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Posted to by Pankaj Saha <> on 2015/06/28 20:55:21 UTC

Docker connection issue

Hello Devs,

I am facing one issue regarding connection docker containers in their
respective exposed ports.
This is happening only for airavata server. Here I am putting the easiest
replication steps so that you guys can replicate and debug it.

*Installing rabbit MQ:*

> docker pull rabbitmq:3-management
> docker run -i -d --name rabbit -p 15672:15672 -t rabbitmq:3-management

*Creating airavata server docker:*

> docker pull ubuntu
> docker run -i -d --name ubuntu_airavata --expose 8930 --link rabbit:rabbit
> -t ubuntu /bin/bash
> docker attach ubuntu

now you are inside the new ubuntu docker container's console.

To check in which server/port rabbitMQ is connected you can check with
belwo command:


This should say something similar: RABBIT _PORT=tcp://
To check rabbitMQ connectivity you can try

> nc -zv <server ip> 5672

This should say something similar :  Connection to 5672 port
[tcp/http] succeeded!

install every thing(jdk,maven etc) required for make airavata server
running. make changes to airavata properties file to map the rabbit mq
server and port. Make sure airavata is running without any error.
keep this session alive and open a new terminal window.

*Create airavat pga container:*
There execute the below commands to create airavata pga

> docker pull psaha4/airavata_pga
> docker run -i -d --name pga -p 8080:80
> --link ubuntu_airavata:ubuntu_airavata -t psaha4/airavata_pga /bin/bash
> docker attach pga

now you are inside the new pga docker container's console. To test is pga
installed correctly try in browser :

To check in which server/port ubuntu_airavata is linked try the below


This should say something similar: UBUNTU_AIRAVATA_PORT=tcp://
 To check ubuntu_airavata connectivity you can try

> nc -zv <server ip> 8930

This should say something similar :  connect to port 8930 (tcp)
failed: Connection refuse

Now we need to find why port 8930 is refusing the connection??? whereas for
rabbitMQ port 5672 is listening perfectly.
