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incubator-madlib git commit: kNN: Refactor code for ease of use JIRA: MADLIB-927

Repository: incubator-madlib
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 46795de02 -> 2fc98a6fe

kNN: Refactor code for ease of use

Additional author: Orhan Kislal <>

Closes #168


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2fc98a6fedb3a19f2157f60590b022a8c107c039
Parents: 46795de
Author: Himanshu Pandey <>
Authored: Fri Aug 25 14:55:28 2017 -0700
Committer: Orhan Kislal <>
Committed: Fri Aug 25 14:57:05 2017 -0700

 src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.py_in       | 173 ++++++++++++++++----
 src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.sql_in      |  89 ++--------
 src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/test/knn.sql_in |  10 +-
 3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.py_in b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.py_in
index c0d9cd7..b340d52 100644
--- a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.py_in
+++ b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.py_in
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
 @namespace knn
-@brief knn: Driver functions
 import plpy
@@ -37,74 +36,81 @@ from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
 from utilities.validate_args import is_col_array
 from utilities.validate_args import array_col_has_no_null
 from utilities.validate_args import get_cols_and_types
+from utilities.utilities import unique_string
+from utilities.control import MinWarning
-STATE_IN_MEM = m4_ifdef(<!__HAWQ__!>, <!True!>, <!False!>)
-HAS_FUNCTION_PROPERTIES = m4_ifdef(<!__HAS_FUNCTION_PROPERTIES__!>, <!True!>, <!False!>)
-UDF_ON_SEGMENT_NOT_ALLOWED = m4_ifdef(<!__UDF_ON_SEGMENT_NOT_ALLOWED__!>, <!True!>, <!False!>)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def knn_validate_src(schema_madlib, point_source, point_column_name,
+    label_column_name, test_source, test_column_name, id_column_name,
+    output_table, operation, k, **kwargs):
-def knn_validate_src(schema_madlib, point_source, point_column_name, label_column_name,
-    test_source, test_column_name, id_column_name, output_table, operation, k, **kwargs):
     if not operation or operation not in ['c', 'r']:
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: operation='{0}' is an invalid value, has to be 'r' for regression OR 'c' for classification.".format(operation))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: operation='{0}' is an invalid value, has to be"
+            + " 'r' for regression OR 'c' for classification.").format(
+                operation))
     if not point_source:
         plpy.error("kNN Error: Invalid training table name.")
     if not table_exists(point_source):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: Training table '{0}' does not exist.".format(point_source))
+        plpy.error("kNN Error: Training table '{0}' does not exist.".format(
+            point_source))
     if table_is_empty(point_source):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: Training table '{0}' is empty.".format(point_source))
+        plpy.error("kNN Error: Training table '{0}' is empty.".format(
+            point_source))
     if not test_source:
         plpy.error("kNN Error: Invalid test table name.")
     if not table_exists(test_source):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: Test table '{0}' does not exist.".format(test_source))
+        plpy.error("kNN Error: Test table '{0}' does not exist.".format(
+            test_source))
     if table_is_empty(test_source):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: Test table '{0}' is empty.".format(test_source))
+        plpy.error("kNN Error: Test table '{0}' is empty.".format(
+            test_source))
     for c in (label_column_name, point_column_name):
         if not c:
             plpy.error("kNN Error: Invalid column name in training table.")
         if not columns_exist_in_table(point_source, [c]):
-            plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Column '{0}' does not exist in {1}.".format(c, point_source))
+            plpy.error("kNN Error: Column '{0}' does not exist in {1}.".format(
+                c, point_source))
     for c in (test_column_name, id_column_name):
         if not c:
             plpy.error("kNN Error: Invalid column name in test table.")
         if not columns_exist_in_table(test_source, [c]):
-            plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Column '{0}' does not exist in {1}.".format(c, test_source))
+            plpy.error("kNN Error: Column '{0}' does not exist in {1}.".format(
+                c, test_source))
     if not is_col_array(point_source, point_column_name):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Feature column '{0}' in train table is not an array.".format(point_column_name))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Feature column '{0}' in train table is not"
+            + " an array.").format(point_column_name))
     if not is_col_array(test_source, test_column_name):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Feature column '{0}' in test table is not an array.".format(test_column_name))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Feature column '{0}' in test table is not"
+            + " an array.").format(test_column_name))
     if not array_col_has_no_null(point_source, point_column_name):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Feature column '{0}' in train table has some NULL values.".format(point_column_name))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Feature column '{0}' in train table has some"
+            + " NULL values.").format(point_column_name))
     if not array_col_has_no_null(test_source, test_column_name):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Feature column '{0}' in test table has some NULL values.".format(test_column_name))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Feature column '{0}' in test table has some"
+            + " NULL values.").format(test_column_name))
     if not output_table:
         plpy.error("kNN Error: Invalid output table name")
     if table_exists(output_table):
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: Table '{0}' already exists, cannot use it as output table.".format(output_table))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Table '{0}' already exists, cannot use it as"
+            + " output table.").format(output_table))
     if k is None:
         k = 1
     if k<=0:
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: k='{0}' is an invalid value, must be greater than 0.".format(k))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: k='{0}' is an invalid value, must be greater"
+            + "than 0.").format(k))
     bound = plpy.execute("""SELECT {k} <= count(*)
             AS bound FROM {tbl}""".format(k=k,
             point_column_name=point_column_name, tbl=point_source))[0]['bound']
     if not bound:
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                "k='{0}' is greater than number of rows in training table.".format(k))
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: k='{0}' is greater than number of rows in"
+            + " training table.").format(k))
     colTypesList = get_cols_and_types(point_source)
     colType = ''
@@ -112,9 +118,11 @@ def knn_validate_src(schema_madlib, point_source, point_column_name, label_colum
         if type[0] == label_column_name:
             colType = type[1]
-    if colType not in ['INTEGER','integer','double precision','DOUBLE PRECISION','float','FLOAT','boolean','BOOLEAN'] :
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Data type '{0}' is not a valid type for column '{1}' in table '{2}'.".format(colType, label_column_name, point_source))
+    if colType not in ['INTEGER','integer','double precision',
+        'DOUBLE PRECISION','float','FLOAT','boolean','BOOLEAN']:
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Data type '{0}' is not a valid type for"
+            + " column '{1}' in table '{2}'.").format(
+                colType, label_column_name, point_source))
     colTypesTestList = get_cols_and_types(test_source)
     colType = ''
@@ -122,10 +130,103 @@ def knn_validate_src(schema_madlib, point_source, point_column_name, label_colum
         if type[0] == id_column_name:
             colType = type[1]
-    if colType not in ['INTEGER','integer'] :
-        plpy.error("kNN Error: " + \
-                    "Data type '{0}' is not a valid type for column '{1}' in table '{2}'.".format(colType, id_column_name, test_source))
+    if colType not in ['INTEGER','integer']:
+        plpy.error(("kNN Error: Data type '{0}' is not a valid type for"
+            + " column '{1}' in table '{2}'.").format(
+                colType, id_column_name, test_source))
     return k
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-m4_changequote(<!`!>, <!'!>)
+def knn(schema_madlib, point_source, point_column_name, label_column_name,
+    test_source, test_column_name, id_column_name, output_table, operation, k):
+    """
+        KNN function to find the K Nearest neighbours
+        Args:
+            @param schema_madlib       	Name of the Madlib Schema
+            @param point_source        	Training data table
+            @param point_column_name   	Name of the column with training data
+            							points.
+            @param label_column_name   	Name of the column with labels/values
+            							of training data points.
+            @param test_source         	Name of the table containing the test
+            							data points.
+            @param test_column_name    	Name of the column with testing data
+            							points.
+            @param id_column_name      	Name of the column having ids of data
+            							points in test data table.
+            @param output_table        	Name of the table to store final
+            							results.
+            @param operation           	Flag for the operation:
+            							'c' for classification and
+            							'r' for regression
+            @param k                   	default: 1. Number of nearest
+            							neighbors to consider
+        Returns:
+            VARCHAR                     Name of the output table.
+    """
+    with MinWarning('warning'):
+        k_val = knn_validate_src(schema_madlib, point_source,
+                    point_column_name, label_column_name, test_source,
+                    test_column_name, id_column_name,
+                    output_table, operation, k)
+        x_temp_table = unique_string(desp='x_temp_table')
+        y_temp_table = unique_string(desp='y_temp_table')
+        label_column_name_unique = unique_string(
+        	desp='label_column_name_unique')
+        test_id = unique_string(desp='test_id')
+        convert_boolean_to_int = ''
+        isClassification = False
+        if operation == 'c':
+            convert_boolean_to_int = '::INTEGER'
+            isClassification = True
+        madlib_knn_interm = unique_string(desp='madlib_knn_interm')
+        plpy.execute("""
+        	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {madlib_knn_interm}
+        	""".format(**locals()))
+        plpy.execute(
+        """
+        CREATE TEMP TABLE {madlib_knn_interm} AS
+        SELECT * FROM
+            (
+            SELECT row_number() over
+                    (partition by {test_id} order by dist) AS r,
+                    {x_temp_table}.*
+            FROM
+                (
+                SELECT test.{id_column_name} AS {test_id} ,
+                    {schema_madlib}.squared_dist_norm2(
+                    	train.{point_column_name},
+                        test.{test_column_name})
+        			AS dist,
+                    train.{label_column_name} {convert_boolean_to_int}
+                        AS {label_column_name_unique}
+                    FROM {point_source} AS train, {test_source} AS test
+                ) {x_temp_table}
+            ) {y_temp_table}
+        WHERE {y_temp_table}.r <= {k_val}""".format(**locals()))
+        if isClassification:
+            plpy.execute(
+            """
+            CREATE TABLE {output_table} AS
+            SELECT {test_id} AS id, {test_column_name},
+                {schema_madlib}.mode({label_column_name_unique}) AS prediction
+            FROM {madlib_knn_interm} JOIN {test_source} ON
+                {test_id} = {id_column_name}
+            GROUP BY {test_id}, {test_column_name}""".format(**locals()))
+        else:
+            plpy.execute(
+            """
+            CREATE TABLE {output_table} AS
+            SELECT {test_id} AS id, {test_column_name},
+            	AVG({label_column_name_unique}) AS prediction
+            FROM
+                {madlib_knn_interm} JOIN {test_source}
+                	ON {test_id} = {id_column_name}
+            GROUP BY {test_id}, {test_column_name}
+            ORDER BY {test_id}""".format(**locals()))
+        plpy.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {madlib_knn_interm}
+        	""".format(**locals()))
diff --git a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.sql_in b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.sql_in
index d3c1929..ca5be88 100644
--- a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.sql_in
+++ b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/knn.sql_in
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE
     point_source VARCHAR,
     point_column_name VARCHAR,
     operation VARCHAR,
     k INTEGER
-    l FLOAT;
-    id INTEGER;
-    vector DOUBLE PRECISION[];
-    cur_pid integer;
-    oldClientMinMessages VARCHAR;
-    returnstring VARCHAR;
-    x_temp_table VARCHAR;
-    y_temp_table VARCHAR;
-    k_val INTEGER;
-    label_column_name_unique VARCHAR;
-    test_id VARCHAR;
-    convert_boolean_to_int VARCHAR;
-    oldClientMinMessages :=
-        (SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'client_min_messages');
-    EXECUTE 'SET client_min_messages TO warning';
-    SELECT * FROM MADLIB_SCHEMA.__knn_validate_src(point_source, point_column_name, label_column_name, test_source, test_column_name, id_column_name, output_table, operation, k) INTO k_val;
-    PERFORM MADLIB_SCHEMA.create_schema_pg_temp();
-    x_temp_table := 'knn_'||md5('knn_'||now()::text||random()::text)||'_temp';
-    y_temp_table := 'knn_'||md5('knn_'||now()::text||random()::text)||'_temp';
-    label_column_name_unique := 'label'||md5('knn_'||now()::text||random()::text)||'_name';
-    test_id := 'id'||md5('knn_'||now()::text||random()::text)||'_name';
-    convert_boolean_to_int := '';
-    IF (operation = 'c') THEN
-        convert_boolean_to_int := '::INTEGER';
-    END IF;
-        $sql$
-	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pg_temp.madlib_knn_interm;
-	CREATE TABLE pg_temp.madlib_knn_interm AS
-    FROM
-        (
-        SELECT row_number() over (partition by $sql$ || test_id || $sql$ order by dist) AS r, $sql$ || x_temp_table || $sql$.*
-        FROM
-            (
-                SELECT test.$sql$ || id_column_name || $sql$ AS $sql$ || test_id || $sql$, MADLIB_SCHEMA.squared_dist_norm2(train.$sql$ || point_column_name || $sql$,test.$sql$ || test_column_name || $sql$) AS dist, train.$sql$ || label_column_name || $sql$ $sql$ || convert_boolean_to_int || $sql$ AS $sql$ || label_column_name_unique || $sql$
-                FROM $sql$ || textin(regclassout(point_source)) || $sql$ AS train, $sql$ || textin(regclassout(test_source)) || $sql$ AS test
-            )$sql$ || x_temp_table || $sql$
-        )$sql$ || y_temp_table || $sql$
-    WHERE $sql$ || y_temp_table || $sql$.r <= $sql$ || k_val;
-    IF (operation = 'c') THEN
-        $sql$
-    	CREATE TABLE $sql$ || output_table || $sql$ AS
-        SELECT $sql$ || test_id || $sql$ AS id, $sql$ || test_column_name || $sql$, MADLIB_SCHEMA.mode($sql$ || label_column_name_unique || $sql$) AS prediction
-        FROM pg_temp.madlib_knn_interm join $sql$ || textin(regclassout(test_source)) || $sql$ ON $sql$ || test_id || $sql$=$sql$ || id_column_name || $sql$
-        GROUP BY $sql$ || test_id || $sql$, $sql$ || test_column_name;
-    ELSE
-        EXECUTE
-        $sql$
-	    CREATE TABLE $sql$ || output_table || $sql$ AS
-        SELECT $sql$ || test_id || $sql$ AS id, $sql$ || test_column_name || $sql$, avg($sql$ || label_column_name_unique || $sql$) AS prediction
-        FROM
-            pg_temp.madlib_knn_interm join $sql$ || textin(regclassout(test_source)) || $sql$ on $sql$ || test_id || $sql$=$sql$ || id_column_name || $sql$
-        GROUP BY $sql$ || test_id || $sql$, $sql$ || test_column_name || $sql$
-        ORDER BY $sql$ || test_id || $sql$ $sql$;
-    END IF;
-   EXECUTE 'SET client_min_messages TO ' || oldClientMinMessages;
-   IF (operation = 'c') THEN
-   	returnstring := 'The classification results have been written to output table '||output_table;
-   ELSE
-        returnstring := 'The regression results have been written to output table '||output_table;
-   END IF;
-   DROP TABLE pg_temp.madlib_knn_interm;
-   RETURN returnstring;
+    PythonFunctionBodyOnly(`knn', `knn')
+    return knn.knn(
+        schema_madlib,
+        point_source,
+        point_column_name,
+        label_column_name,
+        test_source,
+        test_column_name,
+        id_column_name,
+        output_table,
+        operation,
+        k
+    )
@@ -463,4 +405,3 @@ BEGIN
diff --git a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/test/knn.sql_in b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/test/knn.sql_in
index e5427fd..c7d6798 100644
--- a/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/test/knn.sql_in
+++ b/src/ports/postgres/modules/knn/test/knn.sql_in
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ m4_include(`SQLCommon.m4')
 drop table if exists "KNN_TRAIN_DATA";
 create table "KNN_TRAIN_DATA" (
-id  integer,
-"DATA"    integer[],
-label   float);
+                id  integer,
+                "DATA"    integer[],
+                label   float);
 copy "KNN_TRAIN_DATA" (id, "DATA", label) from stdin delimiter '|';
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ copy "KNN_TRAIN_DATA" (id, "DATA", label) from stdin delimiter '|';
 drop table if exists knn_test_data;
 create table knn_test_data (
-id  integer,
-"DATA" integer[]);
+                id  integer,
+                "DATA" integer[]);
 copy knn_test_data (id, "DATA") from stdin delimiter '|';