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svn commit: r1127983 [4/9] - in /lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web: ./ css/ img/ img/ico/ js/ tpl/

Added: lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/highlight.js
--- lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/highlight.js (added)
+++ lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/highlight.js Thu May 26 16:18:58 2011
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+var hljs=new function(){var p={};var a={};function n(c){return c.replace(/&/gm,"&amp;").replace(/</gm,"&lt;").replace(/>/gm,"&gt;")}function k(s,r){if(!s){return false}for(var c=0;c<s.length;c++){if(s[c]==r){return true}}return false}function e(s,r,c){var t="m"+(s.cI?"i":"")+(c?"g":"");return new RegExp(r,t)}function j(r){for(var c=0;c<r.childNodes.length;c++){node=r.childNodes[c];if(node.nodeName=="CODE"){return node}if(!(node.nodeType==3&&node.nodeValue.match(/\s+/))){return null}}}function h(u,t){var s="";for(var r=0;r<u.childNodes.length;r++){if(u.childNodes[r].nodeType==3){var c=u.childNodes[r].nodeValue;if(t){c=c.replace(/\n/g,"")}s+=c}else{if(u.childNodes[r].nodeName=="BR"){s+="\n"}else{s+=h(u.childNodes[r])}}}s=s.replace(/\r/g,"\n");return s}function b(t){var r=t.className.split(/\s+/);r=r.concat(t.parentNode.className.split(/\s+/));for(var c=0;c<r.length;c++){var s=r[c].replace(/^language-/,"");if(p[s]||s=="no-highlight"){return s}}}function d(c){var r=[];(function(
 t,u){for(var s=0;s<t.childNodes.length;s++){if(t.childNodes[s].nodeType==3){u+=t.childNodes[s].nodeValue.length}else{if(t.childNodes[s].nodeName=="BR"){u+=1}else{r.push({event:"start",offset:u,node:t.childNodes[s]});u=arguments.callee(t.childNodes[s],u);r.push({event:"stop",offset:u,node:t.childNodes[s]})}}}return u})(c,0);return r}function m(z,A,y){var s=0;var x="";var u=[];function v(){if(z.length&&A.length){if(z[0].offset!=A[0].offset){return(z[0].offset<A[0].offset)?z:A}else{return(z[0].event=="start"&&A[0].event=="stop")?A:z}}else{return z.length?z:A}}function t(E){var F="<"+E.nodeName.toLowerCase();for(var C=0;C<E.attributes.length;C++){var D=E.attributes[C];F+=" "+D.nodeName.toLowerCase();if(D.nodeValue!=undefined){F+='="'+n(D.nodeValue)+'"'}}return F+">"}function B(C){return"</"+C.nodeName.toLowerCase()+">"}while(z.length||A.length){var w=v().splice(0,1)[0];x+=n(y.substr(s,w.offset-s));s=w.offset;if(w.event=="start"){x+=t(w.node);u.push(w.node)}else{if(w.event=="stop
 "){var r=u.length;do{r--;var c=u[r];x+=B(c)}while(c!=w.node);u.splice(r,1);while(r<u.length){x+=t(u[r]);r++}}}}x+=y.substr(s);return x}function g(K,E){function A(r,N){for(var M=0;M<;M++){if([M].bR.test(r)){return[M]}}return null}function x(M,r){if(D[M].e&&D[M].eR.test(r)){return 1}if(D[M].eW){var N=x(M-1,r);return N?N+1:0}return 0}function y(r,M){return M.iR&&M.iR.test(r)}function B(P,O){var N=[];for(var M=0;M<;M++){N.push([M].b)}var r=D.length-1;do{if(D[r].e){N.push(D[r].e)}r--}while(D[r+1].eW);if(P.i){N.push(P.i)}return e(O,"("+N.join("|")+")",true)}function t(N,M){var O=D[D.length-1];if(!O.t){O.t=B(O,I)}O.t.lastIndex=M;var r=O.t.exec(N);if(r){return[N.substr(M,r.index-M),r[0],false]}else{return[N.substr(M),"",true]}}function c(P,r){var M=I.cI?r[0].toLowerCase():r[0];for(var O in P.keywordGroups){if(!P.keywordGroups.hasOwnProperty(O)){continue}var N=P.keywordGroups[O].hasOwnProperty(M);if(N){return[O,N]}}return false}function G(N,Q){if(!Q
 .k||!Q.l){return n(N)}if(!Q.lR){var P="("+Q.l.join("|")+")";Q.lR=e(I,P,true)}var O="";var R=0;Q.lR.lastIndex=0;var M=Q.lR.exec(N);while(M){O+=n(N.substr(R,M.index-R));var r=c(Q,M);if(r){u+=r[1];O+='<span class="'+r[0]+'">'+n(M[0])+"</span>"}else{O+=n(M[0])}R=Q.lR.lastIndex;M=Q.lR.exec(N)}O+=n(N.substr(R,N.length-R));return O}function L(r,N){if(N.subLanguage&&a[N.subLanguage]){var M=g(N.subLanguage,r);u+=M.keyword_count;C+=M.r;return M.value}else{return G(r,N)}}function J(N,r){var M=N.nM?"":'<span class="'+N.displayClassName+'">';if(N.rB){s+=M;N.buffer=""}else{if(N.eB){s+=n(r)+M;N.buffer=""}else{s+=M;N.buffer=r}}D[D.length]=N}function F(M,O,R){var P=D[D.length-1];if(R){s+=L(P.buffer+M,P);return false}var S=A(O,P);if(S){s+=L(P.buffer+M,P);J(S,O);C+=S.r;return S.rB}var r=x(D.length-1,O);if(r){var T=P.nM?"":"</span>";if(P.rE){s+=L(P.buffer+M,P)+T}else{if(P.eE){s+=L(P.buffer+M,P)+T+n(O)}else{s+=L(P.buffer+M+O,P)+T}}while(r>1){T=D[D.length-2].nM?"":"</span>";s+=T;r--;D.length--}va
 r Q=D[D.length-1];D.length--;D[D.length-1].buffer="";if(Q.starts){for(var N=0;N<I.m.length;N++){if(I.m[N].cN==Q.starts){J(I.m[N],"");break}}}return P.rE}if(y(O,P)){throw"Illegal"}}var I=p[K];var D=[I.dM];var C=0;var u=0;var s="";try{var w=0;I.dM.buffer="";do{var z=t(E,w);var v=F(z[0],z[1],z[2]);w+=z[0].length;if(!v){w+=z[1].length}}while(!z[2]);if(D.length>1){throw"Illegal"}return{language:K,r:C,keyword_count:u,value:s}}catch(H){if(H=="Illegal"){return{language:null,r:0,keyword_count:0,value:n(E)}}else{throw H}}}function i(){function r(y,x){if(y.compiled){return}if(y.b){y.bR=e(x,"^"+y.b)}if(y.e){y.eR=e(x,"^"+y.e)}if(y.i){y.iR=e(x,"^(?:"+y.i+")")}if(y.r==undefined){y.r=1}if(!y.displayClassName){y.displayClassName=y.cN}if(!y.cN){y.nM=true}for(var w in y.k){if(!y.k.hasOwnProperty(w)){continue}if(y.k[w] instanceof Object){y.keywordGroups=y.k}else{y.keywordGroups={keyword:y.k}}break}[];if(y.c){for(var v=0;v<y.c.length;v++){if(y.c[v] instanceof Object){[v])}else{
 for(var u=0;u<x.m.length;u++){if(x.m[u].cN==y.c[v]){[u])}}}}}y.compiled=true;for(var v=0;v<;v++){r([v],x)}}for(var t in p){if(!p.hasOwnProperty(t)){continue}var c=[p[t].dM].concat(p[t].m);for(var s=0;s<c.length;s++){r(c[s],p[t])}}}function f(){if(f.called){return}f.called=true;i();a=p}function q(v,A,r){f();var C=h(v,r);var t=b(v);if(t=="no-highlight"){return}if(t){var y=g(t,C)}else{var y={language:"",keyword_count:0,r:0,value:n(C)};var z=y;for(var B in a){if(!a.hasOwnProperty(B)){continue}var w=g(B,C);if(w.keyword_count+w.r>z.keyword_count+z.r){z=w}if(w.keyword_count+w.r>y.keyword_count+y.r){z=y;y=w}}}var u=v.className;if(!u.match(y.language)){u=u?(u+" "+y.language):y.language}var c=d(v);if(c.length){var s=document.createElement("pre");s.innerHTML=y.value;y.value=m(c,d(s),C)}if(A){y.value=y.value.replace(/^((<[^>]+>|\t)+)/gm,function(D,G,F,E){return G.replace(/\t/g,A)})}if(r){y.value=y.value.replace(/\n/g,"<br>")}if(/MSIE [678]/.test(navigator.use
 rAgent)&&v.tagName=="CODE"&&v.parentNode.tagName=="PRE"){var s=v.parentNode;var x=document.createElement("div");x.innerHTML="<pre><code>"+y.value+"</code></pre>";v=x.firstChild.firstChild;x.firstChild.cN=s.cN;s.parentNode.replaceChild(x.firstChild,s)}else{v.innerHTML=y.value}v.className=u;v.dataset={};v.dataset.result={language:y.language,kw:y.keyword_count,re:y.r};if(z&&z.language){v.dataset.second_best={language:z.language,kw:z.keyword_count,re:z.r}}}function l(){if(l.called){return}l.called=true;f();if(arguments.length){for(var c=0;c<arguments.length;c++){if(p[arguments[c]]){a[arguments[c]]=p[arguments[c]]}}}var s=document.getElementsByTagName("pre");for(var c=0;c<s.length;c++){var r=j(s[c]);if(r){q(r,hljs.tabReplace)}}}function o(){var c=arguments;var r=function(){l.apply(null,c)};if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",r,false);window.addEventListener("load",r,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",r)}else{window.on
 load=r}}}this.LANGUAGES=p;this.initHighlightingOnLoad=o;this.highlightBlock=q;this.initHighlighting=l;this.IMR="\\b|\\B";this.IR="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";this.UIR="[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";this.NR="\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?";this.CNR="\\b(0x[A-Za-z0-9]+|\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)";this.RSR="!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|\\.|-|-=|/|/=|:|;|<|<<|<<=|<=|=|==|===|>|>=|>>|>>=|>>>|>>>=|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~";this.ASM={cN:"string",b:"'",e:"'",i:"\\n",c:["escape"],r:0};this.QSM={cN:"string",b:'"',e:'"',i:"\\n",c:["escape"],r:0};this.BE={cN:"escape",b:"\\\\.",e:this.IMR,nM:true,r:0};this.CLCM={cN:"comment",b:"//",e:"$",r:0};this.CBLCLM={cN:"comment",b:"/\\*",e:"\\*/"};this.HCM={cN:"comment",b:"#",e:"$"};this.NUMBER_MODE={cN:"number",b:this.NR,e:this.IMR,r:0};this.CNM={cN:"number",b:this.CNR,e:this.IMR,r:0};this.inherit=function(c,t){var s={};for(var r in c){s[r]=c[r]}if(t){for(var r in t){s[r]=t[r]}}return s}}();var initHighlightingOnLoad=hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad;(funct
 ion(){var d="[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+";var k={cN:"pi",b:"<\\?",e:"\\?>",r:10};var i={cN:"doctype",b:"<!DOCTYPE",e:">",r:10};var j={cN:"comment",b:"<!--",e:"-->"};var g={cN:"tag",b:"</?",e:"/?>",c:["title","tag_internal"]};var e={cN:"title",b:d,e:hljs.IMR};var b={cN:"tag_internal",b:hljs.IMR,eW:true,nM:true,c:["attribute","value_container"],r:0};var f={cN:"attribute",b:d,e:hljs.IMR,r:0};var a={cN:"value_container",b:'="',rB:true,e:'"',nM:true,c:[{cN:"value",b:'"',eW:true}]};var c={cN:"value_container",b:"='",rB:true,e:"'",nM:true,c:[{cN:"value",b:"'",eW:true}]};hljs.LANGUAGES.xml={dM:{c:["pi","doctype","comment","cdata","tag"]},cI:true,m:[{cN:"cdata",b:"<\\!\\[CDATA\\[",e:"\\]\\]>",r:10},k,i,j,g,hljs.inherit(e,{r:1.75}),b,f,a,c]};var h={code:1,kbd:1,font:1,noscript:1,style:1,img:1,title:1,menu:1,tt:1,tr:1,param:1,li:1,tfoot:1,th:1,input:1,td:1,dl:1,blockquote:1,fieldset:1,big:1,dd:1,abbr:1,optgroup:1,dt:1,button:1,isindex:1,p:1,small:1,div:1,dir:1,em:1,frame:1,meta:1,sub:1,bdo:1,la
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/jquery.form.js
--- lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/jquery.form.js (added)
+++ lucene/dev/trunk/solr/src/webapp/web/js/jquery.form.js Thu May 26 16:18:58 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+ * jQuery Form Plugin
+ * version: 2.47 (04-SEP-2010)
+ * @requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later
+ *
+ * Examples and documentation at:
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+;(function($) {
+	Usage Note:
+	-----------
+	Do not use both ajaxSubmit and ajaxForm on the same form.  These
+	functions are intended to be exclusive.  Use ajaxSubmit if you want
+	to bind your own submit handler to the form.  For example,
+	$(document).ready(function() {
+		$('#myForm').bind('submit', function() {
+			$(this).ajaxSubmit({
+				target: '#output'
+			});
+			return false; // <-- important!
+		});
+	});
+	Use ajaxForm when you want the plugin to manage all the event binding
+	for you.  For example,
+	$(document).ready(function() {
+		$('#myForm').ajaxForm({
+			target: '#output'
+		});
+	});
+	When using ajaxForm, the ajaxSubmit function will be invoked for you
+	at the appropriate time.
+ * ajaxSubmit() provides a mechanism for immediately submitting
+ * an HTML form using AJAX.
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxSubmit = function(options) {
+	// fast fail if nothing selected (
+	if (!this.length) {
+		log('ajaxSubmit: skipping submit process - no element selected');
+		return this;
+	}
+	if (typeof options == 'function') {
+		options = { success: options };
+	}
+	var url = $.trim(this.attr('action'));
+	if (url) {
+		// clean url (don't include hash vaue)
+		url = (url.match(/^([^#]+)/)||[])[1];
+	}
+	url = url || window.location.href || '';
+	options = $.extend(true, {
+		url:  url,
+		type: this.attr('method') || 'GET',
+		iframeSrc: /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:false' : 'about:blank'
+	}, options);
+	// hook for manipulating the form data before it is extracted;
+	// convenient for use with rich editors like tinyMCE or FCKEditor
+	var veto = {};
+	this.trigger('form-pre-serialize', [this, options, veto]);
+	if (veto.veto) {
+		log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-pre-serialize trigger');
+		return this;
+	}
+	// provide opportunity to alter form data before it is serialized
+	if (options.beforeSerialize && options.beforeSerialize(this, options) === false) {
+		log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSerialize callback');
+		return this;
+	}
+	var n,v,a = this.formToArray(options.semantic);
+	if ( {
+		options.extraData =;
+		for (n in {
+			if([n] instanceof Array) {
+				for (var k in[n]) {
+					a.push( { name: n, value:[n][k] } );
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				v =[n];
+				v = $.isFunction(v) ? v() : v; // if value is fn, invoke it
+				a.push( { name: n, value: v } );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// give pre-submit callback an opportunity to abort the submit
+	if (options.beforeSubmit && options.beforeSubmit(a, this, options) === false) {
+		log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSubmit callback');
+		return this;
+	}
+	// fire vetoable 'validate' event
+	this.trigger('form-submit-validate', [a, this, options, veto]);
+	if (veto.veto) {
+		log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-submit-validate trigger');
+		return this;
+	}
+	var q = $.param(a);
+	if (options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
+		options.url += (options.url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + q;
+ = null;  // data is null for 'get'
+	}
+	else {
+ = q; // data is the query string for 'post'
+	}
+	var $form = this, callbacks = [];
+	if (options.resetForm) {
+		callbacks.push(function() { $form.resetForm(); });
+	}
+	if (options.clearForm) {
+		callbacks.push(function() { $form.clearForm(); });
+	}
+	// perform a load on the target only if dataType is not provided
+	if (!options.dataType && {
+		var oldSuccess = options.success || function(){};
+		callbacks.push(function(data) {
+			var fn = options.replaceTarget ? 'replaceWith' : 'html';
+			$([fn](data).each(oldSuccess, arguments);
+		});
+	}
+	else if (options.success) {
+		callbacks.push(options.success);
+	}
+	options.success = function(data, status, xhr) { // jQuery 1.4+ passes xhr as 3rd arg
+		var context = options.context || options;   // jQuery 1.4+ supports scope context 
+		for (var i=0, max=callbacks.length; i < max; i++) {
+			callbacks[i].apply(context, [data, status, xhr || $form, $form]);
+		}
+	};
+	// are there files to upload?
+	var fileInputs = $('input:file', this).length > 0;
+	var mp = 'multipart/form-data';
+	var multipart = ($form.attr('enctype') == mp || $form.attr('encoding') == mp);
+	// options.iframe allows user to force iframe mode
+	// 06-NOV-09: now defaulting to iframe mode if file input is detected
+   if (options.iframe !== false && (fileInputs || options.iframe || multipart)) {
+	   // hack to fix Safari hang (thanks to Tim Molendijk for this)
+	   // see:
+	   if (options.closeKeepAlive) {
+		   $.get(options.closeKeepAlive, fileUpload);
+		}
+	   else {
+		   fileUpload();
+		}
+   }
+   else {
+	   $.ajax(options);
+   }
+	// fire 'notify' event
+	this.trigger('form-submit-notify', [this, options]);
+	return this;
+	// private function for handling file uploads (hat tip to YAHOO!)
+	function fileUpload() {
+		var form = $form[0];
+		if ($(':input[name=submit],:input[id=submit]', form).length) {
+			// if there is an input with a name or id of 'submit' then we won't be
+			// able to invoke the submit fn on the form (at least not x-browser)
+			alert('Error: Form elements must not have name or id of "submit".');
+			return;
+		}
+		var s = $.extend(true, {}, $.ajaxSettings, options);
+		s.context = s.context || s;
+		var id = 'jqFormIO' + (new Date().getTime()), fn = '_'+id;
+		window[fn] = function() {
+			var f = $'form-plugin-onload');
+			if (f) {
+				f();
+				window[fn] = undefined;
+				try { delete window[fn]; } catch(e){}
+			}
+		}
+		var $io = $('<iframe id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" src="'+ s.iframeSrc +'" onload="window[\'_\']()" />');
+		var io = $io[0];
+		$io.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', left: '-1000px' });
+		var xhr = { // mock object
+			aborted: 0,
+			responseText: null,
+			responseXML: null,
+			status: 0,
+			statusText: 'n/a',
+			getAllResponseHeaders: function() {},
+			getResponseHeader: function() {},
+			setRequestHeader: function() {},
+			abort: function() {
+				this.aborted = 1;
+				$io.attr('src', s.iframeSrc); // abort op in progress
+			}
+		};
+		var g =;
+		// trigger ajax global events so that activity/block indicators work like normal
+		if (g && ! $.active++) {
+			$.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
+		}
+		if (g) {
+			$.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, s]);
+		}
+		if (s.beforeSend &&, xhr, s) === false) {
+			if ( { 
+				$.active--;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		if (xhr.aborted) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var cbInvoked = false;
+		var timedOut = 0;
+		// add submitting element to data if we know it
+		var sub = form.clk;
+		if (sub) {
+			var n =;
+			if (n && !sub.disabled) {
+				s.extraData = s.extraData || {};
+				s.extraData[n] = sub.value;
+				if (sub.type == "image") {
+					s.extraData[n+'.x'] = form.clk_x;
+					s.extraData[n+'.y'] = form.clk_y;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// take a breath so that pending repaints get some cpu time before the upload starts
+		function doSubmit() {
+			// make sure form attrs are set
+			var t = $form.attr('target'), a = $form.attr('action');
+			// update form attrs in IE friendly way
+			form.setAttribute('target',id);
+			if (form.getAttribute('method') != 'POST') {
+				form.setAttribute('method', 'POST');
+			}
+			if (form.getAttribute('action') != s.url) {
+				form.setAttribute('action', s.url);
+			}
+			// ie borks in some cases when setting encoding
+			if (! s.skipEncodingOverride) {
+				$form.attr({
+					encoding: 'multipart/form-data',
+					enctype:  'multipart/form-data'
+				});
+			}
+			// support timout
+			if (s.timeout) {
+				setTimeout(function() { timedOut = true; cb(); }, s.timeout);
+			}
+			// add "extra" data to form if provided in options
+			var extraInputs = [];
+			try {
+				if (s.extraData) {
+					for (var n in s.extraData) {
+						extraInputs.push(
+							$('<input type="hidden" name="'+n+'" value="'+s.extraData[n]+'" />')
+								.appendTo(form)[0]);
+					}
+				}
+				// add iframe to doc and submit the form
+				$io.appendTo('body');
+				$'form-plugin-onload', cb);
+				form.submit();
+			}
+			finally {
+				// reset attrs and remove "extra" input elements
+				form.setAttribute('action',a);
+				if(t) {
+					form.setAttribute('target', t);
+				} else {
+					$form.removeAttr('target');
+				}
+				$(extraInputs).remove();
+			}
+		}
+		if (s.forceSync) {
+			doSubmit();
+		}
+		else {
+			setTimeout(doSubmit, 10); // this lets dom updates render
+		}
+		var data, doc, domCheckCount = 50;
+		function cb() {
+			if (cbInvoked) {
+				return;
+			}
+			$io.removeData('form-plugin-onload');
+			var ok = true;
+			try {
+				if (timedOut) {
+					throw 'timeout';
+				}
+				// extract the server response from the iframe
+				doc = io.contentWindow ? io.contentWindow.document : io.contentDocument ? io.contentDocument : io.document;
+				var isXml = s.dataType == 'xml' || doc.XMLDocument || $.isXMLDoc(doc);
+				log('isXml='+isXml);
+				if (!isXml && window.opera && (doc.body == null || doc.body.innerHTML == '')) {
+					if (--domCheckCount) {
+						// in some browsers (Opera) the iframe DOM is not always traversable when
+						// the onload callback fires, so we loop a bit to accommodate
+						log('requeing onLoad callback, DOM not available');
+						setTimeout(cb, 250);
+						return;
+					}
+					// let this fall through because server response could be an empty document
+					//log('Could not access iframe DOM after mutiple tries.');
+					//throw 'DOMException: not available';
+				}
+				//log('response detected');
+				cbInvoked = true;
+				xhr.responseText = doc.documentElement ? doc.documentElement.innerHTML : null; 
+				xhr.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument ? doc.XMLDocument : doc;
+				xhr.getResponseHeader = function(header){
+					var headers = {'content-type': s.dataType};
+					return headers[header];
+				};
+				var scr = /(json|script)/.test(s.dataType);
+				if (scr || s.textarea) {
+					// see if user embedded response in textarea
+					var ta = doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
+					if (ta) {
+						xhr.responseText = ta.value;
+					}
+					else if (scr) {
+						// account for browsers injecting pre around json response
+						var pre = doc.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
+						if (pre) {
+							xhr.responseText = pre.innerHTML;
+						}
+					}			  
+				}
+				else if (s.dataType == 'xml' && !xhr.responseXML && xhr.responseText != null) {
+					xhr.responseXML = toXml(xhr.responseText);
+				}
+				data = $.httpData(xhr, s.dataType);
+			}
+			catch(e){
+				log('error caught:',e);
+				ok = false;
+				xhr.error = e;
+				$.handleError(s, xhr, 'error', e);
+			}
+			// ordering of these callbacks/triggers is odd, but that's how $.ajax does it
+			if (ok) {
+, data, 'success', xhr);
+				if (g) {
+					$.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [xhr, s]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (g) {
+				$.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [xhr, s]);
+			}
+			if (g && ! --$.active) {
+				$.event.trigger("ajaxStop");
+			}
+			if (s.complete) {
+, xhr, ok ? 'success' : 'error');
+			}
+			// clean up
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				$io.removeData('form-plugin-onload');
+				$io.remove();
+				xhr.responseXML = null;
+			}, 100);
+		}
+		function toXml(s, doc) {
+			if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+				doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
+				doc.async = 'false';
+				doc.loadXML(s);
+			}
+			else {
+				doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, 'text/xml');
+			}
+			return (doc && doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? doc : null;
+		}
+	}
+ * ajaxForm() provides a mechanism for fully automating form submission.
+ *
+ * The advantages of using this method instead of ajaxSubmit() are:
+ *
+ * 1: This method will include coordinates for <input type="image" /> elements (if the element
+ *	is used to submit the form).
+ * 2. This method will include the submit element's name/value data (for the element that was
+ *	used to submit the form).
+ * 3. This method binds the submit() method to the form for you.
+ *
+ * The options argument for ajaxForm works exactly as it does for ajaxSubmit.  ajaxForm merely
+ * passes the options argument along after properly binding events for submit elements and
+ * the form itself.
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxForm = function(options) {
+	// in jQuery 1.3+ we can fix mistakes with the ready state
+	if (this.length === 0) {
+		var o = { s: this.selector, c: this.context };
+		if (!$.isReady && o.s) {
+			log('DOM not ready, queuing ajaxForm');
+			$(function() {
+				$(o.s,o.c).ajaxForm(options);
+			});
+			return this;
+		}
+		// is your DOM ready?$(document).ready()
+		log('terminating; zero elements found by selector' + ($.isReady ? '' : ' (DOM not ready)'));
+		return this;
+	}
+	return this.ajaxFormUnbind().bind('submit.form-plugin', function(e) {
+		if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { // if event has been canceled, don't proceed
+			e.preventDefault();
+			$(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
+		}
+	}).bind('click.form-plugin', function(e) {
+		var target =;
+		var $el = $(target);
+		if (!($":submit,input:image"))) {
+			// is this a child element of the submit el?  (ex: a span within a button)
+			var t = $el.closest(':submit');
+			if (t.length == 0) {
+				return;
+			}
+			target = t[0];
+		}
+		var form = this;
+		form.clk = target;
+		if (target.type == 'image') {
+			if (e.offsetX != undefined) {
+				form.clk_x = e.offsetX;
+				form.clk_y = e.offsetY;
+			} else if (typeof $.fn.offset == 'function') { // try to use dimensions plugin
+				var offset = $el.offset();
+				form.clk_x = e.pageX - offset.left;
+				form.clk_y = e.pageY -;
+			} else {
+				form.clk_x = e.pageX - target.offsetLeft;
+				form.clk_y = e.pageY - target.offsetTop;
+			}
+		}
+		// clear form vars
+		setTimeout(function() { form.clk = form.clk_x = form.clk_y = null; }, 100);
+	});
+// ajaxFormUnbind unbinds the event handlers that were bound by ajaxForm
+$.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function() {
+	return this.unbind('submit.form-plugin click.form-plugin');
+ * formToArray() gathers form element data into an array of objects that can
+ * be passed to any of the following ajax functions: $.get, $.post, or load.
+ * Each object in the array has both a 'name' and 'value' property.  An example of
+ * an array for a simple login form might be:
+ *
+ * [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
+ *
+ * It is this array that is passed to pre-submit callback functions provided to the
+ * ajaxSubmit() and ajaxForm() methods.
+ */
+$.fn.formToArray = function(semantic) {
+	var a = [];
+	if (this.length === 0) {
+		return a;
+	}
+	var form = this[0];
+	var els = semantic ? form.getElementsByTagName('*') : form.elements;
+	if (!els) {
+		return a;
+	}
+	var i,j,n,v,el;
+	for(i=0, max=els.length; i < max; i++) {
+		el = els[i];
+		n =;
+		if (!n) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (semantic && form.clk && el.type == "image") {
+			// handle image inputs on the fly when semantic == true
+			if(!el.disabled && form.clk == el) {
+				a.push({name: n, value: $(el).val()});
+				a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		v = $.fieldValue(el, true);
+		if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+			for(j=0, jmax=v.length; j < jmax; j++) {
+				a.push({name: n, value: v[j]});
+			}
+		}
+		else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined') {
+			a.push({name: n, value: v});
+		}
+	}
+	if (!semantic && form.clk) {
+		// input type=='image' are not found in elements array! handle it here
+		var $input = $(form.clk), input = $input[0];
+		n =;
+		if (n && !input.disabled && input.type == 'image') {
+			a.push({name: n, value: $input.val()});
+			a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+		}
+	}
+	return a;
+ * Serializes form data into a 'submittable' string. This method will return a string
+ * in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ */
+$.fn.formSerialize = function(semantic) {
+	//hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+	return $.param(this.formToArray(semantic));
+ * Serializes all field elements in the jQuery object into a query string.
+ * This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ */
+$.fn.fieldSerialize = function(successful) {
+	var a = [];
+	this.each(function() {
+		var n =;
+		if (!n) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var v = $.fieldValue(this, successful);
+		if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+			for (var i=0,max=v.length; i < max; i++) {
+				a.push({name: n, value: v[i]});
+			}
+		}
+		else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined') {
+			a.push({name:, value: v});
+		}
+	});
+	//hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+	return $.param(a);
+ * Returns the value(s) of the element in the matched set.  For example, consider the following form:
+ *
+ *  <form><fieldset>
+ *	  <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *	  <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *	  <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B1" />
+ *	  <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B2"/>
+ *	  <input name="C" type="radio" value="C1" />
+ *	  <input name="C" type="radio" value="C2" />
+ *  </fieldset></form>
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':text').fieldValue();
+ *  // if no values are entered into the text inputs
+ *  v == ['','']
+ *  // if values entered into the text inputs are 'foo' and 'bar'
+ *  v == ['foo','bar']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':checkbox').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither checkbox is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if both checkboxes are checked
+ *  v == ['B1', 'B2']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':radio').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither radio is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if first radio is checked
+ *  v == ['C1']
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
+ * (per
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.  If this value is false the value(s)
+ * for each element is returned.
+ *
+ * Note: This method *always* returns an array.  If no valid value can be determined the
+ *	   array will be empty, otherwise it will contain one or more values.
+ */
+$.fn.fieldValue = function(successful) {
+	for (var val=[], i=0, max=this.length; i < max; i++) {
+		var el = this[i];
+		var v = $.fieldValue(el, successful);
+		if (v === null || typeof v == 'undefined' || (v.constructor == Array && !v.length)) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		v.constructor == Array ? $.merge(val, v) : val.push(v);
+	}
+	return val;
+ * Returns the value of the field element.
+ */
+$.fieldValue = function(el, successful) {
+	var n =, t = el.type, tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
+	if (successful === undefined) {
+		successful = true;
+	}
+	if (successful && (!n || el.disabled || t == 'reset' || t == 'button' ||
+		(t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !el.checked ||
+		(t == 'submit' || t == 'image') && el.form && el.form.clk != el ||
+		tag == 'select' && el.selectedIndex == -1)) {
+			return null;
+	}
+	if (tag == 'select') {
+		var index = el.selectedIndex;
+		if (index < 0) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		var a = [], ops = el.options;
+		var one = (t == 'select-one');
+		var max = (one ? index+1 : ops.length);
+		for(var i=(one ? index : 0); i < max; i++) {
+			var op = ops[i];
+			if (op.selected) {
+				var v = op.value;
+				if (!v) { // extra pain for IE...
+					v = (op.attributes && op.attributes['value'] && !(op.attributes['value'].specified)) ? op.text : op.value;
+				}
+				if (one) {
+					return v;
+				}
+				a.push(v);
+			}
+		}
+		return a;
+	}
+	return $(el).val();
+ * Clears the form data.  Takes the following actions on the form's input fields:
+ *  - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
+ *  - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
+ *  - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
+ *  - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
+ *  - button elements will *not* be effected
+ */
+$.fn.clearForm = function() {
+	return this.each(function() {
+		$('input,select,textarea', this).clearFields();
+	});
+ * Clears the selected form elements.
+ */
+$.fn.clearFields = $.fn.clearInputs = function() {
+	return this.each(function() {
+		var t = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
+		if (t == 'text' || t == 'password' || tag == 'textarea') {
+			this.value = '';
+		}
+		else if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') {
+			this.checked = false;
+		}
+		else if (tag == 'select') {
+			this.selectedIndex = -1;
+		}
+	});
+ * Resets the form data.  Causes all form elements to be reset to their original value.
+ */
+$.fn.resetForm = function() {
+	return this.each(function() {
+		// guard against an input with the name of 'reset'
+		// note that IE reports the reset function as an 'object'
+		if (typeof this.reset == 'function' || (typeof this.reset == 'object' && !this.reset.nodeType)) {
+			this.reset();
+		}
+	});
+ * Enables or disables any matching elements.
+ */
+$.fn.enable = function(b) {
+	if (b === undefined) {
+		b = true;
+	}
+	return this.each(function() {
+		this.disabled = !b;
+	});
+ * Checks/unchecks any matching checkboxes or radio buttons and
+ * selects/deselects and matching option elements.
+ */
+$.fn.selected = function(select) {
+	if (select === undefined) {
+		select = true;
+	}
+	return this.each(function() {
+		var t = this.type;
+		if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') {
+			this.checked = select;
+		}
+		else if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'option') {
+			var $sel = $(this).parent('select');
+			if (select && $sel[0] && $sel[0].type == 'select-one') {
+				// deselect all other options
+				$sel.find('option').selected(false);
+			}
+			this.selected = select;
+		}
+	});
+// helper fn for console logging
+// set $.fn.ajaxSubmit.debug to true to enable debug logging
+function log() {
+	if ($.fn.ajaxSubmit.debug) {
+		var msg = '[jquery.form] ' +,'');
+		if (window.console && window.console.log) {
+			window.console.log(msg);
+		}
+		else if (window.opera && window.opera.postError) {
+			window.opera.postError(msg);
+		}
+	}