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[25/58] [abbrv] [partial] removed some dirs and updated setup script
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index 6c00448..0000000
--- a/stack/loadtests/gatling/results/postuserssimulation-llbean-1411416372907/req_post-llbean-ise-3bf79.html
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-<title>Gatling Stats - POST LLBean isError = false</title>
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-                        <p class="sim_desc" title="2014-09-22 13:06:12, duration : 177 seconds" data-content="">
-                            <b>2014-09-22 13:06:12, duration : 177 seconds</b> </b>
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-                        <h1><span>> </span>POST LLBean isError = false</h1>
-                        <div class="article">
-                        <div class="infos">
-                            <div class="infos-in">
-	                        <div class="infos-title">STATISTICS</div>
-                                <div class="repli"></div>                               
-                                <div class="info">
-                                    <h2 class="first">Executions</h2>
-                                    <table>
-                                        <thead>
-                                            <tr><th></th><th>Total</th><th>OK</th><th>KO</th></tr>
-                                        </thead>
-                                        <tbody>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequests" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequestsOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequestsKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </tbody>
-                                    </table>
-                                    <h2 class="second">Response Time (ms)</h2>
-                                    <table>
-                                        <thead>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <th></th>
-                                                <th>Total</th>
-                                                <th>OK</th>
-                                                <th>KO</th>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </thead>
-                                        <tbody>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Min</td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Max</td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Mean</td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Std Deviation</td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviation" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviationOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviationKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">95th percentile</td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1OK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1KO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">99th percentile</td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2OK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2KO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Mean req/s</td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecond" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </tbody>
-                                    </table>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
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-                <div id="container_requests" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
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-                <div id="container_responses" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
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-            </div>
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-    var pageStats = stats.contents['post-llbean-ise-3bf79'].stats;
-    $(document).ready(function() {
-        $('.sim_desc').popover({trigger:'hover', placement:'bottom'});
-        setDetailsLinkUrl();
-        setDetailsMenu();
-        setActiveMenu();
-        fillStats(pageStats);
-  global: { useUTC: false }
-var indicatorsChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_indicators',
-    marginRight: 150
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  legend: { enabled: false },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  xAxis: {
-    categories: [
-    ]
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    title: { text: 'Number of Requests' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-      var s;
-      if ( { // the pie chart
-        s = ''+ +': '+ this.y +'% requests';
-      } else {
-        s = ''+ this.y + ' requests';
-      }
-      return s;
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      stacking: 'normal',
-      shadow: true
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
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-      type: 'column',
-      color: '#A0B228',
-      data: [pageStats.group1.count,0,0,0],
-      tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-    },
-    {
-      type: 'column',
-      color: '#FFDD00',
-      data: [0,pageStats.group2.count,0,0],
-      tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-    },
-    {
-      type: 'column',
-      color: '#FF9D00',
-      data: [0,0,pageStats.group3.count,0],
-      tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-    },
-    {
-      type: 'column',
-      color: '#FF0000',
-      data: [0,0,0,pageStats.group4.count],
-      tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-    },
-    {
-      type: 'pie',
-      name: 'Percentages',
-      data: [
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group1.percentage,
-          color: '#A0B228'
-        },
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group2.percentage,
-          color: '#FFDD00'
-        },
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group3.percentage,
-          color: '#FF9D00'
-        },
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group4.percentage,
-          color: '#FF0000'
-        }
-      ],
-      center: [470, 85],
-      size: 100,
-      showInLegend: false,
-      dataLabels: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Indicators</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-	    $('#container_errors').sortable('#container_errors');
-var responseTimeDistributionChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_distrib',
-    type: 'column'
-  },
-  credits: {
-    enabled: false
-  },
-  legend: {
-    enabled: true,
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-    y: -285,
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-  title: {
-    text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later'
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    categories: ['140', '161', '182', '203', '224', '245', '266', '287', '308', '329', '350', '371', '393', '414', '435', '456', '477', '498', '519', '540', '561', '582', '603', '624', '645', '667', '688', '709', '730', '751', '772', '793', '814', '835', '856', '877', '898', '919', '941', '962', '983', '1004', '1025', '1046', '1067', '1088', '1109', '1130', '1151', '1172', '1194', '1215', '1236', '1257', '1278', '1299', '1320', '1341', '1362', '1383', '1404', '1425', '1446', '1468', '1489', '1510', '1531', '1552', '1573', '1594', '1615', '1636', '1657', '1678', '1699', '1721', '1742', '1763', '1784', '1805', '1826', '1847', '1868', '1889', '1910', '1931', '1952', '1973', '1995', '2016', '2037', '2058', '2079', '2100', '2121', '2142', '2163', '2184', '2205', '2226', '2248'],
-    tickInterval: 20
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: {
-      text: 'Percentage of Requests'
-    }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-      return '<b>'+ this.x +' ms</b><br/>'+
- +': '+ this.y +' %<br/>'+
-      'Total: '+ this.point.stackTotal + ' %';
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      groupPadding: 0,
-      stacking: 'normal',
-      shadow: true
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-  	{
-type: 'column',
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'Success',
-data: [
-  62.0,25.78,4.94,0.73,0.31,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.84,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.21,0.21,0.0,0.1,0.21,0.0,0.1,0.31,0.21,0.42,0.73,0.52,0.73,0.21,0.73,0.0,0.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.0
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-  	{
-type: 'column',
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failure',
-data: [
-  0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Response Time Distribution</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var responseTimeChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  colors: ['#C4FD90', '#7FF77F', '#6FF2AD', '#60ECE5', '#51A8E7', '#4353E2', '#7335DC', '#BC28D7', '#D11C97', '#C73905', 'Orange'],
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-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Response Time (ms)',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  plotOptions: {
-    arearange: { lineWidth: 1 },
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: 'min',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,134],[1411416379430,132],[1411416380430,134],[1411416381430,129],[1411416382430,136],[1411416383430,136],[1411416384430,132],[1411416385430,131],[1411416386430,129],[1411416387430,129],[1411416388430,137]
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-zIndex: 10
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '25%',
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-  [1411416378430,145],[1411416379430,142],[1411416380430,141],[1411416381430,141],[1411416382430,143],[1411416383430,146],[1411416384430,137],[1411416385430,136],[1411416386430,134],[1411416387430,131],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 9
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '50%',
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-  [1411416378430,150],[1411416379430,149],[1411416380430,146],[1411416381430,149],[1411416382430,149],[1411416383430,152],[1411416384430,141],[1411416385430,141],[1411416386430,135],[1411416387430,135],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 8
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '75%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,160],[1411416379430,157],[1411416380430,155],[1411416381430,163],[1411416382430,156],[1411416383430,159],[1411416384430,146],[1411416385430,148],[1411416386430,135],[1411416387430,136],[1411416388430,137]
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-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 7
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '80%',
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-  [1411416378430,165],[1411416379430,161],[1411416380430,160],[1411416381430,178],[1411416382430,161],[1411416383430,166],[1411416384430,148],[1411416385430,149],[1411416386430,136],[1411416387430,136],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 6
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '85%',
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-  [1411416378430,182],[1411416379430,165],[1411416380430,163],[1411416381430,183],[1411416382430,163],[1411416383430,183],[1411416384430,149],[1411416385430,151],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,136],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 5
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '90%',
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-  [1411416378430,435],[1411416379430,171],[1411416380430,172],[1411416381430,193],[1411416382430,171],[1411416383430,201],[1411416384430,153],[1411416385430,153],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,168],[1411416388430,137]
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-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 4
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
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-  [1411416378430,446],[1411416379430,179],[1411416380430,706],[1411416381430,295],[1411416382430,576],[1411416383430,754],[1411416384430,155],[1411416385430,154],[1411416386430,138],[1411416387430,229],[1411416388430,137]
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-zIndex: 3
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-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 1
-  allUsersData
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title chart_title_">Response Time Percentiles over Time (success)</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var responseTimeChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_latency',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  colors: ['#C4FD90', '#7FF77F', '#6FF2AD', '#60ECE5', '#51A8E7', '#4353E2', '#7335DC', '#BC28D7', '#D11C97', '#C73905', 'Orange'],
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-    enabled: true,
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-    y: -65,
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-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
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-    rangeSelector: { align: "left" },
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-        hover: {
-          fill: 'DarkGrey',
-          style: { color: 'black' }
-        },
-        select: {
-          fill: 'DarkOrange',
-          style: { color: 'white' }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    buttons : [
-      {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Latency (ms)',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  plotOptions: {
-    arearange: { lineWidth: 1 },
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: 'min',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,134],[1411416379430,131],[1411416380430,134],[1411416381430,129],[1411416382430,136],[1411416383430,135],[1411416384430,132],[1411416385430,131],[1411416386430,129],[1411416387430,129],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 10
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '25%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,145],[1411416379430,142],[1411416380430,141],[1411416381430,141],[1411416382430,143],[1411416383430,145],[1411416384430,137],[1411416385430,136],[1411416386430,134],[1411416387430,131],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 9
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '50%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,149],[1411416379430,148],[1411416380430,146],[1411416381430,149],[1411416382430,148],[1411416383430,152],[1411416384430,141],[1411416385430,140],[1411416386430,135],[1411416387430,134],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 8
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '75%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,159],[1411416379430,157],[1411416380430,154],[1411416381430,163],[1411416382430,156],[1411416383430,159],[1411416384430,145],[1411416385430,148],[1411416386430,135],[1411416387430,135],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 7
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '80%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,165],[1411416379430,160],[1411416380430,157],[1411416381430,177],[1411416382430,161],[1411416383430,166],[1411416384430,147],[1411416385430,149],[1411416386430,136],[1411416387430,135],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 6
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '85%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,182],[1411416379430,164],[1411416380430,162],[1411416381430,183],[1411416382430,163],[1411416383430,183],[1411416384430,148],[1411416385430,151],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,136],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 5
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '90%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,435],[1411416379430,171],[1411416380430,172],[1411416381430,193],[1411416382430,170],[1411416383430,200],[1411416384430,152],[1411416385430,153],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,168],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 4
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '95%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,446],[1411416379430,178],[1411416380430,705],[1411416381430,295],[1411416382430,575],[1411416383430,753],[1411416384430,155],[1411416385430,154],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,229],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 3
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: '99%',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,731],[1411416379430,653],[1411416380430,799],[1411416381430,812],[1411416382430,757],[1411416383430,801],[1411416384430,639],[1411416385430,873],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,279],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 2
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: 'max',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,742],[1411416379430,823],[1411416380430,846],[1411416381430,824],[1411416382430,762],[1411416383430,822],[1411416384430,743],[1411416385430,2237],[1411416386430,138],[1411416387430,292],[1411416388430,137]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 1
-  allUsersData
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title chart_title_">Latency Percentiles over Time (success)</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var requestsChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_requests',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  legend: {
-    enabled: true,
-    floating: true,
-    itemDistance: 10,
-    y: -285,
-    borderWidth: 0,
-    itemStyle: { fontWeight: "normal" }
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
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-    buttonTheme: {
-      fill: 'LightGrey',
-      padding: 1,
-      stroke: 'Black',
-      'stroke-width': 0.25,
-      style: {
-        color: 'Black',
-        fontWeight: 'bold',
-      },
-      states: {
-        stroke: 'Black',
-        'stroke-width': 0.25,
-        hover: {
-          fill: 'DarkGrey',
-          style: { color: 'black' }
-         },
-         select: {
-          fill: 'DarkOrange',
-          style: { color: 'white' }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    buttons : [
-      {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Number of requests',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  series: [
-    {
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'All requests',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,76],[1411416379430,127],[1411416380430,139],[1411416381430,137],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,135],[1411416384430,118],[1411416385430,67],[1411416386430,13],[1411416387430,9],[1411416388430,1]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failed requests',
-data: [
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#A0B228',
-name: 'Succeeded requests',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,76],[1411416379430,127],[1411416380430,139],[1411416381430,137],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,135],[1411416384430,118],[1411416385430,67],[1411416386430,13],[1411416387430,9],[1411416388430,1]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-    allUsersData,
-    {
-type: 'pie',
-name: 'Distribution',
-data: [
-  {name: 'Success', y: 950.0, color: '#A0B228'},{name: 'Failures', y: 0.0, color: '#FF0000'}
-center: [775, -40],
-size: 70,
-showInLegend: false,
-dataLabels: { enabled: false },
-dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Number of requests per second</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var requestsChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_responses',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  legend: {
-    enabled: true,
-    floating: true,
-    itemDistance: 10,
-    y: -285,
-    borderWidth: 0,
-    itemStyle: { fontWeight: "normal" }
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  rangeSelector: {
-    buttonSpacing: 0,
-    buttonTheme: {
-      fill: 'LightGrey',
-      padding: 1,
-      stroke: 'Black',
-      'stroke-width': 0.25,
-      style: {
-        color: 'Black',
-        fontWeight: 'bold',
-      },
-      states: {
-        stroke: 'Black',
-        'stroke-width': 0.25,
-        hover: {
-          fill: 'DarkGrey',
-          style: { color: 'black' }
-         },
-         select: {
-          fill: 'DarkOrange',
-          style: { color: 'white' }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    buttons : [
-      {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Number of responses',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  series: [
-    {
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'All responses',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,42],[1411416379430,144],[1411416380430,132],[1411416381430,134],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,135],[1411416384430,130],[1411416385430,78],[1411416386430,16],[1411416387430,9],[1411416388430,2]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failed responses',
-data: [
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#A0B228',
-name: 'Succeeded responses',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,42],[1411416379430,144],[1411416380430,132],[1411416381430,134],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,135],[1411416384430,130],[1411416385430,78],[1411416386430,16],[1411416387430,9],[1411416388430,2]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-    allUsersData,
-    {
-type: 'pie',
-name: 'Distribution',
-data: [
-  {name: 'Success', y: 950.0, color: '#A0B228'},{name: 'Failures', y: 0.0, color: '#FF0000'}
-center: [775, -40],
-size: 70,
-showInLegend: false,
-dataLabels: { enabled: false },
-dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Number of responses per second</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var scatterChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_response_time_dispersion', 
-    defaultSeriesType: 'scatter',
-    zoomType: 'xy'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  xAxis: {
-    title: {
-      enabled: true,
-      text: 'Global number of requests per second',
-      style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
-    },
-    startOnTick: true,
-    endOnTick: true,
-    showLastLabel: true,
-    min: 0
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: { text: 'Response Time' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-         return ''+ this.y +' ms at ' + this.x + ' allreq/s';
-    }
-  },
-  legend: {
-    layout: 'vertical',
-    align: 'left',
-    verticalAlign: 'top',
-    x: 80,
-    y: 10,
-    floating: true,
-    backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
-    borderWidth: 1,
-    borderRadius: 3,
-    itemStyle: {
-      fontWeight: "normal",
-      color: "#274B6D"
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    scatter: {
-      marker: {
-        radius: 3,
-        states: {
-          hover: {
-            enabled: true,
-            lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      states: {
-        hover: {
-          marker: { enabled: false }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(69, 114, 167, .2)',
-name: 'Successes',
-data: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .2)',
-name: 'Failures',
-data: [
-	]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Response Time against Global RPS</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var scatterChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_latency_dispersion', 
-    defaultSeriesType: 'scatter',
-    zoomType: 'xy'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  xAxis: {
-    title: {
-      enabled: true,
-      text: 'Global number of requests per second',
-      style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
-    },
-    startOnTick: true,
-    endOnTick: true,
-    showLastLabel: true,
-    min: 0
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: { text: 'Latency' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-         return ''+ this.y +' ms at ' + this.x + ' allreq/s';
-    }
-  },
-  legend: {
-    layout: 'vertical',
-    align: 'left',
-    verticalAlign: 'top',
-    x: 80,
-    y: 10,
-    floating: true,
-    backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
-    borderWidth: 1,
-    borderRadius: 3,
-    itemStyle: {
-      fontWeight: "normal",
-      color: "#274B6D"
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    scatter: {
-      marker: {
-        radius: 3,
-        states: {
-          hover: {
-            enabled: true,
-            lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      states: {
-        hover: {
-          marker: { enabled: false }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(69, 114, 167, .2)',
-name: 'Successes',
-data: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .2)',
-name: 'Failures',
-data: [
-	]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Latency against Global RPS</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-    });
diff --git a/stack/loadtests/gatling/results/postuserssimulation-llbean-1411416372907/req_post-llbean-ise-7794f.html b/stack/loadtests/gatling/results/postuserssimulation-llbean-1411416372907/req_post-llbean-ise-7794f.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f7205a..0000000
--- a/stack/loadtests/gatling/results/postuserssimulation-llbean-1411416372907/req_post-llbean-ise-7794f.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
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-<title>Gatling Stats - POST LLBean isError = true</title>
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-                    <p><span>postuserssimulation-llbean</span></p>
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-                        <div class="item "><a href="index.html">GLOBAL</a></div>
-                        <div class="item ouvert"><a id="details_link" href="#">DETAILS</a></div>
-                        <p class="sim_desc" title="2014-09-22 13:06:12, duration : 177 seconds" data-content="">
-                            <b>2014-09-22 13:06:12, duration : 177 seconds</b> </b>
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="content-in">
-                        <h1><span>> </span>POST LLBean isError = true</h1>
-                        <div class="article">
-                        <div class="infos">
-                            <div class="infos-in">
-	                        <div class="infos-title">STATISTICS</div>
-                                <div class="repli"></div>                               
-                                <div class="info">
-                                    <h2 class="first">Executions</h2>
-                                    <table>
-                                        <thead>
-                                            <tr><th></th><th>Total</th><th>OK</th><th>KO</th></tr>
-                                        </thead>
-                                        <tbody>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequests" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequestsOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="numberOfRequestsKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </tbody>
-                                    </table>
-                                    <h2 class="second">Response Time (ms)</h2>
-                                    <table>
-                                        <thead>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <th></th>
-                                                <th>Total</th>
-                                                <th>OK</th>
-                                                <th>KO</th>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </thead>
-                                        <tbody>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Min</td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="minResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Max</td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="maxResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Mean</td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTime" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTimeOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanResponseTimeKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Std Deviation</td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviation" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviationOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="standardDeviationKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">95th percentile</td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1OK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles1KO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">99th percentile</td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2OK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="percentiles2KO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                            <tr>
-                                                <td class="title">Mean req/s</td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecond" class="total"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondOK" class="ok"></td>
-                                                <td id="meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondKO" class="ko"></td>
-                                            </tr>
-                                        </tbody>
-                                    </table>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-            <div class="schema demi">
-              <div id="container_indicators" class="demi"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
-              <div id="container_distrib" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
-              <div id="container" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
-              <div id="container_latency" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
-              <a name="requests"></a>
-                <div id="container_requests" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
-              <a name="responses"></a>
-                <div id="container_responses" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="schema geant">
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-            </div>
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-              <div id="container_latency_dispersion" class="geant"></div>
-            </div>
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-    var pageStats = stats.contents['post-llbean-ise-7794f'].stats;
-    $(document).ready(function() {
-        $('.sim_desc').popover({trigger:'hover', placement:'bottom'});
-        setDetailsLinkUrl();
-        setDetailsMenu();
-        setActiveMenu();
-        fillStats(pageStats);
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-var indicatorsChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_indicators',
-    marginRight: 150
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-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  xAxis: {
-    categories: [
-    ]
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    title: { text: 'Number of Requests' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-      var s;
-      if ( { // the pie chart
-        s = ''+ +': '+ this.y +'% requests';
-      } else {
-        s = ''+ this.y + ' requests';
-      }
-      return s;
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
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-      tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-    },
-    {
-      type: 'pie',
-      name: 'Percentages',
-      data: [
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group1.percentage,
-          color: '#A0B228'
-        },
-        {
-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group2.percentage,
-          color: '#FFDD00'
-        },
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-          name:,
-          y: pageStats.group3.percentage,
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-        },
-        {
-          name:,
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-      dataLabels: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Indicators</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-	    $('#container_errors').sortable('#container_errors');
-var responseTimeDistributionChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_distrib',
-    type: 'column'
-  },
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-    enabled: false
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-    tickInterval: 20
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: {
-      text: 'Percentage of Requests'
-    }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-      return '<b>'+ this.x +' ms</b><br/>'+
- +': '+ this.y +' %<br/>'+
-      'Total: '+ this.point.stackTotal + ' %';
-    }
-  },
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-      stacking: 'normal',
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-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-  	{
-type: 'column',
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'Success',
-data: [
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-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-  	{
-type: 'column',
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failure',
-data: [
-  0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Response Time Distribution</span>',
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-var responseTimeChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container',
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-  },
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-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Response Time (ms)',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
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-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
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-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 1
-  allUsersData
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title chart_title_">Response Time Percentiles over Time (success)</span>',
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-var responseTimeChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_latency',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
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-      min: 0,
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-        text: 'Latency (ms)',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
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-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
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-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
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-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
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-zIndex: 6
-         {
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-  [1411416373430,5395],[1411416378430,667],[1411416379430,153],[1411416380430,164],[1411416381430,184],[1411416382430,165],[1411416383430,161],[1411416384430,149],[1411416385430,195],[1411416386430,135],[1411416387430,147]
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-name: '99%',
-data: [
-  [1411416373430,5558],[1411416378430,878],[1411416379430,773],[1411416380430,742],[1411416381430,743],[1411416382430,669],[1411416383430,534],[1411416384430,567],[1411416385430,2189],[1411416386430,137],[1411416387430,155]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 2
-         {
-pointInterval: 1000,
-name: 'max',
-data: [
-  [1411416373430,5591],[1411416378430,898],[1411416379430,839],[1411416380430,834],[1411416381430,782],[1411416382430,822],[1411416383430,781],[1411416384430,712],[1411416385430,2203],[1411416386430,138],[1411416387430,156]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: 'ms' },
-type : 'area',
-yAxis: 0,
-zIndex: 1
-  allUsersData
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title chart_title_">Latency Percentiles over Time (success)</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var requestsChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_requests',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  legend: {
-    enabled: true,
-    floating: true,
-    itemDistance: 10,
-    y: -285,
-    borderWidth: 0,
-    itemStyle: { fontWeight: "normal" }
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  rangeSelector: {
-    buttonSpacing: 0,
-    buttonTheme: {
-      fill: 'LightGrey',
-      padding: 1,
-      stroke: 'Black',
-      'stroke-width': 0.25,
-      style: {
-        color: 'Black',
-        fontWeight: 'bold',
-      },
-      states: {
-        stroke: 'Black',
-        'stroke-width': 0.25,
-        hover: {
-          fill: 'DarkGrey',
-          style: { color: 'black' }
-         },
-         select: {
-          fill: 'DarkOrange',
-          style: { color: 'white' }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    buttons : [
-      {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Number of requests',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  series: [
-    {
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'All requests',
-data: [
-  [1411416373430,50],[1411416378430,38],[1411416379430,144],[1411416380430,136],[1411416381430,133],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,134],[1411416384430,117],[1411416385430,59],[1411416386430,7],[1411416387430,4]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failed requests',
-data: [
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#A0B228',
-name: 'Succeeded requests',
-data: [
-  [1411416373430,50],[1411416378430,38],[1411416379430,144],[1411416380430,136],[1411416381430,133],[1411416382430,128],[1411416383430,134],[1411416384430,117],[1411416385430,59],[1411416386430,7],[1411416387430,4]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-    allUsersData,
-    {
-type: 'pie',
-name: 'Distribution',
-data: [
-  {name: 'Success', y: 950.0, color: '#A0B228'},{name: 'Failures', y: 0.0, color: '#FF0000'}
-center: [775, -40],
-size: 70,
-showInLegend: false,
-dataLabels: { enabled: false },
-dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Number of requests per second</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var requestsChart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_responses',
-    zoomType: 'x'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  legend: {
-    enabled: true,
-    floating: true,
-    itemDistance: 10,
-    y: -285,
-    borderWidth: 0,
-    itemStyle: { fontWeight: "normal" }
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  rangeSelector: {
-    buttonSpacing: 0,
-    buttonTheme: {
-      fill: 'LightGrey',
-      padding: 1,
-      stroke: 'Black',
-      'stroke-width': 0.25,
-      style: {
-        color: 'Black',
-        fontWeight: 'bold',
-      },
-      states: {
-        stroke: 'Black',
-        'stroke-width': 0.25,
-        hover: {
-          fill: 'DarkGrey',
-          style: { color: 'black' }
-         },
-         select: {
-          fill: 'DarkOrange',
-          style: { color: 'white' }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    buttons : [
-      {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'minute',
-        count : 10,
-        text : '10m'
-      }, {
-        type : 'hour',
-        count : 1,
-        text : '1h'
-      }, {
-        type : 'all',
-        count : 1,
-        text : 'All'
-      }
-    ],
-    selected : 3,
-    inputEnabled : false
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    series: {
-      dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'datetime',
-    ordinal: false,
-    maxZoom: 10000 // three days
-  },
-  yAxis:[
-    {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Number of responses',
-        style: { color: '#4572A7' }
-      },
-      opposite: false
-    }, {
-      min: 0,
-      title: {
-        text: 'Active Users',
-        style: { color: '#FF9D00' }
-      },
-      opposite: true
-    }
-  ],
-  series: [
-    {
-color: '#4572A7',
-name: 'All responses',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,76],[1411416379430,127],[1411416380430,141],[1411416381430,135],[1411416382430,131],[1411416383430,132],[1411416384430,118],[1411416385430,70],[1411416386430,13],[1411416387430,6],[1411416388430,1]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#FF0000',
-name: 'Failed responses',
-data: [
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-color: '#A0B228',
-name: 'Succeeded responses',
-data: [
-  [1411416378430,76],[1411416379430,127],[1411416380430,141],[1411416381430,135],[1411416382430,131],[1411416383430,132],[1411416384430,118],[1411416385430,70],[1411416386430,13],[1411416387430,6],[1411416388430,1]
-tooltip: { yDecimals: 0, ySuffix: '' }
-    allUsersData,
-    {
-type: 'pie',
-name: 'Distribution',
-data: [
-  {name: 'Success', y: 950.0, color: '#A0B228'},{name: 'Failures', y: 0.0, color: '#FF0000'}
-center: [775, -40],
-size: 70,
-showInLegend: false,
-dataLabels: { enabled: false },
-dataGrouping: { enabled: false }
-    }
-  ]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Number of responses per second</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var scatterChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_response_time_dispersion', 
-    defaultSeriesType: 'scatter',
-    zoomType: 'xy'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  xAxis: {
-    title: {
-      enabled: true,
-      text: 'Global number of requests per second',
-      style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
-    },
-    startOnTick: true,
-    endOnTick: true,
-    showLastLabel: true,
-    min: 0
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: { text: 'Response Time' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-         return ''+ this.y +' ms at ' + this.x + ' allreq/s';
-    }
-  },
-  legend: {
-    layout: 'vertical',
-    align: 'left',
-    verticalAlign: 'top',
-    x: 80,
-    y: 10,
-    floating: true,
-    backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
-    borderWidth: 1,
-    borderRadius: 3,
-    itemStyle: {
-      fontWeight: "normal",
-      color: "#274B6D"
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    scatter: {
-      marker: {
-        radius: 3,
-        states: {
-          hover: {
-            enabled: true,
-            lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      states: {
-        hover: {
-          marker: { enabled: false }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(69, 114, 167, .2)',
-name: 'Successes',
-data: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .2)',
-name: 'Failures',
-data: [
-	]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Response Time against Global RPS</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-var scatterChart = new Highcharts.Chart({
-  chart: {
-    renderTo: 'container_latency_dispersion', 
-    defaultSeriesType: 'scatter',
-    zoomType: 'xy'
-  },
-  credits: { enabled: false },
-  xAxis: {
-    title: {
-      enabled: true,
-      text: 'Global number of requests per second',
-      style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
-    },
-    startOnTick: true,
-    endOnTick: true,
-    showLastLabel: true,
-    min: 0
-  },
-  title: { text: 'A title to let highcharts reserve the place for the title set later' },
-  yAxis: {
-    min: 0,
-    title: { text: 'Latency' }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    formatter: function() {
-         return ''+ this.y +' ms at ' + this.x + ' allreq/s';
-    }
-  },
-  legend: {
-    layout: 'vertical',
-    align: 'left',
-    verticalAlign: 'top',
-    x: 80,
-    y: 10,
-    floating: true,
-    backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
-    borderWidth: 1,
-    borderRadius: 3,
-    itemStyle: {
-      fontWeight: "normal",
-      color: "#274B6D"
-    }
-  },
-  plotOptions: {
-    scatter: {
-      marker: {
-        radius: 3,
-        states: {
-          hover: {
-            enabled: true,
-            lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      states: {
-        hover: {
-          marker: { enabled: false }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  series: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(69, 114, 167, .2)',
-name: 'Successes',
-data: [
-	  {
-type: 'scatter',
-color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .2)',
-name: 'Failures',
-data: [
-	]
-  text: '<span class="chart_title">Latency against Global RPS</span>',
-  useHTML: true
-    });