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Posted to by Paul Matthews <> on 2006/05/26 01:03:48 UTC

Re: sa-learn script

> Also, i'm using the squirrelmail plugin spam_button.
> But what I want it to do is once it is marked as spam to move the e-mail
> from /var/spool/mail/user to $HOME/mail/Junk
> and same as marking it ham, move it from $HOME/mail/Junk to
> /var/spool/mail/user
> Can anyone tell me how-to do that?

I've slightly changed the script I was using, can anyone tell me:

if it will still work?
if it will work better, worse or no change?
Am I missing anything in the script that should be there?
I notice i the --help option for sa-learn there is a --sync is that
something I have to do after this script has run?


for i in $( ls /home/MYDOMAIN); do
     sa-learn -p /home/MYDOMAIN/$i/.spamassassin/user_prefs -u $i@locahost
--siteconfigpath=/etc/mail/spamassassin --mbox --spam
     sa-learn -p /home/MYDOMAIN/$i/.spamassassin/user_prefs -u $i@locahost
--siteconfigpath=/etc/mail/spamassassin --mbox --ham