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Posted to by Nitin Solanki <> on 2015/01/21 10:45:58 UTC

Add user-defined field into suggestions block.

I am working on solr spell checker along with suggester. I am saving
document like this :

{"ngram":"the age","count":5}
{"ngram":"the age of","count":3}

where *ngram* is unique key and applied *StandardTokenizer* and
*ShingleFactoryFilter*(1 to 5 size).

So, when I search word "*the*" it gives results along with suggetions like



So, suggestion gives *word* and *freq* field according to them. I want
to *add one more field* - *count* into suggestion block where *count*
should the same value which is available into documents. I don't want
to use *freq* field into suggestion block. Instead of that I want
*count* field. How can I do that?