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[09/11] incubator-milagro-mfa-sdk-ios git commit: Add documentation

Add documentation


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 5a0176efb79b4e571fe30c13876541ebdde55c09
Parents: 64e5af6
Author: Simeon Aladjem <>
Authored: Sat Sep 17 14:33:29 2016 +0300
Committer: Simeon Aladjem <>
Committed: Sat Sep 17 14:33:29 2016 +0300

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index 5219698..2a7a9a0 100644
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-# iOS M-Pin SDK
+# Milagro Mobile SDK for iOS
-## Building the M-Pin Mobile SDK for iOS
+## Building the Milagro Mobile SDK for iOS
 ### Prerequisites
 1. Download and install Xcode 7.1 or higher
 2. Download or Clone the project and its submodule
-### Building the M-Pin Mobile SDK
+### Building the Milagro Mobile SDK
-1. Navigate to `<mpin-sdk-ios>`
+1. Navigate to `<milagro-sdk-ios>`
 2. Open `MPinSDK/MPinSDK.xcodeproj`
 3. Select *Product->Build* from the Xcode menu.
-For further details, see [M-Pin Mobile SDK for iOS Online Help]( 
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+For further details, see [Milagro Mobile SDK for iOS Documentation](
+## SDK API for iOS (`MPin` class)
+The iOS SDK API is used by iOS application developers for integrating with the SDK. The API resembles the SDK Core layer, but it exposes to the Application layer, only those methods that the application needs. Most of the methods return the `MpinStatus` object which is defined as follows:
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MPinStatus) {
+    OK = 0,
+    PIN_INPUT_CANCELED,      // Local error, returned when user cancels entering a pin
+    CRYPTO_ERROR,            // Local error in crypto functions
+    STORAGE_ERROR,           // Local storage related error
+    NETWORK_ERROR,           // Local error - cannot connect to remote server (no internet, or invalid server/port)
+    RESPONSE_PARSE_ERROR,    // Local error - cannot parse json response from remote server (invalid json or unexpected json structure)
+    FLOW_ERROR,              // Local error - improper MPinSDK class usage
+    IDENTITY_NOT_AUTHORIZED, // Remote error - the remote server refuses user registration
+    IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED,   // Remote error - the remote server refuses user registration because identity is not verified
+    REQUEST_EXPIRED,         // Remote error - the register/authentication request expired
+    REVOKED,                 // Remote error - cannot get time permit (probably the user is temporary suspended)
+    INCORRECT_PIN,           // Remote error - user entered wrong pin
+    INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER, // Remote/local error - wrong access number (checksum failed or RPS returned 412)
+    HTTP_SERVER_ERROR,       // Remote error, which is not one of the above - the remote server returned internal server error status (5xx)
+    HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR,      // Remote error, which is not one of the above - invalid data sent to server, the remote server returned 4xx error status
+    BAD_USER_AGENT,          // Remote error - user agent not supported
+    CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRED    // Remote error - re-registration required because server master secret expired
+@interface MpinStatus : NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) MPinStatus status;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* errorMessage;
+- (instancetype)initWith: (MPinStatus)status errorMessage: (NSString*)error;
+@property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, getter=getStatusCodeAsString, readonly, copy) NSString* statusCodeAsString;
+##### `(void) initSDK;`
+This method constructs/initializes the SDK object.
+**Note that after this initialization the SDK will not be ready for usage until `SetBackend` is called with a valid _Server URL_.**
+##### `(MpinStatus*) TestBackend: (const NSString*) url;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) TestBackend: (const NSString*) url rpsPrefix: (const NSString*) rpsPrefix;`
+This method will test whether `url` is a valid back-end URL by trying to retrieve Client Settings from it.
+Optionally, a custom RPS prefix might be specified if it was customized at the back-end and is different than the default `"rps"`.
+If the back-end URL is a valid one, the method will return status `OK`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) SetBackend: (const NSString*) url;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) SetBackend: (const NSString*) url rpsPrefix: (const NSString*) rpsPrefix;`
+This method will change the currently configured back-end in the SDK.
+`url` is the new back-end URL that should be used.
+Optionally, a custom RPS prefix might be specified if it was customized at the back-end and is different than the default `"rps"`.
+If successful, the method will return status `OK`.
+##### `(id<IUser>) MakeNewUser: (const NSString*) identity;`
+##### `(id<IUser>) MakeNewUser: (const NSString*) identity deviceName: (const NSString*) devName;`
+This method creates a new user object. The user object represents an end-user of the Milagro authentication.
+The user has its own unique identity, which is passed as the `identity` parameter to this method.
+Additionally, an optional `deviceName` might be specified. The _Device Name_ is passed to the RPA, which might store it and use it later to determine which _M-Pin ID_ is associated with this device.
+The returned value is a newly created user instance. The User class itself looks like this:
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UserState)
+@protocol IUser <NSObject>
+-(NSString*) getIdentity;
+-(UserState) getState;
+The newly created user is in the `INVALID` user state.
+##### `(void) DeleteUser: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+This method deletes a user from the users list that the SDK maintains.
+All the user data including its _M-Pin ID_, its state and _M-Pin Token_ will be deleted.
+A new user with the same identity can be created later with the `MakeNewUser` method.
+##### `(NSMutableArray*) listUsers;`
+This method populates the provided list with all the users that are associated with the currently set backend.
+Different users might be in different states, reflecting their registration status.
+The method will return status `OK` on success and `FLOW_ERROR` if no backend is set through the `Init()` or `SetBackend()` methods.
+##### `(NSMutableArray*) listUsers: (NSString*) backendURL`
+This method returns a list with all the users that are associated with the provided `backendURL`.
+Different users might be in different states, reflecting their registration status.
+##### `(NSMutableArray*) listBackends`
+This method will return a list with all the backends known to the SDK.
+##### `(SessionDetails*) GetSessionDetails: (NSString*) accessCode;`
+This method could be optionally used to retrieve details regarding a browser session when the SDK is used to authenticate users to an online service, such as the _MIRACL MFA Platform_.
+In this case an `accessCode` is transferred to the mobile device out-of-band e.g. via scanning a graphical code. The code is then provided to this method to get the session details.
+This method will also notify the backend that the `accessCode` was retrieved from the browser session.
+The returned `SessionDetails` look as follows:
+@interface SessionDetails : NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* prerollId;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* appName;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* appIconUrl;
+- (id) initWith: (NSString*) prerollId appName: (NSString*) appName appIconUrl: (NSString*) appIconUrl;
+During the online browser session an optional user identity might be provided meaning that this is the user that wants to register/authenticate to the online service.
+* The `prerollId` will carry that user ID, or it will be empty if no such ID was provided.
+* `appName` is the name of the web application to which the service will authenticate the user.
+* `appIconUrl` is the URL from which the icon for web application could be downloaded.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user userData: (NSString*) userData;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user activateCode: (NSString*) activateCode;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user activateCode: (NSString*) activateCode userData: (NSString*) userData;`
+This method initializes the registration for a user that has already been created. The SDK starts the Milagro Setup flow, sending the necessary requests to the back-end service.
+The State of the user instance will change to `STARTED_REGISTRATION`. The status will indicate whether the operation was successful or not.
+During this call, an _M-Pin ID_ for the end-user will be issued by the RPS and stored within the user object.
+The RPA could also start a user identity verification procedure, by sending a verification e-mail.
+The optional `activateCode` parameter might be provided if the registration process requires such.
+In cases when the user verification is done through a _One-Time-Code_ (OTC) or through an SMS that carries such code, this OTC should be passed as the `activateCode` parameter.
+In those cases, the identity verification should be completed instantly and the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+Optionally, the application might pass additional `userData` which might help the RPA to verify the user identity.
+The RPA might decide to verify the identity without starting a verification process. In this case, the status of the call will still be `OK`, but the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) RestartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) RestartRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user userData: (const NSString*) userData;`
+This method re-initializes the registration process for a user, where registration has already started.
+The difference between this method and `StartRegistration` is that it will not generate a new _M-Pin ID_, but will use the one that was already generated.
+Besides that, the methods follow the same procedures, such as getting the RPA to re-start the user identity verification procedure of sending a verification email to the user.
+The application could also pass additional `userData` to help the RPA to verify the user identity.
+The RPA might decide to verify the identity without starting a verification process. In this case, the status of the call will still be `OK`, but the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) ConfirmRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) ConfirmRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user pushNotificationIdentifier: (NSString*) pushNotificationIdentifier;`
+This method allows the application to check whether the user identity verification process has been finalized or not.
+The provided `user` object is expected to be either in the `STARTED_REGISTRATION` state or in the `ACTIVATED` state.
+The latter is possible if the RPA activated the user immediately with the call to `StartRegistration` and no verification process was started.
+During the call to `ConfirmRegistration` the SDK will make an attempt to retrieve _Client Key_ for the user.
+This attempt will succeed if the user has already been verified/activated but will fail otherwise.
+The method will return status `OK` if the Client Key has been successfully retrieved and `IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED` if the identity has not been verified yet.
+If the method has succeeded, the application is expected to get the desired PIN/secret from the end-user and then call `FinishRegistration`, and provide the PIN.
+**Note** Using the optional parameter `pushNotificationIdentifier`, the application can provide a platform specific identifier for sending _Push Messages_ to the device. Such push messages might be utilized as an alternative to the _Access Number/Code_, as part of the authentication flow.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) FinishRegistration: (const id<IUser>) user pin: (NSString*) pin;`
+This method finalizes the user registration process.
+It extracts the _M-Pin Token_ from the _Client Key_ for the provided `pin` (secret), and then stores the token in the secure storage.
+On successful completion, the user state will be set to `REGISTERED` and the method will return status `OK`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartAuthentication: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) StartAuthentication: (const id<IUser>) user accessCode: (NSString*) accessCode;`
+This method starts the authentication process for a given `user`.
+It attempts to retrieve the _Time Permits_ for the user, and if successful, will return status `OK`.
+If they cannot be retrieved, the method will return status `REVOKED`.
+If this method is successfully completed, the app should read the PIN/secret from the end-user and call one of the `FinishAuthentication` variants to authenticate the user.
+Optionally, an `accessCode` could be provided. This code is retrieved out-of-band from a browser session when the user has to be authenticated to an online service, such as the _MIRACL MFA Platform_.
+When this code is provided, the SDK will notify the service that authentication associated with the given `accessCode` has started for the provided user. 
+##### `(MpinStatus*) CheckAccessNumber: (NSString*) an;`
+This method is used only when a user needs to be authenticated to a remote (browser) session, using _Access Number_.
+The access numbers might have a check-sum digit in them and this check-sum needs to be verified on the client side, in order to prevent calling the back-end with non-compliant access numbers.
+The method will return status `OK` if successful, and `INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER` if not successful.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) FinishAuthentication: (const id<IUser>) user pin: (NSString*) pin;`
+##### `(MpinStatus*) FinishAuthentication: (const id<IUser>) user pin: (NSString*) pin authResultData: (NSString**) authResultData;`
+This method performs end-user authentication where the `user` to be authenticated is passed as a parameter, along with his `pin` (secret).
+The method performs the authentication against the _Milagro MFA Server_ using the provided PIN and the stored _M-Pin Token_, and then logs into the RPA.
+The RPA responds with the authentication _User Data_ which is returned to the application through the `authResultData` parameter.
+If successful, the returned status will be `OK`, and if the authentication fails, the return status would be `INCORRECT_PIN`.
+After the 3rd (configurable in the RPS) unsuccessful authentication attempt, the method will return `INCORRECT_PIN` and the User State will be set to `BLOCKED`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) FinishAuthenticationOTP: (id<IUser>) user pin: (NSString*) pin otp: (OTP**) otp;`
+This method performs end-user authentication for an OTP. The authentication process is similar to `FinishAuthentication`, but the RPA issues an OTP instead of logging the user into the application.
+The returned status is analogical to the `FinishAuthentication` method, but in addition to that, an `OTP` object is returned. The `OTP` class looks like this:
+@interface OTP: NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) MpinStatus* status;
+@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSString* otp;
+@property (atomic, readonly) long expireTime;
+@property (atomic, readonly) int ttlSeconds;
+@property (atomic, readonly) long nowTime;
+- (id) initWith: (MpinStatus*) status otp: (NSString*) otp expireTime: (long) expTime ttlSeconds: (int) ttlSeconds nowTime: (long) nowTime;
+* The `otp` string is the issued OTP.
+* The `expireTime` is the Milagro MFA system time when the OTP will expire.
+* The `ttlSeconds` is the expiration period in seconds.
+* The `nowTime` is the current Milagro MFA system time.
+* `status` is the status of the OTP generation. The status will be `OK` if the OTP was successfully generated, or `FLOW_ERROR` if not.
+**NOTE** that OTP might be generated only by RPA that supports that functionality, such as the MIRACL M-Pin SSO. Other RPA's might not support OTP generation where the `status` inside the returned `otp` instance will be `FLOW_ERROR`.
+##### `(MpinStatus*) FinishAuthenticationAN: (id<IUser>) user pin: (NSString*) pin accessNumber: (NSString*) an;`
+This method authenticates the end-user using an _Access Number_ (also refered as _Access Code_), provided by a PC/Browser session.
+After this authentication, the end-user can log into the PC/Browser which provided the Access Number, while the authentication itself is done on the Mobile Device.
+`an` is the Access Number from the browser session. The returned status might be:
+* `OK` - Successful authentication.
+* `INCORRECT_PIN` - The authentication failed because of incorrect PIN. After the 3rd (configurable in the RPS) unsuccessful authentication attempt, the method will still return `INCORRECT_PIN` but the User State will be set to `BLOCKED`.
+* `INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER` - The authentication failed because of incorrect Access Number. 
+##### `(Boolean) CanLogout: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+This method is used after authentication with an Access Number/Code through `FinishAuthenticationAN`.
+After such an authentication, the Mobile Device can log out the end-user from the Browser session, if the RPA supports that functionality.
+This method checks whether logout information was provided by the RPA and the remote (Browser) session can be terminated from the Mobile Device.
+The method will return `TRUE` if the user can be logged-out from the remote session, and `FALSE` otherwise.
+##### `(Boolean) Logout: (const id<IUser>) user;`
+This method tries to log out the end-user from a remote (Browser) session after a successful authentication through `FinishAuthenticationAN`.
+Before calling this method, it is recommended to ensure that logout data was provided by the RPA and that the logout operation can be actually performed.
+The method will return `TRUE` if the logged-out request to the RPA was successful, and `FALSE` otherwise.
+##### `(NSString*) GetClientParam: (const NSString*) key;`
+This method returns the value for a _Client Setting_ with the given key.
+The value is returned as a string always, i.e. when a numeric or a boolean value is expected, the conversion should be handled by the application. 
+Client settings that might interest the applications are:
+* `accessNumberDigits` - The number of Access Number digits that should be entered by the user, prior to calling `FinishAuthenticationAN`.
+* `setDeviceName` - Indicator (`true/false`) whether the application should ask the user to insert a _Device Name_ and pass it to the `MakeNewUser` method.
+* `appID` - The _App ID_ used by the backend. The App ID is a unique ID assigned to each customer or application. It is a hex-encoded long numeric value. The App ID can be used only for information purposes and it does not affect the application's behavior in any way.
+For more information you can refer to the [SDK Core](
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