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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Mutable Configuration</h1>
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- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya Mutable Configuration (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Configuration by default is read-only, which covers must of the use cases. But there are many legit scenarios
--where configuration should be written back to some backend systems or the local file system. This module adds this
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from configuration mutability support you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-mutable-config&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_core_architecture">Core Architecture</h3>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_accessing_mutableconfiguration">Accessing MutableConfiguration</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The core of the module is the MutableConfigurationProvider singleton, which provides access to MutableConfiguration
--instance, which extends Configuration. This interface adds additional methods to add/update or remove property values.
--Hereby changes applied are managed in a transaction like context, called ConfigChangeContext. Each context defines
--a UUID that identifes a change.
--Backends for writing changes applied are of type MutablePropertySource, similarly extending the PropertySource
--SPI with methods for writing changes back. Registrations and ordering policies are like with ordinary property sources,
--with one important difference. Mutable property source can be targeted by write operations.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The example below shows how a MutableConfiguration can be obtained the simplest way:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Accessing and changing configuration</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
--                                      .createMutableConfiguration();
--config.put("newKey", "newValue")
--      .put("anotherKey", "updatedValue")
--      .remove("valueNotValid")
--      .store();</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>In the above scenario we use the overall system&#8217;s configuration as the backend to be used.
--We can also pass any Configuration to render it into a mutable instance, e.g.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Explicitly passing the backing configuration</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration config = ...;
--MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
--                                       .createMutableConfiguration(config);</code></pre>
--<div class="admonitionblock note">
--<td class="icon">
--<div class="title">Note</div>
--<td class="content">
--If a configuration does not contain any MutablePropertySource instances,
--      a MutableConfiguration built from it will not be able to accept any changes.
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Following you see the options how to create a MutableConfiguration using the
--MutableConfigurationProvider singleton:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
--    private MutableConfigurationProvider(){}
--    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration();
--    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
--                                               ChangePropagationPolicy changePropgationPolicy);
--    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(Configuration configuration);
--    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
--                                                   Configuration configuration,
--                                                   ChangePropagationPolicy changePropgationPolicy);
--    [...]
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Hereby MutableConfiguration is defined as follows:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface MutableConfiguration extends Configuration {
--    void store();
--    ConfigChangeRequest getConfigChangeRequest();
--    ChangePropagationPolicy getChangePropagationPolicy();
--    MutableConfiguration put(String key, String value);
--    MutableConfiguration putAll(Map&lt;String, String&gt; properties);
--    MutableConfiguration remove(Collection&lt;String&gt; keys);
--    MutableConfiguration remove(String... keys);
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_targeting_the_right_mutablepropertysources">Targeting the right MutablePropertySources</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>A Configuration may have multiple MutablePropertySource instances present. These are members of Tamaya&#8217;s oredered list of
--PropertySources to evaluate the configuration. Nevertheless writing back changes requires additional aspects to
--be considered:
--* Should changes being written back to all mutable property sources? Or should a key that could be added or removed
--  on a more significant instance not be written/removed on less significant property source instances?
--* Should a change be applied only to a specific mutable property source, regardless its position in the
--  processing chain?</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Therefore a ChangePropagationPolicy can be set on a MutableConfiguration instance, which allows to control
--this aspect:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Explicitly passing the backing configuration</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface ChangePropagationPolicy {
--    /**
--     * Method being called when a multiple key/value pairs are added or updated.
--     * @param propertySources the property sources, including readable property sources of the current configuration,
--     *                        never null.
--     * @param configChange the configuration change, not null.
--     */
--    void applyChange(ConfigChangeRequest configChange, Collection&lt;PropertySource&gt; propertySources);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>By default, changes are applied to all registered MutablePropertySources similarly.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Also the MutableConfigurationProvider provides access to the most commonly used change propagation policies:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
--    [...]
--    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyAllChangePolicy();
--    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyMostSignificantOnlyChangePolicy();
--    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplySelectiveChangePolicy(String... propertySourceNames);
--    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyNonePolicy();
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_some_aspects_to_consider">Some Aspects to consider</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Due to Tamaya&#8217;s design the effective effect of your changes to the overall configuration, cannot
--be sometimes a bit tricky to be predicted, since it depends on several aspects:</p>
--<div class="olist arabic">
--<ol class="arabic">
--<p>is the corresponding configuration resource configured as part of the current system&#8217;s configuration?</p>
--<p>what is the PropertySource's priority within the configuration context? Is it overriding or overridden
--by other sources?</p>
--<p>is the change directly visible to the configuration system? E.g. injected values are normally not updated,
--whereas injecting a DynamicValue&lt;T&gt; instance allows to detect and react single value changes. Also the
--PropertySources implementation must be able to detect any configuration changes and adapt its values returned
--accordingly. Finally values also can be marked as immutable or being cached.</p>
--<p>Is configuration cached, or written/collected directly on access?</p>
--<p>can the changes applied be committed at all?</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>So it is part of your application configuration design to clearly define, which property sources may be read-only, which
--may be mutable, how overriding should work and to which backends finally any changes should be written back. Nevertheless
--changing or adding value is very easy:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Changing a configuration</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider.createMutableConfiguration();
--config.put("newKey", "newValue");
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_changes">Configuration Changes</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This module does not handle detection of changes to the overall system&#8217;s Configuration. This can be done in
--several ways, e.g. by:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>using the <em>tamaya-events</em> extension, which can be used to observe the system&#8217;s configuration and
--publishing events when things have been changed.</p>
--<p>The SPI implementing the MutableConfigurationBackendSpi may inform/update any affected PropertySource,
--PropertySourceProvider instances about the changes applied.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_supported_backends">Supported Backends</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Multiple backends are supported. E.g. the <em>etcd</em> integration module of Tamaya also registers
--corresponding SPI implementations/backends. By default this module comes with
--the following MutablePropertySource implementations:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>MutablePropertySource resources, targeting local .properties files, using the java.util.Properties
--<p>MutableXmlPropertySource resources, targeting local .xml property files, using the java.util.Properties
--XML format.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_refreshable_property_sources">Refreshable Property Sources</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Somehow similar to configuration changes applied explicitly is the case, where values of underlying
--configuration backends change and must be reflected in the new configuration tree. Examples are:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Configuration files being edited, added or removed.</p>
--<p>Changes on remote servers like etcd, consul</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For having a common API for refreshable items a Refreshable interface is defined:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Refreshable interface</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">/**
-- * Interface to be implemented by items that can be refreshed. By default
-- * these are property sources, but more types may be supported at a later
-- * point in time.
-- */
--public interface Refreshable {
--    /**
--     * Refreshes the item by reloading its internal state.
--     */
--    void refresh();
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_refreshable_property_sources_2">Refreshable Property Sources</h4>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_spis">SPIs</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module defines MutableConfigurationProviderSpi, that is used as a delegate by the MutableConfigurationProvider
--singleton accessor:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">SPI: MutableConfigurationProviderSpi</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface MutableConfigurationProviderSpi {
--    /**
--     * Creates a new {@link MutableConfiguration} with {@code autoCommit = false} as default.
--     *
--     * @param configuration the configuration, not null.
--     * @param propagationPolicy policy that defines how changes are published to the property
--     *                          sources.
--     * @return a new mutable configuration instance.
--     */
--    MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(Configuration configuration,
--                                                    ChangePropagationPolicy propagationPolicy);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Implementations are registered with the current ServiceContext (using by default the
-- java.util.ServiceLoader service).</p>
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Optional Tamaya Configuration</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
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--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Optional">Tamaya Optional Configuration (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The Tamaya optional module provides contains three types only. It is for projects that want to benefit from Tamaya
--configuration optionally only. E.g. doing an OSS project you can declare to support configuration with Tamaya as
--an optional extension. This module can be added as a hard dependency to your code, hereby adding only three artofacts.
--It automatically checks the availability of Tamaya on the classpath and only if available tries to access it for
--configuration evaluation. Additionally an EvaluationPolicy lets you define the precedence of configured values
--(yours, or Tamaya ones if present).</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-optional&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_reading_configuration_using_the_tamaya_optional_module">Reading configuration using the Tamaya Optional Module</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The optional module allows reading configuration with a small subset of functionality only. For extended of full
--featured config please consider using the Apache Tamaya as a full configuration backend.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">BigDecimal interestRate =
--                 OptionalConfiguration.of(
--                    EvaluationPolicy.TAMAYA_OVERRIDES_OTHER,
--                    (k) -&gt; MyConfigMechanism.get(k) // String get(String key);
--                 )
--                .get("com.mycomp.ratecalculator.rate", BigDecimal.class))
--                .orElse(BigDecimal.of(0.05d));</code></pre>
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--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extensions: OSGI Integrations</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
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--<h2 id="Optional">Tamaya OSGI Support</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya provides also support for integration with OSGI. Hereby several options are available how Tamaya can be used in
--an OSGI context:</p>
--<div class="olist arabic">
--<ol class="arabic">
--<p>All Tamaya modules, its API and core library are actually valid OSGI bundles. So adding them into your OSGI modules
--and using Tamaya is basically directly supported. Nevertheless OSGI works rather differently from a class- and
--resource loading perspective. As long as you rely on Tamaya&#8217;s mechanisms for resource loading things should work
--out of the box. In the back Tamaya&#8217;s core module actually comes with implicit OSGI support, which is automatically
--activated, if Tamaya is running in an OSGI context. This support actually</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Listens on deployed bundles and actively reads all resources configured as java.util.ServiceLoader services and
--registers them as OSGI services. Hereby integration is complete meaning you can also register Tamaya services
--as normal OSGI services, e.g. your own PropertySource instances.</p>
--<p>Uses the OSGI bundle to resolve for resources, because accessing them from the classloader directly
--typically fails in an OSGI context.</p>
--<p>Adding Tamaya&#8217;s OSGI integration module replaces the existing OSGI ConfigAdmin service with an istance based on
--Tamaya. Hereby several aspects can be configured using system properties:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p> (int) allows to configure the OSGI service ranking used by the Tamaya
--BundleActivator to register Tamaya&#8217;s ConfigAdmin service. In OSGI higher ranking precede lower rankings. By default
--Tamaya&#8217;s OSGI extending service registration mechanism is reusing any annotated @Priority priority values as
--corresponsing rankings.</p>
--<p> (boolean) allows to configure if Tamaya is overriding any existing
--values from the default ConfigAdmin instance, or only extending them. In other words this setting allows you to
--define, which configuration subsystem has precedence for evaluating the final values, either Tamaya based
--configuration (default) or the configuration mechanisms provided by default from your OSGI container (when this flag
--is set to false).</p>
--<p> allows you to deactivate injection of configuration values into your
--OSGI services (by default injection is enabled). In all cases accessing the OSGI ConfigAdmin service to
--read your configuration is working as usual. But Tamaya adds additional injection functionality, which allows
--to inject typed configuration as described by the Tamaya injection api.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>It is also possible to combine things, e.g. when you only define a low ranking for Tamaya&#8217;s configuration service and
--the same time allow injection to be active, you will have Tamaya&#8217;s injection support based on your default
--OSGI configuration.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>All module described are based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
--The modules are built against OSGI Compendium version 5.0.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from Tamaya in an OSGI context you must deploy at least the following modules to your OSGI runtime
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" data-lang="listing"># API and core
--# injection API. SE injection module and dependencies
--# OSGI integration and dependencies
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_usage">Usage</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>As an example, what is possible you can implement an OSGI service as a normal POJO and publish it as an OSGI service.
--Given that configuration can be injected very easily:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService{
--    @Config("example.message")
--    @ConfigDefault("A Tamaya default.")
--    private String message;
--    @Override
--    public String sayHello() {
--        System.err.println("HELLO: " + message);
--        return message;
--    }
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_spi">SPI</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>By default the OSGI pid or factory pid is mapped to a corresponding root section in Tamaya&#8217;s configuration. We are
--well aware that this might not always be the desired approach. Therefore there as an SPI service provided that allows
--to determine this mapping:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">OSGIConfigRootMapper</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface OSGIConfigRootMapper {
--    String getTamayaConfigRoot(String pid, String factoryPid);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Registering your own implementation as an OSGI service allows you to redefine the key mapping.
--By default a configuration mapping for pid/factoryPid==myBundle is mapped to [bundle:myBundle].
--This mapping is used as a prefix when collecting the corresponding entries for the OSGI configuration.</p>
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Remote Configuration</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Remote">Tamaya Remote Configuration (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The Tamaya remote module provides support for reading configuration from remote resources. It provides
--especially out-of-the-box support for reading scoped configuration from a configuration server as
--provided with the <em>Tamaya server module</em> .</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-remote&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_reading_remote_configuration_from_a_tamaya_configuration_server">Reading Remote configuration from a Tamaya Configuration Server</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The remote module allows reading JSON formatted configuration as provided by the <em>Tamaya server extension</em> . The JSON
--format used looks as follows:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-json" data-lang="json">{
--  "java.vendor.url": "",
--  "java.vendor.url.bug": "",
--  "": "mixed mode",
--  "": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
--  "": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
--  "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
--  "java.vm.specification.version": "1.8",
--  "java.vm.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
--  "java.vm.version": "25.45-b02",
--  "": "64",
--  "sun.boot.class.path": "C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\resources.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\lib\jfr.jar;C:\apps\jdk18\jre\classes",
--  "sun.boot.library.path": "C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin",
--  "sun.cpu.endian": "little",
--  "sun.cpu.isalist": "amd64",
--  "sun.desktop": "windows",
--  "": "UnicodeLittle",
--  "": "com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain org.apache.tamaya.examples.remote.server.Start",
--  "": "SUN_STANDARD",
--  "sun.jnu.encoding": "Cp1252",
--  "": "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers",
--  "sun.os.patch.level": "",
--  "{meta}class": "org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration",
--  "{meta}info.filter": "java.v,sun",
--  "{meta}info.format": "application/json",
--  "{meta}info.timestamp": "1441463200571",
--  "{meta}timestamp": "1441463200571",
--  "{meta}type": "Configuration"
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Basically there are no constraints about they keys provided. By default Tamaya uses keys prefixed with
--{xxx} to identify meta-data entries, but this is not a required precondition.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Finally such a remote configuration can be easily integrated by inheriting from the provided base
--class. Hereby a default ordinal must be defined and the protected Collection&lt;URL&gt; getAccessURLs()
--method must be implemented to define the URL from where the configuration should be accessible. Hereby
--multiple URLs can be provided, which are accesed in order as provided by the collection&#8217;s iterator. The
--first URL that is successfully accessed determines the configuration read and imported into the
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public class RemotePropertySource extends BaseRemotePropertySource{
--    /** Current remote property source default ordinal. */
--    private static final int REMOTE_ORDINAL = 15000;
--    @Override
--    public int getDefaultOrdinal(){
--        return REMOTE_ORDINAL;
--    }
--    @Override
--    protected Collection&lt;URL&gt; getAccessURLs() {
--        try {
--            String configServerUrl = System.getenv("CONFIG_SERVER");
--            if(configServerUrl==null){
--                configServerUrl = System.getProperty("configServer");
--            }
--            if(configServerUrl==null){
--                configServerUrl = "http://localhost:8888/config?scope=CLIENT&amp;scopeId={clientId}&amp;format=application/json";
--            }
--            System.out.println("Reading config from " + configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()));
--            return Arrays.asList(new URL[]{new URL(configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()))});
--        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
--            Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to configure remote config location,", e);
--            return Collections.emptySet();
--        }
--    }
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Resolver</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya Resolver (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Resolver is an extension module. Refer to the
--<a href="modules.html">extensions documentation</a>
--for further details about modules.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Resolver provides a dynamic resolution mechanism, which allows to use UNIX-styled (${...} placeholder
--expressions in your configuration values. The resolver hereby supports transitive resolution and also prevents
--cycles to loop endlessly.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from dynamic value resolution you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-resolver&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;0.3-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module automatically registers an according PropertyFilter that is automatically called, whenever a value
--is accessed.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_available_resolvers">Available Resolvers</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Currently the module defined the following resolvers:</p>
--<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all spread">
--<caption class="title">Table 1. Available Resolvers</caption>
--<col style="width: 25%;">
--<col style="width: 50%;">
--<col style="width: 25%;">
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><em>Expression</em></p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><em>Description</em></p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><em>Example</em></p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">conf:&lt;configKey&gt;</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reads another configKey and replaces the expression with the value found.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">conf-ref=${conf:anotherConf.entryKey}</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">resource:&lt;resourceRef&gt;</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reads a resource from the current classpath and replaces the expression with the given text content.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">cp-ref=${resource:Testresource.txt}</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">file:&lt;fileRef&gt;</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reads a resource from the current classpath and replaces the expression with the given text content.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">file-ref=${file:c:\myFile.txt}</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">url:&lt;url&gt;</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reads an URL and replaces the expression with the given text content.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">url-ref=${url:}</p></td>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_spi_implementing_your_own_resolvers">SPI: Implementing your own Resolvers</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module also provides an easy but powerful SPI for adding your own resolver implementations. Basically the
--first and most important thing to do is implementing the ExpressionResolver interface:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Implementing a Custom Resolver</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public class PwdDecrypter implements ExpressionResolver {
--  @Override
--  public String getResolverPrefix() {
--     return "decrypt:";
--  }
--  @Override
--  public String evaluate(String expression) {
--    return decrypt(expression);
--  }
--  private String decrypt(String s) {
--    ...
--  }
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Basically that is all you must do, after having registered the class with the ServiceLoader it will be found
--and loaded by the implementation. With that all expressions that start with the given prefix are passed to the
--resolver, so all the following expressions will be sent to the implementation:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" data-lang="listing">blabla ${decrypt:myname}
--blabla ${decrypt:myname} foo blabla ${decrypt:myname}</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Hereby evaluation is repeated until no further change of values could be detetced. In case of a endless loop
--the evaluation is broken after a (configurable) number of cycles.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Under the hood instances of ExpressionResolver are managed by an implementation of the ExpressionEvaluator
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface ExpressionEvaluator {
--    /**
--     * Evaluates the current expression.
--     * @param key the key, not null.
--     * @param value the value to be filtered/evaluated.
--     * @return the filtered/evaluated value, including null.
--     */
--    String evaluateExpression(String key, String value);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Implementing and registering this interface gives you full control, but in most cases yhou should be fine with
--the default implementation in place.</p>
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--								<b>Disclaimer</b>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
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--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
--                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
--                    successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
--                    necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
--                    the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to
--                    be fully endorsed by the ASF.<br />
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