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Posted to by Robert Scholte <> on 2012/06/16 01:16:17 UTC

[ANN] Maven Release Plugin 2.3.2 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Release  
Plugin, version 2.3.2

This plugin is used to release a project with Maven, saving a lot of  
repetitive, manual work. Releasing a project is made in two steps: prepare  
and perform.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Release Plugin - Version 2.3.2

** Bug
     * [MRELEASE-484] - release:rollback fails after branch with NPE and  
complaint about missing scm URL
     * [MRELEASE-616] - release:rollback does not honor -DcommitByProject
     * [MRELEASE-663] - Null error when project is too close to root
     * [MRELEASE-760] - updateWorkingCopyVersions=false still bumps up pom  
versions to next development version
     * [MRELEASE-761] - [regression] release:rollback no longer works
     * [MRELEASE-765] - Regression in 2.3: release:update-versions doesn't  
work anymore
     * [MRELEASE-770] - ScmCheckModificationsPhase doesn't pick up  
ScmTranslator for relative path translation


-The Maven team

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