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Posted to by Rodent of Unusual Size <CO...@PROCESS.COM> on 1997/11/14 02:27:00 UTC

RE: release date for 1.3b3

>From the fingers of Marc Slemko flowed the following:
>Shipping betas when they aren't ready helps nothing.  Setting release
>dates are fine, but releasing code that simply isn't ready is a poor idea.
>Like it or not, there is a large overhead for each beta released and
>rushing it to keep to some made up schedule isn't productive.

    I don't disagree in theory - I just don't think the argument applies
    to what we've got right now.  I think this beta *is* ready.
    With the exception of the <Files> showstopper, for which we already
    have a fix, I think it's eminently good enough for release.

    What does our release manager for 1.3b3 say?  The position should be
    good for more than just publishing status messages..

>I am all for trying to keep this moving, but pushing betas out will simply
>lead to more and more and more.

    And delaying them and/or making them monsters results in spates of
    reports about problems with things we *thought* we fixed because
    they worked for *us*.  So we have monster retrofixes plus what we
    already had on the plate.  Let's find an happy medium..

    #ken    P-)}