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[12/35] incubator-hawq git commit: SGA import. Now with files previously missing because of the .gitignore issue
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f70fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+# vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mathieu Fenniak
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+__author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak"
+import socket
+import protocol
+import threading
+from errors import *
+class DataIterator(object):
+    def __init__(self, obj, func):
+        self.obj = obj
+        self.func = func
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def next(self):
+        retval = self.func(self.obj)
+        if retval == None:
+            raise StopIteration()
+        return retval
+statement_number_lock = threading.Lock()
+statement_number = 0
+# This class represents a prepared statement.  A prepared statement is
+# pre-parsed on the server, which reduces the need to parse the query every
+# time it is run.  The statement can have parameters in the form of $1, $2, $3,
+# etc.  When parameters are used, the types of the parameters need to be
+# specified when creating the prepared statement.
+# <p>
+# As of v1.01, instances of this class are thread-safe.  This means that a
+# single PreparedStatement can be accessed by multiple threads without the
+# internal consistency of the statement being altered.  However, the
+# responsibility is on the client application to ensure that one thread reading
+# from a statement isn't affected by another thread starting a new query with
+# the same statement.
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+# @param connection     An instance of {@link Connection Connection}.
+# @param statement      The SQL statement to be represented, often containing
+# parameters in the form of $1, $2, $3, etc.
+# @param types          Python type objects for each parameter in the SQL
+# statement.  For example, int, float, str.
+class PreparedStatement(object):
+    ##
+    # Determines the number of rows to read from the database server at once.
+    # Reading more rows increases performance at the cost of memory.  The
+    # default value is 100 rows.  The affect of this parameter is transparent.
+    # That is, the library reads more rows when the cache is empty
+    # automatically.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.  It is
+    # possible that implementation changes in the future could cause this
+    # parameter to be ignored.
+    row_cache_size = 100
+    def __init__(self, connection, statement, *types, **kwargs):
+        global statement_number
+        if connection == None or connection.c == None:
+            raise InterfaceError("connection not provided")
+        try:
+            statement_number_lock.acquire()
+            self._statement_number = statement_number
+            statement_number += 1
+        finally:
+            statement_number_lock.release()
+        self.c = connection.c
+        self._portal_name = None
+        self._statement_name = kwargs.get("statement_name", "pg8000_statement_%s" % self._statement_number)
+        self._row_desc = None
+        self._cached_rows = []
+        self._ongoing_row_count = 0
+        self._command_complete = True
+        self._parse_row_desc = self.c.parse(self._statement_name, statement, types)
+        self._lock = threading.RLock()
+    def close(self):
+        if self._statement_name != "": # don't close unnamed statement
+            self.c.close_statement(self._statement_name)
+        if self._portal_name != None:
+            self.c.close_portal(self._portal_name)
+            self._portal_name = None
+    row_description = property(lambda self: self._getRowDescription())
+    def _getRowDescription(self):
+        if self._row_desc == None:
+            return None
+        return self._row_desc.fields
+    ##
+    # Run the SQL prepared statement with the given parameters.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if not self._command_complete:
+                # cleanup last execute
+                self._cached_rows = []
+                self._ongoing_row_count = 0
+            if self._portal_name != None:
+                self.c.close_portal(self._portal_name)
+            self._command_complete = False
+            self._portal_name = "pg8000_portal_%s" % self._statement_number
+            self._row_desc, cmd = self.c.bind(self._portal_name, self._statement_name, args, self._parse_row_desc, kwargs.get("stream"))
+            if self._row_desc:
+                # We execute our cursor right away to fill up our cache.  This
+                # prevents the cursor from being destroyed, apparently, by a rogue
+                # Sync between Bind and Execute.  Since it is quite likely that
+                # data will be read from us right away anyways, this seems a safe
+                # move for now.
+                self._fill_cache()
+            else:
+                self._command_complete = True
+                self._ongoing_row_count = -1
+                if cmd != None and cmd.rows != None:
+                    self._ongoing_row_count = cmd.rows
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def _fill_cache(self):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self._cached_rows:
+                raise InternalError("attempt to fill cache that isn't empty")
+            end_of_data, rows = self.c.fetch_rows(self._portal_name, self.row_cache_size, self._row_desc)
+            self._cached_rows = rows
+            if end_of_data:
+                self._command_complete = True
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def _fetch(self):
+        if not self._row_desc:
+            raise ProgrammingError("no result set")
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if not self._cached_rows:
+                if self._command_complete:
+                    return None
+                self._fill_cache()
+                if self._command_complete and not self._cached_rows:
+                    # fill cache tells us the command is complete, but yet we have
+                    # no rows after filling our cache.  This is a special case when
+                    # a query returns no rows.
+                    return None
+            row = self._cached_rows.pop(0)
+            self._ongoing_row_count += 1
+            return tuple(row)
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    ##
+    # Return a count of the number of rows relevant to the executed statement.
+    # For a SELECT, this is the number of rows returned.  For UPDATE or DELETE,
+    # this the number of rows affected.  For INSERT, the number of rows
+    # inserted.  This property may have a value of -1 to indicate that there
+    # was no row count.
+    # <p>
+    # During a result-set query (eg. SELECT, or INSERT ... RETURNING ...),
+    # accessing this property requires reading the entire result-set into
+    # memory, as reading the data to completion is the only way to determine
+    # the total number of rows.  Avoid using this property in with
+    # result-set queries, as it may cause unexpected memory usage.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    row_count = property(lambda self: self._get_row_count())
+    def _get_row_count(self):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if not self._command_complete:
+                end_of_data, rows = self.c.fetch_rows(self._portal_name, 0, self._row_desc)
+                self._cached_rows += rows
+                if end_of_data:
+                    self._command_complete = True
+                else:
+                    raise InternalError("fetch_rows(0) did not hit end of data")
+            return self._ongoing_row_count + len(self._cached_rows)
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    ##
+    # Read a row from the database server, and return it in a dictionary
+    # indexed by column name/alias.  This method will raise an error if two
+    # columns have the same name.  Returns None after the last row.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def read_dict(self):
+        row = self._fetch()
+        if row == None:
+            return row
+        retval = {}
+        for i in range(len(self._row_desc.fields)):
+            col_name = self._row_desc.fields[i]['name']
+            if retval.has_key(col_name):
+                raise InterfaceError("cannot return dict of row when two columns have the same name (%r)" % (col_name,))
+            retval[col_name] = row[i]
+        return retval
+    ##
+    # Read a row from the database server, and return it as a tuple of values.
+    # Returns None after the last row.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def read_tuple(self):
+        return self._fetch()
+    ##
+    # Return an iterator for the output of this statement.  The iterator will
+    # return a tuple for each row, in the same manner as {@link
+    # #PreparedStatement.read_tuple read_tuple}.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def iterate_tuple(self):
+        return DataIterator(self, PreparedStatement.read_tuple)
+    ##
+    # Return an iterator for the output of this statement.  The iterator will
+    # return a dict for each row, in the same manner as {@link
+    # #PreparedStatement.read_dict read_dict}.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def iterate_dict(self):
+        return DataIterator(self, PreparedStatement.read_dict)
+# The Cursor class allows multiple queries to be performed concurrently with a
+# single PostgreSQL connection.  The Cursor object is implemented internally by
+# using a {@link PreparedStatement PreparedStatement} object, so if you plan to
+# use a statement multiple times, you might as well create a PreparedStatement
+# and save a small amount of reparsing time.
+# <p>
+# As of v1.01, instances of this class are thread-safe.  See {@link
+# PreparedStatement PreparedStatement} for more information.
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+# @param connection     An instance of {@link Connection Connection}.
+class Cursor(object):
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        self.connection = connection
+        self._stmt = None
+    def require_stmt(func):
+        def retval(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            if self._stmt == None:
+                raise ProgrammingError("attempting to use unexecuted cursor")
+            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        return retval
+    row_description = property(lambda self: self._getRowDescription())
+    def _getRowDescription(self):
+        if self._stmt == None:
+            return None
+        return self._stmt.row_description
+    ##
+    # Run an SQL statement using this cursor.  The SQL statement can have
+    # parameters in the form of $1, $2, $3, etc., which will be filled in by
+    # the additional arguments passed to this function.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    # @param query      The SQL statement to execute.
+    def execute(self, query, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.connection.is_closed:
+            raise ConnectionClosedError()
+        self.connection._unnamed_prepared_statement_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            self._stmt = PreparedStatement(self.connection, query, statement_name="", *[{"type": type(x), "value": x} for x in args])
+            self._stmt.execute(*args, **kwargs)
+        finally:
+            self.connection._unnamed_prepared_statement_lock.release()
+    ##
+    # Return a count of the number of rows currently being read.  If possible,
+    # please avoid using this function.  It requires reading the entire result
+    # set from the database to determine the number of rows being returned.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    # Implementation currently requires caching entire result set into memory,
+    # avoid using this property.
+    row_count = property(lambda self: self._get_row_count())
+    @require_stmt
+    def _get_row_count(self):
+        return self._stmt.row_count
+    ##
+    # Read a row from the database server, and return it in a dictionary
+    # indexed by column name/alias.  This method will raise an error if two
+    # columns have the same name.  Returns None after the last row.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    @require_stmt
+    def read_dict(self):
+        return self._stmt.read_dict()
+    ##
+    # Read a row from the database server, and return it as a tuple of values.
+    # Returns None after the last row.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    @require_stmt
+    def read_tuple(self):
+        return self._stmt.read_tuple()
+    ##
+    # Return an iterator for the output of this statement.  The iterator will
+    # return a tuple for each row, in the same manner as {@link
+    # #PreparedStatement.read_tuple read_tuple}.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    @require_stmt
+    def iterate_tuple(self):
+        return self._stmt.iterate_tuple()
+    ##
+    # Return an iterator for the output of this statement.  The iterator will
+    # return a dict for each row, in the same manner as {@link
+    # #PreparedStatement.read_dict read_dict}.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    @require_stmt
+    def iterate_dict(self):
+        return self._stmt.iterate_dict()
+    def close(self):
+        if self._stmt != None:
+            self._stmt.close()
+            self._stmt = None
+    ##
+    # Return the fileno of the underlying socket for this cursor's connection.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.07, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.connection.fileno()
+    ##
+    # Poll the underlying socket for this cursor and sync if there is data waiting
+    # to be read. This has the effect of flushing asynchronous messages from the
+    # backend. Returns True if messages were read, False otherwise.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.07, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def isready(self):
+        return self.connection.isready()
+# This class represents a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
+# <p>
+# The database connection is derived from the {@link #Cursor Cursor} class,
+# which provides a default cursor for running queries.  It also provides
+# transaction control via the 'begin', 'commit', and 'rollback' methods.
+# Without beginning a transaction explicitly, all statements will autocommit to
+# the database.
+# <p>
+# As of v1.01, instances of this class are thread-safe.  See {@link
+# PreparedStatement PreparedStatement} for more information.
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+# @param user   The username to connect to the PostgreSQL server with.  This
+# parameter is required.
+# @keyparam host   The hostname of the PostgreSQL server to connect with.
+# Providing this parameter is necessary for TCP/IP connections.  One of either
+# host, or unix_sock, must be provided.
+# @keyparam unix_sock   The path to the UNIX socket to access the database
+# through, for example, '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'.  One of either unix_sock or host
+# must be provided.  The port parameter will have no affect if unix_sock is
+# provided.
+# @keyparam port   The TCP/IP port of the PostgreSQL server instance.  This
+# parameter defaults to 5432, the registered and common port of PostgreSQL
+# TCP/IP servers.
+# @keyparam database   The name of the database instance to connect with.  This
+# parameter is optional, if omitted the PostgreSQL server will assume the
+# database name is the same as the username.
+# @keyparam password   The user password to connect to the server with.  This
+# parameter is optional.  If omitted, and the database server requests password
+# based authentication, the connection will fail.  On the other hand, if this
+# parameter is provided and the database does not request password
+# authentication, then the password will not be used.
+# @keyparam socket_timeout  Socket connect timeout measured in seconds.
+# Defaults to 60 seconds.
+# @keyparam ssl     Use SSL encryption for TCP/IP socket.  Defaults to False.
+class Connection(Cursor):
+    def __init__(self, user, host=None, unix_sock=None, port=5432, database=None, password=None, socket_timeout=60, ssl=False, options=None):
+        self._row_desc = None
+        try:
+            self.c = protocol.Connection(unix_sock=unix_sock, host=host, port=port, socket_timeout=socket_timeout, ssl=ssl)
+            self.c.authenticate(user, password=password, database=database, options=options)
+        except socket.error, e:
+            raise InterfaceError("communication error", e)
+        Cursor.__init__(self, self)
+        self._begin = PreparedStatement(self, "BEGIN TRANSACTION")
+        self._commit = PreparedStatement(self, "COMMIT TRANSACTION")
+        self._rollback = PreparedStatement(self, "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION")
+        self._unnamed_prepared_statement_lock = threading.RLock()
+    ##
+    # An event handler that is fired when NOTIFY occurs for a notification that
+    # has been LISTEN'd for.  The value of this property is a
+    # util.MulticastDelegate.  A callback can be added by using
+    # connection.NotificationReceived += SomeMethod.  The method will be called
+    # with a single argument, an object that has properties: backend_pid,
+    # condition, and additional_info.  Callbacks can be removed with the -=
+    # operator.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    NotificationReceived = property(
+            lambda self: getattr(self.c, "NotificationReceived"),
+            lambda self, value: setattr(self.c, "NotificationReceived", value)
+    )
+    ##
+    # An event handler that is fired when the database server issues a notice.
+    # The value of this property is a util.MulticastDelegate.  A callback can
+    # be added by using connection.NotificationReceived += SomeMethod.  The
+    # method will be called with a single argument, an object that has
+    # properties: severity, code, msg, and possibly others (detail, hint,
+    # position, where, file, line, and routine).  Callbacks can be removed with
+    # the -= operator.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    NoticeReceived = property(
+            lambda self: getattr(self.c, "NoticeReceived"),
+            lambda self, value: setattr(self.c, "NoticeReceived", value)
+    )
+    ##
+    # An event handler that is fired when a runtime configuration option is
+    # changed on the server.  The value of this property is a
+    # util.MulticastDelegate.  A callback can be added by using
+    # connection.NotificationReceived += SomeMethod.  Callbacks can be removed
+    # with the -= operator.  The method will be called with a single argument,
+    # an object that has properties "key" and "value".
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    ParameterStatusReceived = property(
+            lambda self: getattr(self.c, "ParameterStatusReceived"),
+            lambda self, value: setattr(self.c, "ParameterStatusReceived", value)
+    )
+    ##
+    # Begins a new transaction.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def begin(self):
+        if self.is_closed:
+            raise ConnectionClosedError()
+        self._begin.execute()
+    ##
+    # Commits the running transaction.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def commit(self):
+        if self.is_closed:
+            raise ConnectionClosedError()
+        self._commit.execute()
+    ##
+    # Rolls back the running transaction.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.00, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def rollback(self):
+        if self.is_closed:
+            raise ConnectionClosedError()
+        self._rollback.execute()
+    ##
+    # Closes an open connection.
+    def close(self):
+        if self.is_closed:
+            raise ConnectionClosedError()
+        self.c.close()
+        self.c = None
+    is_closed = property(lambda self: self.c == None)
+    def recache_record_types(self):
+        self.c._cache_record_attnames()
+    ##
+    # Return the fileno of the underlying socket for this connection.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.07, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.c.fileno()
+    ##
+    # Poll the underlying socket for this connection and sync if there is data
+    # waiting to be read. This has the effect of flushing asynchronous
+    # messages from the backend. Returns True if messages were read, False
+    # otherwise.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in v1.07, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    def isready(self):
+        return self.c.isready()
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..377074b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
@@ -0,0 +1,1340 @@
+# vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mathieu Fenniak
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+__author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak"
+import socket
+import select
+import threading
+import struct
+import hashlib
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from errors import *
+from util import MulticastDelegate
+import types
+# An SSLRequest message.  To initiate an SSL-encrypted connection, an
+# SSLRequest message is used rather than a {@link StartupMessage
+# StartupMessage}.  A StartupMessage is still sent, but only after SSL
+# negotiation (if accepted).
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class SSLRequest(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    # Int32(8) - Message length, including self.<br>
+    # Int32(80877103) - The SSL request code.<br>
+    def serialize(self):
+        return struct.pack("!ii", 8, 80877103)
+# A StartupMessage message.  Begins a DB session, identifying the user to be
+# authenticated as and the database to connect to.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class StartupMessage(object):
+    # Greenplum utility mode
+    def __init__(self, user, database=None, options=None):
+        self.user = user
+        self.database = database
+        self.options = options
+    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
+    # Int32(196608) - Protocol version number.  Version 3.0.
+    # Any number of key/value pairs, terminated by a zero byte:
+    #   String - A parameter name (user, database, or options)
+    #   String - Parameter value
+    def serialize(self):
+        protocol = 196608
+        val = struct.pack("!i", protocol)
+        val += "user\x00" + self.user + "\x00"
+        if self.database:
+            val += "database\x00" + self.database + "\x00"
+        if self.options:
+            val += "options\x00" + self.options + "\x00"
+        val += "\x00"
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        return val
+# Parse message.  Creates a prepared statement in the DB session.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+# @param ps         Name of the prepared statement to create.
+# @param qs         Query string.
+# @param type_oids  An iterable that contains the PostgreSQL type OIDs for
+#                   parameters in the query string.
+class Parse(object):
+    def __init__(self, ps, qs, type_oids):
+ = ps
+        self.qs = qs
+        self.type_oids = type_oids
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Parse ps=%r qs=%r>" % (, self.qs)
+    # Byte1('P') - Identifies the message as a Parse command.
+    # Int32 -   Message length, including self.
+    # String -  Prepared statement name.  An empty string selects the unnamed
+    #           prepared statement.
+    # String -  The query string.
+    # Int16 -   Number of parameter data types specified (can be zero).
+    # For each parameter:
+    #   Int32 - The OID of the parameter data type.
+    def serialize(self):
+        val = + "\x00" + self.qs + "\x00"
+        val = val + struct.pack("!h", len(self.type_oids))
+        for oid in self.type_oids:
+            # Parse message doesn't seem to handle the -1 type_oid for NULL
+            # values that other messages handle.  So we'll provide type_oid 705,
+            # the PG "unknown" type.
+            if oid == -1: oid = 705
+            val = val + struct.pack("!i", oid)
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "P" + val
+        return val
+# Bind message.  Readies a prepared statement for execution.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+# @param portal     Name of the destination portal.
+# @param ps         Name of the source prepared statement.
+# @param in_fc      An iterable containing the format codes for input
+#                   parameters.  0 = Text, 1 = Binary.
+# @param params     The parameters.
+# @param out_fc     An iterable containing the format codes for output
+#                   parameters.  0 = Text, 1 = Binary.
+# @param kwargs     Additional arguments to pass to the type conversion
+#                   methods.
+class Bind(object):
+    def __init__(self, portal, ps, in_fc, params, out_fc, **kwargs):
+        self.portal = portal
+ = ps
+        self.in_fc = in_fc
+        self.params = []
+        for i in range(len(params)):
+            if len(self.in_fc) == 0:
+                fc = 0
+            elif len(self.in_fc) == 1:
+                fc = self.in_fc[0]
+            else:
+                fc = self.in_fc[i]
+            self.params.append(types.pg_value(params[i], fc, **kwargs))
+        self.out_fc = out_fc
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Bind p=%r s=%r>" % (self.portal,
+    # Byte1('B') - Identifies the Bind command.
+    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
+    # String - Name of the destination portal.
+    # String - Name of the source prepared statement.
+    # Int16 - Number of parameter format codes.
+    # For each parameter format code:
+    #   Int16 - The parameter format code.
+    # Int16 - Number of parameter values.
+    # For each parameter value:
+    #   Int32 - The length of the parameter value, in bytes, not including this
+    #           this length.  -1 indicates a NULL parameter value, in which no
+    #           value bytes follow.
+    #   Byte[n] - Value of the parameter.
+    # Int16 - The number of result-column format codes.
+    # For each result-column format code:
+    #   Int16 - The format code.
+    def serialize(self):
+        retval = StringIO()
+        retval.write(self.portal + "\x00")
+        retval.write( + "\x00")
+        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.in_fc)))
+        for fc in self.in_fc:
+            retval.write(struct.pack("!h", fc))
+        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.params)))
+        for param in self.params:
+            if param == None:
+                # special case, NULL value
+                retval.write(struct.pack("!i", -1))
+            else:
+                retval.write(struct.pack("!i", len(param)))
+                retval.write(param)
+        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.out_fc)))
+        for fc in self.out_fc:
+            retval.write(struct.pack("!h", fc))
+        val = retval.getvalue()
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "B" + val
+        return val
+# A Close message, used for closing prepared statements and portals.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+# @param typ    'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
+# @param name   The name of the item to close.
+class Close(object):
+    def __init__(self, typ, name):
+        if len(typ) != 1:
+            raise InternalError("Close typ must be 1 char")
+        self.typ = typ
+ = name
+    # Byte1('C') - Identifies the message as a close command.
+    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
+    # Byte1 - 'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
+    # String - The name of the item to close.
+    def serialize(self):
+        val = self.typ + + "\x00"
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "C" + val
+        return val
+# A specialized Close message for a portal.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class ClosePortal(Close):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        Close.__init__(self, "P", name)
+# A specialized Close message for a prepared statement.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class ClosePreparedStatement(Close):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        Close.__init__(self, "S", name)
+# A Describe message, used for obtaining information on prepared statements
+# and portals.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+# @param typ    'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
+# @param name   The name of the item to close.
+class Describe(object):
+    def __init__(self, typ, name):
+        if len(typ) != 1:
+            raise InternalError("Describe typ must be 1 char")
+        self.typ = typ
+ = name
+    # Byte1('D') - Identifies the message as a describe command.
+    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
+    # Byte1 - 'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
+    # String - The name of the item to close.
+    def serialize(self):
+        val = self.typ + + "\x00"
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "D" + val
+        return val
+# A specialized Describe message for a portal.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class DescribePortal(Describe):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        Describe.__init__(self, "P", name)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<DescribePortal %r>" % (
+# A specialized Describe message for a prepared statement.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class DescribePreparedStatement(Describe):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        Describe.__init__(self, "S", name)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<DescribePreparedStatement %r>" % (
+# A Flush message forces the backend to deliver any data pending in its
+# output buffers.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class Flush(object):
+    # Byte1('H') - Identifies the message as a flush command.
+    # Int32(4) - Length of message, including self.
+    def serialize(self):
+        return 'H\x00\x00\x00\x04'
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Flush>"
+# Causes the backend to close the current transaction (if not in a BEGIN/COMMIT
+# block), and issue ReadyForQuery.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class Sync(object):
+    # Byte1('S') - Identifies the message as a sync command.
+    # Int32(4) - Length of message, including self.
+    def serialize(self):
+        return 'S\x00\x00\x00\x04'
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Sync>"
+# Transmits a password.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class PasswordMessage(object):
+    def __init__(self, pwd):
+        self.pwd = pwd
+    # Byte1('p') - Identifies the message as a password message.
+    # Int32 - Message length including self.
+    # String - The password.  Password may be encrypted.
+    def serialize(self):
+        val = self.pwd + "\x00"
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "p" + val
+        return val
+# Requests that the backend execute a portal and retrieve any number of rows.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+# @param row_count  The number of rows to return.  Can be zero to indicate the
+#                   backend should return all rows. If the portal represents a
+#                   query that does not return rows, no rows will be returned
+#                   no matter what the row_count.
+class Execute(object):
+    def __init__(self, portal, row_count):
+        self.portal = portal
+        self.row_count = row_count
+    # Byte1('E') - Identifies the message as an execute message.
+    # Int32 -   Message length, including self.
+    # String -  The name of the portal to execute.
+    # Int32 -   Maximum number of rows to return, if portal contains a query that
+    #           returns rows.  0 = no limit.
+    def serialize(self):
+        val = self.portal + "\x00" + struct.pack("!i", self.row_count)
+        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
+        val = "E" + val
+        return val
+# Informs the backend that the connection is being closed.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class Terminate(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    # Byte1('X') - Identifies the message as a terminate message.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def serialize(self):
+        return 'X\x00\x00\x00\x04'
+# Base class of all Authentication[*] messages.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class AuthenticationRequest(object):
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        pass
+    # Byte1('R') - Identifies the message as an authentication request.
+    # Int32(8) - Message length, including self.
+    # Int32 -   An authentication code that represents different
+    #           authentication messages:
+    #               0 = AuthenticationOk
+    #               5 = MD5 pwd
+    #               2 = Kerberos v5 (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               3 = Cleartext pwd (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               4 = crypt() pwd (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               6 = SCM credential (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               7 = GSSAPI (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               8 = GSSAPI data (not supported by pg8000)
+    #               9 = SSPI (not supported by pg8000)
+    # Some authentication messages have additional data following the
+    # authentication code.  That data is documented in the appropriate class.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        ident = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
+        klass = authentication_codes.get(ident, None)
+        if klass != None:
+            return klass(data[4:])
+        else:
+            raise NotSupportedError("authentication method %r not supported" % (ident,))
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+    def ok(self, conn, user, **kwargs):
+        raise InternalError("ok method should be overridden on AuthenticationRequest instance")
+# A message representing that the backend accepting the provided username
+# without any challenge.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class AuthenticationOk(AuthenticationRequest):
+    def ok(self, conn, user, **kwargs):
+        return True
+# A message representing the backend requesting an MD5 hashed password
+# response.  The response will be sent as md5(md5(pwd + login) + salt).
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class AuthenticationMD5Password(AuthenticationRequest):
+    # Additional message data:
+    #  Byte4 - Hash salt.
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self.salt = "".join(struct.unpack("4c", data))
+    def ok(self, conn, user, password=None, **kwargs):
+        if password == None:
+            raise InterfaceError("server requesting MD5 password authentication, but no password was provided")
+        pwd = "md5" + hashlib.md5(hashlib.md5(password + user).hexdigest() + self.salt).hexdigest()
+        conn._send(PasswordMessage(pwd))
+        conn._flush()
+        reader = MessageReader(conn)
+        reader.add_message(AuthenticationRequest, lambda msg, reader: reader.return_value(msg.ok(conn, user)), reader)
+        reader.add_message(ErrorResponse, self._ok_error)
+        return reader.handle_messages()
+    def _ok_error(self, msg):
+        if msg.code == "28000":
+            raise InterfaceError("md5 password authentication failed")
+        else:
+            raise msg.createException()
+authentication_codes = {
+    0: AuthenticationOk,
+    5: AuthenticationMD5Password,
+# ParameterStatus message sent from backend, used to inform the frotnend of
+# runtime configuration parameter changes.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class ParameterStatus(object):
+    def __init__(self, key, value):
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+    # Byte1('S') - Identifies ParameterStatus
+    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
+    # String - Runtime parameter name.
+    # String - Runtime parameter value.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        key = data[:data.find("\x00")]
+        value = data[data.find("\x00")+1:-1]
+        return ParameterStatus(key, value)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# BackendKeyData message sent from backend.  Contains a connection's process
+# ID and a secret key.  Can be used to terminate the connection's current
+# actions, such as a long running query.  Not supported by pg8000 yet.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class BackendKeyData(object):
+    def __init__(self, process_id, secret_key):
+        self.process_id = process_id
+        self.secret_key = secret_key
+    # Byte1('K') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(12) - Message length, including self.
+    # Int32 - Process ID.
+    # Int32 - Secret key.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        process_id, secret_key = struct.unpack("!2i", data)
+        return BackendKeyData(process_id, secret_key)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing a query with no data.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class NoData(object):
+    # Byte1('n') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return NoData()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing a successful Parse.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class ParseComplete(object):
+    # Byte1('1') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return ParseComplete()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing a successful Bind.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class BindComplete(object):
+    # Byte1('2') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return BindComplete()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing a successful Close.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class CloseComplete(object):
+    # Byte1('3') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return CloseComplete()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing data from an Execute has been received, but more data
+# exists in the portal.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class PortalSuspended(object):
+    # Byte1('s') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return PortalSuspended()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Message representing the backend is ready to process a new query.
+# <p>
+# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
+class ReadyForQuery(object):
+    def __init__(self, status):
+        self._status = status
+    ##
+    # I = Idle, T = Idle in Transaction, E = idle in failed transaction.
+    status = property(lambda self: self._status)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ReadyForQuery %s>" % \
+                {"I": "Idle", "T": "Idle in Transaction", "E": "Idle in Failed Transaction"}[self.status]
+    # Byte1('Z') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(5) - Message length, including self.
+    # Byte1 -   Status indicator.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return ReadyForQuery(data)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# Represents a notice sent from the server.  This is not the same as a
+# notification.  A notice is just additional information about a query, such
+# as a notice that a primary key has automatically been created for a table.
+# <p>
+# A NoticeResponse instance will have properties containing the data sent
+# from the server:
+# <ul>
+# <li>severity -- "ERROR", "FATAL', "PANIC", "WARNING", "NOTICE", "DEBUG",
+# "INFO", or "LOG".  Always present.</li>
+# <li>code -- the SQLSTATE code for the error.  See Appendix A of the
+# PostgreSQL documentation for specific error codes.  Always present.</li>
+# <li>msg -- human-readable error message.  Always present.</li>
+# <li>detail -- Optional additional information.</li>
+# <li>hint -- Optional suggestion about what to do about the issue.</li>
+# <li>position -- Optional index into the query string.</li>
+# <li>where -- Optional context.</li>
+# <li>file -- Source-code file.</li>
+# <li>line -- Source-code line.</li>
+# <li>routine -- Source-code routine.</li>
+# </ul>
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  Required properties severity, code, and
+# msg are guaranteed for v1.xx.  Other properties should be checked with
+# hasattr before accessing.
+class NoticeResponse(object):
+    responseKeys = {
+        "S": "severity",  # always present
+        "C": "code",      # always present
+        "M": "msg",       # always present
+        "D": "detail",
+        "H": "hint",
+        "P": "position",
+        "p": "_position",
+        "q": "_query",
+        "W": "where",
+        "F": "file",
+        "L": "line",
+        "R": "routine",
+    }
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for arg, value in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, arg, value)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<NoticeResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
+    def dataIntoDict(data):
+        retval = {}
+        for s in data.split("\x00"):
+            if not s: continue
+            key, value = s[0], s[1:]
+            key = NoticeResponse.responseKeys.get(key, key)
+            retval[key] = value
+        return retval
+    dataIntoDict = staticmethod(dataIntoDict)
+    # Byte1('N') - Identifier
+    # Int32 - Message length
+    # Any number of these, followed by a zero byte:
+    #   Byte1 - code identifying the field type (see responseKeys)
+    #   String - field value
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return NoticeResponse(**NoticeResponse.dataIntoDict(data))
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# A message sent in case of a server-side error.  Contains the same properties
+# that {@link NoticeResponse NoticeResponse} contains.
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  Required properties severity, code, and
+# msg are guaranteed for v1.xx.  Other properties should be checked with
+# hasattr before accessing.
+class ErrorResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for arg, value in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, arg, value)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ErrorResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
+    def createException(self):
+        return ProgrammingError(self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return ErrorResponse(**NoticeResponse.dataIntoDict(data))
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+# A message sent if this connection receives a NOTIFY that it was LISTENing for.
+# <p>
+# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  When limited to accessing properties from
+# a notification event dispatch, stability is guaranteed for v1.xx.
+class NotificationResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, backend_pid, condition, additional_info):
+        self._backend_pid = backend_pid
+        self._condition = condition
+        self._additional_info = additional_info
+    ##
+    # An integer representing the process ID of the backend that triggered
+    # the NOTIFY.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    backend_pid = property(lambda self: self._backend_pid)
+    ##
+    # The name of the notification fired.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    condition = property(lambda self: self._condition)
+    ##
+    # Currently unspecified by the PostgreSQL documentation as of v8.3.1.
+    # <p>
+    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
+    additional_info = property(lambda self: self._additional_info)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<NotificationResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.backend_pid, self.condition, self.additional_info)
+    def createFromData(data):
+        backend_pid = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
+        data = data[4:]
+        null = data.find("\x00")
+        condition = data[:null]
+        data = data[null+1:]
+        null = data.find("\x00")
+        additional_info = data[:null]
+        return NotificationResponse(backend_pid, condition, additional_info)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class ParameterDescription(object):
+    def __init__(self, type_oids):
+        self.type_oids = type_oids
+    def createFromData(data):
+        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
+        type_oids = struct.unpack("!" + "i"*count, data[2:])
+        return ParameterDescription(type_oids)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class RowDescription(object):
+    def __init__(self, fields):
+        self.fields = fields
+    def createFromData(data):
+        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
+        data = data[2:]
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(count):
+            null = data.find("\x00")
+            field = {"name": data[:null]}
+            data = data[null+1:]
+            field["table_oid"], field["column_attrnum"], field["type_oid"], field["type_size"], field["type_modifier"], field["format"] = struct.unpack("!ihihih", data[:18])
+            data = data[18:]
+            fields.append(field)
+        return RowDescription(fields)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class CommandComplete(object):
+    def __init__(self, command, rows=None, oid=None):
+        self.command = command
+        self.rows = rows
+        self.oid = oid
+    def createFromData(data):
+        values = data[:-1].split(" ")
+        args = {}
+        args['command'] = values[0]
+        if args['command'] in ("INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "MOVE", "FETCH", "COPY"):
+            args['rows'] = int(values[-1])
+            if args['command'] == "INSERT":
+                args['oid'] = int(values[1])
+        else:
+            args['command'] = data[:-1]
+        return CommandComplete(**args)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class DataRow(object):
+    def __init__(self, fields):
+        self.fields = fields
+    def createFromData(data):
+        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
+        data = data[2:]
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(count):
+            val_len = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
+            data = data[4:]
+            if val_len == -1:
+                fields.append(None)
+            else:
+                fields.append(data[:val_len])
+                data = data[val_len:]
+        return DataRow(fields)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class CopyData(object):
+    # "d": CopyData,
+    def __init__(self, data):
+ = data
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return CopyData(data)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+    def serialize(self):
+        return 'd' + struct.pack('!i', len( + 4) +
+class CopyDone(object):
+    # Byte1('c') - Identifier.
+    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
+    def createFromData(data):
+        return CopyDone()
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+    def serialize(self):
+        return 'c\x00\x00\x00\x04'
+class CopyOutResponse(object):
+    # Byte1('H')
+    # Int32(4) - Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
+    # Int8(1) - 0 textual, 1 binary
+    # Int16(2) - Number of columns
+    # Int16(N) - Format codes for each column (0 text, 1 binary)
+    def __init__(self, is_binary, column_formats):
+        self.is_binary = is_binary
+        self.column_formats = column_formats
+    def createFromData(data):
+        is_binary, num_cols = struct.unpack('!bh', data[:3])
+        column_formats = struct.unpack('!' + ('h' * num_cols), data[3:])
+        return CopyOutResponse(is_binary, column_formats)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class CopyInResponse(object):
+    # Byte1('G')
+    # Otherwise the same as CopyOutResponse
+    def __init__(self, is_binary, column_formats):
+        self.is_binary = is_binary
+        self.column_formats = column_formats
+    def createFromData(data):
+        is_binary, num_cols = struct.unpack('!bh', data[:3])
+        column_formats = struct.unpack('!' + ('h' * num_cols), data[3:])
+        return CopyInResponse(is_binary, column_formats)
+    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
+class SSLWrapper(object):
+    def __init__(self, sslobj):
+        self.sslobj = sslobj
+    def send(self, data):
+        self.sslobj.write(data)
+    def recv(self, num):
+        return
+class MessageReader(object):
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        self._conn = connection
+        self._msgs = []
+        # If true, raise exception from an ErrorResponse after messages are
+        # processed.  This can be used to leave the connection in a usable
+        # state after an error response, rather than having unconsumed
+        # messages that won't be understood in another context.
+        self.delay_raising_exception = False
+        self.ignore_unhandled_messages = False
+    def add_message(self, msg_class, handler, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._msgs.append((msg_class, handler, args, kwargs))
+    def clear_messages(self):
+        self._msgs = []
+    def return_value(self, value):
+        self._retval = value
+    def handle_messages(self):
+        exc = None
+        while 1:
+            msg = self._conn._read_message()
+            msg_handled = False
+            for (msg_class, handler, args, kwargs) in self._msgs:
+                if isinstance(msg, msg_class):
+                    msg_handled = True
+                    retval = handler(msg, *args, **kwargs)
+                    if retval:
+                        # The handler returned a true value, meaning that the
+                        # message loop should be aborted.
+                        if exc != None:
+                            raise exc
+                        return retval
+                    elif hasattr(self, "_retval"):
+                        # The handler told us to return -- used for non-true
+                        # return values
+                        if exc != None:
+                            raise exc
+                        return self._retval
+            if msg_handled:
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(msg, ErrorResponse):
+                exc = msg.createException()
+                if not self.delay_raising_exception:
+                    raise exc
+            elif isinstance(msg, NoticeResponse):
+                self._conn.handleNoticeResponse(msg)
+            elif isinstance(msg, ParameterStatus):
+                self._conn.handleParameterStatus(msg)
+            elif isinstance(msg, NotificationResponse):
+                self._conn.handleNotificationResponse(msg)
+            elif not self.ignore_unhandled_messages:
+                raise InternalError("Unexpected response msg %r" % (msg))
+def sync_on_error(fn):
+    def _fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            self._sock_lock.acquire()
+            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        except:
+            self._sync()
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+    return _fn
+class Connection(object):
+    def __init__(self, unix_sock=None, host=None, port=5432, socket_timeout=60, ssl=False, records=False):
+        self._client_encoding = "ascii"
+        self._integer_datetimes = False
+        self._record_field_names = {}
+        self._sock_buf = ""
+        self._sock_buf_pos = 0
+        self._send_sock_buf = []
+        self._block_size = 8192
+        self.user_wants_records = records
+        if unix_sock == None and host != None:
+            self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        elif unix_sock != None:
+            if not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"):
+                raise InterfaceError("attempt to connect to unix socket on unsupported platform")
+            self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        else:
+            raise ProgrammingError("one of host or unix_sock must be provided")
+        if unix_sock == None and host != None:
+            self._sock.connect((host, port))
+        elif unix_sock != None:
+            self._sock.connect(unix_sock)
+        if ssl:
+            self._send(SSLRequest())
+            self._flush()
+            resp = self._sock.recv(1)
+            if resp == 'S':
+                self._sock = SSLWrapper(socket.ssl(self._sock))
+            else:
+                raise InterfaceError("server refuses SSL")
+        else:
+            # settimeout causes ssl failure, on windows.  Python bug 1462352.
+            self._sock.settimeout(socket_timeout)
+        self._state = "noauth"
+        self._backend_key_data = None
+        self._sock_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.NoticeReceived = MulticastDelegate()
+        self.ParameterStatusReceived = MulticastDelegate()
+        self.NotificationReceived = MulticastDelegate()
+        self.ParameterStatusReceived += self._onParameterStatusReceived
+    def verifyState(self, state):
+        if self._state != state:
+            raise InternalError("connection state must be %s, is %s" % (state, self._state))
+    def _send(self, msg):
+        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
+        #print "_send(%r)" % msg
+        data = msg.serialize()
+        self._send_sock_buf.append(data)
+    def _flush(self):
+        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
+        self._sock.sendall("".join(self._send_sock_buf))
+        del self._send_sock_buf[:]
+    def _read_bytes(self, byte_count):
+        retval = []
+        bytes_read = 0
+        while bytes_read < byte_count:
+            if self._sock_buf_pos == len(self._sock_buf):
+                self._sock_buf = self._sock.recv(1024)
+                self._sock_buf_pos = 0
+            rpos = min(len(self._sock_buf), self._sock_buf_pos + (byte_count - bytes_read))
+            addt_data = self._sock_buf[self._sock_buf_pos:rpos]
+            bytes_read += (rpos - self._sock_buf_pos)
+            assert bytes_read <= byte_count
+            self._sock_buf_pos = rpos
+            retval.append(addt_data)
+        return "".join(retval)
+    def _read_message(self):
+        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
+        bytes = self._read_bytes(5)
+        message_code = bytes[0]
+        data_len = struct.unpack("!i", bytes[1:])[0] - 4
+        bytes = self._read_bytes(data_len)
+        assert len(bytes) == data_len
+        msg = message_types[message_code].createFromData(bytes)
+        #print "_read_message() -> %r" % msg
+        return msg
+    def authenticate(self, user, **kwargs):
+        self.verifyState("noauth")
+        self._sock_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            self._send(StartupMessage(user, database=kwargs.get("database",None), options=kwargs.get("options", None)))
+            self._flush()
+            msg = self._read_message()
+            if isinstance(msg, ErrorResponse):
+                raise msg.createException()
+            if not isinstance(msg, AuthenticationRequest):
+                raise InternalError("StartupMessage was responded to with non-AuthenticationRequest msg %r" % msg)
+            if not msg.ok(self, user, **kwargs):
+                raise InterfaceError("authentication method %s failed" % msg.__class__.__name__)
+            self._state = "auth"
+            reader = MessageReader(self)
+            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, self._ready_for_query)
+            reader.add_message(BackendKeyData, self._receive_backend_key_data)
+            reader.handle_messages()
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+        self._cache_record_attnames()
+    def _ready_for_query(self, msg):
+        self._state = "ready"
+        return True
+    def _receive_backend_key_data(self, msg):
+        self._backend_key_data = msg
+    def _cache_record_attnames(self):
+        if not self.user_wants_records:
+            return
+        parse_retval = self.parse("",
+            """SELECT
+                pg_type.oid, attname
+            FROM
+                pg_type
+                INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_type.typrelid)
+                                  WHERE typreceive = 'record_recv'::regproc
+            ORDER BY pg_type.oid, attnum""",
+            [])
+        row_desc, cmd = self.bind("tmp", "", (), parse_retval, None)
+        eod, rows = self.fetch_rows("tmp", 0, row_desc)
+        self._record_field_names = {}
+        typoid, attnames = None, []
+        for row in rows:
+            new_typoid, attname = row
+            if new_typoid != typoid and typoid != None:
+                self._record_field_names[typoid] = attnames
+                attnames = []
+            typoid = new_typoid
+            attnames.append(attname)
+        self._record_field_names[typoid] = attnames
+    @sync_on_error
+    def parse(self, statement, qs, param_types):
+        self.verifyState("ready")
+        type_info = [types.pg_type_info(x) for x in param_types]
+        param_types, param_fc = [x[0] for x in type_info], [x[1] for x in type_info] # zip(*type_info) -- fails on empty arr
+        self._send(Parse(statement, qs, param_types))
+        self._send(DescribePreparedStatement(statement))
+        self._send(Flush())
+        self._flush()
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        # ParseComplete is good.
+        reader.add_message(ParseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
+        # Well, we don't really care -- we're going to send whatever we
+        # want and let the database deal with it.  But thanks anyways!
+        reader.add_message(ParameterDescription, lambda msg: 0)
+        # We're not waiting for a row description.  Return something
+        # destinctive to let bind know that there is no output.
+        reader.add_message(NoData, lambda msg: (None, param_fc))
+        # Common row description response
+        reader.add_message(RowDescription, lambda msg: (msg, param_fc))
+        return reader.handle_messages()
+    @sync_on_error
+    def bind(self, portal, statement, params, parse_data, copy_stream):
+        self.verifyState("ready")
+        row_desc, param_fc = parse_data
+        if row_desc == None:
+            # no data coming out
+            output_fc = ()
+        else:
+            # We've got row_desc that allows us to identify what we're going to
+            # get back from this statement.
+            output_fc = [types.py_type_info(f, self._record_field_names) for f in row_desc.fields]
+        self._send(Bind(portal, statement, param_fc, params, output_fc, client_encoding = self._client_encoding, integer_datetimes = self._integer_datetimes))
+        # We need to describe the portal after bind, since the return
+        # format codes will be different (hopefully, always what we
+        # requested).
+        self._send(DescribePortal(portal))
+        self._send(Flush())
+        self._flush()
+        # Read responses from server...
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        # BindComplete is good -- just ignore
+        reader.add_message(BindComplete, lambda msg: 0)
+        # NoData in this case means we're not executing a query.  As a
+        # result, we won't be fetching rows, so we'll never execute the
+        # portal we just created... unless we execute it right away, which
+        # we'll do.
+        reader.add_message(NoData, self._bind_nodata, portal, reader, copy_stream)
+        # Return the new row desc, since it will have the format types we
+        # asked the server for
+        reader.add_message(RowDescription, lambda msg: (msg, None))
+        return reader.handle_messages()
+    def _copy_in_response(self, copyin, fileobj, old_reader):
+        if fileobj == None:
+            raise CopyQueryWithoutStreamError()
+        while True:
+            data =
+            if not data:
+                break
+            self._send(CopyData(data))
+            self._flush()
+        self._send(CopyDone())
+        self._send(Sync())
+        self._flush()
+    def _copy_out_response(self, copyout, fileobj, old_reader):
+        if fileobj == None:
+            raise CopyQueryWithoutStreamError()
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        reader.add_message(CopyData, self._copy_data, fileobj)
+        reader.add_message(CopyDone, lambda msg: 1)
+        reader.handle_messages()
+    def _copy_data(self, copydata, fileobj):
+        fileobj.write(
+    def _bind_nodata(self, msg, portal, old_reader, copy_stream):
+        # Bind message returned NoData, causing us to execute the command.
+        self._send(Execute(portal, 0))
+        self._send(Sync())
+        self._flush()
+        output = {}
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        reader.add_message(CopyOutResponse, self._copy_out_response, copy_stream, reader)
+        reader.add_message(CopyInResponse, self._copy_in_response, copy_stream, reader)
+        reader.add_message(CommandComplete, lambda msg, out: out.setdefault('msg', msg) and False, output)
+        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
+        reader.delay_raising_exception = True
+        reader.handle_messages()
+        old_reader.return_value((None, output['msg']))
+    @sync_on_error
+    def fetch_rows(self, portal, row_count, row_desc):
+        self.verifyState("ready")
+        self._send(Execute(portal, row_count))
+        self._send(Flush())
+        self._flush()
+        rows = []
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        reader.add_message(DataRow, self._fetch_datarow, rows, row_desc)
+        reader.add_message(PortalSuspended, lambda msg: 1)
+        reader.add_message(CommandComplete, self._fetch_commandcomplete, portal)
+        retval = reader.handle_messages()
+        # retval = 2 when command complete, indicating that we've hit the
+        # end of the available data for this command
+        return (retval == 2), rows
+    def _fetch_datarow(self, msg, rows, row_desc):
+        rows.append(
+            [
+                types.py_value(
+                    msg.fields[i],
+                    row_desc.fields[i],
+                    client_encoding=self._client_encoding,
+                    integer_datetimes=self._integer_datetimes,
+                    record_field_names=self._record_field_names
+                )
+                for i in range(len(msg.fields))
+            ]
+        )
+    def _fetch_commandcomplete(self, msg, portal):
+        self._send(ClosePortal(portal))
+        self._send(Sync())
+        self._flush()
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, self._fetch_commandcomplete_rfq)
+        reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: False)
+        reader.handle_messages()
+        return 2  # signal end-of-data
+    def _fetch_commandcomplete_rfq(self, msg):
+        self._state = "ready"
+        return True
+    # Send a Sync message, then read and discard all messages until we
+    # receive a ReadyForQuery message.
+    def _sync(self):
+        # it is assumed _sync is called from sync_on_error, which holds
+        # a _sock_lock throughout the call
+        self._send(Sync())
+        self._flush()
+        reader = MessageReader(self)
+        reader.ignore_unhandled_messages = True
+        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: True)
+        reader.handle_messages()
+    def close_statement(self, statement):
+        if self._state == "closed":
+            return
+        self.verifyState("ready")
+        self._sock_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            self._send(ClosePreparedStatement(statement))
+            self._send(Sync())
+            self._flush()
+            reader = MessageReader(self)
+            reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
+            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
+            reader.handle_messages()
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+    def close_portal(self, portal):
+        if self._state == "closed":
+            return
+        self.verifyState("ready")
+        self._sock_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            self._send(ClosePortal(portal))
+            self._send(Sync())
+            self._flush()
+            reader = MessageReader(self)
+            reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
+            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
+            reader.handle_messages()
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+    def close(self):
+        self._sock_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            self._send(Terminate())
+            self._flush()
+            self._sock.close()
+            self._state = "closed"
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+    def _onParameterStatusReceived(self, msg):
+        if msg.key == "client_encoding":
+            self._client_encoding = msg.value
+        elif msg.key == "integer_datetimes":
+            self._integer_datetimes = (msg.value == "on")
+    def handleNoticeResponse(self, msg):
+        self.NoticeReceived(msg)
+    def handleParameterStatus(self, msg):
+        self.ParameterStatusReceived(msg)
+    def handleNotificationResponse(self, msg):
+        self.NotificationReceived(msg)
+    def fileno(self):
+        # This should be safe to do without a lock
+        return self._sock.fileno()
+    def isready(self):
+        self._sock_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            rlst, _wlst, _xlst =[self], [], [], 0)
+            if not rlst:
+                return False
+            self._sync()
+            return True
+        finally:
+            self._sock_lock.release()
+message_types = {
+    "N": NoticeResponse,
+    "R": AuthenticationRequest,
+    "S": ParameterStatus,
+    "K": BackendKeyData,
+    "Z": ReadyForQuery,
+    "T": RowDescription,
+    "E": ErrorResponse,
+    "D": DataRow,
+    "C": CommandComplete,
+    "1": ParseComplete,
+    "2": BindComplete,
+    "3": CloseComplete,
+    "s": PortalSuspended,
+    "n": NoData,
+    "t": ParameterDescription,
+    "A": NotificationResponse,
+    "c": CopyDone,
+    "d": CopyData,
+    "G": CopyInResponse,
+    "H": CopyOutResponse,
+    }