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svn commit: r412194 [6/7] - in /webservices/muse/trunk: ./ src/ src/site/ src/site/classes/ src/site/content/ src/site/content/images/ src/site/content/xdocs/ src/site/content/xdocs/muse/ src/site/content/xdocs/muse/dev_guide/ src/site/content/xdocs/mu...

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsdl_tool.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsdl_tool.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsdl_tool.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Using Wsdl2Java</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>The Wsdl2Java tool is used to generate a set of artificats for a WS Resource. The artifacts include:</p>
+			<ul>
+				<li>A set of Java classes based on the WSDL definition. This includes a service, resource, and 
+				home class. Some of the Java code will need to be manually edited after the files are generated.</li>
+				<li>Interfaces for custom operations.</li>
+				<li>Java bindings for all XML schema types that are defined in the WSDL. The interfaces and classes are 
+				created using the <a href="">XMLBeans</a> schema compiler</li>
+				<li>An Axis Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) for your service (<em>service</em>_deploy.wsdd). This file is used to deploy your service to 
+				Axis.</li>
+				<li>A JNDI resource configuration file for your service (<em>service</em>_jndi-config.xml). The file is used to setup the in-memory JNDI context for
+				your generated service, resource, and home classes.</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>The tool saves you a great deal of time, since these files do not have to be created from scratch. You simply pass the tool a WSRF WSDL and the files 
+			are automatically generated. You can use the tool directly or you can use an Ant task.
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Ant Task</title>
+			<p>The Wsdl2Java tool can be invoked using the <code>wsdl2Java</code> Ant task (<code></code>). The 
+			<code>INSTALL_DIR/template/build.xml</code> script contains a target that already implements this task.</p>
+			<p>To use the target:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>copy INSTALL_DIR/template/build.xml and to any directory. This directory will be referred to as <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Using a text editor, open <code>WORK_DIR/</code>.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment the <code>wsrf.webapp.dir</code> property and set it to the location where the WSRF Web application is installed. If you are using 
+				Tomcat and have the <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> environment variable set, you do not need to modify this property.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment and modify the proxy settings if you require a proxy to connect to external Web sites.</li>
+				<li>Copy your WSRF WSDL to <code>WORK_DIR</code>. If your WSDL depends on a schema that is not accessible over the network, you must copy the 
+				schema to this directory as well.</li>
+				<li>From a command prompt, change directories to <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Run the following command. 			
+			<source>ant generate</source>
+					<p>Check <code>WORK_DIR/generated</code> to see the generated files.
+				</p>
+				</li>
+			</ol>
+			<section>
+				<title>Task Definition</title>
+				<p>The task is defined as follows :</p>
+				<source><![CDATA[
+<taskdef name="wsdl2Java" 
+ 	 classname="" 
+ 	 classpath="path/to/wsrf.jar" />  ]]></source>
+				<p>
+					<strong>Parameters</strong>
+				</p>
+				<p>The task takes the following parameters:</p>
+				<table>
+					<tr>
+						<th>Attribute</th>
+						<th>Description</th>
+						<th>Required</th>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>wsdl</td>
+						<td>Enter the full path to a WSRF WSDL file.</td>
+						<td>Yes, unless a <code>wsdls</code> parameter is used. </td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>wsdls</td>
+						<td>Entered as a nested element following the rules of fileset. This parameter is used instead of the <code>wsdl</code> parameter to indicate multiple 
+						WSRF WSDLs to be converted.</td>
+						<td>No</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>classpath</td>
+						<td>The classpath to be passed to the XMLBeans schema compiler. The classpath should reference the all the jars in the 
+						<code>INSTALL_DIR/wsrf/webapp/lib</code> and <code>/classes</code> directories.</td>
+						<td>Yes</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>classpathref</td>
+						<td>Adds a classpath, given as reference to a path defined elsewhere.</td>
+						<td>No</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>outputdir</td>
+						<td>Enter a directory where the generated files will be placed.</td>
+						<td>Yes</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>verbose</td>
+						<td>Enter <code>true</code> to increase build message output.</td>
+						<td>No, default is <code>false</code>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>proxyHost</td>
+						<td>Enter the Host IP address of a proxy that is used to connect to the Internet.</td>
+						<td>No</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>proxyPort</td>
+						<td>Enter the Port number of a proxy that is used to connect to the Internet.</td>
+						<td>No</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>nonProxyHosts</td>
+						<td>Enter the Host IP address separated by "|" to indicate Hosts that do not require a proxy.</td>
+						<td>No</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+				<p>
+					<strong>Example</strong>
+				</p>
+				<p>The following example generates files for a single WSDL and places the generated files in a subdirectory 
+			 of the current directory named <code>/generated</code>. To simplify the example, the classpath is referenced. You must set the <code>${wsrf.home}</code> Ant property to <code> 
+			 INSTALL_DIR</code> (e.g. /opt/wsrf-1.0).</p>
+				<source><![CDATA[
+	<property name="wsrf.webapp.dir" location="${wsrf.home}/webapps/wsrf" />
+	<path id="">
+          <pathelement location="${wsrf.webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
+          <fileset dir="${wsrf.webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib" includes="*.jar" />
+        </path>
+        <taskdef name="wsdl2Java" classname="" classpath="" />
+        <wsdl2Java wsdl="path/to/your.wsdl"
+                   outputdir="generated"                   
+                   classpath="" />]]></source>
+				<p>If you want to generate the files for multiple WSDLs, you can use:</p>
+				<source><![CDATA[
+	<wsdl2Java outputdir="generated" classpath="" />
+	   <wsdls dir="path/to/wsdls/">
+             <include name="**/*.wsdl" />	  
+          </wsdls>
+       </wsdl2Java>]]></source>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsrf_wsdl.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsrf_wsdl.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/wsrf_wsdl.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Composing a WSRF WSDL</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Using the WSRF WSDL Template</title>
+			<p>Resources are exposed as WSRF WS-Resources using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The WSDL must
+			conform to the conventions as described in the <a href="site:wsrf">WSRF Specifications</a>. To make it easier to write a 
+			WSRF WSDL, Apache WSRF provides a template WSDL that can be used as a starting point. The template saves a good deal of time 
+			and is less error-prone than writing a WSRF-compliant WSDL from scratch. 
+             		</p>
+			<p>To use the template:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Using a text or XML editor, open <code>INSTALL_DIR/template/_TEMPLATE_.wsdl</code>.</li>
+				<li>Save the file with a new name (e.g., <em>nameOfYourService</em>.wsdl).</li>
+				<li>Modify your WSDL based on the instructions in the template and the information below.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<warning>Do not modify the original template file.</warning>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Defining the WSRF PortType</title>
+			<p>A WSRF WSDL should contain only one portType. The portType aggregates operations from WSRF specification-defined portTypes 
+			and custom resource-specific operations. The specification-defined portTypes that are discussed below include: 
+     			 </p>
+			<ul>
+				<li>WS-ResourceProperties (WSRF-RP) portTypes</li>
+				<li>WS-ResourceLifetime (WSRF-RL) portTypes</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>If you've copied the WSDL template file as described above, your WSDL file
+         		already contains a WSRF-compliant portType. You simply have to rename the portType (<code>MyPortType</code>) and the binding (MySoapHttpBinding) and 
+         		uncomment the blocks corresponding to whichever optional portTypes you want your WS-Resource to support.
+      			</p>
+			<section>
+				<title>WS-ResourceProperties (WSRF-RP) PortTypes</title>
+				<table>
+					<tr>
+						<th>PortType</th>
+						<th>Operations</th>
+						<th>Properties</th>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>GetResourceProperty</td>
+						<td>GetResourceProperty</td>
+						<td/>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>GetMultipleResourceProperties</td>
+						<td>GetMultipleResourceProperties</td>
+						<td/>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>SetResourceProperties</td>
+						<td>SetResourceProperties</td>
+						<td/>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>QueryResourceProperties</td>
+						<td>QueryResourceProperties</td>
+						<td/>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+				<note>If your portType has an associated resource properties document, then the WSRF-RP specification
+				      REQUIRES that you implement the GetResourceProperty portType (i,e, the GetResourceProperty operation).</note>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>WS-ResourceLifetime (WSRF-RL) PortTypes</title>
+				<table>
+					<tr>
+						<th>PortType</th>
+						<th>Operations</th>
+						<th>Properties</th>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>ImmediateResourceTermination</td>
+						<td>Destroy</td>
+						<td/>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>ScheduledResourceTermination</td>
+						<td>SetTerminationTime</td>
+						<td>CurrentTime,
+              				<br/>TerminationTime
+            					</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+				<note>In addition to operations, the <code>ScheduledResourceTermination</code> portType also includes two properties. If a 
+				WS-Resource implements this portType, it must also expose these properties.</note>
+				<p>If your WS-Resource exposes any resource properties, the PortType element must have a
+         		<code>{}ResourceProperties</code>
+       		 attribute whose value is the <code>QName</code> of a resource properties document element defined
+       		 in the types/schema section of the WSDL file.
+      			</p>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>Metadata Operations</title>
+				<p>The template contains two operations that are not defined by the WSRF specifications that can be used in your service to retrieve metadata 
+				about your services. The operations and messages are defined in the 
+				<a href="">WS-Metadata Exchange</a> specification defined by Microsoft and other industry 
+				contributors. For instructions on providing metadata about your service, see the <a href="site:metadata">Adding Service Metadata</a> section.</p>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Adding Custom Operations</title>
+			<p>Custom operations can be added to the WSRF portType. To do so,
+      			you will have to define message types, messages, and operations, as you would
+     			for any WSDL. It is recommended that, when defining your custom operations,
+		      	you adhere to the rules defined by
+	        	<a href="">section 5 of the WS-I Basic Profile</a>.
+      			This will ensure maximum interoperability for your WS-Resource.
+      			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Defining Resource Properties</title>
+			<p>Resource properties are defined in the types/schema section of the WSDL file. In addition to defining
+         		custom resource-specific properties, you may also need to add properties that are required by certain
+        		specification-defined portTypes. For example, the WSRF-RL ScheduledResourceTermination portType requires
+        		two properties (see above). Chapter 4 of the
+       		<a href="">WSRF-RP specification</a>
+        		explains how to define resource properties.
+     			 </p>
+			<p>If you have copied the WSDL template file as described above, your WSDL file
+         		already contains a resource properties document definition. If your WS-Resource
+        		implements the WSRF-RL ScheduledResourceTermination portType, simply
+         		uncomment the xsd element references, which correspond to the two ScheduledResourceTermination
+        		properties. If would like your WS-Resource to allow resource properties with arbitrary names
+        		(not generally recommended), uncomment the xsd <code>any</code> element.
+     			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/getting_started.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/getting_started.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/getting_started.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" 
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Getting Started with Apache WSRF</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>The topics in this section detail how to install Apache WSRF and use the quick demonstration to verify the installation as well 
+			as exercise some of the features that are included in the release. It is suggested that you complete these sections before 
+			starting any development work. Once you get a good feel for the example in the demonstration, you can recreate it by 
+			completing the <a href="site:tut">tutorial</a>.</p>
+			<p>The tutorial takes a step-by-step approach to learning Apache WSRF. It highlights the most common procedures that are used 
+			to create WSRF-compliant Web services for resources. The tutorial also includes steps for deploying Apache WSRF Web 
+			services.</p>
+			<p>Lastly, refer to the <a href="site:dev">Developer Guide</a> for basic and advanced tasks as well as general information 
+			about Apache WSRF. In addition, much of the information that is covered in the demonstration and the tutorial is discussed in more 
+			detail in the Developer Guide.</p>
+		</section>
+		<section id="install">
+			<title>Installation</title>
+			<p> Apache WSRF is packaged as a Web application. In particular, it is an Apache Axis-based Web application with
+                    additional functionality that is required to implement the WSRF family of specifications.</p>
+			<p>To run and install Apache WSRF, you must first:</p>
+			<ul>
+				<li>install Apache Tomcat or a similar Web container. The documentation assumes Tomcat and refers to the Tomcat 
+       			 home directory (e.g., <code>c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30</code>)	as <code>TOMCAT_HOME</code>. In addition, it is assumed 
+       			 that Tomcat is configured to listen at the default HTTP port (8080).</li>
+				<li>install Apache Ant 1.6.X and  include its <code>bin</code> directory in the <code>PATH</code> environment variable. Set an 
+				ANT_HOME environment variable to the Ant installation directory.
+				</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>To install Apache WSRF:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Download the Apache WSRF <a href="site:releases">binary distribution</a>.</li>
+				<li>Unzip the Apache WSRF distribution to a location on your computer. This location is referred to as 
+				<code>INSTALL_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>From <code>INSTALL_DIR</code>, copy the <code>webapps/wsrf</code> directory to 
+				<code>TOMCAT_HOME/webapps</code>.</li>
+				<li>Start Tomcat. If Tomcat is already started, you must restart it.</li>
+				<li>Using a browser, go to  <a href="http://localhost:8080/wsrf">http://localhost:8080/wsrf</a>. The Apache WSRF welcome 
+				page displays.</li>
+				<li>Click <a href="http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services">View</a>. The list of 
+          			deployed Web services displays. Two services are deployed: <code>AdminService</code>, and
+          			<code>Version</code>. The <code>AdminService</code> and <code>Version</code> services are default Apache-Axis 
+          			services.</li>
+				<li>Click on the respective WSDL links to view and ensure that the WSDL for the services are published.</li>
+			</ol>
+		</section>
+		<section id="qd">
+			<title>Quick Demonstration</title>
+			<p>The Quick Demonstration shows some of the features and implementation details of Apache WSRF. The demo uses an 
+			example that is included in the distribution (<code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem</code>). The example represents a UNIX file 
+			system resource whose management capabilities are exposed as a WSRF-compliant Web service.</p>
+			<note>The <a href="site:tut">tutorial</a> provides a step-by-step approach for exposing the management capabilities of the file 
+			system resource. In essence, the tutorial builds and deploys the example that is used in this demo.</note>
+			<p>Complete the following steps:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Using a text editor, open <code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/</code>.</li>
+				<li>Change the <code>wsrf.webapp.dir</code> property and set it to the location where the Apache WSRF Web application is installed. 
+				If you are using Tomcat and have <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> set, you do not need to modify this property.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment and modify the proxy settings if you require a proxy to connect to external Web sites.</li>
+				<li>Save and close</li>
+				<li>Open a command prompt and change directories to <code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem</code>.</li>
+				<li>Run the following command:
+				<p>
+						<code>ant compile deploy</code>
+					</p>
+				</li>
+				<li>Start Tomcat, or restart it if it is already started.</li>
+				<li>Using a browser, go to  <a href="http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services">
+				http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services</a> and verify that the filesystem service is deployed.
+				</li>
+				<li>In this step, an Ant-based SOAP client that is included in the distribution is used to send a SOAP request to the filesystem Web service. 
+				The request uses the <code>GetMultipleResourceProperties</code> operation to return a list of resource properties for the filesystem 
+				resource. From a command prompt change directories to <code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem</code> directory and run the 
+				following command:
+					<source><![CDATA[
+ant -f soapclient.xml -Durl=http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/filesystem -Dxml=requests/GetMultipleResourceProperties.soap]]></source>
+					<br/>You may also try other request messages in the <code>requests</code> sub-directory.</li>
+			</ol>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/index.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/index.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/index.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" 
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Apache WebServices - Apache WSRF</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Overview</title>
+			<p>Apache WSRF is a robust Java implementation of the <a href="wsrf.html">Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF)</a> family of specifications.
+      			 </p>
+			<p>WSRF defines a generic and open framework for modeling and accessing stateful resources using Web services. This includes mechanisms to describe views on the 
+			state, to support management of the state through properties associated with the Web service, and to describe how these mechanisms are extensible to groups of Web 
+			services.
+       		</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Features</title>
+			<p>Apache WSRF includes the following features:</p>
+			<ul>
+				<li>A handler and service framework that supports: the WSRF implied resource pattern for dispatching requests to specific WS-Resources; dispatching to Java service 
+				methods based on either outermost SOAP body element name or value of wsa:Action header element; and schema validation of request XML</li>
+				<li>a WSDL to Java generator that will generate the classes and configuration entries from a WSRF WSDL that are required to deploy it as a service to the above 
+				framework. The WSDL to Java generator also uses Apache XMLBeans to create Java bindings for custom types defined in the WSDL.</li>
+				<li>full implementations of all portTypes defined by the WS-ResourceProperties,  WS-ResourceLifetime, and WS-MetadataExchange specifications</li>
+				<li>and more...</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>Your feedback is welcome and can be sent to the <a href="contact_info.html#wsrf-user">wsrf-user mailing list</a>.
+			</p>		
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>News</title>
+			<ul>
+				<li>(June 3, 2005) Apache WSRF has graduated from incubation and is now an official Apache project! </li>
+				<li>(May 25, 2005) <a href="">WSRF 1.0 Beta</a> is
+				 now available!</li>
+			</ul>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/site.xml_old
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/site.xml_old (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/site.xml_old Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Forrest site.xml
+This file contains an outline of the site's information content.  It is used to:
+- Generate the website menus (though these can be overridden - see docs)
+- Provide semantic, location-independent aliases for internal 'site:' URIs, eg
+<link href="site:changes"> links to changes.html (or ../changes.html if in
+  subdir).
+- Provide aliases for external URLs in the external-refs section.  Eg, <link
+  href="ext:cocoon"> links to
+See for more info.
+<site label="WSRF" href="" xmlns="" tab="home">
+	<project label="Project Info" tab="home">
+		<overview label="Overview" href="index.html"/>
+		<vcs label="Version Control" href="version_control.html"/>
+		<issues label="Issue Tracking" href="issue_tracking.html"/>
+		<contact label="Contact Info" href="contact_info.html"/>
+		<relnotes label="Release Notes" href="release_notes.html"/>
+		<wsrf label="WSRF Specs" href="wsrf.html"/>
+	</project>
+	<download label="Downloads" tab="home">
+		<releases label="Releases" href="release.html"/>
+	</download>
+	<!-- **************** Documentation **************** -->
+	<install label="Getting Started" tab="doc">
+		<overview label="Introduction" href="getting_started.html"/>
+		<installation href="getting_started.html#install"/>
+		<get label="Installation" href="getting_started.html#install"/>
+		<quick label="Quick Demo" href="getting_started.html#qd"/>
+	</install>
+	<tutorial label="Tutorial" href="tutorial/" tab="doc">
+		<tut label="Overview" href="index.html"/>
+		<setup label="Create Workspace" href="setup.html"/>
+		<wsdl label="Create WSDL" href="wsdl.html"/>
+		<wsdl2java label="Run wsdl2Java Tool" href="wsdl2java.html"/>
+		<modhome label="Modify Home Class" href="mod_home.html"/>
+		<modresource label="Modify Resource Class" href="mod_resource.html"/>
+		<webapp label="Deploy Service" href="webapp.html"/>
+		<test label="Test" href="test.html"/>
+	</tutorial>
+	<developer label="Developer Guide" href="dev_guide/" tab="doc">
+		<dev label="Overview" href="index.html"/>
+		<compose label="Composing a WSRF WSDL" href="wsrf_wsdl.html"/>
+		<tool label="Using Wsdl2Java" href="wsdl_tool.html"/>
+		<service label="Service Class" href="service.html"/>
+		<resource label="Resource Class" href="resource.html"/>
+		<home label="Home Class" href="home.html"/>
+		<callback label="Callback Objects" href="callback.html"/>
+		<metadata label="Metadata Operations" href="metadata.html"/>
+		<single label="Singleton Service" href="singleton.html"/>
+		<deploy label="Deploying" href="deploy.html"/>
+		<client label="Using the SOAP Client" href="client.html"/>
+		<validate label="Schema Validation" href="validate.html"/>
+		<log label="Logging" href="debug.html"/>
+	</developer>
+	<projects label="Related Projects" tab="home">
+		<pubscribe label="Pubscribe" href="ext:pubscribe"/>
+		<muse label="Muse" href="ext:muse"/>
+		<axis label="Axis" href="ext:axis"/>
+		<addressing label="Addressing" href="ext:addressing"/>
+		<xmlbeans label="XMLBeans" href=""/>
+	</projects>
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+		< href=""/>
+		< href=""/>
+		< href="">
+			<pubscribe href="pubscribe/"/>
+			<muse href="muse/"/>
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+			<addressing href="addressing/"/>
+			<asl href="LICENSE.txt"/>
+			<mirrors href="mirrors.cgi"/>
+		</>
+		< href="">
+			<viewcvs href="viewcvs/">
+				<wsfx-cvs href="ws-fx/">
+					<wsrf-cvs href="wsrf/"/>
+				</wsfx-cvs>
+			</viewcvs>
+		</>
+		< href="">
+			<foundation href="foundation/"/>
+		</>
+		< href="">
+			<eyebrowse href="eyebrowse/"/>
+			<bugzilla href="bugzilla/"/>
+			<apachewiki href="wiki/apachewiki.cgi?HomePage"/>
+		</>
+		< href="">
+			<archive-ws href="dist/ws/"/>
+		</>
+		< href=""/>
+	</external-refs>

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--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tabs.xml_old (added)
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+    @dir will always have /index.html added.
+    @href is not modified unless it is root-relative and obviously specifies a
+    directory (ends in '/'), in which case /index.html will be added
+  -->
+	<tab id="home" label="Project Info" dir=""/>
+	<tab id="doc" label="Documentation" dir="" indexfile="getting_started.html"/>
+	<tab label="API Docs" dir="apidocs/"/>

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/index.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/index.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/index.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" 
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Apache WSRF Tutorial</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Creating and Deploying a WSRF Web Service</title>
+			<p>This tutorial provides a step-by-step approach to using Apache WSRF to create and deploy a WSRF-compliant Web 
+			service	that represents a UNIX file system. If you want to see a completed version of the example in this tutorial, see the 
+        		<a href="site:quick">Quick Demonstration</a>.</p>
+			<note>To complete the tutorial, you must first<a href="site:installation">install</a> the distribution.</note>
+			<p>The process consists of the following steps:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>
+					<a href="setup.html">Create a Working Directory</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="wsdl.html">Create a WSRF WSDL</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="wsdl2java.html">Run the Wsdl2Java Tool</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="mod_home.html">Modify the Home Class</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="mod_resource.html">Modify the Resource Class</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="webapp.html">Compile and Deploy the Service</a>
+				</li>
+				<li>
+					<a href="test.html">Test the Service</a>
+				</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:setup">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_home.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_home.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_home.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Modify the Home Class</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, the generated Home class (<code>FilesystemHome</code>) is modified to include an <code>init</code> method. 
+			The Home is used to lookup a resource instance. It can act as a factory for creating instances upon request, or build all instances. It is meant 
+			to be the entry point for locating a resource instance.
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Modify the FilesytemHome Class</title>
+			<p>Open <code>WORK_DIR/generated/filesystem/src/java/org/apache/ws/resource/example/filesystem/</code> and
+			replace the <code>public void init()</code> method with the following method. You will also need to copy the instance variables below.</p>
+			<source><![CDATA[
+    private static final String LVOL1_ID = "/dev/vg00/lvol1";
+    private static final String LVOL2_ID = "/dev/vg00/lvol2";
+    /**
+     * Create and add two resource instances.
+     *
+     * @throws Exception on error
+     */
+    public void init() throws Exception
+    {
+        super.init();
+        add( createInstance( LVOL1_ID ) );
+        add( createInstance( LVOL2_ID ) );
+    }]]></source>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:wsdl2java">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:modresource">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_resource.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_resource.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/mod_resource.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Modify the Resource Class</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, the generated Resource class (<code>FilesystemResource</code>) is modified to implement the <code>init</code> 
+			method as well as several methods for the filesystem's custom operations. The Resource class is the stateful instance-representation of your Web service. The resource 
+			maintains the resource <code>id</code> and the <code>ResourcePropertySet</code>. The resource <code>id</code> is the unique identifier for an instance of your Web 
+			service. It allows you to have multiple resource instances, each with their own states, fronted by the same Web service. The stateful properties are 
+			represented by the <code>ResourcePropertySet</code>. The <code>ResourcePropertySet</code> is the Java representation of the Resource 
+			Properties document defined in the types section of your WSDL file.
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Modify the Resource Class</title>
+			<p>Open <code>WORK_DIR/generated/filesystem/src/java/org/apache/ws/resource/example/filesystem/</code> and
+			replace the <code>public void init()</code> method with the following method. You will also need to copy the custom operation methods below.</p>
+			<source><![CDATA[    			
+    /*
+     * An mock object representing the filesystem being exposed as a WS-Resource.
+     */
+    private example.filesystem.backend.FileSystem m_filesystem;
+    public void init()
+    {
+        super.init();
+        m_filesystem = new example.filesystem.backend.UnixFileSystem( (String)getID() );  // create a mock filesystem object
+        /*
+         * The resource property set which contains all of resource properties that were defined in the WSDL.
+         */
+ resourcePropertySet = getResourcePropertySet();
+ resourceProperty = null;
+        try
+        {
+            /*
+             * Initialize each of our properties by calling resourceProperty.add(propElem) and/or resourceProperty.setCallback(callback)...
+             */
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.DEVICESPECIALFILE );
+            DeviceSpecialFileDocument deviceDocXBean = DeviceSpecialFileDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            deviceDocXBean.setDeviceSpecialFile( m_filesystem.getDeviceSpecialFile() );
+            resourceProperty.add( deviceDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.TYPE );
+            TypeDocument typeDocXBean = TypeDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            typeDocXBean.setType( m_filesystem.getType() );
+            resourceProperty.add( typeDocXBean );
+            BackupFrequencyDocument backupDocXBean = BackupFrequencyDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            backupDocXBean.setBackupFrequency( m_filesystem.getBackupFrequency() );
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.BACKUPFREQUENCY );
+            resourceProperty.add( backupDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty.setCallback( new example.filesystem.callback.BackupFrequencyCallback( m_filesystem ) );
+            CommentDocument commentDocXBean = CommentDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            commentDocXBean.setComment( m_filesystem.getComment() );
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.COMMENT );
+            resourceProperty.add( commentDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty.setCallback( new example.filesystem.callback.CommentCallback( m_filesystem ) );
+            FsckPassNumberDocument fsckDocXBean = FsckPassNumberDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            fsckDocXBean.setFsckPassNumber( m_filesystem.getFsckPassNumber() );
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.FSCKPASSNUMBER );
+            resourceProperty.add( fsckDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty.setCallback( new example.filesystem.callback.FsckPassNumberCallback( m_filesystem ) );
+            MountPointDirectoryDocument mountPointDocXBean = MountPointDirectoryDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+            mountPointDocXBean.setMountPointDirectory( m_filesystem.getMountPoint() );
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.MOUNTPOINTDIRECTORY );
+            resourceProperty.add( mountPointDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty.setCallback( new example.filesystem.callback.MountPointCallback( m_filesystem ) );
+            OptionsDocument optionsDocXBean =
+                    OptionsDocument.Factory.newInstance();
+   options =
+                    optionsDocXBean.addNewOptions();
+            java.util.List backendOptions =
+                    m_filesystem.getOptions();
+            for ( int i = 0; i < backendOptions.size(); i++ )
+            {
+                options.addOption( (String) backendOptions.get( i ) );
+            }
+            resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( FilesystemPropertyQNames.OPTIONS );
+            resourceProperty.add( optionsDocXBean );
+            resourceProperty.setCallback( new example.filesystem.callback.OptionsCallback( m_filesystem ) );
+        }
+        catch ( Exception e )
+        {
+            throw new javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException( "There was a problem in initializing your resource properties.  Please check your init() method. Cause: " +
+                    e.getLocalizedMessage() );
+        }
+        // Resource Property {}TerminationTime is implemented by the framework.
+        // Resource Property {}CurrentTime is implemented by the framework.
+    }
+    public void mount() throws Exception
+    {
+        m_filesystem.mount();
+    }
+    public void unmount() throws Exception
+    {
+        m_filesystem.unmount();
+    }
+    public boolean isMounted()
+    {
+        return m_filesystem.isMounted();
+    }
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:modhome">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:webapp">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/setup.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/setup.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/setup.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Create a Working Directory</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, a development working directory is created and populated with several template files. 
+			The template files help facilitate the development process. There is a WSRF-based WSDL template, an ANT build script, and a SOAP client. The templates 
+			are discussed in further detail throughout the tutorial. It is a good idea to start a WSRF development project by creating a working directory and using the 
+			templates. 
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Create and Populate a Working Directory</title>
+			<p>To create a working directory for the filesystem example:
+			</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Create a directory on your computer (e.g.,<code> /filesystem</code>). This directory will be referred to as <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Copy all the files in <code>INSTALL_DIR/template</code> to <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Using a text editor, open <code>WORK_DIR/</code>.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment the <code>wsrf.webapp.dir</code> property and set it to the location where the WSRF Web application is installed. If you are using 
+				Tomcat and have the <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> environment variable set, you do not need to modify this property.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment and modify the proxy settings if you require a proxy to connect to external Web sites.</li>
+				<li>Save and close</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:tut">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:wsdl">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/test.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/test.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/test.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Test the Service</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section id="intro">
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this final step of the tutorial, a SOAP client is used to send requests to the filesystem service deployed in Tomcat. The requests are located in 
+			<code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/requests</code>. The client is used from an Ant script to send the requests. The scripts can be 
+			leveraged in order to test your own services as well. Detailed instructions for using the SOAP client is provided in the 
+			<a href="site:client">Developer Guide</a>.
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section id="testing">
+			<title>Sending SOAP Requests</title>
+			<p>To send a request to the filesystem service:
+      			</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>From a command prompt, change directories to <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Run:
+      				<source><![CDATA[
+ ant -f soapclient.xml -Durl=http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/filesystem -Dxml=INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/requests/QueryResourceProperties_allProps.soap]]></source>
+      				Replace <code>INSTALL_DIR</code> in the <code>xml</code> property.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>You may also try other request messages in the 
+      				<code>requests</code> directory.</p>
+      			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:webapp">Back</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/webapp.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/webapp.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/webapp.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Compile and Deploy the Service</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section id="intro">
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, the filesystem example code and the generated classes are compiled and deployed
+         		to the WSRF Web application. An Ant script is provided for compiling and deploying. Detailed instructions for 
+			using the Ant script are provided in the <a href="site:deploy">Developer Guide</a>.
+			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Run the Compile/Deploy Ant Script</title>
+			<p>To compile and deploy the service:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Copy <code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/src/java/example</code> to 
+				<code>WORK_DIR/generated/filesystem/src/java</code>.</li>
+				<li>From a command prompt, change directories to <code>WORK_DIR/generated/filesystem</code>.</li>
+				<li>Using a text editor, open <code></code>.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment the <code>wsrf.webapp.dir</code> property and set it to the location where the WSRF Web application is installed. If you are using 
+				Tomcat and have <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> set, you do not need to modify this property.</li>
+				<li>Uncomment and modify the proxy settings if you require a proxy to connect to external Web sites.</li>
+				<li>Save and close</li>
+				<li>Run <code>ant compile deploy</code>. The service is compiled and deployed to the WSRF Web application.</li>
+				<li>Start Tomcat if it is not already started.</li>
+				<li>Using a browser, go to  <a href="http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services">
+				http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services</a> and verify that the filesystem service is deployed.
+				</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:modresource">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:test">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Create a WSRF WSDL</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, a WSRF-compliant WSDL is created for the filesystem resource. In the interest of time, the
+			<code>FileSystem.wsdl</code> has already been created for use in this tutorial. 
+			</p>
+			<p>	The WSDL was created using the WSRF WSDL template (<code>WORK_DIR/_TEMPLATE_.wsdl</code>). Use the template to 
+			expedite the WSDL creation process for a resource. It contains detailed instructions and the default operations that 
+			are required by a WSRF-compliant WSDL. In addition, the template contains sections for adding custom operations. It is 
+			good practice to use the	template if you are not familiar with the WSRF family of specifications. Detailed instructions for 
+			composing a WSRF-compliant WSDL using the template are provided in the <a href="site:compose">Developer Guide</a>.
+             		</p>
+			<p>The FileSystem WSDL is an example of a WSRF WSDL that contains a single portType 
+			(<code>FileSystemPortType</code>), which exposes all of the optional portTypes defined by the WSRF-RP and WSRF-RL 
+			specifications. It also defines two custom operations, <code>Mount</code> and <code>Unmount</code>, and a group of
+			custom 	resource properties.
+     			</p>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Copy the FileSystem  WSDL</title>
+			<p>Copy <code>INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/src/wsdl/FileSystem.wsdl</code> to <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</p>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:setup">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:wsdl2java">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl2java.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl2java.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/tutorial/wsdl2java.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+	<header>
+		<title>Run the Wsdl2Java Tool</title>
+	</header>
+	<body>
+		<section>
+			<title>Introduction</title>
+			<p>In this step of the tutorial, the Apache WSRF Wsdl2Java tool is used to generate a set of artifacts for the filesystem example. The tool takes a WSDL 
+			as its input and outputs the following artifacts:
+      			</p>
+			<ul>
+				<li>
+					<a href="">XMLBeans</a> for all XML Schema types and elements defined in the types section of the WSDL</li>
+				<li>an abstract base Resource class</li>
+				<li>an abstract base Service class</li>
+				<li>an abstract base Home class</li>
+				<li>a Resource class</li>
+				<li>a Service class</li>
+				<li>a Home class</li>
+				<li>a CustomOperationsPortType interface</li>
+				<li>a PropertyQNames interface</li>
+				<li>an Axis deploy.wsdd file</li>
+				<li>a jndi-config.xml file</li>
+			</ul>
+			<note>The abstract classes and interfaces should NEVER be modified.</note>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Generating the Artifacts</title>
+			<p>The Ant script (<code>WORK_DIR/build.xml</code>) contains a target for the Wsdl2Java tool. To generate the artifacts for the
+			 filesystem example:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>From a command prompt, change directories to <code>WORK_DIR</code>.</li>
+				<li>Enter the following command: <code>ant generate</code>
+				</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>The artifacts are generated and placed in <code>WORK_DIR/generated</code>. For more information about the
+			  WSDL2Java tool and the generated artifacts, see <a href="site:tool">Using the WSDL2Java Tool</a> in the Developer's Guide.</p>
+			<p>
+				<img src="images/back.gif" alt="go to the previous step"/>
+				<a href="site:wsdl">Back</a>
+				<img src="images/next.gif" alt="go to the next step"/>
+				<a href="site:modhome">Next</a>
+			</p>
+		</section>
+	</body>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/group-logo.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/group-logo.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/group.svg
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/group.svg (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/group.svg Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+       SVG Anteater logo
+To get started with SVG, I'd recommend getting the Adobe SVG plugin, and the
+xml-batik CVS module. Then have a look at the xml-batik/samples files. Use the
+SVG spec ( as a reference.
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
+<svg xmlns=""
+     xmlns:xlink=""
+     xmlns:for="" width="220" height="65" >
+  <title>Anteater logo</title>
+  <defs>
+    <!--
+    <radialGradient id="radialGradient">
+      <stop style="stop-color:gold" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:orange" offset=".5"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:crimson" offset="1"/>
+    </radialGradient>
+    <linearGradient id="linearGradient">
+      <stop style="stop-color:gold" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:orange" offset=".5"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:crimson" offset="1"/>
+    </linearGradient>
+    -->
+    <linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1">
+      <stop style="stop-color:white" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:lightgreen" offset="1"/>
+    </linearGradient>
+    <filter id="shadowFilter"  filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
+      <!-- Takes the alpha channel (black outline of the text), blurs it and saves as 'blur' -->
+      <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="2 2" result="blur"/>
+      <!-- Takes saved 'blur' and offsets it by 4 pixels, saves as 'offsetBlur' -->
+      <feOffset in="blur" dx="4" dy="4" result="offsetBlur"/>
+      <!-- Merges SourceGraphic (original image) and 'offsetBlur', putting the
+      former 'over' the latter, and using the merged result as the finished
+      image -->
+      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="offsetBlur" operator="over"/>
+    </filter>
+  </defs>
+  <g filter="url(#shadowFilter)" fill="url(#gradient)">
+    <text x="40%" y="60%" style="font-size:24pt; font-family:Verdana ; text-anchor: middle">
+    <for:group-name />
+    </text>
+  </g>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/icon.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/icon.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/images.jpeg
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/images.jpeg
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project-logo.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project-logo.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project-logo.jpg
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project-logo.jpg
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project.svg
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project.svg (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/resources/images/project.svg Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+       SVG Anteater logo
+To get started with SVG, I'd recommend getting the Adobe SVG plugin, and the
+xml-batik CVS module. Then have a look at the xml-batik/samples files. Use the
+SVG spec ( as a reference.
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
+<svg xmlns=""
+     xmlns:xlink=""
+     xmlns:for="" width="220" height="65" >
+  <title>Anteater logo</title>
+  <defs>
+    <!--
+    <radialGradient id="radialGradient">
+      <stop style="stop-color:gold" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:orange" offset=".5"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:crimson" offset="1"/>
+    </radialGradient>
+    <linearGradient id="linearGradient">
+      <stop style="stop-color:gold" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:orange" offset=".5"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:crimson" offset="1"/>
+    </linearGradient>
+    -->
+    <linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1">
+      <stop style="stop-color:white" offset="0"/>
+      <stop style="stop-color:lightgreen" offset="1"/>
+    </linearGradient>
+    <filter id="shadowFilter"  filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
+      <!-- Takes the alpha channel (black outline of the text), blurs it and saves as 'blur' -->
+      <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="2 2" result="blur"/>
+      <!-- Takes saved 'blur' and offsets it by 4 pixels, saves as 'offsetBlur' -->
+      <feOffset in="blur" dx="4" dy="4" result="offsetBlur"/>
+      <!-- Merges SourceGraphic (original image) and 'offsetBlur', putting the
+      former 'over' the latter, and using the merged result as the finished
+      image -->
+      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="offsetBlur" operator="over"/>
+    </filter>
+  </defs>
+  <g filter="url(#shadowFilter)" fill="url(#gradient)">
+    <text x="51%" y="75%" style="font-size:32pt; font-family:Verdana ; text-anchor: middle" >
+    <for:project-name />
+    </text>
+  </g>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/skinconf.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/skinconf.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/skinconf.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Skin configuration file. This file contains details of your project,
+which will be used to configure the chosen Forrest skin.
+<!DOCTYPE skinconfig PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Skin Configuration V0.6-3//EN" "">
+  <!-- To enable lucene search add provider="lucene" (default is google).
+    Add box-location="alt" to move the search box to an alternate location
+    (if the skin supports it) and box-location="all" to show it in all
+    available locations on the page.  Remove the <search> element to show
+    no search box. @domain will enable sitesearch for the specific domain with google.
+    In other words google will search the @domain for the query string.
+  -->
+  <!--
+  <search name="Apache Web Services Project" domain="" provider="google"/>
+  -->
+  <!-- Disable the print link? If enabled, invalid HTML 4.0.1 -->
+  <disable-print-link>true</disable-print-link>  
+  <!-- Disable the PDF link? -->
+  <disable-pdf-link>true</disable-pdf-link>
+  <!-- Disable the POD link? -->
+  <disable-pod-link>true</disable-pod-link>
+  <!-- Disable the Text link? FIXME: NOT YET IMPLEMENETED. -->
+  <disable-txt-link>true</disable-txt-link>
+  <!-- Disable the xml source link? -->
+  <!-- The xml source link makes it possible to access the xml rendition
+    of the source frim the html page, and to have it generated statically.
+    This can be used to enable other sites and services to reuse the
+    xml format for their uses. Keep this disabled if you don't want other
+    sites to easily reuse your pages.-->
+  <disable-xml-link>true</disable-xml-link>
+  <!-- Disable navigation icons on all external links? -->
+  <disable-external-link-image>false</disable-external-link-image>
+  <!-- Disable w3c compliance links? 
+    Use e.g. align="center" to move the compliance links logos to 
+    an alternate location default is left.
+    (if the skin supports it) -->
+  <disable-compliance-links>false</disable-compliance-links>
+  <!-- Render mailto: links unrecognisable by spam harvesters? -->
+  <obfuscate-mail-links>true</obfuscate-mail-links>
+  <obfuscate-mail-value>.at.</obfuscate-mail-value>
+  <!-- Disable the javascript facility to change the font size -->
+  <disable-font-script>true</disable-font-script>
+  <!-- mandatory project logo
+       skin: forrest-site renders it at the top -->
+  <project-name>Muse</project-name>
+  <project-url></project-url>
+  <project-logo>images/muse-logo.gif</project-logo>
+  <!-- optional group logo
+       skin: forrest-site renders it at the top-left corner -->
+  <group-name>Web Services</group-name>
+  <group-url></group-url>
+  <group-logo>images/ws-logo.gif</group-logo>
+  <!-- optional host logo (e.g. sourceforge logo)
+       default skin: renders it at the bottom-left corner -->
+  <host-url></host-url>
+  <host-logo></host-logo>
+  <!-- relative url of a favicon file, normally favicon.ico -->
+  <favicon-url>images/apache.ico</favicon-url>
+  <!-- The following are used to construct a copyright statement -->
+  <year>2004</year>
+  <vendor>The Apache Software Foundation.</vendor>
+  <!-- The optional copyright-link URL will be used as a link in the
+    copyright statement -->
+  <copyright-link></copyright-link>
+  <!-- Some skins use this to form a 'breadcrumb trail' of links.
+    Use location="alt" to move the trail to an alternate location
+    (if the skin supports it).
+	  Omit the location attribute to display the trail in the default location.
+	  Use location="none" to not display the trail (if the skin supports it).
+    For some skins just set the attributes to blank.
+  -->
+  <trail>
+    <link1 name="apache" href="" />
+    <link2 name="ws.apache" href="" />    
+    <link3 name="" href="" />
+  </trail>
+  <!-- Configure the TOC, i.e. the Table of Contents.
+  @max-depth
+   how many "section" levels need to be included in the
+   generated Table of Contents (TOC). 
+  @min-sections
+   Minimum required to create a TOC.
+  @location ("page","menu","page,menu", "none")
+   Where to show the TOC.
+  -->
+  <toc max-depth="2" min-sections="2" location="page" />
+  <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
+  <headings type="boxed" />
+  <!-- The optional feedback element will be used to construct a
+    feedback link in the footer with the page pathname appended:
+    <a href="@href">{@to}</a>
+    -->
+  <!--
+  <feedback to=""
+    href=";" >
+    Send feedback about the website to:
+  </feedback>
+  -->
+  <!--
+    extra-css - here you can define custom css-elements that are 
+    a. overriding the fallback elements or 
+    b. adding the css definition from new elements that you may have 
+       used in your documentation.
+    -->
+  <extra-css>
+    <!--Example of b. 
+        To define the css definition of a new element that you may have used
+        in the class attribute of a <p> node. 
+        e.g. <p class="quote"/>
+    -->
+    p.quote {
+      margin-left: 2em;
+      padding: .5em;
+      background-color: #f0f0f0;
+      font-family: monospace;
+    }
+  </extra-css>
+  <colors>
+  <!-- These values are used for the generated CSS files. -->
+  <!-- Krysalis -->
+    <color name="header"    value="#FFFFFF"/>
+    <color name="tab-selected" value="#a5b6c6" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="tab-unselected" value="#F7F7F7"  link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="subtab-selected" value="#a5b6c6"  link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#a5b6c6"  link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="heading" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+    <color name="subheading" value="#CFDCED"/>
+    <color name="navstrip" value="#CFDCED" font="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="toolbox" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+    <color name="border" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+    <color name="menu" value="#F7F7F7" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>    
+    <color name="dialog" value="#F7F7F7"/>
+    <color name="body"    value="#ffffff" link="#0F3660" vlink="#009999" hlink="#000066"/>
+    <color name="table" value="#a5b6c6"/>    
+    <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>    
+    <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+    <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+    <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+    <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+    <color name="code" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+    <color name="footer" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+  <!-- Forrest -->
+    <color name="header"    value="#294563"/>
+    <color name="tab-selected" value="#4a6d8c" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+    <color name="tab-unselected" value="#b5c7e7" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
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+    <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#4a6d8c" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+    <color name="heading" value="#294563"/>
+    <color name="subheading" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+    <color name="navstrip" value="#cedfef" font="#0F3660" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+    <color name="toolbox" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+    <color name="border" value="#294563"/>
+    <color name="menu" value="#4a6d8c" font="#cedfef" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffcf00"/>    
+    <color name="dialog" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+    <color name="body" value="#ffffff"  link="#0F3660" vlink="#009999" hlink="#000066"/>
+    <color name="table" value="#7099C5"/>    
+    <color name="table-cell" value="#f0f0ff"/>    
+    <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+    <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+    <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+    <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+    <color name="code" value="#CFDCED"/>
+    <color name="footer" value="#cedfef"/>
+  <!-- Collabnet --> 
+    <color name="header"    value="#003366"/>
+    <color name="tab-selected" value="#dddddd" link="#555555" vlink="#555555" hlink="#555555"/>
+    <color name="tab-unselected" value="#999999" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff"/>
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+    <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#cccccc" link="#555555" vlink="#555555" hlink="#555555"/>
+    <color name="heading" value="#003366"/>
+    <color name="subheading" value="#888888"/>
+    <color name="navstrip" value="#dddddd" font="#555555"/>
+    <color name="toolbox" value="#dddddd" font="#555555"/>
+    <color name="border" value="#999999"/>
+    <color name="menu" value="#ffffff"/>    
+    <color name="dialog" value="#eeeeee"/>
+    <color name="body"      value="#ffffff"/>
+    <color name="table" value="#ccc"/>    
+    <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>   
+    <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+    <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+    <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+    <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+    <color name="code" value="#003366"/>
+    <color name="footer" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <!-- Lenya using pelt-->
+    <color name="header" value="#ffffff"/>
+    <color name="tab-selected" value="#4C6C8F" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff"/>
+    <color name="tab-unselected" value="#E5E4D9" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="subtab-selected" value="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#E5E4D9" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+    <color name="heading" value="#E5E4D9"/>
+    <color name="subheading" value="#000000"/>
+    <color name="published" value="#4C6C8F" font="#FFFFFF"/>
+    <color name="feedback" value="#4C6C8F" font="#FFFFFF" align="center"/>
+    <color name="navstrip" value="#E5E4D9" font="#000000"/>
+    <color name="toolbox" value="#CFDCED" font="#000000"/>
+    <color name="border" value="#999999"/>
+    <color name="menu" value="#4C6C8F" font="#ffffff" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff" current="#FFCC33" />    
+    <color name="menuheading" value="#cfdced" font="#000000" />
+    <color name="searchbox" value="#E5E4D9" font="#000000"/>
+    <color name="dialog" value="#CFDCED"/>
+    <color name="body" value="#ffffff" />            
+    <color name="table" value="#ccc"/>    
+    <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>   
+    <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+    <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+    <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+    <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+    <color name="code" value="#003366"/>
+    <color name="footer" value="#E5E4D9"/>
+  </colors>
+  <!-- Settings specific to PDF output. -->
+  <pdf>
+    <!-- 
+       Supported page sizes are a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, executive,
+       folio, legal, ledger, letter, quarto, tabloid (default letter).
+       Supported page orientations are portrait, landscape (default
+       portrait).
+       Supported text alignments are left, right, justify (default left).
+    -->
+    <page size="letter" orientation="portrait" text-align="left"/>
+    <!--
+       Margins can be specified for top, bottom, inner, and outer
+       edges. If double-sided="false", the inner edge is always left
+       and the outer is always right. If double-sided="true", the
+       inner edge will be left on odd pages, right on even pages,
+       the outer edge vice versa.
+       Specified below are the default settings.
+    -->
+    <margins double-sided="false">
+      <top>1in</top>
+      <bottom>1in</bottom>
+      <inner>1.25in</inner>
+      <outer>1in</outer>
+    </margins>
+    <!--
+      Print the URL text next to all links going outside the file
+    -->
+    <show-external-urls>false</show-external-urls>
+    <!--
+      Disable the copyright footer on each page of the PDF.
+      A footer is composed for each page. By default, a "credit" with role=pdf
+      will be used, as explained below. Otherwise a copyright statement
+      will be generated. This latter can be disabled.
+    -->
+    <disable-copyright-footer>false</disable-copyright-footer>
+  </pdf>
+  <!-- Credits are typically rendered as a set of small clickable
+    images in the page footer.
+    Use box-location="alt" to move the credit to an alternate location
+    (if the skin supports it). 
+  -->
+  <credits>
+    <credit box-location="alt">
+      <name>Built with Apache Forrest</name>
+      <url></url>
+      <image>images/built-with-forrest-button.png</image>
+      <width>88</width>
+      <height>31</height>
+    </credit>
+    <!-- A credit with @role="pdf" will be used to compose a footer
+     for each page in the PDF, using either "name" or "url" or both.
+    -->
+    <!--
+    <credit role="pdf">
+      <name>Built with Apache Forrest</name>
+      <url></url>
+    </credit>
+    -->
+  </credits>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/langcode.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/langcode.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/langcode.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+  This catalog is used so displays how the language name 
+  is named by their speakers.
+<catalogue >
+  <message key="en">English</message>
+  <message key="es">Espanol</message>
+  <message key="it">Italiano</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_en.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_en.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_en.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="en">
+  <message key="en">English</message>
+  <message key="es">Spanish</message>
+  <message key="nl">Dutch</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_es.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_es.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/languages_es.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="es">
+  <message key="en">Ingles</message>
+  <message key="es">Espanol</message>
+  <message key="nl">Holandes</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="en">
+  <message key="About">About</message>
+  <message key="Index">Index</message>
+  <message key="Changes">Changes</message>
+  <message key="Todo">Todo</message>
+  <message key="Samples">Samples</message>
+  <message key="Apache document">Apache document</message>
+  <message key="Static content">Static content</message>
+  <message key="Linking">Linking</message>
+  <message key="Wiki page">Wiki page</message>
+  <message key="ihtml page">Ihtml page</message>
+  <message key="ehtml page">Ehtml page</message>
+  <message key="FAQ">FAQ</message>
+  <message key="Simplifed Docbook">Simplifed Docbook</message>
+  <message key="XSP page">XSP page</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_af.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_af.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_af.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="af">
+    <message key="About">Aangaande</message>
+    <message key="Index">Inhoud</message>
+    <message key="Changes">Veranderinge</message>
+    <message key="Todo">Om te doen</message>
+    <message key="Samples">Voorbeelde</message>
+    <message key="Apache document">Apache dokument</message>
+    <message key="Static content">Statise Inhoud</message>
+    <message key="Linking">Linking</message>
+    <message key="Wiki page">Wiki bladsy</message>
+    <message key="ihtml page">Ihtml bladsy</message>
+    <message key="ehtml page">Ehtml bladsy</message>
+    <message key="FAQ">FAQ</message>
+    <message key="Simplifed Docbook">Vereenvoudigde Docbook</message>
+    <message key="XSP page">XSP bladsy</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_de.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_de.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_de.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="de">
+  <message key="About">Über</message>
+  <message key="Index">Index</message>
+  <message key="Changes">Änderungen </message>
+  <message key="Todo">Todo</message>
+  <message key="Samples">Beispiele</message>
+  <message key="Apache document">Apache Dokumentationsseite</message>
+  <message key="Static content">Statischer Inhalt</message>
+  <message key="Linking">Linking</message>
+  <message key="Wiki page">Wiki Seite</message>
+  <message key="ihtml page">ihtml Seite</message>
+  <message key="ehtml page">ehtml Seite</message>
+  <message key="FAQ">FAQ</message>
+  <message key="Simplifed Docbook">Vereinfachte Docbook</message>
+  <message key="XSP page">XSP Seite</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_es.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_es.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_es.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="es">
+    <message key="About">Acerca de</message>
+    <message key="Index">Indice</message>
+    <message key="Changes">Cambios</message>
+    <message key="Todo">Tareas pendientes</message>
+    <message key="Samples">Ejemplos</message>
+    <message key="Apache document">Documento Apache</message>
+    <message key="Static content">Contenido Estático</message>
+    <message key="Linking">Linking</message>
+    <message key="Wiki page">Página Wiki</message>
+    <message key="ihtml page">Página ihtml</message>
+    <message key="ehtml page">Página ehtml</message>
+    <message key="FAQ">Preguntas Frecuentes</message>
+    <message key="Simplifed Docbook">Página Simplifed Docbook</message>
+    <message key="XSP page">Página XSP</message>

Added: webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_it.xml
--- webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_it.xml (added)
+++ webservices/muse/trunk/src/site/translations/menu_it.xml Tue Jun  6 12:12:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<catalogue xml:lang="it">
+    <message key="About">Riguardo a</message>
+    <message key="Index">Indice</message>
+    <message key="Changes">Cambiamenti</message>
+    <message key="Todo">Cose da fare</message>
+    <message key="Samples">Esempi</message>
+    <message key="Apache document">Apache document</message>
+    <message key="Static content">Contenuto Statico</message>
+    <message key="Linking">Linking</message>
+    <message key="Wiki page">Pagina Wiki</message>
+    <message key="ihtml page">Pagina ihtml</message>
+    <message key="ehtml page">Pagina ehtml</message>
+    <message key="FAQ">Domande frequenti</message>
+    <message key="Simplifed Docbook">Simplifed Docbook</message>
+    <message key="XSP page">Pagina XSP</message>

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