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Posted to by Dan and Rhi <> on 2006/08/21 22:31:28 UTC

SVN::Ra::Reporter useage


Being a C/XS newbie (but perl oldie) I want to use some of the SVN::Ra 
goodies but can't seem to get over a certain hump, any input is appreciated!

Assuming $sra is an SVN::Ra object and I have valid numeric $start_rev 
and $end_rev

a) what do I pass to $sra->do_diff() (not sure what "calling it as a 
method with the reporter baton omitted" means exactly since I can barely 
decifer the C I can find about it... :p)
    my $reporter = $sra->do_diff(????);
b) What do I do with $reporter to get the diff into a variable?
   ?? my $diff = $reporter->finish_report();  or ??

So that its essentially the same as
  my $diff = qx(svn diff -r 1:2 file://svn/yadda/trunk);
but using SVN:Ra instead of a system call.

TIA! Subversion and Perl rule!

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