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cvs commit: xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/validators/schema

andyc       01/02/01 22:07:54

  Modified:    java/src/org/apache/xerces/validators/schema
  Fixing accidental overwrite of changes for 1.3.0
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.92      +20 -893   xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/validators/schema/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/validators/schema/,v
  retrieving revision 1.91
  retrieving revision 1.92
  diff -u -r1.91 -r1.92
  ---	2001/02/01 09:58:40	1.91
  +++	2001/02/02 06:07:54	1.92
  @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
    * @see org.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar
  - * @version $Id:,v 1.91 2001/02/01 09:58:40 andyc Exp $
  + * @version $Id:,v 1.92 2001/02/02 06:07:54 andyc Exp $
   public class TraverseSchema implements 
  @@ -1075,19 +1075,24 @@
               int numEnumerationLiterals = 0;
               facetData        = new Hashtable();
               Vector enumData  = new Vector();
  +            content = checkContent(simpleTypeDecl, content , true);
               while (content != null) { 
                   if (content.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
  -                    numFacets++;
  -                    if (content.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
  +                        numFacets++;
  +                        if (content.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
                               String enumVal = content.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE);
  -                            //Enumerations can have annotations ? ( 0 | 1 )
                               checkContent(simpleTypeDecl, XUtil.getFirstChildElement( content ), true);
  -                    }
  -                    else {
  -                         facetData.put(content.getLocalName(),content.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
  -                    }
  +                        }
  +                        else if (content.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
  +                                  reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.ContentError,
  +                                                    new Object [] { simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME )});
  +                        }
  +                        else {
  +                             facetData.put(content.getLocalName(),content.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
  +                             checkContent(simpleTypeDecl, XUtil.getFirstChildElement( content ), true);
  +                        }
                       content = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
  @@ -1433,714 +1438,6 @@
  -     * Traverse ComplexType Declaration.
  -     *  
  -     *       <complexType 
  -     *         abstract = boolean 
  -     *         base = QName 
  -     *         block = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction} 
  -     *         content = elementOnly | empty | mixed | textOnly 
  -     *         derivedBy = extension | restriction 
  -     *         final = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction} 
  -     *         id = ID 
  -     *         name = NCName>
  -     *          Content: (annotation? , (((minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive
  -     *                    | maxInclusive | precision | scale | length | minLength 
  -     *                    | maxLength | encoding | period | duration | enumeration 
  -     *                    | pattern)* | (element | group | all | choice | sequence | any)*) , 
  -     *                    ((attribute | attributeGroup)* , anyAttribute?)))
  -     *        </complexType>
  -     * @param complexTypeDecl
  -     * @return 
  -     */
  -    //REVISIT: TO DO, base and derivation ???
  -    private int traverseComplexTypeDecl( Element complexTypeDecl ) throws Exception { 
  -        String isAbstract = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_ABSTRACT );
  -        String base = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE);
  -        String blockSet = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BLOCK );
  -        String content = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_CONTENT);
  -        String derivedBy = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_DERIVEDBY );
  -        String finalSet = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_FINAL );
  -        String typeId = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ID );
  -        String typeName = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME); 
  -        boolean isNamedType = false;
  -        // traverseComplexTypeDecl supports the April version of the schema spec. 
  -        // For candidate recommendation support, traverseComplexTypeDeclCR must be 
  -        // invoked
  -        if (CR_IMPL) 
  -          return traverseComplexTypeDeclCR(complexTypeDecl);
  -        if ( DEBUGGING )
  -            System.out.println("traversing complex Type : " + typeName +","+base+","+content+".");
  -        if (typeName.equals("")) { // gensym a unique name
  -            //typeName = ""+fTypeCount++;
  -            typeName = "#"+fAnonTypeCount++;
  -        }
  -        else {
  -            fCurrentTypeNameStack.push(typeName);
  -            isNamedType = true;
  -        }
  -        if (isTopLevel(complexTypeDecl)) {
  -            String fullName = fTargetNSURIString+","+typeName;
  -            ComplexTypeInfo temp = (ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fullName);
  -            if (temp != null ) {
  -                return fStringPool.addSymbol(fullName);
  -            }
  -        }
  -        int scopeDefined = fScopeCount++;
  -        int previousScope = fCurrentScope;
  -        fCurrentScope = scopeDefined;
  -        Element child = null;
  -        int contentSpecType = -1;
  -        int csnType = 0;
  -        int left = -2;
  -        int right = -2;
  -        ComplexTypeInfo baseTypeInfo = null;  //if base is a complexType;
  -        DatatypeValidator baseTypeValidator = null; //if base is a simple type or a complex type derived from a simpleType
  -        DatatypeValidator simpleTypeValidator = null;
  -        int baseTypeSymbol = -1;
  -        String fullBaseName = "";
  -        boolean baseIsSimpleSimple = false;
  -        boolean baseIsComplexSimple = false;
  -        boolean baseFromAnotherSchema = false;
  -        String baseTypeSchemaURI = null;
  -        boolean derivedByRestriction = true;
  -        boolean derivedByExtension = false;
  -        int baseContentSpecHandle = -1;
  -        Element baseTypeNode = null;
  -        //int parsedderivedBy = parseComplexDerivedBy(derivedBy);
  -        //handle the inhreitance here. 
  -        if (base.length()>0) {
  -            //first check if derivedBy is present
  -            if (derivedBy.length() == 0) {
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                reportGenericSchemaError("derivedBy must be present when base is present in " 
  -                                         +SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE
  -                                         +" "+ typeName);
  -                derivedBy = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION;
  -            }
  -            if (derivedBy.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
  -                derivedByRestriction = false;
  -            }
  -            String prefix = "";
  -            String localpart = base;
  -            int colonptr = base.indexOf(":");
  -            if ( colonptr > 0) {
  -                prefix = base.substring(0,colonptr);
  -                localpart = base.substring(colonptr+1);
  -            }
  -            int localpartIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
  -            String typeURI = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
  -            // check if the base type is from the same Schema;
  -            if ( ! typeURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString) 
  -                 && ! typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA) 
  -                 && typeURI.length() != 0 )  /*REVISIT, !!!! a hack: for schema that has no target namespace, e.g. personal-schema.xml*/{
  -                baseFromAnotherSchema = true;
  -                baseTypeSchemaURI = typeURI;
  -                baseTypeInfo = getTypeInfoFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
  -                if (baseTypeInfo == null) {
  -                    baseTypeValidator = getTypeValidatorFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
  -                    if (baseTypeValidator == null) {
  -                        //TO DO: report error here;
  -                        System.out.println("Could not find base type " +localpart 
  -                                           + " in schema " + typeURI);
  -                    }
  -                    else{
  -                        baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                fullBaseName = typeURI+","+localpart;
  -                // assume the base is a complexType and try to locate the base type first
  -                baseTypeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fullBaseName);
  -                // if not found, 2 possibilities: 1: ComplexType in question has not been compiled yet;
  -                //                                2: base is SimpleTYpe;
  -                if (baseTypeInfo == null) {
  -                    baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
  -                    if (baseTypeValidator == null) {
  -                        baseTypeNode = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE,localpart);
  -                        if (baseTypeNode != null) {
  -                            baseTypeSymbol = traverseComplexTypeDecl( baseTypeNode );
  -                            baseTypeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo)
  -                            fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fStringPool.toString(baseTypeSymbol)); //REVISIT: should it be fullBaseName;
  -                        }
  -                        else {
  -                            baseTypeNode = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
  -                            if (baseTypeNode != null) {
  -                                    baseTypeSymbol = traverseSimpleTypeDecl( baseTypeNode );
  -                                    simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
  -                                    if (simpleTypeValidator == null) {
  -                                        //TO DO: signal error here.
  -                                    }
  -                                    baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
  -                            }
  -                            else {
  -                                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                                reportGenericSchemaError("Base type could not be found : " + base);
  -                            }
  -                        }
  -                    }
  -                    else {
  -                        simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
  -                        baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -            }
  -            //Schema Spec : 5.11: Complex Type Definition Properties Correct : 2
  -            if (baseIsSimpleSimple && derivedByRestriction) {
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                reportGenericSchemaError("base is a simpledType, can't derive by restriction in " + typeName); 
  -            }
  -            //if  the base is a complexType
  -            if (baseTypeInfo != null ) {
  -                //Schema Spec : 5.11: Derivation Valid ( Extension ) 1.1.1
  -                //              5.11: Derivation Valid ( Restriction, Complex ) 1.2.1
  -                if (derivedByRestriction) {
  -                    //REVISIT: check base Type's finalset does not include "restriction"
  -                }
  -                else {
  -                    //REVISIT: check base Type's finalset doest not include "extension"
  -                }
  -                if ( baseTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle > -1) {
  -                    if (derivedByRestriction) {
  -                        //REVISIT: !!! really hairy staff to check the particle derivation OK in 5.10
  -                        checkParticleDerivationOK(complexTypeDecl, baseTypeNode);
  -                    }
  -                    baseContentSpecHandle = baseTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle;
  -                }
  -                else if ( baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator != null ) {
  -                    baseTypeValidator = baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator;
  -                    baseIsComplexSimple = true;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            //Schema Spec : 5.11: Derivation Valid ( Extension ) 1.1.1
  -            if (baseIsComplexSimple && !derivedByRestriction ) {
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                reportGenericSchemaError("base is ComplexSimple, can't derive by extension in " + typeName);
  -            }
  -        } // END of if (base.length() > 0) {}
  -        // skip refinement and annotations
  -        child = null;
  -        if (baseIsComplexSimple) {
  -            contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
  -            int numEnumerationLiterals = 0;
  -            int numFacets = 0;
  -            Hashtable facetData        = new Hashtable();
  -            Vector enumData            = new Vector();
  -            //REVISIT: there is a better way to do this, 
  -            for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
  -                 child != null && (child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINEXCLUSIVE) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MININCLUSIVE) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXEXCLUSIVE) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXINCLUSIVE) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PRECISION) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SCALE) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_LENGTH) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINLENGTH) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXLENGTH) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENCODING) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PERIOD) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_DURATION) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PATTERN) ||
  -                                   child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION));
  -                 child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) 
  -            {
  -                if ( child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
  -                    Element facetElt = (Element) child;
  -                    numFacets++;
  -                    if (facetElt.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
  -                        numEnumerationLiterals++;
  -                        enumData.addElement(facetElt.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE));
  -                        //Enumerations can have annotations ? ( 0 | 1 )
  -                        Element enumContent =  XUtil.getFirstChildElement( facetElt );
  -                        if( enumContent != null && enumContent.getLocalName().equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION ) ){
  -                            traverseAnnotationDecl( child );   
  -                        }
  -                        // TO DO: if Jeff check in new changes to TraverseSimpleType, copy them over
  -                    } else {
  -                        facetData.put(facetElt.getLocalName(),facetElt.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
  -                    }
  -                }
  -            }
  -            if (numEnumerationLiterals > 0) {
  -                facetData.put(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION, enumData);
  -            }
  -            //if (numFacets > 0)
  -            //    baseTypeValidator.setFacets(facetData, derivedBy );
  -            if (numFacets > 0) {
  -                simpleTypeValidator = fDatatypeRegistry.createDatatypeValidator( typeName, baseTypeValidator,
  -                                                           facetData, false ); 
  -            }
  -            else
  -                simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
  -            if (child != null) {
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                reportGenericSchemaError("Invalid child '"+child.getLocalName()+"' in complexType : '" + typeName 
  -                                         + "', because it restricts another complexSimpleType");
  -            }
  -        }
  -            // if content = textonly, base is a datatype
  -        if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TEXTONLY)) {
  -            //TO DO
  -            if (base.length() == 0) {
  -                simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator("", SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_STRING);
  -            }
  -            else if ( baseTypeValidator == null 
  -                      && baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator==null ) // must be datatype
  -                        reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.NotADatatype,
  -                                          new Object [] { base }); //REVISIT check forward refs
  -            //handle datatypes
  -            contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
  -            /****
  -            left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
  -                                                 fStringPool.addSymbol(base),
  -                                                 -1, false);
  -            /****/                                                 
  -        } 
  -        else {   
  -            if (!baseIsComplexSimple) {
  -                contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
  -            }
  -            csnType = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ;
  -            boolean mixedContent = false;
  -            //REVISIT: is the default content " elementOnly"
  -            boolean elementContent = true;
  -            boolean textContent = false;
  -            boolean emptyContent = false;
  -            left = -2;
  -            right = -2;
  -            boolean hadContent = false;
  -            if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EMPTY)) {
  -                contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY;
  -                emptyContent = true;
  -                elementContent = false;
  -                left = -1; // no contentSpecNode needed
  -            } else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_MIXED) ) {
  -                contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_MIXED;
  -                mixedContent = true;
  -                elementContent = false;
  -                csnType = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE;
  -            } else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ELEMENTONLY) || content.equals("")) {
  -                elementContent = true;
  -            } else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TEXTONLY)) {
  -                textContent = true;
  -                elementContent = false;
  -            }
  -            if (mixedContent) {
  -                // add #PCDATA leaf
  -                left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
  -                                                         -1, // -1 means "#PCDATA" is name
  -                                                         -1, false);
  -                csnType = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE;
  -            }
  -            boolean seeParticle = false;
  -            boolean seeOtherParticle = false;                
  -            boolean seeAll = false;
  -            for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
  -                 child != null;
  -                 child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
  -                int index = -2;  // to save the particle's contentSpec handle 
  -                hadContent = true;
  -                seeParticle = false;
  -                String childName = child.getLocalName();
  -                if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
  -                    if (mixedContent || elementContent) {
  -                        if ( DEBUGGING )
  -                            System.out.println(" child element name " + child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME));
  -                        QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
  -                        index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
  -                                                                   eltQName.localpart,
  -                                                                   eltQName.uri, 
  -                                                                   false);
  -                        seeParticle = true;
  -                        seeOtherParticle = true;
  -                    } 
  -                    else {
  -                        reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.EltRefOnlyInMixedElemOnly, null);
  -                    }
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
  -                    index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
  -                    if (index == -1) 
  -                        continue;
  -                    seeParticle = true;
  -                    seeOtherParticle = true;
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ALL)) {
  -                    index = traverseAll(child);
  -                    seeParticle = true;
  -                    seeAll = true;
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
  -                    index = traverseChoice(child);
  -                    seeParticle = true;
  -                    seeOtherParticle = true;                  
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
  -                    index = traverseSequence(child);
  -                    seeParticle = true;
  -                    seeOtherParticle = true;                  
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE) ||
  -                           childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
  -                    break; // attr processing is done later on in this method
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
  -                    index = traverseAny(child);
  -                    seeParticle = true;
  -                    seeOtherParticle = true;
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
  -                    //REVISIT, do nothing for annotation for now.
  -                } 
  -                else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE)) {
  -                    break;
  -                    //REVISIT, do nothing for attribute wildcard for now.
  -                } 
  -                else { // datatype qual 
  -                    if (!baseIsComplexSimple ) 
  -                    if (base.equals(""))
  -                        reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.GenericError, 
  -                                          new Object [] { "unrecognized child '"+childName+"' in complex type "+typeName });
  -                    else
  -                        reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.GenericError,
  -                                          new Object [] { "unrecognized child '"+childName+"' in complex type '"+typeName+"' with base "+base  });
  -                }
  -                // if base is complextype with simpleType content, can't have any particle children at all.
  -                if (baseIsComplexSimple && seeParticle) {
  -                    // REVISIT: Localize
  -                    reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", base type is complexType with simpleType content, can't have any particle children at all");
  -                    hadContent = false;
  -                    left = index = -2;
  -                    contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
  -                    break;
  -                }
  -                if (seeAll && seeOtherParticle) {
  -                    // REVISIT: Localize
  -                    reportGenericSchemaError ( " 'All' group needs to be the only child in Complextype : " + typeName);
  -                }
  -                if (seeAll) {
  -                    //TO DO: REVISIT 
  -                    //check the minOccurs = 1 and maxOccurs = 1  
  -                }
  -                // check the minOccurs and maxOccurs of the particle, and fix the  
  -                // contentspec accordingly
  -                if (seeParticle) {
  -                    index = expandContentModel(index, child);
  -                    if (index == -2 ) {
  -                        continue;
  -                    }
  -                } //end of if (seeParticle)
  -                if (left == -2) {
  -                    left = index;
  -                } else if (right == -2) {
  -                    right = index;
  -                } else {
  -                    left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
  -                    right = index;
  -                }
  -            } //end looping through the children
  -            if ( ! ( seeOtherParticle || seeAll ) && (elementContent || mixedContent)
  -                 &&  (base.length() == 0 || ( base.length() > 0 && derivedByRestriction && !baseIsComplexSimple))  ) {
  -                contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
  -                simpleTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator("", SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_STRING);
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                reportGenericSchemaError ( " complexType '"+typeName+"' with a elementOnly or mixed content "
  -                                           +"need to have at least one particle child");
  -            }
  -            if (hadContent && right != -2)
  -                left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
  -            if (mixedContent && hadContent) {
  -                // set occurrence count
  -                left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE,
  -                                                     left, -1, false);
  -            }
  -        }
  -        // if derived by extension and base complextype has a content model, 
  -        // compose the final content model by concatenating the base and the 
  -        // current in sequence.
  -        if (!derivedByRestriction && baseContentSpecHandle > -1 ) {
  -            if (baseFromAnotherSchema ) {
  -                SchemaGrammar aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(baseTypeSchemaURI);
  -                baseContentSpecHandle = importContentSpec(aGrammar, baseContentSpecHandle);
  -            }
  -            if (left == -2) {
  -                left = baseContentSpecHandle;
  -            }
  -            else 
  -                left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ, 
  -                                                         baseContentSpecHandle,
  -                                                         left,
  -                                                         false);
  -        }
  -        // REVISIT: this is when sees a topelevel <complexType name="abc">attrs*</complexType>
  -        if (content.length() == 0 && base.length() == 0 && left == -2) {
  -            contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_ANY;
  -        }
  -        if (content.length() == 0 && simpleTypeValidator == null && left == -2 ) {
  -            if (base.length() > 0 && baseTypeInfo != null 
  -                && baseTypeInfo.contentType == XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY) {
  -                contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY;
  -            }
  -        }
  -        ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo = new ComplexTypeInfo();
  -        typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo = baseTypeInfo;
  -        typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
  -        int derivedByInt = -1;
  -        if (derivedBy.length() > 0) {
  -            derivedByInt = parseComplexDerivedBy(derivedBy);
  -        }
  -        typeInfo.derivedBy = derivedByInt;
  -        typeInfo.scopeDefined = scopeDefined; 
  -        typeInfo.contentSpecHandle = left;
  -        typeInfo.contentType = contentSpecType;
  -        typeInfo.datatypeValidator = simpleTypeValidator;
  -        typeInfo.blockSet = parseBlockSet(complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_BLOCK));
  -        typeInfo.finalSet = parseFinalSet(complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FINAL));
  -        typeInfo.isAbstract = isAbstract.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE) ? true:false ;
  -        //add a template element to the grammar element decl pool.
  -        int typeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(typeName);
  -        int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+typeName);
  -        typeInfo.templateElementIndex = 
  -            fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
  -                                          (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : fCurrentScope, scopeDefined,
  -                                            contentSpecType, left, 
  -                                          -1, simpleTypeValidator);
  -        typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex);
  -        // (attribute | attrGroupRef)*
  -        XMLAttributeDecl attWildcard = null;
  -        Vector anyAttDecls = new Vector();
  -        for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
  -             child != null;
  -             child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
  -            String childName = child.getLocalName();
  -            if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
  -                if ((baseIsComplexSimple||baseIsSimpleSimple) && derivedByRestriction) {
  -                    // REVISIT: Localize
  -                    reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+
  -                                             ", base type has simpleType "+
  -                                             "content and derivation method is"+
  -                                             " 'restriction', can't have any "+
  -                                             "attribute children at all");
  -                    break;
  -                }
  -                traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo, false);
  -            } 
  -            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) { 
  -                if ((baseIsComplexSimple||baseIsSimpleSimple) && derivedByRestriction) {
  -                    // REVISIT: Localize
  -                    reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", base "+
  -                                             "type has simpleType content and "+
  -                                             "derivation method is 'restriction',"+
  -                                             " can't have any attribute children at all");
  -                    break;
  -                }
  -                traverseAttributeGroupDecl(child,typeInfo,anyAttDecls);
  -            }
  -            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) { 
  -                attWildcard = traverseAnyAttribute(child);
  -            }
  -        }
  -        if (attWildcard != null) {
  -            XMLAttributeDecl fromGroup = null;
  -            final int count = anyAttDecls.size();
  -            if ( count > 0) {
  -                fromGroup = (XMLAttributeDecl) anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
  -                for (int i=1; i<count; i++) {
  -                    fromGroup = mergeTwoAnyAttribute(fromGroup,(XMLAttributeDecl)anyAttDecls.elementAt(i));
  -                }
  -            }
  -            if (fromGroup != null) {
  -                int saveProcessContents = attWildcard.defaultType;
  -                attWildcard = mergeTwoAnyAttribute(attWildcard, fromGroup);
  -                attWildcard.defaultType = saveProcessContents;
  -            }
  -        }
  -        else {
  -            //REVISIT: unclear in the Scheme Structures 4.3.3 what to do in this case
  -        }
  -        // merge in base type's attribute decls
  -        XMLAttributeDecl baseAttWildcard = null;
  -        if (baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.attlistHead > -1 ) {
  -            int attDefIndex = baseTypeInfo.attlistHead;
  -            SchemaGrammar aGrammar = fSchemaGrammar;
  -            if (baseFromAnotherSchema) {
  -                aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(baseTypeSchemaURI);
  -            }
  -            if (aGrammar == null) {
  -                reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", can NOT find the grammar "+
  -                                         "with targetNamespace" + baseTypeSchemaURI+
  -                                         "for the base type");
  -            }
  -            else
  -            while ( attDefIndex > -1 ) {
  -                fTempAttributeDecl.clear();
  -                aGrammar.getAttributeDecl(attDefIndex, fTempAttributeDecl);
  -                if (fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_ANY 
  -                    ||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST
  -                    ||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL 
  -                    ||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER ) {
  -                    if (attWildcard == null) {
  -                        baseAttWildcard = fTempAttributeDecl;
  -                    }
  -                    attDefIndex = aGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
  -                    continue;
  -                }
  -                // if found a duplicate, if it is derived by restriction. then skip the one from the base type
  -                /**/
  -                int temp = fSchemaGrammar.getAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex,;
  -                if ( temp > -1) {
  -                    if (derivedByRestriction) {
  -                        attDefIndex = fSchemaGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
  -                        continue;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                /**/
  -                fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex, 
  -                                , fTempAttributeDecl.type, 
  -                                          fTempAttributeDecl.enumeration, fTempAttributeDecl.defaultType, 
  -                                          fTempAttributeDecl.defaultValue, 
  -                                          fTempAttributeDecl.datatypeValidator,
  -                                          fTempAttributeDecl.list);
  -                attDefIndex = aGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
  -            }
  -        }
  -        // att wildcard will inserted after all attributes were processed
  -        if (attWildcard != null) {
  -            if (attWildcard.type != -1) {
  -                fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex, 
  -                                , attWildcard.type, 
  -                                          attWildcard.enumeration, attWildcard.defaultType, 
  -                                          attWildcard.defaultValue, 
  -                                          attWildcard.datatypeValidator,
  -                                          attWildcard.list);
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                //REVISIT: unclear in Schema spec if should report error here.
  -            }
  -        }
  -        else if (baseAttWildcard != null) {
  -            fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex, 
  -                            , baseAttWildcard.type, 
  -                                      baseAttWildcard.enumeration, baseAttWildcard.defaultType, 
  -                                      baseAttWildcard.defaultValue, 
  -                                      baseAttWildcard.datatypeValidator,
  -                                      baseAttWildcard.list);
  -        }
  -        typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex);
  -        if (!typeName.startsWith("#")) {
  -            typeName = fTargetNSURIString + "," + typeName;
  -        }
  -        typeInfo.typeName = new String(typeName);
  -        if ( DEBUGGING )
  -            System.out.println(">>>add complex Type to Registry: " + typeName +
  -                               " baseDTValidator=" + typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator +
  -                               " baseCTInfo=" + typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo + 
  -                               " derivedBy=" + typeInfo.derivedBy + 
  -                               " contentType=" + typeInfo.contentType +
  -                               " contentSpecHandle=" + typeInfo.contentSpecHandle + 
  -                               " datatypeValidator=" + typeInfo.datatypeValidator);
  -        fComplexTypeRegistry.put(typeName,typeInfo);
  -        // before exit the complex type definition, restore the scope, mainly for nested Anonymous Types
  -        fCurrentScope = previousScope;
  -        if (isNamedType) {
  -            fCurrentTypeNameStack.pop();
  -            checkRecursingComplexType();
  -        }
  -        //set template element's typeInfo
  -        fSchemaGrammar.setElementComplexTypeInfo(typeInfo.templateElementIndex, typeInfo);
  -        typeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(typeName);
  -        return typeNameIndex;
  -    } // end of method: traverseComplexTypeDecl
  -    /**
        * Traverse ComplexType Declaration - CR Implementation.
        *       <complexType 
  @@ -2158,7 +1455,7 @@
        * @return 
  -    private int traverseComplexTypeDeclCR( Element complexTypeDecl ) throws Exception { 
  +    private int traverseComplexTypeDecl( Element complexTypeDecl ) throws Exception { 
           // ------------------------------------------------------------------
           // Get the attributes of the type
  @@ -2303,7 +1600,7 @@
           typeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(typeName);
           return typeNameIndex;
  -    } // end traverseComplexTypeDeclCR
  +    } // end traverseComplexTypeDecl
  @@ -3001,7 +2298,7 @@
                  if (typeInfo.contentSpecHandle == -2) {
                      typeInfo.contentSpecHandle = baseContentSpecHandle;
  -               else {
  +               else if (baseContentSpecHandle > -1) {
                      typeInfo.contentSpecHandle = 
  @@ -3283,22 +2580,9 @@
           if (minOccurs.equals("")) {
               minOccurs = "1";
  -        if (CR_IMPL) { //CR IMPLEMENTATION
  -            if (maxOccurs.equals("")) {
  +        if (maxOccurs.equals("")) {
                   maxOccurs = "1";
  -            }
  -        }
  -            if (maxOccurs.equals("") ){
  -            if ( minOccurs.equals("0")) {
  -                maxOccurs = "1";
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                maxOccurs = minOccurs;
  -            }
  -            }
           int leafIndex = index;
  @@ -4995,29 +4279,6 @@
  -     * Traverse attributeGroup Declaration
  -     * 
  -     *   <attributeGroup
  -     *         id = ID
  -     *         ref = QName>
  -     *         Content: (annotation?)
  -     *      </>
  -     * 
  -     * @param elementDecl
  -     * @exception Exception
  -     */
  -    /*private int traverseAttributeGroupDecl( Element attributeGroupDecl ) throws Exception {
  -        int attributeGroupID         =  fStringPool.addSymbol(
  -                                                             attributeGroupDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ID ));
  -        int attributeGroupName      =  fStringPool.addSymbol(
  -                                                            attributeGroupDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME ));
  -        return -1;
  -    }*/
  -    /**
        * Traverse Group Declaration.
        * <group 
  @@ -5724,84 +4985,9 @@
           if (tPos < targetArray.length-1) 
               System.arraycopy(targetArray, tPos+1, newTargetArray, tPos, targetArray.length-tPos-1);
       } // end arrayProducer
  -    /****************************************
  -     * The following code is no longre used...
  -    // builds the all content model 
  -    private int buildAllModel(int children[], int count) throws Exception {
  -        // build all model
  -        if (count > 1) {
  -            // create and initialize singletons
  -            XMLContentSpec choice = new XMLContentSpec();
  -            choice.type = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE;
  -            choice.value = -1;
  -            choice.otherValue = -1;
  -            int[] exactChildren = new int[count];
  -            System.arraycopy(children,0,exactChildren,0,count);
  -            // build all model
  -            sort(exactChildren, 0, count);
  -            int index = buildAllModel(exactChildren, 0, choice);
  -            return index;
  -        }
  -        if (count > 0) {
  -            return children[0];
  -        }
  -        return -1;
  -    }
  -   // Builds the all model. 
  -    private int buildAllModel(int src[], int offset,
  -                              XMLContentSpec choice) throws Exception {
  -        // swap last two places
  -        if (src.length - offset == 2) {
  -            int seqIndex = createSeq(src);
  -            if (choice.value == -1) {
  -                choice.value = seqIndex;
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                if (choice.otherValue != -1) {
  -                    choice.value = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
  -                }
  -                choice.otherValue = seqIndex;
  -            }
  -            swap(src, offset, offset + 1);
  -            seqIndex = createSeq(src);
  -            if (choice.value == -1) {
  -                choice.value = seqIndex;
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                if (choice.otherValue != -1) {
  -                    choice.value = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
  -                }
  -                choice.otherValue = seqIndex;
  -            }
  -            return fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
  -        }
  -        // recurse
  -        for (int i = offset; i < src.length - 1; i++) {
  -            choice.value = buildAllModel(src, offset + 1, choice);
  -            choice.otherValue = -1;
  -            sort(src, offset, src.length - offset);
  -            shift(src, offset, i + 1);
  -        }
  -        int choiceIndex = buildAllModel(src, offset + 1, choice);
  -        sort(src, offset, src.length - offset);
  -        return choiceIndex;
  -    } // buildAllModel(int[],int,ContentSpecNode,ContentSpecNode):int
  -    ****************************************/
       /** Creates a sequence. */
       private int createSeq(int src[]) throws Exception {
  @@ -5816,53 +5002,9 @@
           return fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
                                                      left, right, false);
  -    } // createSeq(int[]):int
  -    /****************************************
  -     * More coe that is no longer necessary...
  -    // Shifts a value into position.    
  -    private void shift(int src[], int pos, int offset) {
  -        int temp = src[offset];
  -        for (int i = offset; i > pos; i--) {
  -            src[i] = src[i - 1];
  -        }
  -        src[pos] = temp;
  -    } // shift(int[],int,int)
  -    // Simple sort. 
  -    private void sort(int src[], final int offset, final int length) {
  -        for (int i = offset; i < offset + length - 1; i++) {
  -            int lowest = i;
  -            for (int j = i + 1; j < offset + length; j++) {
  -                if (src[j] < src[lowest]) {
  -                    lowest = j;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            if (lowest != i) {
  -                int temp = src[i];
  -                src[i] = src[lowest];
  -                src[lowest] = temp;
  -            }
  -        }
  -    } // sort(int[],int,int)
  -    // Swaps two values. 
  -    private void swap(int src[], int i, int j) {
  +    }     
  -        int temp = src[i];
  -        src[i] = src[j];
  -        src[j] = temp;
  -    } // swap(int[],int,int)
  -    ***************************************/
       // utilities from Tom Watson's SchemaParser class
       // TO DO: Need to make this more conformant with Schema int type parsing
  @@ -5874,23 +5016,8 @@
                       return Integer.parseInt (intString);
  -   //REVISIT: should remove after switching to CR!
  -   private int parseComplexDerivedBy (String derivedByString)  throws Exception
  -    {
  -            if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION) ) {
  -                    return SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION;
  -            } 
  -            else if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
  -                    return SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
  -            } 
  -            else {
  -                // REVISIT: Localize
  -                    reportGenericSchemaError ( "ComplexType: Invalid value for 'derivedBy'" );
  -                    return -1;
  -            }
  -    }
       private int parseSimpleFinal (String finalString) throws Exception
               if ( finalString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL) ) {