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[3/11] Filter out regex_remap
diff --git a/ b/
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index 53a9659..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
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-/** @file
-    ATS plugin to do (simple) regular expression remap rules
-    @section license License
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-#define UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
-static char UNUSED rcsId__regex_remap_cc[] = "@(#) $Id$ built on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pcre.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ts/ts.h>
-#include <ts/remap.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-static const char* PLUGIN_NAME = "regex_remap";
-// This is copied from lib/ts/*.h, only works with gcc 4.x or later (and compatible).
-// TODO: We really ought to expose these data types and atomic functions to the plugin APIs.
-typedef int int32;
-typedef volatile int32 vint32;
-typedef vint32 *pvint32;
-static inline int atomic_increment(pvint32 mem, int value)
-  return __sync_fetch_and_add(mem, value);
-// Constants
-const int OVECCOUNT = 30; // We support $0 - $9 x2 ints, and this needs to be 1.5x that
-const int MAX_SUBS = 32; // No more than 32 substitution variables in the subst string
-// TODO: This should be "autoconf'ed" or something ...
-#define DEFAULT_PATH "/usr/local/etc/regex_remap/"
-// Substitutions other than regex matches
-enum ExtraSubstitutions {
-  SUB_HOST = 11,
-  SUB_FROM_HOST = 12,
-  SUB_TO_HOST = 13,
-  SUB_PORT = 14,
-  SUB_SCHEME = 15,
-  SUB_PATH = 16,
-  SUB_QUERY = 17,
-  SUB_MATRIX = 18,
-  SUB_CLIENT_IP = 19,
-// Class holding one request URL's component, to simplify the code and
-// length calculations (we need all of them).
-struct UrlComponents
-  UrlComponents()
-    : scheme(NULL), host(NULL), path(NULL), query(NULL), matrix(NULL), port(0),
-      scheme_len(0), host_len(0), path_len(0), query_len(0), matrix_len(0), url_len(0)
-  {}
-  void populate(TSRemapRequestInfo *rri)
-  {
-    scheme = TSUrlSchemeGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &scheme_len);
-    host = TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &host_len);
-    path = TSUrlPathGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &path_len);
-    query = TSUrlHttpQueryGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &query_len);
-    matrix = TSUrlHttpParamsGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &matrix_len);
-    port = TSUrlPortGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl);
-    url_len = scheme_len + host_len + path_len + query_len + matrix_len + 32;
-  }
-  const char* scheme;
-  const char* host;
-  const char* path;
-  const char* query;
-  const char* matrix;
-  int port;
-  int scheme_len;
-  int host_len;
-  int path_len;
-  int query_len;
-  int matrix_len;
-  int url_len; // Full length, of all components
-// Class encapsulating one regular expression (and the linked list).
-class RemapRegex
- public:
-  RemapRegex(const std::string& reg, const std::string& sub, const std::string& opt) :
-    _num_subs(-1), _rex(NULL), _extra(NULL), _order(-1), _simple(false),
-    _active_timeout(-1), _no_activity_timeout(-1), _connect_timeout(-1), _dns_timeout(-1)
-  {
-    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Calling constructor");
-    _status = static_cast<TSHttpStatus>(0);
-    if (!reg.empty()) {
-      if (reg == ".") {
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Rule is simple, and fast!");
-        _simple = true;
-      }
-      _rex_string = TSstrdup(reg.c_str());
-    } else
-      _rex_string = NULL;
-    if (!sub.empty()) {
-      _subst = TSstrdup(sub.c_str());
-      _subst_len = sub.length();
-    } else {
-      _subst = NULL;
-      _subst_len = 0;
-    }
-    _hits = 0;
-    memset(_sub_pos, 0, sizeof(_sub_pos));
-    memset(_sub_ix, 0, sizeof(_sub_ix));
-    _next = NULL;
-    // Parse options
-    std::string::size_type start = opt.find_first_of("@");
-    std::string::size_type pos1, pos2;
-    while (start != std::string::npos) {
-      std::string opt_val;
-      ++start;
-      pos1 = opt.find_first_of("=", start);
-      if (pos1 == std::string::npos) {
-        TSError("Malformed options: %s", opt.c_str());
-        break;
-      }
-      ++pos1;
-      pos2 = opt.find_first_of(" \t\n", pos1);
-      if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
-        pos2 = opt.length();
-      opt_val = opt.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
-      if (, 6, "status") == 0) {
-        _status = static_cast<TSHttpStatus>(atoi(opt_val.c_str()));
-      } else if (, 14, "active_timeout") == 0) {
-        _active_timeout = atoi(opt_val.c_str());
-      } else if (, 19, "no_activity_timeout") == 0) {
-        _no_activity_timeout = atoi(opt_val.c_str());
-      } else if (, 15, "connect_timeout") == 0) {
-        _connect_timeout = atoi(opt_val.c_str());
-      } else if (, 11, "dns_timeout") == 0) {
-        _dns_timeout = atoi(opt_val.c_str());
-      } else {
-        TSError("Unknown options: %s", opt.c_str());
-      }
-      start = opt.find_first_of("@", pos2);
-    }
-  };
-  ~RemapRegex()
-  {
-    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Calling destructor");
-    if (_rex_string)
-      TSfree(_rex_string);
-    if (_subst)
-      TSfree(_subst);
-    if (_rex)
-      pcre_free(_rex);
-    if (_extra)
-      pcre_free(_extra);
-  };
-  // For profiling information
-  inline void
-  print(int ix, int max, const char* now)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "[%s]:\tRegex %d ( %s ): %.2f%%\n", now, ix, _rex_string, 100.0 * _hits / max);
-  }
-  inline void
-  increment()
-  {
-    atomic_increment(&(_hits), 1);
-  }
-  // Compile and study the regular expression.
-  int
-  compile(const char** error, int* erroffset)
-  {
-    char* str;
-    int ccount;
-    _rex = pcre_compile(_rex_string,          // the pattern
-                        0,                    // default options
-                        error,                // for error message
-                        erroffset,            // for error offset
-                        NULL);                // use default character tables
-    if (NULL == _rex)
-      return -1;
-    _extra = pcre_study(_rex, 0, error);
-    if ((_extra == NULL) && (*error != 0))
-      return -1;
-    if (pcre_fullinfo(_rex, _extra, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &ccount) != 0)
-      return -1;
-    // Get some info for the string substitutions
-    str = _subst;
-    _num_subs = 0;
-    while (str && *str) {
-      if ((*str == '$')) {
-        int ix = -1;
-        if (isdigit(*(str+1))) {
-          ix = *(str + 1) - '0';
-        } else {
-          switch (*(str + 1)) {
-          case 'h':
-            ix = SUB_HOST;
-            break;
-          case 'f':
-            ix = SUB_FROM_HOST;
-            break;
-          case 't':
-            ix = SUB_TO_HOST;
-            break;
-          case 'p':
-            ix = SUB_PORT;
-            break;
-          case 's':
-            ix = SUB_SCHEME;
-            break;
-          case 'P':
-            ix = SUB_PATH;
-            break;
-          case 'q':
-            ix = SUB_QUERY;
-            break;
-          case 'm':
-            ix = SUB_MATRIX;
-            break;
-          case 'i':
-            ix = SUB_CLIENT_IP;
-            break;
-          default:
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (ix > -1) {
-          if ((ix < 10) && (ix > ccount)) {
-            TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Trying to use unavailable substitution, check the regex!");
-            return -1; // No substitutions available other than $0
-          }
-          _sub_ix[_num_subs] = ix;
-          _sub_pos[_num_subs] = (str - _subst);
-          str += 2;
-          ++_num_subs;
-        } else { // Not a valid substitution character, so just ignore it
-          ++str;
-        }
-      } else {
-        ++str;
-      }
-    }
-    return 0;
-  };
-  // Perform the regular expression matching against a string.
-  int
-  match(const char* str, int len, int ovector[])
-  {
-    return pcre_exec(_rex,                 // the compiled pattern
-                     _extra,               // Extra data from study (maybe)
-                     str,                  // the subject string
-                     len,                  // the length of the subject
-                     0,                    // start at offset 0 in the subject
-                     0,                    // default options
-                     ovector,              // output vector for substring information
-                     OVECCOUNT);           // number of elements in the output vector
-  };
-  // Get the lengths of the matching string(s), taking into account variable substitutions.
-  // We also calculate a total length for the new string, which is the max length the
-  // substituted string can have (use it to allocate a buffer before calling substitute() ).
-  int
-  get_lengths(const int ovector[], int lengths[], TSRemapRequestInfo *rri, UrlComponents *req_url)
-  {
-    int len = _subst_len + 1;   // Bigger then necessary
-    for (int i=0; i < _num_subs; i++) {
-      int ix = _sub_ix[i];
-      if (ix < 10) {
-        lengths[ix] = ovector[2*ix+1] - ovector[2*ix]; // -1 - -1 == 0
-        len += lengths[ix];
-      } else {
-        int tmp_len;
-        switch (ix) {
-        case SUB_HOST:
-          len += req_url->host_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_FROM_HOST:
-          TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->mapFromUrl, &tmp_len);
-          len += tmp_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_TO_HOST:
-          TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->mapToUrl, &tmp_len);
-          len += tmp_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_PORT:
-          len += 6; // One extra for snprintf()
-          break;
-        case SUB_SCHEME:
-          len += req_url->scheme_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_PATH:
-          len += req_url->path_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_QUERY:
-          len += req_url->query_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_MATRIX:
-          len += req_url->matrix_len;
-          break;
-        case SUB_CLIENT_IP:
-          len += 15; // Allow for
-          break;
-        default:
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return len;
-  };
-  // Perform substitution on the $0 - $9 variables in the "src" string. $0 is the entire
-  // regex that was matches, while $1 - $9 are the corresponding groups. Return the final
-  // length of the string as written to dest (not including the trailing '0').
-  int
-  substitute(char dest[], const char *src, const int ovector[], const int lengths[],
-             TSRemapRequestInfo *rri, UrlComponents *req_url, struct sockaddr const* addr)
-  {
-    if (_num_subs > 0) {
-      char* p1 = dest;
-      char* p2 = _subst;
-      int prev = 0;
-      for (int i=0; i < _num_subs; i++) {
-        int ix = _sub_ix[i];
-        memcpy(p1, p2, _sub_pos[i] - prev);
-        p1 += (_sub_pos[i] - prev);
-        if (ix < 10) {
-          memcpy(p1, src + ovector[2*ix], lengths[ix]);
-          p1 += lengths[ix];
-        } else {
-          const char* str = NULL;
-          int len = 0;
-          switch (ix) {
-          case SUB_HOST:
-            str = req_url->host;
-            len = req_url->host_len;
-            break;
-          case SUB_FROM_HOST:
-            str = TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->mapFromUrl, &len);
-            break;
-          case SUB_TO_HOST:
-            str = TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->mapToUrl, &len);
-            break;
-          case SUB_PORT:
-            p1 += snprintf(p1, 6, "%u", req_url->port);
-            break;
-          case SUB_SCHEME:
-            str = req_url->scheme;
-            len = req_url->scheme_len;
-            break;
-          case SUB_PATH:
-            str = req_url->path;
-            len = req_url->path_len;
-            break;
-          case SUB_QUERY:
-            str = req_url->query;
-            len = req_url->query_len;
-            break;
-          case SUB_MATRIX:
-            str = req_url->matrix;
-            len = req_url->matrix_len;
-            break;
-          case SUB_CLIENT_IP:
-            {
-              // TODO: Finish implementing with the addr from above
-              // p1 += snprintf(p1, 15, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
-            }
-            break;
-          default:
-            break;
-          }
-          // If one of the rules fetched a read-only string, copy it in.
-          if (str && len > 0) {
-            memcpy(p1, str, len);
-            p1 += len;
-          }
-        }
-        p2 += (_sub_pos[i] - prev + 2);
-        prev = _sub_pos[i] + 2;
-      }
-      memcpy(p1, p2, _subst_len - (p2 - _subst));
-      p1 += _subst_len - (p2 - _subst);
-      *p1 = 0; // Make sure it's NULL terminated (for safety).
-      return p1 - dest;
-    } else {
-      memcpy(dest, _subst, _subst_len + 1); // No substitutions in the string, copy it all
-      return _subst_len;
-    }
-    return 0; // Shouldn't happen.
-  };
-  // setter / getters for members the linked list.
-  inline void set_next(RemapRegex* next) { _next = next; };
-  inline RemapRegex* next() const { return _next; };
-  // setter / getters for order number within the linked list
-  inline void set_order(int order) { _order = order; };
-  inline int order() { return _order; };
-  // Various getters
-  inline const char* regex() const { return _rex_string;  };
-  inline const char* substitution() const { return _subst;  };
-  inline int substitutions_used() const { return _num_subs; }
-  inline bool is_simple() const { return _simple; }
-  inline TSHttpStatus status_option() const { return _status; };
-  inline int active_timeout_option() const  { return _active_timeout; };
-  inline int no_activity_timeout_option() const  { return _no_activity_timeout; };
-  inline int connect_timeout_option() const  { return _connect_timeout; };
-  inline int dns_timeout_option() const  { return _dns_timeout; };
- private:
-  char* _rex_string;
-  char* _subst;
-  int _subst_len;
-  int _num_subs;
-  int _hits;
-  pcre* _rex;
-  pcre_extra* _extra;
-  int _sub_pos[MAX_SUBS];
-  int _sub_ix[MAX_SUBS];
-  RemapRegex* _next;
-  int _order;
-  TSHttpStatus _status;
-  bool _simple;
-  int _active_timeout;
-  int _no_activity_timeout;
-  int _connect_timeout;
-  int _dns_timeout;
-struct RemapInstance
-  RemapInstance() :
-    first(NULL), last(NULL), profile(false), method(false), query_string(true),
-    matrix_params(false), hits(0), misses(0),
-    filename("unknown")
-  { };
-  RemapRegex* first;
-  RemapRegex* last;
-  bool profile;
-  bool method;
-  bool query_string;
-  bool matrix_params;
-  int hits;
-  int misses;
-  std::string filename;
-// Helpers for memory management (to make sure pcre uses the TS APIs).
-inline void*
-ts_malloc(size_t s)
-  return TSmalloc(s);
-inline void
-ts_free(void *s)
-  return TSfree(s);
-  pcre_malloc = &ts_malloc;
-  pcre_free = &ts_free;
-// Initialize the plugin.
-TSRemapInit(TSRemapInterface* api_info, char *errbuf, int errbuf_size)
-  if (!api_info) {
-    strncpy(errbuf, "[tsremap_init] - Invalid TSRemapInterface argument", errbuf_size - 1);
-    return TS_ERROR;
-  }
-  if (api_info->tsremap_version < TSREMAP_VERSION) {
-    snprintf(errbuf, errbuf_size - 1, "[TSRemapInit] - Incorrect API version %ld.%ld",
-             api_info->tsremap_version >> 16, (api_info->tsremap_version & 0xffff));
-    return TS_ERROR;
-  }
-  setup_memory_allocation();
-  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "plugin is succesfully initialized");
-  return TS_SUCCESS;
-// We don't have any specific "instances" here, at least not yet.
-TSRemapNewInstance(int argc, char* argv[], void** ih, char* errbuf, int errbuf_size)
-  const char* error;
-  int erroffset;
-  RemapInstance* ri = new RemapInstance();
-  std::ifstream f;
-  int lineno = 0;
-  int count = 0;
-  *ih = (void*)ri;
-  if (ri == NULL) {
-    TSError("Unable to create remap instance");
-    return TS_ERROR;
-  }
-  // Really simple (e.g. basic) config parser
-  for (int i=2; i < argc; ++i) {
-    if (strncmp(argv[i], "profile", 7) == 0) {
-      ri->profile = true;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "no-profile", 10) == 0) {
-      ri->profile = false;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "method", 6) == 0) {
-      ri->method = true;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "no-method", 9) == 0) {
-      ri->method = true;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "query-string", 12) == 0) {
-      ri->query_string = true;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "no-query-string", 15) == 0) {
-      ri->query_string = false;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "matrix-parameters", 15) == 0) {
-      ri->matrix_params = true;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "no-matrix-parameters", 18) == 0) {
-      ri->matrix_params = false;
-    } else {
-      if (0 != access(argv[2], R_OK)) {
-        ri->filename = DEFAULT_PATH;
-        ri->filename += argv[2];
-      } else {
-        ri->filename = argv[2];
-      }
->filename).c_str(), std::ios::in);
-      if (!f.is_open()) { // Try with the default path instead
-        TSError("unable to open %s", (ri->filename).c_str());
-        return TS_ERROR;
-      }
-      TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "loading regular expression maps from %s", (ri->filename).c_str());
-      while (!f.eof()) {
-        std::string line, regex, subst, options;
-        std::string::size_type pos1, pos2;
-        getline(f, line);
-        ++lineno;
-        if (line.empty())
-          continue;
-        pos1 = line.find_first_not_of(" \t\n");
-        if (line[pos1] == '#')
-          continue;  // Skip comment lines
-        if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
-          pos2 = line.find_first_of(" \t\n", pos1);
-          if (pos2 != std::string::npos) {
-            regex = line.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
-            pos1 = line.find_first_not_of(" \t\n#", pos2);
-            if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
-              pos2 = line.find_first_of(" \t\n", pos1);
-              if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
-                pos2 = line.length();
-              subst = line.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
-              pos1 = line.find_first_not_of(" \t\n#", pos2);
-              if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
-                pos2 = line.find_first_of("\n#", pos1);
-                if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
-                  pos2 = line.length();
-                options = line.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (regex.empty()) {
-          // No regex found on this line
-          TSError("no regexp found in %s: line %d", (ri->filename).c_str(), lineno);
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (subst.empty() && options.empty()) {
-          // No substitution found on this line (and no options)
-          TSError("no substitution string found in %s: line %d", (ri->filename).c_str(), lineno);
-          continue;
-        }
-        // Got a regex and substitution string
-        RemapRegex* cur = new RemapRegex(regex, subst, options);
-        if (cur == NULL) {
-          TSError("can't create a new regex remap rule");
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (cur->compile(&error, &erroffset) < 0) {
-          TSError("PCRE failed in %s (line %d) at offset %d: %s", (ri->filename).c_str(), lineno, erroffset, error);
-          delete(cur);
-        } else {
-          TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "added regex=%s with substitution=%s and options `%s'",
-                   regex.c_str(), subst.c_str(), options.c_str());
-          cur->set_order(++count);
-          if (ri->first == NULL)
-            ri->first = cur;
-          else
-            ri->last->set_next(cur);
-          ri->last = cur;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Make sure we got something...
-  if (ri->first == NULL) {
-    TSError("Got no regular expressions from the maps");
-    return TS_ERROR;
-  }
-  return TS_SUCCESS;
-TSRemapDeleteInstance(void* ih)
-  RemapInstance* ri = static_cast<RemapInstance*>(ih);
-  RemapRegex* re;
-  RemapRegex* tmp;
-  if (ri->profile) {
-    char now[64];
-    time_t tim = time(NULL);
-    if (ctime_r(&tim, now))
-      now[strlen(now) - 1] = '\0';
-    else {
-      memcpy(now, "unknown time", 12);
-      *(now + 12) = '\0';
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "[%s]: Profiling information for regex_remap file `%s':\n", now, (ri->filename).c_str());
-    fprintf(stderr, "[%s]:\tTotal hits (matches): %d\n", now, ri->hits);
-    fprintf(stderr, "[%s]:\tTotal missed (no regex matches): %d\n", now, ri->misses);
-    if (ri->hits > 0) { // Avoid divide by zeros...
-      int ix = 1;
-      re = ri->first;
-      while (re) {
-        re->print(ix, ri->hits, now);
-        re = re->next();
-        ++ix;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  re = ri->first;
-  while (re) {
-    tmp = re;
-    re = re->next();
-    delete tmp;
-  }
-  delete ri;
-// This is the main "entry" point for the plugin, called for every request.
-TSRemapDoRemap(void* ih, TSHttpTxn txnp, TSRemapRequestInfo *rri)
-  if (NULL == ih) {
-    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Falling back to default URL on regex remap without rules");
-    return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;
-  }
-  // Populate the request url
-  UrlComponents req_url;
-  req_url.populate(rri);
-  RemapInstance* ri = (RemapInstance*)ih;
-  int ovector[OVECCOUNT];
-  int lengths[OVECCOUNT/2 + 1];
-  int dest_len;
-  TSRemapStatus retval = TSREMAP_DID_REMAP;
-  RemapRegex* re = ri->first;
-  char match_buf[req_url.url_len + 32]; // Worst case scenario and padded for /,? and ;
-  int match_len = 0;
-  if (ri->method) { // Prepend the URI path or URL with the HTTP method
-    TSMBuffer mBuf;
-    TSMLoc reqHttpHdrLoc;
-    const char *method;
-    // Note that Method can not be longer than 16 bytes, or we'll simply truncate it
-    if (TS_SUCCESS == TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(static_cast<TSHttpTxn>(txnp), &mBuf, &reqHttpHdrLoc)) {
-      method = TSHttpHdrMethodGet(mBuf, reqHttpHdrLoc, &match_len);
-      if (method && (match_len > 0)) {
-        if (match_len > 16)
-          match_len = 16;
-        memcpy(match_buf, method, match_len);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  *(match_buf + match_len) = '/';
-  if (req_url.path && req_url.path_len > 0) {
-    memcpy(match_buf + match_len + 1, req_url.path, req_url.path_len);
-    match_len += (req_url.path_len + 1);
-  }
-  if (ri->matrix_params && req_url.matrix && req_url.matrix_len > 0) {
-    *(match_buf + match_len) = ';';
-    memcpy(match_buf + match_len + 1 , req_url.matrix, req_url.matrix_len);
-    match_len += (req_url.matrix_len + 1);
-  }
-  if (ri->query_string  && req_url.query && req_url.query_len > 0) {
-    *(match_buf + match_len) = '?';
-    memcpy(match_buf + match_len + 1 , req_url.query, req_url.query_len);
-    match_len += (req_url.query_len + 1);
-  }
-  match_buf[match_len] = '\0'; // NULL terminate the match string
-  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Target match string is `%s'", match_buf);
-  // Apply the regular expressions, in order. First one wins.
-  while (re) {
-    // Since we check substitutions on parse time, we don't need to reset ovector
-    if (re->is_simple() || (re->match(match_buf, match_len, ovector) != -1)) {
-      int new_len = re->get_lengths(ovector, lengths, rri, &req_url);
-      // Set timeouts
-      if (re->active_timeout_option() > (-1)) {
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Setting active timeout to %d", re->active_timeout_option());
-        TSHttpTxnActiveTimeoutSet(txnp, re->active_timeout_option());
-      }
-      if (re->no_activity_timeout_option() > (-1)) {
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Setting no activity timeout to %d", re->no_activity_timeout_option());
-        TSHttpTxnNoActivityTimeoutSet(txnp, re->no_activity_timeout_option());
-      }
-      if (re->connect_timeout_option() > (-1)) {
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Setting connect timeout to %d", re->connect_timeout_option());
-        TSHttpTxnConnectTimeoutSet(txnp, re->connect_timeout_option());
-      }
-      if (re->dns_timeout_option() > (-1)) {
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Setting DNS timeout to %d", re->dns_timeout_option());
-        TSHttpTxnDNSTimeoutSet(txnp, re->dns_timeout_option());
-      }
-      // Update profiling if requested
-      if (ri->profile) {
-        re->increment();
-        atomic_increment(&(ri->hits), 1);
-      }
-      if (new_len > 0) {
-        char dest[new_len+8];
-        struct sockaddr const* addr = TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(txnp);
-        dest_len = re->substitute(dest, match_buf, ovector, lengths, rri, &req_url, addr);
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "New URL is estimated to be %d bytes long, or less", new_len);
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "New URL is %s (length %d)", dest, dest_len);
-        TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "    matched rule %d [%s]", re->order(), re->regex());
-        // Check for a quick response, if the status option is set
-        if (re->status_option() > 0) {
-          if (re->status_option() != TS_HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY &&
-              re->status_option() != TS_HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) {
-            // Don't set the URL / Location for this.
-            TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetStatus(txnp, re->status_option());
-            break;
-          }
-          TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Redirecting URL, status=%d", re->status_option());
-          TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetStatus(txnp, re->status_option());
-          rri->redirect = 1;
-        }
-        // Now parse the new URL, which can also be the redirect URL
-        if (dest_len > 0) {
-          const char *start = dest;
-          // Setup the new URL
-          if (TS_PARSE_ERROR == TSUrlParse(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &start, start + dest_len)) {
-            TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetStatus(txnp, TS_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            TSError("can't parse substituted URL string");
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    // Try the next regex
-    re = re->next();
-    if (re == NULL) {
-      retval = TSREMAP_NO_REMAP; // No match
-      if (ri->profile)
-        atomic_increment(&(ri->misses), 1);
-    }
-  }
-  return retval;
-  local variables:
-  mode: C++
-  indent-tabs-mode: nil
-  c-basic-offset: 2
-  c-comment-only-line-offset: 0
-  c-file-offsets: ((statement-block-intro . +)
-  (label . 0)
-  (statement-cont . +)
-  (innamespace . 0))
-  end:
-  Indent with: /usr/bin/indent -ncs -nut -npcs -l 120