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diff --git a/share/docs/src/json-structure.rst b/share/docs/src/json-structure.rst
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-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-JSON Structure Reference
-The following appendix provides a quick reference to all the JSON structures
-that you can supply to CouchDB, or get in return to requests.
-All Database Documents
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| total_rows                     | Number of documents in the database/view    |
-| offset                         | Offset where the document list started      |
-| update_seq (optional)          | Current update sequence for the database    |
-| rows [array]                   | Array of document object                    |
-Bulk Document Response
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| docs [array]                   | Bulk Docs Returned Documents                |
-|         id                     | Document ID                                 |
-|         error                  | Error type                                  |
-|         reason                 | Error string with extended reason           |
-Bulk Documents
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| all_or_nothing (optional)      | Sets the database commit mode to use        |
-|                                | all-or-nothing semantics                    |
-| docs [array]                   | Bulk Documents Document                     |
-|         _id (optional)         | Document ID                                 |
-|         _rev (optional)        | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-|         _deleted (optional)    | Whether the document should be deleted      |
-Changes information for a database
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| last_seq                       | Last change sequence number                 |
-| results [array]                | Changes made to a database                  |
-|         seq                    | Update sequence number                      |
-|         id                     | Document ID                                 |
-|         changes [array]        | List of changes, field-by-field, for this   |
-|                                | document                                    |
-CouchDB Document
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 |
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-CouchDB Error Status
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| id                             | Document ID                                 |
-| error                          | Error type                                  |
-| reason                         | Error string with extended reason           |
-CouchDB database information object
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| db_name                        | The name of the database.                   |
-| committed_update_seq           | The number of committed update.             |
-| doc_count                      | A count of the documents in the specified   |
-|                                | database.                                   |
-| doc_del_count                  | Number of deleted documents                 |
-| compact_running                | Set to true if the database compaction      |
-|                                | routine is operating on this database.      |
-| disk_format_version            | The version of the physical format used for |
-|                                | the data when it is stored on disk.         |
-| disk_size                      | Size in bytes of the data as stored on the  |
-|                                | disk. Views indexes are not included in the |
-|                                | calculation.                                |
-| instance_start_time            | Timestamp of when the database was created, |
-|                                | expressed in milliseconds since the epoch.  |
-| purge_seq                      | The number of purge operations on the       |
-|                                | database.                                   |
-| update_seq                     | The current number of updates to the        |
-|                                | database.                                   |
-Design Document
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id                            | Design Document ID                          |
-| _rev                           | Design Document Revision                    |
-| views                          | View                                        |
-|     viewname                   | View Definition                             |
-|         map                    | Map Function for View                       |
-|         reduce (optional)      | Reduce Function for View                    |
-Design Document Information
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| name                           | Name/ID of Design Document                  |
-| view_index                     | View Index                                  |
-|     compact_running            | Indicates whether a compaction routine is   |
-|                                | currently running on the view               |
-|     disk_size                  | Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk |
-|     language                   | Language for the defined views              |
-|     purge_seq                  | The purge sequence that has been processed  |
-|     signature                  | MD5 signature of the views for the design   |
-|                                | document                                    |
-|     update_seq                 | The update sequence of the corresponding    |
-|                                | database that has been indexed              |
-|     updater_running            | Indicates if the view is currently being    |
-|                                | updated                                     |
-|     waiting_clients            | Number of clients waiting on views from this|
-|                                | design document                             |
-|     waiting_commit             | Indicates if there are outstanding commits  |
-|                                | to the underlying database that need to     |
-|                                | processed                                   |
-Design Document spatial index Information
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| name                           | Name/ID of Design Document                  |
-| spatial_index                  | View Index                                  |
-|     compact_running            | Indicates whether a compaction routine is   |
-|                                | currently running on the view               |
-|     disk_size                  | Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk |
-|     language                   | Language for the defined views              |
-|     purge_seq                  | The purge sequence that has been processed  |
-|     signature                  | MD5 signature of the views for the design   |
-|                                | document                                    |
-|     update_seq                 | The update sequence of the corresponding    |
-|                                | database that has been indexed              |
-|     updater_running            | Indicates if the view is currently being    |
-|                                | updated                                     |
-|     waiting_clients            | Number of clients waiting on views from this|
-|                                | design document                             |
-|     waiting_commit             | Indicates if there are outstanding commits  |
-|                                | to the underlying database that need to     |
-|                                | processed                                   |
-Document with Attachments
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 |
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-| _attachments (optional)        | Document Attachment                         |
-|     filename                   | Attachment information                      |
-|         content_type           | MIME Content type string                    |
-|         data                   | File attachment content, Base64 encoded     |
-List of Active Tasks
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| tasks [array]                  | Active Task                                 |
-|     pid                        | Process ID                                  |
-|     status                     | Task status message                         |
-|     task                       | Task name                                   |
-|     type                       | Operation Type                              |
-Replication Settings
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| source                         | Source database name or URL                 |
-| target                         | Target database name or URL                 |
-| create_target (optional)       | Creates the target database                 |
-| continuous (optional)          | Configure the replication to be continuous  |
-| cancel (optional)              | Cancels the replication                     |
-| doc_ids (optional)             | Array of document IDs to be synchronized    |
-| proxy (optional)               | Address of a proxy server through which     |
-|                                | replication should occur                    |
-Replication Status
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| ok                             | Replication status                          |
-| session_id                     | Unique session ID                           |
-| source_last_seq                | Last sequence number read from source       |
-|                                | database                                    |
-| history [array]                | Replication History                         |
-|     session_id                 | Session ID for this replication operation   |
-|     recorded_seq               | Last recorded sequence number               |
-|     docs_read                  | Number of documents read                    |
-|     docs_written               | Number of documents written to target       |
-|     doc_write_failures         | Number of document write failures           |
-|     start_time                 | Date/Time replication operation started     |
-|     start_last_seq             | First sequence number in changes stream     |
-|     end_time                   | Date/Time replication operation completed   |
-|     end_last_seq               | Last sequence number in changes stream      |
-|     missing_checked            | Number of missing documents checked         |
-|     missing_found              | Number of missing documents found           |
-Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 |
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-| _revs_info [array]             | CouchDB Document Extended Revision Info     |
-|         rev                    | Full revision string                        |
-|         status                 | Status of the revision                      |
-Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 |
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-| _revisions                     | CouchDB Document Revisions                  |
-|     ids [array]                | Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse     |
-|                                | order (latest first)                        |
-|     start                      | Prefix number for the latest revision       |
-Returned Document with Attachments
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| _id (optional)                 | Document ID                                 |
-| _rev (optional)                | Revision ID (when updating an existing      |
-|                                | document)                                   |
-| _attachments (optional)        | Document Attachment                         |
-|     filename                   | Attachment                                  |
-|         stub                   | Indicates whether the attachment is a stub  |
-|         content_type           | MIME Content type string                    |
-|         length                 | Length (bytes) of the attachment data       |
-|         revpos                 | Revision where this attachment exists       |
-Security Object
-| Field                          | Description                                 |
-| admins                         | Roles/Users with admin privileges           |
-|         roles [array]          | List of roles with parent privilege         |
-|         users [array]          | List of users with parent privilege         |
-| readers                        | Roles/Users with reader privileges          |
-|         roles [array]          | List of roles with parent privilege         |
-|         users [array]          | List of users with parent privilege         |
diff --git a/share/docs/src/os-daemons.rst b/share/docs/src/os-daemons.rst
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-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-OS Daemons
-CouchDB now supports starting external processes. The support is simple
-and enables CouchDB to start each configured OS daemon. If the daemon
-stops at any point, CouchDB will restart it (with protection to ensure
-regularly failing daemons are not repeatedly restarted).
-The daemon starting process is one-to-one; for each each configured
-daemon in the configuration file, CouchDB will start exactly one
-instance. If you need to run multiple instances, then you must create
-separate individual configurations. Daemons are configured within the
-``[os_daemons]`` section of your configuration file (``local.ini``). The
-format of each configured daemon is:
-.. code-block:: ini
-Where ``NAME`` is an arbitrary (and unique) name to identify the daemon;
-``PATH`` is the full path to the daemon to be executed; ``ARGS`` are any
-required arguments to the daemon.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: ini
-    [os_daemons]
-    basic_responder = /usr/local/bin/responder.js
-There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process, but
-you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers and
-responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect requests and
-output to the CouchDB managed service. For more information on proxying,
-see :ref:`http-proxying`. For further background on the OS Daemon service, see
-`CouchDB Externals API`_.
-.. _CouchDB Externals API:
diff --git a/share/docs/src/range.rst b/share/docs/src/range.rst
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-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-HTTP Range Requests
-HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows the
-implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and video
-streams alike. This is available for all attachments inside CouchDB.
-This is just a real quick run through how this looks under the hood.
-Usually, you will have larger binary files to serve from CouchDB, like
-MP3s and videos, but to make things a little more obvious, I use a text
-file here (Note that I use the ``application/octet-stream`` Content-Type
-instead of ``text/plain``).
-.. code-block:: bash
-    shell> cat file.txt
-    My hovercraft is full of eels!
-Now let's store this text file as an attachment in CouchDB. First, we
-create a database:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    shell> curl -X PUT
-    {"ok":true}
-Then we create a new document and the file attachment in one go:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    shell> curl -X PUT \
-                -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d@file.txt
-    {"ok":true,"id":"doc","rev":"1-287a28fa680ae0c7fb4729bf0c6e0cf2"}
-Now we can request the whole file easily:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    shell> curl -X GET
-    My hovercraft is full of eels!
-But say we only want the first 13 bytes:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    shell> curl -X GET \
-                -H "Range: bytes=0-12"
-    My hovercraft
-HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
-ranges. Read all about it in `RFC 2616`_.
-.. note::
-   Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier will
-   support range requests in |version|, but they are using a less-optimal
-   algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this feature, make sure
-   to compact your database with CouchDB |version| to take advantage of a
-   better algorithm to find byte ranges.
-.. _RFC 2616:
diff --git a/share/docs/src/release.rst b/share/docs/src/release.rst
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--- a/share/docs/src/release.rst
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-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-CouchDB Release |version| Feature Guide
-Upgrading to CouchDB |version|
-You can upgrade your existing CouchDB 1.0.x installation to CouchDB |version|
-without any specific steps or migration. When you run CouchDB |version| the
-existing data and index files will be opened and used as normal.
-The first time you run a compaction routine on your database within
-CouchDB |version|, the data structure and indexes will be updated to the new
-version of the CouchDB database format that can only be read by CouchDB
-|version| and later. This step is not reversible. Once the data files have
-been updated and migrated to the new version the data files will no
-longer work with a CouchDB 1.0.x release.
-.. warning::
-   If you want to retain support for opening the data files in
-   CouchDB 1.0.x you must back up your data files before performing the
-   upgrade and compaction process.
-New features in CouchDB |version|
-.. toctree::
-..   :maxdepth: 2
-..   replicator
-..   ssl
-..   range
-..   proxy
-..   commonjs
-..   other
diff --git a/share/docs/src/replication.rst b/share/docs/src/replication.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9245a08..0000000
--- a/share/docs/src/replication.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-.. _replication:
-Replicator Database
-A database where you ``PUT``/``POST`` documents to trigger replications
-and you ``DELETE`` to cancel ongoing replications. These documents have
-exactly the same content as the JSON objects we used to ``POST`` to
-``_replicate`` (fields ``source``, ``target``, ``create_target``,
-``continuous``, ``doc_ids``, ``filter``, ``query_params``.
-Replication documents can have a user defined ``_id``. Design documents
-(and ``_local`` documents) added to the replicator database are ignored.
-The default name of this database is ``_replicator``. The name can be
-changed in the ``local.ini`` configuration, section ``[replicator]``,
-parameter ``db``.
-Let's say you PUT the following document into ``_replicator``:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "my_rep",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar",
-        "create_target":  true
-    }
-In the couch log you'll see 2 entries like these:
-.. code-block:: text
-    [Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:43:59 GMT] [info] [<0.291.0>] Document `my_rep` triggered replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target`
-    [Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:44:37 GMT] [info] [<0.124.0>] Replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target` finished (triggered by document `my_rep`)
-As soon as the replication is triggered, the document will be updated by
-CouchDB with 3 new fields:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "my_rep",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar",
-        "create_target":  true,
-        "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
-        "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-        "_replication_state_time":  1297974122
-    }
-Special fields set by the replicator start with the prefix
--  ``_replication_id``
-   The ID internally assigned to the replication. This is also the ID
-   exposed by ``/_active_tasks``.
--  ``_replication_state``
-   The current state of the replication.
--  ``_replication_state_time``
-   A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) that tells us
-   when the current replication state (marked in ``_replication_state``)
-   was set.
-When the replication finishes, it will update the ``_replication_state``
-field (and ``_replication_state_time``) with the value ``completed``, so
-the document will look like:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "my_rep",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar",
-        "create_target":  true,
-        "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
-        "_replication_state":  "completed",
-        "_replication_state_time":  1297974122
-    }
-When an error happens during replication, the ``_replication_state``
-field is set to ``error`` (and ``_replication_state`` gets updated of
-When you PUT/POST a document to the ``_replicator`` database, CouchDB
-will attempt to start the replication up to 10 times (configurable under
-``[replicator]``, parameter ``max_replication_retry_count``). If it
-fails on the first attempt, it waits 5 seconds before doing a second
-attempt. If the second attempt fails, it waits 10 seconds before doing a
-third attempt. If the third attempt fails, it waits 20 seconds before
-doing a fourth attempt (each attempt doubles the previous wait period).
-When an attempt fails, the Couch log will show you something like:
-.. code-block:: text
-    [error] [<0.149.0>] Error starting replication `67c1bb92010e7abe35d7d629635f18b6+create_target` (document `my_rep_2`): {db_not_found,<<"could not open http://myserver:5986/foo/">>
-.. note::
-   The ``_replication_state`` field is only set to ``error`` when all
-   the attempts were unsuccessful.
-There are only 3 possible values for the ``_replication_state`` field:
-``triggered``, ``completed`` and ``error``. Continuous replications
-never get their state set to ``completed``.
-Documents describing the same replication
-Lets suppose 2 documents are added to the ``_replicator`` database in
-the following order:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "doc_A",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar"
-    }
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "doc_B",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar"
-    }
-Both describe exactly the same replication (only their ``_ids`` differ).
-In this case document ``doc_A`` triggers the replication, getting
-updated by CouchDB with the fields ``_replication_state``,
-``_replication_state_time`` and ``_replication_id``, just like it was
-described before. Document ``doc_B`` however, is only updated with one
-field, the ``_replication_id`` so it will look like this:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "doc_B",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar",
-        "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280"
-    }
-While document ``doc_A`` will look like this:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "doc_A",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "bar",
-        "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
-        "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-        "_replication_state_time":  1297974122
-    }
-Note that both document get exactly the same value for the
-``_replication_id`` field. This way you can identify which documents
-refer to the same replication - you can for example define a view which
-maps replication IDs to document IDs.
-Canceling replications
-To cancel a replication simply ``DELETE`` the document which triggered
-the replication. The Couch log will show you an entry like the
-.. code-block:: text
-    [Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:16:29 GMT] [info] [<0.125.0>] Stopped replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+continuous+create_target` because replication document `doc_A` was deleted
-.. note::
-   You need to ``DELETE`` the document that triggered the replication.
-   ``DELETE``-ing another document that describes the same replication
-   but did not trigger it, will not cancel the replication.
-Server restart
-When CouchDB is restarted, it checks its ``_replicator`` database and
-restarts any replication that is described by a document that either has
-its ``_replication_state`` field set to ``triggered`` or it doesn't have
-yet the ``_replication_state`` field set.
-.. note::
-   Continuous replications always have a ``_replication_state`` field
-   with the value ``triggered``, therefore they're always restarted
-   when CouchDB is restarted.
-Changing the Replicator Database
-Imagine your replicator database (default name is ``_replicator``) has the
-two following documents that represent pull replications from servers A
-and B:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "rep_from_A",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "foo_a",
-        "continuous":  true,
-        "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
-        "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-        "_replication_state_time":  1297971311
-    }
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "rep_from_B",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "foo_b",
-        "continuous":  true,
-        "_replication_id":  "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
-        "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-        "_replication_state_time":  1297974122
-    }
-Now without stopping and restarting CouchDB, you change the name of the
-replicator database to ``another_replicator_db``:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"another_replicator_db"'
-    "_replicator"
-As soon as this is done, both pull replications defined before, are
-stopped. This is explicitly mentioned in CouchDB's log:
-.. code-block:: text
-    [Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.104.0>] Stopping all ongoing replications because the replicator database was deleted or changed
-    [Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.127.0>] - - PUT /_config/replicator/db 200
-Imagine now you add a replication document to the new replicator
-database named ``another_replicator_db``:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "rep_from_X",
-        "source":  "",
-        "target":  "foo_x",
-        "continuous":  true
-    }
-From now own you have a single replication going on in your system: a
-pull replication pulling from server X. Now you change back the
-replicator database to the original one ``_replicator``:
-    $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"_replicator"'
-    "another_replicator_db"
-Immediately after this operation, the replication pulling from server X
-will be stopped and the replications defined in the ``_replicator``
-database (pulling from servers A and B) will be resumed.
-Changing again the replicator database to ``another_replicator_db`` will
-stop the pull replications pulling from servers A and B, and resume the
-pull replication pulling from server X.
-Replicating the replicator database
-Imagine you have in server C a replicator database with the two
-following pull replication documents in it:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-         "_id": "rep_from_A",
-         "source":  "",
-         "target":  "foo_a",
-         "continuous":  true,
-         "_replication_id":  "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
-         "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-         "_replication_state_time":  1297971311
-    }
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-         "_id": "rep_from_B",
-         "source":  "",
-         "target":  "foo_b",
-         "continuous":  true,
-         "_replication_id":  "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
-         "_replication_state":  "triggered",
-         "_replication_state_time":  1297974122
-    }
-Now you would like to have the same pull replications going on in server
-D, that is, you would like to have server D pull replicating from
-servers A and B. You have two options:
--  Explicitly add two documents to server's D replicator database
--  Replicate server's C replicator database into server's D replicator
-   database
-Both alternatives accomplish exactly the same goal.
-Replication documents can have a custom ``user_ctx`` property. This
-property defines the user context under which a replication runs. For
-the old way of triggering replications (POSTing to ``/_replicate/``),
-this property was not needed (it didn't exist in fact) - this is because
-at the moment of triggering the replication it has information about the
-authenticated user. With the replicator database, since it's a regular
-database, the information about the authenticated user is only present
-at the moment the replication document is written to the database - the
-replicator database implementation is like a ``_changes`` feed consumer
-(with ``?include_docs=true``) that reacts to what was written to the
-replicator database - in fact this feature could be implemented with an
-external script/program. This implementation detail implies that for non
-admin users, a ``user_ctx`` property, containing the user's name and a
-subset of his/her roles, must be defined in the replication document.
-This is ensured by the document update validation function present in
-the default design document of the replicator database. This validation
-function also ensure that a non admin user can set a user name property
-in the ``user_ctx`` property that doesn't match his/her own name (same
-principle applies for the roles).
-For admins, the ``user_ctx`` property is optional, and if it's missing
-it defaults to a user context with name null and an empty list of roles
-- this mean design documents will not be written to local targets. If
-writing design documents to local targets is desired, the a user context
-with the roles ``_admin`` must be set explicitly.
-Also, for admins the ``user_ctx`` property can be used to trigger a
-replication on behalf of another user. This is the user context that
-will be passed to local target database document validation functions.
-.. note::
-   The ``user_ctx`` property only has effect for local endpoints.
-Example delegated replication document:
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-         "_id": "my_rep",
-         "source":  "",
-         "target":  "bar",
-         "continuous":  true,
-         "user_ctx": {
-              "name": "joe",
-              "roles": ["erlanger", "researcher"]
-         }
-    }
-As stated before, for admins the ``user_ctx`` property is optional, while
-for regular (non admin) users it's mandatory. When the roles property of
-``user_ctx`` is missing, it defaults to the empty list ``[ ]``.
diff --git a/share/docs/src/ssl.rst b/share/docs/src/ssl.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a546d8..0000000
--- a/share/docs/src/ssl.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-.. the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-.. the License.
-Native SSL Support
-CouchDB |version| supports SSL natively. All your secure connection needs can
-now be served without needing to setup and maintain a separate proxy server
-that handles SSL.
-SSL setup can be tricky, but the configuration in CouchDB was designed
-to be as easy as possible. All you need is two files; a certificate and
-a private key. If you bought an official SSL certificate from a
-certificate authority, both should be in your possession already.
-If you just want to try this out and don't want to pay anything upfront,
-you can create a self-signed certificate. Everything will work the same,
-but clients will get a warning about an insecure certificate.
-You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably
-already is.
-    shell> mkdir cert && cd cert
-    shell> openssl genrsa > privkey.pem
-    shell> openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out mycert.pem -days 1095
-    shell> ls
-    mycert.pem privkey.pem
-Now, you need to edit CouchDB's configuration, either by editing your
-``local.ini`` file or using the ``/_config`` API calls or the
-configuration screen in Futon. Here is what you need to do in
-``local.ini``, you can infer what needs doing in the other places.
-Be sure to make these edits. Under ``[daemons]`` you should see:
-    ; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
-    ; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
-    ;httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
-Here uncomment the last line:
-    httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
-Next, under ``[ssl]`` you will see:
-    ;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
-    ;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
-Uncomment and adjust the paths so it matches your system's paths:
-    cert_file = /home/jan/cert/mycert.pem
-    key_file = /home/jan/cert/privkey.pem
-For more information please read
-Now start (or restart) CouchDB. You should be able to connect to it
-using HTTPS on port 6984:
-    shell> curl
-    curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
-    error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
-    More details here:
-    curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
-    of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
-    bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
-    using the --cacert option.
-    If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
-    the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
-    problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
-    not match the domain name in the URL).
-    If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
-    the -k (or --insecure) option.
-Oh no what happened?! — Remember, clients will notify their users that
-your certificate is self signed. ``curl`` is the client in this case and
-it notifies you. Luckily you trust yourself (don't you?) and you can
-specify the ``-k`` option as the message reads:
-    shell> curl -k
-    {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"|version|"}
-All done.
-.. _``: