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Posted to by Niki Sfika <> on 2014/12/23 15:25:10 UTC

Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException


I have a problem during instance creation. I have for host nic0 with an ip
192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with internet access.For cloudstack server I
have nic0 with an ip in the same subnet 192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with
internet access too. All agents for system VMs are up and I try to create an
instance but I get this error in the cloudstack UI:

"Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1:
Unable to start instance due to null"

Can anyone help me please?

here you can find the logs.

Re: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException

Posted by Niki Sfika <>.
mysql> select * from networks;
| id  | name          | uuid                                 | display_text
 | traffic_type | broadcast_domain_type | broadcast_uri | gateway         |
cidr             | mode   | network_offering_id | physical_network_id |
data_center_id | guru_name                | state    | related | domain_id |
account_id | dns1 | dns2 | guru_data | set_fields | acl_type |
network_domain    | reservation_id                       | guest_type |
restart_required | created             | removed             |
specify_ip_ranges | vpc_id | ip6_gateway | ip6_cidr | network_cidr |
display_network | network_acl_id | streched_l2 |
| 200 | NULL          | a62fbdbc-aba7-4686-aaad-ac3b3010521d | NULL        
 | Public       | Vlan                  | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   1 |                NULL |    
         1 | PublicNetworkGuru        | Setup    |     200 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 201 | NULL          | d8cea2c6-80ff-4840-8485-ea6aecd4bbea | NULL        
 | Management   | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   2 |                NULL |    
         1 | PodBasedNetworkGuru      | Setup    |     201 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 202 | NULL          | edf90f30-515c-418b-b06e-d8e6e4ecace0 | NULL        
 | Control      | LinkLocal             | NULL          |     |   | Static |                   3 |                NULL |    
         1 | ControlNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     202 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 203 | NULL          | 5bc63df7-adfe-4ec1-99ba-e0db0ff30509 | NULL        
 | Storage      | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   4 |                NULL |    
         1 | StorageNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     203 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:54 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 204 | testnet       | 7fca0837-d37d-4db3-9703-d821c7dd9b13 | testnet     
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     204 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | e81b3ff2-0423-44b6-a53b-ec5626960937 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-17 19:20:32 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 205 | guest net     | b39d161a-5fd7-4bbc-aed2-092ff486a173 | guest net1  
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     205 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | 5da578bf-7b55-4210-a2c7-86b37a9fd558 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-18 12:04:02 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 206 | testguestenet | 91230090-7141-43df-bfcc-a5507c04e540 | testguestenet
| Guest        | Vlan                  | vlan://501    | | | Dhcp   |                   7 |                 200 |    
         1 | DirectNetworkGuru        | Destroy  |     206 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Domain   |
cs1cloud.internal | NULL                                 | Shared     |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:36:36 | 2014-12-19 12:41:58 |                 1
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 207 | test          | 81e01155-b736-453c-a685-afc2d7924256 | test        
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     207 |         1 |   
      3 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs3cloud.internal | 8c0a8dc5-8fa0-4ef9-b2b3-a715c1e143ea | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:39:38 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Re: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException

Posted by Niki Sfika <>.
I found it and the results from mySQL are above:
mysql> select * from networks;
| id  | name          | uuid                                 | display_text
 | traffic_type | broadcast_domain_type | broadcast_uri | gateway         |
cidr             | mode   | network_offering_id | physical_network_id |
data_center_id | guru_name                | state    | related | domain_id |
account_id | dns1 | dns2 | guru_data | set_fields | acl_type |
network_domain    | reservation_id                       | guest_type |
restart_required | created             | removed             |
specify_ip_ranges | vpc_id | ip6_gateway | ip6_cidr | network_cidr |
display_network | network_acl_id | streched_l2 |
| 200 | NULL          | a62fbdbc-aba7-4686-aaad-ac3b3010521d | NULL        
 | Public       | Vlan                  | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   1 |                NULL |    
         1 | PublicNetworkGuru        | Setup    |     200 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 201 | NULL          | d8cea2c6-80ff-4840-8485-ea6aecd4bbea | NULL        
 | Management   | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   2 |                NULL |    
         1 | PodBasedNetworkGuru      | Setup    |     201 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 202 | NULL          | edf90f30-515c-418b-b06e-d8e6e4ecace0 | NULL        
 | Control      | LinkLocal             | NULL          |     |   | Static |                   3 |                NULL |    
         1 | ControlNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     202 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 203 | NULL          | 5bc63df7-adfe-4ec1-99ba-e0db0ff30509 | NULL        
 | Storage      | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   4 |                NULL |    
         1 | StorageNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     203 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:54 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 204 | testnet       | 7fca0837-d37d-4db3-9703-d821c7dd9b13 | testnet     
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     204 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | e81b3ff2-0423-44b6-a53b-ec5626960937 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-17 19:20:32 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 205 | guest net     | b39d161a-5fd7-4bbc-aed2-092ff486a173 | guest net1  
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     205 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | 5da578bf-7b55-4210-a2c7-86b37a9fd558 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-18 12:04:02 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 206 | testguestenet | 91230090-7141-43df-bfcc-a5507c04e540 | testguestenet
| Guest        | Vlan                  | vlan://501    | | | Dhcp   |                   7 |                 200 |    
         1 | DirectNetworkGuru        | Destroy  |     206 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Domain   |
cs1cloud.internal | NULL                                 | Shared     |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:36:36 | 2014-12-19 12:41:58 |                 1
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 207 | test          | 81e01155-b736-453c-a685-afc2d7924256 | test        
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     207 |         1 |   
      3 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs3cloud.internal | 8c0a8dc5-8fa0-4ef9-b2b3-a715c1e143ea | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:39:38 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
[ prlab-ws53 ][                   (0*$bash)                    ][ 01-12  16:37 ]
 DirectNetworkGuru        | Destroy  |     206 |         1 |          1 |
NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Domain   | cs1cloud.internal | NULL 
                               | Shared     |                0 | 2014-12-19
12:36:36 | 2014-12-19 12:41:58 |         1 |   NULL | NULL        | NULL   
 | NULL         |               1 |           NULL |           0 |
| 207 | test          | 81e01155-b736-453c-a685-afc2d7924256 | test        
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     207 |         1 |   
      3 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs3cloud.internal | 8c0a8dc5-8fa0-4ef9-b2b3-a715c1e143ea | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:39:38 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL   | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |          
NULL |           0 |

way | ip6_cidr | network_cidr | display_network | network_acl_id | streched_l2 |
| 200 | NULL          | a62fbdbc-aba7-4686-aaad-ac3b3010521d | NULL        
 | Public       | Vlan                  | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   1 |                NULL |    
         1 | PublicNetworkGuru        | Setup    |     200 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 201 | NULL          | d8cea2c6-80ff-4840-8485-ea6aecd4bbea | NULL        
 | Management   | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   2 |                NULL |    
         1 | PodBasedNetworkGuru      | Setup    |     201 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 202 | NULL          | edf90f30-515c-418b-b06e-d8e6e4ecace0 | NULL        
 | Control      | LinkLocal             | NULL          |     |   | Static |                   3 |                NULL |    
         1 | ControlNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     202 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:53 | NULL                |                 0 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 203 | NULL          | 5bc63df7-adfe-4ec1-99ba-e0db0ff30509 | NULL        
 | Storage      | Native                | NULL          | NULL            |
NULL             | Static |                   4 |                NULL |    
         1 | StorageNetworkGuru       | Setup    |     203 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | NULL     | NULL           
  | NULL                                 | NULL       |                0 |
2014-12-17 17:05:54 | NULL                |                 1 |   NULL |
NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |           NULL | 
         0 |
| 204 | testnet       | 7fca0837-d37d-4db3-9703-d821c7dd9b13 | testnet     
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     204 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | e81b3ff2-0423-44b6-a53b-ec5626960937 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-17 19:20:32 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 205 | guest net     | b39d161a-5fd7-4bbc-aed2-092ff486a173 | guest net1  
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     205 |         1 |   
      2 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs2cloud.internal | 5da578bf-7b55-4210-a2c7-86b37a9fd558 | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-18 12:04:02 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 206 | testguestenet | 91230090-7141-43df-bfcc-a5507c04e540 | testguestenet
| Guest        | Vlan                  | vlan://501    | | | Dhcp   |                   7 |                 200 |    
         1 | DirectNetworkGuru        | Destroy  |     206 |         1 |   
      1 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Domain   |
cs1cloud.internal | NULL                                 | Shared     |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:36:36 | 2014-12-19 12:41:58 |                 1
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
| 207 | test          | 81e01155-b736-453c-a685-afc2d7924256 | test        
 | Guest        | Vlan                  | NULL          |        |      | Dhcp   |                   8 |                 200 |    
         1 | ExternalGuestNetworkGuru | Shutdown |     207 |         1 |   
      3 | NULL | NULL | NULL      |          0 | Account  |
cs3cloud.internal | 8c0a8dc5-8fa0-4ef9-b2b3-a715c1e143ea | Isolated   |    
           0 | 2014-12-19 12:39:38 | NULL                |                 0
|   NULL | NULL        | NULL     | NULL         |               1 |       
   NULL |           0 |
I do not know exactly what I should do. Just to inform you in
/etc/idmapd.conf I gave the domain
THank you 

Re: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException

Posted by Niki Sfika <>.

Somesh Naidu <So...@...> writes:

> Here's the error:
> ---
> 2014-12-23 15:43:32,545 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Asking
> ExternalGuestNetworkGuru to implement
> 2014-12-23 15:43:32,546 ERROR [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Unable to
transition to a new
> state from Shutdown via ImplementNetwork
> 2014-12-23 15:43:32,546 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Cleaning
up because we're
> unable to implement the network
> ---
> 2014-12-23 15:43:32,661 ERROR [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Failed to
start instance VM[User|i-2-34-VM]
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>         at$BroadcastDomainType.getSchemeValue(
>         at$BroadcastDomainType.getValue(
>         at
> ---
> Looks like the broadcast domain isn't set correctly or isn't set at all.
Check the entry for the particular
> network in the networks table and look up the column
"broadcast_domain_type" and " broadcast_uri". What
> values do these have?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niki Sfika [mailto:sfika@...] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:25 AM
> To: users@...
> Subject: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException
> Hi,
> I have a problem during instance creation. I have for host nic0 with an ip
> 192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with internet access.For cloudstack server I
> have nic0 with an ip in the same subnet 192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with
> internet access too. All agents for system VMs are up and I try to create an
> instance but I get this error in the cloudstack UI:
> "Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1:
> Unable to start instance due to null"
> Can anyone help me please?
> here you can find the logs.

Thank you for your reply! 
I am sorry but I cannot find where to change the broadcast domain type and
url. Can you give me a hint? And furthermore, I forget to tell you that I
have created two guest networks but there state is always shutdown and I
cannot either delete them or edit them.

Thank you again for your time!

RE: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException

Posted by Somesh Naidu <>.
Here's the error:
2014-12-23 15:43:32,545 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Asking ExternalGuestNetworkGuru to implement Ntwk[b39d161a-5fd7-4bbc-aed2-092ff486a173|Guest|8]
2014-12-23 15:43:32,546 ERROR [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Unable to transition to a new state from Shutdown via ImplementNetwork
2014-12-23 15:43:32,546 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Cleaning up because we're unable to implement the network Ntwk[b39d161a-5fd7-4bbc-aed2-092ff486a173|Guest|8]
2014-12-23 15:43:32,661 ERROR [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-32b20d5c job-214/job-215 ctx-d35f12fd) Failed to start instance VM[User|i-2-34-VM]

Looks like the broadcast domain isn't set correctly or isn't set at all. Check the entry for the particular network in the networks table and look up the column "broadcast_domain_type" and " broadcast_uri". What values do these have?

-----Original Message-----
From: Niki Sfika [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:25 AM
Subject: Cannot create instance due to java.lang.RuntimeException


I have a problem during instance creation. I have for host nic0 with an ip
192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with internet access.For cloudstack server I
have nic0 with an ip in the same subnet 192.168.x.x and nic1 has an ip with
internet access too. All agents for system VMs are up and I try to create an
instance but I get this error in the cloudstack UI:

"Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1:
Unable to start instance due to null"

Can anyone help me please?

here you can find the logs.