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Posted to by Alexander Kalinovski <> on 2005/12/29 19:48:08 UTC

UDDI identifiers

  Hello! I have very difficult and bad problem. I am developing
replication module for distributed corporated system. One component of
this module is replication for the UDDI Corporation Registry (based on
JUDDI). But I have some restrictions to do this in correct and prefect
way - I cannot create some UDDI Organization or Specification with
specified identifier (businessKey and tModelKey), because I should
already have such UDDI object or should use null as its identifier.
Otherwise I have for example following:
ru.ifirst.uddi.error.UddiRegistryException: E_invalidKeyPassed (10210)
The uuid_key value passed did not match with any known key values.
save_tModel: tModelKey=uuid:0D574A00-71B3-11DA-8A00-A79C726EF078 at
So I need badly to have the possibility to create the same UDDI
objects on the different distributed nodes with the same identifiers.
Any Ideas or recommendations? Thank you in advance. Alexander.
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