeed = resource + identity + action;
-            final UUID policyIdentifier = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(uuidSeed.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
-            final AccessPolicy.Builder builder = new AccessPolicy.Builder()
-                    .identifier(policyIdentifier.toString())
-                    .resource(resource)
-                    .addUser(identity);
-            if (action.equals(READ_CODE)) {
-                builder.action(RequestAction.READ);
-            } else if (action.equals(WRITE_CODE)) {
-                builder.action(RequestAction.WRITE);
-            } else {
-                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Policy Action: " + action);
+        // ensure the initial admin is seeded into the user provider if appropriate
+        if (configurationProperties.containsKey(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY)) {
+            int i = 0;
+            while (true) {
+                final String key = FileUserGroupProvider.PROP_INITIAL_USER_IDENTITY_PREFIX + i++;
+                if (!userGroupProperties.containsKey(key)) {
+                    userGroupProperties.put(key, configurationProperties.get(FileAccessPolicyProvider.PROP_INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY));
+                    break;
+                }
-            final AccessPolicy accessPolicy =;
-            final Policy jaxbPolicy = createJAXBPolicy(accessPolicy);
-            authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy().add(jaxbPolicy);
-        } else {
-            // otherwise add the user to the existing policy
-            Policy.User policyUser = new Policy.User();
-            policyUser.setIdentifier(identity);
-            foundPolicy.getUser().add(policyUser);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Saves the Authorizations instance by marshalling to a file, then re-populates the
-     * in-memory data structures and sets the new holder.
-     *
-     * Synchronized to ensure only one thread writes the file at a time.
-     *
-     * @param authorizations the authorizations to save and populate from
-     * @param tenants the tenants to save and populate from
-     * @throws AuthorizationAccessException if an error occurs saving the authorizations
-     */
-    private synchronized void saveAndRefreshHolder(final Authorizations authorizations, final Tenants tenants) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        try {
-            saveTenants(tenants);
-            saveAuthorizations(authorizations);
-            final AuthorizationsHolder authorizationsHolder = new AuthorizationsHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-            this.authorizationsHolder.set(authorizationsHolder);
-        } catch (JAXBException e) {
-            throw new AuthorizationAccessException("Unable to save Authorizations", e);
-    }
-    private void saveAuthorizations(final Authorizations authorizations) throws JAXBException {
-        final Marshaller marshaller = JAXB_AUTHORIZATIONS_CONTEXT.createMarshaller();
-        marshaller.setSchema(authorizationsSchema);
-        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
-        marshaller.marshal(authorizations, authorizationsFile);
-    }
+        // configure the user group provider
+        userGroupProvider.onConfigured(new StandardAuthorizerConfigurationContext(FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID, userGroupProperties));
-    private void saveTenants(final Tenants tenants) throws JAXBException {
-        final Marshaller marshaller = JAXB_TENANTS_CONTEXT.createMarshaller();
-        marshaller.setSchema(tenantsSchema);
-        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
-        marshaller.marshal(tenants, tenantsFile);
-    }
-    @AuthorizerContext
-    public void setNiFiProperties(NiFiProperties properties) {
- = properties;
+        // configure the access policy provider
+        accessPolicyProvider.onConfigured(new StandardAuthorizerConfigurationContext(FILE_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_ID, accessPolicyProperties));
@@ -762,434 +146,115 @@ public class FileAuthorizer extends AbstractPolicyBasedAuthorizer {
     public synchronized Group doAddGroup(Group group) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (group == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        // determine that all users in the group exist before doing anything, throw an exception if they don't
-        final Set<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> jaxbUsers = checkGroupUsers(group, tenants.getUsers().getUser());
-        // create a new JAXB Group based on the incoming Group
-        final org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group jaxbGroup = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group();
-        jaxbGroup.setIdentifier(group.getIdentifier());
-        jaxbGroup.setName(group.getName());
-        // add each user to the group
-        for (String groupUser : group.getUsers()) {
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User jaxbGroupUser = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User();
-            jaxbGroupUser.setIdentifier(groupUser);
-            jaxbGroup.getUser().add(jaxbGroupUser);
-        }
-        tenants.getGroups().getGroup().add(jaxbGroup);
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getGroupsById().get(group.getIdentifier());
+        return userGroupProvider.addGroup(group);
     public Group getGroup(String identifier) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (identifier == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        return authorizationsHolder.get().getGroupsById().get(identifier);
+        return userGroupProvider.getGroup(identifier);
     public synchronized Group doUpdateGroup(Group group) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (group == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        // find the group that needs to be update
-        org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group updateGroup = null;
-        for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group jaxbGroup : tenants.getGroups().getGroup()) {
-            if (jaxbGroup.getIdentifier().equals(group.getIdentifier())) {
-                updateGroup = jaxbGroup;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // if the group wasn't found return null, otherwise update the group and save changes
-        if (updateGroup == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        // reset the list of users and add each user to the group
-        updateGroup.getUser().clear();
-        for (String groupUser : group.getUsers()) {
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User jaxbGroupUser = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User();
-            jaxbGroupUser.setIdentifier(groupUser);
-            updateGroup.getUser().add(jaxbGroupUser);
-        }
-        updateGroup.setName(group.getName());
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getGroupsById().get(group.getIdentifier());
+        return userGroupProvider.updateGroup(group);
     public synchronized Group deleteGroup(Group group) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        final List<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group> groups = tenants.getGroups().getGroup();
-        // for each policy iterate over the group reference and remove the group reference if it matches the group being deleted
-        for (Policy policy : authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy()) {
-            Iterator<Policy.Group> policyGroupIter = policy.getGroup().iterator();
-            while (policyGroupIter.hasNext()) {
-                Policy.Group policyGroup =;
-                if (policyGroup.getIdentifier().equals(group.getIdentifier())) {
-                    policyGroupIter.remove();
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // now remove the actual group from the top-level list of groups
-        boolean removedGroup = false;
-        Iterator<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group> iter = groups.iterator();
-        while (iter.hasNext()) {
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group jaxbGroup =;
-            if (group.getIdentifier().equals(jaxbGroup.getIdentifier())) {
-                iter.remove();
-                removedGroup = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (removedGroup) {
-            saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-            return group;
-        } else {
-            return null;
-        }
+        return userGroupProvider.deleteGroup(group);
     public Set<Group> getGroups() throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        return authorizationsHolder.get().getAllGroups();
-    }
-    private Set<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> checkGroupUsers(final Group group, final List<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> users) {
-        final Set<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> jaxbUsers = new HashSet<>();
-        for (String groupUser : group.getUsers()) {
-            boolean found = false;
-            for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser : users) {
-                if (jaxbUser.getIdentifier().equals(groupUser)) {
-                    jaxbUsers.add(jaxbUser);
-                    found = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!found) {
-                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to add group because user " + groupUser + " does not exist");
-            }
-        }
-        return jaxbUsers;
+        return userGroupProvider.getGroups();
     // ------------------ Users ------------------
     public synchronized User doAddUser(final User user) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (user == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("User cannot be null");
-        }
-        final org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser = createJAXBUser(user);
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        tenants.getUsers().getUser().add(jaxbUser);
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getUsersById().get(user.getIdentifier());
-    }
-    private org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User createJAXBUser(User user) {
-        final org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser = new org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User();
-        jaxbUser.setIdentifier(user.getIdentifier());
-        jaxbUser.setIdentity(user.getIdentity());
-        return jaxbUser;
+        return userGroupProvider.addUser(user);
     public User getUser(final String identifier) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (identifier == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = authorizationsHolder.get();
-        return holder.getUsersById().get(identifier);
+        return userGroupProvider.getUser(identifier);
     public User getUserByIdentity(final String identity) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (identity == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = authorizationsHolder.get();
-        return holder.getUsersByIdentity().get(identity);
+        return userGroupProvider.getUserByIdentity(identity);
     public synchronized User doUpdateUser(final User user) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (user == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("User cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        final List<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> users = tenants.getUsers().getUser();
-        // fine the User that needs to be updated
-        org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User updateUser = null;
-        for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser : users) {
-            if (user.getIdentifier().equals(jaxbUser.getIdentifier())) {
-                updateUser = jaxbUser;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // if user wasn't found return null, otherwise update the user and save changes
-        if (updateUser == null) {
-            return null;
-        } else {
-            updateUser.setIdentity(user.getIdentity());
-            saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-            return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getUsersById().get(user.getIdentifier());
-        }
+        return userGroupProvider.updateUser(user);
     public synchronized User deleteUser(final User user) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (user == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("User cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        final List<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> users = tenants.getUsers().getUser();
-        // for each group iterate over the user references and remove the user reference if it matches the user being deleted
-        for (org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group group : tenants.getGroups().getGroup()) {
-            Iterator<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User> groupUserIter = group.getUser().iterator();
-            while (groupUserIter.hasNext()) {
-                org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.Group.User groupUser =;
-                if (groupUser.getIdentifier().equals(user.getIdentifier())) {
-                    groupUserIter.remove();
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // remove any references to the user being deleted from policies
-        for (Policy policy : authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy()) {
-            Iterator<Policy.User> policyUserIter = policy.getUser().iterator();
-            while (policyUserIter.hasNext()) {
-                Policy.User policyUser =;
-                if (policyUser.getIdentifier().equals(user.getIdentifier())) {
-                    policyUserIter.remove();
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // remove the actual user if it exists
-        boolean removedUser = false;
-        Iterator<org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User> iter = users.iterator();
-        while (iter.hasNext()) {
-            org.apache.nifi.authorization.file.tenants.generated.User jaxbUser =;
-            if (user.getIdentifier().equals(jaxbUser.getIdentifier())) {
-                iter.remove();
-                removedUser = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (removedUser) {
-            saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-            return user;
-        } else {
-            return null;
-        }
+        return userGroupProvider.deleteUser(user);
     public Set<User> getUsers() throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        return authorizationsHolder.get().getAllUsers();
+        return userGroupProvider.getUsers();
     // ------------------ AccessPolicies ------------------
     public synchronized AccessPolicy doAddAccessPolicy(final AccessPolicy accessPolicy) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (accessPolicy == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AccessPolicy cannot be null");
-        }
-        // create the new JAXB Policy
-        final Policy policy = createJAXBPolicy(accessPolicy);
-        // add the new Policy to the top-level list of policies
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy().add(policy);
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getPoliciesById().get(accessPolicy.getIdentifier());
-    }
-    private Policy createJAXBPolicy(final AccessPolicy accessPolicy) {
-        final Policy policy = new Policy();
-        policy.setIdentifier(accessPolicy.getIdentifier());
-        policy.setResource(accessPolicy.getResource());
-        switch (accessPolicy.getAction()) {
-            case READ:
-                policy.setAction(READ_CODE);
-                break;
-            case WRITE:
-                policy.setAction(WRITE_CODE);
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        transferUsersAndGroups(accessPolicy, policy);
-        return policy;
+        return accessPolicyProvider.addAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
     public AccessPolicy getAccessPolicy(final String identifier) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (identifier == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = authorizationsHolder.get();
-        return holder.getPoliciesById().get(identifier);
+        return accessPolicyProvider.getAccessPolicy(identifier);
     public synchronized AccessPolicy updateAccessPolicy(final AccessPolicy accessPolicy) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (accessPolicy == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AccessPolicy cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        // try to find an existing Authorization that matches the policy id
-        Policy updatePolicy = null;
-        for (Policy policy : authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy()) {
-            if (policy.getIdentifier().equals(accessPolicy.getIdentifier())) {
-                updatePolicy = policy;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // no matching Policy so return null
-        if (updatePolicy == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        // update the Policy, save, reload, and return
-        transferUsersAndGroups(accessPolicy, updatePolicy);
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return this.authorizationsHolder.get().getPoliciesById().get(accessPolicy.getIdentifier());
+        return accessPolicyProvider.updateAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
     public synchronized AccessPolicy deleteAccessPolicy(final AccessPolicy accessPolicy) throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        if (accessPolicy == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AccessPolicy cannot be null");
-        }
-        final AuthorizationsHolder holder = this.authorizationsHolder.get();
-        final Tenants tenants = holder.getTenants();
-        final Authorizations authorizations = holder.getAuthorizations();
-        // find the matching Policy and remove it
-        boolean deletedPolicy = false;
-        Iterator<Policy> policyIter = authorizations.getPolicies().getPolicy().iterator();
-        while (policyIter.hasNext()) {
-            final Policy policy =;
-            if (policy.getIdentifier().equals(accessPolicy.getIdentifier())) {
-                policyIter.remove();
-                deletedPolicy = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // never found a matching Policy so return null
-        if (!deletedPolicy) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        saveAndRefreshHolder(authorizations, tenants);
-        return accessPolicy;
+        return accessPolicyProvider.deleteAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
     public Set<AccessPolicy> getAccessPolicies() throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        return authorizationsHolder.get().getAllPolicies();
+        return accessPolicyProvider.getAccessPolicies();
-    @Override
-    public UsersAndAccessPolicies getUsersAndAccessPolicies() throws AuthorizationAccessException {
-        return authorizationsHolder.get();
+    @AuthorizerContext
+    public void setNiFiProperties(NiFiProperties properties) {
+        userGroupProvider.setNiFiProperties(properties);
+        accessPolicyProvider.setNiFiProperties(properties);
-    /**
-     * Sets the given Policy to the state of the provided AccessPolicy. Users and Groups will be cleared and
-     * set to match the AccessPolicy, the resource and action will be set to match the AccessPolicy.
-     *
-     * Does not set the identifier.
-     *
-     * @param accessPolicy the AccessPolicy to transfer state from
-     * @param policy the Policy to transfer state to
-     */
-    private void transferUsersAndGroups(AccessPolicy accessPolicy, Policy policy) {
-        // add users to the policy
-        policy.getUser().clear();
-        for (String userIdentifier : accessPolicy.getUsers()) {
-            Policy.User policyUser = new Policy.User();
-            policyUser.setIdentifier(userIdentifier);
-            policy.getUser().add(policyUser);
-        }
+    @Override
+    public synchronized UsersAndAccessPolicies getUsersAndAccessPolicies() throws AuthorizationAccessException {
+        final AuthorizationsHolder authorizationsHolder = accessPolicyProvider.getAuthorizationsHolder();
+        final UserGroupHolder userGroupHolder = userGroupProvider.getUserGroupHolder();
-        // add groups to the policy
-        policy.getGroup().clear();
-        for (String groupIdentifier : accessPolicy.getGroups()) {
-            Policy.Group policyGroup = new Policy.Group();
-            policyGroup.setIdentifier(groupIdentifier);
-            policy.getGroup().add(policyGroup);
-        }
+        return new UsersAndAccessPolicies() {
+            @Override
+            public AccessPolicy getAccessPolicy(String resourceIdentifier, RequestAction action) {
+                return authorizationsHolder.getAccessPolicy(resourceIdentifier, action);
+            }
+            @Override
+            public User getUser(String identity) {
+                return userGroupHolder.getUser(identity);
+            }
+            @Override
+            public Set<Group> getGroups(String userIdentity) {
+                return userGroupHolder.getGroups(userIdentity);
+            }
+        };