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yetus git commit: YETUS-237. shelldocs should pass pylint

Repository: yetus
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 8fbdc79c0 -> 7b83fd81e

YETUS-237. shelldocs should pass pylint

Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7b83fd81ef9848cb060461dae9df27772f88a955
Parents: 8fbdc79
Author: Allen Wittenauer <>
Authored: Sun Mar 20 13:16:50 2016 -0700
Committer: Allen Wittenauer <>
Committed: Mon Mar 21 07:48:27 2016 -0700

 shelldocs/ | 601 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 329 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
diff --git a/shelldocs/ b/shelldocs/
index 6b0b94f..e575add 100755
--- a/shelldocs/
+++ b/shelldocs/
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
 import os
 import re
 import sys
-import string
 from optparse import OptionParser
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
@@ -41,280 +40,338 @@ asflicense='''
-def docstrip(key,string):
-  string=re.sub("^## @%s " % key ,"",string)
-  string=string.lstrip()
-  string=string.rstrip()
-  return string
-def toc(list):
-  tocout=[]
-  header=()
-  for i in list:
-    if header != i.getinter():
-      header=i.getinter()
-      line="  * %s\n" % (i.headerbuild())
-      tocout.append(line)
-    line="    * [%s](#%s)\n" % (i.getname().replace("_","\_"),i.getname())
-    tocout.append(line)
-  return tocout
-class ShellFunction:
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.reset()
-  def __cmp__(self,other):
-    if (self.audience == other.audience):
-      if (self.stability == other.stability):
-        if (self.replaceb == other.replaceb):
-          return(cmp(,
+def docstrip(key, dstr):
+    '''remove extra spaces from shelldoc phrase'''
+    dstr = re.sub("^## @%s " % key, "", dstr)
+    dstr = dstr.lstrip()
+    dstr = dstr.rstrip()
+    return dstr
+def toc(tlist):
+    '''build a table of contents'''
+    tocout = []
+    header = ()
+    for i in tlist:
+        if header != i.getinter():
+            header = i.getinter()
+            line = "  * %s\n" % (i.headerbuild())
+            tocout.append(line)
+        line = "    * [%s](#%s)\n" % (i.getname().replace("_", r"\_"),
+                                      i.getname())
+        tocout.append(line)
+    return tocout
+class ShellFunction(object):
+    """a shell function"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        '''Initializer'''
+ = None
+        self.audience = None
+        self.stability = None
+        self.replaceb = None
+        self.returnt = None
+        self.desc = None
+        self.params = None
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        '''comparison'''
+        if self.audience == other.audience:
+            if self.stability == other.stability:
+                if self.replaceb == other.replaceb:
+                    return cmp(,
+                else:
+                    if self.replaceb == "Yes":
+                        return -1
+            else:
+                if self.stability == "Stable":
+                    return -1
-          if (self.replaceb == "Yes"):
-            return -1
-          else:
-            return 1
-      else:
-          if (self.stability == "Stable"):
-            return -1
-          else:
-            return 1
-    else:
-      if (self.audience == "Public"):
-        return -1
-      else:
+            if self.audience == "Public":
+                return -1
         return 1
-  def reset(self):
-    self.audience=None
-    self.stability=None
-    self.replaceb=None
-    self.returnt=None
-    self.desc=None
-    self.params=None
-  def setname(self,text):
-    definition=text.split();
-  def getname(self):
-    if ( is None):
-      return "None"
-    else:
-      return
-  def setaudience(self,text):
-    self.audience=docstrip("audience",text)
-    self.audience=self.audience.capitalize()
-  def getaudience(self):
-    if (self.audience is None):
-      return "None"
-    else:
-      return self.audience
-  def setstability(self,text):
-    self.stability=docstrip("stability",text)
-    self.stability=self.stability.capitalize()
-  def getstability(self):
-    if (self.stability is None):
-      return "None"
-    else:
-      return self.stability
-  def setreplace(self,text):
-    self.replaceb=docstrip("replaceable",text)
-    self.replaceb=self.replaceb.capitalize()
-  def getreplace(self):
-    if self.replaceb == "Yes":
-      return self.replaceb
-    else:
-      return "No"
-  def getinter(self):
-    return ((self.getaudience(), self.getstability(), self.getreplace()))
-  def addreturn(self,text):
-    if (self.returnt is None):
-      self.returnt = []
-    self.returnt.append(docstrip("return",text))
-  def getreturn(self):
-    if (self.returnt is None):
-      return "Nothing"
-    else:
-      return "\n\n".join(self.returnt)
-  def adddesc(self,text):
-    if (self.desc is None):
-      self.desc = []
-    self.desc.append(docstrip("description",text))
-  def getdesc(self):
-    if (self.desc is None):
-      return "None"
-    else:
-      return " ".join(self.desc)
-  def addparam(self,text):
-    if (self.params is None):
-      self.params = []
-    self.params.append(docstrip("param",text))
-  def getparams(self):
-    if (self.params is None):
-      return ""
-    else:
-      return " ".join(self.params)
-  def getusage(self):
-    line="%s %s" % (, self.getparams())
-    return line.rstrip()
-  def headerbuild(self):
-    if self.getreplace() == "Yes":
-      replacetext="Replaceable"
-    else:
-      replacetext="Not Replaceable"
-    line="%s/%s/%s" % (self.getaudience(), self.getstability(), replacetext)
-    return(line)
-  def getdocpage(self):
-    line="### `%s`\n\n"\
-         "* Synopsis\n\n"\
-         "```\n%s\n"\
-         "```\n\n" \
-         "* Description\n\n" \
-         "%s\n\n" \
-         "* Returns\n\n" \
-         "%s\n\n" \
-         "| Classification | Level |\n" \
-         "| :--- | :--- |\n" \
-         "| Audience | %s |\n" \
-         "| Stability | %s |\n" \
-         "| Replaceable | %s |\n\n" \
-         % (self.getname(),
-            self.getusage(),
-            self.getdesc(),
-            self.getreturn(),
-            self.getaudience(),
-            self.getstability(),
-            self.getreplace())
-    return line
-  def lint(self):
-    getfuncs = {
-        "audience"    : self.getaudience,
-        "stability"   : self.getstability,
-        "replaceable" : self.getreplace,
-    }
-    validvalues = {
-        "audience"    : ("Public", "Private"),
-        "stability"   : ("Stable", "Evolving"),
-        "replaceable" : ("Yes", "No"),
-    }
-    messages = []
-    for attr in ("audience", "stability", "replaceable"):
-      value = getfuncs[attr]()
-      if value == "None":
-        messages.append("ERROR: function %s has no @%s" % (self.getname(), attr.lower()))
-      elif value not in validvalues[attr]:
-        validvalue = "|".join(v.lower() for v in validvalues[attr])
-        messages.append("ERROR: function %s has invalid value (%s) for @%s (%s)" %
-                        (self.getname(), value.lower(), attr.lower(), validvalue))
-    return "\n".join(messages)
-  def __str__(self):
-    line="{%s %s %s %s}" \
-      % (self.getname(),
-         self.getaudience(),
-         self.getstability(),
-         self.getreplace())
-    return line
+    def reset(self):
+        '''empties current function'''
+ = None
+        self.audience = None
+        self.stability = None
+        self.replaceb = None
+        self.returnt = None
+        self.desc = None
+        self.params = None
+    def setname(self, text):
+        '''set the name of the function'''
+        definition = text.split()
+ = definition[1]
+    def getname(self):
+        '''get the name of the function'''
+        if is None:
+            return "None"
+        else:
+            return
+    def setaudience(self, text):
+        '''set the audience of the function'''
+        self.audience = docstrip("audience", text)
+        self.audience = self.audience.capitalize()
+    def getaudience(self):
+        '''get the audience of the function'''
+        if self.audience is None:
+            return "None"
+        else:
+            return self.audience
+    def setstability(self, text):
+        '''set the stability of the function'''
+        self.stability = docstrip("stability", text)
+        self.stability = self.stability.capitalize()
+    def getstability(self):
+        '''get the stability of the function'''
+        if self.stability is None:
+            return "None"
+        else:
+            return self.stability
+    def setreplace(self, text):
+        '''set the replacement state'''
+        self.replaceb = docstrip("replaceable", text)
+        self.replaceb = self.replaceb.capitalize()
+    def getreplace(self):
+        '''get the replacement state'''
+        if self.replaceb == "Yes":
+            return self.replaceb
+        else:
+            return "No"
+    def getinter(self):
+        '''get the function state'''
+        return self.getaudience(), self.getstability(), self.getreplace()
+    def addreturn(self, text):
+        '''add a return state'''
+        if self.returnt is None:
+            self.returnt = []
+        self.returnt.append(docstrip("return", text))
+    def getreturn(self):
+        '''get the complete return state'''
+        if self.returnt is None:
+            return "Nothing"
+        else:
+            return "\n\n".join(self.returnt)
+    def adddesc(self, text):
+        '''add to the description'''
+        if self.desc is None:
+            self.desc = []
+        self.desc.append(docstrip("description", text))
+    def getdesc(self):
+        '''get the description'''
+        if self.desc is None:
+            return "None"
+        else:
+            return " ".join(self.desc)
+    def addparam(self, text):
+        '''add a parameter'''
+        if self.params is None:
+            self.params = []
+        self.params.append(docstrip("param", text))
+    def getparams(self):
+        '''get all of the parameters'''
+        if self.params is None:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            return " ".join(self.params)
+    def getusage(self):
+        '''get the usage string'''
+        line = "%s %s" % (, self.getparams())
+        return line.rstrip()
+    def headerbuild(self):
+        '''get the header for this function'''
+        if self.getreplace() == "Yes":
+            replacetext = "Replaceable"
+        else:
+            replacetext = "Not Replaceable"
+        line = "%s/%s/%s" % (self.getaudience(), self.getstability(),
+                             replacetext)
+        return line
+    def getdocpage(self):
+        '''get the built document page for this function'''
+        line = "### `%s`\n\n"\
+             "* Synopsis\n\n"\
+             "```\n%s\n"\
+             "```\n\n" \
+             "* Description\n\n" \
+             "%s\n\n" \
+             "* Returns\n\n" \
+             "%s\n\n" \
+             "| Classification | Level |\n" \
+             "| :--- | :--- |\n" \
+             "| Audience | %s |\n" \
+             "| Stability | %s |\n" \
+             "| Replaceable | %s |\n\n" \
+             % (self.getname(),
+                self.getusage(),
+                self.getdesc(),
+                self.getreturn(),
+                self.getaudience(),
+                self.getstability(),
+                self.getreplace())
+        return line
+    def lint(self):
+        '''Lint this function'''
+        getfuncs = {
+            "audience": self.getaudience,
+            "stability": self.getstability,
+            "replaceable": self.getreplace,
+        }
+        validvalues = {
+            "audience": ("Public", "Private"),
+            "stability": ("Stable", "Evolving"),
+            "replaceable": ("Yes", "No"),
+        }
+        messages = []
+        for attr in ("audience", "stability", "replaceable"):
+            value = getfuncs[attr]()
+            if value == "None":
+                messages.append("ERROR: function %s has no @%s" %
+                                (self.getname(), attr.lower()))
+            elif value not in validvalues[attr]:
+                validvalue = "|".join(v.lower() for v in validvalues[attr])
+                messages.append(
+                    "ERROR: function %s has invalid value (%s) for @%s (%s)" %
+                    (self.getname(), value.lower(), attr.lower(), validvalue))
+        return "\n".join(messages)
+    def __str__(self):
+        '''Generate a string for this function'''
+        line = "{%s %s %s %s}" \
+          % (self.getname(),
+             self.getaudience(),
+             self.getstability(),
+             self.getreplace())
+        return line
 def main():
-  parser=OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [--skipprnorep] --output OUTFILE --input INFILE [--input INFILE ...]")
-  parser.add_option("-o","--output", dest="outfile",
-     action="store", type="string",
-     help="file to create", metavar="OUTFILE")
-  parser.add_option("-i","--input", dest="infile",
-     action="append", type="string",
-     help="file to read", metavar="INFILE")
-  parser.add_option("--skipprnorep", dest="skipprnorep",
-     action="store_true", help="Skip Private & Not Replaceable")
-  parser.add_option("--lint", dest="lint",
-                    action="store_true", help="Enable lint mode")
-  parser.add_option("-V", "--version", dest="release_version", action="store_true", default=False,
-                    help="display version information for shelldocs and exit.")
-  (options, args)=parser.parse_args()
-  if options.release_version:
-    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../VERSION"), 'r') as ver_file:
-      print
-    sys.exit(0)
-  if options.infile is None:
-    parser.error("At least one input file needs to be supplied")
-  elif options.outfile is None and options.lint is None:
-    parser.error("At least one of output file and lint mode needs to be specified")
-  allfuncs = []
-  try:
-    for filename in options.infile:
-      with open(filename,"r") as shellcode:
-        funcdef = ShellFunction()
-        for line in shellcode:
-          if line.startswith('## @description'):
-            funcdef.adddesc(line)
-          elif line.startswith('## @audience'):
-            funcdef.setaudience(line)
-          elif line.startswith('## @stability'):
-            funcdef.setstability(line)
-          elif line.startswith('## @replaceable'):
-            funcdef.setreplace(line)
-          elif line.startswith('## @param'):
-            funcdef.addparam(line)
-          elif line.startswith('## @return'):
-            funcdef.addreturn(line)
-          elif line.startswith('function'):
-            funcdef.setname(line)
-            if options.skipprnorep and \
-              funcdef.getaudience() == "Private" and \
-              funcdef.getreplace() == "No":
-                 pass
-            else:
-              allfuncs.append(funcdef)
-            funcdef = ShellFunction()
-  except IOError, err:
-    print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Failed to read from file: %s. Aborting." % err.filename
-    sys.exit(1)
-  allfuncs = sorted(allfuncs)
-  if options.lint:
-    for funcs in allfuncs:
-      message = funcs.lint()
-      if 0 < len(message):
-        print message
-  if options.outfile is not None:
-    with open(options.outfile, "w") as outfile:
-      outfile.write(asflicense)
-      for line in toc(allfuncs):
-         outfile.write(line)
-      outfile.write("\n------\n\n")
-      header = []
-      for funcs in allfuncs:
-        if header != funcs.getinter():
-          header = funcs.getinter()
-          line = "## %s\n" % (funcs.headerbuild())
-          outfile.write(line)
-        outfile.write(funcs.getdocpage())
+    '''main entry point'''
+    parser = OptionParser(
+        usage=
+        "usage: %prog [--skipprnorep] --output OUTFILE --input INFILE [--input INFILE ...]")
+    parser.add_option("-o",
+                      "--output",
+                      dest="outfile",
+                      action="store",
+                      type="string",
+                      help="file to create",
+                      metavar="OUTFILE")
+    parser.add_option("-i",
+                      "--input",
+                      dest="infile",
+                      action="append",
+                      type="string",
+                      help="file to read",
+                      metavar="INFILE")
+    parser.add_option("--skipprnorep",
+                      dest="skipprnorep",
+                      action="store_true",
+                      help="Skip Private & Not Replaceable")
+    parser.add_option("--lint",
+                      dest="lint",
+                      action="store_true",
+                      help="Enable lint mode")
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-V",
+        "--version",
+        dest="release_version",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="display version information for shelldocs and exit.")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.release_version:
+        with open(
+            os.path.join(
+                os.path.dirname(__file__), "../VERSION"), 'r') as ver_file:
+            print
+        sys.exit(0)
+    if options.infile is None:
+        parser.error("At least one input file needs to be supplied")
+    elif options.outfile is None and options.lint is None:
+        parser.error(
+            "At least one of output file and lint mode needs to be specified")
+    allfuncs = []
+    try:
+        for filename in options.infile:
+            with open(filename, "r") as shellcode:
+                funcdef = ShellFunction()
+                for line in shellcode:
+                    if line.startswith('## @description'):
+                        funcdef.adddesc(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('## @audience'):
+                        funcdef.setaudience(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('## @stability'):
+                        funcdef.setstability(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('## @replaceable'):
+                        funcdef.setreplace(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('## @param'):
+                        funcdef.addparam(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('## @return'):
+                        funcdef.addreturn(line)
+                    elif line.startswith('function'):
+                        funcdef.setname(line)
+                        if options.skipprnorep and \
+                          funcdef.getaudience() == "Private" and \
+                          funcdef.getreplace() == "No":
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            allfuncs.append(funcdef)
+                        funcdef = ShellFunction()
+    except IOError, err:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Failed to read from file: %s. Aborting." % err.filename
+        sys.exit(1)
+    allfuncs = sorted(allfuncs)
+    if options.lint:
+        for funcs in allfuncs:
+            message = funcs.lint()
+            if len(message) > 0:
+                print message
+    if options.outfile is not None:
+        with open(options.outfile, "w") as outfile:
+            outfile.write(ASFLICENSE)
+            for line in toc(allfuncs):
+                outfile.write(line)
+            outfile.write("\n------\n\n")
+            header = []
+            for funcs in allfuncs:
+                if header != funcs.getinter():
+                    header = funcs.getinter()
+                    line = "## %s\n" % (funcs.headerbuild())
+                    outfile.write(line)
+                outfile.write(funcs.getdocpage())
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()