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Posted to by David Blevins <> on 2021/05/12 15:04:05 UTC

Release Process: profile issues

One of the issues I had during the release and is still a mystery to me is this command would definitely not work:

    $ mvn -Darguments="-DskipTests -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none -DadditionalJOption=-Xdoclint:none -Pmain,apache-release" release:perform

After a while of uploading binaries, you'll eventually get compile errors in the `tomee/` section of the build because the basic dependencies those modules need such as `openejb-core` are not part of either the `main` or `apache-release` profiles. In `tomee/pom.xml` there are two profiles, `openjpa` and `hibernate` and each has a different set of dependencies that include different flavors of `openejb-core`.  The `openjpa` profile is marked as `<activeByDefault>` which is why the build works when running a regular build.  However, if you add `-Pmain,apache-release` to your build parameters then all the profiles marked `<activeByDefault>` are shut off.  This leads to `openjpa` being cut out and `tomee/pom.xml` and all its children to not have a dependency on `openejb-core` and a lot of compile errors.

I ended up searching for all profiles in our build marked as `<activeByDefault>` and came up with this list and command:

    $ mvn -Darguments="-DskipTests -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none -DadditionalJOption=-Xdoclint:none -Pmain,apache-release,openjpa,all,arquillian-tomee-embedded,default,tomee" release:perform

The part that is most confusing is that I did a release in 2019 and somehow got by with just adding the `main` profile.


Jon appears to have had the same luck on his releases, so I'm not sure what may have changed.  Perhaps it's a Maven version thing.  The version of Maven I used was Apache Maven 3.6.3.

Anyone ever encounter this?  Jon, what version of Maven have you been using?

I'll probably need to ask over in users@maven, but want to collect some info first.
