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Posted to by Peter Donald <> on 2000/09/14 16:50:08 UTC

Re: cvs commit: jakarta-velocity/src/java/org/apache/velocity/log

At 09:25  14/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
>> Well there is already a logging toolkit in Avalon code base that is
>> basically equivelent to log4j but better designed - thou I am biased as I
>> am writer :P.
>Well, heck, then.  Problem solved. ;)
>I think Jason'n'I both decided that log4j was somewhat over-engineered.
>But if the ASF already has something in-use Elsewhere, I could go with
>using it in More Projects.  Commonality is Good.
>What's the process for sharing code betwixt projects?  Should Logger
>stuff get carved out into a .jar for inclusion?  I'd hate to just
>copy/paste files around, as it'd make staying in-sync a tad more
>difficult, eh?

when you build Avalon it builds it into a seperate jar (log.jar) which you
can nab. Avalon is going to have a release Real Soon Now (tm) :P so you
could even get it from that.

Eventually I plan to make a proposal for another Apache project - but too
lazy to do that atm :P. Thers another logging toolkit that may be released
under APL at which point then will try and get it going as seperate project
- until then it is probably best just to nab the jar ???

>D'ya have Logger-For-Newbies docs somewhere handy?

Well not exactly - I used but it got lost :P. Basically for clients of
logging system (ie those who want to use it) you just do something like

import org.apache.log.LogKit;
import org.apache.log.Logger;

public class Blah
    protected final static boolean              LOG                 = true;
    protected final static boolean              DEBUG               = LOG
&& false;
    protected final static Logger               LOGGER              = 
        ( LOG ) ? LogKit.getLoggerFor( "MyCategory" ) : null;

    public void someMethod()
      if( LOG ) LOGGER.warn("MyWarning", myException );
      if( LOG ) LOGGER.error("this does not compute", myException );
      if( LOG )"infomational messages are here" );
      if( LOG ) LOGGER.debug("debug info goes here");

Unfortunately for those who initially setup the server system I removed all
auto-configuration stuff right before I put it in CVS because it was an
ugly hack :P. So the best place to look I guess is in in the configuration
file for Avalon (or specifically chunk I paste below) and the code that
loads configuration data (specifically the file at

Once the initial configuration is set up it is easy as pie - but that first
bit is a little annoying. I really should fix that :P

Configuration file chunk.
  <category name="core_blocks" target="core_blocks" priority="DEBUG" /> 
  <category name="Kernel" target="kernel" priority="DEBUG" /> 
  <category name="Schedular" target="default" priority="WARN" /> 
 <target name="default" class="org.apache.log.output.FileOutputLogTarget">
  <param name="filename" value="../logs/default.log" /> 
 <target name="kernel" class="org.apache.log.output.FileOutputLogTarget">
   <param name="filename" value="../logs/kernel.log" /> 
   <param name="format" value="[%.14{category}]: %{message}\n" /> 
 <target name="core_blocks" class="org.apache.log.output.FileOutputLogTarget">
   <param name="filename" value="../logs/core_blocks.log" /> 
   <param name="format" value="[%.14{category}]: %{message}\n" /> 


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| to test a man's character, give him power."          |
|       -Abraham Lincoln                               |