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Posted to by Maceda Marcos <> on 2004/03/02 11:49:24 UTC

[users@httpd] mod_include do NOT use the correct JK2 worker


I am testing Apache-Tomcat in Windows 2000 Server for my purposes but
finally this will work in production over a Intel-Linux machine
undetermined by now.

I have connected Apache 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.12 via jk2 using the binary
versions for the Windows NT plattform:

- apache_2.0.43-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

I have configured two JK2 workers that resolve to two different tomcat
webapp in two different tomcat services. 
I show you my config files below.
My Apache virtual hosts are in ports 80 and 90 and have configured
mod_include and the option +IncludesNOEXEC.

Now my problem. 

If I query a Tomcat mounted URI in the port 80 i get the correct answer
from the tomcat listening the worker 'worker1'  
If I query a Tomcat mounted URI in the port 90 i get the correct answer
from the tomcat listening the worker 'worker2'

For example (correct answers):
 - //localhost/app/test/test.jsp  
 - //localhost:90/app/test/test.jsp
But, if I query with a SSI:
  - <!--#include virtual="/app/test/test.jsp" -->

The answer is always get from the worker defined in
with 8009 port no matter wich virtual host is supposed to resolve it.

Do you have any idea? Could be a bug? in mod_include? in JK2? in Apache2?
Do you think that this will be corrected if i 'degrade' to JK1 conectors?

I have search in all the bug databases and change_logs i found and dont
think it is fixed.

Thanks for your time.

My config files are: (full)







httpd.conf (only where i think is relevant)
LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll
LoadModule include_module modules/
#ServerName localhost:80
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .jsp
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
Listen 80
Listen 90

NameVirtualHost *:80
NameVirtualHost *:90

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot C:/opt/www/live
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +IncludesNOEXEC
    <Directory "/">
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +IncludesNOEXEC MultiViews
     AllowOverride None
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

<VirtualHost *:90>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot C:/opt/www/dev
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +IncludesNOEXEC
    <Directory "/">
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +IncludesNOEXEC MultiViews
     AllowOverride None
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

Tomcat server.xml (oly relevant) 

I think this is not related with the problem. 

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<Server className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer" debug="0"
port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

  <Service className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService" debug="0"
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
acceptCount="10" bufferSize="2048" connectionTimeout="20000" debug="0"
enableLookups="true" maxProcessors="75" minProcessors="5" port="8009"
proxyPort="0" redirectPort="8443" scheme="http" secure="false"
tcpNoDelay="true" useURIValidationHack="false">
    <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine" debug="0"
      <Host className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost"
appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="true"
contextClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" debug="0"
name="localhost" unpackWARs="true">
        <Context className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext"
cookies="true" crossContext="false" debug="0" docBase="C:\opt\as\live"
mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper" path="/app"
privileged="false" reloadable="true" swallowOutput="true"
useNaming="true" wrapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper">
  <Service className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService" debug="0"
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
acceptCount="10" bufferSize="2048" connectionTimeout="20000" debug="0"
enableLookups="true" maxProcessors="75" minProcessors="5" port="8010"
proxyPort="0" redirectPort="8443" scheme="http" secure="false"
tcpNoDelay="true" useURIValidationHack="false">
    <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine" debug="0"
      <Host className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost"
appBase="webapps-b" autoDeploy="true"
contextClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" debug="0"
name="localhost" unpackWARs="true">
        <Context className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext"
cookies="true" crossContext="false" debug="0" docBase="C:\opt\as\dev"
mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper" path="/app"
privileged="false" reloadable="true" swallowOutput="true"
useNaming="true" wrapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper">

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