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+<h2>How to add a collection to a domain entity</h2>
+<p>A collection is a multi-valued attribute/field of a entity, in other
+words a <code>List</code> or a <code>Set</code>, containing references to other domain
+entities. <code>Map</code>s are not supported. Collections of value types are not
+<p>A collection is recognized via an accessor/mutator method pair (<code>get</code>
+and set) for any type of collection provided by the programming
+<p>The syntax is either:</p>
+<pre><code>public Collection&lt;EntityType&gt; getCollectionName()
+private void setCollectionName(Collection&lt;EntityType&gt; param)
+<pre><code>public List&lt;EntityType&gt; getCollectionName()
+private void setCollectionName(List&lt;EntityType&gt; param)
+<pre><code>public Set&lt;EntityType&gt; getCollectionName()
+private void setCollectionName(Set&lt;EntityType&gt; param)
+<p>A mutator is required, but it need only have <code>private</code> visibility.</p>
+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p>Maps cannot be used for collections.</p>
+<p>It is recommended that the collections be specified using generics (for
+example: <code>List&lt;Customer&gt;</code> ). That way the framework will be able to
+display the collection based on that type definition. If a raw type is
+used then the framework will attempt to infer the type from the
+addToXxx() / removeFromXxx() supporting methods, if specified <!--(see ?)-->.
+If the framework is unable to determine the type of the collection, it
+will mean that some viewers will represent the collection is a less
+sophisticated manner (eg a simple list of titles rather than a table).</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Employee { ... }
+public class Department {
+    private List&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new ArrayList&lt;Employee&gt;();
+    public List &lt;Employee&gt; getEmployees() {
+        return employees;
+    }
+    private void setEmployees(List&lt;Employee&gt; employees) { 
+        this.employees = employees;
+    }
+    ...
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+<h2>How to add an action to a domain entity or service</h2>
+<p>An 'action' is a method that we expect the user to be able to invoke on
+a domain entity via the user interface, though it may also be invoked
+programmatically within the object model. The following conventions are
+used to determine when and how methods are made available to the user as
+actions, and the means by which a user can interact with those actions</p>
+<p>By default, any <code>public</code> instance method that you add to a class will be
+treated as a user action, unless it represents a property, collection,
+or another reserved method defined in this guide.</p>
+<p>The syntax is:</p>
+<pre><code>public void actionName([ValueOrEntityType param] ...)
+<pre><code>public ReturnType actionName([ValueOrEntityType param] ...)
+<p>When a method returns a reference the viewer will attempt to display
+that object. If the return value is <code>null</code> then nothing is displayed.</p>
+<p>We refer to all methods that are intended to be invoked by users as
+'action methods'.</p>
+<p>If you have a method that you don't want to be made available as a
+user-action you can either:</p>
+<li>make it non-<code>public</code> (eg <code>protected</code> or <code>private</code>)</li>
+<li>annotate it with <code>@Ignore</code></li>
+<li>annotate it with <code>@Hidden</code></li>
+<p>Note also that <code>static</code> methods are ignored: such functionality should
+reside instead as instance methods on a domain service, repository or factory.</p>
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+<h2>How to specify the icon for a domain entity</h2>
+<p>By default, the framework will look for an image in the <code>images</code>
+directory (either from the classpath or from the filesystem) that has
+the same name as the object class. Multiple file extensions are searched
+for, including <code>.png</code>, <code>.gif</code> and <code>.jpg</code> (in order of preference). For
+example, fan object of type Customer it will look for <code>Customer.png</code>,
+<code>Customer.gif</code>, <code>Customer.jpg</code> etc.</p>
+<p>If the framework finds no such file, then it will work up the
+inheritance hierarchy to see if there is an icon matching the name of
+any of the super-classes, and use that instead. If no matching icon is
+found then the framework will look for an image called <code>default.png</code>,
+<code>default.gif</code> or <code>default.jpg</code> in the images directory, and if this has
+not been specified, then the framework will use its own default image
+for an icon.</p>
+<p>We strongly recommend that you adopt 'pascal case' as the convention for
+icon file names: if you have a class called OrderLine, then call the
+icon <code>OrderLine.png</code>. Actually, the framework will also recognise
+<code>orderline.png</code>, but some operating systems and deployment environments
+are case sensitive, so it is good practice to adopt an unambiguous
+<p>Alternatively, you can use the <code>iconName</code>() method instead:</p>
+<pre><code>public String iconName() {
+    return "Person";
+<p>This makes it easy for more than one class to use the same icon, without
+having to duplicate the image file.</p>
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+<h2>How to specify the order in which properties or collections are displayed</h2>
+<p>The <code>@MemberOrder</code> annotation provides a hint to the viewer as to the
+order in which the properties and collections should appear in the GUI.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Customer() {
+    @MemberOrder("1")
+    public String getFirstName() { ... }
+    ...
+    @MemberOrder("2")
+    public String getLastName() { ... }
+    ...
+    @MemberOrder("3")
+    public Collection&lt;Order&gt; getOrders() { ... }
+    ...
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+<h2>How to specify the order in which actions appear on the menu</h2>
+<p>The <code>@MemberOrder</code> annotation provides a hint to the viewer as to the
+order in which the actions should be displayed, eg in a menu.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Customer {
+    @MemberOrder("3")
+    public void placeOrder(Product p) { ... }
+    ...
+    @MemberOrder("4")
+    public void blackList() { ... }
+    ...
+<p>The syntax for the @MemberOrder is dewey decimal notation, so "3.5" and
+"3.6" come between "3" and "4"; "3.5.1" comes between "3.5" and "3.6".</p>
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