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Posted to by ewitness - Ben Fowler <> on 2002/02/09 02:46:35 UTC

DocBook XML->FO, getting started was Re: Clueless Newbie is lost!

Assuming you really are a 'Newbie', you will profit
from reading the famous 'Choosing good subject lines'
post, archived here
<URL: >,
and won't be offended by my pointing you to it.

Assuming you really are Clueless (which is an insult
on my side of the Atlantic), I guess that you have perused
Phil Greenspun's site on technical book authoring, and
someone other than yourself has determined that the World
needs yet another book on HTML.
<URL: >

>I am writing a textbook on HTML, and want to
>include a chapter on XML.

People who are 'switched on', and ready to write sites
based on their information content should already be
using  XML, in the form of the W3C XHTML. Indeed, you
might be able to find evidence that HTML 4.0 is entering
'End Of Life'. I hope that this chapter was the first
chapter of your forthcoming book.
<URL: >

>  I am trying to get the
>following code (DocBook) to generate a PDF file.
>  After a LONG struggle I managed to
>xsltproc to use my XML and get the HTML to
>render...but the PDF eludes me.  Can y'all see
>anything wrong with the following code?
>When it is generated,
>by someone who knows what he is doing,
>the block quote stuff just
>disappears...the cite stuff renders
>just fine???
>What I am trying to do is simply show my
>student/readers how XML can be used.
>I have spent over 70 hours trying different
>software to no avail.  Ideas welcome!
>What I really need is a reliable tool-chain
>to take XML and generate HTML, PDF,
>and maybe one other format that I could
>capture and show the students.

I can't answer precisely the question on the tool
chain. In the case of SGML, the identical operation is
typically done by jade
<URL: >

(Note: It is a couple of years since I last looked at
jade, and it has moved on a fair bit. It is possible
jade might in fact do what you want, but I doubt it).

I believe that cocoon
<URL: >
will simultanenously produce (amongst other things)
PDF, HTML and RTF - this is probably what you want.
Furthermore, cocoon runs inside the apache web server,
which ties in with the topic of your book

>Can anyone help?????
>Thanks in advance!
><?xml version="1.0"?>
>    ... [ snip ]

I am using the docbook that came with the Duck book,
which is version 315. This is possibly too old for
serious work.

When I attempted to validate your document, I got this
(one) error.

	XML-Validity: Your XML is a well-formed document, but it
	conflicts with the DTD:

	Element 'blockquote' (<blockquote> There were many paths
	that lead up into those mountains, aŠ)   didn't contain the
	element 'beginpage', which it should have done.

	DTD constraint: <!ELEMENT blockquote (title?, attribution?,
	(calloutlist | glosslist | itemizedlist | orderedlist |
	segmentedlist | simplelist | variablelist | caution |
	important | note | tip | warning | literallayout |
	programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco |
	screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis |
	formalpara | para | simpara | address | blockquote | graphic
	| graphicco | informalequation | informalexample |
	informaltable | equation | example | figure | table | msgset
	| procedure | sidebar | qandaset | anchor | bridgehead |
	comment | highlights | abstract | authorblurb | epigraph |
	indexterm | beginpage)+)>

This error might not be present on your system

The Duck book CD has a file called 'docbook.xsl' in the
folder 'DOCBOOK:style:xsl:docbook:fo:docbook.xsl' and
this is the one that I used. It is right next to the
::html:docbook.xsl that you used to get the html.

I processed your document with MacXSLT to get a .fo file.
<URL: >, and then processed
the resulting .fo file with MacFOP, which is a Mac FOP
executable that is not (nor will ever be) ready for
public performance. There were some major things to fix,
of which the most obvious was the fact that the xsl produced
but FOP wanted

and in fact I was not able to get a clean rendition of
your document, but I think that I could do so if it
were important.

MacXSLT is based on xalan exempli gratia
<URL: >, and unless you are
using a Mac, in which case you could also use MAcXSLT, I
suggest you get an XSLT processor for your platform,
based on xalan.

This may not be quite enough to get you started, in which
please post again.

BTW, there was nothing wrong with your question, and you get
extra credit for having enlisted the help of your local expert,
but your below average Subject line probably meant that
those who know about docbook -> FO probably read no further.


P.S. Rather than publish a new book on HTML, why not reprint
some exisiting ones, such as Raggett, Boumphrey or Lie & Bos

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