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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] yjshen commented on a diff in pull request #2257: Move logical expression type-coercion code from `physical-expr` crate to `expr` crate

yjshen commented on code in PR #2257:

@@ -101,3 +130,733 @@ impl FromStr for AggregateFunction {
+/// Returns the datatype of the aggregate function.
+/// This is used to get the returned data type for aggregate expr.
+pub fn return_type(
+    fun: &AggregateFunction,
+    input_expr_types: &[DataType],
+) -> Result<DataType> {
+    // Note that this function *must* return the same type that the respective physical expression returns
+    // or the execution panics.
+    let coerced_data_types = coerce_types(fun, input_expr_types, &signature(fun))?;
+    match fun {
+        // TODO If the datafusion is compatible with PostgreSQL, the returned data type should be INT64.
+        AggregateFunction::Count | AggregateFunction::ApproxDistinct => {
+            Ok(DataType::UInt64)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Max | AggregateFunction::Min => {
+            // For min and max agg function, the returned type is same as input type.
+            // The coerced_data_types is same with input_types.
+            Ok(coerced_data_types[0].clone())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Sum => sum_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::Variance => variance_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::VariancePop => variance_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::Covariance => covariance_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::CovariancePop => {
+            covariance_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0])
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Correlation => correlation_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::Stddev => stddev_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::StddevPop => stddev_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::Avg => avg_return_type(&coerced_data_types[0]),
+        AggregateFunction::ArrayAgg => Ok(DataType::List(Box::new(Field::new(
+            "item",
+            coerced_data_types[0].clone(),
+            true,
+        )))),
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileCont => Ok(coerced_data_types[0].clone()),
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileContWithWeight => {
+            Ok(coerced_data_types[0].clone())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxMedian => Ok(coerced_data_types[0].clone()),
+    }
+/// Returns the coerced data type for each `input_types`.
+/// Different aggregate function with different input data type will get corresponding coerced data type.
+pub fn coerce_types(
+    agg_fun: &AggregateFunction,
+    input_types: &[DataType],
+    signature: &Signature,
+) -> Result<Vec<DataType>> {
+    // Validate input_types matches (at least one of) the func signature.
+    check_arg_count(agg_fun, input_types, &signature.type_signature)?;
+    match agg_fun {
+        AggregateFunction::Count | AggregateFunction::ApproxDistinct => {
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ArrayAgg => Ok(input_types.to_vec()),
+        AggregateFunction::Min | AggregateFunction::Max => {
+            // min and max support the dictionary data type
+            // unpack the dictionary to get the value
+            get_min_max_result_type(input_types)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Sum => {
+            // Refer to doc
+            // smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, decimal, or interval.
+            if !is_sum_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Avg => {
+            // Refer to doc
+            // smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, decimal, or interval
+            if !is_avg_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Variance => {
+            if !is_variance_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::VariancePop => {
+            if !is_variance_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Covariance => {
+            if !is_covariance_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::CovariancePop => {
+            if !is_covariance_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Stddev => {
+            if !is_stddev_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::StddevPop => {
+            if !is_stddev_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Correlation => {
+            if !is_correlation_support_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileCont => {
+            if !is_approx_percentile_cont_supported_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            if !matches!(input_types[1], DataType::Float64) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The percentile argument for {:?} must be Float64, not {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[1]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileContWithWeight => {
+            if !is_approx_percentile_cont_supported_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            if !is_approx_percentile_cont_supported_arg_type(&input_types[1]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The weight argument for {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[1]
+                )));
+            }
+            if !matches!(input_types[2], DataType::Float64) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The percentile argument for {:?} must be Float64, not {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[2]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxMedian => {
+            if !is_approx_percentile_cont_supported_arg_type(&input_types[0]) {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not support inputs of type {:?}.",
+                    agg_fun, input_types[0]
+                )));
+            }
+            Ok(input_types.to_vec())
+        }
+    }
+/// the signatures supported by the function `fun`.
+pub fn signature(fun: &AggregateFunction) -> Signature {
+    // note: the physical expression must accept the type returned by this function or the execution panics.
+    match fun {
+        AggregateFunction::Count
+        | AggregateFunction::ApproxDistinct
+        | AggregateFunction::ArrayAgg => Signature::any(1, Volatility::Immutable),
+        AggregateFunction::Min | AggregateFunction::Max => {
+            let valid = STRINGS
+                .iter()
+                .chain(NUMERICS.iter())
+                .chain(TIMESTAMPS.iter())
+                .chain(DATES.iter())
+                .cloned()
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+            Signature::uniform(1, valid, Volatility::Immutable)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Avg
+        | AggregateFunction::Sum
+        | AggregateFunction::Variance
+        | AggregateFunction::VariancePop
+        | AggregateFunction::Stddev
+        | AggregateFunction::StddevPop
+        | AggregateFunction::ApproxMedian => {
+            Signature::uniform(1, NUMERICS.to_vec(), Volatility::Immutable)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Covariance | AggregateFunction::CovariancePop => {
+            Signature::uniform(2, NUMERICS.to_vec(), Volatility::Immutable)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::Correlation => {
+            Signature::uniform(2, NUMERICS.to_vec(), Volatility::Immutable)
+        }
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileCont => Signature::one_of(
+            // Accept any numeric value paired with a float64 percentile
+            NUMERICS
+                .iter()
+                .map(|t| TypeSignature::Exact(vec![t.clone(), DataType::Float64]))
+                .collect(),
+            Volatility::Immutable,
+        ),
+        AggregateFunction::ApproxPercentileContWithWeight => Signature::one_of(
+            // Accept any numeric value paired with a float64 percentile
+            NUMERICS
+                .iter()
+                .map(|t| {
+                    TypeSignature::Exact(vec![t.clone(), t.clone(), DataType::Float64])
+                })
+                .collect(),
+            Volatility::Immutable,
+        ),
+    }
+/// function return type of a sum
+pub fn sum_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Int8 | DataType::Int16 | DataType::Int32 | DataType::Int64 => {
+            Ok(DataType::Int64)
+        }
+        DataType::UInt8 | DataType::UInt16 | DataType::UInt32 | DataType::UInt64 => {
+            Ok(DataType::UInt64)
+        }
+        // In the doc,
+        // the result type of floating-point is FLOAT64 with the double precision.
+        DataType::Float64 | DataType::Float32 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        DataType::Decimal(precision, scale) => {
+            // in the spark, the result type is DECIMAL(min(38,precision+10), s)
+            // ref:
+            let new_precision = DECIMAL_MAX_PRECISION.min(*precision + 10);
+            Ok(DataType::Decimal(new_precision, *scale))
+        }
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "SUM does not support type \"{:?}\"",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// function return type of variance
+pub fn variance_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Int8
+        | DataType::Int16
+        | DataType::Int32
+        | DataType::Int64
+        | DataType::UInt8
+        | DataType::UInt16
+        | DataType::UInt32
+        | DataType::UInt64
+        | DataType::Float32
+        | DataType::Float64 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "VAR does not support {:?}",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// function return type of covariance
+pub fn covariance_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Int8
+        | DataType::Int16
+        | DataType::Int32
+        | DataType::Int64
+        | DataType::UInt8
+        | DataType::UInt16
+        | DataType::UInt32
+        | DataType::UInt64
+        | DataType::Float32
+        | DataType::Float64 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "COVAR does not support {:?}",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// function return type of correlation
+pub fn correlation_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Int8
+        | DataType::Int16
+        | DataType::Int32
+        | DataType::Int64
+        | DataType::UInt8
+        | DataType::UInt16
+        | DataType::UInt32
+        | DataType::UInt64
+        | DataType::Float32
+        | DataType::Float64 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "CORR does not support {:?}",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// function return type of standard deviation
+pub fn stddev_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Int8
+        | DataType::Int16
+        | DataType::Int32
+        | DataType::Int64
+        | DataType::UInt8
+        | DataType::UInt16
+        | DataType::UInt32
+        | DataType::UInt64
+        | DataType::Float32
+        | DataType::Float64 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "STDDEV does not support {:?}",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// function return type of an average
+pub fn avg_return_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> Result<DataType> {
+    match arg_type {
+        DataType::Decimal(precision, scale) => {
+            // in the spark, the result type is DECIMAL(min(38,precision+4), min(38,scale+4)).
+            // ref:
+            let new_precision = DECIMAL_MAX_PRECISION.min(*precision + 4);
+            let new_scale = DECIMAL_MAX_SCALE.min(*scale + 4);
+            Ok(DataType::Decimal(new_precision, new_scale))
+        }
+        DataType::Int8
+        | DataType::Int16
+        | DataType::Int32
+        | DataType::Int64
+        | DataType::UInt8
+        | DataType::UInt16
+        | DataType::UInt32
+        | DataType::UInt64
+        | DataType::Float32
+        | DataType::Float64 => Ok(DataType::Float64),
+        other => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+            "AVG does not support {:?}",
+            other
+        ))),
+    }
+/// Validate the length of `input_types` matches the `signature` for `agg_fun`.
+/// This method DOES NOT validate the argument types - only that (at least one,
+/// in the case of [`TypeSignature::OneOf`]) signature matches the desired
+/// number of input types.
+fn check_arg_count(
+    agg_fun: &AggregateFunction,
+    input_types: &[DataType],
+    signature: &TypeSignature,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    match signature {
+        TypeSignature::Uniform(agg_count, _) | TypeSignature::Any(agg_count) => {
+            if input_types.len() != *agg_count {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} expects {:?} arguments, but {:?} were provided",
+                    agg_fun,
+                    agg_count,
+                    input_types.len()
+                )));
+            }
+        }
+        TypeSignature::Exact(types) => {
+            if types.len() != input_types.len() {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} expects {:?} arguments, but {:?} were provided",
+                    agg_fun,
+                    types.len(),
+                    input_types.len()
+                )));
+            }
+        }
+        TypeSignature::OneOf(variants) => {
+            let ok = variants
+                .iter()
+                .any(|v| check_arg_count(agg_fun, input_types, v).is_ok());
+            if !ok {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
+                    "The function {:?} does not accept {:?} function arguments.",
+                    agg_fun,
+                    input_types.len()
+                )));
+            }
+        }
+        _ => {
+            return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
+                "Aggregate functions do not support this {:?}",
+                signature
+            )));
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+fn get_min_max_result_type(input_types: &[DataType]) -> Result<Vec<DataType>> {
+    // make sure that the input types only has one element.
+    assert_eq!(input_types.len(), 1);
+    // min and max support the dictionary data type
+    // unpack the dictionary to get the value
+    match &input_types[0] {
+        DataType::Dictionary(_, dict_value_type) => {
+            // TODO add checker, if the value type is complex data type
+            Ok(vec![dict_value_type.deref().clone()])
+        }
+        // TODO add checker for datatype which min and max supported
+        // For example, the `Struct` and `Map` type are not supported in the MIN and MAX function
+        _ => Ok(input_types.to_vec()),
+    }
+pub fn is_sum_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+            | DataType::Decimal(_, _)
+    )
+pub fn is_avg_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+            | DataType::Decimal(_, _)
+    )
+pub fn is_variance_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+    )
+pub fn is_covariance_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+    )
+pub fn is_stddev_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+    )
+pub fn is_correlation_support_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {
+    matches!(
+        arg_type,
+        DataType::UInt8
+            | DataType::UInt16
+            | DataType::UInt32
+            | DataType::UInt64
+            | DataType::Int8
+            | DataType::Int16
+            | DataType::Int32
+            | DataType::Int64
+            | DataType::Float32
+            | DataType::Float64
+    )
+/// Return `true` if `arg_type` is of a [`DataType`] that the
+/// [`ApproxPercentileCont`] aggregation can operate on.
+pub fn is_approx_percentile_cont_supported_arg_type(arg_type: &DataType) -> bool {

Review Comment:
   I've thought of a trait with `supported_arg_type` and `return_type` methods before but seems not much difference.

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