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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2005/11/02 17:54:28 UTC

[Lenya Wiki] Update of "HowToIntegrateFCKEditor" by BobHarner

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The following page has been changed by BobHarner:

The comment on the change is:
Added several attachments rather than showing all code in-line

  1. Make sure that Fred (the FCK Editor) is in the `lenya/webapp/lenya/resources/fckeditor` directory.  This can be downloaded from  Remove any unnecessary folders and files in the fckeditor directory (anything that begins with an “_”).
+ 2. Download [attachment:invokeEditor.js] to `lenya/webapp/lenya/resources/fckeditor`
- 2. Create a new javascript file in `lenya/webapp/lenya/resources/fckeditor` called `invokeEditor.js` with the following contents:
- {{{
- function invoke()
- {
- //Need to store pub id and doc id in cookie so fred can use 
- //in connector url with inserting assets. If don't then Lenya has 
- //no way of knowing what pub and document the user is in.
- var url = document.URL;
- var urlArray = url.split("/");
- var finalValue = '';
- var isDocId = 'false';
- for(var i=0; i < urlArray.length; i++){
- 	if(isDocId == 'true'){
- 		finalValue = finalValue + urlArray[i];
- 		if(i < urlArray.length-1){
- 			finalValue = finalValue + "/";
- 		}
- 	}
- 	if(urlArray[i] == 'authoring'){
- 		finalValue = value + "/";
- 		isDocId = 'true'
- 	}
- 	var value = urlArray[i];
- }
- var period = finalValue.indexOf(".");
- var finalValue = finalValue.substring(0,period);
- document.cookie = "url=" + finalValue + "; path=/";
- var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'content' ) ;
- oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
- }
- }}}
  3. Add the following to `lenya/webapp/lenya/resources/fckeditor/fckconfig.js` after the line `FCKConfig.ImageDlgHideAdvanced` (around line 112):
@@ -150, +117 @@

- 8. Copy `lenya/pubs/pubname/usecase-bxeng.xmap` to same directory and rename it to `usecase-fckeditor.xmap`
+ 8. Copy `lenya/pubs/pubname/usecase-bxeng.xmap` to `usecase-fckeditor.xmap` in the same directory, and make the following changes:
  a. Modify `<map:match pattern="request2document">` to contain the following:
@@ -249, +216 @@

  <item wf:event="edit" uc:usecase="fckeditor" uc:step="open" href="?"><i18n:text>Edit with FCKeditor</i18n:text></item>
- 10. Copy `lenya/webapp/lenya/xslt/bxeng/aggregate.xsl` to `lenya/webapp/lenya/xslt/fckeditor/`.  
+ 10. Copy `lenya/webapp/lenya/xslt/bxeng/aggregate.xsl` to `lenya/webapp/lenya/xslt/fckeditor/`.
  a. Modify `aggregate.xsl` to contain the following:
@@ -304, +271 @@

- b. Modify asset.xsl to containt the following:
+ b. Modify `asset.xsl` to containt the following:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@@ -340, +307 @@

- c. Add a file called change-image-path.xsl that contains the following:
+ c. Download the following files to lenya/webapp/lenya/xslt/fckeditor/
+  * [attachment:change-image-path.xsl] 
- {{{
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  * [attachment:uploadAssetComplete.xsl]
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
-     xmlns:xsl=""
-     xmlns:lenya=""
-     xmlns:xhtml=""
-     >
-   <xsl:param name="documentid" />
-   <xsl:param name="publicationid" />
-   <xsl:template match="img/@src[not(starts-with(., '/'))]">
-     <xsl:attribute name="src">
-       <xsl:value-of select="concat('/',$publicationid,'/authoring/',.)" />
-     </xsl:attribute>
-   </xsl:template>
-   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
-     <xsl:copy>
-       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
-     </xsl:copy>
-   </xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>
- }}}
- d. Add a file called uploadAssetComplete.xsl that contains the following:
+  * [attachment:savedContent.xsl]
- {{{
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
-     xmlns:xsl=""
-     xmlns:lenya=""
-     xmlns:xhtml=""
-     xmlns:lxslt=""
-     >
- <xsl:param name="errorCode" />
- <xsl:param name="name" />
- <xsl:template match="html">
- <html>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var errorCode = <xsl:value-of select="$errorCode"/>;
- var name = "<xsl:value-of select="$name"/>";
- window.parent.frames['frmUpload'].OnUploadCompleted(0,name);
- </script>
- </html>
- </xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>
- }}}
- e. Add a new xsl file called savedContent.xsl.  It should look like the following:
- {{{
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
-     xmlns:xsl=""
-     xmlns=""
-     xmlns:xhtml=""
-     xmlns:page=""
-     xmlns:lenya="" 
-     xmlns:dc=""
-     xmlns:dcterms=""
-     xmlns:i18n=""
-     exclude-result-prefixes="page xhtml"
- >
- <xsl:param name="title"/>
- <xsl:param name="creator"/>
- <xsl:param name="subject"/>
- <xsl:param name="publisher"/>
- <xsl:param name="contributor"/>
- <xsl:param name="date"/>
- <xsl:param name="type"/>
- <xsl:param name="format"/>
- <xsl:param name="identifier"/>
- <xsl:param name="source"/>
- <xsl:param name="language"/>
- <xsl:param name="relation"/>
- <xsl:param name="coverage"/>
- <xsl:param name="rights"/>
- <xsl:param name="issued"/>
- <xsl:param name="modified"/>
- <xsl:template match="/">
- <html xmlns="">
- 	<lenya:meta>
- 		<dc:title><xsl:value-of select="$title"/></dc:title>
- 		<dc:creator><xsl:value-of select="$creator"/></dc:creator>
- 		<dc:subject><xsl:value-of select="$subject"/></dc:subject>
- 		<dc:publisher><xsl:value-of select="$publisher"/></dc:publisher>
- 		<dc:contributor><xsl:value-of select="$contributor"/></dc:contributor>
- 		<dc:date><xsl:value-of select="$date"/></dc:date>
- 		<dc:type><xsl:value-of select="$type"/></dc:type>
- 		<dc:format><xsl:value-of select="$format"/></dc:format>
- 		<dc:identifier><xsl:value-of select="$identifier"/></dc:identifier>
- 		<dc:source><xsl:value-of select="$source"/></dc:source>
- 		<dc:language><xsl:value-of select="$language"/></dc:language>
- 		<dc:relation><xsl:value-of select="$relation"/></dc:relation>
- 		<dc:coverage><xsl:value-of select="$coverage"/></dc:coverage>
- 		<dc:rights><xsl:value-of select="$rights"/></dc:rights>
- 		<dcterms:issued><xsl:value-of select="$issued"/></dcterms:issued>
- 		<dcterms:modified><xsl:value-of select="$modified"/></dcterms:modified>
- 	</lenya:meta>	
- 	<head>
-     <title><xsl:value-of select="$title"/></title>
- 	</head>
- 	<xsl:copy-of select="body"/>
- </html>	
- </xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>  
- }}}  
- 11. Copy the attached [attachment:FredSaveAction.class FredSaveAction.class] (source []) to WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/lenya/cms/cocoon/acting/ to make a new Action that saves the content to a temporary file.
+ 11. Download [attachment:FredSaveAction.class] (source []) to WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/lenya/cms/cocoon/acting/ to make a new Action that saves the content to a temporary file.
  This code is basically the same as ``, with a few modifications.  Validation needs to be added here.
- 12. Copy the attached [attachment:UploadFredAsset.class UploadFredAsset.class] (source []) to WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/lenya/cms/cocoon/acting/ to make a new Action that uploads an asset to the page's asset directory.  When creating the Publication, one of the parameters required is the context.  Right now, this is hard coded.  I have yet to figure out a way to get this.  Obviously, hard coding is not the solution - still working on this.  Thinking about putting the context in a properties files somewhere.  Most of this code was taken from the action `` and modified to work with Fred.
+ 12. Download [attachment:UploadFredAsset.class] (source []) to WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/lenya/cms/cocoon/acting/ to make a new Action that uploads an asset to the page's asset directory.  When creating the Publication, one of the parameters required is the context.  Right now, this is hard coded.  I have yet to figure out a way to get this.  Obviously, hard coding is not the solution - still working on this.  Thinking about putting the context in a properties files somewhere.  Most of this code was taken from the action `` and modified to work with Fred.
  To get Fred to work with all your pubs, you will need to copy `usecase-fckeditor.xmap` to each publication.  (Or can we put usecase-fckeditor.xmap into a lenya/usecases/fckeditor directory for all publications???)

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